Using Asterisk for sore throat

Laryngitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the larynx , for which it is necessary to take comprehensive treatment measures.

One of these methods is applying compresses , but this method is suitable mainly at the initial stage of the disease and has some contraindications, in which such treatment will not only be useless, but will also harm the patient’s health.

Let’s look in detail at whether it is possible to make a compress for laryngitis and which recipes will be most effective.

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an infection of the upper respiratory tract , in which pathogens affect the mucous membrane of the larynx.
The disease is accompanied by noticeable swelling that occurs as a result of the development of inflammatory processes.

Remember! The disease occurs in an acute form for one to two weeks, after which, in the absence of treatment, it develops into a chronic condition, in which the symptoms are no longer so pronounced, but the disease is difficult to definitively treat.

The causative agents of the disease are bacteria and viruses that can be transmitted from person to person either through direct or household contact, or through the air.

This mainly occurs when sneezing and coughing, when pathogenic microorganisms spread within a radius of three meters from a sick person.

How to use Asterisk correctly

The asterisk is applied pointwise to certain places in a thin layer, without rubbing into the skin. Under no circumstances should it be applied to mucous membranes, as this can lead to burns of the epithelial layer.

For bronchial, pulmonary and other diseases of the respiratory system, the ointment is applied to:

  • subclavian fossa,
  • points that are located on both sides of the spine in the area of ​​the shoulder blades,
  • whiskey,
  • chin.

Cough star

This will reduce the cough, improve its general condition and speed up the healing process.

When a cough begins, it will be enough to apply it to a small point along the wings of the nose. You can apply a thin layer of Star along the chest. It is enough to perform such procedures three times a day. To do this, apply a small amount of ointment to the point with light massage movements. The fact that it has begun to act will be indicated by slight redness in the affected area.

If there are lesions or injuries on the treated area of ​​skin, then such treatment should be abandoned or used in another way. The amount of balm should also be minimal. Too much volume may cause burns.

If the skin feels a burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations after a couple of minutes, this may indicate a hyperreaction to this drug. In this case, it is necessary to remove it from the skin as soon as possible. To do this, moisten cotton wool with alcohol lotion and carefully rinse off the remaining drug. Antihistamines are used to reduce the reaction.

The effectiveness of treating the throat with compresses for laryngitis

The main purpose of compresses for laryngitis is to relieve swelling and relieve pain due to blood flow to the affected tissues.
There are many dressing recipes available, each designed to treat specific signs and symptoms.

It is believed that the lotion has a warming effect , while the heat is localized in the pathological area and does not spread outward due to the insulating and fixing bandage.

Important! Compresses applied during the day not only have a therapeutic effect: they help protect the throat from hypothermia, while night applications have a targeted therapeutic effect.

Composition and types of product

Traditional Eastern medicine suggests that medicines consist only of natural ingredients. So the “Zvezdochka” balm contains mainly essential oils:

  • eucalyptus;
  • cinnamon;
  • camphor;
  • clove;
  • mint.

In liquid form, the composition may be limited to them, but to create an ointment you need a base - it is made from wax, petroleum jelly and paraffin.

At first, the balm was sold only as an ointment in that same tin jar with the lid that always stuck. This is perhaps the most convenient option for cough rubs. Many years later, a liquid balm appeared in tiny glass bottles. It is convenient to use for headaches or runny nose. Now the drug exists in several other forms - this is a pencil inhaler, which is excellent for helping with a runny nose, and Zvezdochka lollipops to combat coughs.

Types of compresses for laryngitis for adults and children

Compresses are divided into two large groups - dry and wet , with dry dressings applied during the day and wet dressings at night.

In the first case, the basis of the procedure is a piece of dense fabric or gauze rolled up in several layers, and any medicinal impregnation is completely absent .

Wet compresses not only promote better warming, but also eliminate the symptoms of the disease, as they are soaked in medicinal solutions and agents.

Among the many ways to prepare lotions, the following common recipes include:

  1. Dimexide-based dressing . Dimexide is an anti-inflammatory agent for external use and has no contraindications for use in childhood. Over time, the drug is absorbed into the inflamed tissues through the skin and has an analgesic and antiseptic effect. For the lotion, a 10, 20 or 30 percent solution is used , for which 2 milliliters of the drug are diluted in 18, 8 or 6 milliliters of water. The concentration depends on how strong the warming effect needs to be achieved; it is obvious that when preparing compresses for children it is better to use weaker solutions. It is better to apply the product to a fabric made of natural cotton, which, after soaking with dimexide, is well wrung out and applied to the neck (polyethylene is additionally placed on top to prevent evaporation of the medicine). The third layer is any warm fabric that prevents heat from escaping. The product is suitable for application day or night , the main thing is not to cover the thyroid gland area with fabric soaked in dimexide.
  2. Bandage with badger fat . This product in its pure form is applied to the neck and rubbed in with gentle movements , after which the area heated in this way is wrapped in a warm cloth or scarf. Badger fat has the most effective disinfecting and analgesic effect if you warm it up a little beforehand. In addition to the warming effect, badger fat also stimulates the patient’s defense mechanisms due to the large amount of vitamin B it contains.
  3. A lotion based on vodka and alcohol . This method is only suitable for treating adults and children at least three years old. The fabric for the compress is soaked in alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 , but in its absence, you can use any high-quality vodka, while vodka is also diluted with water, but in a ratio of 1 to 2. Before applying the compress, it must be well squeeze out, and the surface of the skin that will come into contact with the fabric can be treated with baby cream or Vaseline to avoid irritation. wear such a compress for two to three hours a day , applying it three times a day, or use the compress once a day, but keep it on all night. The main effect of such a compress is warming.
  4. Bandage with mustard plasters . Ordinary mustard plasters are moistened in warm water and applied to the throat area ; they are covered with linen cloth on top, having previously placed polyethylene under it. If the product is used to treat children or patients with sensitive skin, to prevent burns, before using mustard plasters, you can rub the skin with camphor alcohol diluted with water in equal proportions.

How to use Zvezdochka to treat coughs in children and adults

The use of Zvezdochka balm for coughing is purely auxiliary. According to the official instructions, the drug belongs to the group of antipruritic drugs. To cough less, it’s not enough to just smear Zvezdochka and wait for recovery. Additionally, the use of specific medications is required.

Elimination of cough with the help of an appropriate drug is carried out in two ways:

  1. external rubbing;
  2. use of Asterisk for inhalation;

External application of the drug provides an effect on both the patient’s skin and the respiratory tract. Strengthening microcirculation allows you to normalize the condition of the epidermis, and the evaporation of essential oils guarantees symptomatic treatment of cough.

Fact! It is recommended to use Cough Star in the form of steam inhalations for colds and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. For bronchitis and pneumonia, the effectiveness of the medication depends on the basic therapy carried out in parallel.

Asterisk for dry cough and its wet form is used for the treatment of children, as well as adult patients. Rubbing a child's skin or administering appropriate cough inhalations should be done with caution to prevent the development of allergies or other adverse reactions.

Indications for use of the product, according to the official instructions:

  • symptomatic treatment of colds;
  • runny nose (rhinitis);
  • bruises, injuries;
  • insect bites;
  • headache.

Interesting! The medication helps with seasickness. You need to spread a little product on the wings of your nose. Vaporization of essential oils eliminates unpleasant symptoms.

How to make compresses correctly?

For laryngitis, special, three-layer compresses are used .

Keep in mind! It is better to make the inner layer from gauze, bandage or natural fabric (cotton is preferable in this case). It is the main one and is lubricated with a drug chosen at the discretion of the patient.

Polyethylene is used as an additional insulating layer , which retains heat and does not allow moisture to pass through from the outside.

layer serves as an additional insulating layer . It is made with a warm scarf or scarf . Additionally, this layer serves as a retainer for the first two, so it needs to be tied quite tightly, but so that it does not constrict the throat too much and does not restrict the patient’s breathing.

In general , all three layers must be applied so tightly that they do not let cold air in from the outside .

The gauze layer must be made of clean material each time.

If the amount of gauze is limited, one of the pieces can be washed and dried while the second is used as a compress.

This requirement is due to hygienic standards, since the bandage not only releases medicinal vapors that are absorbed into the skin, but also absorbs toxins released by the body.

After using the compress and removing it, the skin must be wiped clean with a dry cloth , removing any remaining medication, and then wrapped in a warm cloth for a few minutes.

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment of bites with this drug should be carried out especially carefully. Apply a thin layer of the balm with clean hands.

For severe symptoms of inflammation, treatment should be symptomatic. This means the patient should be examined by an experienced doctor, determine the exact cause of the disease and undergo a course of drug therapy.

The use of balm acts as an auxiliary method for eliminating severe symptoms , but where to apply “Star” for a sore throat? This question remains more relevant than ever, since lubricating the mucous membranes with the product is strictly prohibited.

The balm can only be used for external treatment, but where can you apply it for a sore throat? To eliminate swelling and pain in the throat, the drug is applied in a small amount directly to the skin:

  1. For prolonged rhinitis, lubricate the bridge of the nose.
  2. To eliminate inflammation in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, you can lubricate the paranasal cavity and under the nostrils.
  3. If the patient complains of acute pain in the temples or head, lubricate the temporal area with balm.
  4. For inflammation of the bronchi or lungs, use the product to apply to the area between the shoulder blades and sternum. Avoid the heart area when treating.
  5. When treating neuralgia, “Star” should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation.

When treating a sore throat, the drug should be used every day for five days. Repeat the procedure four times during the day. For preventive purposes, use the product once a day.

For a more effective effect, lubricate the neck, sternum and back with the balm. Then put on a clean T-shirt and a warm sweater. For acute sore throat, you can tie a warm scarf around your neck.

To quickly reduce symptoms, drink tea with medicinal herbs or rinse the lacunae. After the procedures, lubricate the inflamed area with a thin layer of balm and lie down under a blanket for thirty minutes.

Immediately after treatment, you should not go outside, be exposed to air conditioning, or drink cold drinks.


Local warming agents containing essential oils are actively used for coughs in children. Such drugs make breathing easier and eliminate obsessive coughing, providing the sick baby with a restful sleep.

The balm-shaped star can be replaced with similar natural products in liquid form or in a pencil (with the same name). The solution can be rubbed into the back, and the inhaler pencil can be sniffed periodically for a runny nose or sore throat.

Local cough suppressants may vary slightly in composition. Natural ones include Eucabal emulsion, Vicks Active balm, Roztiran ointment. The composition and instructions are different, so you should familiarize yourself with the details of using the drugs in advance. For joint pain, a cheap analogue of Zvezdochka is Menovazan solution.

Indications for use

The asterisk can be used for symptoms of colds, flu, and ARVI. The product alleviates the condition with:

  • cough,
  • rhinitis,
  • runny nose,
  • sinusitis,
  • sore throat.

Coughing attack

The ointment is used after hypothermia, staying in places where infections are spreading and for the purpose of prevention. It is used to rub joints and muscles to treat and prevent exacerbation of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, spondylitis, arthritis).

The asterisk can be recommended to eliminate pain of various origins:

  • for headaches due to fatigue or a cold;
  • body aches;
  • discomfort after dislocations, bruises.

The product relieves minor skin inflammations and promotes the resorption of bruises. They lubricate arthropod bite marks with it to eliminate unpleasant sensations.

The medication is classified as an antipruritic and symptomatic therapy. It does not affect the cause of the discomfort. To get rid of symptoms completely, high-quality etiological treatment will be required.

Balm Zvezdochka for coughs for children

For children, Zvezdochka balm for the symptomatic treatment of cough is prescribed from 3 years of age when using the drug externally and from 12 years of age if we are talking about inhalations. Earlier use of the drug in a child may cause a reflex spasm of the respiratory tract.

The dosage and features of use of the product coincide with the instructions for adult patients. For children, applying ointment to the face is not recommended due to the risk of developing an acute allergic reaction.

price for star balm

Reviews from patients who have tried the corresponding cough remedy confirm its occasional effectiveness. Without an integrated approach to eliminating the problem, it is difficult to get rid of respiratory tract pathology. Consumers are pleased with the cost of the medicine. The average price for a package of balm is 80 rubles.


Asterisk balm, in addition to its benefits, can also cause harm. Before use, you should carefully study the contraindications to help avoid side effects. The composition of the ointment also includes aggressive substances, so it is not recommended to use the product:

  • pregnant women;
  • while breastfeeding;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • people with an allergy to menthol or intolerance to the drug;
  • with whooping cough;
  • with open wounds;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • for skin lesions causing dermatitis.

Children over four years of age are allowed to apply the drug, but under supervision, carefully, and with great caution.

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