Composition of complex nasal drops for sinusitis

A runny nose occurs quite often in children, and despite the fact that today pharmacies offer a huge range of nasal medications, they are not always effective in every individual case. Successful treatment requires an individual approach, so that the characteristics of the baby and the course of the disease can be taken into account.

Complex nasal drops cope well with this task. Today we want to talk in detail about what this remedy is, what its advantages over other substances are and how effective it is.

What are Complex Drops

This is a drug that contains several components (it is also called a combination drug) used to treat diseases of the nasal cavity of various natures. The main feature is that their composition is selected individually for each patient, taking into account his condition and the course of the disease.

Read reviews about using complex nasal drops for children.

They are prepared according to an individual recipe in specialized pharmacies, and it is also possible to prepare them at home, but with strict adherence to all the rules.

Pros and cons of complex drops, side effects from their use

Diagnosis of otitis
In some cases, when rhinitis is complicated by otitis media, the doctor has no choice but to prescribe complex drops

The main advantage of complex drops is that any such remedy is a drug adapted for a specific patient, with his sensitivity to drugs and the specific stage and form of the runny nose. Obviously, the use of complex drops is most likely to give a positive result. That is why complex drops are mainly used to treat advanced and complicated rhinitis, which is difficult to combat with standard means.

Also, the advantages of complex drops for the common cold include:

  1. Low cost of the finished product;
  2. The use of components to which the patient is guaranteed not to develop an allergic reaction and from the use of which side effects are least likely to develop;
  3. Individual approach to the treatment of the disease.

Naphthyzine is part of many complex drops. Its low price allows you to get an effective and inexpensive drug.

But complex drops also have disadvantages. For example:

  1. Lack of data on the results of clinical trials of such drugs - the doctor cannot always predict how the different components of the drops interact with each other;
  2. Labor-intensive manufacturing;
  3. An impressive list of contraindications and side effects. After all, each of the components has its own side effects and contraindications;
  4. The risk of overdose and possible errors in the composition of the drug if the drops are prepared by the patient himself at home;
  5. Weak predictability of the mutual influence of droplet components on the mechanism of their biological action;
  6. The possibility of a negative effect of complex drops on the condition and functioning of the cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  7. An unpredictable change in the acidity (pH) of mucus, which in a certain way affects the protective properties of the nasal mucosa.

In addition, complex drops sometimes include agents that are not traditionally used for nasal instillation. This is done only if the doctor takes responsibility for the outcome of the treatment and possible consequences.

Ampicillin is an antibiotic that some doctors include in nasal drops.

It is important to note that many components of some complex drops for the common cold have a systemic effect, that is, they affect not only the nasal mucosa, but also the entire body. This may be accompanied by various undesirable consequences:

  1. Increased systemic blood pressure;
  2. Tachycardia;
  3. Heart dysfunction;
  4. Deterioration of the condition of patients with glaucoma;
  5. Drying of the nasal mucosa;
  6. Decreased ability of the mucous membrane to prevent pathogens and allergens from penetrating into the blood;
  7. Development of nosebleeds;
  8. The risk of the disease transitioning from acute to chronic.

Checking the patient's blood pressure
In many cases, when using complex drops for a runny nose, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure

Of course, these are only possible side effects that may occur when using one or another component and not in every patient. The more thorough examination the patient has undergone by a doctor and the more professional the doctor prescribing the drops, the lower the risk of such consequences.

It is also useful to read: Treating a runny nose with oil drops


There are no general contraindications for complex drops. For almost any patient’s health condition, you can choose a prescription for drops that will be as safe as possible. It is only important that this is done by a specialist who is well versed in the matter.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of this drug are:

The medicine is prescribed for rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis.

Unfortunately, this tool also has a number of disadvantages:

Since the drug is complex, it may cause unwanted side effects.

At what age is it allowed to take

There are various cooking recipes. Drops prepared according to some of them can be prescribed to children from 1 year old, some - from 3 years old. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult a doctor who will not only help you decide on dosage and therapy, but will also write out the right prescription appropriate for your baby’s age.

Complex drops are prepared in specialized pharmacies.

Treatment regimen for sinusitis

Medicines for sinusitis are prescribed in relation to the stage of the disease and the reasons that caused them. Treatment includes:

  • at the initial stage - vasoconstrictor drugs Galazolin, Naphthyzin;
  • for rinsing the sinuses - nasal spray with Aquamaris sea salt;
  • in the acute form - the antibacterial drug Polydex;
  • to liquefy pus and reduce swelling - Sinuforte;
  • for purulent inflammation - local antibiotic Neolicin;
  • to reduce swelling and separation of pus - the hormonal drug Avamis;
  • against inflammation - a complex medicine Dexamethasone.

Medicinal preparations for instillation based on herbal ingredients help increase immunity and accelerate healing. The use of such drops prevents overdrying of the mucous membrane, unlike vasoconstrictors. The presence of eucalyptus and menthol helps reduce swelling, making breathing easier.

When the cause of the disease is bacterial or fungal, nasal drops for sinusitis Protargol are prescribed for treatment. Their peculiarity is that a protective film is formed on the mucous membrane, which stops the development of inflammatory processes. An effective antiviral medicine that is dripped into the nose is Sinupret. It can improve immunity in adults and children. The drug is able to cope with inflammation, cleanses the sinuses of mucus and pus. Quickly improves the condition of the disease.

You can prepare complex nasal drops for sinusitis at the pharmacy, with the help of which a complex effect occurs. Recovery occurs in a short time. The preparations simultaneously contain the following components:

  • vasoconstrictors – relieve swelling;
  • antibiotics – fight infection;
  • hormonal substances – reduce inflammation;
  • anti-allergenic components.

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops

The first symptom of an inflammatory disease - nasal congestion - is eliminated by vasoconstrictor drugs. With their help, swelling of the mucous membrane is reduced and normal breathing is restored. After this, medications are prescribed to treat the cause of the disease. Vasoconstrictor drops for sinusitis are not recommended for use for more than 5 days, so as not to dry out the nasal mucosa. Among the effective drugs:

  • Xylametazoline;
  • Xymelin;
  • Tizin-xylo;
  • Otrivin;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Rinofluimucil;
  • Aftin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Fibrocil;
  • Midrimax;
  • Irifrin.

Antibiotic for sinusitis in adults

The presence of purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is dangerous because complications may occur in the form of eye diseases, blood poisoning, and meningitis. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics. You cannot neglect the disease and, especially, treat it yourself. Antibiotic nasal drops are selected individually. They act locally, without affecting the gastric mucosa. These drugs are also prescribed for the treatment of children. The use of drops for sinusitis with antibiotics is effective:

The use of drops for sinusitis with antibiotics can thin the walls of the nasal passage, cause bleeding, and allergic reactions. The use of drugs has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney disease, liver disease;
  • lactation;
  • allergy to components.

Oil drops

The use of a drug based on the cyclamen plant - Sinuforte - significantly improves the condition of sinusitis. Oil drops in the nose help ease breathing and relieve swelling. In this case, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages does not dry out. The drug has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. If you have the opportunity to purchase cyclamen tubers, you can prepare the medicine at home. Freshly squeezed juice should be instilled in 2 drops, after which, lie down for at least 15 minutes.

The effect of oil preparations Tizin and Pinasol is no worse. They are cheaper analogs of Sinuforte - their price is much lower. The plant substances in the composition help to comprehensively cope with the disease. Thanks to the use of the medicine:

  • inflammation is relieved;
  • the mucous membrane is moistened;
  • swelling decreases;
  • antiseptic treatment occurs.

A runny nose accompanies most colds. Sometimes this symptom gets worse and does not go away for a long time. Many pediatricians prefer to treat a persistent runny nose with complex drops. The composition of these drugs is selected individually for each patient. Parents need to know how to make complex nasal drops for children at home.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, doctors recommend complex drops

Contraindications and side effects

Complex nasal drops are a multicomponent drug, and for this reason there are a number of contraindications for use indicated in the instructions for the components. These include:

It is also necessary to use with special caution in diseases of the endocrine system, and such neurological abnormalities as tremor and epilepsy.

In most cases, the drug is easily tolerated and does not cause any unpleasant symptoms, but the following possible side effects should be taken into account:


Complex nasal drops are selected by the doctor individually for each child, taking into account his age, health condition and complaints. The advantage of manufactured drops is that they:

  • are much cheaper;
  • freshly prepared;
  • are made strictly according to a doctor’s prescription, which means they are optimally selected for your child, taking into account the severity of the disease, the shape and type of the runny nose, and sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • provide the opportunity to select the best combination of components for allergies to certain medications.
  • are a worthy remedy for the treatment of sinusitis.

Not every pharmacy prepares drops, but only the so-called production ones, the number of which is small in the city. You can find such pharmacies at children's hospitals and clinics.

You can buy ready-made complex combination drugs on sale, for example, Polydexa, Vibrocil and Nasonex.

Complex nasal drops are prescribed:

  • For a runny nose that cannot be treated with other medications within 10 days;
  • For allergies;
  • Nasopharyngitis;
  • For the treatment of sinusitis, including allergic sinusitis;
  • Bordizone is intended for the treatment of adenoids. Bordizone is also prepared in a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

Instructions for use and dosage

An individual drug is prepared for each individual child, so the dosage and duration of treatment is determined only by the specialist who prescribed the Complex Nasal Drops. In most cases, the duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

How and how many times a day to instill complex drops into a child should be determined only by a doctor.

As for general recommendations: before using Complex Drops, it is recommended to first rinse your nose. To do this, you can use ordinary saline solution, which is quite easy to prepare at home or purchase at a pharmacy. Preparations based on sea salt (Aquamaris, etc.) are also suitable.

Features of composition and application

Ordinary nasal drops and complex drops differ in that the usual ones exist in the form of ready-made preparations. Complex drops are made individually, so it is impossible to name individual preparations of this type. In each individual case, a separate recipe is provided, so you can consider only the main components that can be used in preparation. Most often, the following drugs may be found in such medications:

  1. AdrenalinVasoconstrictors - Metazon, Adrenaline, Naphthyzin.
    They are almost always used in the manufacture of complex drops. Their effect reduces swelling, quickly making breathing easier for the patient. Another purpose of these agents is to ensure the action of other components. The fact is that with severe swelling, most medications do not reach the pathological areas, which makes treatment impossible. Only after the action of vasoconstrictors is it possible to deliver active substances to the desired areas.

  2. Antihistamines - Suprastin, Diphenhydramine. This component is added if the disease is of an allergic nature.
  3. Antibacterial - Cefazolin, Dioxidin. The need for this component arises when the runny nose is of bacterial origin.
  4. Dexamethasone
    Glucocorticoids - Dexamethasone, Nasonex. The need for their use arises when the symptoms of the disease persist for a long time. This component can have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

  5. Immunomodulatory - Interferon. Such products are intended to strengthen the immune system - both local and general. With their help, damaged mucous membranes are restored faster.

Preparation of the remedy involves taking into account the circumstances of the disease, according to which the components of the drops are selected. The composition of complex nasal drops for children is not particularly different from the composition used for adults - doctors use the same components. The main differences are related to the characteristics of the disease, according to which different drugs are combined. Also, the children's composition for treatment may differ slightly in proportions.

The frequency of use and duration of treatment is selected by a specialist individually. However, in most cases, the medicine is instilled three times a day, two drops into each nasal passage. Usually the course of treatment is 5 days, otherwise there is a risk of addiction (due to the use of vasoconstrictor components).

For a child, treatment is carried out according to a similar scheme (in children's complex drops there are different proportions of drugs), but here, too, the peculiarities of the clinical picture must be taken into account. Sometimes the doctor may change the rules of admission.

An opened bottle of such medicine should be stored in the refrigerator, but before instillation it must be warmed to room temperature.

Complex nasal drops for children: reviews

Nastyash7 from Tambov shares her review: the child had a prolonged runny nose, the doctor initially prescribed Vibrocil and Nazivin, but there was no effect. Then they were advised to use Complex nasal drops, the recipe of which included Streptocide, Diphenhydramine, Furacilin and Adrenaline solution. The prescribed course was 5 days, but already on the 3rd day a noticeable result was visible, and the baby tolerated them well. So we can say with confidence that the product is effective.

The child of the patachek user also had a long runny nose , sometimes clear or green snot, and treatment with Albucid did not give any effect. The doctor prescribed this medicine, which included Furacilin, and already on the 3rd day of therapy the baby’s condition improved and the runny nose almost disappeared, so she recommends this remedy.

Ludick-1983 writes the following: her baby was tormented by a runny nose for 2 weeks, during which the nose practically could not breathe, which brought discomfort, especially at night. The doctor recommended this remedy, and I was pleasantly surprised that after 2 instillations the symptom began to appear less pronounced, and after a couple of days the runny nose completely disappeared. An effective and affordable medicine.

Coolgirl9108 writes that she really likes this medicine, because it really helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms in a fairly short time (her child was helped by this treatment already on the 2nd day), has a reasonable price, and does not cause any discomfort baby. The only negative is that it is not so easy to get this drug; not all pharmacies manufacture it.

User koiot shares that this medicine helped cure a runny nose not only for the child, but also for the husband. The medicine helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms in a short period of time and does not cause any side effects. The product is proven and effective.

Recipes for complex nasal drops

So, a runny nose does not go away for a long time, green snot “lingers” in the nose, or an allergy has come into its own and torments you with obsessive sneezing. To treat such conditions in children, doctors recommend recipes for the most popular complex drops, we bring them to your attention.

Recipe No. 1

Prolonged runny nose in children can be overcome using the following composition: you need to take equal parts 0.05% naphthyzin and dioxidine. Adenoiditis is the direct purpose for these drops.

Recipe No. 2

  • mezaton 1% – 1 ml;
  • lincomycin 30% – 2 ml;
  • hydrocartisone 2.5% – 2 ml;
  • Dioxidine 0.05% – 5ml.

Recipe No. 3 Complex nasal drops: dioxidine + dexamethasone + diphenhydramine + naphthyzin

  • naphthyzine – 1/2 bottle;
  • dexamethasone and diphenhydramine (1 ampoule each);
  • Dioxidine 0.05% – 1/2 ampoule.

Recipes for complex nasal drops

Sometimes you can find alarming compounds where a whole series of drugs are indiscriminately placed, for example: cefazolin + aloe + naphthyzin + dexamethasone + diphenhydramine + water.

To be honest, this mixture should be prescribed even to adults with caution. If you receive a similar prescription from a doctor, be sure to consult another specialist of a similar profile.

Recipe No. 4 - composition of complex nasal drops for sinusitis in children

For the treatment of childhood sinusitis, the following composition is suitable, the basis of which is penicillin (500 thousand units). To it add an ampoule of hydrocartisone, 7 ml of baby naphthyzine and 0.5 ml of water (boiled or distilled).

Recipe No. 5

  • sulfacyl sodium and dexamethasone (5 ml each);
  • tavegil (1 ml);
  • adrenaline 0.1% – 1/2 ml.
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