Rinsing the throat and ear with hydrogen peroxide

In the case of purulent otitis or acute pain, during the course of treatment it is necessary to rinse the ear organ. Rinsing the ears during otitis media is an extremely necessary procedure that helps get rid of pus and normalize the functions of the ear organ.

If purulent otitis media is not treated and the discharge itself is not disposed of, a person’s health faces a serious threat. Ignoring the disease can lead not only to partial hearing loss, but also to complete deafness, severe perforation of the eardrum, and changes in the structure of the ear organ. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of purulent discharge immediately if it forms. What other procedures are there for otitis media, we will consider in this material.

Ear rinsing method

Ear rinsing for otitis media is a mandatory procedure that is part of complex treatment. Also, immediately before the washing procedure, the ears must be cleaned with specialized solutions and drops. How to do it right?

Everyone knows that procedures for the treatment of ear inflammation must be agreed upon with the attending physician..

Otherwise, you can provoke the appearance of more severe diseases, for example, meningitis or adhesive otitis media.

In this case, more complex treatment is required, so do not lead your health condition to such consequences.

Rinsing for otitis media is an indispensable remedy that not only alleviates the patient’s condition, but also relieves the hearing organ from pus and other secretions.

Most often, otitis media occurs due to the penetration of viruses and infections, so rinsing the ears also eliminates the root cause of the formation of ear disease. Therefore, this procedure has an antiseptic effect. By getting rid of pus, you eliminate a favorable environment for the development of microbes and bacteria, thereby normalizing the functioning of the hearing organ.

The rinsing procedure itself must be entrusted to an ENT doctor.

If there is no opportunity to contact a specialist in the near future, carry out the rinsing yourself, having first studied the correct technique:

  1. To do this, draw the rinsing solution into a twentieth-size syringe.
  2. Remove the needle.
  3. Place the base of the syringe against the back wall of the ear canal.
  4. Inject one milliliter of the product into the ear canal.
  5. Remember that your movements should not be sudden, however, the pressure of the solution should be quite strong.

Typically, the entire washing procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, the patient may experience dizziness and nausea . These symptoms will disappear after fifteen minutes.

Rinse ears with hydrogen peroxide

Otitis is a severe inflammation in which purulent discharge from the ear is often observed. They have a viscous consistency and cannot completely come out on their own, so the residue can be removed by washing with a solution. How to rinse the ear with hydrogen peroxide for otitis media correctly so as not to cause harm?

ear rinsing

To do this, you will need a 2 ml syringe, water and the drug. Dilute the solution with water 1:1. Sit on a chair and keep your head level, draw liquid into a syringe and pour it under pressure into your ear, placing a wide container under it. Hydrogen peroxide for otitis media will not only help relieve inflammation and swelling, but will also wash away pus, the remains of which can lead to complications if not removed in time.

How to rinse the ear with otitis media

After you have determined the washing technology, you need to identify the medications and solutions used to carry out the procedure itself.

However, remember that implementing this procedure yourself can be dangerous.

With a rough or sudden movement, you can injure the delicate skin of the hearing organ, as well as damage the integrity of the eardrum. Therefore, you need to entrust this procedure to a professional.

An ear doctor will rinse your ear quickly and painlessly.

Most often, sore ears are washed with hydrogen peroxide. This medication is an effective remedy for getting rid of purulent discharge. It has a painless effect, which is especially important when treating young children.

By the way, it is worth noting that using hydrogen peroxide at home is absolutely safe . This product has an effective disinfecting effect, so its use is allowed for many ear inflammations and when cleaning the ear canal from wax.

In the case of treating children, it is necessary to purchase three percent hydrogen peroxide.

If you take peroxide of a higher percentage, the product must be diluted with purified water in a one to one ratio.

Hydrogen peroxide must be warmed to body temperature. Make sure that the solution is not heated above 37 degrees Celsius. This way you will avoid any irritating effect.

If the integrity of the eardrum is damaged, the hydrogen peroxide solution can be replaced with disinfectants - Furacilin or Potassium Permanganate , which are sold in all pharmacies.

To rinse your ears with peroxide, you need to take one milligram of the drug into a syringe and inject it into the ear.

After this, there will be a strong hissing sound in the patient’s ear. After this, you need to leave the drug in your ears for five to ten minutes, and then you should tilt your head over the sink to drain the solution. It flows out on its own through the auditory tube.

After this, you need to inject another milliliter of hydrogen peroxide into the ear and repeat the procedure. After this, the ear must be wiped with a dry cotton pad.

A repeated procedure will help remove old and already dried remains of pus and micro-substances that negatively affect the health of the ears.

In addition to hydrogen peroxide, it will be useful to rinse the ear with any product that contains urea .

At home, you can rinse your ear with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, glycerin and oil.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, and then rinse.

If you are far from civilization and there are only grocery stores nearby, buy vodka or alcohol .

Rinse your ear every morning and before bed with warm vodka. The method of introducing vodka into the ear is no different from hydrogen peroxide.

However, at this time it is necessary to be sure of the integrity of the eardrum. Otherwise, severe pain and dizziness will form in the patient’s ears.

How to use it correctly for otitis media

When treating otitis with hydrogen peroxide, three methods are used: instillation, rinsing, applying a compress.


In addition to relieving inflammation, peroxide drops dissolve wax plugs and promote tissue regeneration in case of mechanical damage to the surface of the ear. The product is used for rashes and boils inside the ear canal. In the case of otitis media, the following symptoms become the reason for instilling peroxide:

  • damage to surface tissues: cracks, abrasions, etc.;
  • burning and itching in the ear canal;
  • ear congestion and narrowing of the ear canal;
  • serous-purulent discharge from the ear.

To avoid tissue burns, 1% hydrogen peroxide is used for instillation. To do this, the standard 3% preparation is diluted with warm boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

How the treatment procedure is carried out:

  • the patient lies on his side so that the affected ear is at the top;
  • the solution is drawn into a pipette and 2 to 5 drops are instilled into the ear canal;
  • in order to better treat the inflamed area with peroxide, you should press the tragus several times to the auricle and hold it for 5-8 seconds;
  • after 10 minutes you can drain the solution. To do this, you need to tilt your head with the affected ear down, jump or shake your head.

When peroxide gets into the ear, a person feels a hissing sound. If the inflammation is severe, foam may appear from the ear canal. This is normal: the composition has begun its work. After 10 minutes the reaction will be complete. Now you need to use a swab or cotton pad to clean the auricle and the entrance vestibule from drug residues and serous discharge. Sessions are repeated for 5 days, 2 times a day.

Parents often wonder if it is possible to put hydrogen peroxide in their children's ears?

Note. For young patients under 3 years old, it is worth choosing special drops or using peroxide in compresses. For older patients, it is enough to drop 1 drop; from the age of 14, “adult” regimens are used.

Rinse with peroxide

It is used when a boil, a purulent formation, breaks out, and the contents enter the ear canal. In case of complicated otitis, hydrogen peroxide is poured into the ear to disinfect the cavity of the auditory tube and wash away the exudate.

Carrying out the procedure yourself:

  • Dilute 3% peroxide with warm water in a 1:1 ratio: approximately 4-6 ml of medicine will be required;
  • take 1 ml of the drug into a disposable syringe without a needle;
  • lie on your side, place the tip 0.5 cm into the ear canal, pour in the contents completely;
  • After 4-5 minutes, release the peroxide from the ear.

Repeat washing 3-4 times per session.


Or treatment with turunda: a dense tampon formed from a bandage and cotton wool (literally 0.5 cm in diameter).
Cotton wool is the internal absorbent layer; the bandage is wound on top for density. Regular non-sterile cotton wool or gauze will do. Progress of the procedure:

  1. Lie on your side (you can sit with your head tilted to the side).
  2. The turunda is soaked in the solution, the excess liquid is washed out, and the tampon is inserted into the ear.
  3. Keep the compress for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day.

They take out the turunda, tilting the head to one side down with the affected ear. You cannot increase the application time and especially leave the tampon overnight.

Activities at the pre-perforation stage

how to remove pus from the ear with otitis media at home
However, the development of this symptom was preceded by 2-3 days, and sometimes a week of malaise, an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, severe pain and tinnitus, that is, all symptoms characteristic of acute otitis.

To ensure that the disease does not become chronic and its severe complications do not develop, treatment should be started precisely at the pre-perforation stage..

Therapeutic measures during this period should be as follows:

  • the use of ear drops, which include anesthetics, analgesics and antiseptics;
  • in case of severe pain, it is possible to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs orally;
  • use of warming procedures;
  • the use of nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect;
  • If there is a pronounced protrusion of the tympanic septum, the specialist may decide to perform paracentesis.

Among the ear drops most preferred during this period, Otipax is used. The drug contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and the local anesthetic lidocaine. An analgesic effect is also achieved by prescribing a 3% alcohol solution of boric acid. All ear drops must be warmed to body temperature before instillation, and the ear canal must be closed with a cotton swab after the procedure.

Of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can be used in this case, the most popular are paracetamol and ibuprofen. In addition to analgesic, these drugs have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, which can also help improve the condition. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are also necessary in the treatment of this pathology, since in most cases the development of otitis is associated precisely with diseases of the nasopharynx, and is caused by the spread of purulent contents into the tympanic cavity through the auditory tube. The use of nasal drops such as sanorin, naphthyzin, galazolin prevents this process.

As for warming procedures, alcohol compresses, heating pads, and UV lamps can be used to treat purulent otitis media at home. During this period, you can warm the ear for purulent otitis media. The procedure should be immediately postponed if the pain increases sharply, which may be associated with the development of complications.

If the therapeutic measures taken do not produce an effect, the patient’s condition does not show any positive dynamics, antibiotics should be added to the treatment. The absence of suppuration indicates that topical antibiotics cannot be used, since the drug will not be able to penetrate beyond the intact eardrum and exert its therapeutic effect. The drugs of choice used in this stage of treatment of purulent otitis in adults are the antibiotic amoxicillin and its analogues, Flemoxin, Ospamox, Hiconcil, taken in tablet form.

How to rinse your nose with otitis media

Having agreed that it is not worth rinsing your nose if you have otitis, you find out what can be done to relieve the condition if you have nasal congestion.

  • A stuffy nose is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to the central nervous system. When the mucous membrane of the sinuses is damaged, oxygen ionization does not occur, so the brain “does not receive enough” atomic oxygen necessary for oxidative reactions. Children suffering from chronic respiratory diseases generally demonstrate lower academic performance and their intellectual abilities develop more slowly;
  • You should get rid of congestion using safe methods, having first found out the cause of its occurrence. If the problem appears due to airway obstructions (nasal polyps, deviated septum, proliferation of lymphoid tissue), then only surgical intervention will help, which will eliminate the cause of nasal congestion. In case of acute respiratory infections, congestion will resolve on its own within 7-10 days without special treatment;
  • If nasal breathing is impaired, there are different options. You can use vasoconstrictor drops within reasonable limits, no more than 3-5 days. Some drugs contain safe vasoconstrictors (for example, Polidex). Antihistamines relieve congestion for a longer period of time, as they relieve swelling;
  • Procedures such as rinsing should not be performed on young children, as the risk of infection spreading to the ear cavity is too great. Try to refrain from such activities until your child is 5-7 years old. Instead, you can pipette a few drops of saline into your nose or use special “saline” sprays with a dispenser for children;
  • Washing for adults should be carried out strictly in accordance with the rules that will be discussed below.

It is also important that the child knows how to blow his nose correctly: you need to blow your nose with only one nostril, pressing the other tightly, and not blow too hard.

Children should only rinse their nose gently using a pipette or using a special spray.

You can use chlorhexidine, chamomile decoction, furatsilin, miramistin, dioxidine, salt preparations such as Aquamaris, Physiomer, Humer and so on.

Activities at the perforation stage

Despite the treatment, several days after the onset of the disease, the patient sometimes has pus flowing from the ear. What to do in this case? It all depends on where the patient is located and how quickly qualified assistance can be provided. In this case, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary to adjust treatment tactics.

Features of the use of drugs in the treatment of acute purulent otitis of the middle ear in this period are that at this stage the use of alcohol-containing drops is contraindicated, since this substance can have a toxic effect on the mucous membrane of the eardrum and lead to a worsening of the condition. Products containing anti-inflammatory components have the same effect. Otipax drops are already contraindicated during this period.

The use of warming procedures during this period is strictly prohibited.

Measures for suppuration

In addition, the evacuation of pus from the ear canal plays an important role in the treatment of acute purulent otitis media. It would be more correct if this process is handled by a specially trained nurse from the ENT department. If treatment of purulent otitis occurs at home, the procedure should be carried out carefully, using only cotton wool twisted in the form of a spiral. The use of matches, knitting needles and factory ear sticks is strictly prohibited. The eardrum is damaged, and awkward movement can lead to additional trauma or infection of the skin of the external auditory canal. This procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day until the exudate is removed and the cotton wool becomes dry.

In cases where the secretion is very thick, with purulent otitis media, you can rinse the ear with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. This will make it easier to evacuate the contents. After the procedure, the ear canal must be dried. Saline solution can be used as a means for toileting the external auditory canal.

As for the use of medications, topical medications in the form of ear drops should be added to antibiotics in tablet form. In this case, the following drops containing antibiotics are widely used:

  • Otofa,
  • Tsipromed,
  • Normax.

It is recommended to instill drops after washing and drying the ear, warming them up to body temperature. When turning to the use of combined agents, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the components included in them, since the content of alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components in case of perforation of the eardrum is unacceptable.

When treating purulent otitis in adults, many specialists suggest using the injection method to instill ear remedies. To do this, after instillation of the ear, you need to press the tragus with your finger, closing the lumen of the external auditory canal, and make movements that facilitate the penetration of the medicine into the middle ear. After some time, the patient should feel the taste of the medicine in the mouth. In this case, it is considered that the procedure was carried out correctly, and a more targeted effect of the drug is ensured.

Antibiotic therapy should continue for at least 7-10 days, even in normal condition and in the absence of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of relapse and the disease becoming chronic, which may require surgical treatment. It must be remembered that a number of antibiotics have an ototoxic effect. The use of such ear drops may cause hearing loss.

At the subsequent, reparative stage, treatment of acute suppurative otitis media consists of procedures that promote healing and restoration of elasticity of the eardrum. For this purpose, procedures such as pneumomassage and iontophoresis with lidase may be prescribed.

Outcome of suppuration

Otorrhea usually continues for several days, after which there is a persistent improvement in the condition and the return of hearing. If, in the presence of perforation of the eardrum, the patient’s condition has not improved, we can assume the development of a complication, inflammation of the mastoid process. The presence of mastoiditis may also be indicated by a worsening condition after a period of improvement.

A serious complication of the disease may be indicated by the presence of suppuration for a long time, more than 3-4 weeks. In this case, we may be talking about mastoid empyema or extradural abscess. With this development of the situation, there can be no talk of treatment at home. The patient should be hospitalized in a specialized hospital, and further treatment should be carried out under the direct supervision of an otolaryngologist.

Thus, what to do if the ear festers depends on the presence of concomitant symptoms and their dynamics. Improvement in the patient's condition with the appearance of otorrhea indicates the perforated stage of purulent otitis media. In this case, correction of the treatment and measures to evacuate the contents of the external auditory canal are required. If suppuration does not bring relief, severe pain in the ear, dizziness, and hyperthermia are still bothering you, then immediate assistance from a specialist in the ENT department is required. In this case, we may be talking about the development of complications of the disease.

With purulent otitis media, purulent exudate accumulates in the patient’s ear cavity. Due to the presence of pus, the risk of rupture of the eardrum increases and active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms occurs. In addition to drug treatment, the doctor often recommends rinsing the ears, primarily so that the drops can freely penetrate into the ear cavity. In addition to this form of inflammation, ear rinsing is sometimes prescribed for ear congestion or in the presence of wax plugs.

Is it possible to rinse the ear with otitis media?

The procedure must be approved by an otolaryngologist

It is possible to perform rinsing for otitis media, provided that the procedure is approved by the otolaryngologist. As a rule, this manipulation is indicated for ear inflammation that occurs with purulent exudate. Since rinsing has some contraindications, before pouring liquid into the auditory cavity, you should make sure that they are absent.

Reference! Another strong argument in favor of rinsing is the presence of sulfur plugs.

Is it possible to rinse the nose with otitis media?

In most cases, ear inflammation occurs due to the presence of concomitant diseases, often a runny nose. At an appointment with the attending physician, the question is often asked: is it permissible to rinse the nose for otitis media? After all, nasal congestion in tandem with ear pain causes significant discomfort to the patient.

Doctors agreed that this procedure is allowed only if the ears are healthy and there is no inflammation. If, while rinsing the nose, liquid enters the auditory tube, this can aggravate the course of the disease, transferring the infection to the second ear.

Important! In the presence of otitis media, it is recommended to treat a runny nose with vasoconstrictor sprays.

Rules of use for otitis media

There are several rules that help to correctly use peroxide in the treatment of otitis media:

  1. It is prohibited to self-prescribe therapy using this drug. You should definitely consult a doctor and determine the provoking factor of the disease, after which you can start using peroxide. It is important to adhere to the dosage; a saturated solution can harm the patient.
  2. If burning, itching or unpleasant discomfort is observed during ear treatment, it is necessary to stop the procedure, since peroxide can irritate the inflamed skin and slow down recovery.
  3. There is no need to clean your ears completely, removing all the wax. It must remain in a certain amount in the auricle, and all because it performs the protective function of the ear canal from infection and harmful microorganisms.
  4. Under no circumstances should you use concentrated peroxide! Many patients believe that only they can speed up the recovery process, but, as practice has shown, everything is completely different, the patient’s condition can worsen.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide should only be diluted with plain water, for example from a bottle. Tap water must first be purified and then boiled. If you take low-quality liquid, it can lead to infection.
  6. When a patient experiences constant formation of traffic jams, you need to consult a doctor and find out what the reason is. You cannot diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment on your own.
  7. If the procedure with peroxide does not bring any results, then you need to tell the doctor about this so that he can select another remedy.

Many doctors believe that hydrogen peroxide is simply irreplaceable during the treatment of otitis media. It helps to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve swelling, rid the ear canal of pus and any type of contamination. But you should definitely consult a doctor and not exceed the permissible dosage, so as not to aggravate your already difficult situation. Using the drug in higher concentrations will not speed up recovery, but will only cause harm.

Ear rinsing for otitis at home

You can also rinse your ear from pus due to otitis media at home, but only if the manipulation is prescribed by a doctor . There are various methods for carrying out the procedure, the simplest of which is to use a regular syringe. An important condition is strict adherence to the algorithm:

  1. First you need to prepare a medicinal solution for washing the auditory cavity. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 37 degrees. The solution should be placed in a deep mug or bowl for ease of drawing it into a syringe.
  2. Next, take a regular medical syringe of any volume. We will not need a needle to perform the manipulation, so we should remove it. It is very important that the syringe is unused.
  3. Draw about 2 ml of solution into the syringe.
  4. Use a cotton swab to wipe the area near the ear canal, removing possible dirt or accumulation of pus from the outside.
  5. We fix our head to one side. We pour the liquid into the disturbing ear very slowly, the tip of the syringe should be as close as possible to the ear canal.
  6. We remain in the original position for several minutes, after which we apply a small towel to our ear and turn our head over to the opposite side.

Important: After the procedure, thoroughly wipe your ear. If you experience tinnitus after rinsing, it is likely that there is water left in the ear. In this case, insert a small piece of dry cotton wool into the ear canal and lie on your side for 5 minutes.

How to rinse your ear at home

To clean your ear plugs without a doctor, you need to follow these steps:

  • purchase a large new sterile syringe without a needle or a bulb with a rubber tip;
  • Before starting the procedure, the ear must be cleaned, plugged with a cotton swab for 10 minutes, and if the plug is hard, drops of hydrogen peroxide are instilled into the ear canal. These measures will help soften the sulfur;
  • the procedure is carried out in a sitting position, the ear should be tilted down;
  • An oilcloth is laid on the shoulder, and a tray is placed on it to drain the liquid. The patient holds the tray independently;
  • Warm water or solution is drawn into the syringe and slowly, without strong pressure, the stream is directed to the back wall of the external canal. If directed into the ear canal, the eardrum may be damaged. While injecting the solution, you can slightly pull the auricle back;
  • at the end of the procedure, you need to dry the ear with a cotton swab;
  • if it is not possible to free the canal from the accumulation of sulfur immediately, the procedure is repeated 2 more, sometimes 3 times.

Hydrogen peroxide

The drug can be used to soften plugs and as a component of a washing solution:

  • A few days before the procedure, the ear must be prepared for washing - the wax plug in it must be softened. To do this, you need to drip hydrogen peroxide into the ear, a few drops daily. When it comes into contact with sulfur, the drug will begin to hiss and foam. It does not need to be removed from the ear until the hissing stops. Several such procedures - the sulfur plug will be ready for removal.
  • Ear rinsing with hydrogen peroxide is carried out using a mixture of oxidizing agent, glycerin, and water. The drug is safe and effective, the rules for preparing the solution are described above.

By water

The simplest technique for rinsing the ear canal is using warm water and a syringe. The water for the procedure should be boiled and lukewarm. Before starting, plug the ear with a cotton swab for 10 minutes to soften the wax plug. The procedure can be carried out standing over the washbasin, tilting your head towards the sore ear. Gently pour a stream of warm water from the syringe along the back wall of the ear canal. At the end of the procedure, the water must be removed from the auricle and dried with a cotton swab.

Wash solutions

The otolaryngologist will determine what product to use to rinse the ear cavity. First of all, it depends on the purpose of the procedure. The most common and effective are the following solutions:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. It is prescribed most often, as it is highly effective against purulent accumulations. When peroxide gets into the ear, it starts to hiss. Don't be scared - this is a normal reaction. In this way, pathogenic microorganisms are destroyed. Many people wonder why doctors prefer peroxide? This is necessary in order to remove any dried pieces of pus inside the ear. A regular antiseptic solution will not cope with this task. To carry out the procedure, you need a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  2. Furacilin. It is an excellent remedy with bactericidal and antiseptic effects. Furacilin solution is recommended for the initial stage of purulent otitis media to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic organisms. To prepare the solution, you need to take 100 ml of warm boiled water and add one Furacilin tablet, previously crushed into powder. Mix the liquid thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved. The result should be a deep yellow liquid.
  3. Potassium permanganate. The drug is no less effective than those listed above, but its preparation requires increased care. If an undissolved crystal of permanganate gets inside the ear, this will lead to a burn of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube and other sad consequences. You need to take 100 ml of boiled water and add no more than 3 crystals of potassium permanganate to the water. Stir for 3 minutes to achieve 100% dissolution of the crystals in the water.

Important: In childhood, the priority is Furacilin solution, which has a minimum of possible side effects.

Precautionary measures

Do not perform the procedure under any circumstances if you suspect a perforated eardrum.

In order for the manipulation to bring an exclusively positive effect, it is necessary to take certain precautions:

  1. Make sure there is no perforation of the eardrum. Only an otolaryngologist can judge this.
  2. Do not heat rinse solutions in the microwave. It is advisable to give preference to a water bath.
  3. After the procedure, you cannot go outside for about 5 hours.
  4. Flushing the ear cavity is not an independent treatment. In addition to this physical procedure, basic drug treatment is required.
  5. It is recommended that children undergo the procedure only in an ENT doctor’s office.
  6. Never take a used syringe.
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