Treatment of runny nose and sinusitis with peroxide according to Neumyvakin
Neumyvakin claims that hydrogen peroxide, when used correctly, has a positive effect on the human body. It helps restore normal functioning of the respiratory system and strengthen local immunity. Neumyvakin recommends injecting a solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nose when the first signs of discomfort occur, for example, congestion or the appearance of discharge, and also taking the product orally. He argues that manipulation helps to strengthen the body’s natural defenses and cleanse it of waste and toxins. Therefore, the immune system quickly copes with the causative agents of the common cold. According to Neumyvakin’s recommendations, peroxide should be taken half an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals three times a day. In this case, 1 drop of peroxide is diluted in 50 ml of water on the first day, 2 on the second, etc. The dose increase is continued until day 10, which will correspond to 10 drops of peroxide. After this, take a 4-day break and repeat the course. 5 courses are allowed.
Peroxide for nasal polyps
Traditional medicine also advises using the drug to combat polyps (small growths on the mucous membrane that make breathing difficult and prone to bleeding). For this purpose you need:
- moisten two cotton swabs or hand-twisted turundas in a 3% solution;
- insert them into both nostrils at the same time;
- remove after 3–4 minutes.
Manipulations should be repeated twice a day for a week.
When my runny nose just started, I unknowingly dripped undiluted peroxide into both nostrils. The pain was terrible. As a result, my nose became completely blocked and my sense of smell was lost. I had to go to an ENT specialist and undergo treatment for a long time. Yuri, 27 years old I cured my sinusitis with peroxide. I just washed my nose every morning and evening, but took Cinnabsin at the same time. It all went away in 2 weeks. Irina, 40 years old I have been receiving Neumyvakin treatment for a long time, although the doctors, to put it mildly, are dissuading me. At the beginning of the course, a rash appeared on the skin, but then everything went away, and I began to get sick less often. I learned from a friend that my favorite peroxide also helps fight a runny nose. I tried to drop it, and by the evening the snot was gone. Evgenia, 34 years old I always use peroxide for colds as soon as I feel something wrong or after close contact with an already sick person. It helps well, the main thing is to dilute it correctly so as not to burn the mucous membrane and say goodbye to your sense of smell. Robert, 47 years old
Related video: use of peroxide in otolaryngology
Hydrogen peroxide
More and more experts are talking about the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. Many claim that it can cure many diseases. According to many experts, including Professor I.P. Neumyvakina, from our country, hydrogen peroxide has no contraindications, the only exception being individual intolerance. Moreover, they claim that this remedy can cure almost all known diseases, including the most terrible ones. Hydrogen peroxide is a regulator of all metabolic processes of any kind, which is why it has such a wide range of effects on a sick body. Thanks to this remedy, patients can successfully cope with the following diseases:
- Diseases of the ENT organs: rhinitis, pharyngitis, purulent otitis, etc.
- Infectious diseases: ARVI, influenza, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.
- Cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, stroke, varicose veins.
- Metabolic diseases: diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency.
- Neurological diseases: stroke, multiple sclerosis, osteochondrosis.
- Dentistry: caries, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis.
- Chronic respiratory diseases: lung cancer, emphysema, bronchiectasis.
- Skin diseases: eczema, cancer, fungus.
This is just a small list of diseases that hydrogen peroxide can treat.
Treatment methods using hydrogen peroxide
- External use (for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and gums, rinsing, applying tampons soaked in peroxide to sore spots, teeth whitening, treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, treatment of cuts and abrasions, lotions for fungal infections and warts).
- Internal use (a method not recognized by official medicine, practiced in some clinics around the world). Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, observing the recommended dosages. A single dose cannot exceed 10 drops (only dissolved in water), and a daily dose cannot exceed 30 drops of a 3% solution. If any adverse reactions occur, you should immediately stop taking the drug or reduce the dose to the lowest possible level.
- Intravenous use (this method has also not been recognized by official medicine, many scientists deny it and are hostile to it, but more and more doctors are leaning towards it thanks to the fruitful clinical work of Western clinics (C. Farr, W. Douglas) and Russian doctors, such as I.P. Neumyvakin).
Let's consider the use of hydrogen peroxide for the most common diseases.
Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide (according to Neumyvakin)
Professor Neumyvakin and his associates use hydrogen peroxide as a powerful prophylactic agent, as well as one of the main drugs in the fight against many diseases. The active use of hydrogen peroxide began with the cure of cardiovascular diseases, then it began to be used to treat chronic bronchitis, allergies, rhinitis, and sinusitis. This remedy can be taken in parallel with taking herbal medicines, but not with various medications; the break should be at least 30 minutes. Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide is carried out as follows:
- Dissolve 15 drops of peroxide in one tablespoon of water and apply it to your nose.
- Then carefully blow out the secreted mucus.
Treatment of nasal polyps with hydrogen peroxide
Nasal polyps are a chronic disease that affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Hydrogen peroxide is often used to combat this disease. A few drops of celandine are added to a single dose. In combination with peroxide, celandine juice is absorbed into the blood faster, and a good result will be achieved much faster.
Treatment with hydrogen peroxide for sore throat
Treatment of sore throat consists of taking antibacterial agents; rinsing with hydrogen peroxide for sore throat is only an addition. This remedy is effective for cleansing plaque from tonsils. So, how to gargle with hydrogen peroxide for a sore throat? Gargle only with hydrogen peroxide diluted in water. The solution is prepared as follows:
- Add a tablespoon of 3% peroxide to 100 ml of water.
- Second option: dissolve 1 tablet of hydroperite in 200 ml of water (this is hydrogen peroxide in dry form, in tablets).
You need to gargle 4-5 times a day with a break of more than 3 hours. After the procedure, the mouth and tonsils are washed, using another rinse: plain warm water, soda solution, sage decoction, chamomile flower tincture and others.
How to rinse the paranasal sinuses with hydrogen peroxide?
The use of peroxide for sinusitis is convenient because it is always “at hand”; it is in any home medicine cabinet. The bottle contains a 3% solution, which should be brought to 0.25% concentration (1 teaspoon of peroxide is diluted with 200 ml of boiled water).
Professor I.P. Neumyvaikin explains how to treat sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide. He recommends using two methods: rinsing and instillation. When washing, special containers are used. The procedure is carried out 2 to 6 times a day.
Instill the nose with a regular pipette: 1-3 drops in each nostril at intervals of 2-4 hours. The procedures are very helpful in relieving congestion and swelling, freeing up the nasal passages and allowing one to breathe freely.
Important! Peroxide is effective in the initial stages of acute sinusitis. It has no effect on chronic sinusitis, which occurs with hyperthermia.
As with other physiological solutions, when treating sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide, rinsing and instillation are the most effective. If you have a runny nose, then instillation is most effective. When the maxillary sinuses are clogged with mucous (purulent) secretions, rinsing will be most useful.
How to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis so as not to cause even more harm? The procedure is not complicated, but it is not pleasant either. You need to know the technique for the drug to be truly effective. The sequence of the procedure is as follows:
- We dilute the peroxide in the required concentration so as not to burn the nasal mucosa (it is used undiluted only on the skin).
- We take a jala-neti teapot, you can use a 20-cc syringe or a douching bulb and fill the container with the solution.
- The nose must “breathe” before rinsing. To do this, you can use vasoconstrictor drops and then blow your nose well.
- We bend our head over the basin (sink), tilting it to one side so that the height of the nasal passages is different.
- We carefully introduce the solution into the upper nostril and with the sound of “ku-ku”, it comes out of the lower nostril. We use mouth breathing.
- We repeat the procedure, turning the head to the other side when half of the solution has been used.
- After completing the manipulations, we remain with our heads bowed for some time so that the remaining fluid with pus comes out of the nose. Blow your nose thoroughly to completely clean your nose.
It is recommended to carry out the procedure in the evening, since the remaining solution will continue to flow out for some time. You can go outside after an hour. Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide by rinsing is carried out for 3-5 days, 2-6 procedures per day. The number of procedures is prescribed by an otolaryngologist.
Note: Atomic oxygen in the composition of the drug kills only pathogenic microbes, leaving beneficial microflora intact. Here we can talk about the selective action of the substance.
The use of hydrogen peroxide in the form of drops is also a popular treatment method. Sequence of procedure:
- We dilute peroxide using 12-15 drops of 3% peroxide per 1 tbsp. l. water.
- Place 2 drops of solution into each nostril, tilting your head back.
- In the nasal passages, peroxide begins to foam, which stimulates the removal of mucus and pus from the maxillary sinuses.
- We blow out the mucus, but there is no need to be very zealous so as not to reintroduce the infected secretion.
- Several repetitions a day are enough to feel easier breathing and relief from heaviness in the frontal area.
- After instillation, you should not eat, drink, or smoke for half an hour.
Important! Sinusitis cannot be cured using only one remedy. Complex therapy using medications is needed. Increasing the concentration of the peroxide solution to enhance the effect will lead to dire consequences.
Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin
Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide belongs to the category of methods of alternative medicine. The technique belongs to Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, an adherent of alternative therapy, a member of the medical association of healers and traditional medicine specialists.
Local treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide
For sinusitis, Neumyvakin recommends instilling hydrogen peroxide into the nasal cavity, after diluting ten drops of the drug in a tablespoon of water.
- One pipette of the prepared solution is instilled into each nasal passage. The dose can be increased to three pipettes after two days from the start of treatment. The maximum amount of solution administered should not exceed one milliliter.
- A few seconds after the manipulation, discharge will flow abundantly from the nasal cavity.
- It is necessary to consistently clean the nose by tilting your head to your shoulder and freeing the upper nasal passage from mucus. After the procedure, do not eat or drink for a quarter of an hour.
Improving the general condition of sinusitis using peroxide according to Neumyvakin
To alleviate the general condition, Neumyvakin recommends taking hydrogen peroxide orally. Three-quarters of immune cells are located in the gastrointestinal tract, so cleansing it during sinusitis with peroxide will stimulate the body's overall defenses. You should begin treatment according to Neumyvakin by ingesting one drop of the drug, dissolved in 50 milliliters of water, three times a day, half an hour before meals or two hours after meals. Each subsequent day, the volume of diluted peroxide should increase by one drop. On the tenth day - a break for three days, then the solution is drunk with a stable amount of peroxide of ten drops. Some patients drink continuously. Children from five years old are allowed to take two to five drops per 50 milliliters, from ten years old - five to eight drops in the same variants - half an hour before meals or two hours after. Treatment of sinusitis in children under five years of age must be carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist! If the solution is poorly tolerated, the dose can be adjusted independently. Poor tolerance of peroxide is due to the lack of suitable enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, so the treatment regimen takes place in conditions of small doses and addiction to the drug. When performing the technique, additional intake of vitamin C is recommended.
Why is peroxide useful for sinusitis?
Neumyvakin determines the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis due to its oxidative properties aimed at toxic substances. Almost all pathogenic microflora cannot survive when encountering atomic oxygen, which is a derivative of peroxide. In addition, the drug is actively involved in many types of metabolism. Peroxide affects the inflammation process from three sides: having a bactericidal effect on the infectious agent, oxidizing toxins produced by microorganisms and improving local metabolism, which activates the immune system. Nevertheless, before resorting to unconventional methods of treatment, you should carry out an accurate diagnosis (perhaps the symptoms are caused not by sinusitis, but by another disease) and consult with your doctor about an alternative method of treating sinusitis with peroxide according to Neumyvakin.
How to treat sinusitis with peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis is used only in two formats - in the form of drops in the nose and as a rinse. In both cases, peroxide is diluted with water, because the use of a pharmaceutical three percent solution in the case of treating the nose is unacceptable.
When choosing between drops and rinses, it is better to give preference to rinsing the sinuses. This procedure is more effective because it allows you to better remove mucus, cleanse the nasal passages, reduce pain in the head, and relieve swelling.
How to treat sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide using rinses? It’s easy to prepare such a solution - just mix 200 ml of warm boiled water with 10 ml of pharmaceutical peroxide solution (3%). It is not worth increasing the concentration of the main active substance, as there is a high probability of getting a burn to the mucous membrane.
Drops will help only at the initial stage of the disease, as they dry out the sinuses and disinfect the mucous membrane. The main task of the drops is to reduce the thickness of accumulated mucus. It is also appropriate to use drops for sinusitis caused by fungi. Hydrogen peroxide can be instilled into the nose in a more concentrated form. To prepare such drops, just mix 20-30 ml of warm boiled water with 15 drops of peroxide.
Patients who trust such methods can try treating sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin. This doctor developed his own method of rinsing the sinuses, which is considered universal for various forms of the disease. To carry out the procedure in accordance with all recommendations, you can preview the introductory video.
Hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis and runny nose
Few people know that hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) is a wonderful remedy for the treatment of sinusitis and runny nose. We all know it from early childhood as a means for the antimicrobial treatment of bleeding cuts and wounds. When applied, hydrogen peroxide provides local disinfection and cleanses the skin of pathogens. So, viruses, bacteria, and fungus in the nose will be eliminated. It is possible to destroy pathogenic microflora that has settled in the nasal cavity not only with the help of antibiotic nasal medications. Please note that in its pure, undiluted form, hydrogen peroxide is used exclusively for the treatment and treatment of skin wounds. It cannot be instilled into the nasal cavity in this form. Nevertheless, there are recipes that effectively help in the treatment of ENT diseases.
Hydrogen peroxide for a runny nose
When treating a runny nose, it is extremely important to stop inflammation of the nasal mucosa at its inception stage. In most cases, it will be enough to carry out one single procedure. Otherwise, a short therapeutic course will be required. This treatment is effective for rhinitis (runny nose) of any etiology.
Rinse the nose with hydrogen peroxide
It is very easy to prepare a medicinal solution for rinsing the nose with a runny nose. You need to boil clean water. Then let it cool a little. Use 40-80 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide per glass of water. Take a small teapot and pour the prepared healing solution into it. It shouldn't be too hot. Comfortable temperature is 35-45 degrees Celsius. Sit on a chair in front of the table and place some container in front of you (for example, a small basin). You can also carry out the procedure while bending over the sink. Tilt your head horizontally to one side so that one nostril is higher than the other. When you tilt your head to the left, the healing solution from the spout of the teapot is poured into the right nostril and vice versa. A healing solution of hydrogen peroxide, passing through the nasal cavity, will cleanse it and have a local healing effect. If everything is done correctly, water will pour into the basin or sink from the second nostril. If you feel the solution get into your throat, it means you tilted your head too far. Change your position slightly and continue the procedure. You should breathe through your mouth. Before the procedure, you must blow your nose thoroughly. Thus, hydrogen peroxide will have a more complete therapeutic effect on the nasal cavity.
Hydrogen peroxide nasal drops
Dilute a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with warm water. The proportions are the same as when preparing a solution for rinsing the nose. You can only slightly reduce the prepared volume. Add 10-20 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a quarter glass of water. Drops should be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day. In each nasal canal, 1-2 drops of the medicine. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating for half an hour. Before using alternative forms of medical therapy, you should consult with a qualified physician.
Hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis
Treatment with hydrogen peroxide can also be used for other rarer forms of sinusitis: The powerful antiseptic qualities of this drug allow it to cope with almost any pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms that accumulate in the affected paranasal sinuses. Treatment of inflamed paranasal sinuses is carried out using the same procedures. That is, by rinsing the nose and instilling drops. The proportions for preparing the healing solution remain the same. Additionally, read the article “How to rinse your nose with sinusitis?” After such measures, purulent mucus will begin to flow from the nasal cavity. No need to blow your nose. Calmly blow it out of your nose.
The use of hydrogen peroxide according to Professor I.P. Neumyvakin
Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, professor, doctor of medical sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural and Medical Sciences, honored inventor of Russia, laureate of the State Prize. Author of more than 200 scientific papers, honored inventor, having 85 copyright certificates for inventions. From 1959, for 30 years, he was inextricably linked with space medicine. The name of Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, who has been involved in the treatment and improvement of human health for more than 40 years, is well known both to professional doctors and to those who represent alternative, unofficial medicine. Professor Neumyvakin has developed a system for general health improvement of the body based on treatment with hydrogen peroxide. According to this system, there is no need at all to bring the matter to the point of illness and only then begin to treat it. On the contrary, the preventive use of hydrogen peroxide will significantly strengthen the body's immune system. Professor Neumyvakin claims that if you systematically carry out such therapeutic and preventive procedures, you will strengthen your own health so much that you will say goodbye to colds and runny nose forever. Sources: No comments yet!
Treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide belongs to the category of methods of alternative medicine. The technique belongs to Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, an adherent of alternative therapy, a member of the medical association of healers and traditional medicine specialists.
Recipes for sinusitis
For home use, you should take hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of no more than 3%. A more powerful product can cause harm and burn delicate mucous membranes. There are two main methods of use - rinsing and instillation into the nose.
As for nasal diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis), rinsing is the basis of treatment. It allows you to clean and disinfect the nasal passages, prevents pathogenic microorganisms from accumulating, and makes breathing and well-being easier. You should not refuse such a procedure.
To prepare the solution, take 200 ml. boiled water and 10 ml. 3% hydrogen peroxide. The temperature can be room temperature or slightly warm.
Proper technique is very important. To rinse your nose, you need to draw the solution into a syringe without a needle. Tilt your head over the sink to the side and slightly forward. Inject the product into the nostril that is located on top. In this case, fluid should appear from the lower nostril. Repeat on the opposite side. Course – 3-5 days for 5-6 procedures.
For drops, use a more concentrated solution. It will help cope with stagnant mucus, pus and congestion. You need to mix 1 tbsp. boiled water and 15 drops of peroxide. Apply this volume evenly into both nostrils. After some time, clear your nose.
Some experts allow you to drip undiluted 3% product. In this case, you should limit yourself to 1-2 drops. Repeat no more than once every 4 hours.
Professor Ivan Neumyvakin believes that hydrogen peroxide can treat a huge number of diseases of various origins. If used in a timely manner, it will prevent the development of viral, fungal, bacterial infections, and influenza. The doctor considers a mixture of atomic oxygen and water to be a universal antiseptic.
Therapy for sinusitis according to Neumyvakin is as follows:
- Dissolve 15-20 drops of 3% peroxide in ¼ cup of water;
- Rinse the nasal passages with a syringe without a needle;
- Repeat morning and evening.
Atomic oxygen kills all pathogenic bacteria that become the culprits of purulent complications of the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, beneficial microorganisms are not affected.
The natural balance of microflora is maintained. The doctor believes that this substance fights not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also tumor cells.
Many people have had the misfortune to become acquainted with such an unpleasant disease as sinusitis. It often results from colds and causes headaches, difficulty breathing through the nose, and hyperthermia.
If the disease is in an advanced stage, then antibiotics cannot be avoided. And in the initial stages of the development of the disease, physiotherapy has a good effect on nasal breathing. And one option is to rinse your nose with hydrogen peroxide. How effective is the drug and is it safe to use?
Local treatment of sinusitis with hydrogen peroxide
For sinusitis, Neumyvakin recommends instilling hydrogen peroxide into the nasal cavity, after diluting ten drops of the drug in a tablespoon of water.
- One pipette of the prepared solution is instilled into each nasal passage. The dose can be increased to three pipettes after two days from the start of treatment. The maximum amount of solution administered should not exceed one milliliter.
- A few seconds after the manipulation, discharge will flow abundantly from the nasal cavity.
- It is necessary to consistently clean the nose by tilting your head to your shoulder and freeing the upper nasal passage from mucus. After the procedure, do not eat or drink for a quarter of an hour.
Contraindications to treatment
When hydrogen peroxide is introduced into the nasal passages, not only does it come into contact with the mucous membrane, but small doses of the drug may be swallowed. That is why there is a small list of contraindications:
- serious diseases of any organs;
- violation of the integrity of the eardrum;
- children under one year old and schoolchildren (only under the supervision and with the permission of the pediatrician);
- pregnancy;
- allergic manifestations.
Important! Doctor I.P. Neumyvaikin recommends simultaneous oral administration of peroxide according to the scheme, gradually increasing the concentration of the solution. Since the benefits of this technique have not been scientifically proven, its use is strictly prohibited.
Improving the general condition of sinusitis using peroxide according to Neumyvakin
To alleviate the general condition, Neumyvakin recommends taking hydrogen peroxide orally. Three-quarters of immune cells are located in the gastrointestinal tract, so cleansing it during sinusitis with peroxide will stimulate the body's overall defenses. You should begin treatment according to Neumyvakin by ingesting one drop of the drug, dissolved in 50 milliliters of water, three times a day, half an hour before meals or two hours after meals. Each subsequent day, the volume of diluted peroxide should increase by one drop. On the tenth day - a break for three days, then the solution is drunk with a stable amount of peroxide of ten drops. Some patients drink continuously. Children from five years old are allowed to take two to five drops per 50 milliliters, from ten years old - five to eight drops in the same variants - half an hour before meals or two hours after. Treatment of sinusitis in children under five years of age must be carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist! If the solution is poorly tolerated, the dose can be adjusted independently. Poor tolerance of peroxide is due to the lack of suitable enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, so the treatment regimen takes place in conditions of small doses and addiction to the drug. When performing the technique, additional intake of vitamin C is recommended.
Why is peroxide useful for sinusitis?
Neumyvakin determines the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis due to its oxidative properties aimed at toxic substances. Almost all pathogenic microflora cannot survive when encountering atomic oxygen, which is a derivative of peroxide. In addition, the drug is actively involved in many types of metabolism. Peroxide affects the inflammation process from three sides: having a bactericidal effect on the infectious agent, oxidizing toxins produced by microorganisms and improving local metabolism, which activates the immune system. Nevertheless, before resorting to unconventional methods of treatment, you should carry out an accurate diagnosis (perhaps the symptoms are caused not by sinusitis, but by another disease) and consult with your doctor about an alternative method of treating sinusitis with peroxide according to Neumyvakin.
How does hydrogen peroxide work for sinusitis?
With sinusitis, the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses become inflamed; the process most often has a bacterial nature. Peroxide affects the mucous membrane,
- reducing swelling;
- stopping inflammation;
- promoting the outflow of mucus;
- normalizing breathing, relieving congestion;
- inhibiting the development of bacterial microflora;
- promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Hydrogen peroxide for sinusitis has a mild effect on the mucous membrane without causing irritation. It narrows the capillaries and, when they rupture, stops minor bleeding (with sinusitis, blood clots may come out with pus). It decomposes into safe substances and does not contain toxic compounds that subsequently enter the blood.
But there is also a completely opposite opinion about the use of this drug. Its proponents argue that the connection:
- dries out the mucous membranes of the sinuses;
- has a limited period of disinfectant action;
- reduces the sensitivity of receptors, relieving pain, but at the same time weakens the sense of smell.
Hydrogen peroxide is an analogue of other solutions that are used for rinsing the nose and is on a par with them. As positive aspects, low cost and high cleaning ability are important. But let’s not rush to conclusions, but let’s try to apply the method in practice.