How to take Doctor MOM cough lozenges?
Properties of the drug - herbal lozenges “Doctor Mom” Herbal lozenges “Doctor MOM” in its complex
The most effective drops for ear plugs
How to get rid of an ear plug quickly and easily
What is wax plug? Condensed sulfur with particles of the epidermis forms a sulfur plug. Sulfur plug.
Causes and treatment of dry nose, what to do and how to moisturize the nasal mucosa?
Abundant superficial blood supply to the nasal mucosa, the presence of a large number of small mucous glands entering
Degrees of hearing loss – 1, 2, 3, 4 degrees
Hearing loss is quite common, especially in older people. Hearing may disappear
Preparation for the procedure
Mustard plasters indications and contraindications for cough
The use of mustard plasters is an excellent auxiliary method of combating cough, which is a symptom of a cold. Externally
girl cleaning her ear
Wax ear candles: instructions for use
The presence of sulfur in the human hearing organs serves to protect them from penetration of microbes and dirt
Which ear drops are suitable for otitis media?
How to put drops in the ears for otitis media in adults
Otitis is an inflammatory disease of one of the parts of the ear, in the treatment of which special
Composition of the human ear
Clinical anatomy of the ears. Structure of the human ear
The mechanism for distinguishing sound vibrations Scientists have found that the perception of sound, which, in fact, is vibrations
effective cure for colds
How to quickly recover from a cold at home
General recommendations Even with a slight runny nose and other symptoms characteristic of ARVI, you should
Tinnitus: causes, treatment 125103 20
Tinnitus is a common occurrence, which is often only a symptom of a specific disease.