Runny nose during teething

Possible reasons

The girl has a swollen eyeA developing stye on the eye can be the cause of tearfulness.
The appearance of tearfulness in the eyes is definitely a reason to consult a doctor. Next, we will look at what factors can influence the appearance of a symptom such as tearing.

  1. If your baby's eyes are red and watery, he may have conjunctivitis. The infection could have been caused by both pathogens and a speck that got into the eye.
  2. Dacryocystitis is observed in newborns. If the child is one month old, the first thing that can be suspected at this age is this disease, which is an obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. Often, if a child has this disease, one eye becomes watery.
  3. Development of barley. In such a situation, in addition to tearing itself, a pouch may appear on the eyelid. This phenomenon may be the result of hypothermia, the penetration of specks, accompanied by the appearance of an inflammatory process.
  4. Penetration of a foreign body into the organ of vision can also cause tears.
  5. Sitting in front of a monitor screen for a long time can lead to tearing. This is due to the fact that in such a situation the child blinks much less often, the mucous membrane dries out, and as a consequence - the appearance of lacrimation.
  6. Allergic reaction. In such a situation, a runny nose, rash, itching or redness of the eyes may occur against the background of tearing.
  7. Vitamin deficiency is another reason why tears appear in a baby’s eyes. As a rule, it is noted with a lack of vitamin A or B 12.
  8. If a toddler's eyes are shiny and begin to water, and this condition is accompanied by an elevated temperature, there is probably a viral infection.
  9. The presence of nasal diseases, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, can lead to the production of tears.
  10. Sudden decrease in air temperature in the environment. In a situation where a baby goes outside from a warm room in winter, the appearance of tears is a protective reaction of the body.
  11. Neoplasms in the pituitary gland and pathological processes in the central nervous system can also cause tearing.

General symptoms of teething

We've figured out where children's eye teeth are located and how they reveal themselves when they erupt. Now let's look at the specifics of the teething process. According to both popular statistics and doctors’ statements, fangs are always cut for a long time and painfully. You can prepare for this process by having information about related factors that may indicate this particular problem. So, symptoms of eruption of eye teeth may be as follows:

  • Swelling of the gums, their soreness;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Lacrimation leading to conjunctivitis;
  • Temperature rises to 38-39°;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Desire to put hands and toys into mouth;
  • Sharp deterioration in condition, tearfulness;
  • Lack of appetite, sleep.

Arina (27 years old, on maternity leave, raising her daughter Sofia): “When Sonechka’s eye teeth were erupting, my husband and I practically didn’t close our eyes for four days. The child did not sleep, was constantly capricious, and refused to eat. His hands were constantly in his mouth, his fingers were all bitten. All this was accompanied by severe intestinal upset.”

At the same time, such symptoms do not always indicate that the root of the problem lies in the eruption of “difficult” teeth. According to the World Health Organization, such symptoms can be associated with teeth in less than 40% of cases. In others, it is a combination of several factors. For example, a tooth is really cutting through, but the child picked up an infection by constantly putting his hands in his mouth or interacted with a child infected with ARVI. As a result, the immune system weakens, and any processes in the child’s body will be slower and more painful. It is impossible to say for sure how many days the crisis may last, but, as a rule, the acute period does not last longer than 5-7 days.

Alarming symptoms

The girl has a tear running from one eye
The accompanying appearance of high temperature and purulent discharge is a signal to urgently consult a doctor

It is important to know which conditions in the situation under consideration oblige parents to see a doctor:

  • tearfulness that persists for more than two days in a row;
  • in addition to tearfulness, itching in the eyes is also noted, the child begins to sneeze frequently;
  • the appearance of purulent discharge from the baby’s eyes;
  • presence of serious headaches;
  • increase in body temperature above 38.5 degrees;
  • if the child is one year old or less, this is also an indication to consult a doctor.


A child is getting eye drops

There are situations when it is not possible to get an appointment right away. Then you need to know what actions you can take by providing first aid:

  • wipe the baby’s eyes with a decoction of calendula, chamomile or sage (it is important to use a new cotton swab for each eye, so that, in case of emergency, you do not transfer the infection from one eye to the other);
  • if you are 100% sure that the appearance of tearfulness is the result of an allergic reaction, you can give the child an antihistamine, for example, Diazolin, Loratadine or Suprastin;
  • if the eye begins to fester, place Tetracycline ointment behind the eyelid;
  • If tearfulness is the result of sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time, use eye drops that promote hydration.

It is recommended not to resort to self-medication, because parents may be mistaken about the cause of tearfulness. It is important to see a doctor. It's better to play it safe than to miss out on a serious illness.

What kind of treatment will be directly depends on the cause that provokes the occurrence of tearfulness. In certain situations, the use of any medications is not required at all. But only a doctor can find out whether this is your case or not. Therefore, it is recommended to seek medical help.

  1. If there is an infectious eye disease, the ophthalmologist can prescribe eye drops, namely Poludan or Oftadec. If purulent discharge is present, Albucid may be prescribed.
  2. In case of an allergic reaction, in addition to using an antihistamine orally, you can prescribe Hydrocortisone ointment, which is applied to the eyelid.
  3. If the baby has barley, then Tetracycline ointment is prescribed.
  4. If there is penetration of a foreign object or speck, then the eyes are washed, and rinsing with Furacilin solution may be prescribed for two to three days. In addition, Albucid is prescribed to prevent the development of infection.
  5. If a child has dacryocystitis, the specialist may prescribe Oftalmodek or Albucid.
  6. If conjunctivitis is of bacterial origin, then antibacterial ointments are prescribed, for example, Tetracycline or Erythromycin.
  7. If there is a viral infection, including viral conjunctivitis, Ophthalmoferon or Tebrofen may be prescribed.
  8. If the mucous membrane dries out - Visine.
  9. If an inflammatory process is noted, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  10. If the cause is vitamin deficiency - a vitamin complex.

The child's eyes are festering

Health problems in childhood are quite common. But, besides common colds, which no child can live without, there are other, more serious illnesses.

It happens that a child’s eye becomes watery or even festered. This can happen to both a newborn baby and a schoolchild. The main reasons why a child’s eyes fester are:

  • congenital dacryocystitis (it manifests itself mainly in infancy);
  • purulent conjunctivitis (most often occurs in preschoolers and children of primary school age).

If a child’s eyes fester due to dacryocystitis

If your baby was born quite recently and problems with the eyes began in the maternity hospital, then pus in the eyes of such a child is a clear sign of blockage of the tear duct. This is a congenital disease known as dacryocystitis. For some reason, a child is born with a narrowed canal in one or both eyes. A tear cannot pass normally through such a channel; stagnation occurs in it and, as a result, inflammation occurs. In more complex cases, the duct may become blocked at the bottom of the canal. Parents notice that their child’s eyes often fester (this is especially noticeable after sleep). With these complaints, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist. He will tell you how to properly massage the lacrimal sac and prescribe treatment (usually antibacterial eye drops, which are prescribed after testing for sensitivity to antibiotics, as well as vasoconstrictor drugs).

If such conservative treatment does not bear fruit within several months, the doctor may prescribe so-called probing (bougienage) of the canal. A thin needle (probe) is inserted into the canal and washed with an antiseptic liquid or saline solution with a thin stream under high pressure. Before the operation, the baby's eyes are instilled with drops with an anesthetic effect. Probing is the most effective method of treating dacryocystitis when the lacrimal canal is blocked. However, it is performed only on babies, and doctors can no longer perform this procedure on children older than one and a half years, since the canal tissues become harder with age. Therefore, if your one-year-old child has a festering eye, do not hesitate to go to the doctor!

If a child's eyes fester due to conjunctivitis

The symptoms of conjunctivitis are somewhat different. One or both eyes turn red, begin to water, and then turn sour. If the disease is not treated, then more and more pus will appear every day, which sticks the eyelashes together and greatly bothers the child. In addition, the eyes may itch, and sometimes signs of photophobia appear: the child hides from the light, rubs and closes his eyes.

If a child’s eye is purulent due to conjunctivitis, then the treatment will be as follows. Depending on the type of conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral or allergic), the doctor will prescribe eye drops, ointment and rinse.

As for washing the eyes, it should be carried out in any case if there is purulent discharge. This should be done like this: moisten a cotton swab with boiled water, saline, chamomile infusion or other antiseptic liquid and wipe the eye, trying to remove purulent discharge from it, in the direction from the outer corner to the inner. Then do the same with the other eye, using a fresh cotton swab. You need to rinse your eyes before each procedure of instilling medicine into them.

Conjunctivitis is an infectious disease, and therefore it is contagious. A sick child must have his own towel, pillow, etc. so that he does not infect others.

Precautionary measures

happy child

Of course, parents cannot protect their children from any possible threat. However, you can follow certain recommendations to reduce your risk of developing conditions that lead to tearing.

  1. Limit your child from sitting in front of a monitor screen. It is not recommended to spend time in front of the computer for more than an hour. There are also certain age restrictions.
  2. It is important to ensure you have the right diet. It is important that the child receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals, biologically active substances.
  3. Outdoor walks are recommended, even in bad weather.
  4. It is important to have adequate rest, sleep, and at least minimal activity and physical activity every day.
  5. Do eye exercises with your child. You can carry out general strengthening exercises by making circular movements with your eyes and blinking.

It is important to understand that if a child's eyes are watery, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The cause of this phenomenon may be serious diseases that require specialized treatment. Do not delay visiting a specialist, especially if you also experience accompanying alarming symptoms.

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