Mucus in the throat: causes, treatment 33082 0

Why is mucosal restoration necessary?

Before you find out what is needed to restore the mucous membrane, it is worth understanding why it is needed. The mucous membrane of the throat and nasal passages serves as a reliable barrier against the penetration of various infections, bacteria and viruses into the body. It helps get rid of the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms and dust in the inhaled air. Another function of the mucous membrane is to warm the incoming air.

Therefore, if the mucous membranes are damaged, every effort must be made to restore them. Otherwise, the oral cavity and nose will become a gateway for many microbes living in the environment. Violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane leads to the formation of chronic foci of infection.

How to restore the throat mucosa after pharyngitis

If the mucous membranes are damaged and thinned, symptoms such as discomfort when swallowing and sore throat will occur. But only an otolaryngologist can make an accurate diagnosis. Upon examination, the doctor will detect erosion and inflammation on the surface of the upper respiratory tract.

How to restore the throat mucosa with folk remedies and medications?

All people on the planet have experienced severe pain in the larynx. This painful condition is associated with an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane.

First of all, germs, viruses or bacteria get on it, because it is a natural protective filter for various infections.

The epithelium, which covers the entire surface of the larynx, the inside of the throat, along the path of air entering the lungs, produces a special viscous secretion. It includes:

  • macrophages that have the ability to grab foreign cells - bacteria and toxic particles;
  • granulocytes (one of the types of granular leukocytes);
  • T-helpers, which are assistants to lymphocytes in the immune response.

It is these substances that protect the ENT organs from pathogenic microbes. If inflammation begins in the throat, this indicates a decrease in immunity, the body is weakened and cannot cope with the disease.

In the article we will look at how to restore the throat mucosa with medications and folk remedies, the causes of inflammatory processes, how to alleviate the condition with diet and additional restorative procedures.

Why might your throat hurt?

Pharyngitis is not associated with any time of year.

You can get sick in the winter cold from hypothermia or ARVI, in the off-season - from increased dampness or humidity, in the spring immunity decreases from a lack of vitamins, in the summer people often drink chilled drinks or eat ice cream, and stay in air-conditioned rooms. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat can appear from insufficient humidity in the room; dryness irritates the membrane, and the larynx begins to irritate.

In areas with a poor environmental situation or the presence of large industries, people inhale polluted air. Sometimes inflammatory processes in the ENT organs are caused by a lack of vitamins A and E, B and C. After a decrease in immunity, the protective mechanisms of the throat mucosa are no longer so strong, and the resulting malfunctions are transmitted to the glands that produce viscous secretions.

The throat suffers both from a lack of mucus and from its excess, causing an obsessive cough and hyperemia of the larynx. Therefore, it is very useful to know how to restore the throat mucosa. Treatment of the patient must begin at the first symptoms, so that the inflammatory process does not descend lower into the bronchi or develop into a severe form of follicular tonsillitis.

Symptoms of the disease

It is easier for an adult to understand the onset of a disease than for a child. However, people often continue to perform daily functions and ignore the onset of pharyngitis. Treatment usually begins when the symptoms are already so obvious that they interfere with life. This is wrong, because it is much easier to stop the course of the disease at the very beginning than to cure an advanced form.

Let's look at the first signs:

  • sore throat, constant dryness, which makes you want to drink something warm or cough;
  • itching and pain when swallowing;
  • the appearance of a runny nose;
  • On the tonsils in the mirror you can see red rims, sometimes white spots of pus appear;
  • general weakness of the body is felt, the person gets tired faster.

Even with such signs, the patient should think about how to restore the throat mucosa. Let's look at how you can alleviate the condition at home.

Doctors give the following advice:

  • It is best to try to breathe through your nose; this will protect the mucous membrane from drying out and will not cause additional irritation.
  • If the nasal passages are blocked, drops are instilled. It is best to use products containing oils, as they do not dry out the mucous membrane.
  • Drink more liquids - warm (not hot) teas, water, non-acidic juices, rosehip decoction or raspberry compote.
  • Give up the harmful habit of smoking. Tobacco smoke irritates the throat even more.
  • If you have high acidity or gastroesophageal reflux, go on a strict diet, because stomach acid can only increase throat irritation. You cannot eat spicy and salty foods, fried and smoked foods, sour foods and raw fruits and vegetables. Food should be fractional, crushed and warm. There is no need to consume either cold or hot food or drinks.
  • Do not strain your throat, remain silent more, especially in the fresh air during the cold season.

If the room is dry due to the heat in summer or central heating radiators in winter, then purchase a humidifier. If there is none, then place a bowl of water on the windowsill or hang a damp terry towel on the radiator. Wet clean the room more often.

Medicines for sore throat

Depending on the cause of the inflammatory process in the throat, the doctor prescribes the following types of medications:

  • Antiviral drugs - “Arbidol” or “Interferon”, “Cycloferon” or “Amiksin”. There are quite a few of them on sale; only your doctor can prescribe the right option.
  • Antibiotics - the penicillin series is used, for example, Amoxicillin or Macropen. You need to take medications twice a day at equal intervals.
  • “Loratadine” or “Diazolin” are antihistamines that will relieve irritation.
  • If the throat disease is of fungal origin, then Nystatin or Fluconazole is prescribed.

Dissolving tablets

If you don’t know how to treat the throat mucosa, then check out the list of the most common lozenges that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Here are some of them:

  • “Strepsils” are lollipops with menthol and eucalyptus or honey and lemon; there is a simple version without fillers with vitamin C. Such tablets should not be given to children under 6 years of age. Resorption should begin after the first signs of pharyngitis. Take one lozenge every couple of hours. But per day the norm should not exceed 12 pieces.
  • “Faryngosept” is prescribed for infection with various coccal infections. The substance ambazon prevents the development of pathogenic microorganisms and reduces soreness and pain when swallowing.
  • "Chlorophyllipt". The instructions for use define this drug as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. You can dissolve green tablets for sore throats and erosions of the larynx; they even help well with ulcerative stomatitis and tonsillitis. The drug consists of a mixture of chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves. Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to use this drug for treatment, since studies have not been conducted and the result of exposure has not been studied. It's better not to take risks. Also, the instructions for using Chlorophyllipt warn that the drug contains sugar, so people with diabetes should not buy it.
  • “Lisobakt” is good for children. Children from 3 to 7 years old are allowed to consume 1 piece. in a day. Adults – 2 to 3 tablets per day. Be sure to check the medicine for an allergic reaction, as urticaria is possible.


It is convenient to moisturize the dry mucous membrane of the throat with sprays. These are medications that spray the medicine directly into the oral cavity onto the larynx, covering all hard-to-reach places. There are rules for using all sprays.

First you need to take a few sips of liquid. Then turn the spray nozzle towards the open mouth. You only need to press the button once.

After spraying, you should close your mouth and abstain from drinks and food for a while.

We list some of the popular sprays:

  • “Inhalipt” is an inexpensive domestic drug created on the basis of streptocide. This antibiotic has been used in medicine for a long time and many microorganisms have developed immunity to it.
  • “Stopangin” or “Gexoral”. Works well against fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Allowed even for children and pregnant women.
  • Lugol throat spray is also produced under the name Yox. The iodine contained has an anti-inflammatory effect.


This procedure consists of inhaling small particles of a medicinal substance in the form of vapor. People have been treated with inhalations since ancient times, inhaling a soda solution or a decoction of herbs, the medicine gets far into the larynx and respiratory tract. Nowadays, nebulizers are popular, where you can use medications prescribed by your doctor.

There are simple, cheap inhalers where you can breathe through a special spout a solution of hot water (at least 60 degrees) and essential oils, using, for example, menthol or eucalyptus, anise or fir. Add 10-15 drops per 100 ml of water. After the procedure, do not eat anything and it is best to remain silent for a while.

How to restore the throat mucosa using folk remedies? Herbal decoctions in the form of inhalations are suitable. If you don’t have an inhaler at home, you can pour 1 tbsp into a simple saucepan. l.

crushed sage leaves in a glass of water, bring the solution to a boil, wait a little for it to cool to a comfortable temperature, but not lower than 60 degrees, and bend over the container, covering your head with a terry towel.

You need to breathe through your mouth for 15 minutes. Then take off the cape and lie down in peace.

In addition to sage herb, you can use decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, as well as thyme or oregano for inhalation.


For adults, frequent rinsing can be used as a treatment. The solution is poured into the oral cavity, and, raising your head up, you need to pronounce the letter “A”. Then be sure to spit out the liquid; there is no need to swallow the germs back.

A solution called “Sea salt” works well – 1 tbsp. l. salt, the same amount of soda and one drop of iodine per glass of warm water.

Relieves inflammation with a solution of “Furacilin” or “Streptocide”, a decoction of chamomile or calendula. You can soak a cotton swab in it and gently wipe your tonsils.

The article describes in detail how to restore the throat mucosa in different ways, consult your doctor and start treatment immediately!


General recommendations during the recovery period

General recommendations that will answer the question of how to restore the throat after pharyngitis are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the level of humidity and purity of the inhaled air. To do this, ventilate the room more often, perform daily wet cleaning, and plant indoor plants. You can also install special air humidifiers.
  2. The patient needs to reconsider his lifestyle, give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
  3. During the recovery period you need to follow a diet. The products are subject to minimal heat treatment. The diet is made up of the maximum amount of fresh, plant components. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals. Also, during the entire period of treatment and rehabilitation, you should drink large amounts of warm liquid.
  4. If pharyngitis was caused by harmful working conditions, then you should transfer to another job.
  5. It is necessary to stimulate the immune system. This will help prevent relapse of the disease and allow you to quickly cope with the problem.

By eliminating the aggressive effects of adverse external factors and normalizing your lifestyle, you can achieve significant results in the treatment of mucous membranes.

It is equally important to identify and treat concomitant diseases. An endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and dentist will help eliminate the provoking factors for the development of pharyngitis. It is worth visiting these specialists and undergoing the necessary examinations. An integrated approach will help eliminate the problem and prevent complications.

Symptoms and causes

The vocal cords are characterized by an elastic structure of muscles and connective tissue. Their main function is to create the voice and protect the lungs from foreign agents. As air enters, the ligaments begin to close and open, thereby producing sounds. When inflammation of the throat ligaments occurs, the patient's gap between them narrows, which leads to hoarseness or loss of voice.

Symptoms of an inflammatory process in the throat in different forms of the disease are characterized by common symptoms, manifested by:

  • sore throat;
  • pain;
  • dry cough;
  • elevated temperature;
  • weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • headache.

In the throat, inflammation can mean enlarged lymph nodes. However, they do not always become inflamed in the upper respiratory tract; the focus can be localized, for example, in the ear area.

Attention. The acute course of the disease is characterized by a cutting pain in the throat, while the patient experiences hoarseness or complete loss of voice. If you have such signs, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid further development of the pathology. Self-medication in this case can only do harm.

To begin with, we note that the cause of inflammation has two characterizing factors:

  • the causative agent of the inflammatory process is an infection (viral, bacterial);
  • the disease is non-infectious in nature (strain of ligaments, smoking, exposure to harmful substances).

All diseases that cause inflammation are similar in their symptoms and method of treatment, however, before starting any procedures, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​localization of the outbreak and conduct a clinical examination of the body.

An inflammatory process in the throat may indicate the development of some diseases listed in the table below:

Due to its position in front of the throat in relation to the esophagus, there is no pain when swallowing. But when it is enlarged over a long period of time, it becomes hard and causes discomfort to the patient.

All of the above diseases occur when the pathogenic bacterium hemolytic streptococcus enters the human body. However, with pharyngitis, the causative agent is a viral infection.

Perhaps the cause of inflammation is not at all harmless and lies in the presence of severe forms of the disease, such as:

  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria;
  • pneumonia;
  • flu.

Accordingly, for such diseases, therapy is carried out in a different way and requires a more serious medical approach. Of course, gargling, warm drinking of medicinal herbal decoctions, inhalations and other procedures can relieve pain when swallowing, restore breathing, and improve well-being.

However, before gargling for inflammation, you should go to the clinic, where they will conduct a comprehensive examination of the body and the attending physician will make an accurate diagnosis.

Attention. According to experts, some factors can increase the risk of developing an inflammatory process in the throat - smoking, dust entering the respiratory tract, dry air, weakened immunity, allergies. Inflammation of the follicles in the throat weakens the body’s immune function, so it is very important to follow some rules in combination with drug therapy. You should give up bad habits, walk more in the fresh air, eat right, and exercise.

Forms of inflammation

In medical practice, there are several forms of sore throat, each manifesting itself differently:

  • Catarrhal (see Catarrhal tonsillitis: first signs). It is considered the most common form. Accompanied by soreness, dry cough, hoarseness, fever up to 37.5 degrees, loss of voice.
  • Hypertrophic. An increase in the number of structural elements of the laryngeal mucosa. Accompanied by hoarseness. New growths in the form of nodules can be observed on the ligaments (sometimes their size reaches the size of a pin head). Indicates a chronic form of the disease.
  • Hemorrhagic. It is formed against the background of impaired hematopoietic function, pathological processes in the liver and cardiovascular system. When coughing, sputum with blood is produced. Accompanied by dry mouth, a feeling of a lump in the throat.
  • Diphtheria. The causative agent is a bacterial infection. Former lumps are observed, the localization of which moves from the tonsils to the larynx. They clog the ligaments, which leads to difficulty breathing and loss of voice.
  • Atrophic. As a rule, it manifests itself in adults. With this form, the mucous layer of the larynx becomes thinner. Accompanied by frequent attacks of dry cough, sometimes with the discharge of sputum with blood particles. Doctors are confident that the causative agent is spicy, fatty and salty foods.

In the photo below you can see the differences between the viral and bacterial forms of inflammation:

Advice. The structure of the muscles of the larynx must be in normal condition in order to perform its immediate functions. Its inflammation brings discomfort and pain to the patient, so timely treatment will relieve discomfort and eliminate the risk of developing severe pathologies in the future.

You need to start treatment only after a diagnosis has been established; you must remember that self-medication can lead to the development of serious diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, the patient should first consult a doctor and have tests done to display the entire clinical picture.

Based on the results of the examination of the body, the doctor will recommend which medications for sore throat will be more effective for this disease.

Self-help for sore throat

Measures to eliminate discomfort in the respiratory tract can be carried out independently. There are some conditions for this, namely: the disease does not have a bacterial origin, there will be no complications from self-help, and there will be a significant therapeutic effect.

If your throat is sore, only a doctor can tell you what to do first. When this is not possible, you can remember a few simple rules of behavior.

Table 1: Self-help methods for a sore throat:

Almost all of us have encountered inflammation of the throat, the treatment of which has become an urgent problem. Of course, you should act in this situation based on the symptoms and general condition of the body. We have already written about traditional treatment of the throat for sore throat, but now we will offer a Japanese technique that tells how to relieve a sore throat using acupressure.

If there is a suspicion of a bacterial cause of the disease, for example:

  • bright red throat, possibly with white spots
  • rapid development of inflammation
  • tonsils are swollen and very sensitive
  • difficulty swallowing and breathing
  • headache
  • temperature more than 38 degrees,

then treatment of the throat will require visiting a doctor and taking antibiotics. Most likely, the tonsils are inflamed due to infection with streptococcus. In this case, a doctor will best tell you how to treat a sore throat, but you can also relieve the symptoms of the disease on your own, including with the help of acupuncture.

However, five to six times more often, doctors state that the sore throat is due to a viral infection that does not require the use of antibiotics. It could be the flu or a common cold. There is also a possibility that your throat is sore due to allergies - this is usually accompanied by redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and a stuffy nose.

How to treat a sore throat, which often occurs with a sore throat, cold or flu? In principle, the activities that are carried out to defeat these diseases can relieve sore throat in five to seven days. You can familiarize yourself with them in the relevant articles. There is no doubt that the proposed acupuncture methods will speed up the process of treating a sore throat and will allow you to feel healthy much earlier.

Another significant reason to try to treat sore throat with acupressure is the repeated recurrence of the disease and the weak effect of classical treatment methods. Relapses can lead to chronic inflammation of the tonsils, and then all sorts of complications are not far away.

Well, special wishes to try acupressure for the treatment of sore throat apply to practically healthy people. After all, the throat can become inflamed after visiting the dentist, from overly spicy food, from smoking, from specific physical activity, from the need to talk long and loudly (teachers, lecturers, politicians), when forced to breathe dry and hot air (for example, in production)… .

So, let's try to treat sore throat as described in the exercises below.


Medications are the most effective. The active ingredients in the drugs stop the development of infection and kill microbes - the main cause of inflammation of the mucous membrane. The drugs are used both for the treatment of pharyngitis and for subsequent recovery.

The following groups of medications are usually prescribed:

  1. Antibacterial – Chlorophyllipt and Bioparox.
  2. Homeopathic – Tonsilgon, Faringomed, Traumeel C.
  3. Antifungals such as Candida.
  4. Secretolytics, for example, ACC and Fluditec.
  5. Regenerative, such as Solcoseryl and Karotolin.
  6. Antiseptic - Miramistin, Givalex, Rotokan, Iodinol, Lugol's solution, furacillin.
  7. Moisturizing, for example, Aquamaris, No-salt.
  8. Immunomodulatory and immunocorrectors - Bronchomunal, Lyzobact, Hexaliz and Polyoxidonium.

Most often these are products for topical use in the form of sprays, inhalation solutions and gargling. Thanks to local action, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved at the site of application. The drugs do not have an effect on the entire body.

To recover from pharyngitis, the following medications are used:

  1. Imudon is available in the form of lozenges. The drug has an immunomodulatory effect and normalizes the microflora of the larynx. The product can be used by children from the age of five. Take 1 tablet every hour.
  2. Yox in the form of a spray and rinse solution has a healing effect due to the allantoin it contains. It eliminates minor damage to the mucous membrane. It can be used by adults and children starting from 5 years old.
  3. Lyzobact in the form of lozenges contains lysozyme and pyridoxine. It helps eliminate erosion and inflammation. The drug is approved for use by children and adults. Take it every 2 hours.

Inhalations will help eliminate dry mucous membranes. For the procedure, it is best to use a nebulizer, which allows you to spray the medicine. This method of treatment is the most effective. An effective remedy is a composition of ordinary table salt dissolved in alkaline mineral water.

If you need to restore the throat mucosa with chronic pharyngitis, you cannot do without medications. A chronic process means that there are still microbes in the body that cause inflammation. Only chemicals can destroy them.

Rinse for sore throat

Decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as other rinsing solutions, are an indispensable tool in the treatment of sore throat, as they can not only relieve inflammation or facilitate swallowing, but also wash pus from the tonsils and soft palate.

The following products can be used for rinsing:

  • Take three parts honey, add one part water and bring to a boil. Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. Then pour wine vinegar diluted with water 1x1 into the mixture. Pour until you get rid of the sour taste. You need to take 1 teaspoon of this rinse, three to four times a day.
  • We take chamomile flowers and sage leaves in equal parts. We need two tablespoons of the mixture. Pour boiling water and leave in a thermos for about two hours. The resulting infusion can be used as a rinse and taken orally to support the immune system.
  • As a useful rinse, you can use radish juice diluted with honey. For 50 gr. Juice take one teaspoon of honey. After rinsing, the solution can be swallowed.
  • In general, gargling with honey water (a teaspoon of honey per glass of water) helps to quickly remove the symptoms of inflammation and subsequently serves as a preventive measure against suppuration of the tonsils.
  • Another great rinse can be made from calamus roots. To do this, pour one spoon of crushed root into 0.5 liters. Cold water and leave overnight. Then boil the infusion for ten minutes and strain. You should gargle with the resulting decoction as often as possible. Also, instead of calamus root, you can prepare an infusion from the rhizomes of Potentilla erecta.
  • If you feel a sore throat, you should immediately start gargling with the following composition: add a teaspoon of salt and soda to a glass of hot water and add a few drops of iodine. This is a universal solution that always helps to avoid inflammation in the oral cavity.
  • To cure a sore throat, gargling with the roots and leaves of burdock is very effective. To do this, pour one part of burdock with ten parts of boiling water and leave for four hours. Then boil and strain. Gargle with the resulting infusion.
  • To combat purulent sore throat, it is very good to use propolis. You need to prepare the following solution: dilute the pharmacy propolis tincture with warm water one to one. We put the solution in our mouth and hold it (without rinsing) right next to the tonsils for a longer time. We spit and draw up the solution again. This needs to be done three to four times and the procedure repeated every two hours.

Decoctions based on medicinal herbs such as chamomile, calendula, sage, burdock and St. John's wort have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects

Traditional medicine

For those who prefer natural remedies, herbs and herbal preparations will come to the rescue. Some of them are no less effective than medications. For example, the following medicinal solutions will help eliminate swelling and remove erosions on the mucous membrane:

Their regular use will promote rapid healing of damage and tissue regeneration.

Traditional medicine after pharyngitis

Infusions of chamomile and sage are used. They are brewed and used for rinsing. Sea salt will also work. Dilute a tablespoon in warm water and gargle with the solution. Salt removes excess fluid from tissues, which eliminates swelling.

Inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa not only causes discomfort, but also increases the risk of developing other diseases, so at the slightest suspicion that the disease has returned, you should definitely consult a specialist. You should not self-medicate. Incorrectly chosen tactics and means can lead to the disease becoming chronic. Then it will be much more difficult to fight him.

Folk remedies for sore throat

The first thing that a patient with angina needs to observe is bed rest. An important factor is drinking plenty of fluids. You can drink compotes from fresh berries or dried fruits, non-acidic juices, herbal teas, still mineral water, jelly, black tea with lemon, milk with honey (if the patient is not allergic to honey and lactose). Any drink should be warm, but not hot (no higher than 40 degrees).

The patient must have separate dishes and personal hygiene items (toothbrush, towel, etc.). If treatment of the disease is carried out on an outpatient basis, then both the patient and all members of his family must observe a mask regime in order to prevent infection.

Methods for diagnosing inflammation of the throat

To ensure that treatment does not cause harm or undesirable consequences, but is as effective as possible, the causes of the disease must be determined by a specialist.

It is especially important not to neglect a medical examination in case of severe malaise, acute pain lasting more than two days and high (above 37.6) temperature. This may be a manifestation of a bacterial infection. An abscess in the throat and large accumulations of pus can be judged by swelling of the tongue and larynx against a background of high temperature. In this case, any delay can have a disastrous outcome.

An otolaryngologist, or ENT, will be able to make the correct diagnosis if the patient does not have time to distort the picture of the disease by self-administering medications.

A consultation with an ENT doctor involves:

• compiling information about the development of the disease based on complaints and the current condition of the patient;

palpation of the neck

palpation of the lymph nodes and tonsils helps to make a more accurate diagnosis, since a painful reaction during this procedure is a symptom of a serious disease of the larynx;


a diagnostic procedure that does not require time and high technology, allowing you to prescribe the required course of therapy in the shortest possible time. Examination of the pharyngeal mucosa is carried out under artificial lighting with a special mirror and spatula;


examination of the vocal cords and larynx, which involves inserting a small mirror into the nasopharynx;

laboratory tests of blood, sputum, throat swabs

determine the origin of the inflammatory process and allow you to prescribe the most optimal treatment in the presence of a bacterial infection.

Prevention and prognosis of sore throat

To prevent acute inflammation, as well as sore throat, it is necessary to constantly adhere to preventive measures and protect yourself from exposure to adverse environmental conditions. A few recommendations:

  1. Timely treatment of colds.
  2. Strengthening the immune system with vitamins.
  3. Proper nutrition.
  4. Regular walks in nature.
  5. The use of additional protective equipment during epidemics.

Important! The prognosis for a sore throat is often positive when treatment is carried out in a timely manner. If therapy is delayed, there is an increased risk of complications that affect the respiratory system. The disease must be treated immediately.

Types of diseases of the throat and larynx

The throat and larynx are the gateway for infection. This is where microflora accumulates from the air and products, and if local immunity is not up to par, then the inflammatory process will not take long to occur.

In most cases, the cause of a sore throat is microbes, but in some cases the pathology can be non-infectious. Most often, a bacterial or viral infection develops; less often, fungi settle in the throat. Sore throats also occur due to the development of tumors and certain physiological processes.

Infectious diseases

  1. Viral infections are influenza, ARVI, measles and chicken pox. Last but not least is infectious mononucleosis. The mucous membrane is attacked by herpes viruses, rotaviruses and adenoviruses.
  2. The well-known sore throat is a bacterial disease. The bacteria cause scarlet fever and diphtheria, which are also accompanied by a sore throat. Infections of the throat and larynx are caused by staphylococci, streptococci and other less common bacteria.
  3. Candida fungi are the culprits behind the colonization of fungal infections. Pharyngitis and laryngitis are all mycoses that most often arise under the influence of fungal microflora.

General symptoms of infectious pathologies are as follows:

  • pain in the throat and larynx;
  • soreness and hoarseness;
  • weakness and headaches;
  • swelling of the larynx and tonsils;
  • in some cases, elevated temperature;
  • redness or plaque on the mucous membrane;
  • sometimes the development of a severe cough.

Inflammation of the throat and larynx may be accompanied by other symptoms, depending on the specific disease. The doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment.

Non-infectious disease

This type is much less common, but it presents with the same symptoms. A sore throat may be caused by a growing tumor. When the neoplasm increases in size, complaints of a “lump in the throat” arise, the voice changes, and difficulties with swallowing arise.

Other illnesses not associated with infection include:

  • inhalation of foreign or toxic particles while working in certain workplaces;
  • heavy load on the vocal cords;
  • dry and dusty air (external unfavorable factors);
  • mechanical injuries when a foreign body gets into the throat;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • purulent mucous discharge;
  • reflux, in which gastric juice enters the throat, irritating it.

A sore throat requires treatment, so you need to be examined by a therapist, and then (if necessary) make an appointment with a more specialized specialist (otolaryngologist or infectious disease specialist). Children are examined by a pediatrician.

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