Nasal drops for children Derinat - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Alexey Help from Derinat drops is zero. The whole family began to get sick one by one, drips

Pharmacological action of the drug

Immunomodulators have a positive effect on cellular and humoral protective immune functions.
In particular, they stimulate the activity of B-lymphocytes and T-helpers, which recognize antigens and produce antibodies to infectious agents that have entered the human body. The medicine activates the nonspecific resistance of the patient’s body. After its administration, the immune response is enhanced, inflammatory processes caused by viruses or bacteria are optimized.

Since the active ingredient, sodium derinate, is characterized by pronounced lymphotropism, the process of detoxification by the lymphatic system is accelerated in patients.

This positive effect allows the drug to be given to those patients whose immunity is significantly reduced due to chemotherapy or after treatment with radiation therapy.

Also, the active components regulate hematopoiesis, that is, they normalize the number of blood cells, affecting not only lymphocytes, but also platelets and phagocytes.

What is Derinat: description. Indications for use

An important task of the drug is to stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues. In addition, it enhances reparative functions, correcting the functioning of the immune system and increasing the body's resistance.

The composition includes sodium deoxyribonucleate, which, when applied topically, is very quickly absorbed by small capillaries. The lymphatic system then distributes the active substance throughout the body, transporting it to the patient’s organs.

Excretion is carried out mainly by the genitourinary system and kidneys. Partially excreted along with feces.

An immunostimulant solution is prescribed for various diseases. If you take an intranasal form of release for the nose, then monotherapy is aimed at eliminating:

  • ARVI (including preventive measures during epidemics);
  • Chronic infections of secretory membranes caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses;
  • Acute rhinitis, sinusitis, etc.

At the same time, you can take Sinupret, Rinofluimucil or other tablets/liquid substances that relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and remove pathological exudate.

The immunomodulatory mixture is also recommended for pathologies of the eyes and oral cavity. Comprehensive medical care is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • Chronic infections in gynecology;
  • Trophic ulcers, gangrene, non-healing wounds;
  • Burns, frostbite, necrosis after irradiation;
  • Hemorrhoids, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • Oncology, hematopoiesis disorder;
  • Pulmonary obstruction, tuberculosis, ischemic heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

At what age can an immunomodulator be prescribed? The instructions indicate that it is suitable for treating even newborn babies.


Derinat is a medicine that strengthens the child’s immunity. It is intended for various purposes:

  • relieving inflammation;
  • fight against allergies;
  • removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • tissue restoration.

Available in the form of solutions for external, local use (for example, spray) and for injection. The instructions indicate that the drug helps the body more actively use its defenses. As a result:

  • with infections, children recover more quickly;
  • When using a spray for prevention, people are less likely to become infected and suffer from colds.

Release form of the drug

The drug has a transparent composition, without any shades or foreign inclusions. It is produced in several forms:

  • In bottles for intramuscular injections of 2 and 5 ml;
  • In bottles for local or external use. Packaged in containers of 10 and 20 ml. The jars are equipped with a dropper or sprayer. There are also glass vials without additional devices for administration into the nose/mouth or eyes.

Derinat photo
Excipients are sodium chloride and water for injection.

Directions for use and dosage for adults

Your doctor will tell you how to administer an immunomodulating solution. The instructions indicate that when applied externally or locally, the number of drops and method of use depend on the location of the focus of pathological changes.

The dosage is almost the same for both children and adults. The duration of the course is selected depending on the severity of the pathology. Prevention of ARVI It is recommended to use antiviral nasal drops up to four times a day. Inject 2 drops into each nasal passage. During epidemics, it is enough to carry out preventive measures for 7-14 days. If during the process of therapeutic manipulations the patient still exhibits symptoms of ARVI, then the number of drops is increased to 3, and the frequency of physiatric manipulations is reduced to one hour, but only for the first day. Then they move on to the standard dosage regimen - up to 4 times a day. Course duration is 5-30 days. Diseases of the paranasal sinuses To relieve the pathological process in the paranasal cavities and on the mucous membranes of the nose, 3-5 drops of liquid are instilled into each nostril. The administration can be repeated 4-6 times per day. The therapeutic course is continued for one to two weeks. Inflammation of the oral cavity Immunocorrector is used as a mouth rinse. One bottle is divided into 2-3 uses. You can rinse your mouth up to six times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 5-10 days. Ophthalmology If the patient's eyes become inflamed or dystrophic changes appear, the substance is instilled up to three times a day. 1-2 drops are dropped into each eye. Medical care is continued from two weeks to one and a half months.

For adults, immunocorrector therapy is also recommended for more serious pathological changes. It helps regenerate tissue in case of hemorrhoids, necrosis, and infectious lesions in the gynecological area. In each case, the drug is used differently. If a woman has a fungal or bacterial infection or foreign microorganisms of another type in her reproductive system, the solution is recommended for intravaginal irrigation or tamponade.

One procedure requires a bottle with a capacity of 5 ml. Treatment is continued for up to two weeks 1-2 times a day.

Microenemas help with hemorrhoids. To do this, 15-40 ml of medication is poured into the rectum for up to 10 days.

Necrosis of the skin or secretory membranes, non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers can also be cured if systemic care includes an immunostimulant. It is applied with application bandages to the affected areas. Can also be sprayed onto wound surfaces. Physiatry is carried out 4-5 times a day, up to 40 ml of the substance. The course lasts 1-3 months.

The shelf life after opening the ampoule is no more than 14 days. After this time, the solution may lose its properties.

Instructions for use of Derinat for children and adults

"Derinat" in the form of a solution for local and external use, used as drops for the eyes and nose. It is also used for microclysters, rinsing, irrigation and applications. The medication is approved for use by adults and children from the first day of life. Therapy can be carried out in conjunction with the use of other therapeutic agents.

Derinat in ampoules for injections

Derinat injections for adults are used in an amount of 5 ml of solution per injection, which is equivalent to 75 mg of the active ingredient. The medication provokes pain when administered, so experts recommend performing the procedure for 1-2 minutes to reduce the severity of discomfort. The recommended interval between manipulations is 1-3 days.

The number of injections and their frequency depend on the established diagnosis and are prescribed by a specialist after an examination.

For coronary heart disease, 10 intramuscular injections are recommended at intervals of 48-72 hours. For gastrointestinal ulcers, 5 manipulations are recommended with an interval of 48 hours.

Persons with cancer are recommended to take from 3 to 10 injections with a break of 24-72 hours. For andrological and gynecological pathologies, 10 procedures are indicated with an interval of 1-3 days. Individuals diagnosed with tuberculosis require 10 to 15 injections 24 to 48 hours apart.

For acute inflammatory diseases, 3 to 5 injections should be given at intervals of 24 to 72 hours.

Chronic diseases are treated according to the following scheme:

  • 1 injection every 24 hours for 5 days;
  • 1 injection every 3 days (5 injections).

According to the recommendations for use, therapy for children is carried out according to the same scheme as for adults.

The difference lies in the amount of the active component:

  • up to 2 years, 0.5 ml (7.5 mg);
  • from 2 to 10 years, 0.5 ml for each year of the child’s life.

Self-medication with an injectable drug is strictly prohibited.

Derinat spray and drops

"Derinat" for external and local use is used depending on the location of the lesion and the diagnosed pathology.

As a preventive measure for ARVI, it is recommended to use Derinat nasal drops. A couple of drops of the solution should be instilled into the nasal passages up to 4 times in 24 hours. Duration of therapy is 1-2 weeks.

If symptoms of acute respiratory infections occur, the medication is recommended to be instilled into the nose, a couple of drops every 90 minutes. For the entire subsequent period of therapy, the procedure must be performed up to 4 times in 24 hours. The duration of treatment is from 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the person’s condition.

Diseases and treatment regimens:

  1. Inflammation of the sinuses and nasal cavity. 3 – 5 drops up to 6 times in 24 hours. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1 – 2 weeks.
  2. Anomalies of the oral mucosa of an inflammatory nature. Irrigate the oral cavity up to 6 times in 24 hours. One bottle is designed for 2 – 3 uses. Duration of treatment is 1 – 1.5 weeks.
  3. Gynecological pathologies of various origins. Irrigate the vagina or insert gauze swabs in a medicinal solution up to 2 times in 24 hours. One procedure requires 5 ml of medication. The treatment course is 2 weeks.
  4. Dystrophic and inflammatory pathologies of the visual organs. A couple of drops up to 3 times in 24 hours. Duration of therapy – 2 – 6 weeks.
  5. Haemorrhoids. Microclysters with 15 - 45 ml of medicinal solution once a day. Therapeutic course – 1/2 – 1.5 weeks.
  6. Necrosis, non-healing injuries and thermal burns. Applications with medication to the affected area up to 4 times in 24 hours. It is also possible to treat the injured area; for this purpose, Derinat spray is used in a volume of 10 - 40 ml up to 5 times in 24 hours. Duration of treatment – ​​4 – 12 weeks.
  7. OZNK. The medication is instilled up to 6 times in 24 hours into each nasal passage, a couple of drops. Duration of therapy is up to six months.

The method of treatment for children and adults is no different.

Derinat for inhalation

The use of the drug "Derinat" for inhalation via a nebulizer allows the delivery of the active component directly to the site of inflammation, which increases the activity of the drug.

To carry out manipulations in acute respiratory infections, the drug must be diluted with physiological solution in a 1:1 ratio. The session should be carried out for 5 minutes or until the medication completely evaporates from the inhaler.

4 inhalations are required per day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 1 week. If necessary, the specialist can change the frequency of procedures and dosage of the pharmacological agent.

For chronic pathologies or for a preventive course, the medication must be diluted in a ratio of 1:4. The frequency of procedures is 2 times in 24 hours. Duration of treatment – ​​1.5 weeks.

Derinat for children, regardless of the form of pathology, is prescribed in a minimum dosage equal to the ratio of 1 ml of medicinal solution and 4 ml of saline solution. 1 – 2 inhalations are performed per day. Therapeutic course – 1.5 weeks.

Derinat drops during pregnancy

To prevent the fertilized egg from being rejected, women's immunity is specifically reduced after conception. That is why during pregnancy chronic diseases often worsen, infection with pathogenic microorganisms, etc. occurs more often. Can Derinat be used in the nose by women preparing to become a mother?

The instructions say that this is contraindicated. Why? As already mentioned, the fetus remains in the reproductive system only because immune cells reduce activity and do not perceive it as a foreign body. The task of the immunomodulator is to increase immunity, that is, to reduce the risk of miscarriage in the early stages.

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is especially dangerous to take immunomodulatory drugs, since the fetus has not yet attached to the walls of the uterus and becomes vulnerable to the protective function of the lymphatic system. But in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, this threat decreases, and they can be taken, but only after consulting a doctor.

Test samples are recommended for pregnant women. Start with one drop of intranasal manipulation. If no negative reactions are observed and no complications appear, then you can safely use the immunomodulator to eliminate infectious foci.

When breastfeeding (breastfeeding), it is also necessary to consult a pediatrician. During lactation, sodium desixoribonucleate is absorbed into all organs of a woman, including milk. When breastfeeding, your doctor will be able to select an individual therapeutic regimen.

Derinat - instructions: should you be afraid of allergic reactions?

Derinat is a drug that restores immunity, improves restoration processes in tissues and the formation of blood cells.
It is used both externally for the treatment of various wounds, burns, diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, and in the form of injections for the treatment of internal diseases. Mechanism of action of derinat

Derinat (active ingredient - sodium deoxyribonucleate) is an immunomodulator (a drug that restores immunity), which is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company ZAO FP Tekhnomedservice in the form of solutions for injection in ampoules, for external use in vials and for topical use in dropper bottles. This drug is of natural origin; it is prepared from sturgeon milk, isolating highly purified sodium salt of DNA from it.

As an immunomodulator, Derinat stimulates the immune system against any infectious agents (bacterial, viral and fungal origin), increasing the body's resistance to infections. The mechanism of immunomodulatory action is that derinat activates lymphocytes, which are responsible for both cellular and humoral immunity.

When administered intramuscularly, Derinat increases cellular immunity against many infectious agents, including chlamydia. Chlamydia: an insidious and common disease, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori (this microorganism causes peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum). Derinat has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps restore the functioning of the lymphatic system, especially at the site of inflammation, cleansing the body of toxic products of inflammation and tissue breakdown.

Derinat for tissue repair

Derinat also promotes tissue restoration, both in the area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes (wounds, burns, trophic ulcers), and in various inflammatory and ulcerative-necrotic processes in the area of ​​internal organs.

Thus, during necrotic processes (they are accompanied by tissue death), under the influence of derinat, tissues in which necrosis has occurred are quickly rejected, which contributes to their faster recovery. Under the influence of derinat, infected wounds and severe burns are cleaned and healed faster; it protects tissues from radiation exposure.

Derinat in the form of intramuscular injections is used in the treatment of diseases such as coronary heart disease. After a course of treatment with Derinat, exercise tolerance increases, the number and duration of angina attacks decreases. Angina pectoris: when the heart needs help.

Under the influence of derinat, the course of gastric and duodenal ulcers improves - ulcers are scarred, the inflammatory process is reduced, and the vital activity of the infectious agent is suppressed.

Derinat stimulates the formation of white blood cells responsible for cellular and humoral immunity - granular leukocytes and lymphocytes, and also reduces the sensitivity of these cells to the damaging effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy in the treatment of cancer.

Based on laboratory studies, it was found that derinat does not have carcinogenic properties and does not have a negative effect on the child during the prenatal period.

After intramuscular administration, derinat is quickly absorbed into the blood and distributed in organs and tissues. It is found in all organs and tissues, including the central nervous system, activating metabolic processes in them. The highest concentration of the drug is found in the lymph nodes, bone marrow, spleen and thymus gland - organs responsible for immunity. Derinat is partially destroyed in the liver, but is mainly excreted unchanged through the kidneys and intestines.

Indications and contraindications for the use of derinat

Solutions for external use are prescribed:

  • for the treatment and prevention of infections of the upper respiratory tract and internal organs - acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis - a solution for external use is instilled into the nose;
  • for long-term non-healing wounds, burns, frostbite, trophic ulcers, bedsores - in the form of applications of a solution for local use;
  • for any damage to the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nose, vagina, rectum) - in the form of rinses, washes, applications and a solution for topical use.

Derinat solution for injection is prescribed:

  • cancer patients after chemotherapy and radiation therapy, as well as with radiation injuries;
  • in case of severe purulent-inflammatory processes in any organs and tissues;
  • for gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as for any erosive and ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for coronary heart disease and cardiovascular failure;
  • with obliterating endarteritis (emptying of the arteries) of the lower extremities;
  • for chronic gynecological and urological diseases caused by chronic infections, which often lead to infertility and impotence. Impotence - a woman's view of the problem;
  • for chronic bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • for rheumatoid arthritis;
  • for pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • before and after various operations to prevent purulent complications.

Derinat for external use is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the drug. Derinat for intramuscular administration is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a personal choice to breastfeed.

Side effects that may occur when using Derinat

When using Derinat externally, no side effects were identified (except for allergies). With intramuscular injection of Derinat, slight pain may occur at the injection site, short-term fever (the temperature can rise to 38°C one and a half to three hours after Derinat administration) and a decrease in blood sugar. Allergic reactions are also possible.

Galina Romanenko

Article tags:

  • derinat
  • Derinat for children: strengthening the immune system
  • Autoimmune hypothyroidism (thyroiditis): how to neutralize it?

Articles on the topic Derinat for children: strengthening the immune system

Derinat – for immunity

Derinat nasal drops for children

The instructions say that the drug can be prescribed for newborns from the first year of life. The action is aimed at increasing immunity, so pediatricians most often recommend an immunomodulator for children under one year of age or older who are prone to frequent colds.

Studies have shown that any dosage form is well tolerated by young patients. Derinat for children has virtually no contraindications and is indicated in alleviating many diseases associated with inflammatory reactions in the secretory epithelium. Undesirable side effects occur very rarely.

Drops for children that contain sodium deoxyribonucleate are prescribed for the following diseases:


Respiratory tract infections (rhinitis, sinusitis). For preventive purposes, 1-3 drops are instilled into each nostril for the child. In case of infection with viruses or bacterial damage to tissues, the amount of product is increased to 5 drops. On the first day of symptoms, the active ingredient is instilled every hour and a half.


For adenoids and complex sinusitis. The best method of physiatry is tamponade. Cotton swabs moistened with the composition are suitable for this. The procedure is repeated 6 times per day.


Ophthalmological pathologies. Instill 1-2 drops of the product three times a day. It is recommended to pull back the eyelid so that the active component enters the conjunctival sac.


Problems in the oral cavity. Carry out rinsing. If the child is still small and cannot carry out such a procedure on his own, then his mucous membranes are treated with gauze moistened with medicinal liquid. Repeat several times a day.

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend taking immunocorrectors on your own, much less giving them to a child without consulting a doctor. It is imperative to establish the exact dosage, frequency of administration and course duration.

It is important to remember that even the most harmless medications can have side effects in children. For example, it happens that an allergy to Derinat occurs. That is why you should be very careful about the pediatrician’s instructions.

Derinat for infants and newborns

The immunomodulatory agent is indicated for children from the first day of life. The frequency of administration does not differ from adult prescriptions. The single dose varies depending on age. So, for intramuscular injections, the following scheme is recommended:

  • For infants under two years old - no more than 0.5 ml;
  • For children 2-10 years of age, increase the dose to 4 ml;
  • Children over ten years old – 5 ml.

External and local use of natural proteins does not differ from the instructions for adult patients.
For infants, the medicinal composition is also instilled into the nasal passages, 2 drops up to 4 times per week for a runny nose and ARVI. If there are pathological changes in the oral cavity, then rinses are performed. Skin lesions and non-healing wounds are treated by spraying the product or applying prepared applications.

Composition and release form

Derinat is a clear, odorless and colorless liquid. The main active ingredient of the drug is sodium deoxyribonucleate, which is produced from the milt of sturgeon fish. In addition to the sodium salt, the medicine contains sodium chloride and purified water.

There are several forms of release of Derinat. To use it as nasal drops, you should purchase a solution for external and topical use. The packaging can be very different: with a spray or a special dispenser. If the bottle is equipped with a regular rubber cap, you can purchase a pipette for it.

To treat the throat, use the drug in the form of a spray, which is sold in dark glass containers equipped with a sprayer. The price for Derinat is not too high and amounts to 230–280 rubles for a 10 ml bottle for external use and 360–380 rubles for a spray.


The drug can be sprayed by pouring the specified dosage into the nebulizer. This method helps especially well with frequent penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the respiratory system.

Inhalations are generally recommended for people with the following ailments:

  • Tonsillitis;
  • Adenoids;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Allergic reactions, hay fever.

Not pure liquid from the ampoule is poured into the nebulizer, but mixed with saline solution in a ratio of 1:4. During one procedure, you should inhale the healing aerosol for 5 minutes. Repeat twice a day. The course of therapy should consist of 10 inhalations, that is, five days.

Derinat eye drops

The immunocorrective protein has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the eyeballs. It is prescribed for various diseases:

  • Herpetic keratitis;
  • Computer myopia;
  • Asthenopia;
  • Primary glaucoma;
  • Chronic uveitis.

The substance is delivered to the conjunctival sac three times a day. 1-2 drops of solution are injected into one eye. Duration of treatment is 2-6 weeks. It is not recommended to use simultaneously with ophthalmic substances containing metal salts.

What is better Derinat or Grippferon?

Often people who want to protect themselves from viral agents are looking for the most effective way to combat ARVI and its prevention. If we compare Derinat with Grippferon, then it is impossible to answer unequivocally which is better. Why?

Both drugs have an immunomodulatory effect, have an antiviral effect, and also relieve inflammatory changes. Biologically active immunocorrector proteins are responsible for such functions.

But unlike Grippferon, the first version of the immunostimulant is produced not only for topical use, but also in the form of injections for intramuscular injections. In fact, this suggests that it belongs to medications with a wider spectrum of action.

Derinat for sinusitis

Let's consider several treatment methods that can be used at almost any stage of the disease, but before a puncture of the maxillary sinus is prescribed. In other words, all these drugs can stop the development of the disease, eliminate its main symptoms and prevent the spread of bacteria, but if the inflammatory process can no longer be prevented, you will have to agree to a puncture of the maxillary sinus.

Derinat is intended to have a positive effect on the human immune system. Unlike many other medications, Derinat is easily absorbed by the human body and has no side effects. We can say that this is a universal remedy of a new generation, designed to help the human immune system independently fight harmful microorganisms that, among other things, cause the development of sinusitis.

Derinat is available not only in the form of drops, but also in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection

Derinat for sinusitis has the following properties:

  • Strengthens the immune system, providing it with reliable protection against viruses and bacteria.
  • Reduces inflammatory reactions and relieves swelling.
  • Triggers the body's natural fight against fungi and bacteria.
  • Restores the nasal mucosa, which eliminates the re-development of the inflammatory process.
  • It has a beneficial effect, due to which there is a facilitation of the outflow of purulent fluid from the nose.

Derinat is available both in nasal drops and in the form of a liquid for external use; if necessary, you can also order an injection. The course of treatment usually lasts 7-15 days, the dosage and frequency of use are prescribed by the attending physician.

Despite the relative safety of the drug, it is not recommended to use it without appropriate prescription by a specialist. The fact is that some people may experience individual intolerance to the components of the drug, which will make it impossible to use the medicine.

Derinat stops the inflammatory process and reduces swelling

How much does Derinat cost in a pharmacy? Price

The cost of the drug is:

Release formManufacturerPhoto of packagingPrice RussiaPrice Ukraine
Derinat dropper bottle 0.25% 10mlTekhnomedservis, Russia350 rublesfrom 79.60 UAH
Derinat bottle 0.25%, 10mlTekhnomedservis, Russiafrom 300 rublesfrom 57.60 UAH
Solution for intramuscular. introduction .1.5% Ampoules 5 ml 5 pcs. Tekhnomedservis, Russia2140 rublesfrom 521.10 UAH
Spray for the throatTekhnomedservis, Russia380 rublesfrom 149.87


These drops are good because they can be used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of ARVI. To do this, they are dripped according to the scheme of 2 drops 3 times a day for one to two weeks.

But if you have already felt the symptoms of a cold, then you need to instill 2-3 drops every 2 hours on the first day you get sick. And then two or three drops 3 times a day. Available in pharmacies without a prescription, they are suitable even for infants. A very good product to support your immune system. Galina

, 32 years

My son had been sick with a runny nose for a month, and the pharmacist at the pharmacy suggested trying these drops. They recovered relatively quickly, it turns out that they only treat the symptoms, but also activate the immune system.

Of course, they can be used as a prophylactic against acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. It is better to take those with a dropper bottle (like Pinosol), otherwise you may need a pipette for instillation. Also pay attention to the fact that there is a hologram on the packaging. Svetlana

, 40 years

We use it as an immunomodulator for a child during the cold season from October to March, when there is a high probability of catching a cold. We prefer a bottle with a dropper; it is more convenient to use, but a little more expensive. Before that, I used it myself, when my son was six months old - he got the flu. The doctor recommended Derinat as an addition to treatment. She recovered quite quickly, maintaining lactation. Alla

, 28 years

No matter how much I use Derinat for a runny nose, for some reason it doesn’t help me. Doctors praise it, there are a lot of positive reviews about it, but for me it is completely useless. I took several courses of treatment for colds, but did not feel any effect.

It is possible that my body simply does not perceive its healing properties. A placebo of sorts. For colds, I prefer IRS-19; it is a similar analogue of Derinat, as the pharmacy explained to me. Anna

, 38 years

Use of the drug

Due to its versatility, the immunostimulating and regenerating drug has a wide range of applications in various medical fields. It is recommended both for monotherapy and in combination treatment of many ailments.

Areas of application for Derinat:

  • oncology: suppression of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow after chemotherapy and radiation therapy; stomatitis due to cytostatic treatment;
  • cardiovascular diseases: hematopoietic disorders; IHD; vascular lesions of the lower extremities and complications (trophic ulcers); tissue necrosis due to blockage of blood vessels or infection (gangrene);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: erosive gastritis, as well as peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • surgery and rheumatology: organ damage due to radiation, necrosis of the mucous membrane and skin; purulent and septic wounds, complications after operations; burns and frostbite; rheumatoid arthritis;
  • urology and gynecology: infections of the mucous membranes of any origin; chronic inflammation of the uterus, appendages and prostate; benign oncological diseases of the uterus (fibroids, endometriosis) and prostate gland (hyperplasia); mycoplasmosis, ureoplasmosis, chlamydia;
  • respiratory diseases: prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections; tuberculosis; inflammatory and chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi; ENT organs (rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • ophthalmology: dystrophic, inflammatory and infectious eye diseases;
  • allergic diseases: bronchial asthma, hay fever, dermatitis, allergic rhinitis.

General Application

Depending on the severity of the disease, various forms of the drug can be used. Local solutions are usually used to treat mucous membranes and skin; for general diseases, a course of Derinat injections is prescribed . Directions for use:

  • Inject the medicine warmed in your hands intramuscularly or subcutaneously for 1–2 minutes. According to indications, 3–15 injections are prescribed with an interval between them from 24 hours to 3 days;
  • to prevent seasonal colds, Derinat nasal drops for children from birth and adults are used 2 drops 4 times a day for about 1-2 weeks;
  • when the initial symptoms of ARVI appear, use this: in the first 24 hours, inject 2-3 drops into both nostrils every 2 hours, then the same dosage is used 3-4 times a day with a course of treatment of 1 month;
  • in ophthalmology, 3 drops are used 2-3 times a day in the affected eye for the treatment of dystrophic or inflammatory diseases. Course – from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.
  • dentistry and ENT diseases: rinse 6 times a day for 5–10 days;
  • gynecology: administration of tampons with the drug orally or irrigation 1–2 times a day for a course of 1–2 weeks;
  • hemorrhoids: treatment with microenemas of 20–40 ml for a course of 4–10 days;
  • skin lesions: moisten gauze bandages 4–5 times a day for 1–3 months.

Use for sinusitis

Sinusitis, as well as its varieties sinusitis and sinusitis, are diseases caused by an inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. Most often they are a consequence of blockage of the anastomosis between the sinus and the cavity due to swelling of the mucous membrane. In turn, this occurs due to primary inflammation (for example, ARVI, rhinitis) or allergies.

Derinat for sinusitis and other diseases of the nose and cavities solves several problems at once:

  • relief of inflammation and swelling, including allergies, therefore, the possibility of free release of pathological contents from the sinuses;
  • destruction of pathogenic flora (viruses, bacteria, fungi);
  • restoration of local immunity for a long period.

Since sinusitis is a rather difficult disease to treat, especially if it is complicated by a bacterial infection, complex therapy is necessary. The use of the drug can be prescribed for rinsing the nasal passages, washing out and disinfecting waste products of harmful agents (pus and mucus). How to drip Derinat for sinusitis: 3-5 drops in each nasal passage 4-6 times a day for a course of one to two weeks.

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