How to treat barking cough in children

Cough: possible diseases and methods of treatment

In acute respiratory viral infections, the nasopharynx and ligaments are involved in pathological reactions. The voice becomes hoarse and a barking cough occurs.

Common causes of physiological reflex:

  • whooping cough;
  • tracheitis;
  • allergy;
  • pharyngitis.

A barking cough in a child without fever can occur against the background of a congenital pathology. Sometimes the physiological reflex is caused by the entry of a foreign body into the pharynx. Absolutely any (including respiratory viral) disease requires proper treatment. Parents should not choose medications at their own discretion. What to give a child for a barking dry cough? You should show the baby to the pediatrician. The specialist will prescribe medications that will help eliminate the attack and restore the mucous membranes of the throat.

What does a child's barking cough sound like? It is loud and sometimes does not bring relief. If a child has a barking cough without fever, how to treat the disease? First of all, you need to establish the cause. It could be an allergy, laryngitis, a foreign particle getting into the throat or dry air. If the attacks are persistent and prolonged, you should consult a doctor.

A severe barking cough without fever in a child may be associated with the penetration of a particle into the throat. You need to let the baby clear his throat. A barking cough without fever appears in an infant if the air in the house is dry. It is recommended to purchase a humidifier. Prolonged, persistent attacks require consultation with a doctor. A specialist will tell you what to give your child for a barking cough.

Treatment for barking cough

Drugs used to treat barking cough must have the following properties:

  1. Fast-acting - relief should occur after the first dose.
  2. Long-term action - coughing attacks must be suppressed for long periods of time so that the child has the opportunity to fully rest.
  3. Be safe for young children.
  4. It is very desirable that the medicine is tasty and easy to use (not tablets, but syrup, for example).

We recommend: Neutropenia in children

Pediatricians usually prescribe:

  • At high temperatures - antibiotics. There is no universal drug; the doctor chooses the drug in each individual case individually. It can be:
  1. tetracyclines;
  2. aminopenicillins;
  3. macrolides;
  4. fluoroquinolones.
  • Antitussives. A dry barking cough must be suppressed; different medications are prescribed for children of different ages.

Under no circumstances should you choose your own medicine, be it an antibiotic or cough syrup.

Diseases that cause a barking cough are dangerous, and you cannot cope with them on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. At your discretion, you can only add treatment with folk remedies, and then it is very advisable to coordinate this with your pediatrician.

Inhalations using a Nebulizer

Parents are interested in how to treat barking cough. If the baby does not have allergies, the specialist recommends steam inhalation. The procedures are carried out using a Nebulizer. If a physiological reflex occurs against the background of bronchitis, steam can be used. Inhalations normalize the functions of the mucous membranes and also relieve swelling. The procedure has a moisturizing effect and promotes the removal of sputum. Thanks to steam inhalations, the frequency of attacks is reduced. It is recommended to use herbal infusions.

So, we know the answer to the question of what to do if you have a barking cough. But if the baby has difficulty breathing, such procedures should be abandoned, as they will cause harm. As noted, the baby’s larynx is narrow, steam can lead to swelling, which will make breathing even more difficult. Difficulty breathing and a barking cough in a child can be treated. The nebulizer has proven itself well. The device is compact and easy to use. Thanks to him, the drug has a complex effect.

If you have a barking cough, what should you give your child to make breathing easier? Instead of herbal infusions, you can use mineral water. If there is no nebulizer in the house, it is recommended to place the child near an ultrasonic humidifier. The device saturates the mucous membranes with oxygen and promotes the removal of mucus, as a result, respiratory functions improve, and it becomes easier for the baby to breathe through the nose.

Causes of barking cough in a child

Cough itself is a defense mechanism of the body, thanks to which pathological elements are eliminated: viruses, bacteria, allergens, dust. If the cough is not accompanied by sputum production and swelling of the larynx develops at the same time, the sound of the cough becomes similar to the barking of a dog.

Usually an unpleasant symptom develops already in the first days of the illness. The attack may occur at night or in the morning. Most often, children from two to five years old are susceptible to the disease.

A barking cough can appear in a child at any age. If the attack is not accompanied by breathing problems, then in most cases this indicates the presence of laryngeal edema.

Due to the anatomical features of the larynx in children, it is narrow, and if an inflammatory process occurs, the lumen narrows even more. With respiratory infections, the inflammatory process affects not only the larynx, but also the vocal folds. For this reason, hoarseness occurs.

Barking cough occurs for a number of reasons:

  • whooping cough;
  • parawhooping cough;
  • ARVI;
  • tumor;
  • nervous disorders;
  • allergy;
  • laryngitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinovirus;
  • parainfluenza;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • foreign body in the larynx;
  • congenital diseases.

A barking cough in children is not a disease, but a symptom that signals the presence of some kind of pathology

You can learn how to treat barking cough in adults here.

Therapy for children under three years of age

Parents are wondering what to give their child if they have a barking cough. Antihistamines help make you feel better. Doctors prescribe Suprastin, Zyrtec, Cetrin. A barking cough can occur in a child under 3 years of age. In this case, the doctor prescribes antihistamine syrups. Even expectorant medications should be selected by a specialist! Self-medication is extremely dangerous for a fragile body. What to give to a child for a barking cough? The expectorant effect is:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Doctor Mom;

What to do if your child has a barking cough. If the cause is acute laryngotracheitis, the doctor prescribes medications that promote sputum discharge. The goal of therapeutic measures is to make a dry cough wet. Medicines remove bacteria, however, they cannot be used for a long time. Medicines for children for barking cough act quickly, but an overdose can provoke an even more intense physiological reflex. Chest massage will help get rid of the symptoms caused by acute laryngotracheitis. To promote the removal of mucus, you need to massage the back.

Against the background of elevated temperature

A barking cough at night in a child is often associated with temperature. If it reaches 37.6, Paracetamol should be given in a dose that is appropriate for age. If the attack is accompanied by suffocation, you need to call an ambulance. Parents should reassure the baby, as the attack causes him great fear. The larynx should not be allowed to undergo spasms, otherwise the child will begin to choke even more. Peace must be ensured. The baby should be in a sitting, motionless position. Severe discomfort is caused by a barking cough with a temperature in a child; treatment of an attack should be timely!

Parents are also wondering if their baby has a constant barking cough, what should they do? Vasoconstrictor medications help make breathing easier. They improve the functions of the nasal mucosa. If the temperature has risen above subfebrile values ​​(37.5), you should definitely give an antipyretic, otherwise the mucus will begin to dry out in the larynx. At night, a child's dry, barking cough is often accompanied by fever.

After the ambulance visit, you will need to perform inhalation. As an alternative to a nebulizer, you can use a bath filled with hot water. The baby should breathe over it. To facilitate oral and nasal breathing, he should drink plenty of fluids. Warm liquid normalizes respiratory functions and promotes the rapid removal of sputum. You should not give your child expectorants. They only remove phlegm, and if the larynx is dry, the mucus does not come out properly. A baby's barking cough goes away quickly if parents follow the pediatrician's instructions.

Barking cough with fever - how to treat correctly

How to properly treat a barking cough with fever? There are no particular difficulties here, the main thing is to choose the right drugs that can cope with cold symptoms. You should not start taking medications that have a wide spectrum of effects - it is better to resort to separate treatment. For high temperatures, use antipyretics intended for children. Strictly prohibit giving your child medications recommended only for adults - this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

How to most effectively treat barking cough in children, what treatment should be used in the presence of fever? You should definitely ask your doctor about the combination of antitussive and antipyretic compounds. You should not conduct experiments on a child and see for yourself how several medications interact with each other. Such self-medication can lead to an overdose or even poisoning.

Bronchitis in a baby under 12 months of age

Treatment depends not only on the type of pathology, but also on age. If a baby under 1 year old gets sick with bronchitis, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for him. A cough can occur due to sudden noise or too bright lighting. To strengthen your immune system, you need to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. The danger of coughing is that it can lead to dehydration. If the baby is constantly bothered by this disease, more fluids should be given.

Borjomi mineral water is recommended; it restores water and electrolyte balance. Thanks to the alkaline components contained in the composition, sputum becomes liquid and passes away faster. We need to provide the most comfortable environment possible. The baby should not be exposed to stress.

What should you remember?

With the permission of a doctor, mustard plasters can be used; they speed up recovery. It is recommended to humidify the air and ventilate the room in a timely manner. Also, do not forget about regular wet cleaning. Salty and spicy foods should not be included in the diet. It is unacceptable to use even a minimal amount of seasoning, as it leads to irritation of the larynx. The baby should consume foods at moderate temperatures. Too hot and cold are prohibited.

Natural products improve metabolism and increase the body's defenses. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, you should give your child warm compote. Drinks that can cause an allergic reaction are prohibited: honey with added milk, herbal tea. The remedies help with colds, but they should not be used if you are diagnosed with laryngitis.

Treatment from the age of three

To avoid the obsessive reflex, you need to follow your doctor's instructions. The goal of complex therapy is to prevent the chronic form of the disease. The doctor prescribes medications depending on the diagnosis. Physical therapy may be recommended. What to use when a child has a barking cough? If it occurs against the background of pharyngitis, the specialist prescribes medications that have an antibacterial effect:

  • Inhalipt;
  • Voqara;
  • Decathylene.

The drugs relieve inflammation of the larynx and reduce its sensitivity to adverse factors. Medicines are taken during the daytime and also before bedtime. In the evening, it is recommended to perform inhalation using an infusion of herbs. For children diagnosed with bronchitis, the doctor advises Lazolvan or an alternative remedy, Bronholitin.

If a paroxysmal illness is caused by an allergy, the pediatrician does not prescribe antihistamines. Therapy also depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Whooping cough is common among children. To cure this pathology, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and antibacterial drugs. Separate medications are prescribed to relieve laryngeal spasm. If necessary, the baby takes an antihistamine.

If a barking cough is accompanied by a high temperature, you should take an antipyretic. High temperature is a sign that the body is not able to cope with the imposed load. If you have a fever, drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended. It is important to control the air temperature in the room. It is better to ventilate the room when your baby is in another room.

Barking cough - how to recognize

It is not difficult to distinguish a barking cough from other types of this symptom. In this case, with a sharp exhalation, the patient makes a sound reminiscent of a dog barking.

Typically, such a cough occurs in the form of an attack, which is very difficult to stop. Before this, as a rule, a person has a feeling of a spasm in the throat, and there is a desire to take a deep breath. A prolonged coughing attack tires the patient, in some cases it is accompanied by a gag reflex.

Almost always, this symptom is observed against the background of inflammatory diseases of the larynx. Therefore, it is accompanied by a change in voice - hoarseness or hoarseness. For the same reason, a cough attack usually does not bring relief; on the contrary, it increases irritation of the oropharyngeal mucosa.

Therapeutic measures for acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis often occurs in infants. The disease manifests itself with a hoarse voice. To relieve the symptoms of acute laryngitis and improve the functioning of the vocal cords, the doctor prescribes Bioparox or Kameton spray. Medicines soften the mucous membrane of the larynx and have an anti-inflammatory effect. In case of acute laryngitis, you should not gargle. The baby needs to talk less. Sour, too salty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet.

If your newborn has a hoarse voice, you should regularly show it to your pediatrician. A barking cough is a sign of a disorder in the body. Most often, it indicates illnesses accompanied by a runny nose and high fever. Professional treatment will help get rid of the attack and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.


The causes of a barking cough can be very different.

Among them:

  • diphtheria;
  • whooping cough;
  • acute laryngotracheitis (false croup, laryngeal edema);
  • ARVI;
  • laryngitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx);
  • pharyngitis (pharyngeal inflammation);
  • asthma or allergic reaction;
  • a foreign body that has entered the respiratory tract.

Dangerous diseases such as diphtheria and whooping cough can be avoided by receiving appropriate vaccinations (DTP) in a timely manner. This is not yet a complete guarantee against life-threatening conditions accompanied by a barking cough. Associated symptoms in which you should immediately call an ambulance:

  • difficulty breathing or shortness of breath;
  • severe pallor, blueness of the skin;
  • very high temperature (about 40 degrees).

To learn about the cough associated with whooping cough (also dry and barking) and how it differs from a normal cough in children, watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky:

Popular drugs for children

How to cure barking cough? You should show the baby to a pediatrician, and after examination he will announce the expected diagnosis. We present to your attention medicines for children for barking cough.


The medicine is available in the form of a clear syrup with the aroma of wild berries. It has a mucolic effect and improves respiratory tract function. Lazolvan increases the outflow of mucus, as a result, sputum is better removed, and the cough becomes less intense.

Syrup for children with barking cough is effective. The doctor prescribes this remedy for a long term. The course of treatment is from 1 to 1.5 months. Tests have shown that if a patient with COPD takes Lazolvan for a long time, the disease does not worsen as often, and it is necessary to take antibiotics less often.

Parents who are interested in how to cure a barking cough in a child should know other important information about the drug. Lazolvan is prescribed to a child diagnosed with bronchitis in the acute or chronic stage. Indications for use are pneumonia, bronchial asthma, in which sputum is difficult to clear. The syrup may cause side effects such as nausea and pharyngeal numbness. Exceeding the dosage is dangerous, as it leads to vomiting and abdominal pain.

Lazolvan has few contraindications; it rarely leads to an allergic reaction. The most dangerous complication is anaphylactic shock. It occurs rarely, but requires emergency care. The product is not prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers. If a child has allergies, the doctor recommends a safer analogue.

Doctor Mom

Available in the form of syrup with a pineapple flavor. The drug contains plant extracts and has an antitussive effect. Dr. Mom helps thin mucus and improves its discharge. The medicine relieves inflammation of the larynx and has a rapid mucoltic effect.

Doctor Mom is prescribed to children who have been diagnosed with acute or chronic pathology of the respiratory tract. If sputum is difficult to separate (this often happens with pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis), the doctor prescribes this syrup.

Doctor Mom is prohibited if you are allergic to its components. The drug is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age, pregnant women, or nursing mothers. Doses are individual, treatment lasts from 14 to 21 days. The medicine may have side effects. An overdose is accompanied by allergies.

If you have a barking cough, the syrup cannot be combined with other antitussive syrups, otherwise the sputum discharge will be impaired. The medicine contains sugar, so diabetics need to take it with caution.


Available in the form of a spray, it contains eucalyptus and mint extract. The drug is prescribed to children diagnosed with tonsillitis or laryngitis. Inhalipt relieves pain during influenza and alleviates the course of respiratory viral pathology. The spray can be prescribed for acute tonsillitis.

Medicine for barking cough is not prescribed to a child who is allergic to essential oils or other components contained in the composition. Failure to comply with contraindications leads to laryngeal spasm. The doctor does not prescribe medications for children under 3 years of age. Inhalipt contains a small amount of alcohol. With the permission of a doctor, the drug can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers. It does not contain substances that are harmful to the embryo.

Before use, you need to put a sprayer on the bottle. The spray is evenly applied to the larynx. It is necessary to perform 2-3 sprays. If symptoms of overdose occur, use should be discontinued. Side effects include respiratory dysfunction and bronchospasm. Such reactions occur if the child is allergic to essential oil. If you notice any unwanted symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Now we know the answer to the question of how this barking cough is. In some children, the disease is accompanied by difficulty breathing. Barking cough remedies for children contain herbal ingredients. Such medications have a gentle effect on the mucous membranes of the throat and speed up recovery.


Treatment of a child’s cough is carried out in conjunction with creating a calm atmosphere in the home.

The main thing is to follow the following tips:

  1. Drink plenty of fluids.
  2. If the temperature is not higher than 38.5, it cannot be brought down with drugs.
  3. You can use massage movements in the back and sternum to make breathing easier.

Let's consider what folk remedies can be used to treat barking cough in children:

  • Treatment of barking cough in a child without fever using onion folk remedies. To prepare, you need to take two onions (unpeeled) and pour them with a liter of boiled water. Next you need to add sugar (200 g). Boil the entire contents for up to 60 minutes over low heat. After the syrup is ready, the bulbs need to be removed. Drink the medicine 3 times tbsp.

Traditional medicine is not considered the main method of cure; they can help simplify the condition of children and remove unpleasant signs. Before taking, consult a doctor so as not to harm your baby.

Treatment with traditional methods

Some people are skeptical about home treatment recipes, while others use them quite successfully. Barking cough is treated according to the following recipes:

  • Lemon based. Boil the lemon, completely immersing it in water, for about 15 minutes. Then you need to squeeze the juice out of it. Pour the resulting juice into a glass, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin and liquid honey (you need enough of it to make the glass full). You need to take this remedy 2-3 times a day.
  • Ginger based. Add a mixture of ginger powder and honey to 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (you need 1 tablespoon each). This drink should be taken hot throughout the day.
  • Milk based. Grate 2 carrots on a fine grater and pour a glass of hot milk. After 30 minutes of infusion, give the child the prepared drink.
  • Date based. 10-15 dates need to be poured with half a liter of water and boiled for 25-30 minutes. Give the child the resulting tea throughout the day.
  • Onion based. Boil 2 onions in their skins in 1.5 liters of water with 1 cup of sugar. Cooking time is 1.5 hours. Then remove the onion and throw it away, and take the broth 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

A child's barking cough is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. A correct diagnosis and correctly prescribed medications will quickly help your child overcome the disease. You should not self-medicate and fight a child’s dry barking cough only with folk remedies.

Features of treatment of infants

It is necessary to dwell on how and what to treat in infants. The main thing is to adhere to the exact dosage, without exceeding the amount of medication, in order to exclude the occurrence of allergies or other side effects. More often, children use inhalation treatment methods, which will be much harmless and more effective. Any experiments with herbs can cause complications.

For treatment to give an extremely positive result, the key type of therapy should be the use of anti-cough medications. Up to three years of age, it is better to prescribe the medicine in drops; for older children, it is better to prescribe the medicine in the form of syrups. You need to pay attention to contraindications and side effects. The long-lasting effect of the substance will be a plus, as it will guarantee the baby a restful sleep.

TOP effective drugs

If treatment is not timely, asthma, respiratory failure and other serious pathologies may develop. Therefore, it is so important to know how to treat so as not to harm the child? Let's look at three main medicines.


Prescribed for both dry and wet cough.

For children, the dosage is determined based on body weight:

  • Up to a year (less than 10 kg) one or two tsp. 3 r. per day.
  • After a year (over 10 kg) one or two tbsp.

This medicine is very effective, and it can be used together with antibiotics and expectorant medications. The course of therapy ranges from 7 days to three months.

Application allows:

  • heal quickly;
  • reduce cough, redness and swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • reduce your intake of other medications.

Codelac Neo

The superiority lies in the administration to young patients, up to a year. Codelac Neo is effective:

  • fights dry cough;
  • relieves the inflammatory process;
  • helps improve lung function;
  • the effect occurs after half an hour;
  • absolutely safe, without drugs;
  • prescribed from 2 months.

Dosage depends on age:

  • 3-6 years - 5 ml 3 rubles. per day;
  • 6-12 years - 10 ml 3 rubles. per day;
  • 12-18 years old - 15 ml 3 rubles. per day.
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