How does smoking affect your voice?

How does smoking affect the voice and human body?

Side effects from smoking

Cigarette smoke contains a huge number of different chemicals that have a toxic effect on the body.

Among the large number of harmful substances, the following have a particular negative impact:

  • Nicotine
  • Hydrocyanic acid
  • Carbon monoxide
  • Benzpyrene
  • Radioactive polonium and potassium
  • Heavy metals

The physical agent of smoking is heat and smoke, which, when it enters the mucous membrane, has a destructive effect. Inhaled hot smoke affects tooth enamel, which subsequently leads to the appearance of cracks.

Warm smoke affects the mucous membranes of the mouth. The capillary vessels expand, and the cheeks, gums and palate become irritated.

Next, tobacco smoke passes through the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, and then enters the bronchi, irritating all respiratory tracts. Regular smoking leads to bronchitis.

Does smoking change your voice?

If no one doubts the negative impact on the vocal cords, then how exactly do the timbre, volume and other characteristics of a smoker’s voice change?

It's no secret that some people start smoking precisely because they want to make their voice rougher and have a lower timbre. At the same time, they are trying to emulate some celebrities who smoke for quite a long time, and whose speech is distinguished by a velvety hoarseness.

Does smoking really change the tone of your voice? Yes, the characteristics of the voice change, but not for the better. First of all, the sound of a smoker’s speech becomes hoarse, hoarse, and this in no way adds beauty to the voice.

As a result of prolonged smoking, the glottis narrows, resulting in shortness of breath. The speech of a gasping man, as if he had just run a half marathon, can hardly be considered sonorous and attractive.

The natural timbre of the voice cannot be improved by smoking; this requires special sessions with a speech therapist or vocal specialist. Therefore, smoking is the most inappropriate option for trying to improve the timbre and other characteristics of speech.

Why does your voice change after smoking?

Reasons for voice changes after smoking

Under the influence of nicotine, the vocal cords, throat and pharynx tissues undergo significant changes. The functional capacity of these organs is also impaired, which affects their physiological elasticity.

Tobacco smoke and its toxic substances lead to chronic inflammatory processes, tissue dysplasia and neoplasms. An active smoker develops chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx - laryngitis.

Cough in smokers occurs gradually and affects the appearance of severe shortness of breath. At first, shortness of breath is insignificant and the person does not pay attention to it. But over time, when doing physical activity or walking quickly, shortness of breath increases. A constant lack of oxygen affects the change in voice.

Loss of elasticity of the trachea and laryngeal tissues is the main reason for the development of a hoarse and hoarse voice.

Due to changes occurring in the vocal apparatus, the functional ability of these organs decreases. The vocal cords are less susceptible to these changes, but the voice still becomes hoarse.

Long-term smoking in many cases leads to a narrowing of the glottis and irritation of the vocal cords. For these reasons, the timbre changes, the purity and sonority of the voice is lost. The appearance of hoarseness and the intensity of development of this process depends on the duration of smoking, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, heredity, and the physiological structure of the pharynx.


You can restore your voice after smoking only in one case - if you have already managed to completely get rid of this addiction, otherwise what would be the point of doing this difficult task if after a short period of time the body will again be subject to a new nicotine attack.

However, a smoker should understand that it is possible to restore a voice damaged by the effects of tobacco smoke on the vocal cords only after a certain period of time. The main thing is to arrange the treatment correctly. A former smoker may notice the following changes.

The normal process of blood circulation in the larynx and tissue ligaments will be restored. This will contribute to a significant restoration of their elasticity. Scars and burns on the ligaments, the appearance of which was caused by the negative effects of cigarette smoke, will heal.

In order for treatment for nicotine addiction to be properly organized, it would be useful to visit a doctor. It is important in this situation to notify him that you have set a goal to quit smoking, and also want to completely restore the previous elasticity of the vocal cords.

And in order to then eliminate it, you will need the help of a qualified doctor who knows exactly what to do in this situation.

The procedures prescribed by doctors to restore voice after smoking are simple, and patients often perform them at home. This can be inhalation using soda, as well as the use of various herbal decoctions.

A certain diet should also be followed by a former smoker. It is advisable for him to exclude hot and spicy foods from his daily diet. Cold food is also contraindicated in a particular situation.

You should definitely monitor your condition, and if any complications or discomfort arise during the treatment process, you should immediately consult a doctor. But you need to refuse self-medication, because it will not lead to anything good.

You can restore your voice after completely quitting smoking by periodically visiting the sauna. This will allow the body to warm up to the required condition. This procedure will gradually remove various toxins.

Another effective way to restore your voice after overcoming nicotine addiction is to take medications that clear the airways.

Ways to get rid of a smoky voice

Ways to restore your voice

It is quite difficult to restore your voice after smoking. Many people use various aerosol preparations and sprays that do not bring the desired result. Restoring voice timbre takes a long time. The recovery process lasts from several months to one and a half years.

Tips for restoring your voice:

  • First of all, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of smoking, and then quit smoking altogether. After the body is completely cleansed of nicotine, the voice will begin to recover. For this purpose, various essential oils, expectorants and herbal preparations are used. During this time, blood circulation and elasticity of the laryngeal tissues will gradually improve.
  • To speed up the process of voice restoration, you can perform some therapeutic procedures at home. To do this, make inhalations of aminophylline, herbal preparations, essential oils, apply various warm compresses to the neck or use herbal decoctions.
  • Inhalations. To improve the expectorant effect, inhalations based on various essential oils and herbs are used. Add a few drops of anise, cedar, lemon, sage or lavender essential oil to a small container of hot water. Then cover your head with a terry towel and inhale the vapors for 10-20 minutes. If you have an allergic reaction to any of the oils, you should stop the procedure immediately. Herbal preparations can be used especially for inhalations. They can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • If you carry out these procedures in a sauna or bathhouse, this will allow you to quickly remove nicotine mucus and swelling from the body. Therefore, you should visit such health centers more often.
  • Herbal rinse. Herbal infusions are suitable not only for inhalation, but also for rinsing the mouth. For rinsing, thyme or wild rosemary herbs are usually used. They should be used in accordance with the instructions. The duration of treatment with expectorant herbs is at least 30 days.
  • A decoction of onion peels or potato juice is considered an effective remedy for restoring voice. It is undesirable to use soda for rinsing, as it has a drying effect on the vocal cords, and this negatively affects their functioning.
  • Medications. In addition to medicinal herbs, you can use medications (Bromhexine, Libexin, Herbion, ACC). These expectorant medications, which can remove phlegm from the body, are prescribed by a doctor.
  • To get rid of irritation and chronic inflammation, you can use various lozenges and lozenges. You can buy them at the pharmacy and take them according to the instructions.
  • There are times when the voice needs to be restored as soon as possible. There are several effective traditional treatment methods for this. Burdock oil has many beneficial properties. With its help you can relieve irritation and inflammation in the throat. It is enough to apply a few drops of oils to the root of the tongue with a pipette.
  • The milk mixture with honey and figs has an enveloping effect and can also reduce irritation.

Useful video on how to restore your voice after smoking.

To achieve the best results while your voice is recovering, it is recommended to review your diet. It is advisable to exclude from the diet the consumption of spicy and salty foods, very hot or cold foods. Seafood has a positive effect on the vocal cords: fatty fish, red caviar, seaweed, etc.

A balanced and proper diet will help restore not only the body after smoking, but also the voice.

If you regularly follow these rules and recommendations, you can restore timbre and change the color of your voice in a short time. In other cases, if the voice has not recovered within a year, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The specialist will recommend gymnastics or simple surgery on the vocal cords.

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You can restore your voice after smoking only in one case - if you have already managed to completely get rid of this addiction, otherwise what would be the point of doing this difficult task if after a short period of time the body will again be subject to a new nicotine attack.

However, a smoker should understand that it is possible to restore a voice damaged by the effects of tobacco smoke on the vocal cords only after a certain period of time. The main thing is to arrange the treatment correctly. A former smoker may notice the following changes.

The normal process of blood circulation in the larynx and tissue ligaments will be restored. This will contribute to a significant restoration of their elasticity. Scars and burns on the ligaments, the appearance of which was caused by the negative effects of cigarette smoke, will heal.

In order for treatment for nicotine addiction to be properly organized, it would be useful to visit a doctor. It is important in this situation to notify him that you have set a goal to quit smoking, and also want to completely restore the previous elasticity of the vocal cords.

However, you should be prepared for side effects from treatment, because if you completely stop smoking, then over time you may experience unpleasant pain in the ligament area.

And in order to then eliminate it, you will need the help of a qualified doctor who knows exactly what to do in this situation.

The procedures prescribed by doctors to restore voice after smoking are simple, and patients often perform them at home. This can be inhalation using soda, as well as the use of various herbal decoctions.

A certain diet should also be followed by a former smoker. It is advisable for him to exclude hot and spicy foods from his daily diet. Cold food is also contraindicated in a particular situation. You should definitely monitor your condition, and if any complications or discomfort arise during the treatment process, you should immediately consult a doctor. But you need to refuse self-medication, because it will not lead to anything good.

You can restore your voice after completely quitting smoking by periodically visiting the sauna. This will allow the body to warm up to the required condition. This procedure will gradually remove various toxins.

Another effective way to restore your voice after overcoming nicotine addiction is to take medications that clear the airways.

These include "Gerbion", "Bromhexine" and "Libexin". It is also useful to eat fatty fish and red caviar.

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