What are some nasal decongestants?

Congestion and difficulty breathing indicate that the nasal mucosa urgently needs help. How to relieve swelling in the nose? This condition often occurs due to inflammation or an allergic reaction. The pharmacy sells various drugs that can help solve this problem. We will talk about medications that relieve swelling in the nose in this article.

Why does the nasal mucosa swell?

The cause of impaired nasal breathing is increased blood circulation. As a rule, swelling of the sinuses occurs during an inflammatory process due to colds and allergies.

The nasal mucosa is a kind of natural blocker for pathogenic microorganisms. Swollen mucous membranes indicate a struggle of the immune system with an infectious agent or irritant, as a result of which blood flow increases and the permeability of small vessels increases.

Many Internet users are wondering how to cure nasal swelling. It is worth noting that this question was initially incorrectly posed. Swelling of the mucous membrane is a normal reaction of the body, which performs a protective function and does not threaten human life, but significantly reduces its quality for the entire period of the disease. That is why you need to know how to relieve swelling in the nose.

Additional symptoms

Swelling of the nose is accompanied by other pathological symptoms - deterioration of nasal breathing, constant discomfort, redness of the mucous membrane. When the nasal cavity swells during sleep, a person begins to snore heavily.

Additional symptoms of edema correspond to the specific disease:

  • With a viral infection, along with swelling, body temperature increases, discharge, headache, body aches, coughing and lacrimation appear. Sometimes the nose gets so blocked that you can only breathe through your mouth. The sense of smell may be completely lost.
  • With bacterial sinusitis, swelling is complemented by the severity of the injured sinus, general well-being is disturbed, rapid fatigue occurs, and irritability does not go away. The mucus produced in the nose contains an admixture of pus and may be green-yellow in color with an unpleasant odor and streaked with blood.
  • Rhinitis of an allergic nature is manifested by swelling with frequent sneezing and copious mucus secretion.
  • Surgery on the airways - immediately after its completion, blood circulation is complicated, so breathing is not restored immediately, the swelling subsides gradually.
  • Post-traumatic edema - manifested by pain in the facial area, swelling of the face, nosebleeds and bruises.

We advise you to read: How angioedema begins in adults

If there is no runny nose

The selection of a drug largely depends on the provoking factor. How to relieve swelling in the nose if it is not accompanied by a runny nose? For mild forms of ARVI, which occur without nasal discharge, fever and severe headache, therapy begins with rinsing the nasal passages. For this purpose, saline solutions are used. After washing, bactericidal ointments are used. If the effect of treatment with these drugs is insufficient, the patient should use vasoconstrictor nasal drops or spray. Most of them have a combined effect, simultaneously moisturizing the mucous membrane and relieving swelling.

For allergies

If nasal swelling appears as a result of the immune system’s reaction to a particular irritant, you cannot do without antihistamines. To relieve nasal congestion, your doctor may prescribe medications that contain corticosteroids or non-hormonal medications. For allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa, patients are prescribed complex drops, and in some cases medications are administered by injection. In tablet form, the following products demonstrate maximum effectiveness:

  • "Cetrin";
  • "Loratadine";
  • "Erius";
  • "Zodak";
  • "Suprastin".

Unlike nasal congestion, which occurs with a cold or acute respiratory viral infection, an allergy occurs with the release of abundant transparent secretion of a liquid consistency. In addition, patients suffer from burning and itching. Being in a horizontal position, patients feel more congestion. With a prolonged allergic reaction, swelling is often observed above the wings of the nose.

If your nose swells, what should you do? First of all, determine the cause. Before making a specific diagnosis, it is important to carry out a differential diagnosis with chronic nasal diseases. Only after this will an experienced specialist be able to prescribe treatment.

Now let's look at the most popular drugs that otolaryngologists prescribe to their patients suffering from nasal congestion and swelling.

Relieving swelling in a child

Not only adults, but also children of any age experience nasal swelling. They are more susceptible to infection by various inflammatory or viral diseases, since their immune system is still weak and cannot independently resist harmful microorganisms. Resistance to diseases is acquired with age, when a child is repeatedly exposed to a particular disease.

The characteristics of a child’s body allow them to tolerate certain diseases much more easily, and quite often treatment does not require the use of specific medications. Therefore, the use of vasoconstrictor drugs is necessary only in extreme cases. Often, to eliminate swelling, it is enough to rinse the nose using special means:

We advise you to read: Allergies with folk remedies for nasal swelling

It is important to note that the child’s treatment is selected exclusively by the doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable, as it can lead to serious negative consequences.

Parents should also regularly carry out wet cleaning and maintain the humidity level in the room.

Treatment of nasal swelling should be started in a timely manner - this will prevent the progression of concomitant diseases and the swelling itself. If this problem occurs, do not delay visiting a doctor. After the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and select adequate therapy.



Manufacturer: Czech pharmaceutical company. The drug is based on naphazoline nitrate (the substance belongs to the group of sympathomimetics). The medicine is available in the form of nasal drops, sold in a dark bottle with a pipette. "Sanorin" reduces exudation, eliminates swelling, and helps restore the outflow of mucus from the sinuses due to its vasoconstrictor effect. The effect of using the drug lasts up to 6 hours.

In case of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to use Sanorin Analergin. It is also used in the treatment of acute forms of rhinitis and sinusitis in adults. The drug is contraindicated for children under three years of age. "Sanorin", like any other vasoconstrictor drug, should be used with caution in case of cardiovascular diseases, endocrine system disorders, and asthma. In addition, these drops often have side effects, causing increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache, and insomnia.

The course of using Sanorin should not exceed seven days, but if the swelling of the nose goes away earlier, there is no need to continue using nasal drops. If adverse reactions are difficult to tolerate by the patient, the drug is replaced with an analogue.

List of decongestants

You can choose decongestant drugs for the nose in tablets or drops only if the inflammation is correctly diagnosed. Unfortunately , there is no universal drug for the treatment of swelling in the nasal cavity

, therefore, it is important to undergo a diagnosis and determine all factors in the formation of inflammation. Only after this procedure can you choose the necessary medication.

Decongestant nasal drops for children must be used more carefully. Almost all of the drugs listed can be used to treat children.


One of the effective drops is considered. It contains xylometazoline, which is a drug for vasoconstriction. Therefore, it has an adrenomimetic effect and helps eliminate swelling a short time after administration.

By causing vasoconstriction, Otrivin eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the entire nasopharynx cavity.

The active component of the drug helps relieve congestion and ensure nasal breathing

, for which he was especially loved by patients who often suffer from vasomotor rhinitis.

In addition, the drug can be used for acute inflammation of respiratory ailments with the manifestation of any type of rhinitis. Otrivin effectively copes with hay fever, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis.

When used correctly, the drug has an anticholinergic effect.

It is not dangerous for treating inflammation in young children. However, it is important to conduct a consultation during pregnancy, as well as during lactation.

The auxiliary component of Otrivin reduces the secretion of mucous secretion in just a few minutes; this product can be used no more than twice a day. The course of treatment should not exceed five days. This time is enough to eliminate the swelling completely.


This is a powerful drug that has a beneficial effect on nasal congestion and severe swelling.

It should be used in case of lack of nasal breathing due to inflammation of rhinitis.

For Nos should be used intranasally three times a day for five days. During this time, the active component of the drug will reduce secretion and stop discharge from the nasal cavity. This effect is achieved by combining powerful components.

When administered correctly, the product does not irritate the nasal lining

, which is especially important in the treatment of swelling. In addition, ForNos does not cause hyperemia of the mucous part, so it is approved for use from six years of age.

The effect of the drug occurs ten minutes after administration. The effect lasts for eight hours.

For Nos should be used for severe swelling, which impairs breathing and causes pain. Before administration, make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components of the drug, and also pay attention to reading the instructions.


For severe swelling, doctors may prescribe Xymelin

. This drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children and pregnant women, since it contains quite powerful ingredients that are not intended for use during pregnancy.

Xymelin copes with swelling due to rhinitis, trauma, or due to improper treatment of previous inflammations. Its action is aimed at improving respiratory functions, and the beneficial effect occurs three minutes after administration.

The instructions for use of the drug warn that Xymelin is prohibited for arterial hypertension,

as well as for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, angina pectoris or cardiac dysfunction. In other cases, the drug can be used up to three times a day. No more than four drops of the drug are allowed to be administered per use.

For the best effect, it is necessary to sanitize the nasal cavity before use.


Combined drug for relieving puffiness – Xylene

. It is known in the medical community as a strong medicine that helps with vasomotor rhinitis. Before use, read the instructions, as Xylene has some side effects.

Use caution during treatment if you are particularly sensitive to the components of the product.

, as well as for congenital pathologies in the structure of the nose. When treating patients suffering from frequent bleeding, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Xylene is allowed to be used twice a day, morning and evening.

Up to three drops of the product must be administered at a time. If swelling occurs with additional symptoms, the doctor may increase the dosage to five drops.

Monitor the patient for side effects. These include sleep disturbances, lack of appetite, slight dizziness, and changes in body temperature. It is important to follow the dosage and not use more drops, as there is a risk of increased blood pressure and tremor.


Vasoconstrictor medication to relieve swelling - Galazolin

. It is known in ENT practice as a powerful drug intended for local administration. When introduced into the nasal cavity, the drops affect the blood vessels.

When they narrow, the patient notes a decrease in swelling and improvement in nasal breathing. This effect is achieved due to imidazole derivatives, which are part of the drug.

In addition to constricting blood vessels and reducing swelling, Galazolin provokes a decrease in hyperemia of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and helps reduce the amount of discharge from the nasal cavity. Due to the use of Galazolin, the patient notes improved breathing and relief from congestion.

The drug does not act immediately, but within ten minutes after administration. Its effect is not long-lasting, but with preliminary sanitation of the nasal cavity it lasts up to six hours.

Galazolin can be used in a strictly permitted dosage for acute rhinitis caused by a viral or bacterial infection. In addition, the medication effectively copes with swelling caused by allergic rhinitis or acute sinusitis. Indications also include use for hay fever, chronic sinusitis and otitis media.


To get rid of swelling, the doctor may prescribe - Xylometazoline

. It is necessary to use this drug with special care, since it contains the component of the same name.

It is dangerous when treating pregnant women

, therefore requires prior consultation. In other cases, the medication has a strong effect on the mucous cavity and helps get rid of swelling in record time.

The interaction of the active component with receptors allows to reduce the inflammatory process and improve the patient’s well-being within a few minutes. After the administration of Xylometazoline, there is an immediate improvement in nasal breathing and a decrease in hyperemia.

Xylometazoline should be used for swelling caused by acute rhinitis, sinusitis, hay fever or inflammation of the mucous membrane due to exposure to allergens.

At a time, three drops are allowed to be introduced into each passage. In total, it is allowed to administer no more than two times throughout the day. The product can be used for no more than three days.


How to relieve swelling in the nose? For many, this German remedy immediately comes to mind. And although the main component in this drug is a completely different substance (tetrizoline), which has nothing in common with what is contained in the Sanorin nasal drops, it can be considered a complete replacement for this drug. "Tizin" produces a pronounced decongestant and vasoconstrictor effect. In addition, the drops begin to work literally 5-10 minutes after application and allow patients to forget about problems with nasal breathing for the next 6-8 hours.

Among the indications for treatment, it is worth noting sinusitis and various rhinitis, including allergic and vasomotor. For atrophy of the nasal mucosa, Tizin is not prescribed.


Instructions for use, price, analogues and reviews - this is what interests patients who are treated at home. This drug comes in the form of a spray and contains mometasone furoate. The substance has an active adrenomimetic effect, so it can be used against any form of rhinitis.

Using the spray is very simple and convenient, according to the instructions for use and reviews. Nasonex and analogues, the prices of which are often lower, provide a long-lasting therapeutic effect lasting up to 12 hours. Moreover, the manufacturer guarantees not only the removal of nasal swelling, but also comfortable moistening of the nasal mucosa, elimination of dryness and irritation.

The standard dose for children over twelve years of age and adults is two inhalations into each nasal passage once (200 mcg of mometasone per day).

Analogs of the drug are “Desrinit”, “Risonel”, “Asmanex Twistheiler”.

The spray costs from 790 rubles.

Nasonex has a large number of contraindications. The spray is not prescribed to children under six years of age, as well as to adults suffering from prostate hypertension, atherosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, or high blood pressure. In addition, the drug is not recommended for use simultaneously with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

"Xymelin extra"

German remedy for swelling and nasal congestion. Available in the form of a nasal spray, used only for adults. Prescribed for colds with severe rhinorrhea. Not used in the postoperative period, for hyperthyroidism, atrophic rhinitis, glaucoma.

The active components of this drug (ipratropium bromide monohydrate, xylometazoline hydrochloride) have a direct effect on the central nervous system, which causes side effects such as anxiety, parasthesia, limb tremor, dry eyes. An overdose is dangerous to the health and life of the patient.

Combined products

Thanks to the combined composition of drugs, it is possible to quickly eliminate nasal congestion and get rid of systemic manifestations of the disease. Despite the high effectiveness of such drugs, it is worth highlighting a greater number of adverse reactions and contraindications than with monocomponent medications.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, medicinal drops should be applied to the nasopharyngeal mucosa, cleansed with saline solution.


If swelling of the mucous membrane is caused by an allergic reaction, Vibrocil can make breathing easier. It consists of a vasoconstrictor, antihistamine component, which allows you to quickly eliminate nasal congestion.

The dosage of the drug is determined by the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Infants are prescribed a drop up to three times a day. From one year of age to six years, two drops are recommended. For adults, the dosage can increase to four drops .

Vibrocil in aerosol form is used from the age of six, one or two sprays three times a day in each nasal passage. You can also use the gel for intranasal administration. It is usually applied in the evening to ease night breathing.

Usually the medicine is well tolerated, but in some cases slight itching, burning sensations, as well as dryness in the nasopharynx may occur.

Vibrocil is prescribed for therapeutic purposes for rhinitis of various origins, as well as before diagnostic procedures and in the postoperative period to eliminate swelling.

Contraindications include:

  1. atrophic type of rhinitis;
  2. taking antidepressants;
  3. individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Caution in use should be observed for people with cardiac diseases, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, enlarged prostate, diabetes, glaucoma, and severe atherosclerotic vascular disease.

To treat runny nose of viral and cold origin, you can use Maxicold tablets or powder. It not only reduces the severity of local symptoms, but alleviates the general condition. It contains phenylephrine, paracetamol, vitamin C. Thanks to the combined composition, the drug:

  • reduces tissue swelling;
  • eliminates nasal congestion;
  • facilitates nasal breathing;
  • reduces the volume of mucous secretions;
  • eliminates aches in joints and muscles;
  • normalizes temperature;
  • strengthens immune defense.

The drug is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, which are accompanied by chills, hyperthermia, difficulty breathing through the nose, rhinorrhea, and headache.

Among the contraindications we highlight:

  1. increased production of thyroid hormones;
  2. severe heart pathology;
  3. glaucoma;
  4. prostate adenoma;
  5. renal, liver failure;
  6. alcoholism;
  7. age up to 9 years (for tablet form), up to 12 years (for powder);
  8. taking antidepressants, beta-blockers;
  9. hypersensitivity.

The tablets should be taken whole one hour before or one hour after meals. Adults are prescribed 2 tablets up to four times a day. For a child, the dose is half as much.

To prepare “hot tea”, simply fill the contents of the bag with 230 ml of hot water. Doses: one packet every 6 hours. Adverse reactions include:

  • an allergic reaction, which manifests itself as skin rashes, tissue swelling, hyperemia, itching sensations;
  • shortness of breath;
  • irritability;
  • decreased heart rate;
  • angina pectoris;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • excitability;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

When taking the medicine for more than a week, changes in uric acid and glucose levels in the blood may occur. Monitoring liver function indicators is also recommended.


A domestic, inexpensive vasoconstrictor is available in the form of drops. The main active ingredient is xylometazoline. Farmazolin is often used to relieve inflammation and swelling, and reduce blood flow in the vessels of the sinuses. The therapeutic effect occurs within 10 minutes after instillation and lasts no more than 4-5 hours.

"Farmazolin", like previous nasal drops (Sanorin, Nasonex, Tizin), does not eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Not a single vasoconstrictor drug by itself is able to cope with the true cause of swelling of the nasal mucosa. In addition, we must not forget that drugs from this group quickly become addictive to the body, so Farmazolin should not be used for more than five days.

Sometimes taking the drug is accompanied by side effects, including dizziness, nausea, nervous excitement, and tachycardia. For glaucoma, hyperthyroidism and hypertension, the use of drops is prohibited.

Popular decongestants

At the moment, there are a huge number of different drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect, but they are all based on one type of anticongestant or another.


At the moment, only one drug based on this component is produced - this is two percent ephedrine hydrochloride. It is an outdated type of decongestant that is effective for a very limited period of time (up to one and a half hours) and at the same time it is quite toxic, so its use is not rational and even dangerous.


A number of drugs are produced based on this substance, in particular Otrivin, Xymelin, Xylene, Galazolin, DlyaNos and Xylometazoline.

Actively used for sinusitis, rhinitis and acute respiratory infections. Quickly and effectively constricts blood vessels, eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane and various hyperemias. The effect of the drugs is felt within a minute after use and lasts up to four hours. The maximum period of use is five days.

Not absorbed in blood plasma, can be used from two years of age. Contraindicated for patients with glaucoma, pregnant women, allergy sufferers and people with arterial hypertension. Prescribe with caution to lactating women and pregnant women. The drug is not compatible with tricyclic depressants and MAO inhibitors.

Possible side effects are headache, tachycardia, vomiting, irritation of mucous membranes, hypersecretion, temporary loss of smell.


Commercial names Naphthyzin, Naphazolin and Sanorin.

An active vasoconstrictor reduces blood flow to the sinuses, increases blood pressure, and is partially adsorbed into the bloodstream. It begins to act two minutes after application, the effect lasts for 5-6 hours. The maximum period of continuous use is one week.

Can be used from the age of twelve. Contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, people with diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, tachycardia, atherosclerosis and severe eye diseases. Incompatible with MAO inhibitors, enhances the mutual systemic effect in combination with maprotiline and antidepressants, and also slows down the effect of anesthetics.

Possible side effects are local allergic reactions, tachycardia, systemic reactions in the form of headache and nausea, reactive hyperemia.


Drugs Nazol and Oxymetazoline.

This type of adrenomimetic has one of the longest periods of action - the effect of use lasts up to eight hours, with the first clinical manifestations diagnosed fifteen minutes after instillation.

The medicine significantly reduces swelling, not only in the sinuses and nasal mucosa, but also in the throat and even the main apple. Can be used from the first year of life. The maximum term of continuous use is up to four days.

Contraindicated in atrophic rhinitis and allergic reactions. It is prescribed with caution to pregnant, lactating and patients with serious chronic diseases. Slows down the absorption of anesthetics, increases blood pressure.

Side effects include hyperemia, dryness and burning of the mucous membrane, sleep disturbances, and in rare cases, hypertension and arrhythmia.


A large group of drugs called Visadron, Almefrin, Vibrocil, Sympatol.

A synthetic anticongestant of this type causes constriction of arterioles, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes and dilates the pupils, lowering intraocular pressure when used appropriately. It begins to act three to four minutes after use, the effect is noticeable for four hours. The maximum period of use is five days.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, children under six years of age, as well as people with heart problems and endocrine diseases. Interacts with a number of drugs, reducing the effectiveness of diuretics, pacemakers, nitrates and increasing the activity of thyroid hormones, ergometrine, oxytocin, and MAO inhibitors.

Possible side effects are nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, allergic reactions, tachycardia, bradycardia, headache.


Tizin and Tetrahydrozoline drops.

The active component of the drug has a local effect on the mucous membranes, reducing swelling and constricting blood vessels. The therapeutic effect can be observed within a minute after use, the effect lasts up to eight hours. The medicine does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and can be used by children from two years of age. The maximum period of continuous use is six days.

Tetrizoline is contraindicated in patients with glaucoma, coronary heart disease, hyperthyroidism, as well as people with problematic cardiovascular system and endocrine diseases. Prescribe with caution during lactation and pregnancy.

Possible side effects are dizziness, tremors, heart rhythm disturbances.


This popular remedy is an absolute analogue of Farmazolin, since it has the same active substance. "Rinostop" is a pharmaceutical product produced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main difference is the variety of dosage forms: it is available in the form of nasal drops, spray, oral tablets, syrup. In addition to the vasoconstrictor effect, “Rinostop” has a mild analgesic and antiallergic effect.

The drug is prescribed to children and adults. Some patients in their reviews claim that after using the drug they felt a slight deterioration in their health in the form of nausea, itching and increased blood pressure.

Products for children

Vasoconstrictor drops for children differ from other drugs in their low concentration of chemical components. And although such medications are completely safe for young patients, they should not be used without consulting a doctor. There are several reasons for this.

First, medications have different dosages. Before thinking about how to reduce swelling in a child’s nose and choosing a drug, you need to determine the appropriate dose of the active substance. Patients of different ages require different amounts of the drug. Secondly, a child’s nose has a special structure: a child’s nasal passages are narrower and shorter than those of an adult, so at an early age there is a risk of complications even against the background of a common runny nose.

Pediatricians often prescribe medications for children such as:

  • "Nazivin." Suitable for babies over 12 months old, contains oxymetazoline hydrochloride.
  • "Vibrocil." Children are allowed to drip their nose from the first months of life. The main components are phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate.
  • "Rinofluimucil". Unlike previous drugs, this remedy relieves swelling and has a mucolytic effect due to the content of acetylcysteine. Suitable for children over three years old.

How to use vasoconstrictor drops correctly

In some cases, the use of vasoconstrictor drops is impractical, so doctors prescribe medications to their patients in tablet form. If the cause of swelling is an infection, the specialist will opt for appropriate antimicrobial agents. A wide selection of pharmacological products allows a specialist to make the most correct choice.

Moreover, the basic principle of action of all vasoconstrictors is the same and consists in narrowing the capillaries, which leads to easier breathing and stopping nasal flow. The drops must be instilled in strict accordance with the instructions, avoiding an overdose. If the drops are not suitable and cause side effects, it is better to replace them with an analogue. The same applies to drugs that do not give the expected result. It is impossible to increase the dosage specified by the manufacturer, since the medicine can cause addiction to the body.

In order to avoid drug dependence, the course of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days. In some cases, doctors prescribe vasoconstrictor drops for 10-14 days. A sign of the development of drug addiction are unpleasant symptoms: dry nose, burning sensation, the presence of blood streaks in the mucus discharge.

Nasal decongestants

Before instilling the medicine, a person must clear the nasal cavity of mucus. To do this you need to blow your nose. Next, you need to shake the bottle of medicine and inject it into each nostril; during injection, you need to pinch the free nostril. After the medicine is in the nose, you need to inhale calmly and try not to sneeze or blow your nose.

Some of them:

  1. Drops:
  • Naphthyzine instructions;
  • Sanorin - complete instructions;
  • Galazolin - full description;
  • Nazivin - instructions;
  • Tizin, instructions for use;
  • Plant based:
  • Pinosol - detailed instructions;
  • Sinupret - complete instructions;
  • Umkalor is number 1 for colds;
  • Homeopathy:
    • Delufen - complete instructions;
    • Cinnabsin: instructions, use;
    • Euphorbium compositum: complete instructions.

    Drug-induced rhinitis can occur due to drug overdose. If the drug is taken for a long time, it stops working and provokes a deterioration in the general condition.

    Antibiotic effectiveness

    Some people treat colds with antibiotics, and prescribe them to themselves, without a doctor's prescription or tests. Self-medication leads to serious consequences. In fact, antibiotics can only be taken in extreme cases, when the disease has become complicated. If there is no need to take antibiotics, but a person takes them anyway, new health problems may appear. One of these health problems is antibiotic resistance, that is, resistance to antibiotic treatment. The essence of this phenomenon is that if a certain bacteria enters the body, it will not be possible to remove it with a specific antibiotic, since it will be immune to it.

    In general, antibiotics cannot cure a runny nose. They effectively fight bacterial infections. Since colds are caused by viruses, antibiotics are of no use. Careless use of antibiotics can lead to allergies, the growth of new bacteria and health problems.

    Diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tubo-otitis, tonsillitis and acute epidemic conjunctivitis are caused by bacteria, so antibiotics will cope with them. However, you should not prescribe medicine yourself, because there are many antibiotics and it is impossible to understand their diversity without a medical education.

    Antibiotics used for nasal congestion:

    • Isofra - drug review
    • Bioparox - extensive instructions
    • Polydexa (spray, drops) - instructions, price, reviews
    • Fluimucil-antibiotic IT

    Sometimes a common cold is accompanied by some kind of bacterial infection that causes pain in the facial muscles. If a cold lasts more than seven days, while thick green or yellow mucus flows from the nose, then this means that a bacteria has entered the body.

    Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that doctors all over the planet are trying to cope with. If you take the same antibiotic for a long time, the microbes in the body begin to change. After some time, they generally do not respond to the injected drug. If a person takes a medicine for a long time and there is no improvement, this means that addiction has set in.

    When visiting a doctor, you should not insist on prescribing antibiotics. The doctor will do this on his own if he deems it necessary. Any medicine must be used only with a prescription. If there are antibiotics left after treatment, they should not be left and then finished off. It's better to throw it away immediately.

    How is a cold different from the flu?

    With the flu, a person experiences muscle pain, and with a cold, the whole body aches. To make it a little easier, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as Paracetamol. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aspirin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen or Naproxen are also suitable. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reduce muscle pain and reduce fever.

    Influenza is characterized by headache and fever. With a cold, the throat becomes inflamed and the nose becomes stuffy; with the flu, this rarely happens. It manifests itself abruptly, the body quickly weakens, a cough appears, which can last more than three weeks. With the flu, the severity of symptoms increases, a high temperature rises, shortness of breath and chills appear.

    Swelling with sinusitis

    When you have a runny nose, your nose constantly swells. An advanced form of rhinitis can lead to the appearance of yellowish or greenish purulent discharge and an increase in body temperature. You can cope with this symptom using various medications. If a runny nose is of a bacterial nature, systemic use of antibiotics is indispensable. In case of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, a course of washing using the “cuckoo” method and treatment with “Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine”, and “Furacilin” solution are required.

    There is the easiest way to relieve swelling in the nose. The folk remedy that will be discussed can be used at any age - this is a saline solution. The secret of its effectiveness lies in the properties of salt to absorb moisture, any liquids and eliminate swelling.

    For pregnant

    How to relieve nasal swelling at home for an expectant mother? After all, most medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. Some pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies will help cope with this symptom. To relieve nasal congestion and restore breathing, you must:

    • rinse your nose with a saline solution, which you can buy at any pharmacy (Aqua Maris, Humer, Salin) or do it yourself, which is not at all difficult;
    • drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration and drying out of the mucous membrane;
    • use a safe antimicrobial drug prescribed by a doctor if the cause of nasal congestion is infectious agents;
    • undergo a course of physiotherapeutic procedures (inhalations, electrophoresis).

    Simple recipes

    To prepare onion drops, you need to grate a couple of large onions and squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp. The resulting liquid is mixed in equal proportions with vegetable oil. Moreover, sea buckthorn or corn oil is more suitable for this purpose. Soak the turundas in a natural mixture and place them in each nostril for 5-10 minutes.

    The method for preparing beet juice drops is practically no different from the previous recipe. Unlike onion, beet concentrate is not diluted with either oil or water. The liquid is dripped into the nose, 2-3 drops 4-5 times a day. Children have beetroot juice diluted with water dripped into their nose.

    As an ointment for nasal swelling, folk healers offer the following recipe. The product is based on eucalyptus or olive oil. Add a teaspoon of honey to it and mix thoroughly. The mixture effectively helps relieve nasal congestion and relieves swelling, restoring breathing.

    Agave and lemon juice can be used for the same purpose. Moreover, 2-3 drops of citrus are enough. The mixture is dripped into the nose before going to bed. If you have an allergic reaction to lemon, cabbage juice is an alternative. You need to rinse your nose with this liquid several times during the day.

    Swelling of the nasal mucosa during pregnancy

    It should be remembered that if this symptom does not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor.

    Swelling of the nose in a pregnant woman can be caused not only by a respiratory infection, an allergic reaction, but also by hormonal changes in the body. Swelling of the nasal mucosa in a pregnant woman occurs due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood. This is the main reason for the appearance of this symptom.

    In a woman’s body after conception, the concentration of progesterone and estrogen in the blood increases. Under the influence of these hormones, the flow in the mucous membrane increases, resulting in increased pressure in the vessels of the nose, which leads to swelling. After pregnancy, this symptom disappears.

    A pregnant woman should not use many medications. This number includes and, which can lead to fetal hypoxia as a result of decreased blood vessels.

    To eliminate swelling, you can use safe methods:

    • saline and saline solution.
    • Massage of the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose.
    • Breathing exercises

    You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve a spoonful of regular or sea salt in a glass of clean water. Saline solution can be used not only for rinsing, but also for use as nasal drops.

    An alternative to saline solution is preparations based on sea water: Morenazal, Salin, etc.

    To increase and strengthen the immune system, you can prepare a healing mixture of horseradish, apple and sugar. Grate the ingredients and mix with sugar in equal proportions.

    Breathing exercises involve inhaling and exhaling air alternately, first through one nostril, then through the other. Then inhale air through your mouth and exhale through your nose. After the massage, it is recommended to apply light pressure on certain points: on the chin and under the nose.

    To prevent swelling, you should follow some rules and recommendations:

    1. It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet. If possible, avoid spicy and sweet foods. When there is an excess of sugar and spices in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted, which in turn causes dilation of the blood vessels of the mucous membrane.
    2. You should take vitamin and mineral complexes.
    3. Bad habits must be abandoned.
    4. You should regularly ventilate the room, humidify the air and carry out wet cleaning.
    5. Avoid contact with allergens.
    6. It is important to prevent hypothermia and strengthen the immune system.

    If you follow these rules, the risk of developing nasal swelling and inflammation will be significantly reduced.

    Inflammatory, including allergic, diseases of the respiratory system and eyes are usually accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes. Edema is the excess production and accumulation of fluid in body tissues. secretions increase

    , manifested by the well-known runny nose and lacrimation. And how much trouble these symptoms that occur with colds, allergies, and flu bring!

    In order to reduce the severity of these symptoms, decongestants, also called decongestants

    (from Greek
    - against and Latin
    - stuffed, full).

    What medications can be used? Firstly, all those that, when applied topically, have a vasoconstrictor effect, thereby reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane. Some adrenergic drugs, which we have already discussed in Chapter 3.2, have such properties. These drugs stimulate adrenergic receptors and cause vasoconstriction and a decrease in swelling of the mucous membranes. These include indanazoline

    These medications are used to relieve discomfort from rhinitis
    (runny nose),
    (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx),
    (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes),
    (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the facial sinuses) and other diseases associated with swelling of the mucous membrane. These products are available in the form of eye drops, nasal drops, and nasal spray to provide local action.

    In allergic diseases, the inflammatory reaction is caused by excessive release of mediators ( mediators

    ) inflammation, the main one of which is
    Therefore, drugs that block the action of histamine (antihistamines) also reduce swelling and swelling of the mucous membranes (see chapter 3.10). Antihistamines of the so-called second generation ( acrivastine
    and others) have a more selective effect in relation to allergic reactions.
    They are used primarily to prevent or reduce allergic reactions and are the drugs of choice for allergic rhinitis
    allergic conjunctivitis
    hay fever
    (caused by pollens of various plants) and other diseases.

    For complex symptomatic treatment of manifestations of swelling of the mucous membranes, adrenergic drugs are often combined with antihistamines.

    Some drugs from the anticongestant group are presented below. For detailed information on these and other drugs, please visit the website.


    (composition or characteristics)
    pharmacological action
    dosage forms


    (xylometazoline) drops called.


    (dimetindene + phenylephrine)
    vasoconstrictor, antiallergic, anticongestive
    called drops; spray called Novartis Consumer Health SA


    anticongestive, vasoconstrictor, adrenomimetic
    drops called Warszawskie Zaklady Farmaceutyczne Polfa

    For the nose

    drops called children's;
    spray called Novartis Consumer Health SA


    (loratadine + pseudoephedrine)
    antiallergic, vasoconstrictor
    tablet p.o.


    adrenomimetic, anticongestive
    drops called.

    Dr. Theiss Nasal Aerosol

    vasoconstrictor, anticongestive
    Theiss Naturwaren (Germany)


    vasoconstrictor, sympathomimetic
    drops called;
    spray called; spray name dosage Nycomed


    spray called.
    Sagmel, Inc.


    anticongestive, vasoconstrictor
    drops called;
    drops called children's Novartis Consumer Health SA


    (herbal product)
    anti-inflammatory, antiseptic
    drops called;
    cream name; ointment called Slovakofarma

    Folk remedies will tell you how to treat swelling. With the help of simple folk recipes you can get rid of excess fluid in the body and eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon. Traditional medicine always protects health and suggests natural methods of getting rid of ailments.

    Liquid, having accumulated in the tissues, increases the volume of the skin cavity. Swelling of internal organs occurs with disruption of their normal functioning.

    In medicine, edema is divided into several types.

    1. Hydrostatic. In which blood pressure increases in the capillaries.
    2. Hypoproteinemic. When the level of proteins and oncotic pressure in the blood plasma decreases, then edema affects the flow of tissue fluid into the vessels.
    3. Membrannogenic. Its origin is provoked by damage to the capillaries by toxins. In this case, their permeability increases.

    If we consider a healthy body, then the blood plasma easily penetrates into all intercellular spaces. When edema occurs, these functions are disrupted, and then the plasma becomes edematous fluid.


    In case of any swelling, the disease that caused it should be immediately identified. Drugs that remove fluid are prescribed. Bed rest, water restriction, and reduction of salt in the diet to 1 g per day are indicated.

    With cachectic edema, you need to consume more protein foods and vitamins. The doctor also prescribes it. If your body has low levels of potassium, your doctor will recommend an appropriate diet rich in this essential mineral. Potassium is found in large quantities in potatoes, prunes and dried apricots.


    In folk medicine there are numerous recipes for getting rid of edema. They are effective and gently remove fluid from the body.

    If your legs swell

    1. Pour cold water into a 10-liter bucket and dissolve a packet of regular salt in it. Soak a terry towel in the solution and, wrung out, apply it to the lower back. Repeat daily for ten days. The procedure increases urination, and therefore relieves swelling.

    2. Cabbage leaves will help. They are softened with a rolling pin and applied to the swollen area. Secure the sheet with adhesive tape.

    3. Drink half a glass of a pharmaceutical decoction with corn silk (diuretic) every day. At the same time, the liver is cleansed and inflammatory processes in the kidneys are removed.

    4. If you are prone to fluid stagnation, place a cushion or small pillow under your feet while you sleep.

    5. A decoction of garlic is prepared for swelling of the legs. Take a large head of garlic, peel and mash. Pour half a liter of hot water into the mixture. Bring to a boil, cool. But the decoction during the procedure should be warm. They rinse the feet with it and rub it into the soles and calves. Several procedures have already yielded positive results.

    6. Fast. Rub raw potatoes and apply to the swollen area under plastic wrap and a warm scarf. After two hours, if the swelling has not subsided, the potatoes are replaced with fresh ones.

    7. Brew any medicinal herb, cool the decoction and freeze it in a plastic bag. To relieve swelling, ice is crushed, wrapped in a cloth and massaged into the problem area.

    8. Lubricate the swelling with creams with leech extract.

    9. Edema of the legs is treated with birch leaves. It has long been known that birch leaves relieve swelling. And today in this way they successfully get rid of the problem. I sew two bags for legs from canvas, just above the knees. They are put on their feet and stuffed with fresh leaves.

    If the swelling is minor, two hours in the bags is enough, if severe - five hours. When your feet start to sweat a lot, the leaves change. Several procedures and swelling will not bother your legs.

    If your face and eyelids swell

    Many suffer, in particular, the upper and lower eyelids. Such symptoms may be associated with age-related changes, or may be a sign of some events in the body.

    • Pour half a liter of water into two tablespoons of flax seed and boil for no more than fifteen minutes. Let the broth brew for an hour. Take half a glass, adding a little lemon juice for taste after meals. A course of five days is carried out, and if the swelling does not subside, the administration is extended to two weeks. When you use flaxseed decoction, your general condition also improves.
    • If there is a tendency to edema, it is recommended to use diuretics. The best are celery and parsley, garlic and asparagus, watermelon and pumpkin. From berries: currants (black), strawberries and grapes. You need to drink more kefir or yogurt, and instead of regular tea, drink infusions of medicinal herbs that specifically treat the cause of swelling.


    Cucumber pickle relieves swelling of the abdominal cavity, relieves pain and quickly improves general condition. It is taken two glasses a day. But such treatment is carried out with the permission of a doctor.

    You can also remove excess liquid using onions. Large heads are crushed and covered with sugar overnight. In the morning they drink two tablespoons of squeezed juice, and after a while they have breakfast.

    An infusion of parsley roots and seeds is also good. Take four teaspoons of them, chop them well and pour boiling water into a glass. Infuse for ten hours and take a tablespoon before meals (30 minutes).

    It must be remembered that not all swelling requires medical attention. But if swelling occurs due to difficulty breathing, shortness of breath or chest pain, consult a doctor immediately.

    Inhalation with essential oils

    This method of treatment is not suitable for everyone, as it can cause severe allergies. Those who do not have problems with tolerability of the components can use essential oils during aromatherapy sessions or do steam inhalations. For the nasal passages and respiratory organs in general, the oils of coniferous trees, thuja, and eucalyptus are considered the most useful. Any pharmacy sells ether from pine, juniper, cedar, and fir. To relieve nasal congestion, extracts of mint, calendula and other plants are used.

    You can do inhalation at home without special instruments and devices. To do this, you will need a small saucepan, water and the inhalation solution itself. The water is brought to a boil, after which it is allowed to cool to 50-60 °C. Only after this can you add essential oil to the water and begin the procedure:

    • you need to bend over the pan and cover your head with a towel to create a closed space around you;
    • You need to breathe slowly during inhalation, taking deep and measured breaths.

    The duration of the inhalation procedure is about 7-10 minutes. You need to repeat it several times during the day. By the way, in the absence of essential oil, the good old method of inhaling steam from hot potatoes can also come in handy. For many, this method helps them recover faster.

    Healing decoctions

    If there is swelling in the nose, you can try to solve the problem in a non-drug way. First of all, this is rinsing the nose with a weakly concentrated saline solution. Washing must be done at least 6 times a day. Since the cause of swelling in the nose without a runny nose can be an imbalance of water balance in the body, traditional healers recommend using herbal decoctions that help remove excess fluid. Corn silk, fennel, parsley, and nettle have a diuretic effect.

    In addition to herbs, the following products are considered natural diuretics:

    • tomato;
    • watermelon;
    • cucumbers;
    • celery;
    • cranberry.

    The selection of the drug should be carried out by specialists. What helps one person may be useless or even harm another, so when choosing vasoconstrictor drops it is better to be guided not by the advice of friends, but by a doctor’s prescription.

    Homeopathic ointments for the nose

    Medicines in this group are very popular because they almost never cause adverse reactions and have no contraindications. Homeopathic medicines are often used in the treatment of pregnant women and children. They contain natural ingredients: herbs, extracts or plant extracts, and have an immunostimulating effect on the body.

    Doctor Mom

    This nasal ointment for a runny nose is an excellent example of a highly effective combination: nutmeg, turpentine, camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and thymol. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the product is applied to the wings of the nose and temples three times a day for 10 days. A positive aspect can be considered the good tolerability of the drug, relatively low cost and availability. Cons: the product cannot be used to treat children under 3 years of age or during pregnancy.

    Thuja ointment

    This drug is made from propolis extract, chamomile, flax, thuja, alcohol extract, palm oil and glycerin. Thanks to this, the medicine has found wide use in the treatment of flu symptoms, exacerbations of sinusitis or sinusitis. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the drug should be applied to the roots of the nose three times a day in a thin layer. The maximum course of therapy is 7 days. Thuja is well tolerated by patients, but is not recommended for allergy sufferers or children under three years of age.

    We advise you to read: ICD code for swelling in the legs

    With propolis

    A soft preparation with the simple name “Ointment with Propolis” has collected many positive reviews. A homeopathic remedy based on royal jelly tincture is intended for the complex treatment of dermatitis, dermatoses, eczema, chronic and acute rhinitis. The advantage of the medication is that it has no contraindications or side effects, except for an allergy to honey and its manifestations.

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