Hydrogen peroxide for ears: self-cleaning of wax plug in the ear

Application of peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and is an indispensable medication for insect bites and varying degrees of skin damage.

With the formation of sulfur discharge and with varying degrees of otitis, doctors often prescribe cleaning the ears with hydrogen peroxide. It can be used for complications of the development of infectious inflammation, and also to quickly and effectively wash the ear from dust and dirt.

Despite the many beneficial functions of peroxide, the question of whether it is possible to clean ear plugs yourself at home remains relevant.

For external rinsing of the ear canal and auricle, only an aqueous solution of peroxide purchased at a pharmacy and heated to 37 ° C is used. The use of the drug for cleaning in children under the age of one year helps to reduce the protective properties of the external auditory canal, and can also provoke the introduction of any infection.

In fact, this seemingly universal remedy has several contraindications that you need to be aware of:

  • If the eardrum is perforated, you should not instill or rinse your ears with peroxide;
  • Eliminate the possibility of drug overdose;
  • Use peroxide for purposes other than its intended purpose.

In other cases, it is advisable to use this medication, it is absolutely harmless and can remove wax plugs from the ear, and also help cleanse the ear canals from harmful elements.


Should you rinse your ear with hydrogen peroxide at home?

Some people have the impression that the solution can harm the ear canal, the skin of the auricle and the eardrum. We want to reassure you. Pharmacies often sell concentrations of this product at 3% and 5%. Experienced doctors say that such a low concentration of peroxide should not harm the external and internal parts of the human body.

There is also an opinion that no one should clean their ears themselves. Since this organ of ours is designed in such a way that it is able to cleanse itself. Sulfur should also not be removed, because it is a natural protector against the penetration of bacteria and microorganisms. Yes, all this is true, but sulfur always retains a huge amount of dust, dirt and microorganisms, which disintegrate and decompose over time. And to prevent them from getting into the inner part of the ear, some of the wax must be removed.

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Hygienic ear cleaning

Hygienic cleaning must be carried out correctly. When washing your ears with hydrogen peroxide at home, you need to take into account one factor - if an adult’s skin is hypersensitive, a very careful application is necessary.

You should ensure that movements remain smooth, since sharp manipulations with ear sticks can compact the wax plug even deeper.

To do this you need:

  • Moisten the gauze turunda with a pharmaceutical preparation of hydrogen peroxide (3%);
  • Place in the ear canal for 5-8 minutes;
  • Carefully remove the swollen wax with a cotton swab, but do not insert it into the ear canal.

Hygienic cleaning of ears with hydrogen peroxide

Before using peroxide, do not forget to consult a specialist to avoid allergic reactions or incompatibility with other drugs. It is worth noting that not only the auricle, but also the ear canal needs regular cleaning. Cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide is a relatively simple and effective way to care for your ears.

Important point: any ear cleaning is done before using the main medicine (if there is an ear disease)

First, you need to moisten a thin cotton pad in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, then place it in the ear canal for a few minutes (usually 3-5 minutes). Then we remove the disc and clean the sink using cotton swabs soaked in peroxide, carefully removing dirt and loose particles of dry skin. Then wipe the ear with a dry cotton swab. If the skin is highly sensitive, the solution can be diluted with water in equal parts.

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Regular thorough care of the hearing cavity will help not only get rid of problems with wax plugs and restore normal hearing, but also prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

How to properly remove ear plugs with peroxide?

As a rule, the ears are cleaned of wax formations in the ENT office, and only small wax plugs that are located fairly close to the ear canal are removed independently. If there is a plug, it is quite easy to see it; to do this, you need to slightly pull the ear.

The plasticine-like light mass is an accumulation of sulfur. You can remove the ear plug in 20 minutes by first softening it, after which it can be easily removed with hydrogen peroxide.

When there is an accumulation of sulfur of a dark color, as well as a dense consistency, it is not recommended to remove the plug yourself. It can fit tightly to the eardrum and can be easily damaged if moved carelessly. Such a plug should only be removed by a specialist using special tools.

The otolaryngologist rinses the ear with water, after softening the plug with hydrogen peroxide or other special preparations, and only then removes the wax plug. To soften dense accumulations of wax in the ear, 3% hydrogen peroxide is heated and instilled into the ear for 3 days, 8-10 drops three times a day. Swelling of the sulfur plug in a patient can lead to temporary hearing impairment, after which the otolaryngologist removes the accumulation of sulfur with a current of warm water, using a Janet syringe.

It is not recommended to independently treat the ears of adults and children with hydrogen peroxide for wax plugs, since only an examination by a specialist will detect perforation of the eardrum. There is also a risk of dry perforation of the membrane when hydrogen peroxide penetrates into the middle ear through it.

Important! You can remove wax plug yourself only if you are completely confident in the integrity of the membrane.

Hydrogen peroxide in the ear from traffic jams

It is best to remove ear wax in a special ENT office. You can only get rid of wax plugs that are very close to the ear canal on your own.

You can see such a plug if you pull your ear back a little. It will be a kind of plasticine-like yellow mass. To remove it, you need to rinse your ears with hydrogen peroxide, wait until the plug softens, and use an ear stick to remove it.

If you see a cork that is not yellow, but dark. This means that this mass has a denser consistency. It is not recommended to remove such a formation yourself, because it often fits very tightly to the eardrum. And if you act carelessly, it can easily be damaged, which will lead to deafness. If you find such a plug, it is best to consult an ENT doctor.

He will get rid of the tumor using special devices on a dry basis. Or use water to rinse the ear canal. Each of these methods also involves the use of preliminary softening of the sulfur plug with a 3-5% solution of hydrogen peroxide (with rare exceptions of other special preparations).

How to instill hydrogen peroxide into the ear to soften a dense plug? To do this, use a regular 3% solution, which must be heated to 37 degrees. It needs to be dripped into the ear for 3 days, 3 times a day, 7-10 drops. Don't worry if your hearing starts to deteriorate a little. All this may be due to swelling of the sulfur mass. When the mass is slightly softened, the ENT doctor will remove it with warm water.

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Do-it-yourself ear cleaning

You can remove the plug yourself. But to do this, you need to be sure that you will not cause irreparable damage to the eardrum. How to clean your ears with hydrogen peroxide yourself? To do this, you need to follow these instructions and perform them in this order:

  • lie down on your side, keeping your head straight;
  • drop 8-10 drops of solution into the sore ear;
  • After 10 minutes, we turn over to the other side and put a napkin under the ear.

Thus, we allow the healing fluid to remove itself from the ear. During this procedure, you will feel the bursting of air bubbles. All this because the peroxide foams, and the rich foam loosens the cork. If your cork is small, the solution will break it into small pieces in 10 minutes. They will then simply come out of the ear along with the liquid.

When the solution has completely flowed out, you need to take a clean cotton swab and use it to remove the remaining pieces of sulfur. Just be careful. There is no need to insert the cotton very deeply; just go right to the edge of the ear.

Also remember that using a cotton swab can achieve the opposite effect - that is, compact the plug even deeper into the ear canal.

Removing a dense cork

It also happens that it is not possible to visit a doctor. You can remove a dense plug yourself. But at the same time, you need to remember that you should not try to get it out mechanically, using hairpins, matches or sticks. Do not do that!

The best method is to rinse your ears with hydrogen peroxide for a week. You need to gradually wash out the dense wax plug by instilling drops in your ear 2 times a day, as described above. The cleaning process itself will take about 5-7 days. The peroxide will gradually break down and remove the sulfur mass.

For treating wounds on the ear

If there are cuts, abrasions, crushes or tears on the ear, you can safely use hydrogen peroxide 3% and 5%. The liquid can stop bleeding and does not cause additional pain. Moreover, it will cleanse a wound of any depth and complexity. After treatment, the wound is easily cleaned of foreign objects and contaminants. Typically, any wounds do not occur in the ear itself, but on the outer shell. You can always treat it with a solution and you can do it yourself. But if you have a wound in the inner ear, it is better to consult a specialist. Because self-treatment of the ear with hydrogen peroxide in this case is simply unacceptable and dangerous to the patient’s health.

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Solution for purulent otitis media

To treat this disease, a special gauze turunda is made, which is moistened with a 3% peroxide solution. It is inserted into the ear. During this time, the turunda becomes saturated with pus. It is changed regularly as discharge occurs.

Description of the procedure

Hydrogen peroxide is poured into people's ears for congestion and wax accumulation in the following order:

  • Drop 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the ear;
  • Take a position so that the solution is in the ear and does not flow out;
  • After 8-10 minutes, you need to turn over to the other side, put a napkin under your ear and let the solution flow out.

When instilled into the ear, hydrogen peroxide characteristically hisses and foams, and this phenomenon is also accompanied by a sound similar to bursting air bubbles. First, abundant foam loosens the sulfur plug, after which it breaks. In about 10 minutes, a small cork breaks into pieces that come out with liquid.

When all the solution has flowed out, a cotton swab soaked in water is carefully inserted into the ear at the edge of the ear canal and the remaining wax is carefully removed. You should not try to clean out all the earwax, since intensive cleaning can only achieve the opposite effect and compact the remaining wax back into the ear canal. After cleaning, dry the ear with a napkin.

Dissolving a dense plug

When it is not possible to remove the wax plug in a medical facility, you can remove it yourself at home. The main condition for the safe removal of wax from the ear canal is that you should not try to remove the wax plug mechanically.

It is not recommended to use sticks, hairpins, matches and other objects not intended for this purpose. Both adults and children should not be given peroxide to remove wax plugs without consulting an otolaryngologist.

Accumulations of dense sulfur mass are washed out for quite a long time - 5-7 days in a row, twice a day. As a rule, the patient’s hearing is restored by day 3. The treatment process can be somewhat accelerated if warming with dry heat is used.

Instructions for use

Ear plugs can be removed with hydrogen peroxide, but if you do this in a doctor's office, you will waste a lot of time. The thing is that you have to make an appointment, spend time traveling, and then waiting in line. It’s not difficult to avoid all this; you can rinse your ears with peroxide not in the hospital, but at home.

This is a simple procedure, any adult can cope with it, and the positive effect will not take long. If you do not know how to remove a substance from the ear canal, then you can use the instructions:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is dripped into the ear from plugs using a pipette. First you need to heat it to a temperature of 37 degrees.
  2. The person should lie down with their ear on top so that the fluid cannot flow back.
  3. Approximately seven drops are taken for one ear; they need to be instilled with a pipette.
  4. After peroxide has been dripped into the ears, the patient is advised to lie in this position for fifteen minutes.
  5. Lean your ear slightly to the side, this will allow the liquid to flow out.
  6. After the peroxide has flowed out of your ear, you need to take a napkin and gently wipe off the softened wax with it.
  7. If necessary, manipulation can be done with the second ear.
  8. Once the wax plug has been removed with hydrogen peroxide, go to the bath and rinse both ears with warm water.

If you have a dense plug in your ear, you need to soften it first. To do this, you will need a small amount of hydrogen peroxide; it is instilled into the ear every day, a few drops, and so on for three days. As the plug begins to swell, the patient's hearing may deteriorate slightly. After this, only an otolaryngologist can rinse the ear with a stream of warm water. A Janet syringe is used to carry out the procedure.

Hydrogen peroxide for purulent otitis media

If your ear is blocked due to purulent otitis, you need to carefully insert a gauze turunda, previously moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide, into the external auditory canal. Turunda should be changed as it becomes saturated with purulent discharge.

If there is profuse suppuration, it is forbidden to clean the ear canal yourself; to do this, you must contact the ENT office. In this case, the otolaryngologist pours 3% hydrogen peroxide into the sore ear. When mixed with pus, the peroxide solution foams abundantly, after which the doctor thoroughly cleans the patient’s ear with a special suction.

Treatment of the shell for injury

Incisions, tears, crushes, abrasions are also treated with hydrogen peroxide (3% or 5%). The drug is able to quickly stop bleeding without causing pain.

The positive properties of hydrogen peroxide include thorough cleaning of wounds of any complexity and depth. The product quickly cleanses it of pus, while freeing it from dried crusts. After such treatment, the wound can be easily cleaned of contaminants.

In addition to effectively removing wax deposits, the product is successfully used in the treatment of many ear inflammations. For example, in case of insect bites, it disinfects wounds, and in case of otitis media, it eliminates bacteria and viruses.

However, peroxide cannot cope with acute and dangerous diseases of the ear canal, labyrinth or middle ear area, therefore, when the first signs of inflammation are detected, you should not self-medicate.

Properties of hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is often used:

  • for washing wound surfaces;
  • in order to eliminate cosmetic defects of the skin;
  • for sore throat and tonsillitis;
  • to stop bleeding.

Peroxide helps to cope with many diseases of the outer ear.

For otitis media, it is used in compliance with the rules of increased caution. The effectiveness of the medicinal composition is based on a powerful disinfecting effect. The composition helps in the fight against fungi, viruses and bacteria

The undoubted advantage of peroxide when compared with other antiseptic compounds is its safety. The product has a gentle effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Efficiency is based on the presence of atomic oxygen in the liquid, which, when applied to living tissue, provides redox reactions. Against the background of such a course, the destruction of pathogenic particles is ensured and bleeding stops.

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