Effective treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies

The benefits of herbal medicine for sinusitis

Phytotherapeutic treatment for sinus disease is considered one of the most effective ways to combat the disease.
For example, regular home irrigation of the nasal cavity can successfully replace the well-known nasal drops. Natural remedies for sinus inflammation are sometimes the only way to get rid of a debilitating runny nose. They have a mild effect on the mucous membrane, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, quickly remove nasal congestion, and relieve inflammation. The use of home remedies for nasal disease is important in such cases.

  1. Chronic sinusitis. After eliminating the signs of acute inflammation, it is necessary to help the body cope with residual effects.
  2. To strengthen the immune system for preventive purposes.
  3. During the period of recovery from illness.
  4. As preparations for vitamin therapy.

In case of acute inflammation of the sinuses, it is recommended to combine medication and alternative treatment. It is also worth remembering the basic rules for using “old-fashioned” methods in the fight against sinusitis to obtain the best result.

Plant therapy is considered a long-term process

Healing infusions should be taken or based on their procedure for a couple of months, with short breaks. The use of allergenic components must be carried out carefully to avoid an allergic reaction. Treatment of sinusitis with herbs should be carried out using environmentally friendly plants grown in a clean area. If an allergic reaction occurs, treatment must be stopped immediately. During the period of inflammation of the sinuses, plants for medicinal procedures should not be prescribed by patients independently

This should be done by a doctor after examining the patient. The specialist will identify what form of the disease and the patient and prescribe what herbs to drink for sinusitis so as not to harm health

During the period of inflammation of the nasal sinuses, plants for medicinal procedures should not be prescribed by patients independently. This should be done by a doctor after examining the patient. The specialist will identify what form of the disease and the patient and prescribe what herbs to drink for sinusitis so as not to harm your health.

How to treat infectious sinusitis at home

Immediately after rinsing the nose, heat treatment should be carried out, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics should be injected into the cavity. Warming up is done using:

  • dry compresses;
  • phytoapplications;
  • blue lamp;
  • steam inhalations.

One of the most effective ways to treat sinusitis at home is to warm the nasal cavity with a garlic stalk. This is both heat treatment and antimicrobial therapy. To do this, take a garlic stalk 20–30 cm long and set it on fire on one side. As soon as it flares up, it is extinguished so that it only smolders.

Next, the unsmoldering end of the stem is brought to the nostril and a deep breath is taken through the nose, but one must exhale through the mouth. Take 6-10 deep breaths, then repeat the procedure with the other half of the nose. But this recipe for sinusitis also has significant drawbacks. Smoke from garlic:

  • irritating to the eyes;
  • causes a sore throat;
  • irritates the bronchial mucosa.

If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, then instead of healing, you can add a burn to the mucous membrane to the disease.

It is most reliable to carry out inhalations, and not steam ones, since in most cases they will only intensify the inflammatory process, and in case of purulent sinusitis and high temperature they are generally contraindicated.

Instead of steam inhalations it is recommended:

  • aromatherapy;
  • inhalation using a nebulizer (aerosol therapy is carried out even in hospitals).

If you don’t have an aroma lamp, it doesn’t matter; many people successfully replace it with a regular battery (if the heat is good and you can’t hold your hand on it). Essential oil is dripped onto a napkin and used to treat sinusitis:

  • fir;
  • eucalyptus.

An oiled napkin is placed on the radiator and a pleasant aroma is inhaled. If the heating is low or it’s not the season yet, heat the oiled napkin with a table lamp.

You also need to be very careful with this treatment method, since eucalyptus and fir can cause allergies and bronchospasm.

Aerosol therapy is carried out using a nebulizer. In this case, the drug evenly irrigates the mucous membrane. But the procedure must be carried out correctly:

  1. The nebulizer does not contain essential oils. If inhalation is done as a decoction, then it must be carefully filtered so that undissolved particles do not get into the device.
  2. The mask from the device is applied tightly so that the medicine does not get into the eyes under any circumstances.
  3. For sinusitis, during the procedure, inhale through the nose (therefore, it must be washed before aerosol therapy) and exhale through the mouth.

Most often, a decoction of calendula and chamomile is prescribed for inhalation. These herbs:

  • effective antiseptics;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promote wound healing (often due to the fact that the exudate dries out, crusts form, injuring the mucous membrane).

Thermal procedures are carried out before bedtime so as not to get too cold after them. You can do them if there are no contraindications. Warming up is often recommended after recovery, to prevent chronic sinusitis.

In case of exacerbation of purulent sinusitis, treatment with heat is strictly prohibited. In this case, instead of recovery, there is a high risk of the patient not only falling into the tenacious hands of a surgeon, but in very advanced cases, you may end up undergoing an autopsy by a pathologist (although in this case the patient will not care, but family and friends may be very upset).

In addition to inhalations and nasal rinsing, one should not forget about general restorative and symptomatic therapy.

Flax seeds for sinusitis

A proven effective folk method for treating sinusitis at home. It is necessary to fill one tbsp. spoon of flax seeds 1/2 cup of milk and boil for ten minutes over low heat. The resulting decoction must be breathed until it cools completely. Dry flax seeds also treat this disease. In this case, they need to be heated in a frying pan and then tied in a cloth.

Next, apply a hot compress to the maxillary and frontal sinuses. In addition to compresses, you need to squeeze the juice from the burdock stems and drip it into your nose five times a day. There are numerous reviews of this recipe, it helps many.

In what cases is herbal medicine justified?

Natural remedies for sinusitis in some cases are the only remedy that helps get rid of annoying pain and constant nasal congestion. They have a gentler effect on the mucous membrane than well-known drugs, however, they effectively eliminate nasal congestion and relieve inflammation.

The use of home medicine is justified in the following cases:

  1. Chronic course of sinusitis. After eliminating the symptoms of acute inflammation, you need to help the body cope with the residual manifestations of the pathology.
  2. In acute cases of the disease, it is advisable to combine traditional and non-traditional methods. Such exposure to unrecognized drugs increases the impact of medical drugs.
  3. For preventive purposes, to strengthen the immune system.
  4. During the recovery period.
  5. As a means of auxiliary vitamin therapy.

You should remember the basic rules for using folk remedies:

  1. Treatment of sinusitis with herbs is a rather lengthy process. You will have to use suitable products for several months, with minor breaks, which are necessary to prevent addiction.
  2. When using allergenic components, you should be aware of the body's possible reaction. You need to start using small dosages, monitoring the body's reaction.
  3. Herbs for sinusitis must be used environmentally friendly, because plants growing in polluted areas have a negative effect on the human body.
  4. If an allergic reaction occurs or if the patient’s well-being worsens, treatment should be stopped.

Patients who decide to treat sinusitis with herbs should remember the need to take precautions

General recommendations for the treatment of the disease in adults and children

Otolaryngologists insist on treating sinusitis with antibiotics or clearing the sinuses of pus using a puncture method in order to administer anti-inflammatory medications.

READ ALSO: Medicinal properties of badger fat - use for coughs and contraindications for children

Many people with sinusitis are so uncomfortable with the idea of ​​having their sinuses pierced that they consider alternative treatments with folk remedies.

There are certain principles for treating sinusitis at home:

  • It is necessary to use vasoconstrictors and decongestants to create an outflow of mucus from the nasal cavity.
  • The inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses decreases when rinsing and cleansing the nose. A popular and affordable remedy is a strong saline solution. The effectiveness of the procedure will be enhanced by the use of furacillin, calendula tincture, sea salt solution, Rotocan, Decamethoxin and Chlorophyllipt.
  • One of the best pharmaceutical drugs is pinosol, which has an antimicrobial effect and makes breathing easier.
  • Compresses with honey cakes, instead of dangerous heating, will significantly reduce inflammation of the nasal mucosa.
  • The expectorant effect of marshmallow and licorice root will make breathing easier and stop the progression of the disease.
  • Warm foot baths will serve as a distraction therapy.

Balms, oil tinctures for sinusitis

Among the folk remedies used to treat various sinusitis, essential oils for sinusitis are often used: tea tree oil, fir oil, camphor oil and others. You need to buy these drugs only at the pharmacy

. They are used:

  • when rinsing the nose;
  • in the form of nasal drops;
  • for inhalations.


Tea tree oil for sinusitis is best used for rinsing, as the product has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the solution, use 10 drops of oil in half a glass of water.

Also, propolis tincture for sinusitis can be added to the washing solution - honey is not used for such purposes. Add 2-3 drops of tincture per serving.

We suck the resulting liquid into the nose, hold it for 30 seconds, and blow our nose. In one procedure it is necessary to use up all the liquid; the session must be repeated once a day.

Rinsing can also be performed using special devices that are sold in pharmacies. These are AquaMaris, Dolphin, and other similar brands. It is not necessary to use the rinsing solution included in the composition: it can be replaced with folk recipes.

Nasal drops

Often, nasal drops for sinusitis include a 10% propolis tincture: for sinusitis, camphor oil and unrefined sunflower oil are used as ingredients for the preparation of such a remedy. All three components are taken in equal parts, mixed and instilled three drops three times a day. The medicine helps cleanse the sinuses, and after use the headache is significantly reduced.

Another popular drug is birch tar drops, which are an excellent antiseptic. You can buy them at almost any pharmacy. Using a pipette, instill a couple of drops of the product into the right nasal passage. In this case, the patient lies on the same side and does not turn over for the next 10 minutes. Then we perform the same procedure with the left move. The smell of the medicine is very pungent, but when sinusitis is completely tormented, this is not the worst drawback.

If you don’t want to bother preparing solutions and making sure that all proportions are strictly observed, then you can use a ready-made balm for a runny nose and sinusitis. It also contains eucalyptus, tea tree, and mint oils. The only contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to the components. You can purchase this instillation product at a pharmacy. They will also advise you on other similar medications.

An equally effective remedy in the fight against the disease is the drug Vitaon - it is recommended quite often for sinusitis. The peculiarity of its use: when instilling, you need to tilt your head back strongly so that the nostrils are directed vertically upward. The product promotes intensive cleansing of mucous membranes.


Inhalations are carried out to reduce the symptoms of the disease. Often fir oil is used for them: for sinusitis, birch tar is practically not used in such procedures due to the unpleasant odor. To conduct an inhalation session with fir, place 5-7 drops of oil in a glass of hot water. The aroma must be inhaled until it completely evaporates.

Thuja oil is used in the same way for sinusitis. Both products have antiseptic properties. In order for the medicine to be more effective, the procedure must be carried out after the nasal passages have been cleared of mucus.

In any case, no matter what you decide to take for sinusitis - ginger, essential oils or herbs - first consult with an ENT specialist.

Rinse for sinusitis:

  • To rinse the nasal cavity with sinusitis, it is advisable to prepare a tincture of herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage. To do this, the herbs are crushed. Then 2 tbsp. Add 2 cups of boiling water to a spoonful of the mixture. Leave for 30 minutes. Strain the infusion and rinse your nose as often as possible;
  • In a glass of boiling water add ¼ teaspoon of soda and ½ teaspoon of salt, 4 drops of iodine, 3 teaspoons. tinctures of eucalyptus or calendula. Rinse your nose, inhaling the solution into each nostril alternately. Then insert tampons soaked in a solution of honey and aloe juice into the nose, and place a bag of warm salt on the back of the head. Leave the tampons and salt on for 10 minutes.
  • Dilute beet or lemon juice with water and add a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly until the salt is completely dissolved. Rinse your nose several times a day;

Why does sinusitis develop?

Sinusitis does not occur on its own; it is a complication of diseases such as influenza, colds, scarlet fever, and measles. Some people have poorly positioned roots of their upper incisors, which causes frequent inflammation of the sinuses.

So, the maxillary sinuses and the nasal cavity are connected to each other. When inflammation begins in the nose, that is, a runny nose, the process inevitably spreads to the sinuses. A viral infection is not dangerous to either the nose or sinuses; the body successfully fights it on its own. You can help him with antiviral drugs. But bacteria in the nose and sinuses is much more dangerous. The mucus becomes thick, it can dry out and prevent the free passage of air into the sinuses. But the worst thing is that thick mucus does not come out of the sinuses well or does not come out at all. This is when purulent sinusitis develops.

Treatment of sinusitis with inhalations

1. Potatoes are the simplest remedy known to everyone. The potatoes are boiled without peeling, pounded a little, covered with a towel, and inhaled with steam. For greater effect, add a validol tablet to the potatoes.

2. propolis - add 1/2 tsp to three liters of boiling water. propolis tinctures. Just as in the previous recipe, cover yourself with a towel and inhale the vapors.

3. heat a brick, crushed garlic on it or pour kombucha on it. Cover yourself with a towel and breathe in the steam. The procedure improves blood circulation and cleanses the sinuses. At the end, it is useful to drink 100 ml of kombucha and place four drops in your nose. The procedure is repeated twelve evenings.

Herbs for nasal polyps

Polyps are neoplasms that appear as a result of complications of chronic runny nose or allergic diseases. Traditional medicine uses surgery to combat them, traditional medicine successfully treats the nose with herbs (rinsing), such as chamomile, oak bark, sage, and the use of celandine has a special effect.


3 tbsp. pour 250 ml of celandine herbs. boiling water, cover with a lid, insulate and let it brew until warm. Strain.

Rinse your nose with the resulting infusion every 3 hours. The course of treatment is 13 days.

Rinse fresh celandine well under running water, shake off the water and grind using a blender or meat grinder. Place the mixture in several layers of gauze and squeeze well. Prepare chamomile juice in the same way. Mix the two juices obtained in a 1:1 ratio. Store in a cool place for no longer than 3 days.

Instill 3 drops into each nasal passage 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is a week, then a break of 10 days and the course should be repeated.

How to use

For inflammation of the inner lining of the maxillary sinus caused by an allergy, freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice is used for instillation (undiluted). For this purpose, it is necessary to instill 2-3 drops of juice into each nasal passage twice a day for 1 week.

For adults

For sinusitis in adults, you can instill freshly squeezed concentrated Kalanchoe juice into the nose. It is necessary to drip 1-2 drops into each nostril three times a day. If there are weak blood vessels or a burning sensation in the nasal cavity, you need to dilute the juice with boiled water in a 50/50 ratio. The course of therapy lasts 7 days.

For children

Children are recommended to instill juice diluted with boiled water into their nose in a ratio of 1:2. The water should be at room temperature. The procedure is performed 3 times a day. For young children, you do not need to instill the juice, but lubricate the nasal mucosa with it.

To eliminate the symptoms of sinusitis in children, you can prepare a decoction. To do this, add 125 ml of water to the leaves of the plant, bring to a boil, and then remove from the heat and let it brew for 45-60 minutes. Instill 1 drop into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. This decoction provides a mild effect. Infants can only gently lubricate the nasal passages with this composition using a cotton swab.

Even in childhood, to treat the disease, you can mix aloe and Kalanchoe juice in equal proportions.

Aromatherapy has a good healing effect. To carry it out, you need to chop up the soft fresh leaves of a houseplant and place them in a plate. Then the dishes with crushed leaves need to be placed near the patient’s bed overnight. The substances released by the crushed flower speed up the healing process.

Recipes for sinusitis with Kalanchoe and other traditional medicine

There are other ways to use the plant. A recipe with cyclamen is effective. To prepare the product, you need to mix equal quantities of juice from the cyclamen tuber, natural honey, juices of Kalanchoe, aloe and onion. Small gauze or cotton swabs are moistened with the composition and placed in each nasal opening for half an hour. The manipulation is performed in the morning and evening.

After each procedure, it is advisable to drink 2 glasses of hot herbal decoction with honey. Mucus and pus will begin to flow out after 2-3 days of therapy. Cyclamen is a plant containing a large amount of poisons, therefore it is forbidden to exceed the permissible time for using turunda.

You can also use another recipe. To prepare a medicine for sinusitis, you need 1 tbsp. l. Kalanchoe juice add 3 drops of onion juice. When instilling the product into the nasal passages, you must slowly turn your head. Such actions are necessary to ensure deep penetration of the product.

You can make your own drops for sinusitis from aloe and Kalanchoe leaves. To do this, you need to take 3 leaves of each plant, and then squeeze the juice out of them. After this, the resulting composition must be mixed with 1 tsp. honey and 1 g salt. Finally, the medicine must be filtered through gauze and instilled 3 drops into the nasal passages in the morning and evening.

Medicinal plants for inhalation

Inhaling the vapors of medicinal plants allows you to direct their beneficial properties directly to the site of inflammation.

This helps reduce tissue swelling, thin mucous accumulations, improve the outflow of exudate from the sinuses, and restore nasal breathing. Inhalations can be carried out using the usual steam method or using a special Nebulizer device.

It is not recommended to use solutions prepared from plants at home in the Nebulizer, since large suspended particles can damage the device.

However, alcohol tinctures of biologically active plants, which are sold in pharmacies, are well suited for this type of aerosol treatment:

  • Malavit. Dietary supplement based on a number of minerals and plants (birch and pine buds, thyme, calamus, chamomile, immortelle, sage, peony, celandine, plantain). Has antibacterial, analgesic and antiseptic effects. Mixed with physiological solution in a ratio of 1:30. Inhale three times a day, 3 ml.
  • Rotokan. An alcohol infusion of calendula, chamomile and yarrow with a good anti-inflammatory effect. Diluted with sodium chloride 1:40, about 4 ml of solution is inhaled. A solution of alcoholic calendula is used in the same way.
  • Eucalyptus. Relieves inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. 15 drops of alcohol tincture are added to a glass of saline solution, inhalation is carried out three times a day, 3 ml. Contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma and other problems with the bronchi.
  • Sinupret. Herbal medicine based on gentian root, verbena, elderberry and primrose. It has a mucolytic and anti-edematous effect, increases immunity, and helps cleanse the maxillary cavities of stagnant exudate. The aerosol is inhaled three times a day. Diluted with saline depending on the age of the patient: 1:3 – up to 6 years, 1:2 – up to 16 years, 1:1 – for adults.

However, the Nebulizer is quite expensive, so it is more often used in medical institutions. The majority of the population prefers to treat sinusitis with a proven method - steam inhalation. When preparing them, you can use dried plant materials.

Here are some common recipes:

  • Mix 10 g of plantain leaves, 5 g of yarrow and immortelle flowers. 2 tablespoons of this mixture are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for an hour and filtered. For one inhalation, half of the resulting infusion is enough.
  • 15 g of chamomile flowers, 10 g of calendula flowers and 5 g of meadow geranium herb are infused for 1 hour in 200 ml of boiling water. After filtering, it is used for inhalation; 50 ml is enough for one procedure.
  • 15 g of plantain leaves, 10 g of yarrow and 5 g of walnut leaves are brewed and used in the same way as the previous recipe.

In addition to the preparations, you can breathe steam with decoctions of individual herbs, such as St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, chamomile, and calendula.

They are prepared according to a recipe similar to the preparations: per glass of boiling water, 1-2 tablespoons of dried crushed raw materials; they can be used after half an hour to an hour. As a rule, they breathe for 5 minutes daily, the entire course takes about one week. To enhance the effect, experts recommend that children and adults drink a cup of herbal tea before starting the procedure.

Essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus, clove, pine), which have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, are often used for steam inhalations. For inhalation, 4-5 drops added to boiling water are enough; for children, the dose is selected individually, starting with 1 drop of oil, since allergic reactions are possible.

Herbs and herbs for sinusitis

What herbs and infusions are used, how to brew, dosage, duration of treatment, when can the course be repeated? The following algorithms for the treatment of sinusitis have been proposed at the Department of Herbal Medicine of RUDN University:

• Collection: Calamus rhizome 10.0 Bergenia rhizome 2.0 Birch buds 15.0 Wintergreen herb 3.0 Calendula flowers 10.0 Tricolor violet herb 15.0 Eucalyptus leaves 10.0 Method of preparation: pour 1 teaspoon of the collection into 200 ml water, leave in a thermos for 30 minutes, take 70 ml warm 3 times a day before meals. Duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

• Place cotton swabs in the nasal passages with an aqueous solution of Sangviritrin for 20 minutes, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 4-6 days.

• Rinse your nose with a saline solution of water or sea water (Dolphin, Solin, Aquamaris) 3 times a day during an exacerbation of the disease for 1-2 weeks and to prevent the disease during the season of colds and ARVI.

• The use of inhalations for sinusitis has proven itself. Inhaling vapors of herbs and essential oils improves nasal breathing, has a local antiseptic effect, and reduces the severity of edema syndrome. For inhalations, both herbal preparations and one type of plant can be used, for example, chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, mint, lemon balm, etc., which have an anti-inflammatory effect. Take 1-2 tablespoons of the collection or selected herb, pour in 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for half an hour in a thermos, then inhalation is performed, possibly using a nebulizer. Before inhalation, it is recommended to take 1 glass of herbal tea, especially for children. Inhalation duration is 5 minutes, daily course 6-8 times. You can also use essential oils for inhalation, adding 3-5 drops either to just boiled water or to a solution for inhalation through a nebulizer. You can use clove oil, eucalyptus oil, tea tree, you can add a ready-made mixture of essential oils “Breathe” both for treatment and for the prevention of relapses of the disease during the cold and flu season. At home, you can also add essential oils to an aroma lamp and inhale them before bed. Remember that lower dosages are recommended for children, which are selected depending on the age of the child. An allergic reaction to essential oils is also possible, so it is advisable to perform an allergy test first and start inhalations with minimal dosages (from 1 drop) and with a minimum procedure time, gradually increasing to the recommended dosages and time.

Traditional medicine:

• Drop 2 drops of cyclamen root juice into each nasal passage in the evening for 2-3 days in a row. For children, dilute the juice with water 1:2. • Fill the bottle with chopped horseradish and rosemary herb in a 1:1 ratio. Then fill to the top with wine vinegar, seal and leave in a warm place for 10 days, shaking twice a day. After this period, every hour inhale the contents through the neck for 5 minutes, and in the evening with this tincture make a compress on the forehead and back of the head (10-15 minutes). Carry out a similar procedure until clinical recovery. • Take equal proportions (on average 1 teaspoon) of liquid honey and sea salt and mix. Apply this mixture to the area between the eyebrows (above the frontal sinus) and near the wings of the nose (above the maxillary sinuses). Topical application of this mixture has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces swelling. Apply 2 times a day, morning and evening, for 10-15 minutes, covering with plastic, then rinse with warm water. At night, you don’t have to rinse it off, but blot it with a napkin. Duration until clinical recovery. • Eat 1 teaspoon of honey with honeycombs 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. Take during exacerbation of sinusitis and to prevent relapse of the disease in autumn, winter and spring for 2 weeks. • There is also a folk recipe: “roll” a boiled egg while it is semi-hot in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus until it cools. From the point of view of Western medicine, the therapeutic effect is based on warming up and improving blood circulation. Although, in case of acute purulent sinusitis, I would not recommend any “thermal” procedures, since the inflammation and growth of microflora can only intensify with them!

When using traditional medicine recipes, consult your doctor! Always try to understand what the therapeutic effect is based on and whether this method can be used in your case. Since there is no treatment suitable for all patients, each of us has our own “features” of the course of the disease, the level of the body’s immune forces. The same disease can occur in different ways!

The best folk remedies

Bee products: beeswax, propolis, honey

Honey has wonderful healing properties. It is used for oral solutions, ointments and nasal drops.

Recipe 1:

Dilute 1 tbsp. l. honey in a glass of water and use to rinse the nose.

Recipe 2:

To eliminate dry nose and discomfort that sometimes occurs when using vasoconstrictor drops, you can mix 30 grams. medical glycerin and a teaspoon of honey. Place the resulting ointment into the nasal passages on cotton pads 1-2 times a day.

Propolis is a substance produced by bees to disinfect their honeycombs. A good choice would be to use a pharmaceutical ointment based on propolis; they come in different consistencies from 5% propolis content to 30%. The 20% option will be optimal; you can add a little garlic or onion juice to it for greater effect. The resulting mixture is kept in the nose for 10–15 minutes, once a day.

Herbal tinctures

For sinusitis, herbs are used that help strengthen the immune system and help the body fight infection.

You can use yarrow, chamomile, calendula and cloves to rinse your nose. You need to brew one teaspoon of herb in a glass of water and let it brew for half an hour. Strain, cool and use twice a day for rinsing. And in order not to cook, you can use malavit, it is sold in any pharmacy.

In addition to rinsing, it makes sense to make light herbal drinks from currant leaves, raspberries and Kuril tea.

And the next collection is well suited for both inhalation and instillation into the nose. It will require:

  • 1 part peppermint;
  • 1 part lemon balm;
  • 2 parts large plantain.

For inhalation, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 15–20 minutes, then heat it again and add 2–3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.


They have a moisturizing effect (sea buckthorn oil), as well as the ability to suppress the growth and development of pathogens (thuja, eucalyptus, pine oil). Used for sinusitis for inhalation and aromatherapy, as an integral component of homemade drops and tinctures orally.

Recipe 1:

Add 2-3 drops of thuja oil to a glass of saline solution. Use to rinse the nose for sinusitis.

Recipe 2:

Mix 4-5 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil with 3-4 drops of fir oil. Soak cotton swabs in this mixture and leave in the nasal cavity for 10–15 minutes.

Recipe 3:

Black cumin oil will help suppress painful microflora. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it will be enough to lubricate the nasal passages twice a day.

Silver water in the form of proto-head drops

Silver, which is part of the proto-head drops, has pronounced antiseptic properties and destroys pathogenic bacteria. These drops are made to order in any pharmacy chain. The course of treatment is about 2–3 weeks. Effective drops that dry and disinfect the nasal cavity and sinuses.


Has liquefying and disinfecting properties. Used for applications to the area of ​​inflamed sinuses. Black radish crushed in a blender or meat grinder is mixed with honey and applied to the sinus area for 10–15 minutes in a lying position, avoiding contact with the eyes.

Carry out 4-5 such procedures once a day. Before and after the procedure it is necessary to carry out.

Ointment for sinusitis:

  • Take alcohol, milk, honey, vegetable oil, crushed laundry soap, onion (juice) - all in equal proportions. Mix and dissolve in a water bath. The ointment is ready. Dip tampons in ointment and insert into the nose for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least 3 weeks;
  • Prepare a mixture of wild rosemary, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn oils and propolis tincture. Dip the tampon into the mixture and insert it into each nostril for 15-20 minutes. Relief occurs the very next day.

Treatment of children

Many parents are interested in how to treat sinusitis using traditional methods in children. Depending on what symptoms the child has and the appropriate treatment is selected. Horseradish root is widely used for therapy. It needs to be washed well, peeled and grated, and then mixed with lemon juice.

The resulting mixture should resemble sour cream in consistency. The mixture should be taken daily in the morning, an hour after eating. The course of therapy is a month.


If a child has sinusitis, traditional medicine involves rinsing the sinuses with warm water with the addition of iodine or potassium permanganate. The mixture must be prepared in such a way that the water is not strongly colored. Washing should be done several times a day.

It is worth remembering that treating sinusitis with traditional methods in a child must first consult with a doctor, since complications may arise if the therapy is carried out incorrectly.

Treatment of sinusitis with rinsing

Rinsing flushes out accumulated pus and mucus, thereby clearing the sinuses and preventing bacteria from multiplying. After rinsing, it is advisable to introduce herbal infusions into the maxillary sinuses.

Calendula officinalis, coltsfoot, peppermint, yarrow herb, tripartite string, chamomile flowers take 10 g per glass of water. They also use ivy budra, take 5 g. It is useful to take a hot infusion of yarrow and St. John's wort internally. Take 20g of the collection, 200ml of boiling water. Take 3/4 cup three times for ten days.

1. propolis tincture - 15 drops, 1 tsp table salt, a glass of water. Wash your nose with the mixture four times a day.

2. soda solution - half a teaspoon of salt and soda per 200 ml of boiled water.

3. warm solution of potassium permanganate or iodine tincture

How to rinse your nose during inflammation?

Rinsing the nasal sinuses for sinusitis is the best way to cleanse the nasal cavity of accumulated mucus and purulent fluid. This event is prescribed by otolaryngologists, and in some cases it is carried out in the treatment room.

In order to carry out the procedure correctly at home, you need to take into account some of the nuances and features of the technique.

Whatever liquid is used, the washing steps are the same:

  1. Clearing of congestion is required first. If the need arises, then agents with a vasoconstrictor effect are used, they improve breathing and relieve swelling.
  2. You should rinse your nose 10 minutes after cleaning. To do this, you can use a syringe or a large syringe without a needle.
  3. A person needs to bend over a bathtub, sink or any container, placing his head slightly to one side. Liquid is poured into the nostril that is higher.
  4. If everything is done correctly, the product will flow freely through the mouth or other nasal passage.

The procedure is carried out 2 to 4 times a day, duration is 7-10 days. One wash will require 100-200 ml; children can do it from the age of 4. The solution should be warm, but not higher than 40°C. The liquid can be ordinary boiled water, medicines or folk ingredients.

Onion oil for sinusitis

This method of folk treatment of sinusitis at home involves obtaining a mixture of pasteurized oil, prepared in a water bath, with onion juice. To do this, you need to put some rag, pre-folded several times, on the bottom of the pan. Then you should place a small bottle with 50 g of sunflower oil on it and fill about a little more than half with water. Next, you need to wait until the water boils for three minutes, then take out the bottle and cool. This resulted in pasteurized butter.

The next thing we need is a finely grated onion, from which we need to squeeze out half a teaspoon of juice, add oil to it until we get a full spoon and mix. The prepared mixture, five drops, should be dripped three times a day into both nostrils. If there is a lot of blood and pus, then you need to drip every two hours so that oil flows out of the nose. After the procedure, you should not blow your nose for ten minutes. Additionally, you can also drop one dropper of oil without onion into each nostril at night. After some time, sinusitis disappears. This folk method of treating sinusitis has received many positive reviews.

Symptoms and signs of sinusitis in adults

You need to see a doctor for a diagnosis, because symptoms can be similar for different diseases. Sinusitis can be suspected with any prolonged runny nose. If it lasts more than a week, while the nose is stuffy, then this is already a serious signal.

How does sinusitis manifest?

  • The nose is stuffy, nasal breathing is difficult, and a nasal voice appears.
  • Nasal congestion is accompanied by unpleasant sensations or pain and swelling in the eyes and nose, which are less pronounced in the morning.
  • Pain in the face increases when the head is tilted down.
  • A headache with sinusitis is often felt.
  • Mucus discharge from the nose is yellow-green in color.
  • A cough may occur, especially in the morning and at night.
  • Deterioration in general condition, fatigue, poor sleep and appetite, and possible fever.
  • In the acute form of sinusitis, pain is often felt in the face, which sometimes radiates to the teeth.

Homemade drops for sinusitis

How to properly instill drops for sinusitis? They lie on one side, instill drops, they need to get into the side of the nose. Lie for 5 minutes, then turn to the other side and repeat the procedure. After 10 minutes they blow their nose.

1. chop potatoes and onions taken equally. Squeeze out the juice and add natural honey. Drops into the nose when it becomes difficult to breathe.

2. Brew separately in a glass of boiling water - 15g of St. John's wort, 10g of chamomile, 10g of dried herb. The infusions are mixed, 5 drops are dripped three times, or the composition is used for five minute inhalations for ten days.

3. morning and evening for ten days, drip 5 drops of fresh tartar juice. The plant contains a lot of inulin and helps with sinusitis.

4. severe pain with sinusitis - radish juice. Drop diluted with water or insert tampons moistened with juice.

5. treatment of sinusitis with onions - half an onion, 2 cloves of garlic are passed through a garlic press. Add a little vegetable oil. Keep for 14 days. The product is very strong and effective; if it burns too much, add more oil. Drip no more than three times a day.

6. The patient lies down with his head thrown back and drops 6 drops of ghee into each nostril. You need to lie down for some time.

7. Sinusitis is treated with honey - take equal parts boiled water and honey. Use 4 times.

8. To eliminate the disease, swelling of the mucous membrane, drop 2 drops of menthol oil and lubricate the area around the nose.

Contraindications for treating sinusitis with herbs

Herbs are practically harmless, but require strict adherence to instructions, terms of use and dosages. The most common side effects of herbal treatment are allergic reactions and lack of pronounced effect (especially in severe forms of the disease).

Herbal medicine is contraindicated for:

  • allergies to herbal components;
  • acute purulent sinusitis;
  • high body temperature;
  • pronounced intoxication syndrome.

With caution and under the supervision of a doctor, herbal treatment occurs when:

  • chronic sinusitis;
  • deterioration of general condition;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Treatment of sinusitis with herbs occurs as prescribed by an otolaryngologist and cannot replace basic therapy with medications. In acute conditions, it is necessary to use emergency aid and surgical intervention, rather than increasing the dosage of herbal medicines.

Otherwise, herbal therapy has a significant positive effect on eliminating the symptoms of sinusitis. Promotes a speedy recovery and prevents complications.

Treatment of chronic sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis does not cause such significant ailments and pain as acute sinusitis. Nevertheless, it needs to be treated, and try to do it as quickly as possible. After all, the presence of purulent contents in the maxillary sinuses (which is always accompanied by sinusitis) means that there is a source of infection in the body that can spread.

Possible complications of chronic sinusitis:

  • Inflammatory processes in the throat,
  • Pneumonia, bronchitis,
  • Otitis,
  • Inflammation of the meninges,
  • Joint damage
  • Kidney diseases.

How to cure chronic sinusitis? To do this, you need to carefully and thoroughly follow the instructions of your doctor, perform all necessary procedures on time and in the right quantity. As a rule, treatment of any chronic processes is carried out comprehensively and is associated with immune support. Therefore, in the treatment of chronic sinusitis, drugs are prescribed to improve immunity, the most common of which are herbal preparations based on echinacea.

Complex treatment of chronic sinusitis:

  • Ingestion of anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics,
  • Using nasal drops and sprays
  • Physiotherapy,
  • The use of traditional medicine,
  • Compliance with hygiene procedures,
  • Vitamin therapy,
  • Complete nutrition.

Medicines used to treat chronic sinusitis:

  • Sinuforte. A modern herbal preparation based on an aqueous extract of cyclamen. As you know, cyclamen has a strong anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the nose and maxillary sinuses. Sinuforte is used as a spray and penetrates deeply into the nasal passages.
  • Sinupret is a combined herbal preparation. It is available in tablets or drops for oral administration. In addition to improving outflow and anti-inflammatory effects, Sinupret relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, improves local immunity, and also has an antiviral effect.
  • Rinofluimucil is a drug in the form of a spray that thins mucus and promotes its removal, and also has a vasoconstrictor effect.
  • Thuja oil is a fairly strong natural anti-inflammatory agent. It makes sputum less viscous, making it easier to clear. In addition, the effect of thuja oil is antiseptic, antiviral, and tonic. Its use is possible in the presence of polyps and adenoids. Under the influence of thuja oil, the mucous membrane is restored. The use of this remedy consists of instilling a few drops of oil into each nasal passage.

What nasal diseases are treated with herbs?

Nasal congestion or runny nose is most often a symptom of influenza or other acute respiratory diseases, but chronic diseases such as nasal polyps, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. can also manifest themselves.

If a runny nose is a manifestation of a cold, then treating the nose with herbs is the safest and most effective method. In the case of a chronic runny nose or nasal congestion that does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor, since only he will be able to determine its cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Although there is an opinion that chronic nasal diseases can be cured exclusively with herbal medicine, nevertheless, this method usually acts as an auxiliary to the main drug treatment method. In addition, the doctor will tell you which herbs for runny nose and nasal congestion are best to use in each specific case. The recipes below are for informational purposes only.

Treatment of sinusitis at home

When treating sinusitis, it is necessary to cope with the infection that caused it, relieve inflammation, improve mucus separation, and remove the sensations of pain and discomfort, which usually intensify in the evening. Both in combination with drug treatment and independently, folk remedies for sinusitis have proven themselves to be effective. In particular, herbal medicine is effective:

  • to relieve symptoms in acute forms of the disease;
  • to ease the course of chronic sinusitis;
  • for recovery after inflammation;
  • to prevent the occurrence of the disease during the ARVI season.

At home, the nose is washed and instilled with various decoctions and infusions. Effective for sinusitis and inhalation based on medicinal plants - but only when used correctly

It is important that the steam is not very hot, you need to breathe slowly, and before the procedure, clean your nose with a saline solution.

Herbal infusions and decoctions are also taken orally during the treatment period in order to make the mucus more liquid. In addition, medicinal plants also strengthen the immune system.

Nasal drops for sinusitis:

  • Perhaps the most effective treatment for sinusitis is treatment with cyclamen. More precisely, its root is used. To do this, the root of the flower must be grated and the juice squeezed out. Then mix the furatsilin solution and the resulting juice in a 4:1 ratio. Apply 3 drops 3 times a day to each nostril. The course of treatment is a week;
  • Excellent results in curing sinusitis can be achieved with the help of aloe. To do this, you need to take succulent leaves of a plant that must be at least 3 years old. Peel them from thorns and skin and squeeze out the juice. Also squeeze the juice from freshly ground celandine. Mix aloe juice, celandine juice, honey in equal proportions. It is necessary to instill 5 drops three times a day into the nose every day for 10 days. But be careful, do not swallow this mixture under any circumstances. If it suddenly gets into your mouth, be sure to spit it out immediately;
  • Mix 2 spoons. chopped wild rosemary and 4 spoons. vegetable oil. Place in a glass container and place in a dark place to infuse for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain and apply drops to your nose 3 times a day. Relief will come in a few days.
  • Drops from light beer also help a lot. To do this, the beer must be heated, but not higher than 38 degrees. Place 7 drops into the nose. Repeat the procedure for a week;
  • No less effective are miracle drops, which can be prepared at home without much effort. To prepare them you need potato juice, honey and blue onion juice. Mix everything in equal proportions and bury it in your nose. Such drops must be stored in the refrigerator;
  • Drops from the herb St. John's wort suppress the growth of microbes in the paranasal sinuses and relieve inflammation. To prepare them you need 1 tbsp. lie Add chopped St. John's wort herb to a glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place for at least an hour. Drip your nose several times a day. Relief occurs already on the third day;
  • Mix glycerin and water in proportion (1:4), add 2 g. mummy tablets. To stir thoroughly. Apply the resulting drops into the nose 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Then you need to take a five-day break and repeat the course again;
  • Treatment of sinusitis with beet juice is considered the most effective and safe. You can put pure beet juice in your nose 4 times a day. You can also make a solution from beet juice and honey. To do this, mix the ingredients in a ratio (8:1). The course of treatment is 4 days;
  • 200 gr. Grind the young St. John's wort and pour a glass of refined vegetable oil. Infuse for 90 days. Keep in complete darkness for 10 days, keep in light for 10 days. Then strain the resulting oil and instill 3 drops up to 3 times a day. Continue the procedure until complete recovery.
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