Why can your ears itch?
In most cases, itching in the ears is caused by irritation of the nerve endings of the epithelium lining the external passages - irritants can be sweat released in large quantities, sebaceous fat and accumulations of sulfur. Also, provoking factors can be thermal, for example, burns, overheating or, conversely, hypothermia.
A constant desire to scratch the inside of the ear can be caused by a fungal or bacterial infection, an allergy to shampoo or shower gel, high cholesterol in the blood, or simply a hormonal imbalance in the body. As you can see, the cause of itching in the ears can be anything.
What can a person usually use to scratch his ear? Some people are so inventive that they use hairpins, pencils, paper clips and other sharp objects for this purpose, the most harmless of which is a cotton swab.
When picking at the ear canal with similar objects, microcracks form on the surface of the skin, through which infection can easily penetrate into the layers of the epithelium. Untreated inflammation constantly progresses or makes itself felt by relapses of worsening itching, which causes active proliferation of microbes and, as a result, inflammation of any part of the ear.
Often itching and inflammation are the result of careless handling of the ears by the person himself.
When cleaning the ears with cotton swabs, wax mass is often compacted, which should be present in the ear canal of any person. As a result, a plug is formed, which causes a strong itching sensation, reduces hearing perception and disrupts the normal balance of microflora in the ear.
Traditional treatment
When the causes of itching inside the ear are isolated and there are no other symptoms, then the unpleasant sensations can be relieved with the help of proven traditional medicine. Thanks to them, the itching should go away and the patient will become less irritable.
Garlic oil
You can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take a few cloves of garlic and pass it through a garlic press. Then add 50 ml olive oil. Wait a day, filter, and then apply, soak a cotton swab in the prepared oil, and insert it into the ear overnight.
Lavender and calendula oil
It is necessary to combine 3 drops of lavender ether and 10 ml of calendula tincture. Form a swab from cotton wool, dip it in the resulting solution and place it in the ear canal overnight. You can use the mixture to treat the ear 3 times a day.
If the cause of itching in the ears is a fungus, then you can treat it with celandine. To obtain it you need to take 10 g of herb, add 200 ml of boiling water. Wait 15 minutes, filter, and then drop 3 drops into the ear canal 2 times a day. But how treatment of adenoids in children with celandine occurs is described in detail in this article.
Hydrogen peroxide
To relieve the symptom of burning and itching inside the ear, it is necessary to treat the skin to remove bacteria and parasites. To obtain such a solution you will need to take 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply 4 drops to their ears. Wait 15 minutes and then rinse the ear canal thoroughly. But how to use hydrogen peroxide for earwax in the ears is described in detail in this article.
Apple vinegar
It is used to treat the surface of the ear canal in order to disinfect the skin from harmful microorganisms, which lead to the development of itching and burning inside the ear.
Chamomile decoction
You can remove fungal pathogens and stop inflammation using chamomile decoction. After preparing the medicinal solution, use a pipette to send it into the ear in the amount of 5 drops. After this, tilt your head so that the solution flows back out. But how to use pharmaceutical chamomile for a cold will help you understand this
Propolis tincture
This remedy is considered very effective in eliminating burning and itching in the ear, which occurs due to injury to the ear cavity and the penetration of fungus.
In addition, propolis tincture has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Used to rinse the ear cavity 2 times a day. But such a procedure can only be carried out if there is no allergy to bee products.
Itching in the ear canal is an unpleasant symptom that can occur due to injury or the presence of a pathological process. Today there are a lot of both pharmacy and home remedies that successfully combat unpleasant symptoms. But it is possible to get rid of it completely only if the fundamental factor has been eliminated.
An otolaryngologist will help you get rid of itching in your ears. After examining the patient, he will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe adequate therapy.
At home, before visiting a doctor, you can wipe the outer ear with a 6% vinegar solution. A drop of vegetable oil or a warm soda solution injected into the external auditory canal will help cope with itching. To soften and remove wax plugs in the ears, it is recommended to drip a solution of hydrogen peroxide. If you have seborrheic dermatitis, you should use external antimycotic agents - wash your hair with shampoos with antimycotics, for example, Nizoral.
Do not scratch itchy ears. This can lead to microtraumas on the skin, infection and deterioration of the general condition.
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Drug treatment
- For otitis media, patients are prescribed ear drops containing the antibiotic “Tsipromed”, “Anauran”, “Otofa”. Fever and severe intoxication are indications for the use of antibiotics orally. For sluggish, recurrent otitis, patients are prescribed immunostimulating drugs: tablets “Amiksin”, “Levomax”, rectal suppositories “Viferon”, “Polyoxidonium”.
- Currently, for the treatment of acute otitis, specialists choose local preparations - combined ear drops containing an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid. The most popular among them: “Polydex”, “Sofradex”, “Garazon”.
- Drops with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect containing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs): “Otipax”, “Otinum”. They reduce pain and inflammation and have a local anesthetic effect.
- When the temperature rises and signs of intoxication appear, patients are prescribed antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, drinking plenty of fluids, and bed rest.
- Otomycosis is treated with local antimycotic agents - drops in the ears “Clotrimazole”, “Candibiotic”. Drops should be instilled into a clean ear after removing wax and purulent discharge. The ears are also washed with antifungal solutions: Nystatin, Amphotericin, Clotrimazole. Patients are advised to take restoratives and vitamins.
- In case of allergies, it is recommended to eliminate the provoking factor and prescribe oral antihistamines: Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin.
- To treat psoriasis, ointments based on tar, oil, grease, as well as keratolytic and corticosteroid drugs are used.
What diseases can cause itching?
If the itching in the ears becomes unbearable, a person’s first desire is to scratch the ear canal as quickly as possible. Attempts to get rid of the unpleasant sensation provide relief only for a while, since by scratching the ear, the patient does not get rid of the cause that caused the syndrome.
If regular hygiene of the ear canals does not eliminate the problem, perhaps the causes of itching lie in one of the pathologies:
- Accumulation of sulfur or the formation of a cerumen plug - in this situation, to get rid of constant itching, you need to wash it at home yourself or seek help from a specialist.
- The entry of water often causes a feeling of discomfort, gurgling and squelching in the ear. The person tries to slap the ear, scratch it, but this does not help - in this case, you just need to tilt your head to the side and wipe the passage with a cotton swab.
- A fungal infection is a fairly common cause of persistent itching in the ears. Typically, when the ear canal is affected by a fungus of the genus Candida, redness of the epithelium, its dryness, the formation of weeping crusts and discharge occur. The doctor will determine the type of fungus during the examination of the material and suggest the best treatment option.
- Bacterial infection - most often the ear is affected by streptococci and staphylococci. The inflammatory process in the ear canal is accompanied by severe itching; the patient scratches the surface of the tissue, thereby infecting it and spreading bacteria throughout all parts of the ear. Bacterial damage requires urgent medical attention and adequate treatment.
- Increased production of wax in the ears can be hereditary or acquired. If wax is released in large quantities, enhanced ear hygiene is necessary. There are situations when sulfur, on the contrary, is released in insufficient quantities to maintain natural microflora. In such cases, dry tissue and flaking of the skin are observed in the ear canal.
The list of reasons continues:
- Otitis is an inflammation of any part of the ear. It occurs during a diffuse infectious process, occurring against a background of severe pain, lumbago, itching in the ears, fever and general malaise.
- An allergic reaction can occur both to personal hygiene items and cosmetics, and to the fabric from which a hat or bed linen is made (in particular, a pillowcase). Allergies often develop to down pillows. This reason requires taking an antihistamine and limiting contact with the irritant - you need to change the shampoo or bedding, which causes itching in the ears.
- Skin diseases - eczema, dermatitis. Lead to the formation of wet or dry crusts, inflammation of the ear canal and severe itching.
- Parasitic diseases – infection by ear mites, scabies. These cases are rare, but are still reported as one of the reasons why the ear canal itches.
- Nervous disorders and stressful situations - itching often occurs as a response to these conditions.
It is not recommended to use any medications before visiting a doctor; it may be unsafe. The list of reasons initially suggests that self-medication is unacceptable here. It is necessary to visit a doctor if itching in the ear bothers the patient for more than a week, does not stop with antihistamines and does not go away after hygiene procedures.
Itching without accompanying symptoms
It also happens that there is no pathological discharge in the ear canals, pain does not appear, the skin does not peel, but annoying itching in the ears is constantly disturbing. Why do the ears itch if no other symptoms of the disease are observed? In fact, there are many reasons - from poorly chosen shampoo to tumors and nervous disorders.
The first possible reason is drying out of the ear. For example, some people are genetically predisposed to dry ears due to a small number of sulfur glands or their insufficient activity. Others themselves provoke excessive dryness by overusing ear cleansing with aggressive cleansers and mechanical devices. The consequence of dryness is periodic itching in the ear canal.
The second possible disorder is idiopathic itching (that is, itching without a specific cause).
Nothing happens in the human body without a reason. With idiopathic itching, there are no symptoms of ear disease, but this does not mean that the person’s health is normal.
Itching of unknown etiology indicates that disorders occur deeper - in the nervous, digestive, and circulatory systems.
Indeed, this unpleasant sensation can be a harbinger of many different systemic diseases. For example, “unreasonable” itching in the ears is often one of the first symptoms of diabetes. Tumors of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke itchy skin that appears on certain parts of the body. Other tumors can also cause this sensation. For example, with Hodgkin's lymphoma, complaints of itching occur in every 4th patient.
Patients with unknown causes of itching should also consult a neurologist, since this disorder may be associated with inadequate functioning of receptor cells or neurons in the brain. In some cases, the ears itch for psychogenic reasons. If this is the case, the patient will benefit from sedatives, antidepressants and psychotherapy, rather than classical treatment for itching.
Thus, if the cause of itchy ears is not clear, then you have not been examined well enough.
Itchy ears, itching in the ears - these symptoms are familiar to many. And this is one of the most common problems with which patients turn to an otolaryngologist. A natural cause of itching is the accumulation of wax in the ear canal. After bathing, the itching intensifies. This is due to the penetration of water into the ear and softening of the wax masses. Simple hygiene procedures - cleaning or washing your ears - will help you get rid of this problem. But it happens that the ear continues to itch. Itching in the ears becomes a symptom of a disease that requires serious treatment. Against its background, other clinical signs may appear: the appearance of purulent discharge, pain, discomfort and congestion in the ears, peeling, dizziness, fever, incoordination of movements, and hearing loss.
Intense itching in the ears is an indicator of systemic diseases of the body. Itching itself is not a disease. If it appears rarely and does not cause discomfort, then you can ignore it. But it should be remembered that such serious illnesses as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, otitis media and many others can begin with itching.
Ears may itch in individuals with increased individual sensitivity. Improper hygiene can cause excruciating itching. When the skin of the external auditory canal is injured with cotton swabs or other improvised means, sulfur penetrates into microtraumas, which manifests itself in discomfort and itching.
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To cure itchy ears and get rid of the symptoms listed above, you need to contact an experienced specialist. You should not ignore itchy ears or treat it yourself. This will not help solve this problem, but will only worsen the general condition.
Treatment methods
Itching in the ears: how to treat the diseases that the problem causes? An otolaryngologist will help you get rid of prolonged itching. In this case, the doctor will necessarily carry out diagnostics, including:
- external and hardware examination of the ears and passages;
- blood tests;
- urine tests;
- smear examination for infection.
The list of events can be shortened or expanded in each individual case. Most often, a detailed examination and scraping examination is sufficient. Only after an accurate diagnosis can therapy be prescribed.
Drug treatment includes:
- The use of antibiotics (Tsipromed, Otof), as well as immunostimulants (Levomax, Polyoxidonium, Amiksin). Drugs are necessary to treat otitis media of various forms and stages of progression.
- Using ear drops (Polydex, Garazon). Used to treat otitis media and other infections inside the ear.
- Therapy with antimycotic agents (Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Amphotericin). Necessary for otomycosis, as well as for the prevention of fungus in otitis media and tissue damage inside the ears.
- Treatment with antihistamines (Suprastin, Cetrin, Loratadine). Eliminates symptoms of allergic reactions.
The use of traditional medicine recipes will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations:
- Prepare tea tree oil. It is enough to purchase a pharmaceutical composition and use it for daily instillation of one drop into each passage.
- Grate a large onion. Use half for oral administration, squeeze juice from the second. Place four drops of the product into each ear canal before going to bed. The course of treatment is three to four days.
- Chop three or four cloves of garlic, pour three large tablespoons of olive oil into the product and stir. Heat the mixture over low heat for half an hour. Apply to the skin of the ears using a cotton swab two to three times a day.
- Pour a teaspoon of celandine into a glass of boiling water and simmer for fifteen minutes over low heat. Cool and strain the mixture. Place three to four drops in the right and left ears daily.
The recipes proposed above are effective for eliminating microbial and bacterial infections; they can also be useful for prevention of injuries and other diseases.
Treatment with folk remedies
Recipe 1 . At home, you can instill almond oil in the ear that itches in the amount of 1 drop per day. This will eliminate the itching caused by the fungal component.
Recipe 2 . Green walnuts infused with alcohol are an excellent folk remedy for otitis media of infectious origin. This medicine should be used in the form of compresses, which perfectly warm and reduce the manifestations of local inflammation.
Recipe 3 . For people who suffer from chronic otitis media, folk remedies based on calendula will be useful, the anti-inflammatory effect of which allows you to relieve all the symptoms of the disease in a matter of days. Calendula tincture should be instilled into the sore ear, two drops twice a day.
Recipe 4 . When itching, it is useful to lubricate the ear with alcohol tincture of propolis. Before using the drug, it is necessary to exclude the possibility that the patient has an individual intolerance to bee products.
Causes of itchy ears not related to disease
Dry skin
If you are constantly exposed to dry air or drink little fluid, your body skin will become dry and sensitive. The ears can be the most itchy because they regularly produce earwax, which can further irritate dry skin.
Water getting inside the ear
Unbearable itching can be caused not so much by the water itself as by the impurities it contains. For example, if water gets into the ear canal while swimming in a chlorinated pool, the chlorine can irritate the skin inside the ear, causing a constant urge to scratch it. In addition to itching, after bathing you may experience a gurgling sensation and tinnitus.
Sunburn, chapping or frostbite
During long walks in the sun, it is the ears that often suffer, which we usually forget to apply sunscreen and cover with a hat. As a result, the skin on the surface of the ears becomes dry, burns, and may even begin to peel off.
Under the influence of wind and frost, our skin on the ears loses its moisture reserves and can be seriously damaged. The first symptom of burns, chapping and frostbite will be itching.
Excessive hygiene (frequent cleaning) of the ear canals
When healthy, the ear canals continually produce wax, which is essential for lubrication and protection against germs. If it is constantly removed (cleaning the ears too thoroughly and often), the skin of the ear canals will not only be constantly subjected to friction, but will also lose protection, which means it will become susceptible to diseases and will itch relentlessly.
Habit of scratching the ears with inappropriate and sharp objects
In the old fashioned way, many people clean their ears with the back of a hairpin or cotton wool wrapped around a match. Unfortunately, all of these items, including cotton swabs, can cause microtrauma, which can cause the ear canals to hurt and itch.
Using hygiene products that dry out the skin
Itching of the outer part of the ear can be caused by using soap or shower gel that is excessively drying to the skin. In this case, the desire to scratch your ear will arise immediately after leaving the bathroom.
The occurrence of sulfur plugs
You shouldn’t clean your ears too often, but you also shouldn’t let them get too dirty, as excessive accumulation of wax can lead to a dense wax plug. In this case, hearing loss will occur (sounds will become muffled) and discomfort in the ears.
Depending on the individual characteristics of the person and the size of the plug, painful sensations may also appear. If the plug begins to put pressure on the tympanic septum, nausea and dizziness, coughing and problems with the cardiovascular system may occur.
Foreign body or insect entering the ear canals
This problem is more common in children who are able to unknowingly stuff a small part of a toy or a piece of plasticine into their ear. It is worth understanding that foreign objects pose a great danger to hearing, so you should not try to get them out yourself. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact an ENT specialist as soon as possible.
Spending a long time in a dusty or very dirty environment
Earwax acts as a barrier to dust, preventing it from reaching the tympanic septum. However, if there is too much dust or dirt in the air, the body will produce more wax than usual, and an unpleasant “tickling” sensation may appear in the ears. In this case, both the left and right ears will itch.
Traditional methods of treating itching in the ear
Various essential oils help eliminate discomfort in the auricle and stabilize the functions of the organ. Olive, camphor, sea buckthorn, and castor oils are often used to treat ear ailments. Before use, the product should be warmed in a clenched palm; do not drop hot oil into the ear canal. The oil should be injected into the ear twice a day for one week.
- Experts recommend instilling tea tree oil for itching. It contains useful tanning compounds that have a beneficial effect on mucous membranes and skin. As a result, irritation goes away, the skin calms down, and itching disappears. Ears should be treated with oil for about 5 days, no more. If the itching does not go away, it is important to see a doctor.
- Rosemary oil is a good remedy for soothing irritated auditory structures. The oil is pre-heated in the palm of your hand and 1 drop is placed in each ear canal. It can be used for psoriasis, diabetic condition, eczema. Rosemary contains beneficial flavonoids that eliminate inflammation and have an antiseptic effect.
- Calendula tincture is a remedy that has long been used in the treatment of sore ears. The healing plant contains substances necessary for healing. Calendula is a powerful natural antiseptic; its composition actively fights pathogenic fungi and infections. Alcohol-based calendula can be purchased at the pharmacy. The product is preheated in the palm of your hand or the bottle with the tincture is placed in warm water. Instill 1 drop of calendula 1-2 times a day for 3 days.
- Chamomile from the pharmacy is an effective remedy against itching in the ear. Alternatively, you can use string or celandine. The plant material is brewed, left under the lid for a couple of hours, and 1-2 drops are placed in the ear.
- You can rinse the ear canal with propolis tincture. Propolis is a powerful antiseptic that eliminates various pathogenic flora. You need to moisten a cotton ball with the substance and periodically wipe the ear canal with it. Propolis can be infused with alcohol. This remedy was used in ancient times in the treatment of otitis media.
- A solution of baking soda will stabilize the composition of the microflora in the ear. The product is widely used for fungus and thrush. You can also inject soda water into your ear. Take a couple of drops of boiled water in which soda is dissolved into a pipette and drop it into the ear.
- The garlic-onion mixture helps stop itching. Vegetables should be thoroughly chopped, squeezed out the juice, add olive oil and instill the resulting product into the ear, 1 drop at a time. A folk remedy helps kill pathogenic microflora in the ear canal, which causes itching.
- For psoriasis and the itching characteristic of this disease, calendula, nettle, and red clay are used. These components can be mixed or used separately. Rosemary oil helps relieve ear itching. It should be remembered that if there is a burning sensation in the ear, you need to wash your hair only with a gentle hypoallergenic shampoo. It is necessary that the cosmetic product does not irritate the skin and the inside of the ear. For psoriasis and ear itching, you can wash your hair by adding sea salt to the water. This medicinal component is good for getting rid of itching.
- An itchy ear can be a sign of diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood with special treatment for the disease. With diabetes, not only the ears can itch, but also the groin, limbs, back, stomach, and buttocks. If such scabies develops, you should take a blood sugar test. It is necessary to eliminate the metabolic disorder and then the itching in the ears will go away.
- Alcohol and vinegar must be diluted in equal parts. Take the solution into a pipette and drop a couple of drops into each ear. Leave for about 15 minutes, after which the product is allowed to flow out of the ear canal. Do not administer the product too often. You can also periodically wipe the ear canal with vinegar.
How to get rid of ear itching
When it is known what causes itching in the ears, and treatment should be entrusted to a doctor. He will suggest using ointments or drops, taking sedatives or antihistamines - when itching in the ears is caused by allergic reactions. What to do if the cause of the disease is internal in a person, serious diseases of the internal organs? First of all, it is necessary to establish a diagnosis and eliminate the disease.
Traditional medicine offers its own recipes to eliminate itching. However, before using folk remedies, it is better to consult with your doctor. He will tell you how to treat an inflamed ear.
At home to relieve itching and burning:
- Infusion of celandine. Pour 1 teaspoon of herb into a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Instill 3 drops in the morning and before bedtime. Helps with fungal diseases.
- Garlic oil. Infuse 2-3 cloves of garlic in 50 ml of boiled olive oil for 24 hours. Place 3 drops on a cotton swab and place in your ear overnight.
- Propolis. If you are not allergic to bee products, you can use tampons with propolis tincture. They are used for mechanical injuries of the ears or fungal diseases.
You can disinfect the ear canal in an itchy ear and get rid of redness using folk remedies:
- Hydrogen peroxide. Dissolve 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled water. Place 4 drops into each ear and rinse the auricle after 15 minutes.
- Apply 4% apple cider vinegar to the ear canal.
It is very useful to rinse the ear with chamomile decoction so that it flows out of the ear.
Why do ears itch and what if they flake?
A completely natural reason for itchy and flaky ears is the accumulation of wax. Sulfur plugs are formed due to various factors:
- Poor and incorrect hygiene of the ears (a cotton swab pushes sulfur masses inside);
- The tortuous structure of the auditory canal;
- Increased hair growth (it prevents the natural release of the plug);
- Frequent and prolonged wearing of headphones and hearing aids;
- Ingress of water (sulfur masses swell and cannot disappear on their own).
Symptoms of the formation of wax plugs:
- Feeling of stuffiness;
- Itching;
- Noise or ringing;
- Sensation of a foreign object;
- Pain syndrome.
Often the ear itches and hurts due to inflammation of the auricle - otitis media. It can be acute, chronic or purulent. Based on location, otitis externa, otitis media and internal are distinguished.
Swimmers often suffer from otitis externa. This is mechanical damage to the ear, as a result of which harmful microorganisms begin to develop inside the ear canal.
Inflammation of the middle ear occurs when fluid, often caused by colds, enters the cavity behind the eardrum. If treatment is not started on time, then acute purulent otitis media develops, and in advanced cases the patient runs the risk of experiencing internal otitis media. It can lead to partial or, unfortunately, complete hearing loss.
This disease is characterized by acute shooting pain, itching, purulent discharge and fever.
Another common reason why and why itching in the ear is fungal infections of the ears. Otomycosis has no specific symptoms and often accompanies otitis media. Microorganisms are constantly present on our body, but in case of decreased immunity, fungal elements actively grow and irritate the skin. Otomycosis can be recognized by the presence of white crusts inside the auricle. The infection can penetrate deep inside, causing increasing itching, noise and pain.
Allergic itching in the ears also occurs. This reaction is provoked by cosmetics, insect bites, synthetic materials, wearing headphones, and so on. The desire to scratch may not always appear, but only occasionally upon contact with an irritant. This dermatitis leads to thickening of the inner membranes of the ear and the appearance of a rash.
If your ears itch, there are causes that are not yet identified. Idiopathic dermatitis manifests itself in the form of burning and itching. Patients typically describe symptoms of all of the above diseases.
At the same time, the doctor, after conducting the entire range of tests, does not find confirmation of the diagnosis. In this case, a referral is given for treatment by a psychotherapist or neurologist.
In addition, itching appears due to dry skin, vitamin deficiency, mechanical damage or hormonal changes in the body, for example, during pregnancy.
Itching in the ear does not always signal the occurrence of some pathological process in the organ of hearing. A slight scratching sensation regularly occurs due to accumulations of wax and their natural movement along the surface of the ear canal. This sensation may intensify due to wetting of the masses as a result of moisture ingress.
These conditions are considered normal and do not require a visit to an otolaryngologist. You can eliminate the tickling itching in your ears by simply cleaning them with a cotton swab at the exit of the ear canal.
But there are also pathological reasons why there is itching in the ears and an unbearable desire to scratch inside. They have a specific combination of symptoms and require examination by a specialist.
If you have itchy ears, this could be a symptom of otitis media. Inflammations localized in the parts of the hearing organ, in addition to this symptom, are accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Burning;
- throbbing or pressing pain;
- weakening of hearing quality;
- congestion of the hearing organ;
- temperature rise.
An itchy inflammatory process can be caused not only by bacterial agents. A fungal infection can also lead to otitis media. Otomycosis, a striking symptom of which is itching in the ears, most often develops against the background of:
- Poor hygiene;
- chronic otitis;
- long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs;
- damage to the skin surface;
- infection with fungus through other people's headphones, earplugs and hearing aids.
Otomycosis is accompanied by abundant separation of flakes of keratinized skin from the ear canal, redness of the integument, which begins to itch. Like any fungal infection of the skin, this pathology requires timely treatment, since mycobacteria can penetrate deep into the auditory organ and disrupt its functionality.
Drug treatment for itchy ears
It should be noted that the correct thing to do in such a situation is to seek help from a specialist. Ear diseases fall under the competence of an otolaryngologist, so you have a direct path to him. The doctor will definitely examine your ear and also order you to take a blood test and a smear.
With the help of these tests, the specialist will find out the exact cause of constantly weeping and itchy ears. And only after all these manipulations will the necessary course of treatment be prescribed. So, let's look at what drugs help cope with the disease.
- If the otolaryngologist has diagnosed otomycosis, that is, an infectious disease of the outer ear caused by various fungi, then first of all, treatment will be carried out with antifungals - dermatological drugs. Naturally, all manipulations with the ear are carried out only after it has been completely cleaned. The most commonly prescribed medication is Candibiotic. These ear drops help eliminate itching and pain in a short time. As a rule, you need to drip a few drops at least twice a day.
- For otitis media, it is recommended to treat the ears with drops that contain an antibiotic. The doctor may prescribe "Tsiprinol" or "Tsipromed". The dosage of almost all ear drops is very similar, so these drops need to be instilled 1-2 times a day.
If itching is caused by allergic reactions, you should take Cetrin or Loratadine. Adults and children over 12 years old should take Cetrin 1 tablet per day. For children, the dosage will be half a tablet twice a day.
- If itching in the ears is accompanied by an increase in temperature, you should take something antipyretic. Ibuprofen may be a good option.
- Also, anti-inflammatory drops are almost always prescribed for ear diseases; they not only relieve inflammation, but also eliminate pain. Most often, an otolaryngologist prescribes Otipax.
It is worth remembering that self-medication is dangerous, so before using this or that drug you must consult a specialist who will select the right medicine for you. Do not forget that even the most harmless medications have contraindications, and you also need to take into account the individual characteristics of each organism.
Let's move on from drug treatment to folk remedies. It's no secret that most people are in no hurry to go to the doctors, and before the right moment comes, everyone self-medicates with folk remedies. Is this good or bad? Let's figure it out.
Treatment for itching inside the ear
Only an otolaryngologist can tell you how to get rid of itching in the ears after finding out the reasons for the appearance of the unpleasant symptom and the presence of concomitant signs of the disease. If your ear itches, it is strictly forbidden to scratch it, insert any objects into it, or inject medications into it. Such actions can provoke the appearance of microcracks, exacerbation of the pathological process and complicate its diagnosis.
Doctor performing ear examination
The choice of how to treat itching inside the ear depends primarily on the cause of the pathological symptom.
- Otitis requires adequate antibacterial therapy, which will help eliminate the symptoms of the disease and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. To get rid of the manifestations of the disease, patients suffering from otitis media are prescribed ear drops “Otofa”, “Anauran” and others. The dose of the drug for an adult and a child is different, so it should be prescribed individually and only after a thorough examination by a doctor. Currently, otolaryngologists in the treatment of otitis are increasingly using combination drugs containing hormonal and antibacterial components. Their action can be supplemented by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate hyperthermia and signs of the inflammatory process, as well as anesthetics that have an analgesic effect.
- Antifungal agents, in particular Amphotericin and Clotrimazole, will help overcome a fungal infection that causes severe itching in the ear. As an auxiliary therapy, patients are recommended to take vitamin complexes and dosage forms, the action of which is aimed at improving the immune response.
- If the itching is of an allergic nature, when the inside of the ear is very itchy, patients are advised to take general antihistamines, as well as ear hormonal drops, with which they can quickly eliminate the itching sensation, get rid of local edema and restore epithelial tissue.
Regardless of the reason why the ear itches, the patient is recommended to undergo a full range of studies, to exclude the presence of complex forms of metabolic disorders and systemic diseases in the body, as well as to strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with useful substances.
Prevention of itching inside and outside the ears
To prevent itching in the area of the external auditory canal and the surface of the ears, it is very important to provide them with the necessary care and take care of disease prevention:
- Keep your ears clean. Wash them regularly and clean the internal channels with a cotton swab twice a week.
- If you engage in water sports, use earplugs to prevent water from getting into your ear canals.
- When caring for your face, do not forget about your ears and apply moisturizer to them (but only to the outer part). If you go for a walk under the scorching sun, apply sunscreen to your ears.
- Never use foreign objects to clean your ears so that they do not get stuck in the ear canal (the exception is clean cotton wool).
- Do not self-medicate or put drops in your ears unless your doctor has prescribed them.
- Lead a healthy lifestyle and create for yourself a balanced diet filled with vitamins. Eat nuts, dairy products, marine fish, beans, and broccoli more often. Increase your immunity by hardening and physical exercise.
- Do not walk in sunny, frosty or windy weather without a hat to prevent damage to your ears. When running, cycling or riding a motorcycle, also wear ear protection (special headbands or headphones).
- Do not overuse headphones, which can not only rub your ears, but also cause hearing impairment. Do not turn on the music at maximum volume and do not forget to regularly wipe your headphones with an antiseptic, otherwise you will soon have to go to the ENT specialist with a complaint that your ear is itching and you have trouble hearing.