Ciprofloxacin eye and ear drops

To overcome such an insidious disease as sinusitis, doctors usually resort to homeopathic medicines, but they are often useless. Therefore, doctors prescribe more effective medications, namely antibiotics, to avoid sinus puncture.

Ciprofloxacin has a good effect on sinusitis.

Description of the drug

Ciprofloxacin is a drug whose spectrum of action is aimed at combating microorganisms and the drug is in the group of fluoroquinolones.

This type of drug can destroy not only active microorganisms, but also those that are in the incubation period. Also, aerobic gram-negative microbes, intracellular pathogens, and Eterobacteria are extremely sensitive to this medicine.

For the treatment of sinusitis, middle-aged patients and young people over 18 years of age are prescribed the drug to take two or one tablet twice a day. The duration of treatment is five to ten days.

Side effects

Typical side effects when using Ciprofloxacin include:

  • the occurrence of allergic reactions: redness, rash, itching, increased reaction to light;
  • restlessness, anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting.

Special instructions regarding the drug

  1. Taking Ciprofloxacin with simultaneous intake of alcohol is contraindicated.
  2. Can be purchased in pharmacies without providing a prescription from a doctor.
  3. Not addictive.
  4. The drug is prohibited for pregnant women in the first half of pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding.
  5. Not recommended for use by children under eighteen years of age.

How to take Ciprofloxacin for sinusitis?

Antibacterial therapy plays an important role in treating a patient with a bacterial infection.
Timely prescribed and adequately carried out use of antibiotics ensures a speedy recovery of the patient and prevents the occurrence of complications. Treatment of sinusitis mainly relies on the use of antimicrobial drugs such as Ciprofloxacin. The effect of the drug prevents the spread of the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses, as well as on the membranes of the brain.


As an alternative to Ciprofloxacin, patients can use other drugs with similar effects:

  • Floxal (Ofloxacin) - antimicrobial drops with a wide spectrum of effects. The active ingredient is Ofloxacil. The average price for 3 mg is 270 rubles.

An analogue of Ciprofloxacin is Floxal.

  • Tsiprolet - drops, the action of which is aimed at combating eye infections. The active ingredient is ciprofloxacin. The cost of a 5 ml bottle is about 64 rubles.
  • Dexamethasone - eye drops with the active ingredient dexamethasone, 0.1%. The average price for 5 mg is 59 rubles.
  • Levomycetin - drops that are suitable for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis. The active ingredient is chloramphenicol. On average, a 10 ml bottle costs 11 rubles.

Do not try to treat yourself with Ciprofloxacin and its analogues. User reviews indicate that improper use of the drug and failure to comply with contraindications negatively affect health.

What is the drug Ciprofloxacin?

Ciprofloxacin is a first generation fluoroquinol antibacterial drug. It is one of the most effective drugs in this group, and therefore is produced in many countries under different names (Quintor, Ciloxan, Cifran, Flaprox).

Many aerobic and intracellular pathogens are sensitive to Ciprofloxacin. Resistance to the drug develops extremely slowly, unlike other representatives of the fluoroquinol group.

Ciprofloxacin has the following properties:

  • bacteriostatic - disrupts DNA synthesis;
  • bactericidal - causes changes in the structure of the bacterium, which ensures its rapid destruction.

The drug begins to act a couple of hours after oral administration, and half an hour after parenteral administration. Cifprofloxacin has the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, it is used for infectious diseases of the brain and spinal cord, ENT organs, etc.

Use in special patient groups

Ciprofloxacin penetrates the blood-brain barrier and the placenta, so its use is strictly prohibited during pregnancy.

The drug also penetrates well into milk, so it cannot be used during breastfeeding. If such a reception is necessary, then lactation is interrupted for the duration of treatment and resumed only after the antibiotic is completely removed from the body.

Tsiprolet is not used to treat children and adolescents due to the increased risk of tendon ruptures. You can find information about the possibility of use from 12 or 15 years old. However, it is better to refrain from this until the age of 18, when the process of formation of the musculoskeletal system is completed.

Older people also have an increased risk of developing serious side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons when prescribing an antibiotic to such patients.

How to take medicine for sinusitis?

The drug is prescribed in tablet form (10-20 pieces in a cell package) in grams:

For a simple form of sinusitis, the doctor may prescribe 0.125-0.5 g (250-750 mg) of the drug 2 times a day . The daily dose of Ciprofloxacin should not exceed 1.5 g. Typically, the duration of therapy is from 7 to 10 days. The complicated form is treated for up to 4 weeks. The medicine should be taken before meals with a glass of water.

The dosage of Ciprofloxacin for sinusitis and the regimen of use are determined by the doctor strictly individually.

Ciprofloxacin ear drops - instructions for use

Many people often experience inflammation in the ears. They cause severe discomfort and very severe pain.

Otitis, conjunctivitis, barley, keratitis and other diseases are provoked by viral and infectious inflammation. If the disease is not treated, they can cause serious complications.

Today, every fifth child and every third adult suffer from ear and eye diseases. The most common inflammation is otitis media.

There are several types of otitis: external, middle and internal. Each type of this disease has its own symptoms and inflammation that need to be treated.

It is possible to provoke the appearance of the disease using various methods. The most common violation of safety precautions when cleaning ears is considered.

Typically, people use ear sticks to remove wax from their ears. Although, according to statistics, they are the ones who cause microcracks and injuries in the outer and middle ear, which provokes the appearance of bacteria.

In second place among the factors causing inflammation in the ear is a previous flu or cold.

Regardless of the disease, treatment must be prescribed by a qualified doctor.

About ciprofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin is used as ear drops. The ear canal is first carefully cleaned. The product, always at room temperature, is instilled into the ears, 4 drops, but not more than 4 times a day.

After using the drug, the patient takes a lying position for 15 minutes on the side opposite the affected ear.

In individual cases, a cotton swab with a medicinal composition is placed in the ear canal and left there until the next procedure. The course of treatment lasts up to 10 days, but can be extended as prescribed by a doctor.

The doctor may prescribe Ciprofloxacin-Acos for otitis media.

Ciprofloxacin-Akos is also effective for sinusitis, as confirmed by consumer reviews. The action of the drug is aimed at destroying bacterial microflora and relieves the disease in 5 - 10 days.

Drops should not be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • viral keratitis.

Ciprofloxacin is suitable for children and adults. It is permissible to use drops for a child whose age is more than 1 year.

About ciprofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin eye and ear drops have a number of


Taking Ciprofloxacin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with hypersensitivity to components and antibacterial drugs from the group of fluoroquinols (quinols);
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with functional disorders of the kidneys, with severe disorders of cerebral circulation and pathologies of cerebral vessels, with epilepsy and epileptic syndrome;
  • together with drugs that reduce gastric acidity, as well as with Tizanidine.

Ciprofloxacin nasal drops: can they be used in adults and children?

Long-term, difficult-to-treat forms of rhinitis and sinusitis of a bacterial nature are the basis for prescribing antibacterial drugs. Along with tablet and injection forms, medications with a local mechanism of action are used.

Ciprofloxacin is a drug characterized by a broad spectrum of action, effective against many pathogens of diseases of the ENT organs and respiratory system, and is used to treat inflammatory processes of the eyes. Available in solutions for parenteral administration, tablets, drops.

Quite often, knowing about the effectiveness of this drug, the question arises: is it possible to use Ciprofloxacin eye drops in the nose as a local antibiotic for rhinitis and sinusitis.

About the drug

The official instructions do not regulate the use of Ciprofloxacin in the nose. Despite the fact that there are opponents of such prescriptions, practical experience shows that the drug can be quite effective in combating severe manifestations of inflammatory bacterial diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses.

Ciprofloxacin (eye and ear drops) is an antibacterial drug. Belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It is a 0.3% antibiotic solution. Recommended for local medicinal use in the treatment of ENT diseases and eye diseases.

Mechanism of action

The main therapeutic effect of this antibacterial drug is due to the ability to disrupt the synthesis of the cellular DNA molecule of bacteria, preventing their growth and division. In addition, it has a destructive effect on the structures of microbial cell membranes, leading to their death.

Important differences between Ciprofloxacin and other antibacterial drugs are:

  • Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.
  • The most pronounced effect is on Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Klebsiella, various types of Proteus, Campylobacter, Enterobacter. Effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has a bactericidal effect on gram-negative microorganisms, leading to their death.
  • It has a pronounced effect against gram-positive pathogenic organisms that are in the stage of active division, such as: various types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, some intracellular microbes (chlamydia, mycoplasma, listeria, mycobacterium tuberculosis).
  • Quite rarely, microorganisms develop resistant forms when Ciprofloxacin is used as a therapeutic agent. This property is due to the peculiarities of the chemical structure of the antibiotic.
  • It has low toxicity to body tissues.
  • When drops are instilled, the main therapeutic effects develop locally; the drug is practically not absorbed into the blood and has no systemic effect on the body.

Ciprofloxacin is an antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action, effective against a fairly large number of bacterial infections.


The drug is recommended for use for various bacterial infections of the eyes and ears, according to the instructions. The purpose of the drops is shown:

  1. For conjunctivitis, blepharitis, after traumatic injury to the eye, accompanied by an acute inflammatory reaction.
  2. As an effective means of therapy and prevention of infections before and after ophthalmic surgery.
  3. For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the external ear.
  4. Used for the treatment of infectious complications after operations on the auricle and ear canal.

The main condition for the use of the drug is the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to Ciprofloxacin. Like any antibacterial drug, it is advisable to prescribe it after receiving the results of culture of the inflammatory discharge on nutrient media.


Situations when the drug should not be prescribed:

  1. Hypersensitivity to Ciprofloxacin is an absolute contraindication for its use.
  2. Ciprofloxacin has no effect on viruses. This means that prescribing it for inflammatory diseases of non-bacterial origin has no therapeutic meaning.
  3. Prescribing the medicine to children under one year of age is contraindicated.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the prescription of a drug is possible only after assessing all the potential risks of its use.

Is it possible to drip the drug into the nose?

The decision on the possibility of local use of antibiotics is made by the attending physician based on the clinical manifestations of the disease, a balanced assessment of the patient’s condition, indications and contraindications.

The advantages of such therapy are the absence or minimal manifestations of the general effect of the drug on the body.

Local use of antibiotics in the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis using nasal sprays, drops, ointments is possible subject to certain conditions:

  • The inflammatory process must certainly be caused by bacterial flora: antibacterial drugs are ineffective against viruses.
  • The choice of antibiotic is based on the results of culture of the discharge and determination of the sensitivity of the microbe to drugs.

Despite the absence of direct instructions in the instructions about the possibility of using the medicine for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, the attending physician may recommend instilling Ciprofloxacin into the nose.

As a rule, these are special cases when the ineffectiveness of other drugs has been proven, there are no indications for prescribing an antibiotic parenterally or orally, and the pathological process in the nasal cavity is caused by microorganisms sensitive to Ciprofloxacin.

Adverse reactions

When using a drug for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, undesirable effects may occur:

  • The appearance of an allergic reaction, manifested by itching, redness, swelling of the mucous membranes, and skin rashes.
  • Dry mucous membranes, bitterness in the mouth, and dyspeptic disorders are possible when the drug is swallowed.
  • The emergence of resistant forms of bacteria, the development of superinfection.

Strict adherence to the dosage regimen, dosage, and doctor’s recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of unwanted side effects of the drug.

How to use?

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Neither a child nor an adult patient should have Ciprofloxacin dripped into their nose without a doctor’s advice.

Such actions can lead to the emergence of forms of microorganisms resistant to antibacterial therapy, which will provoke a worsening of the situation.

Only a doctor can recommend an adequate dosage of medication and regimen of use. It should be understood that the administration of Ciprofloxacin into the nose is an extreme situation.


Side effects

Ciprofloxacin may have the following side effects:

  • nervous system - headache, dizziness, insomnia, migraine, increased ICP, IOP, fainting, profuse sweat, increased photosensitivity, among more severe complications - depression, hallucinations, blood clots in the arteries of the brain;
  • Gastrointestinal organs - dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pain, flatulence), as well as hepatitis, necrosis of hepatocytes, yellowness of the sclera and mucous membranes;
  • urinary system - impaired urination in the form of increased frequency;
  • cardiovascular system – hypotension, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • hematopoietic system - an increase or decrease in the number of leukocytes, a decrease in the level of platelets and red blood cells in the blood, as well as the occurrence of a hemolytic form of anemia;
  • musculoskeletal system - muscle pain, arthritis, tendon ruptures.

Allergic reactions are quite common :

  • itching;
  • hives;
  • allergic fever;
  • vasculitis;
  • Quincke's edema, etc.

Ciprofloxacin for sinusitis: reviews

Svetlana, 29 years old, Yekaterinburg: “I often suffer from colds. I don't go to the doctor. Recently the condition began to worsen. I felt exhausted, my temperature stayed at 37.3-37.5 0 C for a week. The doctor diagnosed me with maxillary sinusitis. He prescribed medications and prescribed Ciprofloxacin. I thought the treatment would cost a pretty penny. But it turned out cheap and cheerful. The sinusitis went away in just a week. The only thing that was unpleasant was that throughout the entire appointment I constantly felt sick and had a twisting stomach.”

Margarita, 35 years old, St. Petersburg: “I always use Ciprofloxacin to treat otitis, sinusitis, etc. The drug always helps me. Many of my friends refuse to use it, complaining of bloating and rashes, but I have never had any complications. The drug was always well tolerated."

Alexander, 40 years old, Nizhny Novgorod: “A friend recommended ciprofloxacin instead of an expensive drug prescribed by a doctor. I liked the medicine. The price is reasonable, there are only 10 tablets in the package, just enough for one course of treatment. The only thing was that sometimes I had diarrhea. But I believe this is incomparable to the fact that Ciprofloxacin effectively cures sinusitis.”

The use of Ciprofloxacin for sinusitis must be competent: it must be taken at the appointed time and strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage. It is worth remembering that this is a drug whose action is aimed at cell death, and the cells of the body also suffer to some extent. Therefore, it should not be taken until the diagnosis is confirmed and the bacterial nature of the infection is confirmed.

Is it possible to take ciprofloxacin for a cold –

Indications, for what, how to take:

  • 1. For cystitis
  • 2. For sore throat
  • 3. For prostatitis
  • 4. For the flu
  • 5. For colds and ARVI
  • 6. For sinusitis
  • 7. For pyelonephritis
  • 8. For otitis media
  • 9. In veterinary medicine – for cats and dogs
  • 10. In gynecology
  • 11. For urethritis
  • 12. For bronchitis

The active ingredient is ciprofloxacin INN. As well as a number of excipients, such as cellulose, potato starch, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, hydrochloride.

Ciprofloxacin analogues

The product has a sufficient number of substitutes, some of them are cheaper.

Analogues: lekhim, tsifran, ofloxacin, ciprolet, levofloxacin, doxycycline, promed, tinidazole, metronidazole, oithromycin, amoxilav, ceftriaxone. Taking synonymous drugs at the same time is not recommended. Brand names may vary between pharmacies. Compatibility with alcohol or whether you can drink it during the treatment period is not recommended.

Ciprofloxacin antibiotic or not?

The drug belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Effective against many grams of positive and negative bacteria. Widely used to treat animals with otitis. The mechanism of action has been widely studied.

Macrolides: alternative drugs of choice

Macrolides can safely be called the drugs of choice along with penicillin antibiotics. The doctor's gaze inevitably falls on them in cases where the patient is allergic to penicillins. In addition, macrolides are selected if the patient has already taken penicillin group medications over the previous three months.

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Prescribed for inflammatory processes of the maxillary sinuses, as a rule, is one of the two most effective macrolides - Azithromycin and Clarithromycin.


The famous antibiotic, which patients often describe as a 3-tablet drug for the treatment of sinusitis and other infections, is Azithromycin.

The drug has a long half-life, making it possible to take the drug once a day.

The positive aspects of the drug are also its wide spectrum of action - all microorganisms that cause sinusitis are sensitive to Azithromycin - and relative safety.

The antibiotic's effect on the fetus belongs to a very reliable category B - it is used during pregnancy if the risk for the mother is greater than for the child. Azithromycin rarely develops addiction, and even regular use for several months does not increase the likelihood of developing resistant strains of bacteria.

Among the common analogues of azithromycin, Sumamed, is the original medicine of the Croatian company Pliva, the Serbian Hemomycin and many drugs under the trade name Azithromycin, produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers.


Unlike Azithromycin, clarithromycin preparations belong to category C for their effect on the fetus, so they cannot be taken during pregnancy. In addition, clarithromycin has a shorter half-life than azithromycin. This antibiotic is not prescribed for children under six months of age, but otherwise both macrolide drugs are very similar.

Clarithromycin is used in an average dosage of 500 mg twice a day; the duration of antibiotic therapy for acute sinusitis largely depends on its severity. Usually 10–14 days are enough to completely defeat the bacteria.

The original drug Klacid from the French company Abbott is considered to be of the highest quality. More economical analogues include Slovak Fromilid, Clarithromycin Zentiva and other products.

If, after two to three days of antibiotic therapy for acute bacterial sinusitis, relief from unpleasant symptoms does not occur, the drug is considered ineffective and is changed to alternative, so-called second-line medications. First of all, this group includes:

  • cephalosporins (two generations - second and third);
  • fluoroquinolones.

Thus, in case of acute inflammation there is no particular problem in choosing antibiotics: clear schemes are written, and the doctor moves along them, like steps. There is no reaction to the drugs of choice (first-line therapy) - the doctor is obliged to replace the antibiotic with a second-line agent.

The selection of antibiotics for chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is mostly a creative process of the doctor himself.

In many ways, the difficulty of choice is due to the fact that bacterial infection during a long-term process is a controversial and completely unproven phenomenon.

In any case, if protected penicillins do not produce results in chronic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the doctor does not have a clear mechanism of action.

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What antibiotics represent the second, alternative, line of treatment for chronic sinusitis and the treatment of its acute form, and how to take them correctly?


Cephalosporin antibiotics are structurally and pharmacologically close to drugs of the penicillin group. They even contain that same ill-fated beta-lactam ring in their structure, so microorganisms that produce penicillinases (enzymes that destroy the antibiotic ring) are resistant to their action. There are four generations of cephalosporins.

For the treatment of both acute and long-term inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, only second and third generation drugs are prescribed. The activity and spectrum of these agents are in general very similar. However, second-generation products have a significant drawback: tablets and syrups have extremely low bioavailability.

Some drugs are absorbed by less than 50%. By the way, despite this fact, domestic doctors are very fond of prescribing oral cephalosporins, and this affection causes bewilderment among pharmacologists.

Well, our doctors’ devotion to third-generation injectable cephalosporins (that is, antibiotics in injections) is known to every patient who has suffered from a sore throat, pneumonia, sinusitis and many other infectious pathologies.

Among the popular antibiotics of this group are representatives of the second generation Cefuroxime (trade names Aksetin, Zinnat), Cefixime (Ixim, Suprax, Cefspan). Third generation drugs include Ceftriaxone (Medaxone, Tercef, Cefson) and Ceclor (Alphacet).


Drugs in this group are distinguished by a wide spectrum of action and high activity. They are prescribed empirically to patients resistant to antibiotics of other groups. The negative side of these drugs is their ability to disrupt the synthesis of cartilage tissue, and therefore they are contraindicated in children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

The group of fluoroquinolones is represented by:

  • Levofloxacin (trade names Glevo, Levolet, Signicef, Tavanik - the original drug - and others). Levofloxacin works well for acute sinusitis caused by streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella. It is believed that the bioavailability of the tablet form of the drug reaches 99%.
  • Ciprofloxacin (Ciprinol, Tsiprobay, Tsifran, Tsiprolet);
  • Moxifloxacin (the only drug is the original Avelox).

Ciprofloxacin instructions for use

The dosage of the drug depends on the type of disease, as well as the weight and age of the patient. For adults with acute viral diseases, it is necessary to calculate the dose up to 500 mg 2 times a day.

In especially severe cases, you can increase the dose to 750 mg.

For older patients, a smaller amount of the drug should be taken to avoid additional stress on the heart muscle.

For children with diseases of the genitourinary system, FPO is indicated at the age of 1 to 12 years. Children who have inflammation of the respiratory system are recommended for use only from 5 years of age. The dosage is calculated depending on the child’s body weight.

Tablets 500 mg how to drink, dosage

The tablets should be taken before meals. For cystitis in women and men, take 500 mg. once a day. In complicated cases, the drug is taken 2 times a day. To prevent invasive infections, take 500 mg. per day.

Eye drops

It is a yellow antibacterial solution that is dropped into the eyes to destroy the DNA of pathogens and bacteria. Able to slow down their reproduction and growth. Accepted by the course.

Ciprofloxacin instructions for use eye drops

It is used for various eye diseases such as conjunctivitis, meibomitis, bacterial inflammation of the cornea, therapy after operations and surgical interventions, in the nose. Patients with circulatory disorders and cancer should take it with caution.

For cystitis


Acute sinusitis, nothing helps at all (((

2t. Zrd. 10 days. Erius 1t. at night for 10 days. Nazivin nasal spray 2a>d. 7 days. Aqua-Maris nasal spray rear. 10 days. This prescription was prescribed to me for acute upper bilateral sinusitis. Plus I also did the cuckoo 10 times.

Zetamax Retard. Dilute according to instructions. Drink (once). And after 4 hours you forget about the pain, and the next day you forget about your sinusitis. Or sumamed 500 mg, 1 tablet once a day. The course is 3-5 days, depending on your condition. My son was prescribed sumamed 1000 mg by ENT, apparently everything was neglected. He drank for 3 days. And rinse your nose more often with either saline solution or just salt water: 1 small teaspoon of salt per 0.5 liter of boiled water. I rinse my nose at least twice during the day. ALWAYS. And during the cold season up to 10-12 times a day. Moreover, I wash it without any Dolphins, because... Twice it was with them that she “soaked up” her sinusitis. So I threw this device away and forgot about it. I do it simply - I pour saline solution into my palm, put my nose in it, sniff the solution through my nostrils and immediately blow it into the sink. And so 2-3 times. It's only scary the first time. Don't worry, you will succeed. I've been washing my nose this way for 8 years now. No punctures or cuckoos. It just needs to be done systematically every day. And if you are allergic, then allergens are washed out of your nose this way. Well, if you have a predisposition to sinusitis, take care of yourself, try not to get too cold. A hat/beret/kerchief are your best friends!

He is Goga, he is Gosha (c). How I saved money and got rid of my sinusitis.

I have already written a review about how I overcame my protracted sinusitis and sinusitis using the “cuckoo” procedure. But she had partners, which I will be happy to tell you about.

The doctors at the private clinic did not prescribe any antibiotic for me. No temperature? The body will handle it on its own. And the fact that my face and temples were breaking from pain did not bother them.

As a result, I looked through the home medicine cabinet and found the trusty Tsifran there. When I had cystitis, one tablet was enough to get rid of the sore. A short course after gynecological cleansing seven years ago saved me from unpleasant consequences. In addition, all papillomas in the intimate area disappeared (seriously, after it!).

As luck would have it, there were only two tablets left. I came to the pharmacy, where the pharmacist examined me closely. I asked who prescribed it and why I was taking it. I say with an honest face that ENT. From sinusitis. Drink. But they run out - I show the packaging.

Strictly with antibiotics without a prescription, yes.

But they believed me. But they say no Cifran, there is Ciprofloxacin. The same thing, but costs 35 rubles. I'll take it, of course!

The dosage is the same. The tablets look the same.

I took the course for five days and didn’t experience a single side effect. True, I drank it with a prebiotic together.

All residual symptoms of sinusitis disappeared on the third day.

I don’t encourage you to take it without a doctor’s prescription, but I know how effectively it works.

Reviews about Ciprofloxacin

No matter how much you want to get sick, there come times when conventional treatment does not produce results. In such cases, it is necessary to seek help from antibiotics. Ciprofloxacin is an inexpensive but effective antibiotic. Before taking, read the instructions for use.

Medicines belonging to the group of antibiotics should not be taken in vain. An attempt to fight a common cold with their help can result in serious problems with other organs. Too much risk is not justified by a goal that can be achieved using softer methods.

Returning from the dacha, I felt seriously unwell. I caught a cold and was bitten badly by mosquitoes. Since the redness and swelling from mosquito bites lasted for several days, I consulted a doctor. He, probably wanting to save me from all my problems at once, recommended this remedy to me.

Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system. It is also used for bacterial damage to bone and muscle tissue, and skin.

The drug is considered effective and acceptable for use by cancer patients. But the large list of contraindications and possible adverse reactions is alarming. This drug reduces the body’s resistance to fungal diseases and can cause problems with the liver and kidneys.

Ciprofloxacin should be taken on an empty stomach, 2 times a day, one tablet, so that the drug is better absorbed. The tablets taste bitter, and after taking them an unpleasant aftertaste is felt for a long time.

I didn't dare take the full course. When on the fifth day the cold subsided and the effects of the mosquito bites passed, I stopped taking the drug. It is too risky to treat such diseases with an antibiotic.

  • Highly effective in treating urinary tract
  • Price
  • Didn't cause any side effects
  • No body addiction

In order to cure a relapse of chronic pyelonephritis, complex treatment is necessary, and very expensive. Without an antibiotic, this infection cannot be suppressed. Relapse of pyelonephritis occurs 2 times a year and always occurs from severe stress or hypothermia.

To treat this disease, I bought the drug Ciprofloxacin, which is considered an effective antibacterial drug for the treatment of the urinary tract, especially for pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis.

Chronic pyelonephritis cannot be cured, but with proper treatment, you can forget about its existence for a long time. I took this antibiotic, 1 tablet 250 mg 2 times a day, 30 minutes after meals.

In combination with an antibiotic, I took herbal medications to provide a diuretic effect and protect the liver from drugs and toxins. After treatment, chronic pyelonephritis disappeared for six months. This is an excellent result for me, because before this, I was sick much more often.

I did not notice any side effects during treatment. Despite the low cost of the drug, the effect is simply remarkable. Also, this antibiotic does not cause addiction to the body, compared to other drugs. I recommend Ciprofloxacin as an inexpensive and effective antibacterial drug.

  1. No side effects were observed.
  2. Availability in the pharmacy network.
  3. Dosage.
  1. The drug didn't help me.

Several years ago I fell ill with lacunar tonsillitis. It was summer. Most likely he caught a cold. After examining me, the therapist prescribed me this antibiotic. I don’t know what the doctor was guided by, but this antibiotic did not suit me at all.

I started taking it immediately the same day I bought it at the pharmacy with a prescription. Oddly enough, it was in stock at the first pharmacy I came across.

For three days I took 1 tablet 3 times a day according to the regimen. But, unfortunately, there was no improvement. The signs of sore throat were and still are. Except there was no temperature. But the sore throat, sore throat and plaque did not go away.

I went back to my GP and said that I was not seeing any improvement with this drug. Then he consulted with an ENT doctor and I was prescribed antibiotics in the form of injections. Which helped me.

In this case, I think this antibiotic was not suitable for me due to the fact that I was prescribed it without testing the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics. Since not all antibiotics can destroy pathogenic microflora.

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Therefore, I remember this drug as ineffective. Although I did not observe any side effects from it while taking it.

Wide range of indications for use

I think every person in his life is faced with some kind of disease and its consequences. I have a hard time believing those people who, for the sake of antlers, begin to pretend to be a bewildered lucky person who has never been sick with anything and does not understand what they are talking about.

Everyone gets sick periodically. For example, hypothermia in the same river or even sea water can lead to cystitis. It would seem like a small thing, but a very unpleasant one. Abdominal pain, difficulty urinating, increased body temperature, and so on.

Or, say, a person has suffered from acute respiratory viral infection and cannot get rid of a debilitating cough. You never know what happens in life when simple fruit drinks and tea with honey won’t help. There is only one way out - you need to take antibacterial agents.

Of course, after consultation with your doctor. It is no secret that the same drug may not be suitable for different people. For example, the penicillin series in some cases can even lead to death.

But around the end of the 20th century, medicine has advanced so far that a new generation of antibiotics has been developed and can be safely used. I include this very drug as such.

I first met him in the early 2000s. I remember they were diagnosed with inflammation of the appendages. At that time, this medicine had just begun to appear on our market and was called differently.

Because it was originally of imported origin and only the most advanced and qualified specialists knew about it. He was recommended to me, so to speak, through an acquaintance. I can honestly say that I was amazed.

The action began almost immediately. Already on the 3rd day I felt much better. Years passed and I was faced with a terrible cough that did not go away at all. All my attempts to do without antibiotics were unsuccessful.

To be honest, this is what we can say. Its action is somewhat weaker than that of the original. But generally it’s the same thing. It will just be a little slower to help. Of course, if I get sick again, I would prefer the first option.

But, given how much the prices for medicines have risen recently, I won’t refuse this very medicine. It has very few side effects. More precisely, I didn’t have one at all. So we can safely recommend it in case of illness. The spectrum is very wide, and the effect is very positive without any consequences.

Composition of ciprofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones. It is part of the medicine Tsiprolet. It is produced by the international pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddy'sLaboratories, headquartered in India. The active ingredient of the drug is ciprofloxacin.

One tablet may contain 250 mg or 500 mg of ciprofloxacin. Additional ingredients in the medicine include:

One bottle of liquid form contains 2 mg of ciprofloxacin per 1 ml, sodium chloride and water.

Composition and principle of action

The main active component of the drug is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The following are used as additional substances:

  • disodium salt;
  • beckons;
  • anhydrous sodium acetate;
  • acetic acid;
  • purified water.

Eye drops Ciprofloxacin is a medicine with antibacterial properties, part of the group of fluoroquinolones. The active substance penetrates bacteria and prevents their further reproduction. This leads to suppression of the source of infection and inflammation.

Ciprofloxacin's chemical characteristics are incompatible for use with alkaline solutions.

Pharmacological action of ciprofloxacin

Ciprofloxacin, entering the blood, destroys the reproduction of DNA in the cell of a pathogenic bacterium or virus. The drug is effective against almost all pathological microflora, being one of the most powerful antibiotics. Bacteria get used to it slowly and not immediately. The medicine is easily absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract. Maximum blood levels are achieved in just 1-2 hours. The drug leaves the body within 24 hours through the urinary system.

The drug has an effect on

  • Gardnerella vaginalis;
  • Lamblia spp.;
  • Entamoeba histolytica;
  • Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • Bacteroides spp.;
  • Veillonella spp.;
  • Giardia intestinalis;
  • Fusobacterium spp.;
  • Prevotella (bivia, buccae, disiens).

Ciprofloxacin is also effective against a number of gram-positive microbes, which include:

  • Clostridium spp.;
  • Peptostreptococcus spp.;
  • Eubacter spp.;
  • Peptococcus spp.

It is able to enhance the effect of other antibiotics in the presence of mixed pathogenic microflora in the tests.

Mechanism of action

The main therapeutic effect of this antibacterial drug is due to the ability to disrupt the synthesis of the cellular DNA molecule of bacteria, preventing their growth and division. In addition, it has a destructive effect on the structures of microbial cell membranes, leading to their death.

Important differences between Ciprofloxacin and other antibacterial drugs are:

  • Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.
  • The most pronounced effect is on Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Klebsiella, various types of Proteus, Campylobacter, Enterobacter. Effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It has a bactericidal effect on gram-negative microorganisms, leading to their death.
  • It has a pronounced effect against gram-positive pathogenic organisms that are in the stage of active division, such as: various types of staphylococcus, streptococcus, some intracellular microbes (chlamydia, mycoplasma, listeria, mycobacterium tuberculosis).

Ciprofloxacin is an antibacterial agent with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action, effective against a fairly large number of bacterial infections.

How to take ciprofloxacin for various forms of sinusitis

Ciprofloxacin and its analogues are prescribed when microbes are accustomed to less strong antibiotics. The doctor always prescribes such a medicine with caution, as it has many side effects.

In the treatment of purulent acute and chronic forms, the drug shows good results. It quickly travels through the bloodstream to sites of inflammation and accurately affects the infected area. This drug makes it possible to effectively fight microbes in a place where they are localized in large numbers. It is usually not used in early forms of sinus disease.

Ciprofloxacin for sinusitis

To overcome such an insidious disease as sinusitis, doctors usually resort to homeopathic medicines, but they are often useless. Therefore, doctors prescribe more effective medications, namely antibiotics, to avoid sinus puncture.

Ciprofloxacin has a good effect on sinusitis.

Description of the drug

Ciprofloxacin is a drug whose spectrum of action is aimed at combating microorganisms and the drug is in the group of fluoroquinolones.

This type of drug can destroy not only active microorganisms, but also those that are in the incubation period. Also, aerobic gram-negative microbes, intracellular pathogens, and Eterobacteria are extremely sensitive to this medicine.

For the treatment of sinusitis, middle-aged patients and young people over 18 years of age are prescribed the drug to take two or one tablet twice a day. The duration of treatment is five to ten days.

Side effects

Typical side effects when using Ciprofloxacin include:

  • the occurrence of allergic reactions: redness, rash, itching, increased reaction to light;
  • restlessness, anxiety;
  • dizziness;
  • fatigue;
  • depression;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea, sometimes vomiting.

Sources used:

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Contraindications and side effects

The medicine has many contraindications and restrictions on use due to its strong effect on infected tissues of the body. You should not take it if:

  • hypersensitivity to fluoroquinolones;
  • intolerance to the auxiliary component;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding babies;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • diagnosed tendonitis that developed due to the use of fluoroquinolones.

Selectively should be prescribed to patients who have:

  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • joint diseases;
  • neuromuscular disorders;
  • tendon problems;
  • diabetes.

Ciprofloxacin is well tolerated by people without severe pathologies of important organs and systems. The most common side effects from taking it are diarrhea and stomach upset. But side effects are also possible

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