Spasmodic cough in a child

A dry cough is much more difficult to tolerate than a wet cough, since it does not remove sputum, which accumulates in the bronchi and contributes to deterioration of health. If seizures also occur, then this is a good enough reason to seek medical help. In most cases, a paroxysmal debilitating cough appears as a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection, but it can also signal more serious pathologies that pose a threat to human health. These could be problems with the heart, digestive system, allergies, etc.

Children suffer from cough more often than adults, since the immune system in childhood is still very imperfect, and the body is not able to cope with pathogenic microflora. As a result, children often pick up various infections that damage the upper respiratory tract. This happens especially often during the cold season, when the number of colds increases.

Causes of spasmodic dry cough and what diseases it is typical for

A paroxysmal cough with spasms should be alarming, since it may be a symptom of some pathology . This reflex process in itself represents a special protective reaction of the body to an irritant. During a cough, the airways are cleared of excess mucus, dust and bacteria, and even foreign objects. But this symptom is not always a protective reflex; it often indicates that certain diseases are progressing in the body. After all, a dry cough is unproductive, since it does not clear the bronchi.

As medical practice shows, in most cases, the causes of an obsessive, debilitating cough are diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If left untreated, the infection penetrates the bronchi and lungs, causing even more serious health problems.

With temperature

A spasmodic dry cough can torment a person, both with and without fever. Hyperthermia can occur with the following diseases:

  1. An inflammatory process in the throat caused by a common cold. The patient experiences scratching and discomfort, resulting in a dry cough.
  2. A viral infection enters the body, which also results in sore throat and discomfort, runny nose, general weakness, and decreased performance. At the very beginning of the disease, the cough may be non-productive, but after two or three days it usually becomes wet and all excess mucus is eliminated from the body naturally. In the absence of proper treatment, the situation worsens, complications such as bronchitis, which often becomes chronic, tracheitis or pneumonia, may appear.
  3. Whooping cough manifests itself as a common cold, with all its inherent symptoms observed: fever, runny nose and cough that does not go away even after using the most effective remedies. Coughing attacks become more severe as the disease progresses, and in some children it comes to vomiting. Whooping cough is characterized by a fairly long course, and it is advisable to treat it in a hospital.
  4. Sore throat, or tonsillitis, is also accompanied in some cases by a dry cough against a background of elevated body temperature. In this case, the patient experiences symptoms such as severe sore throat and weakness. Cough attacks during tonsillitis are the most dangerous, since there is no removal of sputum and harmful substances, bacteria that disrupt the normal functioning of the respiratory organs. Such attacks only torment the body, which is already weakened by the disease, especially during sleep.
  5. Rhinopharyngitis is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the nasopharynx and affects the tonsils and pharyngeal lymph ring. The cause of the pathology is usually the penetration of a viral infection, as well as staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria. With rhinopharyngitis, the temperature rises to high limits, the lymph nodes become painful when palpated, severe weakness, headaches, dry cough, and ear pain occur.
  6. A dry cough along with a high fever sometimes occurs due to the development of pneumonia, or pneumonia. This condition is usually accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty breathing, pale skin, and chest pain, especially during coughing attacks. In this case, there is no effect from taking antipyretic drugs, and the patient’s well-being worsens every day as the pathology progresses. Coughing attacks are very debilitating for a person, as they often occur at night and disturb sleep. With pneumonia, a dry cough is especially dangerous, since the bronchi and lungs are not cleared of sputum and pus, the disease drags on, and serious complications may occur.
  7. Another disease that causes a dry cough and a high fever is measles. The patient's appetite also decreases, weakness and photophobia develop, pus may be discharged from the eyes, and a characteristic rash forms on the body. A complication of measles is often the development of bronchitis, laryngotracheitis or pneumonia, less often meningitis, stomatitis, encephalitis, otitis.
  8. Cough is a symptom of such a dangerous infectious disease as scarlet fever. Against the background of elevated temperature, the patient develops specific rashes on the body, face and limbs, a sore throat, headaches and muscle pain, nausea and vomiting. When coughing, mucus does not come out; the throat becomes very painful even when taking liquid food, and in some cases even when turning the head to the side. The distinctive signs of scarlet fever are severe redness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, a crimson color of the tongue, as well as a rash characteristic of this disease in the form of single red dots on different parts of the body. The dry type of cough with this pathology causes a lot of unpleasant and very painful sensations.
  9. Tracheitis is a disease characterized by an annoying paroxysmal cough, especially often occurring at night and in the morning. In the evenings, the body temperature usually rises, and the voice becomes hoarse with tracheitis. When coughing, the patient experiences chest pain. A complication of the pathology can be tracheobronchitis or bronchopneumonia.

No temperature

There are a number of diseases in which the patient suffers from a debilitating dry cough without a rise in body temperature. We are talking about the following cases:

  1. Common cold. A person may cough or suffer from a runny nose, but the temperature remains normal or rises to insignificant levels. If the main symptom persists for three weeks, it is advisable to seek medical help.
  2. A non-productive cough without secretion of excess mucus mainly occurs due to an allergy to some plants, dust, wool, household chemicals or cosmetics, perfumes.
  3. Some people develop a dry cough due to stress. When excited or emotionally shocked, people begin to cough slightly, they have a sore throat and a desire to clear their throat.
  4. Severe dustiness and excessive dryness of the inhaled air causes irritation of the upper respiratory organs and a cough reflex.
  5. The combination of symptoms such as tachycardia, shortness of breath, chest pain on the left side, dry cough in most cases indicates cardiac pathologies (heart disease, thromboembolism, heart failure). The cough reflex usually occurs as a result of physical exertion.
  6. Pulmonary tuberculosis causes the development of the symptom in question over a long period of time, and the temperature usually does not rise at all, or can reach thirty-seven degrees. This is a rather dangerous disease that occurs against a background of stress, poor living conditions, overwork, and contact with the sick. All these factors lead to a decrease in immunity, resulting in the development of tuberculosis.
  7. Foreign body in the respiratory system.
  8. False croup.
  9. Reflux esophagitis and the formation of an esophageal-tracheal fistula provoke a non-productive reflex cough after eating.
  10. An enlarged thyroid gland of a diffuse or nodular nature causes pressure on the trachea and the development of a dry cough without an increase in temperature.
  11. Coughing attacks at night can torment a person due to chronic sinusitis, sinusitis or rhinitis.
  12. Lung or throat cancer. After attacks, sputum mixed with blood and pus may be released.
  13. With bronchial asthma, coughing can cause difficulty breathing, even suffocation, pain in the abdomen and chest. The duration of the attack can reach one hour.
  14. Activities in hazardous industries.
  15. Smoking cigarettes.
  16. Reaction to certain medications (aspirin, inhibitors, drugs for inhalation, drugs against hypertension, etc.).

Spasmodic paroxysmal cough in adults

Typically, coughing is our body's defense mechanism. In this violent method, external agents and potentially infectious bacteria are rejected before they can affect the bronchi and lungs. This mechanism is especially effective in the case of cough, where phlegm is present , which acts in the same way as a trap for unwanted aggression. What happens with a dry cough?

When you cough, the rapidity of action has a cleansing effect on the respiratory tract, removing various substances or microorganisms that, in addition to coughing, also provoke sputum production.

In a dry cough, irritation of the mucous membranes causes the body to react as if it were in the presence of a foreign body, when in fact it is not.

Despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases this symptom does not indicate a serious illness (irritation from cigarette smoke, gastroesophageal reflux, and much more), this disorder should never be underestimated. There are serious diseases that can cause a dry paroxysmal cough as the initial symptom, so be sure to consult a specialist.

In addition, the disorder may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as;

  • wheezing when breathing,
  • headache,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • nasal congestion,
  • a sore throat,
  • fever and much more.

In some cases, you may experience bad breath, fatigue, physical activity, diarrhea, rash, chest pressure, or shortness of breath.

A dry cough is usually characterized by the absence of sputum . This can be particularly irritating, especially if it is accompanied by heartburn or a feeling of obstruction in the throat, and tends to persist for a long time.

Before using drug treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes:

  • Dry paroxysmal spasmodic cough can be caused by various heart diseases.
  • When accompanied by wheezing, worse at night, it is an obvious sign of bronchial asthma.
  • A dry cough caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, larynx and trachea is usually viral in nature.
  • If accompanied by high fever, difficulty breathing and general malaise, then this is caused by inflammation of the epiglottis, in turn caused by a viral attack.
  • A paroxysmal dry cough can sometimes be a symptom of lung cancer, and as one of the manifestations of malignant lymphoma in the mediastinum, the anatomical space between the heart and lungs.
  • It is sometimes caused by gastroreflux of the esophagus or by certain medications, including some antihypertensives (drugs that can cause asthma or damage the lungs and respiratory function).
  • It may be a sign of pulmonary edema and progresses with the production of frothy sputum mixed with blood.

How to provide first aid during an attack

Regardless of who exactly, at what age and for what reason suffers from a strong cough reflex, it is very important to provide first aid in time and try to stop the attack, or simply alleviate the patient’s condition. If a person is lying down, then it is necessary to raise the head of the bed and give water. If you suspect an allergic cough, it is better to give him an antihistamine and eliminate all contact with possible allergens. Very high temperatures need to be brought down with the help of antipyretic drugs, rubdowns, and compresses. It is important to maintain a drinking regime.

Treatment of paroxysmal dry cough

A non-productive cough requires treatment with special drugs, the action of which is aimed at the cough center in the brain. The use of such drugs is advisable only if attacks occur periodically, the body’s protective function is not carried out, and the patient’s well-being and condition only worsens due to the occurrence of vomiting, convulsions and other unfavorable symptoms against the background of a dry cough.

The child has

Antitussive therapy in children should be carried out only with the help of non-narcotic drugs, preferably based on plant extracts, for example, Gerbion, Prospan. These syrups are absolutely harmless and safe, they effectively relieve inflammation and reduce irritation of nerve receptors.

Additionally, doctors prescribe mucolytic agents that help thin mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract. Expectorants increase the amount of mucus and thin it. But, first of all, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of the development of a severe cough and only then begin appropriate treatment.

The most effective and common medications for dry cough:

  1. Gerbion.
  2. Doctor Mom.
  3. Sinekod.
  4. Bronchicum.
  5. Dr. Theiss.
  6. Lazolvan.
  7. Libexin.
  8. Stoptussin.
  9. Glauvent.
  10. Codelac.
  11. Levopront et al.

In an adult

The main goal of therapy against paroxysmal cough is to soften it and transform it into a productive form.

Effective drugs for adults:

  1. Alex plus.
  2. Bronchicum.
  3. Hexapneumin.
  4. Codelac.
  5. Neo-Kodion.
  6. Sinekod.
  7. Terkodin.
  8. Paracodamol.
  9. Lazolvan.
  10. Kofanol et al.


How to help your child with a cough

Help from parents to a child with a cough consists, first of all, of maximum care and care - he should feel safe and secure in the family. Of course, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary, who will help develop an action plan at all stages of treatment and prevent any negative consequences.

The doctor prescribes the treatment, and the parents’ task is to ensure its clear and consistent implementation. To relieve a child’s cough, Stodal syrup is often recommended, which has antimicrobial, antitussive and anti-inflammatory effects1. It helps relieve coughs and has no age restrictions2.

Stodal is especially effective at the initial stage of ARVI treatment. Taking Stodal syrup from the first days of the disease can reduce the treatment of cough due to ARVI to 1 week3.

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For a wet cough, you need products with a mucolytic and expectorant effect, preferably plant-based. In addition, bronchodilators are indicated, which reduce bronchospasm and facilitate sputum production.

The use of any medications should be accompanied by plenty of warm drinks. It is optimal to give warm milk with honey, compotes, juices to drink, but not black tea, which tends to worsen the cough.

When coughing, do not gargle with soda solution - soda dries out the mucous membrane, which leads to increased irritation.

In the room where the child is located, it is necessary to ensure a comfortable temperature, a constant flow of fresh air and humidity at 70%. Walking in the fresh air is also important, but without active games. A clear daily routine, timely intake of medications, food and proper sleep are important.

Types of cough

  • Coughing – short, repeated episodes of coughing as a result of the accumulation of mucous secretions in the larynx. Occurs with pharyngitis, mild bronchitis, as a habit after suffering from bronchitis;
  • A wet cough is characterized by the discharge of sputum, which, accumulating in the respiratory tract, irritates unequal receptors in the walls of the bronchi, trachea, larynx and pharynx. Occurs on the 4-8th day from the onset of acute bronchitis, with pneumonia;
  • Dry, unproductive - without mucus discharge, unpleasant, intrusive, irritating. Appears with laryngitis, at the onset of bronchitis, aspiration (inhalation) of a foreign body, on the 2nd day from the onset of pneumonia. Healthy children may experience this when moving to a warm room from the cold.
  • Laryngeal appears in diseases of the larynx (laryngitis, diphtheria). This is a hoarse, “barking” cough; with diphtheria it becomes almost silent;
  • Bitonal - with a husky low sound at the beginning and a whistling high sound at the end. Appears when the lumen of large bronchi narrows (foreign body, bronchitis);
  • Paroxysmal - in the classic version it occurs with whooping cough, when several coughing shocks are followed by a deep breath with a whistle (reprise). During an attack, the face turns red or blue, tears flow from the eyes, and there may be vomiting at the end. Attacks occur more often at night;
  • Whooping cough appears in the presence of thick viscous sputum. It is similar to the paroxysmal cough of whooping cough, but does not have recurrences. Occurs in cystic fibrosis;
  • Spastic - appears in a child with obstructive diseases (bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis). This is an obsessive non-productive cough with a whistling sound. Intensifies with deep breathing.
  • A psychogenic dry cough appears in emotional children when they want to attract the attention of adults, in various stressful situations (while waiting for a doctor’s appointment at the clinic), or with the mother’s excessive restless attention to cold symptoms. This cough goes away when the child is left alone and adults do not concentrate attention on it.

Diseases associated with cough

DiseaseCharacter of the coughAssociated symptoms
BronchitisDry at first, later becomes wetFever, loss of appetite, headache.
Obstructive bronchitisSpasticIncreased body temperature, rapid breathing, noisier exhalation, when breathing, the nostrils flare, the intercostal spaces are drawn in. The child is irritable and restless.
PneumoniaDryIncreased body temperature and chills, weakness, loss of appetite.
Bronchial asthmaSpastic dry, often at nightDuring an attack: the child is excited, the intercostal spaces are drawn in when breathing.
PharyngitisUnproductive dry, may worsen with crying, laughing, changes in air temperatureSore and red throat, pain when swallowing, possibly increased body temperature.
LaryngitisLaryngeal, dryPossible increase in body temperature, hoarse voice.
TracheitisDry, unproductive, may be whooping coughPossible fever, symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness).
Whooping coughUnproductive dry turns into paroxysmalFever, runny nose, after several coughing shocks there is a deep noisy breath (reprise), there may be vomiting during an attack. Coughing attacks can continue for a month or more.
Cystic fibrosisWhooping coughDiarrhea, foul-smelling stool, delayed physical development, low body weight.
RhinitisUnproductive dryNasal congestion, watery nasal discharge, nasal sound, possible snoring.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (in young children)MorningExcessive regurgitation, frequent vomiting, hiccups, abdominal pain.
Foreign body in the respiratory tractBitonal, paroxysmalAppears against a background of general well-being, characterized by shortness of breath and hoarseness.

The table lists the most common causes of cough in children, but many other diseases may also cause a child to cough.

For example, with ascariasis, during the migration of larvae throughout the body and their passage through the lungs, there may be a dry cough.

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) occur with symptoms of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and even bronchitis.

Inhalation of smoke and aerosols of other irritants may cause a child to cough severely.

In chronic adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoids), the cough appears during sleep, is accompanied by snoring, and the child sleeps with his mouth open. This manifestation also occurs with sinusitis.

Spasmodic (spasmodic) cough

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body. Thanks to this symptom, mucus is removed from the respiratory tract, and with it microorganisms, dust particles, and sometimes small foreign bodies.

In most cases, it brings relief to a person, while a sudden spasmodic cough (also known as spastic cough) threatens a number of problems. The sick person is unable to engage in a favorite activity or outdoor activity. Finally, the deterioration of the condition, which entails a spasmodic cough, can be life-threatening.

What are the causes of this cough, what diseases does it occur with, and what measures should be taken to overcome it? This is what we will talk about.

Causes of spasmodic cough

Dry spasmodic cough occurs during inflammatory processes in the bronchi and trachea caused by infectious agents, allergens, dust, toxic substances and other factors.

It is caused by the aspiration of small foreign bodies into the trachea and bronchi, as well as neoplasms (tumors) of these respiratory tracts. This type of cough, like the cough reflex in general, is based on irritation of the superior laryngeal nerve.

Since it is almost always very strong, there is a danger of loss of consciousness, vomiting during an attack, and even seizures.

Attacks of spasmodic cough are almost always accompanied by a deterioration in general condition, increased body temperature, pain in the chest area, aggravated by coughing, pain in the joints and muscles, and sleep disturbances.

Causes of spasmodic cough:

  • infectious (viruses, bacteria);
  • allergic (manifested by individual intolerance to foods, medications, plant pollen, bird fluff, animal hair, etc.);
  • toxic (exposure to varnishes, paints, various gases);
  • thermal (high and low temperatures);
  • physical (entry of foreign bodies into the lumen of the bronchi and trachea, as well as compression of these organs from the outside. For example, a growing tumor or an enlarged thyroid gland with diffuse goiter);
  • other neuro-reflex effects leading to irritation of the laryngeal nerve.

Attention! During an increase in the symptoms of spasmodic cough, it is important not to miss the moment and consult a doctor in time to accurately determine the causes of deterioration in well-being and promptly prescribe treatment.

What diseases is this type of cough typical for?

Almost all inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract can cause spasm during coughing of the smooth muscle muscles of the bronchi and trachea. Cough in different pathologies has its own characteristics; it can torment the patient for a long time with its attacks or manifest itself symptomatically. Spasmodic cough is characteristic of the following diseases.

  • ARVI begins with a painful dry cough, to which a spastic component is added. This occurs when the trachea and bronchi are involved in the process. Like all infectious diseases, it is accompanied by a rise in temperature to high numbers, pain and sore throat, and a deterioration in general condition.
  • Tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, laryngotracheobronchitis. The listed pathologies can exist as independent diseases, or manifest themselves as separate symptoms as part of an infection. With each of them there is an inflammatory lesion of the trachea and bronchi. As a result, they will manifest themselves in the form of spasmodic coughing attacks.
  • Acute bronchitis, or inflammation of the bronchi, occurring with attacks of dry cough, worsening at night. It is characterized by rapid development with swelling of the mucous membrane and subsequently increased or moderate secretion of mucus.
  • Chronic obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by a cough. As with previous diseases, it is characteristic of this disease and manifests itself in the form of coughing spasmodic attacks in adults.
  • Whooping cough: a childhood infection caused by the whooping cough bacillus. The main symptom of the disease is a paroxysmal spasmodic cough, which occurs in the form of a series of short cough bursts, performed “in one breath.” The attack may end with vomiting, loss of consciousness, and rarely, convulsions. Dangerous due to the development of asphyxia and respiratory arrest.
  • Bronchial asthma: occurs in the form of attacks of suffocation with difficulty in breathing, especially at night, and a spasmodic cough.
  • Spasmodic cough of a neuro-reflex nature. The causes in such cases are nervous strains and muscle strain. May be provoked by bronchial asthma.
  • The entry of a foreign body into the lumen of the bronchi and trachea causes a spasmodic cough.
  • Compression “outside” the bronchial and tracheal tubes by a growing tumor or an enlarged thyroid gland close to them (anatomically) in thyrotoxicosis (diffuse toxic goiter).

Helping a child with a spasmodic cough

There are times when a child suddenly develops a spasmodic cough at night. To help your child cope with the problem that has arisen, you should first of all know its cause.

To do this, you simply need urgent consultation with a specialist. However, all this takes time, and action must be taken immediately.

If a child has a spasmodic cough and the baby’s condition worsens, with shortness of breath and cyanosis increasing, immediately call an ambulance.

In cases where there are symptoms of ARVI or another infectious disease, accompanied by fever, runny nose, hyperemia of the tonsils and pharynx, you can get by with calling a pediatrician at home. And at this time it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the baby that will help alleviate his condition, for example:

  • Maintain the optimal air temperature in the room, not exceeding 20 - 22 degrees. If necessary, humidify the air using special devices or towels (napkins) hung on the radiator.
  • Regularly carry out wet cleaning and ventilation.
  • During a coughing attack, monitor the baby’s position in the crib: he should be on his side to avoid aspiration of vomit or sputum during regurgitation. The best option is to hold the baby in your arms.
  • If the parents themselves have figured out that this is a cold, when the temperature rises to febrile levels, you can give the child antipyretics (if you are sure that they do not cause intolerance in him and the parents clearly know their dosage according to age). Next, wait for the doctor to arrive.
  • When visiting, the pediatrician will prescribe anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antihistamines and medications in accordance with the age and condition of the child. Some may need hospitalization.

Important! If a baby has a spasmodic cough, the child should not be prescribed antitussives on his own, this can harm him! Before giving medicine, consult your doctor!

Treatment of spasmodic cough in adults

When prescribing therapy for spasmodic cough in an adult, as in a child, it is necessary to find out the cause of the symptom.

If it is associated with thyroid diseases or neurological disorders, this symptom cannot be relieved by conventional methods. The patient’s condition shows no signs of improvement, and measures must be taken.

However, in all cases of treatment of spasmodic cough, one rule applies: it is necessary to treat the disease as a whole, and not its individual symptom.

Attention! Complex treatment of diseases accompanied by spastic cough is prescribed only by the attending physician in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient after examination and examination.

Below are methods and means of symptomatic treatment of cough only, for informational purposes only.

  • Antitussives that suppress the cough reflex in the brain (central action).
  • Codeine, Dionine are drugs with narcotic effects; with prolonged use, addiction develops.

For reference. These drugs are available only with a doctor's prescription.

  • Glauvent, Sinekod, Tusuprex are non-narcotic drugs. They do not cause drug dependence or addiction.
  • Libexin is a medicine of mixed action. It also has a bronchodilator effect and does not cause respiratory depression.
  • Mucolytic drugs: Bromhexine, ACC, Fluimucil, Lazolvan. Helps thin sputum and soften coughing.
  • Expectorant medications: Gedelix, Prospan, Doctor MOM, Mucaltin. They are herbal preparations that increase the activity of the ciliated epithelium in the bronchi and promote the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.

Folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine means and methods in some cases helps in relieving the symptoms of spasmodic cough. When the use of medications is impossible for some reason, traditional methods come in handy. Below are some of them.

  • Use inhalations with menthol and eucalyptus.
  • In the absence of contraindications to use, including elevated body temperature, a foot bath using dry mustard will help relieve spasms and soften coughing. After steaming your feet in this solution, you must immediately lie down, wrapped in a warm blanket.

about types and methods of inhalation

  • 20 drops of valerian tincture in ½ glass of water at room temperature soothe coughing during complex treatment.
  • A collection of pine buds, taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon and poured with a glass of boiling water, after 30 minutes of exposure (infusion) eliminates this symptom and relieves spasm.
  • Decoctions of expectorant herbs, in the absence of an allergic reaction, help cope with the disease.


When any disease occurs, it always causes considerable problems for a person. If it is accompanied by a spasmodic cough, measures to eliminate it should be taken immediately, otherwise it may have serious consequences.

If spasmodic cough and the disease that caused it are not treated, it can become chronic. Then you will have to receive therapy for a long time, and possibly in a hospital.

By consulting a doctor in a timely manner, remember: this will help you alleviate your condition faster and avoid possible complications.

Spasmodic (spasmodic) cough Link to main publication



To cure a cough, you need to determine its nature, and the choice of medications depends on this. So, a dry cough must be converted into a wet one with good sputum discharge; in case of a painful paroxysmal cough, the frequency of cough impulses must be reduced, etc.

Types of medications for treatment:

  • Antitussives are drugs that reduce the intensity of cough by inhibiting the cough center in the brain (central-acting drugs) or by inhibiting the cough reflex as a result of reducing the sensitivity of receptors in the respiratory tract (peripheral-acting drugs). These drugs are prescribed only for excruciating, painful dry cough, which exhausts the child, disrupts his sleep and worsens his general condition. As a result, there is no complete removal of mucus from the respiratory tract; it irritates the receptors even more, and the cough only intensifies. Characteristic of the initial stage of bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis. Such drugs include Sinekod, Tusuprex, Sedotussin. Taking these drugs if you have airway obstruction syndrome is contraindicated!
  • Enveloping agents are used for coughs caused by irritation of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis). For this purpose, herbal preparations, teas, syrups, and various lozenges are used.
  • Expectorants stimulate the removal of viscous sputum by diluting it due to an increase in volume. Herbal extracts (elecampane, thyme, marshmallow, plantain, anise), potassium and sodium iodides have these properties. But these drugs can cause allergies in a child, and therefore their use in children, especially young children, is limited.
  • Mucolytic drugs lead to thinning of sputum, but almost do not increase its volume. They are taken for diseases accompanied by a wet cough with thick, difficult to separate, viscous sputum.
  • Preparations based on ambroxol not only thin the mucus, but also enhance its excretion. These include Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Halixol, Flavamed, Lazolvan and others. A similar effect is typical for carbocysteine ​​preparations: Mucopront, Fluditec. Acetylcysteine ​​preparations (ACC, Mukobene) strongly dilute sputum, but do not remove it, so their use in children is not recommended.
  • Combined-action drugs, along with inhibition of the cough reflex, also reduce the viscosity of sputum. These include Tussin Plus, Glycodin, Stoptussin. And Bronholitin also has a bronchodilator effect.
  • Drugs with indirect action help stop coughing by affecting additional causes of its development. First of all, these are bronchodilators, drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi. Indicated for obstruction to relieve bronchospasm. Among these drugs are Salbutamol, Berodual, Clenbuterol, Atrovent.
  • Antihistamines (allergy medications) may help relieve coughing in some cases by reducing swelling of the mucous membranes. These are various drugs: Fenkarol, Fenistil, Zyrtec, Parlazin, Erius.

The use of mucolytic drugs simultaneously with antitussives is contraindicated due to the possibility of “swamping” of the respiratory system (the cough reflex is inhibited, liquid sputum is not removed.)

To treat cough, you can use not only medications in the form of tablets, syrups, powders, but also in the form of inhalations

. It is best to use compressor-type inhalers (nebulizers) for these purposes.

To moisturize the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and facilitate the removal of sputum, alkaline inhalations (mineral water Borjomi, Essentuki).

Ambroxol inhalation solutions are used to thin sputum .

postural drainage is necessary.

. The child lies on his stomach, the upper body should be slightly lower. The adult folds his palm in the shape of a boat and begins to tap the child’s back with the palm side. This method is used for bronchitis and pneumonia.

After normalizing body temperature, a course of general massage is recommended.

As you have already seen, the list of drugs for treatment is very large. Therefore, a doctor will help you decide how to treat a cough and, after an examination, will prescribe the correct treatment for your child.

Causes of whooping cough in children

Pathogen: Bordetella pertussis.

Route of transmission: airborne.

Incubation period: 1-2 weeks; the contagious danger persists for up to 3 weeks after the disease (without treatment - up to 4 weeks).

Coughing attacks occur as a result of the action of the absorbed toxin of the pathogen on the brain. Active vaccination reliably protects against the disease. Taking antibiotics during the incubation period can blur the typical clinical picture. Mother's antibodies do not penetrate the placenta (antibodies are not transferred with mother's milk).

The causative agent of the disease is the Bordet-Gengou bacterium, which is also known as pertussis bacillus. This microorganism is not very stable in the external environment. The source of infection is a sick person (who is contagious within three to four weeks from the onset of the disease, but especially in the first week of convulsive cough) or a bacteria carrier. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. The entry point for infection is the mucous membrane lining the upper respiratory tract. Here the causative agent of the disease multiplies, penetrates into the thickness of the mucous membrane and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream. The pertussis bacillus secretes an exotoxin, which irritates the receptors embedded in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract; This irritation causes coughing attacks. The action of the exotoxin also explains the appearance of other characteristic signs of the disease. The duration of the incubation period is from several days to two weeks. The child feels unwell, becomes lethargic and irritable. His appetite and sleep are disturbed. A slight runny nose and cough appear. Body temperature rises to 3940 C; As a rule, the temperature rises in the evening; the next morning the child’s body temperature becomes normal. The cough gradually intensifies, becomes paroxysmal, spasmodic (convulsive). The frequency of coughing attacks at night increases, and the cough prevents the child from sleeping. The glottis narrows, which is why the patient’s breathing is noisy. During coughing attacks, the child's face becomes cyanotic. Often coughing provokes vomiting. In particularly severe cases of the disease, seizures may occur. The cough is unproductive. The sputum discharge is viscous and sticky. A cough usually bothers a sick child for 10-15 days; the frequency of attacks gradually decreases, and the attacks themselves are no longer as difficult for the child as at the beginning of the disease. Among the complications that can develop after whooping cough are pneumonia, pneumothorax, atelectasis, emphysema of the subcutaneous fatty tissue and mediastinum, umbilical hernia, etc.

Use of traditional medicine

To help with basic treatment, you can use various medicinal herbs and infusions. But it should be remembered that this type of treatment is not recommended for children under 5-7 years of age, since herbs are a fairly strong allergen.

Expectorant and antitussive preparations:

CompoundMode of application
1Coltsfoot , leaves – 20 g. Marshmallow , roots – 20 g Oregano , grass – 10 g.Leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Take half a glass 2 hours before meals.
2Common coltsfoot , leaves – 20 g. Large plantain , leaves – 20 g. Licorice glabra , roots – 20 g. Tricolor violet , herb – 20g. Leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain. Take ¼ cup warm 5 times a day before meals.
3Elecampane , rhizome and roots, 20gPour a glass of water, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, take 4 tablespoons per day.
4Thyme , herb – 20gLeave in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Take 1-2 teaspoons.

Features of the disease and its treatment in infants

In infants, the equivalent of a cough may be sneezing.
By taking sputum thinners, we want to make it easier to remove. But for babies, things are a little different. Children of this age cannot yet fully cough. And it turns out that sputum accumulates more and more in the respiratory tract, contributing to the worsening of the disease. For this reason, very often in children, bronchitis can turn into pneumonia.

To avoid this, you need to help the child clear his throat . To do this, you need to press with a flat, blunt object (the tip of a spoon, a spatula) on the root of the tongue. Don’t be alarmed if your baby may vomit at the same time; this will also remove excess phlegm from the digestive tract, because the child swallows some of it (children also cannot spit). This procedure must be carried out quite often, always before each feeding.

Of the medications in children of this group, it is not recommended to use acetylcysteine ​​(AC) preparations. When taking medications in the form of syrups, you need to pay attention to the fact that the dyes and sugar used in their production can cause allergies.


Spasmodic cough

Spasmodic cough is characterized by an unpleasant manifestation, which is characterized by the development of spasms in the larynx. This symptom can occur in any person, and the duration of its manifestation may vary. This type of cough is considered dangerous, so you need to know what diseases it is typical for and how to treat it.

Diagnosis and treatment measures for spasmodic cough

The causes and methods of treating cough should be determined by the attending physician after a thorough diagnosis. To determine the type of disease, the doctor conducts an examination.

It consists in:

  • clinical blood test;
  • examination of sputum for bacteria;
  • taking a swab from the nasal passages and throat;
  • X-ray examination;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • conducting a test to determine allergens;
  • biopsies;
  • magnetic and computed tomography;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Once the cause is identified, drug therapy is prescribed.

The main treatment measures include the use of certain medications:

  1. For acute or chronic bronchitis, medications are prescribed that dilute mucus and remove it from the lungs. This group includes Lazolvan, Codelac Broncho, Ascoril, ACC.
  2. For pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, and pneumonia, antibacterial agents are prescribed to eliminate the bacterial agent. The duration of the treatment course is on average from 5 to 14 days.
  3. In diseases of the digestive organs, spasms are eliminated with the help of No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine. The dosage depends on the patient's age.
  4. For laryngitis and bronchial asthma, inhalation with Berodual and Ventolin is prescribed, which relieve bronchospasm, expand their lumen, and provide access to fresh air. Inhalations with Pulmicort are recommended as an additional treatment. After the attacks subside, inhalations are made with regular saline solution. To turn the cough into a wet type, the doctor may prescribe Lazolvan.
  5. If a spasmodic cough is caused by a nervous disorder, the patient is prescribed sedatives.
  6. For whooping cough, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors. In such cases, Bronholitin and Libexin are usually prescribed.
  7. If the disease is accompanied by chest pain, then you can apply mustard plasters or use ointments in the form of Doctor Mom and Asterisk.
  8. If bronchial asthma is caused by a certain allergen, then contact with the irritant is excluded, and antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec.

Before carrying out treatment, you must consult a specialist.

The danger of spasmodic cough

Spastic cough if untreated is dangerous due to its complications. If whooping cough is not recognized in time, blood vessels in the throat or lung may rupture. Bronchitis often develops into pneumonia, pneumonia or bronchial asthma. It can also become chronic.

Laryngitis is also dangerous for small children under two years of age. This may indicate false croup.

With constant coughing against the background of constant pressure in the abdominal cavity, an umbilical hernia is formed. Therefore, it is necessary to take therapeutic measures as soon as possible.

Children under one and a half years old deserve more attention. If an attack develops from lack of air, the child may suffocate. To instantly calm the baby, you need to go to the window and open it slightly. Fresh air will help reduce asthma attacks until the ambulance arrives.

Different types of illness last from several days to several weeks. If the spasm appears for more than a week, then this indicates whooping cough. Treatment of this disease is carried out only in a hospital.

Preventive actions

If a spasmodic cough has ever made itself felt, then you need to think about taking preventive measures:

  1. Strengthen your immune system with vitamin complexes. Beware of colds.
  2. Take all medications prescribed by your doctor. But don't self-medicate.
  3. Adults need to give up bad habits: smoking and drinking alcohol. Children should not drink drinks that are too cold.
  4. Ventilate the room regularly and humidify the air if possible.
  5. Get outdoors and take regular walks.
  6. Do gymnastics every day. Take up a certain sport: swimming, running.
  7. Temper your body.
  8. Take care of proper nutrition. Flour, sweets, fatty, fried foods should be excluded from the diet. The emphasis should be on foods rich in vitamins and beneficial bacteria: porridge, fermented milk products, boiled vegetables, baked fruits, salads, soups, meat and fish dishes.
  9. Give children Mantoux every year. And adults are recommended to undergo fluorography annually.
  10. Avoid crowded places during cold periods.
  11. Dress appropriately for the weather.

The above recommendations help protect against hypothermia and respiratory system diseases. If you suddenly develop a dry and persistent cough, do not put off visiting a doctor. In the absence of adequate treatment, complications may develop.

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Causes of spasmodic cough

As mentioned above, such a cough can occur from whooping cough, bronchial asthma, and if it appears in a small child, it may be a consequence of obstructive bronchitis or bronchiolitis. Spasmodic cough is unproductive and has an obsessive nature; at the end of the attack, a whistling overtone can be heard. It is also possible that such coughing may occur due to foreign substances entering the respiratory system. Therefore, parents should be extremely attentive when the first symptoms appear and immediately seek help from the thoracic department.

A cough of this kind is caused by an enlargement of one of the lungs, pain and drying of the mucous membrane in the larynx, whistling breathing, the presence of a constant desire to cough, and when a person begins to cough, this desire only intensifies. Spasmodic cough causes a lot of trouble at night.

How to cure spasmodic cough in a child

Spasmodic cough is characterized by an unpleasant manifestation, which is characterized by the development of spasms in the larynx. This symptom can occur in any person, and the duration of its manifestation may vary. This type of cough is considered dangerous, so you need to know what diseases it is typical for and how to treat it.

Concept of spasmodic cough

Spasmodic cough most often occurs in children under six years of age. It is one of the main symptoms of diseases such as whooping cough, bronchial asthma, obstructive bronchitis, laryngitis, and allergic reaction to irritants.

It is very difficult to stop coughing, because with pathology there is severe swelling of the tissues in the larynx area. If spasms begin to appear, it is necessary to take action as soon as possible.

In the absence of timely assistance, the patient may not only suffocate, but also rupture of blood vessels or lungs, the formation of a nervous disorder, overexcitation and profuse vomiting.

If the patient is over 10-12 years old, then he can easily help himself. But young children need the help of adults.

Causes of throat spasms

A child’s cough (spasmodic) occurs with certain diseases. He is unproductive and obsessive. Convulsions affect the pharynx and larynx. Spasms in the throat, coughing when completed are accompanied by a whistle.

An unpleasant symptom can occur not only during pathological processes, but also when a foreign body enters the respiratory system. That is why doctors ask parents to monitor their children more closely.

The main cause of paroxysmal spasmodic cough is an enlargement of one of the lungs. Painful sensations also occur as a result of drying out of the mucous membrane in the larynx.

Breathing becomes wheezing. The patient has a constant desire to cough.

Most often, an unpleasant symptom manifests itself at night and causes a lot of anxiety not only to the patient, but also to the people around him.

Additional symptoms of throat spasms in various diseases

If the pathology is accompanied by an unpleasant symptom, cough should be treated in an adult; treatment of (spasmodic) cough in children should be carried out as soon as possible. To carry out treatment correctly, you need to find out the type of disease. Each disease is accompanied by certain symptoms.

Whooping cough

Most often, spasms in the larynx occur with whooping cough. This illness is considered very serious and requires immediate medical attention.

The development of the disease is as follows:

  1. The first sign of whooping cough is an increase in temperature. Usually body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees.
  2. After a few hours, mild coughing with spasms in the throat, chills and fever, and painful sensations in the chest occur. The voice becomes hoarse and hoarse.
  3. Despite therapeutic measures, cough spasms intensify every day. During the manifestation of one attack, there are from two to ten specific cycles. Completion is accompanied by coughing up thick sputum and profuse vomiting.
  4. After the acute stage, the soreness appears less. But attacks may occur periodically for another month.

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Doctors say that if a patient has already had whooping cough, then he develops a strong immunity.

Colds, complications

A dry cough in the form of spasms may indicate the development of an acute inflammatory lesion of the pharynx, nasopharynx and larynx. In the first days it is unproductive. Then it gradually becomes expectorant. This process occurs because phlegm flows down the back wall, thereby leading to irritation of the mucous membrane.

In the absence of timely treatment, complications develop, such as:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

If bronchitis is acute, the cough will occur during the day and at night. I can’t clear my throat well, which causes pain in the chest area and a runny nose. The patient feels weakened and the voice becomes hoarse.

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It is much more serious when the respiratory system is affected by bronchial asthma. The duration of attacks is long and can last 40-60 minutes. A provocateur is a certain irritant. Characterized by suffocation, painful sensations in the chest and abdomen. At the end of the attack, viscous sputum comes out.

Methods to combat coughing attacks in children

Many parents worry about the condition of their children. And the question often arises about how to relieve an unpleasant symptom in children; How to relieve a cough spasm in a child?

Today, there are many different techniques that help overcome a severe cough.

Here are a few of them:

  1. Buy valerian tincture at the pharmacy. Add 20 drops to 100 milliliters of water. Give your child a drink and lay him down on the bed. After a few minutes, the overexcitation will disappear and the attack will pass.
  2. You can steam your feet in hot water with mustard added. After this, it is better to immediately lie down under a warm blanket. This remedy not only treats colds, but also eliminates the attack.
  3. If there is a golden mustache in the house, then you can take a few leaves and chew them.
  4. If there is a lump of phlegm in your throat, how can you get it out? You can use one folk, but effective remedy. To prepare the drink, take a mug of milk and heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees. Add a spoonful of honey, a piece of butter and a pinch of soda. The solution is thoroughly mixed and drunk at night.
  5. You can help babies in their first years of life during an attack with the help of steam. Many doctors still recommend using this ancient method. The mother needs to take the baby in her arms, close the door and pour some hot water into the bath so that steam emanates from it. Stand over it for about 5 minutes. This method is good because the swelling in the throat subsides, the gap widens a little and is moistened.


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