Mustard plasters indications and contraindications for cough

The use of mustard plasters is an excellent auxiliary method of combating cough, which is a symptom of a cold. Externally, they are presented in the form of bags or sheets, which are attached to the skin using a sticky layer. Currently, mustard plasters specifically for children are also sold on the pharmaceutical market. To avoid negative consequences, parents should have information about how to use them, and also know for which diseases and conditions they are strictly contraindicated.

The principle of influence on the body

Mustard plasters have antispasmodic, analgesic and vasodilating properties. In addition, due to their use, inflammatory processes are stopped in a short time, due to which they have a wide list of indications.

The active components are glycosides. They contribute to skin irritation and penetrate into the bloodstream. This process literally forces the body to activate its defenses. As a result, the work of phagocytes, whose task is to destroy pathogens, improves.

In addition, both adult and children's mustard plasters contain a large amount of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and essential oils. These components have a positive effect on health.

When using mustard plasters, a pronounced burning sensation occurs. Due to this, blood flows in large quantities to the lungs. As a result, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Preparation for the procedure

Why are they used for coughs?

Mustard plasters are given to adults and children during bronchospasm. Not everyone understands why such procedures are done. Do the bags have an effect on the back and other places? Doctors have proven that such sheets have the following therapeutic effects:

  • painkiller - otherwise they say distracting. The feeling of warmth makes you forget about pain, inducing sleep. Therefore, mustard plasters for coughs are given to children only before bedtime;
  • vasodilator - due to deep heating;
  • antispasmodic - relieves cough during night rest.

On this topic:

Milk and figs are a wonderful folk remedy for coughs

Now it’s clear why to do the procedure. In simple terms, burning of the skin causes the immune system to develop. Increased blood flow begins in the lung area, which has a beneficial effect on the removal of mucus. Mustard plasters for dry cough will give a positive result after 3-4 procedures.


Mustard plasters are a universal remedy. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so they can be used for various diseases.

Indications for the use of children's mustard plasters:

  • Dry cough.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Angina.
  • Laryngotracheitis.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Headache.
  • Joint pathologies.
  • Painful sensations in the muscles.
  • Myositis.

In addition, mustard plasters significantly speed up the process of tissue restoration after bruises. They contribute to the disappearance of edema and resorption of the hematoma.

Indications for use


Currently, various forms of mustard plasters can be purchased in pharmacies. As a rule, parents choose those that, in their opinion, are easiest to use.

Types of mustard plasters:

  • Plasters. The basis is thick paper. A layer of mustard is applied to it. The size of one patch is 12.5 x 8 cm. As a rule, black mustard acts as the active ingredient.
  • Paper bags. They are divided into 4 cells. During use, the mustard is evenly distributed over them, which allows you to effectively warm up the required area.
  • Waterproof fabric bags. They are filled not only with mustard, but also with all kinds of healing impurities (flax, ginseng, red pepper, fir or eucalyptus oil).

According to reviews, different types of mustard plasters have identical instructions for use. In addition, their cost is also almost the same.

At what age can children have mustard plasters?

Doctors do not recommend treatment with these medical devices in children under 2 years of age. It is permissible for children under 6 years of age to have mustard plasters installed, but only if increased safety measures are observed. For example, you can place a cotton cloth between the skin and the active component or lubricate the skin with olive oil. These are options for the gentle effects of mustard plasters. They will not harm the body, but will actually help cure coughs and other unpleasant symptoms of various diseases.

For which cough mustard plasters are used?

This remedy will help with bacterial diseases. It can be used for dry and wet cough. You cannot treat a patient with mustard plasters if his temperature is more than 37.5 °C. It is strictly forbidden to use this remedy for cough with obstruction. Under the influence of heat with broncho-obstructive syndrome, the patient may develop asthma, which will put his life at risk. When coughing against the background of pulmonary or bronchial bleeding, tuberculosis, warming drugs are not used.

Algorithm for the procedure

To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is necessary to properly prepare and conduct the session.

How to put mustard plasters on children for coughs and other unpleasant symptoms?

  • Pick up the product. If it is presented in the form of a bag, you need to shake it to evenly distribute the active component.
  • Heat the water. It should be hot, but not scalding. Place a paper bag in water for 10 seconds. No preparation is required before using the patches.
  • Lubricate the child's skin in the desired areas with olive oil. This recommendation can be ignored if the child’s age is more than 6-7 years. It is important to cleanse the skin first; mustard plasters should not be applied to sweaty or dirty skin.
  • Take the bag in your hands (water should not drain from it) and apply it to the desired part of the body. Secure the mustard plaster with a bandage. Wrap the child in a warm blanket on top. Mustard plaster in the form of a plaster is considered more convenient to use. This is due to the fact that it is easily fixed on the skin.
  • After a few minutes, remove the mustard plaster. Wipe the child's skin with a cotton cloth soaked in water. Dry the covers with a towel.

Immediately after the procedure, the child should remain in bed for at least half an hour. It is not advisable to go outside on this day. In this regard, doctors recommend using children's mustard plasters in the evening, that is, before bedtime.

If a child has sensitive skin (at any age), treatment is acceptable. But in this case, it is recommended to soak the product not in water, but in olive or any other vegetable oil. This avoids burns.

Regarding how to apply mustard plasters for coughs in children under 6 years of age. After water procedures, the child’s skin in the desired area must be lubricated with olive oil. You can use a piece of cotton fabric as an additional layer. Next, all actions must be carried out according to the classical algorithm.

Regarding how long to keep children's mustard plasters. The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the child and the degree of sensitivity of his skin. Children over 2 years old can only apply mustard plasters for 3 minutes. Treatment time for older children can be increased. The maximum duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. If severe redness and severe burning occur, the session must be terminated. The affected area of ​​skin should be treated with any vegetable oil immediately after the procedure.

Do mustard plasters help with cough?

Mustard patches help with severe coughs. It is important to understand that there are two types of coughing:

  • wet;
  • dry.

Each of the presented types of cough has its own characteristics of course and treatment. If you choose the wrong medications or folk remedies, you can aggravate the symptoms and cause complications.

For what kind of cough mustard plasters are used?

Mustard compresses can be applied when different types of cough occur. The main thing is to know the methods of use, the characteristics of the disease, and possible complications.

Mustard plasters for wet cough

Most often, this symptom occurs due to pneumonia, various forms of bronchitis and tracheitis. The appearance of the symptom is accompanied by inflammatory processes affecting the lower part of the lungs.

To improve the patient’s condition, it is necessary to use drugs and folk remedies that help remove phlegm from the lungs. Burning compresses are most often placed in the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs. Warm-up duration is no more than 10 minutes.

Can you apply mustard plasters for a dry cough?

A dry cough behaves differently than a wet cough and requires different treatment. The burning substance should dilute the mucus and remove it from the lungs. The patches need to be glued in the chest area, between the shoulder blades. The average duration of the procedure is 9 minutes. Then you need to carefully remove the compress. Next, the person needs to lie down for 40 minutes under a thick blanket.

Dry cough

Where to put it?

According to the instructions, when coughing, mustard plasters should not be placed on the spine or the heart area. Initially, the product must be fixed on the chest in the area just below the collarbone. Then the mustard plasters need to be placed on the ribs and sternum.

After this, you need to turn the child over and apply the products under the shoulder blades. Since mustard plasters cannot be placed on the spine, they must be placed on both sides of it.

Additionally, children's mustard plasters can be glued to the child's feet or calves. But after this you need to wear warm socks. In the latter, you can simply pour 1-2 tsp. mustard powder. After such therapy, blood circulation significantly improves, inflammatory processes are stopped and sputum thins out faster.

Where to put

Other recipes for using mustard for colds

Mustard cough powder is an excellent remedy for colds, and there are many effective recipes based on it. One of them is mustard cough cake, the recipe for which is presented below.

Mustard flatbread

So, to prepare mustard flatbread you will need:

  • a tablespoon of mustard powder;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Knead the dough from these ingredients and roll it out thinly on gauze or a bag. Place the cake on your chest, avoiding the heart area. Place a warm scarf or blanket on top.

Leave for a couple of hours, for sensitive skin – for an hour. After the procedure, remove the compress and wipe the skin with a damp towel. When preparing the product for children, reduce the amount of mustard to one teaspoon.

Making mustard flatbread

Foot baths

You can also do foot baths with mustard powder when you have a cold. To do this, add 1-2 tablespoons of mustard to warm water and mix.

Place the legs in a container with this composition, steam them for 15-20 minutes, adding warm water if necessary to maintain a constant temperature of the liquid. After the procedure, dry your feet with a towel and put on warm socks.

Mustard foot bath

Mustard in socks

A recipe that involves placing mustard powder in socks also gives a good effect. To do this, you will need a pair of cotton and a pair of warm wool socks.

For children, place a teaspoon of powder in each sock, and for adults, a tablespoon. Put cotton socks with powder on your feet and warm ones on top. In this case, the skin of the feet should be dry. Leave it overnight and remove it in the morning.

Mustard in socks is a great way to treat a cough

Any mustard-based recipes should be used after consultation with a specialist to reduce the likelihood of side effects. The video in this article will help you install mustard plasters correctly.


As mentioned above, it is not recommended to put mustard plasters on children under 2 years of age. In addition, if after 3 days the positive dynamics are not noticeable, the treatment must be completed and consult a doctor.

Other contraindications:

  • It is unacceptable to put mustard plasters on children if they have an elevated body temperature. This can lead to irreparable consequences.
  • Obstructive bronchitis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • ORZ.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin in the intended area of ​​application of mustard plasters.
  • Pathologies of a dermatological nature.

It is important to know that mustard is a potential allergen. If signs of an adverse reaction occur, treatment must also be completed.

Contraindications for use

How to put mustard plasters on a child for coughing

Caution must be exercised when using this topical agent to treat children. Mustard plasters for children when coughing are placed through a thin cotton cloth. It can be pre-saturated with vegetable oil. It is not advisable to carry out the procedure if the child is under 2 years old. The recommended age for starting treatment with mustard plasters is 6 years. By this time, parents already know how their child reacts to allergens. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The mustard leaf is immersed in warm water for 15-20 seconds.
  2. The product is applied to the child’s back and lightly pressed with a towel.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, the compress is removed, and the remaining mustard is removed from the skin with warm water.
  4. The affected area is lubricated with Vaseline.

Mustard plasters for children when coughing can be replaced with homemade plasters. To make them you need mustard powder and cellophane film. 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials are diluted in a liter of warm water, and then 1 liter of boiling water is added to the mixture. The cellophane film is soaked in the solution and then placed on the child’s body. After 5 minutes, the compress is removed. Treatment of children with mustard plasters and homemade patches is best done before bedtime.

Mustard plasters "Mustard"

These are products designed specifically for children. According to reviews, parents most often use Mustard plasters. This is due to their undeniable advantages:

  • They heat the tissues rather than burn them. The bags are foil. The additional layer provides comfortable warming.
  • The bags are made of membrane material that does not cause discomfort during contact with the skin.

In addition, in each package the child can find a coloring book (princess or pirate).

According to the instructions, mustard plaster for cough should be placed as follows:

  • Shake and soak the bag in hot water.
  • Fix it on the skin.
  • Wrap the child in a warm blanket.
  • After 3-5 minutes, even if there are no complaints, bend the edge of the mustard plaster and assess the condition of the skin. In case of hyperemia or severe redness, the product should be removed.
  • Wipe the skin with a damp cloth and blot it with a dry towel. Wrap the baby in a blanket again.

Mustard plasters should be applied no more than once a day.

One package contains 10 sachets. The cost of mustard plasters is, on average, 150 rubles.

Mustard plasters "Mustard"

Placing mustard plasters for children

Many people think that warming procedures using mustard are a simple matter. However, the process consists of several stages in which every little detail is important, because it is important not only to cure the child, but also not to harm him. We decided to describe in detail how mustard plasters are placed for coughs ; instructions for use are posted below.

  • It is better to apply heating compresses in the evening. First, carefully examine the child's skin. The places where you plan to apply mustard plates must be completely clean. Ask the child again if everything is okay, if he wants something (drink, go to the toilet). If the procedure is being carried out for the first time, explain to the child that the “yellow cards” will simply warm him up, but he will have to lie quietly for a few minutes.
  • Place next to the bed:
  1. the mustard plasters themselves (be sure to check the timing);
  2. a bowl or plate with hot water (approximately 45 degrees);
  3. bandage/gauze;
  4. soft towel;
  5. Vaseline/baby cream/sunflower oil;
  6. timer (clock, phone).
  • Tell your child to lie down comfortably. Place a piece of bandage on the area to be heated. Dip the mustard plaster into the prepared water for 10 seconds, then place it on the prepared place. Look at the photo on which parts of the body to put mustard plasters on.
  • Cover the warming area with a towel and cover the child with a blanket.
  • The first time, leave the mustard plasters on for about five minutes (for kids - a couple of minutes), gradually increasing the duration of warming up by literally a couple of minutes, no more.
  • If there is no bandage/gauze, then protect the skin from burns with cream/vaseline/oil, lubricating the selected area even before applying mustard plasters.
  • When the exposure time has expired, remove the plates and remove the gauze. Remove any remaining mustard with a napkin coated with a soothing/anti-inflammatory soft baby cream.
  • After this, the child needs to be changed and put to bed.

We invite you to see what else Komarovsky says about mustard plasters, video:

What else do you need to know?

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky believes that the use of these medical devices is acceptable. But parents should focus on the following points:

  • If the pathology is very serious, mustard plasters will not be able to cure it.
  • Individual intolerance to the active component is extremely common.
  • Mustard vapors have an irritating effect on mucous membranes. If a child has a tendency to develop allergies, procedures cannot be carried out at home.
  • It is important to make sure before using mustard plasters that their expiration date has not expired.

In addition, Dr. Komarovsky recommends refusing treatment if the products cause significant discomfort to the child. The doctor believes that the main thing when fighting ARVI is to drink a lot of fluids and take walks in the fresh air more often.

Doctor's advice

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