Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer: how to dilute it for a child, do it when coughing, reviews

Respiratory and viral diseases, infectious inflammations are factors from which no one is immune. As a rule, in the absence of complications, symptoms accompany the patient for about 5-7 days and cause severe discomfort.

But, if the manifestation of a temperature reaction can suppress ordinary paracetamol with aspirin, then the addition in the form of catarrhal phenomena will last a long time, bringing inconvenience to both the patient and those around him. Inhalation in a nebulizer with Rotokan will help shorten the period of illness.

What is Rotokan?

Rotokan is a phytomedicine, which is a water-alcohol infusion of medicinal plants:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • Calendula officinalis flowers;
  • common yarrow herb.

A mixture of medicinal herbs has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • regenerating;
  • hemostatic.

The product does not cause intoxication of the body. Contraindications for use are minimal and are associated only with individual intolerance to the components and the problem of alcoholism.

The medicine will become an indispensable assistant in every first aid kit. It will easily relieve all kinds of infections and inflammations, help cope with problem areas of the skin and easily regenerate tissue. Produces a calming, antispasmodic and analgesic effect on the body.

It is recommended to store Rotokan in a cool, dry place out of reach of children. Shelf life: 2 years under optimal storage conditions. At the end of the shelf life, the phytomedicine loses its medicinal properties and does not produce an effect.

Composition and effect of the drug

Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer can be used due to the presence of several active components that have therapeutic properties. The composition of the medicine is completely natural, except for the alcohol base, which is necessary to extend the shelf life of the medicine.

Main components of the medicinal solution:

  • Pharmaceutical chamomile in the form of flowers.
  • Medicinal calendula flowers.
  • Common yarrow.

Chamomile is present in the solution in the greatest quantity, as it has pronounced therapeutic properties. The combination of natural components has a mild antimicrobial, strong anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect. In addition, the solution is considered a good antiseptic, despite the absence of artificial components in the composition.

Additionally, the medicine has regenerating properties, and has a particularly positive effect on the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and lower respiratory tract.

Chamomile in the product penetrates the outer layers of tissues, destroys pathogens that provoke inflammation. Thanks to this, gradual tissue restoration and improved blood circulation occur.

Additionally, chamomile flowers are considered a good natural antiseptic, which helps prevent the proliferation of microorganisms and their spread to healthy tissue. As a result, the patient recovers without the use of potent medications based on synthetic ingredients.

Calendula flowers have a regenerating effect, that is, they stimulate the formation of new cells that replace those destroyed during illness. As a result, foci of inflammation are delayed, and the patient’s condition improves quite quickly. In addition, calendula flowers prevent various complications that arise during prolonged healing of inflamed areas.

Yarrow is considered a good hemostatic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory plant. It is actively used even in the treatment of hemoptysis in patients with advanced forms of pneumonia and bronchitis, who additionally suffer from thrombophlebitis.

The product does not provoke the formation of clots in the affected area, but effectively stops bleeding, stimulates tissue restoration and healing of the lesion. At the same time, the plant extract has a positive effect on the tissues of the bronchi, lungs, and upper respiratory tract.

The presence of yarrow in the composition allows you to relieve spasm of the respiratory tract, which is important in the treatment of chronic forms of pathologies of the respiratory system. When using the medicine for inhalation, its active components are well absorbed into the mucous membranes, and also enter the patient’s blood in small quantities

They are not processed in the body, since the drug is eliminated through the respiratory tract

When using the medicine for inhalation, its active components are well absorbed into the mucous membranes, and also enter the patient’s blood in small quantities. They are not processed in the body, since the drug is eliminated through the respiratory tract.

Thanks to this use, there is no accumulation of active components in the patient’s blood, which reduces the likelihood of overdose and severe negative reactions.

In patients suffering from obstructive pathologies of the respiratory tract, a slowdown in the action of the drug is observed. However, in patients with acute forms of the disease, the effect of therapy can be noticed almost immediately after the start of use.

Is it possible to add Rotokan to a nebulizer?

The drug Rotokan is used to treat acute respiratory viral infections and inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Shows a healing effect with any method of local use. It could be:

  • rinsing;
  • use as a compress;
  • inhalation.

While the instructions for use speak well about the first two methods, nothing of the kind is indicated about the last one. It follows from the instructions that the drug Rotocan is not widely used as inhalation. This is an erroneous fact, which is why the technology of application and inhalation with Rotokan needs to be disclosed in detail.

So can Rotocan be used in a nebulizer?

In the practice of traditional medicine and according to patient reviews, the most effective effect on the body for diseases of the respiratory organs is in the form of inhalation. You can find a lot of positive reviews about inhalations with Rotokan in a nebulizer.

A nebulizer (from Latin cloud, fog) is a device for wet inhalation. During operation, it forms an aerosol cloud with small particles of the solution used. Sprayed particles together with air when inhaled easily penetrate the mucous surface.

There are two types of devices: compressor and ultrasonic. Ultrasonic nebulizers - spray the drug using ultrasonic waves. They are compact, silent and reliable.

But, at the same time, drugs that remove phlegm from the body are simply destroyed under the influence of ultrasonic waves. For combined treatment with phytomedicines, compressor devices should be used. They spray a medicinal cloud through the operation of a compressor, which builds up pressure and delivers a powerful stream of air directly into the respiratory tract.

Is it possible to add Rotokan to a nebulizer? - Can! Inhalation therapy is one of the main methods of respiratory therapy and the only way for the drug to penetrate the alveoli. Inhalations in a nebulizer with Rotokan enhance the therapeutic effect of the latter, regenerate the surface of the mucous membrane and easily cope with catarrhal phenomena such as cough, swelling and runny nose, inflammation and sore throat.

Advantages of combined use of Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer over other methods:

  • direct effect on the inflamed area of ​​the mucosa;
  • inability to be absorbed into the patient's blood and minimal side effects;
  • high speed of action on affected areas and alleviating effect;
  • possibility of treatment at any age;
  • compatibility with other drugs;
  • low cost of the method.

More details on how to use Rotokan for inhalation are indicated in the instructions for use.

When is it prescribed? Indications for use

Due to the presence of alcohol and extracts from plant materials, the drug is an antiseptic, so its administration leads to the creation in the affected area of ​​an unfavorable environment for the growth and active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Inhalation of Rotokan in a nebulizer is indicated for:

  • acute respiratory viral infections accompanied by inflammatory processes in any part of the respiratory tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis of different types;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis, etc.

Source: They help to liquefy viscous sputum and facilitate its removal.
But to carry them out, preference should be given to compression models of devices. Since ultrasonic and other devices destroy useful substances and inhaling their vapors will not have any beneficial effect on the organs of the respiratory system and the body as a whole.

Thus, Rotokan can be used for coughs, including dry ones, runny nose, and sore throat.

It is recommended to start treatment literally from the first days of the onset of symptoms of the disease, this will help the body quickly cope with the pathogens and fully recover in the shortest possible time.

The mechanism of action of the drug is simple. The inhaler creates a fine aerosol containing particles ranging in size from 2 to 20 microns.

Modern models of devices for inhalation therapy make it possible to regulate the size of the produced particles of the medicinal solution, thanks to which it is possible to achieve precision in its delivery to the required area of ​​the respiratory tract.

Thus, medium-sized particles (2–4 microns) are able to reach the lower sections without lingering on the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities, larynx, etc.

Larger particles can penetrate exclusively into the upper sections, completely settle on the mucous membranes and directly exert a therapeutic effect on them. This allows you to treat only that part of the respiratory system where it is really necessary.

That's why

To combat rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, the inhaler should be set to a large size of the particles produced, while in the presence of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma and other similar pathologies, it is necessary to administer the medicine, crushed into the smallest components.

This method of drug administration has the following advantages:

  1. direct impact on the source of inflammation;
  2. minimal risk of side effects, since the active substances penetrate the systemic circulation in minimal quantities;
  3. speed of onset of therapeutic effect;
  4. Can be used at any age;
  5. Possibility of use in conjunction with other medications.

Rotokan: instructions for use for the nebulizer

Rotokan inhalations help in the treatment of serious diseases - bronchial asthma, all types of bronchitis, laryngitis and lung diseases. Inhalations with Rotokan are used in the treatment of ENT diseases. The inhalation procedure in a nebulizer with Rotokan provides unfavorable conditions for the development and reproduction of pathogens and relieves swelling.

To carry out therapy with a phyto-drug, you should introduce a pre-prepared solution with Rotokan into the capsule of the device, put on a breathing mask and start the nebulizer. It is necessary to take deep breaths through the nose or through the mouth to avoid a coughing attack.

Rotokan inhalation in a nebulizer helps remove mucus and moisten the cough. They produce a relief effect on the patient’s body at high speed.

Contraindications and possible side effects

As mentioned above, rotokan is a preparation made from natural components of plant origin. Therefore, there are very few contraindications to its use. Most often, the product is not recommended for use in the following cases:

  • children, infants;
  • persons suffering from allergies. With this condition, a person may develop a negative reaction in the form of hives or shortness of breath;
  • people diagnosed with hay fever or hay fever;
  • persons with alcohol addiction.

Important: If you have doubts regarding the use of the drug in question, you can refute or confirm suspicions by rinsing the mouth with a small amount of medication. If there is no reaction, then there are no contraindications.

In addition, rotokan is strictly prohibited for use by people suffering from kidney and liver failure, as well as by patients who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.

In general, reviews about the drug are positive. As patients note, the use of rotokan in a nebulizer helped get rid of runny nose and phlegm, and treatment of pathologies such as bronchitis and pneumonia proceeded much faster. Rinsing and washing the nostrils with a solution are useful.

How to dilute Rotokan for a nebulizer

So, how to dilute Rotokan for inhalation with a nebulizer? Rotocan for inhalation is used in the form of a mixture of the drug with saline solution. The medicinal solution is prepared immediately before use.

Dilution proportions of Rotokan for inhalation via nebulizer

To obtain the required consistency, dilute the saline solution and Rotocan in a nebulizer in a ratio of 1 to 40 (1 ml per 40 ml of saline solution) or 5 ml of extract per 1 glass of water. The container where the Rotokan for the nebulizer will be diluted is pre-sterilized. The prepared mixture should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than two days.

To carry out one inhalation with Rotokan in a nebulizer, you will need a dosage of only 4 ml of the mixture. But, you should also take into account that during operation of the inhaler, approximately 1.5 ml may settle on the walls of the capsule. Accordingly, you need to prepare 5.5 ml of solution. The procedure must be performed in 3-4 sessions per day. The course of treatment is determined individually by the attending physician.

Rotokan can also be used in combination with other medications for complex treatment. The therapeutic effect is only enhanced.

Rotokan for inhalation with a nebulizer for children: dosage

For children under 14 years of age, inhalation is one of the few ways to take Rotocan. A child should dilute the drug in the same proportion as an adult, but the procedure is carried out exclusively under the supervision of an adult.

But if adults usually need to pour 5–5.5 ml of liquid into the chamber of the device, then 4 ml is enough for a child. This amount is enough to produce the desired healing effect and cover the cost of the remaining volume.

More recipes: Inhalations with eucalyptus: steam and with a nebulizer. Instructions

Inhalation with soda for coughing at home. Full description

Inhalation with Rotokan through a nebulizer for a child

It will not be a secret to anyone that children suffer from infections and inflammations of the respiratory tract much more often than adults. Due to the fact that Rotokan is a medicine based on natural ingredients, it is often and quite effectively used in pediatric practice as a strong anti-inflammatory medicine.

For persons under 14 years of age, it is recommended to use Rotokan by inhalation, due to the fact that the composition contains alcohol.

The process of inhalation with Rotokan in a nebulizer for a child is the most gentle method of treating diseases. With the help of an inhaler, microparticles of the drug penetrate the damaged surface of the mucous membrane, where they produce a therapeutic effect. A positive aspect of inhalation with Rotokan in a nebulizer for a child is the absence of side effects on the body, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components.

Treatment of babies

Nebulizers have become a part of our lives. A diverse range of medical device models allows adult patients and children to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures in a hospital setting and at home.

Among solutions for inhalation, Rotokan deserves special attention. It is an alcohol solution of extracts from chamomile flowers, calendula, and yarrow herbs.

The drug has a dark brown color and a specific odor with notes of ethanol.

  • Removing inflammatory processes from the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx
  • Regeneration of damaged tissues
  • Antispasmodic, analgesic, wound healing, hemostatic, bactericidal effect.

Nebulizer inhalations with liquid extracts of chamomile, calendula, and yarrow are among the most gentle methods of therapy, effectively eliminating cough, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, as well as dental problems associated with oral pathologies. Rotocan is a non-toxic pharmaceutical drug and is approved to eliminate health problems and well-being of pregnant and nursing mothers.

The use of ultrasonic or compressor-type nebulizers makes it possible to easily carry out inhalations at home or when providing medical care in an outpatient or inpatient setting.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with why you need professional oral hygiene

Compact and portable devices, which can be placed in any place convenient for the patient, provide fine atomization of pharmaceutical extracts of medicinal herbs, allowing small particles to reach the mucous membranes of diseased organs, settle there and be easily absorbed.

Rotokan, effectively acting on inflamed areas of the nose, throat, upper respiratory tract, and oral cavity, eliminates pathogenic flora and speeds up the healing process.

The advantages of this treatment method, in which the extract of medicinal plants directly enters the respiratory tract, include:

  • Quality irrigation
  • Ensuring deep penetration of microscopic suspended particles of the drug into the respiratory tract
  • Quick elimination of unpleasant symptoms of cough, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis and other pathologies
  • Effective relief of pain in the throat and mouth caused by the development of inflammatory processes in these areas;
  • Providing direct impact on problem areas of the mucous membrane of the throat and upper respiratory tract
  • Lack of absorption into the blood
  • Rapid relief of the condition of sick patients of all age categories, including children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women
  • Possibility of combination with other drugs for inhalation
  • Enrichment of the tissues of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract with oxygen.

Buying an alcohol solution from chamomile, calendula and yarrow extract is not difficult. It is sold in any pharmacy and is not very expensive. Carrying out inhalations with Rotokan not only improves the well-being of sick people, but also allows you to quickly overcome a runny nose, cough, sore throat, and also speed up the recovery process by about half.


Among the contraindications of physiotherapeutic procedures with Rotokan, individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug is noted.

Allergic reactions can manifest themselves in the form of itching, slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx or redness of the skin. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult your doctor and stop using the alcohol solution of medicinal herbs.

When carrying out medical procedures with Rotokan, children are recommended to undergo strict supervision by parents or medical professionals.

Rotocan is widely used for inhalation procedures for young patients. Children over 14 years old can use rinses and compresses. What dosage should be the Rotocan solution for a nebulizer? Exactly in the same proportion as for adults. During pregnancy, the same proportions are maintained - 4 ml of diluted product per session. A pregnant woman does not have to worry about the health of the fetus - the drug does not enter the bloodstream.

If you notice that the child does not feel well after using the nebulizer, stop inhalation. Some babies may be intolerant to the procedure. During pregnancy, you also need to monitor your feelings - if you feel unwell, you need to stop using the inhaler.

Prohibition on inhalations for children:

  • change in stool;
  • the appearance of sweating;
  • lethargy and apathy of the child;
  • heat;
  • acute phase of a respiratory disease.

It should be remembered that inhalation is useful in the initial stage of the disease. To clarify the methods of treating pulmonary diseases, you should consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate - it is dangerous.

The duration of the general course of treatment is determined by the doctor, who takes into account the symptoms manifested, the identified pathology, and the presence of additional diseases. At the same time, medical history is studied. After a complete examination of the patient and laboratory tests, Rotokan is prescribed for inhalation with a nebulizer. The treatment period can vary up to 7 days. For mild illness, therapy lasts 5 days.

Doctors highlight the general principles of inhalation:

  • manipulation is carried out an hour after eating;
  • Smoking is prohibited before and after inhalation (for at least 60 minutes);
  • The procedure is recommended to be carried out in a sitting position;
  • It is forbidden to talk during manipulation;
  • if the patient breathes through a nebulizer, it is recommended to take habitual, uniform inhalations and exhalations;
  • against the background of deep and unusual breaths, the rate of ventilation of the lungs increases, which provokes nausea with dizziness;
  • if therapy provokes discomfort or other unpleasant sensation, it is stopped;
  • if therapy is prescribed to a small child, it is better to use a face mask;
  • for laryngitis, inhalation is carried out using a mask;
  • the prepared solution is stored in the refrigerator for up to a day;
  • the solution is used after it is heated;
  • after manipulation, all parts of the inhaler are thoroughly washed to remove the medicine;
  • After therapy, it is recommended to disinfect the device;
  • the total number of inhalations is up to 4 manipulations per day.

Rotocan is used not only for primary therapy, but also for the prevention of infectious processes occurring in different parts of the DS.

Reviews of Rotokan inhalations

The use of Rotokan phyto solution for inhalation helps to recover from ailments for both adults and children. This is confirmed not only by medical practice, but also by numerous patient reviews.

The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is used in various ways, but the greatest number of positive reviews are still collected by inhalation procedures with Rotokan in a nebulizer.

The medicine produces an effective effect in the treatment of sore throat, asthma and bronchitis, pharyngitis and a common runny nose. You can learn more about the use of Rotokan for a runny nose in this article.

Reviews of Rotokan inhalations through a nebulizer for children

Significant positive reviews about inhalations in a nebulizer with Rotokan make parents think about the effectiveness of this product. Information on how to dilute Rotokan for the nebulizer for children is presented in a fairly accessible format.

So, analyzing the reviews in the topic “Rotocan for inhalation with a nebulizer for children,” you can select a list of the most common statements:

  • Despite the fact that the instructions for use of Rotokan do not provide for its use in a nebulizer, this is the most effective way to treat ENT diseases.
  • Rotocan is an indispensable universal remedy in the first aid kit. The drug contains alcohol, but Rotokan is harmless to the child’s body when inhaled.
  • Rotocan can cause allergic reactions if you are hypersensitive to its constituent components, which requires special attention before use.
  • The most acceptable way to hide the not particularly pleasant taste of the phyto-medicine itself is to use it in the form of inhalation in a nebulizer.

What is a nebulizer, its principle of operation, and what to look for when choosing - all this is discussed in the following video.

What is Rotokan

This drug is a mixture, or rather a symbiosis of extracts of chamomile flowers, marigold flowers and yarrow herb. All this is mixed in a ratio of 2:1:1, respectively.

Due to its unique properties it has found application:

  • in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.);
  • in gastroenterology.

May cause allergic reactions if there is hypersensitivity to medications.


Rotokan is also used for inhalation via a nebulizer. The maximum single amount reaches 4 ml of inhalation solution. It is possible to do no more than 4 procedures per day.

This procedure is prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory tract disease and has a number of advantages:

  • immediate effect on the area of ​​inflammation;
  • the active substance is not absorbed into the blood;
  • very gentle effect on children under five years of age and the elderly;
  • combination with other drugs is possible.

Features of treatment

As mentioned above, rotokan is made entirely from natural plant ingredients. However, this drug has certain treatment conditions for people of different age categories.


Adult patients are prescribed therapy using rotokan for two weeks. Inhalations should be carried out 3-4 times a day, depending on the complexity of the pathology and the recommendations of the treating doctor.

The dosage of the drug for adults and children is different. Adult patients are recommended to prepare a medicinal solution in the ratio of 1 cube of the drug per 40 cubes of saline solution. 4 cubes of the product are taken from the resulting solution and the chamber is filled. The rest of the product is stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the solution is one day. Inhalation time for adults is 7 minutes.


Rotokan is indicated for children to eliminate a number of pathologies of the respiratory system. In addition to inhalation, adolescents are recommended to gargle and make compresses. As for the dosage, it is recommended to dilute the drug in the following ratio:

  • Children under one year of age should not use diarotocan, since the product contains alcohol,
  • from one year to 4 years, the drug is diluted with 1 cube of solution per 60 cubes of water,
  • from 4 to 6 years, the dosage is 1 cube of medication per 50 cubes of saline solution,
  • starting from 6 years old, they adhere to proportions identical to adults.

It is worth noting that inhalation for children is prohibited in some cases:

  • if the color of the stool has changed,
  • the child experiences increased sweating after the procedure,
  • the baby becomes lethargic and apathetic,
  • respiratory pathology is in the acute stage of its course,

It is important to remember that inhalations have maximum effect only when their use begins at the first symptom. In addition, before taking Rotokan, you need to consult a doctor to determine pulmonary pathology.


The dosage form in question is successfully used to treat colds, sinusitis and other diseases of the respiratory system in pregnant and nursing mothers. But before using rotokan, you should consult a doctor. Because during pregnancy, some women experience certain negative physiological conditions.

In general, washing the nasal passages with a rotokan is not contraindicated in pregnant women. The exception is individual intolerance to one of the constituent components.


Due to the presence of alcohol and extracts from plant materials, the drug is an antiseptic, so its administration leads to the creation in the affected area of ​​an unfavorable environment for the growth and active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Inhalation of Rotokan in a nebulizer is indicated for:

  • acute respiratory viral infections accompanied by inflammatory processes in any part of the respiratory tract;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis of different types;
  • pharyngitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis, etc.

The procedures are not recommended for those with hypersensitivity to the components of the plants that make up its composition.

It is also worth abandoning it in favor of other medications if you have any type of hay fever, since cross-allergy may occur. [ads-pc-1][ads-mob-1] Stop taking the medication immediately if any manifestations of an allergic reaction occur, in particular, skin rash, sneezing, coughing, itching, swelling. In such cases, you should consult a doctor to make adjustments to the treatment regimen.

Also, children under 2 years of age should not begin to perform them independently. In such cases, they are prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician if there are compelling indications.

We should not forget that the medication contains alcohol, which can burn the baby’s delicate mucous membranes.

The annotation for the drug indicates many other contraindications, but they mostly relate to its oral administration. In particular, the instructions do not recommend using the medication for alcoholism due to the high percentage of alcohol.

But during an inhalation therapy session, only a negligible amount of solution is used (4–5.5 ml); in addition, ethanol penetrates exclusively into the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and is practically not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream.

Therefore, harming a patient suffering from alcoholism

Thus, Rotokan is an affordable, safe natural remedy, the use of which as part of complex therapy helps to cope with various respiratory infections.

The medicine is used by people facing infectious diseases. It really makes it possible to quickly overcome the disease. Using the medicine as an essence for inhalation therapy, you can easily get rid of many diseases that have a negative impact on the respiratory system, both in young children and their parents and in older people.

After completing a therapeutic course, you will be able to achieve the following:

  • the onset of inflammation is stopped;
  • tissues affected by the infectious disease will be completely restored;
  • the patient will get rid of spasms, bleeding and pain will stop.

The medicine will cure the patient from such serious diseases as:

  • bronchitis (with a strong cough);
  • stomatitis;
  • obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • types of sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • ENT diseases;
  • systematic sore throat and many other colds.

The indications are as follows: treatment of throat and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory organs in children. In this case, Rotokan is used in inhalations and rinses.

It is recommended to give Rotokan to children only after they turn 12 years old, since the components of the medicine contain alcohol. From the age of 12, the medicine is used in accordance with all standard therapeutic recommendations.

For adults

The drug Rotokan is used by adults for local and internal use. This category of people can gargle with it, take it orally, apply it in the dental department, treat inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, gall bladder and stomach.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, if a woman is not allergic to the drug, it can be used to gargle in order to get rid of pain syndromes.

There were no specific side effects or contraindications from the use of Rotokan. As stated earlier, this is due to the natural components of the medication. But taking this into account, there are still precautions that must be observed when treating with the herbal medicine Rotokan.

It is not recommended to use the drug Rotokan if an allergy is expected to develop. This point should also be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Due to the fact that the drug contains alcohol, it should absolutely not be used by people with alcohol addiction, or consumed before driving a car. Among other things, the use of Rotokan is prohibited for people with liver disease, kidney disease, or a history of brain injury.

Inhalations with Rotokan can be done up to 4 times a day during the acute course of the disease, 1 time a day when symptoms disappear to consolidate the therapeutic effect. The procedures are performed during a break between inhaling medications. After the main inhalation, at least 30 minutes should pass. Overdose is excluded, but should not be abused.

The drug has no contraindications other than individual intolerance. Allergies can occur in young children. In other cases, the solution is well tolerated. The procedure itself has some contraindications.

  • Tendency to nosebleeds;
  • Diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • Problems with blood clotting.

Before diluting Rotokan for a nebulizer, it is worth figuring out whether this is necessary. The drug is not a cure. Used as an auxiliary component. Efficacy has not been proven. In this case, saline solution, which acts as a base, is more beneficial. The product has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Rotokan solution is used externally for the following diseases associated with inflammation of the oral cavity:

  • Ulcerative-necrotizing gingiovostomatitis;
  • Aphthous stomatitis;
  • Periodontitis.

Rotokan is recommended for use as part of complex therapy for the following diseases:

  • Colitis;
  • Gastroduodenitis;
  • Chronic enteritis.

The phyto-preparation Rotokan is non-toxic and has virtually no contraindications.

These include:

  • Children under 14 years of age (on the recommendation of a pediatrician) due to the ethyl alcohol included in its composition.
  • It is also not recommended to use Rotocan for persons with intolerance to its components (urticaria or allergies may occur). To check the composition for possible allergies, you must first rinse your mouth with a small amount of the drug.
  • Rotokan is prohibited in case of renal liver failure, traumatic brain injury.
  • In medical practice, the use of herbal preparations is not recommended in cases where a person is sick with hay fever or hay asthma.
  • Prescribe the drug to children for local treatment (rinsing, washing, inhalation) with caution.
  • Ethyl alcohol in the composition implies a ban on the use of the drug for persons with alcoholism. This is also a factor that limits the use of the drug orally for people whose work involves driving and concentrating.

Key indications for use include:

  • treatment of dry cough;
  • elimination of accumulated secretions in the lungs;
  • rhinitis of a bacterial nature;
  • therapy for viral sinusitis;
  • therapy against various infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Find out more about bacterial rhinitis here.

During pregnancy

"Rotokan" is used to relieve inflammation on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It is intended primarily for inhalation in a nebulizer. Since it contains alcohol as well as herbal extracts, it is considered an antiseptic of plant origin.

The drug has a therapeutic effect due to the defeat of viruses and bacteria that cause inflammation.

Inhalation is prescribed when:

  • tonsillitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • cough;
  • rhinitis;
  • a sore throat.

Inhalation with the use of “Rotokan” performs the function of thinning sputum, facilitating its removal from the bronchi, and destroying bacteria.

In addition to inhalations, lotions are made with this product. It can be gargled or irrigated with a syringe.

As such, there are no restrictions on the use of this pharmacological agent. The same applies to side effects, since the medicine consists only of natural substances. However, certain precautions should still be observed. For example:

  • It is not recommended to use the product if there is an increased likelihood of allergic reactions;
  • patients suffering from hay fever, hay fever, and bronchial asthma can use this medicine only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • If you have a diagnosis of alcoholism, it is unacceptable to carry out treatment with this drug, since it contains ethyl alcohol.

It is important to find out in advance how to dilute Rotokan for inhalation in a nebulizer.

During pregnancy

Inhalation treatment with Rotokan is indicated for colds and their symptoms:

  • sore throat;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • runny nose;
  • dry cough, with difficulty releasing sputum;
  • sneezing.

The drug has predominantly anti-inflammatory activity and helps restore the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract after illnesses.

For these diseases it can be used at a very early stage. When inflammation is at its height, stronger drugs are preferred (for example, Dioxidin, Miramistin, antibiotics).

Diarotocan for inhalation is used for the same indications as Rotokan - cough, runny nose, sore throat due to colds, exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract. It differs only in that in addition to yarrow, chamomile and calendula it also contains St. John's wort and sage. All dosages and methods of treatment are similar to Rotokan.

Tips for using a nebulizer

A nebulizer is rightfully considered one of the best devices for treating a number of pathologies. The principle of operation of the device is based on the transformation of the dosage form into fine particles, which go directly to the site of the disease and eliminate the provocateurs that cause inflammation.

However, in order for inhalation of rotokan vapors to bring positive results, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Before inhalation, you should always wash your hands thoroughly,
  • if the inhaler is used for the first time, you should read the instructions and, according to them, assemble all elements of the device,
  • any medicine is warmed to room temperature before use,
  • The optimal time for inhalation for adults is from 7 to 10 minutes. The child undergoes the procedure for no more than 5 minutes,
  • after each use of the device, all fragments can be treated with a solution of laundry soap, and before the next use, the mask or mouthpiece must be treated with alcohol,
  • It is recommended to store the inhaler in a fabric case.

In addition, it is advisable to carry out the procedure an hour before meals, do not use expectorants for 2 hours and do not smoke for three hours. During the inhalation procedure, the patient must take a sitting position and breathe calmly. After completing the procedure, the throat and mouth are thoroughly rinsed with water. These recommendations should be followed regardless of the patient's age.

Therapy for various diseases

The drug Rotokan is one of the most effective means with which you can overcome a number of pathologies. Thanks to its unique composition, the product helps eliminate inflammation, relieves spasms, relieves severe pain, disinfects and heals.

Most often, this dosage form is used for cough, bronchitis, laryngitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory system. Moreover, each disease has its own specific recommendations for the use of rotokan.


Rotokan is indicated for use against cough from the first days of the onset of negative symptoms. It helps thin and remove mucus, and also eliminates dry cough. The mechanism of action is simple: the compressor apparatus converts the therapeutic aerosol into small particles and delivers the medicine directly to the inflammatory focus.

If therapy is started in a timely manner, you will be able to get rid of cough and sputum within a week. In addition, to achieve maximum results, it is recommended to rinse your nose and throat with the solution.


If bronchitis is diagnosed, the use of rotokan will allow you to overcome the disease as soon as possible, subject to the following recommendations:

  • inhalation is carried out 4 times a day;
  • the course of treatment is 14 days;
  • To achieve maximum effect, the nebulizer is set to the smallest size of particles produced.

The remedy in question also copes well with obstructive bronchitis. It should be remembered that self-medication is not recommended. Despite the effectiveness of the medication, it has certain contraindications.


Numerous studies have not confirmed the manifestation of negative reactions after therapy with Rotokan, since its composition is natural. But when undergoing treatment, it is recommended to take certain precautions, including conducting an allergy test first.

Patients with a positive test are treated with other means. The risk group includes patients suffering from hay fever, asthma of allergic etiology, and hay fever.

Due to the ethyl alcohol content, the drug is contraindicated for use by patients diagnosed with alcoholism. Also at risk are patients who abuse alcohol. Therapy is contraindicated if driving is necessary.

Rotokan is contraindicated for patients suffering from pathologies of the liver, kidneys, or head injury. If inhalation causes side effects, it is recommended to inform your doctor.

Rules for the procedure

The not-many-known solution based on plant raw materials, Rotokan, is not used for inhalation as often as for gargling or oral administration.
Nevertheless, this affordable natural remedy can help quickly recover from various respiratory diseases.

But in the annotation to the medication there is not a word about the possibility of its use for inhalation therapy. So, can Rotocan be used for a nebulizer?

To get the maximum effect from inhalation, you must comply with a number of requirements for the procedure:

  • use a sterilized nebulizer container;
  • the solution for inhalation must be prepared in advance, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
  • The procedure cannot be performed if there is an elevated temperature.

To perform inhalation, you should pour the prepared solution of Rotocan and water (saline) into the nebulizer container. Put on a mask (or use a mouthpiece) and inhale the secretions from the pores. After the procedure, you should not talk, eat or drink anything.

During pregnancy, you need to carefully approach the use of various means that eliminate infections. Inhalations with Rotocan act as an alternative to other medications that can harm the development of the fetus. The procedure must be carried out at least 3 times a day, the dosage is 1 ml of solution per 40 ml of water.

To treat a child

Due to the fact that the medicinal solution has no contraindications related to the patient’s age, it can be used in pediatric practice. Since it contains alcohol, children under 14 years of age can only use Rotokan for inhalation.

This type of therapy is considered the most gentle for the child’s body. It is thanks to inhalation that the product penetrates into the deepest layers of the body, destroying the infection. The recommended dosage is the same as for adults.

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