Antitussive drugs with anesthesia effect

Drugs that weaken the cough reflex; used to relieve dry (non-productive) cough in various diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract. According to the mechanism of action, all antitussives are divided into drugs:

  • central action - depressing effect on the cough center located in the medulla oblongata;
  • peripheral action - suppress cough, inhibiting the nerve endings of the respiratory tract.

Centrally acting antitussives

Cough medicines with a central type of action are divided into two groups: narcotic (capable of causing addiction) and non-narcotic. Narcotic antitussives have a strong antitussive effect, inhibiting the center of the cough reflex, but at the same time they have pronounced side effects. Due to the severity of side effects and the possible development of dependence, these medications should be taken strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Non-narcotic cough medicines are not addictive. These drugs can have both a central effect (butamirate, glaucine, pentoxyverine, etc.) and a peripheral effect (libexin, bithiodine).

Narcotic antitussives

Narcotic antitussives have a strong antitussive effect, inhibiting the center of the cough reflex, but at the same time they have pronounced side effects. Due to the severity of side effects and the possible development of dependence, these medications should be taken strictly as prescribed by your doctor.


- centrally acting antitussive, opium alkaloid. The strong antitussive effect of codeine is due to the suppression of the cough nerve center; The duration of action is 4-6 hours. Side effects of codeine: drug dependence, withdrawal syndrome, respiratory depression, arrhythmia, bradycardia, hypotension, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, intestinal obstruction, constipation, itching, allergic reactions, urticaria, etc. Contraindications for use codeine: hypersensitivity, arrhythmia, hypotension, collapse, pneumonia, respiratory failure, bronchial asthma, alcohol poisoning, epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, impaired liver and kidney function, low blood clotting, intoxication diarrhea, pregnancy. Taking the drug excludes breastfeeding. Codeine is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.


- a narcotic antitussive, similar in action to codeine. By acting on opioid receptors of neurons, ethylmorphine reduces the excitability of the cough center. The drug also has an analgesic effect. As a cough medicine, ethylmorphine is prescribed for various diseases of the respiratory tract - bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, etc. Side effects of ethylmorphine are similar to those of codeine: drug dependence, allergic phenomena, constipation, nausea, vomiting, etc. The use of the drug is contraindicated for persons old age, in states of general exhaustion.

Non-narcotic antitussives


- centrally acting cough medicine; the drug reduces the excitability of the cough nerve center, and also has a moderate anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and expectorant effect. Butamirate is prescribed for acute and chronic cough of any etiology. Side effects of the drug include: dizziness, allergic phenomena, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, exanthema. Contraindications to the use of the drug: I trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding period. In the second and third trimesters, the drug is prescribed with caution only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. Butamirate is also contraindicated for myasthenia gravis and children under 12 years of age.


- centrally acting antitussive drug; alkaloid of the plant Glaucium flavum. Unlike codeine, it does not depress breathing and does not suppress intestinal motility, and is not addictive. Glaucine is prescribed for the treatment of cough of various etiologies. Possible side effects: general weakness, dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure, allergic phenomena. The drug is contraindicated in myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, and sputum hyperproduction.


- non-narcotic antitussive agent of central action; also has a bronchodilator effect. The drug is prescribed for various diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract with frequent, unproductive cough. In the presence of sputum, treatment is supplemented with the administration of expectorants. Side effects after using Ledin may include allergic reactions; in this case, stop using the drug.

Peripheral antitussives


- peripheral antitussive; the drug calms cough by blocking the peripheral parts of the cough reflex. Libexin does not cause drug dependence and does not depress the respiratory center. The medicine has a bronchodilator and local anesthetic effect. The duration of the antitussive effect of libexin is 3-4 hours. The drug is prescribed for various diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by a non-productive cough: bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, ARVI, bronchopneumonia, bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema, dry pleurisy, spontaneous pneumothorax, pulmonary infarction. Side effects may include: allergic phenomena, nausea, constipation, dry mouth. The use of libexin is contraindicated in case of hypersecretion of mucus in the respiratory tract.


- peripheral cough medicine; affects the receptor apparatus of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In terms of the strength of its therapeutic effect, bithiodine is close to codeine, but does not exhibit the side effects characteristic of the latter, in particular, it does not cause drug dependence. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of cough in various diseases of the respiratory organs. Allergic reactions and constipation are possible as side effects of the medication.

Combined antitussives

cough medicines are also available on the pharmaceutical market.

, the therapeutic effect of which is due to the action of their constituent components.


- an antitussive drug based on butamirate and guaifenesin (mucolytic agent). Thanks to the guaifenesin included in the drug, the antitussive effect of the drug is complemented by an expectorant effect. The side effects of stoptussin, as well as its therapeutic effect, are determined by its composition. May experience: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, urticaria. The use of stoptussin is contraindicated: in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation, in the second and third trimesters the drug is prescribed with extreme caution. Stoptussin is not prescribed for myasthenia gravis.


- cough syrup; contains glaucine hydrobromide and ephedrine hydrochloride. The drug has antitussive and bronchodilator effects. Broncholitin is used as a cough medicine in the complex treatment of various respiratory diseases: pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, COPD, etc. Side effects of bronholitin: increased blood pressure, tachycardia, extrasystole, dizziness, tremor, agitation, insomnia, nausea, blurred vision, constipation, dysmenorrhea, etc. The drug is contraindicated in the following conditions: hypersensitivity, childhood (up to 3 years), first trimester of pregnancy, lactation period, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure, insomnia, thyrotoxicosis, prostatic hyperplasia glands, pheochromocytoma.

Attention! To avoid negative health effects, cough medicines should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

When hypothermia occurs, people often develop a nonproductive dry cough. Tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pleurisy and other respiratory diseases are accompanied by a dry cough, soreness and inflammation. In order to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, you need to buy antitussives at the pharmacy. It is advisable to do this after consulting a doctor.

Expectorants and antitussives

Expectorants are medications prescribed for wet coughs. A wet cough produces purulent or mucopurulent sputum. Traditional medicine also offers a number of medicinal plants that perfectly cope with cough. Licorice roots, marshmallow, istoda, elecampane, thyme grass, plantain, pine buds, wild rosemary shoots - all these plants relieve coughs without harm to the body.

Antitussives may have a central mechanism of action, that is, they may inhibit the central parts of the cough reflex. Narcotic analgesics contain codeine phosphate and are used only in complex preparations. There are also non-narcotic antitussives and peripheral-acting drugs.

Today, many combined products are produced, which are sold in the form of drops, dry and liquid mixtures, lozenges, tablets and syrups. Expectorants include: “Pectusin”, “Bronchipret”, “Gedelix”, “Gerbion”, “Pectosol” and so on.

Ambroxol is well absorbed by any route of administration. In the liver, it undergoes biotransformation, producing glucuronic conjugates and dibromanthranilic acid. If a person has liver failure, the half-life increases.

Bromhexine is absorbed by 99% half an hour after use. The half-life ranges from one to one and a half hours. If you use it for a long time, then some substances of the drug begin to accumulate in the body.

Glaucine hydrochloride makes breathing easier by inhibiting the cough center. This drug lowers blood pressure.

Reflex expectorants and antitussives irritate the stomach receptors, increase the secretion of the bronchial glands, activate the ciliated epithelium, increase muscle contraction of the bronchial muscles, and also dilute sputum and exhibit an antimicrobial effect.

Plantain and marshmallow preparations have an enveloping effect, and thermopsis stimulates the respiratory center.

Ambroxol and Bromhexine change the physical and chemical composition of sputum. Ambroxol improves its discharge. Bromhexine can cause gastrointestinal upset, allergies and neurotic edema. Ambroxol may cause stomach pain, constipation, nausea or allergies.

If the cough significantly worsens the patient's condition, you can combine antitussive and expectorant drugs.

Antitussives classification

Medicines that suppress cough are called antitussives. They are prescribed when cough is not physiologically justified.

Antitussives classification: narcotic, non-narcotic, local anesthetics and mixed-action drugs.

Narcotic antitussives include codeine, dionine, morphine, dextromethorphan, and so on. These drugs suppress the cough reflex and inhibit the functioning of the cough center, which is located in the medulla oblongata. If you use them for a long time, addiction may occur.

Non-narcotic centrally acting antitussive drugs include butamirate, glaucine hydrochloride and oxeladine citrate. They have a hypotensive, antitussive and antispasmodic effect, do not inhibit the motility of the intestinal tract, do not inhibit the breathing process and are not addictive.

Lidocaine is considered a local anesthetic and is used by inhalation. Mixed-action drugs include Prenoxdiazine.

Antitussives for children

Antitussives block the cough reflex. They are used when it is necessary to suppress a dry cough, for example, with laryngitis, pleurisy, laryngeal papilomatosis, laryngeal tumors, chronic bronchitis and ARVI. Antitussives should not be used for acute bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia and other diseases. If they are used for the above diseases, stagnation of sputum in the bronchi may occur.

In general, antitussive medications lead to constipation, nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, addiction and decreased bronchial ventilation.

Antitussives are not often used for children. They can only be used with the permission of the attending physician, since there are a large number of contraindications.

Centrally acting antitussive

Coughing is a complex reflex reaction that a person needs to restore normal airway patency. It occurs when receptors in the nose, back of the throat, ears, esophagus and pleura are irritated. A cough can be suppressed and caused voluntarily, because it is controlled by the cerebral cortex.

The centrally acting narcotic antitussive contains morphine-like compounds. It suppresses the function of the cough center. Medicines from the codeine group are considered effective, but have a large number of side effects. They act selectively and depress the respiratory center.

A non-narcotic antitussive agent of central action also acts selectively. However, it does not affect the respiratory center too much. Non-narcotic drugs act no worse than codeine, and they are not addictive.

Peripheral antitussive

Peripheral medications are also used to suppress cough. This includes lozenges, teas and syrups based on plant extracts, honey and glycerin. A peripheral antitussive has an enveloping effect, creating a protective layer on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Prenoxdiazine is a combined synthetic drug that inhibits the cough center without depressing breathing. The drug has a direct antispasmodic effect, prevents the occurrence of bronchospasm and reduces the excitability of peripheral receptors. These medications do not need to be chewed, but simply swallowed.

How to cure a wet cough?

If a person's sputum is viscous, he needs to drink a lot. It is best to use herbal remedies that have an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. If there are no contraindications, you can do steam inhalations, which moisturize the mucous membrane and have an analgesic effect.

It is necessary to use expectorants, which make sputum less viscous and eliminate bronchial secretions. Iodides, essential oils and ammonium chloride stimulate the hydrolysis and proteolysis of sputum.

Licorice, marshmallow and thermopsis irritate the stomach receptors and increase the secretion of the mucous glands of the bronchi and salivary glands.

In order to relieve a cough, you need to constantly humidify the air in the apartment, quit smoking, and avoid sudden temperature changes.

People have a huge number of recipes that help eliminate coughs and ease breathing. You can, for example, pour water over lemon and boil it for ten minutes. After it has cooled, cut it and squeeze out the juice, add two tablespoons of glycerin and honey. Take two teaspoons before meals and at night. You can also mix radish juice, carrot juice and milk in equal parts. Drink a tablespoon six times a day.

In general, folk wisdom has a large store of knowledge in the field of cough treatment; each person finds the most suitable recipe for himself and uses it if necessary.

Cough blocking drugs are medications that suppress coughing by acting directly on the centers and receptors in the brain responsible for this reflex. Medicines of this type do not eliminate the main cause of the disease: their task is to suppress a painful, non-productive cough without expectoration.

Coughing is one of the body’s reflexes, which acts as a protective reaction of the body to the entry of foreign objects into the respiratory system or to the accumulation of mucus in them.

The cough center of the brain controls the process of this reflex. It receives information from conductors that are located in different areas: near the ears and nose, vocal cords, near the pericardium, in the areas of the larynx and pleura, as well as in the area of ​​separation of the large bronchi and trachea.

For reference.

The described spheres are united by the vagus nerve: it receives impulses from these receptors and then transmits them to a special part of the brain, which is called the cough center.

The location of this section is the medulla oblongata.

This department, receiving the necessary data, transmits impulses to the nerve fibers that control the muscles of the abdominal press, diaphragm and chest. When they contract, a reflex reaction appears - coughing.

To suppress the reaction, antitussive drugs are often prescribed to suppress the cough center.

Expectorant folk remedies for dry cough

Unlike pharmacy products, home-prepared products have fewer contraindications, since they are made exclusively from natural ingredients.

However, taking such “homemade” medications requires compliance with several rules - the time of the procedure, the frequency of administration and the amount of ingredients must be chosen strictly according to the recipe, without abuse. It is also necessary to observe systematic treatment.

Onions, honey and sugar for dry cough.

Grind 0.3 kg of onion in a blender, pour in 40 g of honey, a glass of sugar and a liter of clean water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for about an hour. Cool the resulting syrup and take one tablespoon four times a day before meals.

Milk decoction.

Heat milk in the amount of one glass over a fire, add one spoonful of honey, butter and soda on the tip of a knife. Use twice a day – in the morning and before bed.

Lingonberries with honey.

Squeeze the juice from fresh or thawed berries, add honey and take 20 ml three times a day.

Banana puree.

Peel and chop two or three bananas in a blender, add a glass of water and boil for a few minutes. Cool the resulting mixture, add 50 grams of honey and take 30 g three times a day.

Herbal decoction.

Pour a glass of linden blossom and half a glass of birch buds with 1.5 glasses of boiling water and boil for about 5 minutes. Then cool, strain and take instead of tea. The resulting amount of decoction must be consumed in one day.

Thyme infusion.

Pour 4 tablespoons of dry herb into two glasses of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. Strain, add a little honey and drink half a glass before meals.

Black radish juice.

Wash the radish, but do not peel it. Cut off the top to create something like a lid. Make a notch inside the root vegetable by cutting with a knife or spoon.

Place a tablespoon of honey into the resulting hole and close the top with the lid you made.

Leave it like this for 12 hours. During this time, a large amount of juice will appear inside the radish. It should be consumed 3 times a day, in the amount of 1 spoon.

Characteristics and names of antitussives

Antitussive drugs act either directly on the cough center or on receptors, helping to reduce their sensitivity. Such tablets or syrups do not affect the cause of the disease: their task is to relieve symptoms.

This is especially true for non-productive coughs.

Cough suppressants are prescribed for dry cough caused by the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;

The following medications of this type are distinguished:

Antitussive tablets to suppress the reflex have the following actions:

  • thinning of mucus when coughing without expelling it;
  • activation of the ciliated epithelium;
  • antiviral effect;
  • stimulation of muscle contraction of the bronchi.

List of drugs

The category of antitussive medications includes the following:


Antitussive drugs can cause side effects such as addiction to the drug, drowsiness, decreased blood pressure, and nausea.

Prohibitions for use and precautions

Taking medications that block the cough center or the nerve endings that transmit impulses to it is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • severe dysfunctions of the respiratory system;
  • intolerance by the body to the active elements of the drug;
  • periods of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • asthma.

For children

Children are prescribed only those medications that are as safe as possible for their health.

These include the following.

Select a category Adenoids Sore throat Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods of treating Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the runny nose Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant women Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Review of drugs Otitis Medicines for cough Treatments for Sinusitis Treatments for cough Treatments for the runny nose Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough syrups Dry cough Dry cough in children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose Runny nose in children
  • Folk remedies for runny nose
  • Runny nose in pregnant women
  • Runny nose in adults
  • Treatments for a runny nose
  • Cough
      Cough in children Dry cough in children
  • Wet cough in children
  • Dry cough
  • Moist cough
  • Review of drugs
  • Sinusitis
      Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
  • Symptoms of Sinusitis
  • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
  • Tracheitis
  • Angina
  • Laryngitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Cough acts as a protective reaction when germs and foreign bodies enter the respiratory tract.
    The cough reflex undoubtedly has benefits for humans. Its main function is to push mucus along the pathways and remove it from the bronchi. Unfortunately, a cough is not always accompanied by an accumulation of mucus. In half of the cases it is of a dry type and obsessive in nature. To prevent an unpleasant process, antitussive drugs come to the rescue. Antitussives for children and adults are prescribed to suppress the cough reflex. Their effect is aimed at the brain receptors or periphery, which are responsible for coughing. Such remedies do not remove the cause of the disease, but only temporarily eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

    When using drugs that suppress cough, an effect on the medulla oblongata is observed. Despite the fact that this group of drugs is intended only to relieve symptoms, it is also needed at a time when a dry cough significantly spoils the patient’s life.

    Unproductive coughing leads to irritation of the respiratory mucosa. During this process, tension in the abdominal wall occurs, which prevents you from fully communicating with people and getting a good night’s sleep.

    When is it prescribed?

    Cough suppressants are prescribed for:

    • bronchitis. Prescribed in situations where the infectious disease is not associated with the separation of viscous sputum;
    • tracheitis. Dry nonproductive cough occurs as a result of atrophy of mucous tissues. With each inflammation, they become thinner, which leads to the formation of ulcers;
    • heart failure. With this disease, the cough is not associated with sputum production. Against the background of poor-quality work of the heart muscle and lack of blood flow, the development of oxygen starvation is observed. Often torments the patient at night;
    • pharyngitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx occurs. Symptoms of inflammation with pharyngitis include painful sensations in the throat, sore throat, and discomfort when swallowing.

    Prescriptions for the use of antitussives can also include laryngitis, colds, and influenza infections. Only a doctor should prescribe them, as they act on the mucous membrane receptors and cough centers of the brain.

    Types of cough medicines

    Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide selection of effective medicines for respiratory diseases. Cough suppression in adults should be taken very seriously. Most often, doctors in such cases prescribe medications in tablet form.

    A child (an antitussive for children) is prescribed when they reach the age of three. If the condition of a young child is critical, as with laryngitis, false croup or whooping cough, then medicine may be prescribed, but in a small dosage. You cannot take them on your own without a doctor’s recommendation, as they depress the nervous system.

    Medicines in this group have a large list of adverse reactions. Some of them are considered very dangerous, as they have a narcotic effect on the respiratory center and are addictive.

    Classification of drugs differs by:

    • mechanism of action. This group is usually divided into drugs with central action and peripheral action. The first type of medication affects the cough center, which is located in the medulla oblongata. Thanks to this, the symptom is completely eliminated. The second group of drugs acts directly on receptors that are located in the respiratory tract. The manifestation of the symptom is reduced, but not completely;
    • composition. A medicine that blocks, blocking, tablets that block (cough) an unpleasant symptom may contain synthetic and natural components. The first group of drugs is considered more effective, but has an aggressive effect and has side effects. The second group is created on the basis of medicinal herbs. When using natural medicines, a mild effect is observed. There are practically no side reactions, with the exception of an allergy to one of the components;
    • release form. Medicines with this effect (central-acting antitussives) are sold in several forms: tablets, syrup, suspension, lozenges, drops, suppositories for rectal administration. Thanks to this form of release, medications can be taken not only by adults, but also by children;
    • presence of narcotic components. This classification applies only to those funds that have a central effect. Narcotic medications are considered strong, but quickly become addictive.

    When choosing a medicine, it is very important to pay attention to what components are included.

    Expectorants for dry coughs for children

    Vicks Active . Approved for use for babies from 1 year. A combination drug with an anti-inflammatory effect. Available in the form of syrup, powder, effervescent tablets.

    Fluifort . Suitable for children aged from one year. Belching may rarely be a side effect.

    Also, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain. As a rule, if these side effects occur, they are in a very weak form.

    Liquorice root . A liquid product with a sweet taste is approved for use almost from birth, as it is based on plant components. The syrup is diluted with boiled water and given to the child according to the instructions, depending on age.

    Pertussin . Can be used by a baby from birth. The composition includes thyme, potassium bromide, which calms the child and reduces the number of coughing attacks, ethyl alcohol and sugar.

    Stoptussin-phyto . It is made from plantain, thyme and thyme herbs, so the syrup can be used to treat a child from one year old. Side effects are rare.

    Gedelix . Drops or syrup can be used from 2 years of age. The drug in the form of drops is also used for inhalation against dry cough, so that thick sputum is more effectively liquefied.

    In addition to ready-made medications from the pharmacy, a remedy for irritating dry cough for children and adults can also be prepared at home.

    The best drugs for the treatment of dry cough

    The most popular cough suppressant is tablets. When administered orally, the maximum concentration of the substance is ensured. Tablet forms are often prescribed to adults and children over 6 years of age.

    There are also combination cough medications. But there is no universal remedy. One medication will be effective for heart failure, the other for bronchitis or tracheitis.

    Drugs are selected individually in each case, depending on the patient’s age and type of disease.

    The most popular include:

    1. Libexin
      . The active substance is prenoxdiazine. It has a peripheral effect. Relieves attacks of dry cough, and also exhibits mild analgesic and bronchodilator properties. Effective for laryngitis, pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia. The average cost ranges from 410 to 460 rubles.
    2. Stoptussin
      . A combined cough medicine that has not only an antitussive but also an expectorant effect. Does not provoke the production of bronchial mucus. But it can cause adverse reactions: disruption of the digestive organs, allergic reactions, nervous system disorders. An inexpensive product, the price of which is 108-220 rubles.
    3. Bithiodine.
      The active substance is tipepidine. Its effect is aimed at suppressing respiratory tract receptors. It is a strong drug and has minimal side effects.

    Other antitussive drugs for dry cough include:

    • Tusuprex;
    • Oxeladine.

    Only a doctor can tell you which drug to choose based on the symptoms that appear and the type of disease.

    The best antitussives

    When choosing effective cough medications that can be rationally used in each individual case, the doctor should:

    • diagnose the disease that caused the patient’s cough, identifying the main links in its pathogenesis;
    • assess the productivity of cough, its duration and intensity, the degree of influence on the patient’s condition;
    • assess the nature of the bronchial secretion (mucous, purulent, viscous, mobile, abundant, scanty), for which physical, laboratory and instrumental examinations can be used;
    • identify the presence or absence of bronchospasm.

    The best antitussive drugs for dry cough

    We list antitussive drugs for dry coughs, which are considered one of the most common and effective:

    The best antitussives for wet coughs

    An effective medicine for wet cough, which can be rationally used to alleviate the patient’s condition, speedy recovery and prevent complications, can be either an expectorant or a mucolytic. Suppressing a wet cough in most cases is not only impractical, but can also be dangerous due to the onset of congestion in the lower respiratory tract. Here is a list of drugs that are applicable in this case:

    • ACC;
    • Carbocysteine;
    • Bromhexine;
    • Lazolvan;
    • Soledum;
    • Mukaltin.

    Antitussives with expectorant action

    To provide a moderate antitussive effect and remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs, combination medications are prescribed.

    This group of funds includes:

    1. Sinekod
      . An excellent product that is sold in the form of drops, tablets and syrup. The action of the active components is aimed at influencing the cough center. It also exhibits expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator properties. Contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The syrup is prescribed for children over three years of age. Drops can be given to babies from 2 months. The price fluctuates around 220 rubles.
    2. Bronchicum
      . The medication is available in three forms: syrup, elixir, and lozenges. The syrup contains thyme extracts from primrose root. It quickly converts a dry cough into a wet one. Prohibited for babies under six months, as well as patients with liver and kidney failure, pregnant and lactating women. The cost of the medicine is 270 rubles.
    3. Overslept.
      An effective remedy for both wet and dry coughs. The composition includes natural ingredients in the form of ivy extract. The advantage of the medicine is that it can be given to babies from the first days of life. But it is relatively expensive - about 350 rubles.

    It is also worth considering that each drug has contraindications and side effects. Therefore, doctors advise reading the instructions before use.

    Expectorants for dry cough for adults

    To remove phlegm and treat dry cough, there are a lot of modern drugs that can be purchased at every pharmacy. All cough remedies are divided into three groups, depending on the effect they have.


    They are used for dry coughs that interfere with sleep and normal eating.


    Act as an adjuvant for increased amounts of thick viscous mucus.


    They help thin mucus and remove it from the body.

    Let's look at the most famous pharmaceutical cough expectorants

    Sinekod. For adults it is available in tablets, drops and syrup; it is not addictive. The drug contains sorbidol as a sweetener, so use is not prohibited for people with high sugar levels. Should be used with caution when driving; Sinecod may cause drowsiness.

    Codelac . Contains codeine, licorice root and thermopsis. Contraindicated in asthmatic disorders, pregnancy, breastfeeding and in conjunction with alcohol intake. Possible side effects are nausea, vomiting, constipation, drowsiness, headache, but the likelihood of their occurrence is very low.

    Gerbion. This product is available in the form of syrup with various herbs. For example, syrup with primrose, syrup with plantain. Not recommended for use during pregnancy, diabetes and congenital fructose intolerance. The drug is suitable for treating smoker's cough. The composition is based on plant components and ascorbic acid.

    Stoptussin in the form of tablets and drops. Do not take during breastfeeding, pregnancy, myasthenia gravis. The interval between doses should be at least 6 hours. Side effects are rare.

    Bronchicum syrup. It should be taken at regular intervals until the cough stops completely. Contraindications for use are severe liver disease, kidney disease, and chronic heart failure.

    Brooncholitin. The syrup contains basil oil, which has an antimicrobial, antispasmodic, and in some cases a mild sedative effect. It has a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before choosing a product. The drug can cause dizziness and decreased visual acuity, so it is not advisable to take it for people driving a car.

    Ambroxol. A dual-action drug - it has both a mucolytic and expectorant effect.

    Apply several times a day, up to 5 days. If after a course of use it is necessary to continue taking the drug, you should first consult a medical specialist.

    ACC. A good remedy that can not only soften, but also remove mucus from the bronchi and relieve inflammation. Available in various forms - powders, effervescent tablets, syrup, etc. Do not use if you have stomach problems, liver failure, or pulmonary hemorrhages.

    Solvin . It is aimed specifically at expectorant action, the antitussive effect is slightly expressed. Contraindicated during pregnancy, peptic ulcer disease, and breastfeeding. You need to take the drug several times a day, regardless of meals. During treatment, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

    Mukaltin. Black tablets based on medicinal marshmallow. A very budget-friendly product that does its job well. You cannot be treated with mucoltin for duodenal and gastric ulcers, gastritis and diabetes mellitus.

    Chest collection No. 4. Calendula, violet, mint, chamomile and wild rosemary in the collection will relieve bronchospasms and help remove phlegm from the lungs. Contraindications include allergic reactions to any component. The collection is brewed and stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Use the drink instead of tea.

    If a dry cough torments a child, it is necessary to choose special products that are suitable for a small body.

    General contraindications for use

    The main contraindications are:

    • stage of gestation and lactation period. Their use is possible only if they are made from herbs and are truly necessary for treatment;
    • sputum discharge. For diseases accompanied by excessive secretion of mucus from the bronchi, taking such medications is prohibited. If you suppress the cough reflex, sputum will accumulate and lead to increased inflammation;
    • kidney and liver diseases. The breakdown of the components occurs in the liver, after which they enter and are excreted by the kidneys. In case of renal and liver failure, an overdose will occur;
    • childhood. Typically, antitussives are not prescribed to children under 3 years of age. But there are combination herbal preparations that can be taken by young children.

    The secrets to the success of treatment lie in the correct use of tablets and syrups. If you do not follow the instructions, patients experience withdrawal symptoms. That is, if the drug does not arrive, the patient’s condition deteriorates sharply.

    A systematic and intense cough can provoke the development of pulmonary emphysema, hypertension in the pulmonary circulation and cause an increase in intrathoracic pressure. Medications that suppress the cough reflex help to get rid of frequent coughs.

    For children, a list of antitussives (expectorants)

    Children are skeptical about the use of tablets, especially if they have to be dissolved, because the taste of such products is not very pleasant for children's receptors. Our pharmacists have not yet invented anything other than tasty and sweet syrups for children. The main goal of the doctor and the patient himself: to transform a dry cough into a wet one as quickly as possible, and then prescribe an expectorant to remove sputum.

    You may also be interested in information on how to treat a barking cough in a child without fever.

    • Lazolvan or Ambrobene syrup . It is even used for premature babies. Ambrobene syrup contains Ambroxol, which boosts immunity and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The cost of such a drug starts from 200 rubles. We also recommend that you read the instructions for using Lazolvan for inhalation.

    • Bronchicum . A drug based on medicinal herbs. It looks like a syrup or elixir. It can be used even for children from six months old, as well as ACC for difficult to remove sputum. The pharmacy price is a little more than 300 rubles for a 100 mg bottle.
    • Libexin . Prescribed in the first stages of the disease. It acts on the cough reflex without depressing the respiratory system by affecting the central nervous system. The principle of operation is similar to Bithiodine. The approximate cost is up to 300 rubles.
    • Chest collection 1/2/3/4. Phytopectol 1, 2 . These are whole complexes of medicinal herbs for preparing infusions and decoctions from: marshmallow, oregano, plantain, sage, wild rosemary, chamomile, violet, mint, coltsfoot, etc.

    When treating children for dry cough, it is extremely rare to use drugs that block the cough reflex at the level of the brain, that is, containing codeine, etc. Such remedies are used only for pleurisy, whooping cough and malignant tumors of the mediastinum.

    You will find a list of effective cough remedies if it persists for a long time in this article.

    Rinse for dry cough

    The most effective, gentle and effective methods of fighting cough are rinsing.

    • Propolis solution . A few drops of propolis in a glass of warm water and rinse as often as possible.
    • Soda, salt and vinegar . This method can get rid of cough in one day. The first half of the day every 30 minutes, the second - every hour. To prepare the solution you will need 1 teaspoon of the product per glass of water.

    You need to rinse with each substance separately and in turn.

    • Rinsing with decoctions of medicinal herbs : sage, calendula, cypress, chamomile, eucalyptus.


    Libexin is a synthetic cough suppressant. Its effects occur both peripherally and centrally. When taking Libexin, the activity of the cough reflex is suppressed, spasms in the bronchi are eliminated, and pulmonary tension receptors are blocked. The antitussive effect of Libexin can be compared with the effect of Codeine, with the difference that the former is not addictive and does not have a depressant effect on the respiratory system. The effect of this drug lasts 3-4 hours. Libexin tablets are not chewed.

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