Sinusitis pressing on the eyes what to do

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis refers to inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis).

Attention! In this case, the sinuses, located on both sides of the nose in the bones of the upper jaw, become inflamed. These maxillary sinuses become inflamed equally often in children and adults.

The main purpose of such cavities is to equalize pressure in the external environment and intracranial bones. Such processes occur due to communication between the cavities and the nose through narrow openings.

If inflammatory processes develop, these sinuses become blocked and phlegm and mucus begin to accumulate in them .

In it, when the disease is of infectious origin, pathogenic microflora develops, which aggravates the symptoms.

Swelling of the face in the eye area in this case is due to the fact that the inflamed sinuses are located close to such areas, and with an increase in the size of the inflamed tissues, this manifests itself visually.

In this case, sinusitis can be one-sided or affect both sinuses, and in the first case, swelling of the eye and face occurs only on the side of the inflamed eye.

Sinusitis reddened eye

One of the complications is swelling of the eye during sinusitis, since the inflamed sinus is located above the eye. The surrounding tissues of the eye react by increasing in size if neighboring organs become infected. If sinusitis is unilateral, then enlargement and swelling occurs on the same side.

Types of eye swelling

  • enlargement of the upper eyelid;
  • inflammation of the lower eyelid;
  • red bag under the eye.

The close proximity of the sinuses and tear ducts of the corner of the eye leads to the development of conjunctivitis. Often, swelling provokes mechanical compression of the olfactory receptors, a false reaction of the nerves, in the form of pain in the jaw and teeth.

Why do swellings around the eyes appear?

Causes of bags under the eyes:

  • difficulty draining fluid;
  • tissue reaction;
  • mechanical impact;
  • general intoxication;
  • decreased kidney function due to antibiotics.

This is a fairly rare symptom of the acute phase of sinusitis. Usually, treatment begins before such a visual change in the face appears, or it quickly returns to normal. If the inflammation has spread to the eye socket, swelling after sleep, inflammation of the membrane and wall of the eye will be noticeable.

Causes of swelling

Swelling under the eyes is a consequence of increased intraocular pressure due to enlargement of the maxillary sinuses. Compressing the tear ducts increases tear production, known as “crying bags.”

The eyes quickly adapt to the situation, blood flow increases (arterial hyperemia). Therefore, the bags turn red, the temperature locally rises, and the skin becomes tense and thin.

Improving blood circulation allows you to quickly deliver treatment to the inflamed area, as well as supply the tissues with the necessary oxygen.


The complication will definitely go away on its own after starting drug treatment for sinusitis. During the inflammatory process, special drops and ointments are prescribed, which are placed behind the eyelid. They have a vasoconstrictor nature and also accelerate blood flow.

Locally, for a cosmetic effect, you can do a light massage of the periocular space along active bio-points to improve the outflow of mucus. It is allowed to use light rubbing and lotions with non-cold water.

Sources used:

SEE ALSO: Frontitis when improvement occurs Rhinitis vasoconstrictor drugs

Why does swelling of the eyes and face develop with sinusitis?

Initially, swelling with sinusitis occurs in the sinuses.

At the same time, experts argue that this is not only a consequence of the development of inflammation, but also an additional protection of the body from pathogenic microorganisms entering the body through the nose (swelling narrows the maxillary sinuses and acts as an additional barrier).

Know! It is useless to eliminate the swelling itself during sinusitis, and if the root causes of the pathology are not identified in time and treatment is not started, the inflammatory processes continue to spread and spread to the face in the eye area.

The reason for the development of such swelling may be :

  • general intoxication of the body , contributing to tissue damage;
  • emerging problems with the outflow of fluids from the affected areas;
  • in some cases, the situation is aggravated by a decrease in kidney activity during the treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics.

In acute forms of the disease and timely treatment, such swelling occurs infrequently, but if they appear, we can conclude that there are serious inflammatory processes.

In such cases, symptomatic treatment is useless and complex therapy is required.

Complications after sinusitis: eyes and head hurt

When a person has sinusitis, both the eyes and the head hurt, the disease itself can be acute or chronic, since ethmoid sinusitis occurs. It has corresponding symptoms, on which the form of the disease depends.

Clinical manifestations of sinusitis

Lattice sinusitis, or sinusitis behind the eyes, comes in two types, like other forms of this disease: acute or chronic. The medical dictionary defines sinusitis as a disease that may be based on a pathological process that affects the vital systems of the body, that is, the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. Sensitive analyzers, which are the eyes and olfactory organs, suffer, which occurs after the appearance of swelling of the tissues around the eyes, that is, bags under the eyes. Sinusitis has many symptoms that can make diagnosis difficult, especially if the diagnosis needs to be made to a child who must have a fully developed immune system.

Return to ZmystHow sinusitis is recognized

Since ethmoid sinusitis causes pain around the eyes or in the temples, you need to use those treatments that improve the condition. In acute sinusitis, nasal congestion and runny nose may occur. In this case, there is a constant movement of mucus in the throat. The pain may be accompanied by pressure around the inner corner of the eye or on one side of the nose.

The pain may intensify when coughing, and tension can be felt when lying on your back in the morning. If the head is positioned vertically, the condition improves. In chronic sinusitis, there is chronic nasal discharge and a runny nose continues, which is accompanied by discomfort. The pain intensifies at the end of the morning. If a patient wears glasses, he constantly experiences a sore throat, as well as bad breath. Pain can occur in two sinuses at once.

If the paranasal sinuses are inflamed, the disease may be chronic. It's not that easy to recognize. A symptom of sinusitis, that is, chronic sinusitis, is prolonged intense pain in the head. Most often, they do not correspond to the location of the sinuses, being localized in the eye or forehead area. Inflammation of the ethmoid sinus is observed in the area of ​​the inner corners of the eyes. If the patient is affected by underlying sinusitis, then pain is felt in the crown of the head.

The headache can be described as dull, bursting or diffuse. Pain may appear or intensify if psycho-emotional or physical stress occurs. The pain may improve with rest or relaxation. Sometimes “vacuum” pain may develop. In this case, the sinus anastomosis becomes blocked. They are sealed when air is quickly absorbed. A process of excess filling of the eyelid with blood may occur, which causes the onset of pulsation of the arteries of the mucous membrane.

If vasoconstrictor drops are used, then this condition quickly passes, as the swelling is relieved, the messages are released, and further depressurization of the sinus occurs. The patient has a feeling that something has burst inside the sinuses, which then fill with air. He can hear the air whistling.

Return to zmistPrevention and treatment of sinusitis

In order to prevent sinusitis, and therefore pain around the eyes and in the head, you will need to be extremely attentive to yourself. If you have a prolonged runny nose or frequent headaches, you should visit an otolaryngologist. Antibiotics can kill bacteria or prevent them from multiplying as they cause sinus infections.

It is necessary to treat acute sinusitis with antibiotics, remembering that one should focus on the general state of health. The duration of taking medications depends on it. The specialist must determine the type of drug depending on the degree of activity of sinusitis. If the patient's condition does not begin to improve in the first 3-5 days of taking the drugs, other types of antibiotics will be required.

If you use other medications prescribed by your doctor, that is, decongestants, inhaled corticosteroids and mucolytics, they will help improve the process of clearing the sinuses. To successfully treat chronic sinusitis, while taking antibiotics, you need to monitor its duration. This is determined by the correct choice of antibiotic, which has helped cure the disease in the past.

If you were able to cure sinusitis in the past with the help of a certain antibiotic, then it can be used again. If this does not work, other antibiotics should be used. Nowadays it is possible to treat with inhaled antibiotics, but they are not widely used. In a particular case, they can affect the symptoms of chronic sinusitis. However, additional research will be required to determine the degree of their effectiveness.

Return to Zmyst Compression with sinusitis and their causes

When a virus or infection enters the respiratory tract through the sinuses, it causes bronchitis, bronchial asthma or tonsillitis.

Even if sinusitis has disappeared, it is possible to develop pneumonia or osteoperiostitis associated with inflammation of bone tissue. Among the causes of the disease, as a rule, sinusitis is considered the rarest phenomenon. But sometimes he can meet.

The main symptom and clinical manifestation of osteoperiostitis is swelling of the lower eyelid. Possible conjunctivitis with swelling of the cheeks.

Severe manifestations of sinusitis can be caused by the process of displacement of the eyeball, and this limits the degree of eye mobility.

The optic nerves atrophy and vision decreases. Meningitis, which is a process of inflammation of the brain, is a dangerous consequence of sinusitis.

The disease is associated with elevated temperature, the appearance of increased pain in the head, impaired consciousness, convulsions and vomiting. It must be remembered that this disease should not be joked about, since its consequences can be life-threatening, causing harm to health.

Return to zmystCauses of orbital complications in sinusitis

The cause of orbital complications is very often the close location of the maxillary sinuses to the orbits. They can occur under the influence of allergization of an organism with a weakened immune system. Most often, the occurrence of orbital complications is observed by specialists in adolescents under 18 years of age. It is at this age that the maxillary sinuses are most susceptible to disease.

Experts observe only 10% of children with sinusitis experiencing such complications. Sinusitis, which has purulent and non-purulent complications, provides in the latter case:

  • Edematous orbital tissue.
  • Swelling of the eyelid.
  • The occurrence of orbital periostitis.
  • With purulent complications, the following occurs:

  • Inflammatory process in the tissues of the eyelid.
  • Suppuration comes out of the sinuses and enters the periosteum area.
  • The eyelids suffer from fistulas.
  • Pus accumulates in the retina behind the eyeball.
  • The retina of the eye is subject to inflammation with manure.
  • Complications in the orbital area after acute sinusitis are not purulent.

    Return to zmist Treatment of chronic sinusitis

    For the purpose of treatment, the specialist opens the maxillary sinuses to remove all the pus that has formed there. Then the inflamed areas are washed with the medicine. The surgical process must be carried out by a surgeon in the presence of an ophthalmologist. Sinusitis with intracranial complications occurs in only 10% of people. However, the mortality rate may be about 35%, which is quite high.

    If there are causes of an intracranial complication in a patient, he immediately needs hospitalization, since blood poisoning may occur, a purulent focus may arise, and the meninges may become inflamed. The form of manifestation of complications is chronic gastritis, so it is best to consult a doctor at the first stage of sinusitis, rather than delaying treatment procedures. When the disease is already advanced, eliminating complications is a complex process that requires considerable resources and patience.


With the development of edema, the integrity of the nasal mucosa is always compromised, resulting in the area of ​​damage expanding over time.

Keep in mind! As a result, swelling spreads to the periocular area and appears in the form of reddened swelling.

The following symptoms are typical for edema that occurs precisely because of sinusitis :

  • rapid breathing due to partial narrowing of the airways;
  • redness of the lower (less often upper) eyelids ;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • swelling of the eyelids and parts of the cheeks directly under the eyes ;
  • headache;
  • accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinuses , which is periodically discharged through the nose.

The severity of the pathology can be judged by the swelling.

The stronger these symptoms are, the further the disease progresses.

Therefore, if symptoms increase and home methods at hand are ineffective, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to relieve swelling of the face and eyes?

With this disease, relieving swelling is only a symptomatic measure.

It is worth noting! Moreover, the lack of adequate treatment for sinusitis itself will always end with the swelling returning after a short time.

However, in parallel with the course of treatment of the disease, sinus rinsing can be performed .

To do this, at home it is allowed to use herbal decoctions, saline solution, and soda solution.

Such solutions are poured into each nostril one by one using a syringe, while the head must be tilted back while pouring.

After pouring the solution, the head should be slowly lowered forward over a sink or a previously prepared container into which the solution will be poured from the nostril.

Treatment of pathology involves the use of antibiotics (prescribed depending on the tolerability of the drugs by a particular patient, the severity and origin of the disease).

For severe swelling, antihistamines can be used , but they are used only a few times to relieve the underlying swelling.

If swelling is a consequence of difficulty in the outflow of formed pus, vasoconstrictor drops may be prescribed .

Note! It is enough to use them for only 5-7 days, during which the outflow is normalized and further subsidence of edema will occur due to natural regeneration processes in the body.

In particularly difficult situations , when blockage of the maxillary sinuses creates serious breathing problems, it is possible to intervene with a surgeon who performs a puncture of the sinuses (puncture).

Subsequently, such cavities are cleaned using drainage and washed with antiseptics.

This is the most traumatic method, which does not guarantee complete relief from the problem.

Moreover, in case of chronic sinusitis, such punctures are performed constantly, and they do not at all contribute to tissue healing.

How are conjunctivitis classified?

The disease can have a different nature. Therefore, conjunctivitis in medicine refers to all types of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. However, the course of the disease in most cases is determined by its causes.

Types of conjunctivitis

If conjunctivitis is caused by individual intolerance to any substances, I consider it allergic. When illness is caused by viruses, it is called viral. If the inflammation started due to bacteria, we are talking about bacterial conjunctivitis.

Let us remember that treatment must be prescribed taking into account the causes of the disease. After all, eliminating symptoms only brings temporary relief. And eliminating the cause leads to the recovery of the sick person.

Types of conjunctivitis, depending on the causes and course of the disease

There are two types of disease, depending on the nature of the course:

  1. Acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. The disease develops rapidly. Symptoms are almost always pronounced. The eyes turn red, the person rubs them, and sometimes there is pus. The patient immediately notices a serious problem.
  2. Chronic conjunctivitis . At first it may not be noticeable for many months or even years. The causes of this problem are constant eye irritation from chemicals or physical factors. More often than others, employees of plants and factories specializing in the production of household chemicals fall ill with chronic conjunctivitis.

You also need to consider the cause of the disease. We are talking about fungi, viruses and bacteria. We list the types of conjunctivitis:

  1. Allergic . It occurs due to human hypersensitivity to certain substances. Their list may include animal hair, building materials (glue, varnishes and dyes), dustiness at the place of work or at home where a person lives.
  2. Bacterial conjunctivitis . It develops, as logically follows from the name, due to bacteria. The main pathogens are streptococci, staphylococci, diphtheria bacilli, gonococci, pneumococci and even Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  3. Angular inflammation . The situation arises due to diplobacillus Axenfeld-Morax. A type of bacterial conjunctivitis.
  4. Chlamydia in both eyes (chlamydial inflammation) . The causative agent of the disease is chlamydia. If they get into the eyes, a pathological process develops.
  5. Viral inflammatory process. It starts due to adenoviruses, herpeviruses, influenza virus, etc.

    Bacteria, allergens

  6. Fungal conjunctivitis . It begins as a result of damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes by fungi. Often this process is a sign of a general infection of the human body. Usually these are candidomycosis, actinomycosis, spirotrichillosis, aspergillosis.
  7. Dystrophic conjunctivitis . It starts due to reagents, gases, dyes and other harmful substances. In other words, chemical damage to the eye membranes.
  8. Epidemic conjunctivitis . It is provoked by the Weeks-Koch wand.

Doctors also classify inflammation according to its morphological features and the nature of the disease. This must be taken into account when prescribing a course of treatment:

  1. Purulent inflammation . Pus forms in the eyes; they can only be opened when liquid medicine gets on the eyelids.
  2. Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis . Multiple hemorrhages occur in the conjunctiva.
  3. Catarrhal inflammation . At the same time, mucus is released from the affected organs of vision. Pus is completely absent.
  4. Papillary conjunctivitis . In this case, compactions and grains form on the mucous membranes of both eyes and on the upper eyelids. This usually occurs due to an allergy to medications or cosmetics - women's eye shadow or mascara, eyeliner.
  5. Membranous inflammation . Develops as a result of an acute respiratory viral infection. Children are susceptible to this problem.
  6. Follicular conjunctivitis . Follicles appear on the membrane of the diseased eye. This is how severe allergies manifest themselves. Reaction of intolerance to any substances.
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