How to treat cough after a runny nose in a child

Sometimes a person develops snot and cough without signs of fever. Often, such symptoms are characteristic of a latent inflammatory process, or they will dissipate with increased sensitivity to certain factors.

However, most people are convinced that rhinitis and wet cough are integral signs of colds, so they are not considered as independent concepts. But in reality, the reasons for these phenomena are quite diverse.

This may be irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs or the presence of a foreign body in the throat. Also, snot and cough reflex can be manifestations of more serious diseases that require immediate treatment.

A runny nose and cough also occur when inhaling polluted air or dust particles. In this case, these phenomena will not go away on their own, so you will need medical help.

The main factors causing a runny nose and cough without fever

Fever is a sign that the body is actively destroying pathogens that caused the disease. Therefore, if there is a cough, snot, but no fever, this is an unfavorable sign.

In such a situation, the body cannot overcome the disease on its own, since its immunity is reduced. It should be borne in mind that the presence of fever often accompanies infectious and bacterial diseases.

But if unfavorable changes occur in the human body, then snot and cough without fever appear as a protective reaction. Thus, foreign particles and pathogens are removed from the respiratory tract.

Therefore, if a cough and snot appear without signs of fever, then this in any case indicates that some kind of malfunction has occurred in the body. Often a similar clinical picture accompanies. As a rule, if the cough is barking and there is no temperature, then this indicates inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Similar symptoms may accompany adenoiditis. In addition, rhinitis and cough reflex often occur as an allergic reaction to household chemicals, strong odors, pollen, dust or animal hair.

If rhinitis and dry cough continue for a long time, but there is no fever, then most likely there is hidden inflammation in the body. Also, a sore throat and nasal discharge can bother a person after an infectious or viral illness.

But if such symptoms persist, then you need to consult a doctor to identify the cause and eliminate it.

Treatment of cough from snot at home

Attention! Doctors do not recommend fighting a runny nose using traditional medicine alone! How to treat cough and snot in a child, what is best to do - the attending physician will answer after the examination. The best effect will be in combination therapy, consisting of medications, physiotherapy and herbal ingredients used at home.

A few tips to help when your child has green snot and cough:

  1. Honey is a great helper for rhinitis! Cotton flagella must be moistened in a liquid bee product and inserted into each nasal passage. Hold for 10-15 minutes, then remove and blow your nose.
  2. Rinsing with salt water (a tablespoon of salt per glass of water). Suck in the liquid through your nose (alternating nostrils), then spit it out through your mouth. If a 10-month-old child is sick (cough, snot), then salted water should simply be instilled and then the mucus should be sucked out with a special syringe.
  3. One of the effective remedies for snot is instilling a tincture of calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus or coltsfoot into each nasal passage (the flowers are infused for a week in equal proportions with alcohol and water).

You can learn about other traditional medicine methods by watching the video in this article. It is worth remembering that each treatment method should be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Quite often, snot and cough in infants are symptoms of various diseases. Children suffer from them much more often because their immunity has not yet fully developed. The manifestation causes a lot of discomfort, because the baby cannot breathe properly. When you cough, strong shocks occur in the lungs, which cause pain.

When a child coughs, his temperature may rise sharply. The situation is dangerous and requires immediate decisions from parents in this matter. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician who can assess the general condition of the little patient. Thanks to a properly selected solution, it will be possible to prevent the occurrence of complications in the future.

What colds cause cough and runny nose without fever?

Regarding colds, some of them can occur without an increase in temperature. Such diseases include:

  1. physiological rhinitis;
  2. pharyngitis;
  3. Chronical bronchitis;

With pharyngitis, the patient often has a nonproductive cough, snot, but no fever. This disease develops when infectious agents enter the respiratory system or when a person spends a long time in a smoky or dusty room. Dry air in the room also contributes to the appearance of the disease.

Pharyngitis is characterized by symptoms such as discomfort in the larynx and inflammation of the throat. When an infection enters the nose, mucous discharge comes out of it.

The clinical picture of laryngitis is similar to the signs of pharyngitis. However, in the first case, the patient develops a strong fever and his voice deepens. The most severe form of the disease is stenosing laryngitis, when the larynx swells, resulting in difficulty breathing.

Also, snot and dry cough without fever may indicate acute bronchitis, tuberculosis or pneumonia. Tuberculosis produces sputum with bloody impurities, and pneumonia is characterized by painful sensations in the chest area.

Cough and snot are dangerous when they accompany bird flu or H1N1. After all, the manifestations of the virus are similar to common colds, but the only difference is that the patient does not have a fever.

In smokers, rhinitis and cough develop during an influenza infection when the nasopharynx is irritated by nicotine. Such patients experience severe coughing attacks in the morning with increased mucus production. In some cases, this indicates pulmonary atrophy, which forms in the alveoli and slowly spreads throughout the body.

In any case, if the symptoms indicate the presence of a serious illness, then the patient must undergo a thorough diagnosis.

For this purpose, you need to donate blood, sputum and urine for analysis and, if necessary, do fluorography.

Nature of the disease and complications

Cough is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of the upper respiratory tract.
The human nasopharynx has a complex structure; snot flowing down it from the nasal passages penetrates the ligaments, being an irritant.

For this reason, a paroxysmal cough begins. When the baby blows his nose, the mucus partially enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation of the tissues of the inner wall.

To avoid serious problems, if initial signs of cough or snot appear, you must visit a doctor: an ENT specialist or a pediatrician. Only a specialist, having examined a small patient, will be able to make a qualified diagnosis.

In newly born children, coughing from snot occurs much more often than in older children; this situation is caused by the characteristics of the nasopharynx and the baby’s inability to properly remove secretions.

Drug treatment

To eliminate rhinitis, medications that constrict blood vessels are most often prescribed:

  • Tizin;
  • Nazivin;
  • Otrivin and others.

You will also need expectorants and mucolytic drugs, such as Libexin, Gedelix, Fluimucil, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Flavamed and Ambroxol. In addition, inhalation treatment, which stops inflammation, softens the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and has an antimicrobial effect, will not be superfluous.

If the causes of a runny nose and sore throat lie in allergic pharyngitis or asthma, then the patient is prescribed anti-allergenic (Suprastin, Claritin, Diazolin) and anti-inflammatory drugs. And to make breathing easier, you may need drugs that dilate the bronchi.

Moreover, the patient needs to drink more fluids. This could be tea with lemon, chamomile, rosehip or mint.

How to treat a runny nose if it does not go away for a long time?

If a runny nose does not go away on its own within a day or two, you should not delay contacting your pediatrician any further. The doctor will talk about how to properly treat a child’s cough due to snot. You can cope with a runny nose using a variety of medications:

  • antiseptic (Miramistin, Kameton and others);
  • antihistamines (for allergic reasons);
  • antibacterial (prescribed by a doctor for fever);
  • vasoconstrictors (Sanorin, Naphthyzin, not long-lasting);
  • immunostimulants (Derinat, IRS-19);
  • softening and moisturizing (Aquamaris and other salt solutions of sea water).

There is also a wide range of drugs with complex effects. Most often they combine vasoconstrictor, antiallergic and hormonal anti-inflammatory components.

Parents are also interested in how to treat a child’s cough caused by snot, in addition to medications. In this regard, physiotherapeutic procedures such as UHF therapy and others can be mentioned.

Of the manipulations available at home, you can quickly alleviate the child’s condition by irrigating or washing the nasal cavities with sea water.

If, after two or three days of performing these procedures, the child’s cough does not go away, then you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

child at the doctor

The most effective treatment for postnasal drip syndrome is using a combination of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

However, like any other medications, medications for snot and cough caused by them can have side effects on the body, causing the following phenomena:

  • burning;
  • sneezing;
  • tachycardia;
  • addiction;
  • hypertension;
  • dry mouth.

For this reason, doctors advise using them either in infants before feeding, or in older children before going to bed. But in any case, for minors, the duration of use of anti-snot medications is limited to seven days.

Traditional therapy

If, then you will need sputum thinners to remove mucus. In addition, this symptom can be eliminated with the help of infusions based on marshmallow, coltsfoot, plantain or linden. Effective methods for a runny nose are rinsing the nose with chamomile decoction or a solution of sea salt.

In the absence of fever, warming procedures can be performed. To do this, pour 2 tbsp into a large bowl filled with hot water. l. mustard powder and soda. Then your feet float in the resulting solution, and then put on woolen socks.

For intense and prolonged coughs, badger fat is very effective. You need to rub this remedy on your chest several times a day until the condition improves.

No less effective is a medicinal mixture based on cranberry juice and honey. The medicine is drunk 2-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

For wet coughs, use viburnum berries. First, they are boiled, then pureed and mixed in equal quantities with honey. The product is drunk 3 times. per day until complete recovery.

Also, snot and cough can be eliminated with the help of tea from lilac flowers, which is taken three times a day, half a glass. No less effective is a tincture made from the buds and flowers of this plant. To prepare it, the raw material (0.25 cup) is poured with 1 liter of alcohol and left for 14 days.

The medicine is taken 25 drops three times a day, half an hour before eating. The duration of therapy is about seven days.

During the ARVI epidemic, for the purpose of prevention, it would not be superfluous to carry out the following procedure. The onion head is peeled and chopped. Then medicinal fumes are inhaled for 15 minutes. The video in this article will tell you about another recipe for treating cough.

03.09.2016 10725

It is noted that children are more likely to suffer from colds and acute respiratory viral infections than adults. This is due to the baby’s fragile immunity. Acute respiratory diseases and are accompanied by rhinitis. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed and active secretion of snot begins. Mucus is a manifestation of our body’s protective reaction, which tries to flush pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal cavity. In itself it is not dangerous, but it causes many diseases. Rhinitis in a child becomes the cause. This happens more often in children, since they do not yet know how to blow their nose correctly. Coughing after a runny nose is associated with the fact that the secreted fluid during rhinitis flows down the back wall of the throat and enters the respiratory tract.

Treatment of cough and runny nose in children according to Komarovsky

Pediatrician's opinion

Before you run to the pharmacy for medications, you need to answer the question: what kind of inflammation caused the baby’s deterioration in well-being: viral, bacterial or allergic? Only a pediatrician can definitely determine the causative agent of the infection after examining a small patient. And only after this the doctor develops a suitable treatment regimen that not only helps eliminate the disease, but also prevents its re-development.

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cough?

Important! It is recommended to refrain from water procedures if the child has a high temperature.

General recommendations

  • maintain high humidity in the room (at least 60-70%), which will prevent dehydration and drying of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose;
  • give the child a warm drink, which will help remove mucus from the bronchi and nasal cavity;
  • regularly carry out inhalations with a nebulizer, with the help of which you can speed up the regeneration of affected tissues;
  • at least 3-4 times a day, irrigate the nasal passages with saline solution, which helps to liquefy and remove mucus from the nose;
  • lubricate the inner surface of the nasal canals with oil with vitamins A and C, which will prevent the formation of crusts in the nose.

Important! It is not recommended to put vasoconstrictor drops into the nose for children under 1 year of age.

First aid for a runny nose

To eliminate rhinitis in newborns and infants, E.O. Komarovsky recommends doing the following:

Mucus thinning

Do not pour drugs into the nose of a newborn using a syringe or syringe.

When saline solution is injected under pressure, some of the liquid may penetrate into the auditory tube and cause inflammation. As a result, this can lead to the development of eustachitis or otitis media.

Removing mucus

To remove loose mucus from the nasal canals, you can use an aspirator or a regular rubber bulb. To do this you need:

  • lay the child on his side;
  • insert the aspirator tube into the lower nostril;
  • completely suck out the mucus accumulated in the nose;
  • Similarly, you need to remove phlegm from the second nasal passage.

Softening the mucous membrane

Cough treatment

  • foot baths: fill a basin with warm water and dissolve tbsp. l. dry mustard; After steaming your feet, lubricate your feet with warming ointment and put on warm socks;
  • antitussive decoction: pour 10 g of dried bearberry leaves into 500 ml of boiled water, then boil for 10 minutes; Give your child 1 tbsp. l. strained broth 3-4 times a day;
  • solution for irrigating the throat: dissolve 1 tsp in a liter of warm boiled water. salt and soda; gargle your sore throat with the prepared solution at least 5 times a day for a week.

Adverse reactions are possible only if the child is allergic to the components of the prepared decoctions and infusions. Therefore, before using folk remedies for oral administration, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.


Traditional medicine for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children advises the use of drugs for runny nose and cough with symptomatic action. It should be understood that they do not cure the disease, but only alleviate the condition of the little patient. To prevent the development of a cold, it is recommended to carry out the physiotherapeutic procedures described in the article when the first signs of the disease appear.

Author: Guseinova Irada

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Runny nose and cough

Current prices and products

A drug made according to an old folk recipe. Find out how it got on the coat of arms of the city of Shenkursk.

Famous drops for preventing diseases and increasing immunity.

Monastic tea for ENT diseases

For the prevention and assistance in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose according to the prescription of Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava).

Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source.

Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

Causes of dry cough after a runny nose

Many mothers complain that... There may be several reasons for the occurrence of this manifestation of the disease. To prevent the development of complications with rhinitis, the baby must be shown to a doctor immediately. A child’s cough after a runny nose occurs due to several reasons.

  1. Resolving existing infection. The onset of rhinitis in a baby indicates the presence of a bacterial or viral pathology. children due to improper treatment or an insufficient set of measures taken. This allows the infection to spread down the respiratory tract and cause other diseases: pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Particularly dangerous, which is accompanied by a dry, barking cough, is laryngeal stenosis. Each of these diseases causes children to cough, which occurs throughout the day. At the same time, the baby’s general condition worsens: body temperature rises, complaints of pain appear. In young children, unpleasant sensations in the nasopharynx force them to refuse food.
  2. Accumulated nasal secretions in the lower respiratory tract. This is a fairly common reason why a child has a cough due to a runny nose. The baby does not know how to blow his nose well and during the day he swallows secretions, which flow down the back wall and settle on the walls of the respiratory tract. This leads to the child having a cough after snot. Diagnosing this reason is quite simple. Attacks of the reflex reaction are observed during and after sleep, and subside while the baby is awake.

If parents observe a dry cough after a runny nose, then it is necessary to report this symptom to the treating pediatrician to find out the cause of this reaction. The doctor, in the absence of an inflammatory process in it, will advise how to properly rinse the baby’s nose and monitor his sleep in order to reduce the amount of mucus that penetrates the respiratory tract.

When treating a cough due to a runny nose, there is no need to use expectorants, because there is no mucus in the respiratory tract, but mucus from the nose can sink lower and provoke bronchitis

Which is caused by an infection in the lower respiratory tract, requires urgent adjustment of previously prescribed treatment. Pathogenic microflora leads to irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the lower respiratory tract, so at first it is unproductive. It may have a barking character and be accompanied by pain. After some time, the mucous membrane begins to react and a wet cough appears with sputum discharge.

Therefore, if a child begins to cough, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. This will make it possible to exclude or recognize the development of possible complications.

Cough due to snot in a child: causes, diagnosis and prevention

  • Drugs
  • Folk remedies

Cough due to snot in a child is a widespread symptom that occurs against the background of a common cold or allergic rhinitis in children of different ages.

In newborns and infants, cough due to a runny nose develops several times more often than in a child over three years old.

This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the upper respiratory tract, and the child’s inability to properly remove mucus from the nasal passages.

The accumulation of mucous discharge in the nasal sinuses leads to the flow of mucus along the back wall of the pharynx into the larynx, bronchi and trachea, irritation of which activates the cough reflex. A child’s cough due to snot worsens at night or after a nap and is accompanied by a sore throat, nasal congestion and fever if the runny nose is of infectious etiology.

Causes of severe runny nose in children:

  • viral rhinitis;
  • bacterial rhinosinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis (hay fever);
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages;
  • adenoid hyperplasia;
  • foreign body of the nose;
  • teething.

In babies under six months of age, symptoms of a runny nose and cough are accompanied by intestinal disorders, diarrhea and flatulence. Starting from the age of one, ARVI is manifested by severe nasal congestion, dry and then wet (wet) cough with the discharge of clear or green sputum. A change in mucus color indicates the addition of secondary bacterial flora and requires the initiation of antibacterial treatment.

The flow of purulent sputum during sleep is a risk of developing pneumonia in a child. Diagnosis of the reasons why a child develops a cough due to snot begins with an examination by a pediatrician, rhinoscopy and auscultation of the lungs. As a rule, the diagnosis is made after the first visit and does not require additional examination. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the runny nose, restoring the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to prevent coughing.

Prevention of cough due to snot in a child is aimed at preventing the flow of mucus, the use of vasoconstrictor drops and regular rinsing of the nose, and the use of suction for severe runny nose. When sleeping at night, the child is placed on a pillow, creating an inclination that prevents mucus from flowing into the bronchi. The use of expectorant syrups during a runny nose reduces the risk of developing cough symptoms by protecting the mucous membrane and stimulating the outflow of mucous exudate.

Cough from snot in a child at night: treatment depending on age and popular drugs

Cough from snot in a child at night requires early treatment, due to the high risk of developing pneumonia. Coughing is a physiological reaction aimed at clearing the lumen of the bronchi and trachea from mucus, however, with excess accumulation, the cough turns into attacks that disturb the child’s night sleep.
With severe allergies, swelling of the nasopharynx and allergic rhinosinusitis, excessive formation of exudate leads to a cough in the morning. The risk of developing bacterial bronchitis as a result of bacterial invasion increases, especially in younger children. Treatment depending on age is based on the physiological characteristics of the child’s body. Newborns and infants are advised to change the properties of air, use humidifiers and ionizers that moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent the formation of crusts and mucus.

Children after two years of age are recommended to rinse their nose with sea salt solutions, which you can buy at the pharmacy or prepare yourself. For severe runny nose, vasoconstrictor drops are used to eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane. Drugs aimed at eliminating viral or bacterial infections are more often used in children over 5 years of age. The choice of medication is made by the attending physician after examination and identification of the etiological factor. For allergies, antihistamines are prescribed to relieve swelling and block the production of exudate.

Vasoconstrictor drops are used only after the recommendation of a pediatrician, in the dosage prescribed for a specific age. The drops begin to act 15 minutes after instillation, the duration is from 3 to 5 hours. For children under 6 years of age, the use of drops rather than sprays is recommended due to the risk of the jet entering the mouth of the Eustachian tube and damaging the mucous membrane. Rinse solutions are actively used starting from the age of 2 years of a child’s life. For colds and flu, wash the nose 3 to 4 times a day for a week.

Rinsing removes bacteria and viruses from the nose and prevents pathogens from entering the lower respiratory tract. Antiseptics are used in children over 12 years of age, due to their strong effect on the mucous membrane. The drugs are aimed at local destruction of pathogenic flora at the site of inflammation, and are extremely effective when prescribed together with antibiotics or antiviral agents. Inhalation of active substances and essential oils has a protective effect on the bronchi, restoring the mucous membrane, and an expectorant effect and sputum production. Inhalations reduce nasal congestion, make breathing more free, and relieve inflammatory changes in the nasopharynx.

A child is choking on snot, what to do: folk remedies and emergency help

The first question for parents who find themselves in a situation for the first time when a child is choking on snot is: what to do?
The baby begins to actively breathe through the nose, mucus flows into the larynx and bronchi, and a severe cough develops, affecting the general condition and health of the child. In infancy, a severe runny nose interferes with normal food intake and breastfeeding.

Folk remedies aimed at relieving nasal congestion include the use of essential oils or garlic in older children. Patches soaked in a complex of essential oils are sold in pharmacies and attached to the baby’s pillow or pajamas during nighttime sleep. The patches reduce the symptoms of a runny nose, gently relieve congestion, and restore the child’s sleep.

How can I help urgently? Vasoconstrictor drops are urgently applied, after which the mother uses an aspirator to remove excess mucus. If congestion quickly increases, you should humidify the air and use essential oils for a complex effect on the nasal mucosa. Warm steam inhalations for a child over 9 years old will quickly relieve congestion, speed up mucus discharge and relieve cough.

Methods for treating cough after a runny nose in a baby

It is necessary to treat a frequent cough in a child that occurs after a runny nose depending on the cause of its occurrence; only a doctor can determine it. A complete examination of the mucous membranes, listening to the bronchi and lungs of the baby will give the doctor the opportunity to establish the cause of this manifestation of the disease.

There is no need to treat a cough after a runny nose in a child if its cause is the entry of mucus produced in the nasal passages onto the walls of the trachea and other respiratory tract. Here it is enough to carry out some activities:

  • cure runny nose;
  • put the baby to sleep on a high pillow;
  • do nasal rinsing.

Such measures will help to significantly reduce runoff; after time it will go away. Inhalation and rinsing will help speed up the healing process from rhinitis, if the baby’s age allows it. Coughs under 1 year of age can be treated along with a prescribed course of medications by maintaining optimal temperature and humidity in the room where the baby is. This will affect the nasal mucosa and significantly reduce mucus production.

You can rinse your nose using special pharmaceutical solutions or do it yourself using salt and soda or using an infusion of medicinal herbs. For young children, seawater-based solutions are placed in the nostrils. This helps restore the mucous membrane and cleanses the baby’s nasal passages.

If during the examination the doctor detects significant changes in the mucous membrane of the throat, then it is necessary to treat the child’s cough by adjusting the previously prescribed course of therapy. At the same time, behavioral measures and compliance with the temperature regime in the room remain relevant.

If we are talking about pneumonia, then you cannot do without the use of medications.

These diseases are treated only under medical supervision and with the help of antibiotics and additional medications.

If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, then it is correct to treat a child’s cough with the use of antibacterial drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe them after a detailed study of the disease. For better results, cultures are taken from the mucous membrane. They help determine the type of bacteria and its sensitivity to the drug. The results of this study help the doctor decide on a course of bacterial therapy, which will quickly relieve the complication that has arisen.

To alleviate the baby’s condition with pharyngitis, laryngitis or tracheitis, doctors recommend additional therapy in parallel with prescribed medications.

  • It is correct to treat a cough, if it is caused by the spread of infection to the lower respiratory tract, by rinsing. Starting from the age of three, a child can be taught this procedure. As a rinsing solution, take: infusion of herbs (chamomile, sage, linden), salt water with the addition of soda, heated mineral water.

The temperature of the solution is warm, not scalding. The procedure should not cause discomfort to the baby. If you treat the onset of a child’s cough by rinsing, the disease will quickly subside.

  • Inhalation is another way to treat a child’s dry cough. This procedure is carried out only if the body temperature is normal. Inhalation allows beneficial components to penetrate deep into the respiratory tract.
  • Drink. For good functioning of all systems and organs, a sufficient amount of fluid is necessary. If your baby has a sore throat, it is necessary to give him a sufficient amount of liquid: tea with honey and lemon, fruit drinks, juices. This allows you to increase the immune strength of the baby’s body.

The onset of a runny nose in a child should be treated immediately, using all the doctor’s recommendations. This will make it possible to protect the baby from the spread of infection. It is not recommended to carry out independent treatment, even if you have already encountered such a problem with your baby. The use of drugs that suppress cough is prohibited without a doctor's prescription, as they prevent phlegm from coming out. This causes congestion in the respiratory tract. Therefore, any prescription must be prescribed by the treating pediatrician.

A cough that occurs after a runny nose requires a detailed examination by a doctor to determine its etiology and determine the further path of treatment. Listen and follow the doctor's advice - and your baby will be healthy very soon.

A runny nose is a common companion to colds; it is very rare that you can get over it without a runny nose. Rhinitis itself is not dangerous to the human body, but you should know that it can cause many complications. One of them is a cough after a runny nose, which is especially often observed in children who do not yet know how to blow their nose correctly.

Treatment of cough and runny nose in children according to Komarovsky

Pediatrician's opinion

Before you run to the pharmacy for medications, you need to answer the question: what kind of inflammation caused the baby’s deterioration in well-being: viral, bacterial or allergic? Only a pediatrician can definitely determine the causative agent of the infection after examining a small patient. And only after this the doctor develops a suitable treatment regimen that not only helps eliminate the disease, but also prevents its re-development.

Is it possible to bathe a child with a cough?

Important! It is recommended to refrain from water procedures if the child has a high temperature.

General recommendations

  • maintain high humidity in the room (at least 60-70%), which will prevent dehydration and drying of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose;
  • give the child a warm drink, which will help remove mucus from the bronchi and nasal cavity;
  • regularly carry out inhalations with a nebulizer, with the help of which you can speed up the regeneration of affected tissues;
  • at least 3-4 times a day, irrigate the nasal passages with saline solution, which helps to liquefy and remove mucus from the nose;
  • lubricate the inner surface of the nasal canals with oil with vitamins A and C, which will prevent the formation of crusts in the nose.

Important! It is not recommended to put vasoconstrictor drops into the nose for children under 1 year of age.

First aid for a runny nose

To eliminate rhinitis in newborns and infants, E.O. Komarovsky recommends doing the following:

Mucus thinning

Do not pour drugs into the nose of a newborn using a syringe or syringe.

When saline solution is injected under pressure, some of the liquid may penetrate into the auditory tube and cause inflammation. As a result, this can lead to the development of eustachitis or otitis media.

Removing mucus

To remove loose mucus from the nasal canals, you can use an aspirator or a regular rubber bulb. To do this you need:

  • lay the child on his side;
  • insert the aspirator tube into the lower nostril;
  • completely suck out the mucus accumulated in the nose;
  • Similarly, you need to remove phlegm from the second nasal passage.

Softening the mucous membrane

Cough treatment

  • foot baths: fill a basin with warm water and dissolve tbsp. l. dry mustard; After steaming your feet, lubricate your feet with warming ointment and put on warm socks;
  • antitussive decoction: pour 10 g of dried bearberry leaves into 500 ml of boiled water, then boil for 10 minutes; Give your child 1 tbsp. l. strained broth 3-4 times a day;
  • solution for irrigating the throat: dissolve 1 tsp in a liter of warm boiled water. salt and soda; gargle your sore throat with the prepared solution at least 5 times a day for a week.

Adverse reactions are possible only if the child is allergic to the components of the prepared decoctions and infusions. Therefore, before using folk remedies for oral administration, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician.


Traditional medicine for the treatment of respiratory diseases in children advises the use of drugs for runny nose and cough with symptomatic action. It should be understood that they do not cure the disease, but only alleviate the condition of the little patient. To prevent the development of a cold, it is recommended to carry out the physiotherapeutic procedures described in the article when the first signs of the disease appear.

Author: Guseinova Irada

Comments and reviews

Runny nose and cough

Current prices and products

A drug made according to an old folk recipe. Find out how it got on the coat of arms of the city of Shenkursk.

Famous drops for preventing diseases and increasing immunity.

Monastic tea for ENT diseases

For the prevention and assistance in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose according to the prescription of Schema-Archimandrite George (Sava).

Any use of site materials is permitted only with the consent of the portal editors and by installing an active link to the source.

Higher medical education, anesthesiologist.

Why did my child develop a dry cough after a runny nose?

Many patients turn to doctors with complaints that after a runny nose a cough appears and bothers the person for a long time. This phenomenon may be associated with the characteristics of the body, then it is observed every time a runny nose occurs. Also, another reason why a cough occurs after a runny nose is untimely initiation or improper treatment of a cold.

According to experts, if a cough begins after a runny nose, it is most likely caused by mucus running down the back of the throat. Usually, due to a runny nose, a person begins to cough in the evening or at night, when he is in a lying position. As a rule, after a runny nose, the cough is dry and is caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat. But it may be wet, but it becomes so not because of the discharge of sputum, but because of the expectoration of mucus, which flows from the nasopharynx into the throat.

When a child develops a cough after a runny nose, parents should immediately consult a specialist, because small children, unlike adults, cannot blow their nose or cough on their own. This process develops rapidly, and mucus quickly penetrates the lower respiratory tract, causing a serious inflammatory process in them. Along with cough and rhinitis, the child is also bothered by a sore throat, because the mucus flowing down greatly irritates the mucous membrane. The causes of this pathological process most often are laryngitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis.

Inflammation of the respiratory tract with a seemingly completely harmless runny nose often leads to stenosis of the larynx, when breathing becomes difficult. This process is especially dangerous for children; it causes false croup, which causes a hysterical barking cough that does not bring relief to the baby.

Causes of cough

The most common cause of cough in a child is a cold. In addition, its development can be provoked by the following factors:

READ ALSO: how to quickly cure a cold in a child at home?, how to quickly cure a cold in a child at home?

  • Dry air in the room - all rooms in the apartment need to be ventilated every day. In winter, when heating and other heating devices are operating, deviations from the norm of air humidity in a living room increase significantly (standard - 50-60%).
  • Allergic reactions - in this case it is necessary to treat the allergy, and not eliminate the symptoms. Otherwise, the snot will continue to bother the child, and he will not stop coughing until the irritant is eliminated.
  • Physiological process - after birth, children may have a slight runny nose for several months, which soon goes away on its own. This condition is not pathological.
  • Trauma to the nasopharynx/foreign body in the sinuses.

READ ALSO: a child’s nose gets stuffy during sleep, but there is no snot: what to do?

Cough after a runny nose

Many mothers complain that after a runny nose, the baby develops a cough. The condition is often observed in infants with a physiological runny nose. A child's cough from snot indicates that the nasopharynx is not fully formed. Mucus flows into the lower respiratory tract, accumulates and causes coughing attacks.

READ ALSO: treatment of barking cough in children at home Another reason is ARVI. If treatment is not carried out in time or the baby is not treated sufficiently, the infection will rapidly descend, causing a spasm.

Cough without snot

What can a cough without snot indicate (more details in the article: what is a good way to treat a cough in a baby without fever?)? If, in addition to this symptom, there are no other signs of a cold, then it is possible that this is a natural reaction of the body to foreign particles (dust) entering the bronchi.

A paroxysmal, prolonged cough occurs with bronchitis, tonsillitis, and hyperemia of the throat. In this case, there is an increase in the child’s body temperature, pain when swallowing and other symptoms of pathologies.

Dry cough

A dry cough can develop against the background of various diseases. This sign is typical for:

  • flu,
  • ARVI,
  • whooping cough (the main symptom of the pathology is a prolonged dry cough),
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease,
  • allergies - as a rule, in such cases, sputum does not appear in the bronchi, the reaction is formed against the background of external stimuli.

How to treat a cough after a runny nose in a child?

If a person begins to cough against the background of rhinitis, this process cannot be ignored. First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for restoring the function of the respiratory tract: the air temperature should be within 18–21 degrees, and the humidity should be at least 50%.

When a child starts coughing after a runny nose, it is rhinitis that needs to be treated. If the cause of a runny nose is the development of a cold, immediately after the first signs of the disease appear, you can take a hot foot bath. The procedure should be carried out for 10 minutes, and upon completion, put on the child warm socks and put him to bed. At the initial stage of the development of a cold, when the baby just begins to cough, you can give him a cup of warm tea.

During the course of the disease, it is important not to allow the mucus in the nose to thicken. For this it is recommended. If babies are sick, the nose cannot be washed; the solution must be dripped into each nasal passage, 3 drops once an hour.

To relieve inflammation from the throat, you can carry out gargling procedures. For this purpose, among traditional medicines, chamomile decoction, saline solution with the addition of soda and iodine, as well as lemon juice diluted in warm water are widely used. You need to gargle every 2 hours, soon the unpleasant symptoms will disappear, however, if the cause of the cough after a runny nose is actually a cold, and not a viral or bacterial infection.

When treating a cough due to a runny nose, you should not use expectorants, because there is no mucus in the respiratory tract, but mucus from the nose can sink lower and cause bronchitis. How to treat a cough after a runny nose if it is caused by an allergic reaction of the body? You should immediately take an antihistamine and it will also be useful to gargle your throat to relieve inflammation.

How to treat a cough from snot in a child

How to treat a cough from snot in a child? This is the question parents ask when their baby has no fever or feels unwell, but has a cough. As a rule, children begin to cough after a runny nose develops, especially if the mucus produced is liquid. What is the reason for this, is it necessary to treat the disease with cough medicine?

Where does the problem come from?

Coughing is a reflex reaction of the body to irritants that enter the respiratory tract. The anatomical shape of the nasopharynx has such a structure that sometimes when you have a runny nose, mucus flows down its wall, gets on the ligaments, irritates them, resulting in a cough from snot. Even if a child blows his nose, sputum still gets into the respiratory tract. It is the mucus from a runny nose that irritates the throat.

Therefore, you need to fight not with the consequence, but with its cause - a runny nose. It is known that the body protects itself by coughing, so if the nose treatment is correctly prescribed, the problem will be eliminated as such. If you do not pay attention to such a “trifle,” a runny nose can develop into quite serious complications: the appearance of sinusitis, rhinitis, cysts. Likewise, improper treatment of cough can turn into chronic forms. It is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician and ENT specialist. The pediatrician will listen to the lungs for wheezing, and the ENT specialist will examine the condition of the nose.

When it turns out that a cough from snot appears due to damage to the upper respiratory tract, this may indicate developing laryngitis or tracheitis.

Symptoms of laryngitis: dry mouth, burning throat, periodic bouts of dry cough, swelling, sore throat. Laryngitis is treated with inhalations.

Tracheitis is characterized by inflammation of the larynx. Symptoms: a strong cough without clearing the throat in a child appears in the morning. So, it is absolutely impossible to suppress the disease with cough medicine, because the deterioration of the condition is not caused by the virus, but by the appearance of a runny nose.

What should I do?

Discharge from the nose appears as a result of changes in the functioning of its internal membranes. The reasons can be very diverse: allergies, foreign objects, acute respiratory viral infections, other diseases, and so on. The nature of snot is divided into two types: thick and liquid. Most often, a cough occurs with liquid secretions, which more easily fall on the back wall of the nasopharynx.

To treat this problem in children, it is better to primarily use drops.

They are gentler than sprays. Only a doctor can prescribe an effective drug against the common cold. There are many remedies of varying degrees of action for the appropriate age. It is not worth buying drops or prescribing the dosage yourself because parents do not know what caused the runny nose. Plus, the treatment must be comprehensive, since there is a runny nose and cough. First you need to eliminate the snot, and then soothe your irritated throat.

However, despite this, parents can take a number of measures that will ease the course of the disease in the baby. Treating with home remedies should also be done with caution. First of all, you need to promptly remove mucus from the nose, as well as the mucus that the child coughs up, and make sure that it is not swallowed.

This should be done with a soft napkin or handkerchief so as not to create irritation around the nose. In addition, it is necessary to teach children to blow their nose, since snot interferes with full breathing. Avoid overheating or hypothermia of the baby. Feet should always be kept warm.

The children's room must be kept clean, and the room temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. Airing before bed is useful. Air humidification with special devices is allowed.

Walking in the fresh air is not prohibited if the baby does not have a fever and the weather outside is warm enough.

Aromatherapy will help relieve a runny nose. Just add a couple of drops of eucalyptus or mint oil to your bath. Healing steams can actively fight germs in the nose.

It is allowed to rinse the nose with sterile sea water, especially with very heavy mucus secretions.

Drinking plenty of fluid also has a positive effect. Linden tea and drinking warm milk with honey at night will help eliminate colds and runny nose. It is worth remembering that honey cannot be dissolved in hot liquid, as it loses its healing properties.

During a cold, a child should consume sufficient amounts of vitamins. This will strengthen the body's natural defenses.

Massaging the wings of the nose helps remove snot. In addition, you can massage the bridge of your nose from top to bottom. Do it at least three times a day.

Conclusion on the topic

Cough and snot are interconnected. When a child feels fine, but suffers from a cough and runny nose, then the reason lies in the mucus that has entered the respiratory tract.

Parents should never try to treat symptoms on their own, thinking that the problem will go away on its own. If medical assistance was prescribed on time, it will relieve the baby from painful discomfort, so do not neglect a visit to a specialist.

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