Pain between eyebrows without runny nose

When pain appears in the eyebrow area, some people simply brush it off, others panic because the symptom is atypical, but a detailed examination will determine the exact cause of the condition.

Any person periodically has a headache, and this pain often radiates to the back of the head, crown, forehead or temple. Such symptoms have long become commonplace, and for most people they hardly cause concern. A less common situation is when the eyebrow hurts. It can be disturbing on its own, or it can be caused by pressing on the eyebrow arch. But why the eyebrow hurts, and what the possible cause of the phenomenon is, not everyone can immediately say.

When pain appears in the eyebrow area, some people simply brush it off, while others panic because the problem is atypical.

Unfortunately, both reactions can only make problems worse. It is much wiser to immediately understand the circumstances and treat the pathological condition against which the complaints appeared.

If there is pain in the eyebrows, or when there is pain between the eyebrows, you should first calm down and try to independently identify the factor that caused the discomfort. It is worth considering the likely causes and considering which of them are important in a particular case. Certain internal pathologies can only be identified by a doctor in a hospital, but some factors can be determined by yourself.

So, pain above the eyebrow may well be a consequence of lifestyle disorders:

  • overvoltage;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • prolonged work on a PC;
  • abuse of spicy, fatty foods;
  • excessive mental and physical stress.

In addition, eyebrows can often hurt due to incorrectly performed cosmetic procedures. As a rule, eyebrows hurt after tattooing, since permanent makeup involves violating the integrity of the top layer of skin. In addition, after tattooing, in addition to pain, swelling in the eyebrows and eyes is possible, but this often goes away a few days after permanent makeup has been done. The brow ridge can hurt due to an allergic reaction to a certain cosmetic product or due to unsuccessful eye or eyebrow plastic surgery (for example, the introduction of threads).

But often pain above the eyebrow is not due to unsuccessful cosmetic procedures and deviations from the usual lifestyle. Sometimes this is an alarming signal that should not be ignored, because it may indicate a certain disease:

As has already become clear, the causes of eyebrow pain can be different. Sometimes these are serious pathologies that are dangerous for the patient due to the likelihood of brain damage, and sometimes they can indicate an incorrect lifestyle. As for seemingly harmless cosmetic procedures, they should also be approached with caution. All those who are wondering how painful it is to tattoo eyebrows are not in vain. Permanent makeup is a painful procedure, which can subsequently have other complications (for example, herpes).


But not everyone knows which specialist to contact if they have painful eyebrows. Here, as a rule, there are two ways. When the patient has no idea what could be causing the pain, it is appropriate to make an appointment with a therapist. After the initial examination, the doctor will refer the patient to the right, more specialized specialist. If a person still has a guess about the cause of his condition, then there is no need to waste time, you need to visit a specific doctor:

  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • surgeon, traumatologist.

You should not be afraid of making mistakes in choosing a doctor, even if this is not his competence, he will always tell you what to do next and who to contact. If the patient has arrived at the right address, he will often have to undergo a series of examinations:

  • blood analysis;
  • bacterial cultures from the nose;
  • video endoscopy;
  • tomography of the nasal sinuses (computer, magnetic resonance);
  • x-ray and probing;
  • cerebrospinal puncture.

Whether any further studies need to be done is decided by the doctor in each specific case. In addition to tests and instrumental diagnostics, the doctor must ask the patient in detail about recent illnesses and accompanying symptoms. To establish a diagnosis, examination with palpation is important. Having found out whether it hurts to press on the eyebrows, the doctor will make one diagnosis, but if the procedure turns out to be painless, then another. Only after going through this path can adequate treatment be prescribed.

Drug therapy

Treatment will be based on the diagnosis - regular nasal drops are prescribed, but powerful antibiotics may also be needed. In certain cases, even surgery is recommended (serious sinusitis). In order to somehow cope with the pain before visiting a doctor, you can give yourself first aid by resorting to certain medications.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help with pain of unknown origin. They are endowed with an analgesic effect, suppress inflammation and will be effective when, in addition to everything, the temperature has risen. These include drugs with the following active ingredients:

Caffeinated products

When pain occurs due to vasoconstriction, these drugs are indispensable. As a rule, this is a complex tool:

  • Sedalgin;
  • Citramon;
  • Tetralgin;
  • Solpadeine;
  • Pentalgin.

But do not forget that drugs that eliminate pain are a temporary measure, since they only relieve symptoms. If you experience prolonged obsessive pain in the eyebrow area, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to identify the cause and prescribe effective therapy. As for pain of a neuralgic nature, in such cases it is advised to take sedatives.


This group of medications helps fight stress, which can be called the main cause of many neuralgic pathologies. But they are the ones who often provoke pain in the eyebrows. Experts recommend the following:

  • Persen;
  • Phenibut;
  • Afobazole;
  • Pax Plus;
  • Sanason lek;
  • Novo-passit.

These drugs will come to the rescue if you can’t get to a doctor in the near future. But often, with such problems, people turn not to pills, but to proven folk remedies.

Treatment with unconventional methods

Pain near the eyebrow can be relieved using alternative methods. The first assistant in this matter will be a cold compress. To do this, apply ice or a towel soaked in cold water to the forehead. You can use compresses made from cabbage, burdock and coltsfoot leaves. In addition, there are drinks that also cope well with this problem:

As with painkillers and sedatives, these drugs only relieve symptoms. Therefore, they do not replace a trip to the doctor and further treatment. But in addition to the above remedies, we should not forget about some useful tips.

What to do when your eyebrows hurt:

  • worry less;
  • take multivitamins twice a year;
  • consume more water;
  • spend time outdoors;
  • maintain a regime of activity and rest;
  • in the evening make warm foot baths;
  • do facial exercises every day;
  • do a daily head massage (movements from the forehead to the back of the head).

If a person’s eyebrows hurt, then one should not endure the discomfort. At the first warning symptoms, you need to go to a medical facility and undergo all the necessary tests. After all, only by eliminating the cause can you forget about the pain forever.

You can often come across the following questions on medical forums: “Why does the forehead above the eyes hurt? Why does your forehead hurt so much? etc. A headache in the forehead above the eyes can be caused by inflammation of the frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis) or damage to the first branch (neuralgia). This localization of pain is also characteristic of migraine and cluster cephalgia. Treatment depends on the causes and mechanisms of formation of pathological disorders, therefore, despite similar clinical manifestations, these diseases are treated differently. The diagnosis and treatment of frontal sinusitis is carried out by an ENT doctor; neuralgia, migraines and cluster headaches are treated by a neurologist.


Painful attacks can be prevented by the following measures:

  • lifestyle changes;
  • sufficient sleep;
  • sports activities;
  • positive thinking;
  • active approach to life;
  • limiting smoking, caffeine, and alcohol.

An effective fighter against cephalalgia is vitamin B2 and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc. Our grandmothers also used herbal teas made from mint, chamomile, and lemon balm, sweetened with honey.

Headaches are perhaps one of the most common complaints with which people seek medical help. And quite often, unpleasant sensations are localized precisely in the forehead area. Why does this happen and what situations are associated with this type of headache, the doctor will tell you.

Pain in the forehead with trigeminal neuralgia

The sensitivity of the skin of the forehead, upper eyelid, eyeball, corner of the eye and dorsum of the nose is provided by the first ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. Pain in this area is felt both with neuralgia of the entire trigeminal nerve and with isolated damage to the first branch. It is very strong, occurs suddenly without warning or is the result of irritation of trigger zones and lasts no more than 1-2 minutes. During an attack, the patient involuntarily freezes, fearing that a careless movement will increase the pain, but additional symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or dizziness are not typical for neuralgia.

With symptomatic (secondary) pain, the pain may not be as acute, but longer lasting. Sometimes it becomes constant and exists in the background, intensifying with irritation. In both cases, treatment with anticonvulsants and antidepressants, as well as, has a good effect. For peripheral symptomatic neuralgia of the first branch, the supraorbital nerve in the area of ​​the superciliary arch is also effective.

How to distinguish neuralgia from frontal sinusitis?

In both cases, the main symptom of the disease is pain in the forehead above the eyes, but nevertheless, it is not difficult to distinguish one disease from another. stronger, but it is usually short-lived and always one-sided; with frontal sinusitis, the forehead above the eyes constantly hurts on both the right and left sides. With secondary neuralgia, attacks are not so clearly defined, but the intensity of pain does not depend on changes in head position. If the frontal sinus is inflamed, then when the head is tilted, the exudate inside it moves under the influence of gravity, so when the head is tilted forward, the pain intensifies. With neuralgia, pain is the only symptom of the disease; frontal sinusitis, in addition, is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general weakness and nasal congestion


Frontal sinusitis is treated by an ENT doctor; doing it yourself is not recommended.

. At the initial stage, antibiotics and antihistamines, vasoconstrictor nasal drops and agents to dilute sinus secretions are prescribed. If conservative treatment is ineffective, the drainage of exudate from the sinuses is ensured surgically.


In the forehead area, pain is caused by hypertension - a cardiovascular disease that is high blood pressure.

According to statistics, hypertension can cause pain between the eyebrows for people aged 15 to 65 years. This insidious disease requires appropriate therapy, without which heart attacks, strokes, and deaths can occur over time.

Among the popular causes of hypertension, experts will highlight:

  • Constant stressful situations;
  • Inadequate sleep;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Excess weight;
  • Problems with the thyroid gland;
  • Diabetes;
  • Use of certain medications.

Signs of illness

Many people often confuse the first signs of illness with ordinary fatigue or a cold. But after some time, hypertension manifests itself :

  • Pain between the eyebrows;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Redness of the face;
  • Edema;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Dizziness.

It is important to be attentive to the signals that the body gives, because timely therapy is the key to successful recovery.

Treatment options

Today, there are many medications that help eliminate headaches between the eyebrows caused by hypertension.

The doctor prescribes medications individually for each patient, based on a number of contributing factors.

How do migraines and cluster cephalgia differ from neuralgia?

Clinically, migraine differs from neuralgia by the presence of a period of warning signs (aura), as well as additional symptoms during the attack. Shortly before the onset of migraine pain, patients notice dizziness, spots before the eyes, and sometimes speech impairment. During an attack of increased sensitivity to light and sounds, nausea and sometimes vomiting appear. Migraine pain spreads over the entire side of the head, although its epicenter is usually located in the forehead above the eyes. To treat migraines, ergotamine drugs and antidepressants of various groups are used.

Cluster headache is very similar in localization and intensity to neuralgic headache, but its attacks are longer and during the period of exacerbation follow one after another with an interval of several hours. This condition can last from 1-2 days to a week, after which remission occurs spontaneously, and the pain-free interval can last from several months to several years. Treatment is carried out during the period of exacerbation; to relieve a painful attack, oxygen inhalation is prescribed; for prevention, it is recommended to take drugs from the triptan group.

Pain above the eye in the eyebrow area rarely forces anyone to see a doctor, which is in vain, because it can be a symptom of a rather serious disease with dangerous consequences. So what can cause this condition?

Above the eye, below the eye and between them inside the human skull there are a lot of sinuses and ducts. Depending on where exactly the pain originated, you can speculate about its cause. Diseases can be either neurological or infectious.

Infectious diseases, in turn, are conventionally divided into diseases of the central nervous system and ENT organs. The first category includes meningitis and encephalitis, and the second category includes sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, profilitis, etc.

Pain sensations can be different - sharp, dull, long-lasting, short-term, and so on. Pain under the eye and above the eyebrow can also be caused by physical trauma, such as being hit with a blunt object or falling from a height.

So, what are the specific causes of pain:

  1. Migraine. The cause of migraine is recognized to be a genetically transmitted predisposition to it. It manifests itself in severe pain, which is long-lasting, spreading from the eyebrows to the temples and further to the back of the head. The pain covers the skull in a ring and can be so severe that the person begins to feel nauseous.
  2. Vascular disease in the neck. The formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels passing through the neck creates a deficiency of oxygen in the organs of the head. This is caused by the fact that very little blood enters the head due to plaques. As a result, chronic hypoxia occurs. As a rule, in such a situation, visual acuity and hearing are first impaired, and then pain occurs around the eyes.
  3. Sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and similar diseases of the facial sinuses develop due to the entry of various dangerous microorganisms into the body. The inflamed mucous membrane causes severe pain, which can occur above the eyebrows, under the eyes and between them. A characteristic difference from other diseases is that when you press on a sore spot, the pain increases significantly. There is an increase in body temperature, the sense of smell disappears and photophobia occurs. For such diseases, treatment is complex, using various medications, rinses and physiotherapy. In severe and advanced cases, treatment is performed surgically.
  4. Injuries to the head and especially the facial part are extremely dangerous. After all, it is here that the skull consists of many ducts and sinuses; an infection that gets into the wound can easily reach the central nervous system through them. So an ordinary and seemingly harmless cut eyebrow can result in encephalitis. Therefore, in case of a facial injury above the eyebrows, under the eyes and around the nose, it is very important to provide the person with proper, pre-medical care: stop the bleeding, wash the wound, bandage it.
  5. Pinched occipital nerve. This can occur when the neck muscles malfunction in combination with other events. A pinched nerve reflects pain from the back of the head to the brow ridge. It hurts just as much as a migraine, but the direction of pain is the opposite.

Possible diseases

It often hurts between the eyebrows due to a serious illness that requires urgent treatment.

The most common cause is inflammation of the sinuses - frontal sinusitis or ethmoiditis. Pathology develops due to viral or bacterial infection.

In the first case, the exudate is serous or catarrhal (clear, watery or mucous). In the second situation, the discharge is purulent (thick, cloudy, yellow, white or greenish).

If your forehead hurts between the eyebrows, but there is no runny nose, this does not exclude an infectious infection, since exudate can be released, but not flow out of the sinus.

At first, the unpleasant sensations are localized in one place, but then the entire face is involved in the pathological process. An important sign is severe pain in the morning, which subsides in the evening.

Frontitis is characterized by pain in the bridge of the nose, which sharply intensifies when pressing on the area between the eyebrow and eye near the nose, and redness of the eyes, photophobia, and swelling of the eyelid are detected.

The nature of the pain above the eye with ethmoiditis is very similar, but differs in less swelling, is localized in the bridge of the nose and eyebrows, but does not intensify with pressure.


characteristics of migraine
Migraine is a neurological pathology. The main symptom of the disease is periodic or constant pain on one side of the head (on both sides - extremely rarely).

It intensifies with physical or mental stress, as well as as a result of changes in humidity or temperature. In addition, fear of light or sound is an important symptom.

This pathology occurs as a result of mechanical trauma, hypothermia, vascular disorders, hemorrhage, nerve inflammation, neoplasm, and infectious damage to the membranes of the brain.

An important difference is the lack of dependence on blood pressure or ICP. That is, pain in the frontal part of the head depends entirely on mental and physical work.


These include various diseases that are associated with increased pressure in the eyes, which causes visual impairment, decreased sensitivity of the retina to light, and optic nerve atrophy.

Glaucoma is primarily divided into open-angle and closed-angle. If left untreated, eye disease pathology leads to blindness.

However, even modern therapy does not eliminate the disease, but only stops it. Sooner or later, the disease leads to loss of vision, which is associated with compression of the capillaries that nourish the retina.

A characteristic symptom of the pathology is eye pain, as well as redness due to vasodilation.

Increased ICP

Increased intracranial pressure is observed when the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is disrupted. Develops due to various pathologies.

In this case, the head hurts above the eye, in the back of the head and in all other places; it has a pressing or bursting character. Accompanied by nausea and photophobia. The pain increases sharply with sneezing and coughing.

The diagnosis is made by examining the fundus of the eye, where swelling of the blood vessels is detected.

Later, in the absence of treatment, the pain becomes unbearable, a person without drug support becomes irritable, depressed, and suicidal tendencies are possible.

If the pathology is not treated, the disease will lead to brain atrophy and death.

Causes of pain not related to pathologies

The occurrence of frequent and sometimes chronic pain in the facial part of the head or in the back of the head is often influenced by a number of reasons not related to any pathology. They are a consequence of the lifestyle of the patient himself:

  1. First of all, frequent pain can be a consequence of alcohol intoxication.
  2. The second common reason is smoking. A smoker's blood vessels often experience spasm, and hypoxia leads to pain not only in the head, but also in other organs.
  3. An abundance of fatty, fried and spicy foods in the human diet.
  4. In people engaged in physical labor, there is a frequent and sharp increase in blood pressure, hence the occurrence of pain in the occipital part of the head.
  5. Mental work, especially long-term work, often leads to chronic pain.
  6. Pain in the eyes and in the area around them is a consequence of prolonged work at a computer monitor.

What to do if the eyelid above the eye is swollen due to stye

The meibomian gland is responsible for producing fat necessary for the construction of the tear film. Its blockage leads to inflammation and the appearance of barley in one eyelid, less often - in two at once. It can appear on both the lower and upper eyelids. The disease can be treated quite well at home. However, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will still not hurt.

So, the eye is swollen due to stye: what to do? There are many traditional methods of getting rid of this problem. They all boil down to warming up the eyelid, which is swollen. This is usually done with a boiled egg or paraffin, but these methods are dangerous and ineffective. Heat can spread the infection even further and lead to the development of serious complications.

An eyelid that is swollen, red and painful should be treated with ointments with an antibacterial effect. They are applied to the eyelid and placed under it. It is important to maintain hand and face hygiene: otherwise, the infection will not be defeated.

Barley is often accompanied by blepharitis, an inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. To prevent its development, you need to wipe the edges of the eyelids with a special lotion.

Symptoms of diseases that cause pain above the eyebrow

Pain under the eyebrow or around the eye can be just one of many symptoms of various pathologies.

In some cases it acts as the main manifestation of the disease, and in others it is one of the last manifestations. It is important to pay attention to all symptoms as this will help make the correct diagnosis.

So, with pain around the eyes and eyebrows, the following accompanying symptoms may appear:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • photophobia;
  • swelling of the upper or lower eyelid;
  • noise in ears;
  • bleeding in the eye;
  • severe dizziness, often accompanied by vomiting;
  • loss of sleep;
  • loss of self-control;
  • chronic state of fatigue.


Severe pain between the eyebrows is caused by glaucoma, a chronic eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure.

It is estimated that almost 15% of blind people on earth are blind due to glaucoma.

Risk factors are:

  • Retirement age;
  • Diabetes;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Impaired functioning of the nervous system;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Contusions and much more.

Signs of glaucoma

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Pain, heaviness in the eyes;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Pain between the eyebrows and around the eyes;
  • Blurred vision.

Treatment options

To treat glaucoma, drops that lower blood pressure and drugs to improve blood circulation are used. If these methods do not bring positive results, the patient will require surgery.

Diagnostic measures to determine the causes of pain

If you have a headache above the eyebrow or around the eye, you should first be examined by a therapist.

He will be able to determine which specialist should be contacted. With such a disease, you may need to consult an otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, neurologist or trauma surgeon.

The patient is also sent for a number of tests and studies. A blood test is always done, and an x-ray examination of the cavities of the facial part of the skull is required.

An otolaryngologist can take samples of the nasal mucosa for bacterial culture. The ophthalmologist will examine the fundus of the eye. The neurologist will be interested in the result of the electroencephalogram. To complete the picture, you can do a CT scan of the head.

Treatment of pain around the eye and above the eyebrow

Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor after a detailed study of test results and various studies. Independent actions in this case are extremely dangerous for health and life itself.

However, if the area above the eyebrow is very painful, a number of over-the-counter pain medications can be used. These include drugs such as Analgin, Baralgin, Panadol, Efferalgan or Nurofen.

If it is known that the pain is nothing more than vasospasm, then Pentalgin, Sedalgin-Neo, Sedal-M or Tempanal are best suited. In any case, you should carefully read the instructions for these drugs in order to be prepared for possible side effects and to exclude an allergic reaction to the components that make up the drug.

If the use of drugs without a doctor’s prescription causes reasonable concern, you can try to relieve pain using a cold compress on the sore spot. But we must remember that even such a simple procedure can cause complications, for example, if the pain is caused by a cold of the ophthalmic nerve. In this case, a cold compress can make the situation worse.


The formation of unpleasant sensations during rhinitis or seasonal colds often goes unnoticed at the initial stage. However, it is imperative to pay attention to such a symptom, since painful sensations are the first signal of serious inflammation in the body. Often, pain between the eyebrows in the bridge of the nose occurs when bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the nasal cavity. This factor leads to acute rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. Don’t be one hundred percent sure that in your case the cause lies in mild inflammatory processes that tend to subside in the evening.

Incorrect or untimely diagnosis of inflammation can be the main cause of a serious process. The sooner you visit a therapist's office and determine the cause of the discomfort, the easier your treatment will be. Even at the diagnostic stage, the doctor will tell you how and how to treat a runny nose if your forehead hurts in the eyebrow area. By adhering to his advice, the patient will eliminate the source of inflammation and normalize his condition in a few days.

It is necessary to determine why the forehead hurts between the eyebrows and runny nose at the diagnostic stage. Do not ignore signs of pain, as the pain will only get worse as the process progresses. In rare cases, unpleasant sensations go away on their own and you should not rely on chance.


Pain between the eyebrows usually occurs due to prolonged rhinitis


The thing is that mucous secretions are localized over time not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the paranasal sinuses. Accumulating in this area, the patient’s symptoms of the disease increase.

Localized in the forehead or directly above the eyes, the pain only gets stronger over time and provokes sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, fatigue, lethargy, and weakness. In addition, as rhinitis progresses, the patient notes severe intoxication.

The formation of pain is caused by stagnation of fluid in the nasal cavity, which begins to put pressure on the lining of the brain. As a result, the patient feels severe pain.


Another cause of pain is intoxication

. This process is characterized as infection of the entire body with toxins released by pathogenic microorganisms. Penetrating the nasal mucosa, the patient develops serious functional damage, causing a number of acute symptoms.

Inflammatory processes

In addition, even at the diagnostic stage it is necessary to determine the presence or absence of infectious inflammation.


At this stage, the patient often has pain not only in the area between the eyebrows, but also in the ears and respiratory system.

Symptoms are typical for a cold or flu.

At this time, patients wonder why the forehead between the eyebrows hurts and there is no runny nose? Pain during a cold is only the first symptom of the disease. In subsequent stages, the pain becomes more acute.

In addition, patients complain of swelling of the mucous cavity, inability to maintain breathing through the nose, nasal congestion, poor health, and muscle pain.

You can understand that a patient is developing an acute inflammatory process by the following signs:

  • exacerbation of inflammation on the second or third day;
  • penetration of viruses into the nasopharyngeal cavity;
  • the formation of severe pain in the head;
  • increased pain on the street;
  • in the morning the patient notes the formation of copious amounts of mucous secretion;
  • with a sharp rise, the patient feels shooting sensations in the frontal sinus;
  • when turning the head or tilting it, the pain intensifies;
  • in case of cough, the patient is forced to hold his head up, as the pain becomes unbearable.

During such inflammation, urgent measures must be taken. Otherwise, the disease will invade nearby organs and provoke the formation of otitis media or sinusitis.


Often pain in the bridge of the nose occurs as a result of complications of rhinitis.

When the mucous secretion passes into the paranasal sinuses, a copious amount of viscous secretion accumulates in the patient’s maxillary cavity.

In this case, patients note a feeling of pressure in the bridge of the nose, and upon palpation a sharp pain is felt.

The disease is accompanied by copious mucous discharge, as well as fever, swelling of the mucous membrane and eyelids.

Frontitis, like other sinusitis inflammations, must be treated at the earliest stages.

If the treatment was not provided on time, then the patient experiences a lack of oxygen.

This factor, in turn, causes severe headaches.

You can get rid of pain in the head and bridge of the nose with conservative treatment.

In addition, the patient must adhere to bed rest and take plenty of water.

During treatment, the patient should not play sports or move actively. At the same time, the pain may increase due to prolonged reading, watching TV or a tablet, as well as when working on a computer or laptop for a long time.

To reduce the inflammatory process and reduce pain temporarily, it is necessary to reduce the load on the organ of vision.

In addition, the course of treatment includes taking anti-inflammatory medications, as well as antipyretics and painkillers.

Drug treatment

To reduce pain between the eyebrows and eliminate the source of inflammation, the patient is prescribed the following medications:

  1. Antibacterial drugs aimed at local effects. For a more serious process, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics - Cefazolin, Clarithromycin. These drugs will reduce the symptoms of inflammation, eliminate the outbreak, and also reduce the signs of intoxication.
  2. In addition to tablets, the patient is prescribed nasal drops containing antibiotics - Bioparox, Polydexa or Isofra are prescribed for local antimicrobial control.
  3. During the development of inflammation, it is important to rinse the nasal cavity daily with solutions based on sea salt - Aqua Maris, Aqualor, Dolphin, No-Sol.
  4. To restore nasal function, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed - Naphthyzin, or Nazivin. They are necessary to reduce mucous secretion and swelling in the mucous area.
  5. To get rid of inflammation, doctors prescribe antihistamines - Suprastin, Cetrilev, Claritin, Cetrin, Zyrtec. They help reduce swelling and improve nasal breathing. In addition, antihistamines improve the flow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses.
  6. To reduce the viscosity of the secretion, the patient is prescribed mucolytic agents.
  7. Pain in the bridge of the nose is usually accompanied by a strong increase in temperature. In this case, the patient is prescribed antipyretic medications - Nimesil, Ibuprofen.
  8. If pain occurs as a result of infection of the body, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs - Remantadine, Aflubin, Novirin.
  9. For a complete cure, the patient needs homeopathic medicines - Cinnabsin, Sinuforte. They will make breathing easier and reduce the amount of secretion released.

If the above therapy is ineffective, the patient may undergo surgery

. During the operation, the specialist pierces the paranasal sinuses and removes the accumulated pus that puts pressure on the bridge of the nose. Cleansing the sinuses leads to improved breathing and a rapid reduction in pain.


The cause of a condition where the sinuses on the forehead hurt can be sinusitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses, another name for them is the maxillary sinuses. The development of sinusitis is promoted by infectious diseases - influenza, measles or scarlet fever. It is caused by chronic runny nose. Decreased immune defense, structural features of the nose and sinuses, long-term treatment with antibiotics or hormonal drugs, long exposure to the cold, constant stress are favorable conditions for the development of sinusitis.

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With sinusitis, the following changes in well-being may occur::

  • there is a feeling of severe weakness, fatigue;
  • body temperature exceeds 38 degrees;
  • a headache occurs that becomes constant and intense;
  • there is a bursting pain in the sinuses of the nose - the front of the forehead hurts, it often radiates to the base of the nose and teeth;
  • any physical activity, cough, sudden movement of the head provokes increased pain in the frontal sinuses;
  • it becomes difficult to breathe through the nose;
  • mucus flows from the nose, it can be transparent or yellowish-purulent, it may contain blood impurities;
  • eyes begin to water;
  • tissue swelling occurs in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses;
  • The sense of smell is completely or partially lost.

To confirm sinusitis, you need to take a blood test and a nasal swab. The doctor examines the patient’s nose using a mirror and assesses the condition of his ears. To clarify the condition, it is necessary to take x-rays and sometimes computed tomography.

The disease is treated using complex therapy . Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment, means for intoxicating the body, and decongestants are prescribed. When purulent sinusitis develops, the nasal sinuses are punctured and mucus and pus are pumped out of them. Then a course of physiotherapy is required.

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