Bronchopneumonia in children - treatment: medications, recipes

Focal pneumonia, or bronchopneumonia, is an inflammatory disease that affects small areas of the lung. Most often, bronchopneumonia develops in young children (up to 2-3 years). In today's article we will talk in more detail about this disease, consider the symptoms, causes and methods of treating the pathology. Recommendations for the treatment of bronchopneumonia from such a famous children's doctor and TV presenter as Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky will also be given.

Bronchopneumonia in children requires adequate and timely treatment, otherwise the outcome of the disease can be tragic. Therefore, parents should take this disease seriously and take action at the first symptoms of the disease.

Causes of pathology

Bronchopneumonia, or focal pneumonia, develops in children when exposed to various bacteria and viruses. Most often, this disease is preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection. For example, the disease can be provoked by bronchitis or ARVI. The most common pathogens are streptococci, pneumococci and many viruses.

Pneumonia can also develop when food enters the respiratory tract, compression of the lungs by a tumor, inhalation of toxic gases, and also due to surgery.

Consequences of the disease

The consequences caused by bronchopneumonia in children are very depressing. The main danger is death. During the action of bacteria, the vessels of the respiratory tract swell, interfering with normal air flow, which can result in asphyxia.

To prevent it, you need the help of a specialist who is able to relieve the edematous reaction and prescribe the necessary treatment for bronchopneumonia in children.

Long-term lack of treatment results in various lung diseases of a purulent, chronic nature: nephritis, purulent otitis media, pleurisy and others. In addition, focal pneumonia in children leads to severe intoxication of the body.

Pathogenic bacteria can cause harm with their metabolic products. Due to the presence of infectious and bacterial agents, gas exchange in the lungs is significantly disrupted, which leads to intoxication, oxygen starvation, and the appearance of convulsions.

An unpleasant symptom that accompanies mainly newborn children is convulsions. At this moment, the child experiences pain and severe shortness of breath. With the onset of such a symptom, immediate assistance is required. Specialists will conduct an examination and prescribe how to treat bronchopneumonia in children. An advanced disease most likely causes heart failure, which is accompanied by tachycardia.

Extensive areas of inflammation lead to a large amount of scarring of the lung tissue. In childhood, this pathology will be especially unnecessary. Scarred tissue does not cause physical discomfort, but the protective functions of the bronchi may be impaired. There is a possibility of private diseases of the respiratory system.

Bronchopneumonia: symptoms

In children, this pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pale skin;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • cough (both wet and dry) with sputum;
  • shortness of breath;
  • rapid heartbeat up to 110 beats per minute;
  • wheezing when listening with a stethoscope;
  • leukocytosis (increased white blood cells);
  • increased ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • an increase in body temperature to 39 ºС.

bronchopneumonia in children treatment

Foci of inflammation are usually concentrated in the bronchioles and are present either in both lungs (most often) or in one of them. Based on this, the child is diagnosed with right-sided bronchopneumonia, left-sided or bilateral. Foci of inflammation can only be detected using radiography. Most often in pediatrics, bilateral bronchopneumonia occurs in a child. With timely treatment, this pathology can be successfully treated.

Bronchopneumonia is the most dangerous in children without fever, although this condition is quite rare. The fact is that this particular form of the disease most often goes unnoticed by parents. Due to the lack of adequate treatment, the process is delayed and aggravated. Parents should be alert to any deviations in the child’s behavior and well-being. This is the only way to detect the disease and begin treatment on time, thus protecting the baby from serious consequences.


It is worth saying that the symptoms of this type of pneumonia depend on the reasons why it occurs. The symptoms of this disease are much clearer than pneumonia itself. In the event that an adult or child exhibits at least 3 symptoms, there is a possibility that the doctor will diagnose hilar pneumonia:

  • special wheezing in the lungs;
  • rise in body temperature, which does not go down even with the use of potent medications;
  • severe cough, which can be either with sputum coming out in significant quantities or dry; profuse runny nose;
  • severe and frequent sore throat;
  • chills and weakness.

mother with child

Hilar pneumonia in children and adults is divided into 2 forms:

  1. Inflammatory. It occurs quickly, but gradually pneumonia enters the compaction phase and resolves.
  2. Tumor-like. It proceeds very slowly and almost unnoticeably. In this case, the root quickly acquires polycyclic, tuberous shapes.

Hilar pneumonia has varieties depending on where it is located:

  1. Left-handed. This pneumonia is found very rarely. This type of hilar pneumonia is often associated with the fact that the bronchi have a narrow and long shape.
  2. Right-handed. It occurs very often. Everything is connected only with the structure of the bronchi. The right section of the bronchi is wide and short in shape, so all kinds of infections penetrate through it, since there are no obstacles for them.

Possible complications

Provided timely and high-quality treatment, the child will recover after 2-3 weeks. If treatment is delayed or carried out incorrectly, bronchopneumonia can cause serious complications, namely:

  • purulent otitis;
  • serous, or purulent, pleurisy;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • nephritis.

the child has right-sided pneumonia

Prognosis and complications

If the disease is diagnosed on time and treated correctly, the prognosis is favorable. After an illness, the child is registered by a doctor for a while. It carries the goal of preventing relapse.

The hilar variant of pneumonia can cause great complications, especially for children. Heart problems can be in the form of myocarditis or endocarditis. After an illness, an abscess may form in the root area. The result of pneumonia can be exudative pleurisy. And the most serious complication that can lead to death is heart and lung failure.

Bronchopneumonia in children: treatment

During such a difficult period, the baby needs special attention and proper care. This disease is very serious, so parents should definitely know how to treat bronchopneumonia in children.

Based on the results of blood tests and x-rays, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Therapy is aimed primarily at resolving inflammatory foci. Antibiotics should be prescribed only in severe cases - this is what the famous children's doctor E. O. Komarovsky insists on. Bronchopneumonia in children, if it is caused by viral diseases, should be treated with antiviral drugs. Antibiotics in this case will not only be ineffective, but can also cause serious complications. But in some situations you still cannot do without such potent medications. If the child’s temperature is very high, signs of intoxication are observed, the child is weakened, the use of antibiotics is justified. However, only a specialist should prescribe the required dose of medication. Self-medication can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child. Dr. Komarovsky also points out the advisability of physiotherapeutic procedures and adherence to a diet. Regardless of whether the child has right-sided, left-sided or bilateral bronchopneumonia, treatment should be comprehensive and symptomatic, depending on the cause of the disease.

Therapy at home

Treatment of a typical form of bronchopneumonia can be carried out at home; more complex cases should be treated in a hospital. This is due to the fact that the outcome of some forms of the disease can be fatal, so constant monitoring by a specialist is very important. If bronchopneumonia is diagnosed in children, treatment should begin by contacting a pulmonologist (a specialist who deals with lung diseases). After consultation with a doctor, folk remedies can also be used to treat the disease.

bronchopneumonia symptoms in children

Diagnosis of bronchopneumonia

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will need to do the following:

  1. Examination of a small patient. It includes an assessment of general external health. This is done based on the above symptoms.
  2. Purpose of tests. When tested, an increase in ESR, leukocytosis, and neutrophilia are usually observed.
  3. Radiology. An image is the most objective and revealing study for this disease. It shows homogeneous opacities that are located near the root of the lung.

Read: Treatment of jaundice in newborns at home: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Bronchopneumonia can only be diagnosed based on the totality of all the symptoms and the results of examinations, and this is done by a specialist.

Alternative medicine

Traditional medicine recipes will help improve your child’s well-being and speed up the healing process.

Honey and birch buds

Heat 750 g of buckwheat honey (if you don’t have it, you can use regular honey) over low heat, bring it to a boil. Add 100 g of birch buds to honey. Stir the mixture thoroughly and keep on low heat for 7-8 minutes. Afterwards, strain the mixture and cool. Dilute a teaspoon of the resulting mixture in a glass of boiled water and give it to the child 30 minutes before bedtime.


Collect plantain leaves, wash them thoroughly, squeeze and dry for some time. Then spread a large towel or sheet on the bed and spread plantain leaves on top in an even layer. Place the baby on top of them with his back, and attach the remaining leaves to his chest. Then wrap the child well in a woolen blanket and leave it there all night. This procedure should be carried out as many times as necessary.

Tar water

Pour 500 ml of medical tar into a sterile 3-liter jar, add boiling water to the top, close tightly and leave for 9 days in a warm place. Give a teaspoon of the resulting composition to the child before bedtime. The taste of the product is not very pleasant, so the baby can eat something sweet after it, the main thing is not to wash the medicine down with water.


Use an awl to make several holes in a clean plastic cup. Peel the head of garlic and finely chop it. Place the mixture in a glass and let the child breathe over it for 15 minutes. It is recommended to carry out this procedure as often as possible.

how to treat bronchopneumonia in children

Honey compress

The child's skin in the lung area should be well smeared with honey. Soak a clean cloth in a solution of water and vodka (1:3 ratio) and place on top. Then wrap the treated area with cling film and wrap it in woolen cloth. The compress should be replaced with a new one twice a day.

Regime and diet

At the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to adhere to bed rest. Be sure to ventilate and do wet cleaning daily in the room where the child is. After the body temperature has returned to normal, you are allowed to walk in the fresh air. However, it is important to be careful and prevent your baby from becoming hypothermic. 2-3 weeks after recovery, you can resume hardening procedures, physical activity - no earlier than 5-6 weeks.

There are no food restrictions. It is important that the diet is balanced, with a high content of vitamins and proteins. It is necessary to ensure that meals are frequent and small. You should know that children are more susceptible to dehydration than adults. This threat is especially high against the background of elevated body temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to provide the child with a sufficient amount of fortified liquid, this can be warm fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas, and non-cold mineral water.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is recommended to begin after body temperature has normalized. Inhalations with medications that facilitate breathing and promote the removal of mucus, as well as chest massages, will be useful.

bronchopneumonia or focal pneumonia in children


Left-sided bronchopneumonia manifests itself acutely. The main symptoms include:

  1. Signs of an increase in body temperature to febrile levels (above 38.0 Celsius) are an intoxication symptom.
  2. Cough with large amounts of sputum.
  3. Sometimes there may be chest pain (poor prognostic sign).
  4. Signs of weakness, lethargy, apathy - asthenovegetative syndrome.

Under a microscope

Foci of infection under a microscope.

As mentioned above, bronchopneumonia rarely occurs and develops as a separate disease. From the anamnesis it will be possible to find out that more than one child in the children's group has fallen ill. Initially, manifestations of the most common cold are noted (mild catarrhal and intoxication syndromes), and then a deterioration in the general condition of the patient occurs. A very strong, paroxysmal cough appears, with the release of a large amount of greenish-yellow sputum, and severe fever appears (often against the background of an already normalized temperature). It is this sequence that indicates the probable occurrence of bronchopneumonia.

Preventive measures

To prevent diseases such as bronchopneumonia in children, it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and lead a healthy lifestyle from early childhood:

  • wash your hands regularly with soap;
  • maintain a balanced diet;
  • devote enough time to physical activity;
  • maintain a sleep and rest schedule.

bilateral bronchopneumonia in a child

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