Signs and treatment of asthmatic cough

One of the most unpleasant symptoms accompanying inflammation of the bronchial tract is an asthmatic cough. Unlike the usual one, it is caused by all kinds of irritants, including those of an allergic nature. Most often, this cough has a paroxysmal character and intensifies at night. Moreover, in this case, the signs inherent in colds, such as general intoxication and elevated temperature, are not observed. Based on the reasons for its development, it is impossible to cure such a symptom with antibiotics.

Causes of asthmatic cough

The main cause of cough in asthma is contact with an allergen. This could be dust, pet hair, plant blooms, fungal allergens, etc. Once in the respiratory organs, a natural irritation reaction occurs, which causes a coughing attack. In the chronic form of the disease, long-term symptoms are observed during the period of exacerbation. When the remission stage occurs, this symptom disappears on its own, but not for long. As a rule, another attack can be triggered not only by contact with an allergen, but also by other factors:

  • excess weight;
  • viral infection, which is especially important in the autumn-winter period;
  • smoking and inhalation of tobacco smoke;
  • pungent odors of perfume, household chemicals;
  • food products containing unsafe components that cause an allergic reaction;
  • smell of mold, dampness;
  • use of certain medications.

Cough in bronchial asthma has specific features. This symptom is characterized by intermittent inhalations, prolonged exhalations, and weakening of respiratory sounds. In some cases, it is accompanied by wheezing hoarseness. If a severe cough occurs that is paroxysmal in nature, the patient must urgently seek medical help.

Only a qualified specialist, based on the results of the patient’s examination, will be able to determine an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment that will allow the patient to get rid of cough. It should also be taken into account that this sign may indicate the development of other diseases of the respiratory system (tuberculosis, lung cancer, pneumonia, asthmatic bronchitis, etc.).

Complex treatment methods

The goal of drug therapy is to relieve bronchial spasm and prevent its occurrence. It is important to note that a specialist should prescribe cough medications for asthma.

Help of expectorants

To prevent the development of bronchial obstruction, it is necessary to take expectorants. The drugs help to liquefy sputum, transforming a dry type of cough into its productive analogue:

  • Herbion Plantain syrup, which blocks the irritating effect of the cough reflex, weakening it;
  • composition of the syrup Bronholitin has an antispasmodic effect, reduces swelling of the bronchial mucosa;
  • Taking Stoptussin drops helps block pain in the bronchial tree area.

Tablet forms of mucolytic drugs Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine, Ambroxol are aimed at the adult category of asthmatics. Cough tablets help to increase bronchial secretion in bronchial asthma, dilute mucus and facilitate its evacuation. If the cause of a surge in asthmatic symptoms is a consequence of an encounter with an allergen, taking antihistamines is necessary. If a bacterial infection is confirmed, a course of antibiotics will clear it up.

Systemic therapy

The activation of an asthmatic attack is blocked by symptomatic drugs supplemented with antispasmodics. The drugs help stabilize the volume of inhaled air, ensuring expansion of the bronchial region. Among the most commonly used inhalers is Salbutamol.

For you: Allergic cough: how to distinguish it from a cold in a child

To block systematic bronchospasms, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed. Medicines in tablets and aerosols relieve the inflammatory process due to the content of a certain dose of a hormonal substance, most often beclomethasone.

Improper treatment of a persistent cough or its absence at all increases the load on the chest area. The result is the development of asthma and its progress, and neighboring organs, including the heart, suffer from the expansion of the chest.

Symptoms and characteristics of cough in asthma

Signs of bronchial asthma
Most asthmatics have a seasonal cough, which occurs 1-2 times a year, at the same time. In most cases, this symptom occurs in the spring, during the flowering period of various plants. An allergic asthmatic cough may be accompanied by additional symptoms. The most common symptoms are conjunctivitis and runny nose. These signs are also allergic in nature.

With a strong cough, the release of a small amount of viscous sputum of a specific structure is often observed. If an asthmatic symptom is accompanied by another viral or respiratory disease, sputum is produced in larger quantities and may have certain characteristics in color or structure. Identical signs are detected in the non-atopic form of the disease.

Some patients are diagnosed with cholinergic asthma, which is characterized by a cough with large production of light-colored sputum. The paroxysmal symptom sometimes causes suffocation. Many patients complain of an excessive, wet cough.

The main symptoms of asthmatic cough:

  • a painful symptom often occurs at night, closer to the morning hours;
  • breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath appears;
  • A cough can manifest itself upon contact with allergens, upon inhalation of cold air, and also on an emotional level (laughter, crying, screaming, etc.).

When coughing in bronchial asthma, there is congestion in the nasal sinuses, there is some discomfort in the throat area, and the skin becomes pale. This symptom is also characterized by increased sweating, increased heart rate, palpitations, anxiety and panic.

It is possible to distinguish asthmatic cough symptoms from the symptoms of chronic bronchitis only through differential diagnosis. Three-week remissions are more typical for bronchitis, after which exacerbation occurs again.

How is bronchial asthma diagnosed?

Due to its characteristic features, an asthmatic cough differs from the reflex that accompanies a cold. A striking feature of an asthma attack is a rapid inhalation, which is followed by a difficult exhalation with a rise in the chest (similar to inhalation). The problem of bronchial asthma is aggravated by whistling breathing with a dry cough with a slight release of viscous sputum. Over time, overventilation causes lung volume to increase.

For you: Comprehensive treatment of bronchial asthma

In the case of an associated respiratory infection, an attack of the cough reflex is accompanied by a large amount of sputum against a background of high temperature, signs accompanying infection. What is needed to diagnose pathology:

  • donate sputum to identify the presence of specific inclusions in it;
  • get tested for allergens that trigger asthmatic cough;
  • check the function of external respiration to determine the nature of its disorder.

For effective treatment of the disease, it is important to make a correct diagnosis, since bronchial asthma and the course of chronic bronchitis have similar symptoms. In chronic bronchitis, the cough intensifies during exacerbations, subsiding during remissions. Symptoms of asthmatic cough, which is usually nonproductive (dry, without much phlegm), are observed after exposure to irritating factors. Therefore, for successful treatment of pathology, contact of an asthmatic with the provoking allergen should be excluded.

Cough with asthma in children

Asthma in children under one year of age is manifested by periodic wheezing and coughing. These symptoms occur due to infection in the respiratory tract. Most often, cough occurs at night and in the morning, as well as with direct contact with irritating allergens. During an attack, the child may experience severe shortness of breath with characteristic whistling, rapid breathing and wheezing.

An older child may complain of a feeling of heaviness in the chest. Due to the narrowing of the bronchioles, the exhalation of air is delayed. It becomes difficult for children to breathe, so treatment of asthmatic cough should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of specialists. Children, unlike adult patients, cannot control their condition and emotions during an attack. In some cases, emergency medical attention is required. It is necessary to call an ambulance if:

  • strong wheezing is heard when exhaling air, and when inhaling, a strong retraction of the chest wall is noticed;
  • the baby’s condition is lethargic, lethargic, sleepy;
  • the skin becomes noticeably pale, a characteristic blue discoloration is visible on the lips and fingertips;
  • difficulty breathing, which may also be accompanied by nausea or vomiting;
  • the child complains of severe pain in the chest, neck or throat.

If a child has a high body temperature for a long time, and a painful cough is not eliminated with effective medications, it is necessary to call a local pediatrician at home. Asthmatic cough in children can be hereditary or occur due to certain environmental factors. As a rule, this disease affects children living in unfavorable living conditions, as well as those who have an innate tendency to allergic reactions.

Bronchial asthma: definition of clinical condition

In addition to relieving acute symptoms with medication, bronchial asthma requires preventive measures that can neutralize the signs of its development.

  1. Primary prevention involves daily walking and avoiding contact with substances that can cause a severe allergic cough. In addition, it is recommended to carry out hardening procedures and exercise, as well as giving up bad habits, especially smoking.
  2. Secondary prevention is used to relieve emerging symptoms of suffocation and with the help of general health recommendations. The main factors for effective treatment of the asthmatic form of the disease include timely diagnosis. The sooner the nature of cough development is identified, the higher the chance of complete recovery and prevention of complications.

Respiratory tract disorders resulting in acute attacks of suffocation, shortness of breath and cough are diagnosed as bronchial asthma. Severe cough in asthma is caused by bronchial obstruction or obstruction of the respiratory tract due to hypersensitivity to external irritants. Today, there are about 250 million people in the world who are susceptible to this dangerous disease of the respiratory system.

There are several cause-and-effect factors leading to the formation and development of an asthmatic condition:

  1. Hereditary factor. Genetic predisposition is diagnosed in 1/3 of people susceptible to this disease. If one of the parents has atopic bronchial asthma, then the probability of chronic inflammation in children is 30-40%, and if both parents suffer from bronchial asthma, then the probability of bronchial obstruction in the offspring reaches 75-80%.
  2. Professional factor. Contact with biological and/or mineral dust, harmful impurities, gases and fumes at work accounts for up to 50% of the total number of diseases. Chronic cough with sputum in bronchial asthma is an atypical symptomatic sign of dysfunction of the bronchopulmonary system.
  3. Environmental factor. Data from an epidemiological study confirm that in 5% of the population, respiratory tract dysfunction occurs due to environmental influences. Adverse effects (high humidity, exhaust gases, fumes, etc.) contribute to active damage to the respiratory tract.

Classic symptoms of bronchial asthma:

  • wheezing and chest congestion;
  • dyspnea;
  • cough.

In bronchial asthma, treatment of the disease is based on the correct diagnosis, taking into account key points, such as:

  • clinical manifestations;
  • anamnesis;
  • patient complaints;
  • biochemical laboratory study of external respiration function;
  • presence or absence of bronchial secretions;
  • allergy status of the patient.

When determining the treatment regimen, it is very important to consider the stratification of disease severity, which has a certain degree of diagnostic indicators for asthma. Drug treatment is carried out on the basis of basic therapy, which affects the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree and the cough center.

Asthmatic cough occurs when there is inflammation in the bronchi. Mostly nonproductive (dry) or with little sputum.

Asthmatic cough and its symptoms in adults have been well studied. If you have a tendency to develop it, you can independently diagnose it in yourself, distinguishing it from other types of cough. For example, this cough reaction occurs:

  1. At night or early in the morning.
  2. Accompanied by the appearance of breathing difficulties, shortness of breath develops.
  3. Usually worsens during the appearance of allergens (pollen in spring).
  4. Suddenly, when the patient laughs, cries or inhales frosty air.
  5. When taking medications classified as bronchodilators.

If a patient is diagnosed with an exacerbation of the disease, this can cause difficulty in the movement of air in the respiratory tract, which leads to whistling noises and coughing.

As for visual manifestations, cough with an asthmatic component and its symptoms are characterized by the following external signs:

  1. Sudden onset of nasal congestion.
  2. Manifestation of discomfort in the nasopharynx and throat.
  3. Pale skin.

In order to take timely measures to stop it, you need to be able to distinguish the symptoms of cough from other types of this condition.

For example, very often a bronchial cough can be confused with the cough of a smoker or a patient with respiratory diseases.

An asthmatic cough attack can be distinguished from these types of cough by the following signs:

  1. Long duration of cough attack.
  2. The average duration of such a cough is usually several minutes, and it may be accompanied by sputum production and suffocation.
  3. The manifestation is chaotic, since this type of cough can occur unexpectedly, regardless of the time of day and the presence or absence of irritants.
  4. Features of sputum discharge.
  5. A specific timbre, characterized by the presence of whistles and wheezing.

In any case, the described methods for identifying asthmatic cough are preliminary, and the final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor specializing in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract. You can only independently identify the common symptoms of this type of cough and try to stop it.

Diagnosis and treatment of cough in asthma

Cough with bronchial asthma is identical to the signs of other respiratory diseases, so it will not be possible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on the symptoms shown. To identify a disease that provokes a severe cough, a competent diagnosis is necessary, in the direction of the treating pulmonologist.

Differential diagnostics, radiography, and laboratory blood and urine tests help determine the correct diagnosis. If asthma is suspected, the patient may also be prescribed allergy tests and special inhalation tests. It should also be noted that the X-ray procedure is not prescribed to confirm asthma, but to exclude other diseases of the respiratory organs. This diagnosis does not show significant abnormalities in the lungs with asthma.

After determining an accurate diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a course of effective drug treatment aimed at eliminating the main symptom of asthma. Dry asthmatic cough with moist wheezing, treated with drugs that help thin and remove mucus. The patient is advised to drink as much fluid as possible.

Also, the mandatory course of treatment includes prophylactic agents aimed at reducing the risk of developing an attack-like symptom. The lack of adequate treatment for such a disease entails irreversible consequences, and the disease itself becomes chronic. It is unacceptable to self-medicate! If a patient wishes to undergo a health course using folk remedies, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with the treating pulmonologist.

Effective drugs for treating asthma

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, medications of different spectrums of action are used, which depends on the symptoms and severity of the disease. The mandatory course of prescriptions includes basic medications and must be taken daily. The action of these medications is aimed at stopping and preventing attacks. Regular use significantly relieves asthmatic symptoms.

Some drugs in the basic category simultaneously neutralize inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, reduce swelling and allergic susceptibility. This group includes antihistamines, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, inhalers and antileukotriene drugs. In some cases, patients are prescribed cromones and theophyllines.

In the treatment of asthma, hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, systemic glucocorticoids, beta-2 adrenergic agonists and anticholinergics are also used. To eliminate cough during exacerbations, expectorants based on acetylcysteine, ambroxol, bromhexine, alkaline mixtures and potassium iodide are used. To reduce swelling in the mucous membranes of the respiratory organ, inhalers with glucocorticosteroids are effectively used. The most popular drugs in this category: Becotide, Ingacort, Fluticasone, Flixotide, Benacort, etc.

To provide emergency assistance during a severe attack, medications are used that promote rapid expansion of the airways. Effective drugs in this category: Levalbuterol, Salbutamol, Terbutaline, etc.

To eliminate allergic symptoms in asthma, antihistamines are used as prescribed by a doctor. Some tablets cause a sedative effect, so after using them, the patient must avoid work activities related to concentration, as well as driving a car.

Asthma and the symptoms of this disease must be treated responsibly, making sure to follow all the recommendations of your doctor. Only this approach to treatment guarantees good recovery results, with the exception of life-threatening relapses. Particular care should be taken when treating asthma in children. Many drugs recommended for eliminating painful symptoms that occur during attacks are prohibited for use in minors.

Therapeutic measures for asthma should be carried out only as prescribed by a pulmonologist! Self-medication in this case is fraught with very dangerous consequences!

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