Evamenol nasal ointment

Interaction of Evamenol with other drugs

Evamenol ointment, according to the instructions for use, is intended for application to mucous membranes.
A small amount of the product is placed in each nasal passage and lightly distributed over the surface. You can also place turundas with ointment in the nose for 1 - 2 minutes. The frequency of use of Evamenol is up to two to three times a day. To date, according to the instructions for use of the ointment, no interaction of Evamenol with other medicinal substances has been observed. The drug can be combined with any nasal medications and oral forms.

To date, cases of overdose

was not observed.

Nasal ointment contains active ingredients - levomenthol and eucalyptus oil, taken in equal quantities (1 g per 100 g of the drug). Vaseline oil acts as an auxiliary ingredient providing the dosage form.

To date, cases of overdose of Evamenol ointment have not been observed. In case of accidental ingestion, intoxication may develop, to eliminate which you must seek medical help.

Evamenol ointment can be freely used in combination with other medicines (anti-cold, bactericidal, anti-allergic).

Data on cases of overdose of Evamenol ointment have not been recorded.

Evamenol nasal ointment

Evamentol for a runny nose helps correct some symptoms. The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. In the acute phase of rhinitis, separately from other drugs. In this situation, the body will try to cope with the disease itself, but nasal congestion has an adverse effect on the general condition of the person.
  2. As a remedy in combination with other drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

Evamenthol is less effective than vasoconstrictor drops. However, this ointment for a runny nose can be safely used by hypertensive patients or patients with glaucoma.

Evamenthol is recommended for use in cases where breathing through the nose is not completely blocked, but is complicated, as stated in many reviews from people.

Pregnant women suffering from a runny nose can use Evamenol. It is also effective for vasomotor rhinitis.

It contains natural ingredients that have a gentle effect on the nasal mucosa. According to the instructions for use, Evamenol ointment can be used even in the treatment of children and pregnant women. The drug eliminates nasal congestion and swelling, destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Its undoubted advantages are availability, low cost, ease of use at home.

March • February 24, 2020 • Diagnosis: Rhinitis, Doctor: Therapist

Not long ago I had a bad runny nose.

At first, vasoconstrictor drops were dripping, but then after 5 days you couldn’t use the drops, and that’s when the doctor advised me to try evamenol ointment, you can use it for 10 days when you have a runny nose.

Helped me very well. It's much easier to breathe with it. And what I like is that it is a completely safe composition.

ointment that helps with a runny nose

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Maria • November 15, 2020 • Diagnosis: Rhinitis, Doctor: Self-medication

Evamenol ointment really helps a lot. I used it when I had a runny nose, it helped in a few days (it took less than a week to cure). And now I use this ointment as a prophylaxis against all kinds of acute respiratory viral infections.

It used to be scary to ride the subway, as if you didn’t get into the car, everyone around you was sneezing and coughing. And now I don’t worry anymore, right before leaving the house, I apply this ointment directly to my nose. And what do you think, as long as I apply it like this, I don’t get sick at all.

The price is actually very affordable. I think anyone can afford it.

I did not notice

affordable price and noticeable effect

Denis • June 2, 2014 • Diagnosis: Runny nose, Doctor: Pediatrician

Our grandson Deniska doesn’t get sick often. Then he somehow started sniffling, his daughter brought him to my grandfather and me and asked him to go to the doctor’s appointment with him (she couldn’t get time off from work herself). His grandfather took him to see a local pediatrician. They returned with a note: “Dry heat on the nasal area, Evamenol ointment 3 times a day in the nose.”

pharmachologic effect

The properties of the ointment are determined by its constituent components:

  • Menthol reflexively irritates the exteroreceptors of nerve endings, thereby producing a distracting effect. Excellent for thinning mucus in the nose and fighting bacteria.
  • Eucalyptus oil has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Application of ointment to the mucous membranes of the nose and inhalation of its vapors have a beneficial effect on expectoration of mucus.

In addition to menthol and eucalyptus oil, the base of the product is Vaseline (98%), which provides the necessary consistency.

Operating principle

The main effect of the ointment is distracting, since the substances included in the composition stimulate sensitive receptors located in the mucous tissues of the nasal cavity. Such stimulation after application of the medicinal composition leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels in the nose, which is complemented by the local anesthetic effect provided by menthol.

In addition, eucalyptus oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and both active components are antiseptics.

"Evamenol" affects locally the focus of the inflammatory process:

  • reduces the inflammatory process;
  • reduces swelling of mucous tissues;
  • increases their nutrition;
  • improves blood supply to the area of ​​the pathological area, which accelerates healing and regeneration processes;
  • relieves minor capillary bleeding;
  • reduces pain due to local anesthetic effect;
  • has a disinfecting effect on mucous membranes, sanitizes the damaged layer of the epithelium, ridding it of dead cells and toxic substances.

A layer of ointment applied to the nasal mucosa is a barrier to the penetration of pathogens into the epithelium, this eliminates the risk of infection and prevents complications such as sinusitis and nasopharyngitis.

Menthol cools inflamed tissues, relieving the unpleasant symptoms of colds or allergic diseases: itching, burning, tickling, sneezing.

Medicinal properties

Evamenol has analgesic, distracting, anti-inflammatory and mild antiseptic effects, and does not dry out the mucous membranes. The ointment is allowed to be used for high blood pressure. The therapeutic effect of Evamenol against a runny nose is due to the properties of the active substances:

  • Levomenthol affects the nerve endings of the mucous membranes in the nasal passages. Stimulation of receptors, in turn, activates the release of biologically active substances, which are responsible for vascular permeability and are involved in the regulation of pain. Thanks to this, levomenthol has a local irritant, analgesic and antipruritic effect. After applying Evamenol to the mucous membranes, a feeling of cold, tingling, and slight burning occurs. In addition, L-menthol acts as an antiseptic, suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. After absorption, the substance is transformed in the liver and excreted in urine and bile.
  • Eucalyptus oil has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. As part of the Evamenol ointment, the oil stimulates the receptors of nasal tissues, improving the patency of the airways, and also suppresses inflammatory processes and has an antiseptic effect.

Evamenol is a combination drug that exhibits medicinal properties due to active components of natural origin. Each element provides the following actions.

  • Thanks to menthol, when applied to the mucous membranes, a reflex effect on the receptors occurs, a distracting and analgesic effect is noted. Excitation of nerve endings leads to increased local blood circulation, easier breathing in the nasal passages and upper respiratory tract, and thinning of mucus.
  • Eucalyptus-based oil is known for its antimicrobial, antiseptic, and antiviral properties. Essential compounds have a detrimental effect on many types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and are effective against Staphylococcus aureus, which causes the formation of chronic pathology. The substance reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, reduces inflammation, softens and moisturizes tissue.
  • Vaseline promotes uniform distribution of components on the surface of the nasal passages. The base provides maximum conditions for the therapeutic effect of the components, soothes irritated mucous membranes, prevents the adhesion of pathogenic microorganisms, clears mucus, and reduces the process of exudation.

The components act locally and practically do not penetrate the vascular wall. Therefore, the risk of systemic effects is practically eliminated. For the same reason, when using evamenol ointment, there are no cases of drug overdose. Given the absence of vascular reactions, the drug can be prescribed to people with heart and vascular diseases, as well as arrhythmias.

Evamenol ointment: instructions for use for a runny nose, price, review of analogues and reviews

It contains natural ingredients that have a gentle effect on the nasal mucosa. According to the instructions for use, Evamenol ointment can be used even in the treatment of children and pregnant women. The drug eliminates nasal congestion and swelling, destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Its undoubted advantages are availability, low cost, ease of use at home.

Description of the drug

Evamenol is included in the therapeutic regimens of patients diagnosed with upper respiratory tract diseases.

The ointment is intended for the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis (runny nose).

Otolaryngologists prefer to prescribe medications with ingredients of natural origin to adult and young patients. This is due to the frequent detection of drug-induced or drug-induced rhinitis in patients. The only reason for its development is frequent and long-term use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. If you use them for more than 7 days, then painful addiction occurs.

A person cannot breathe freely until he instills xylometazoline or naphazoline. Therefore, Evamenol ointment often becomes the first choice drug for both children and adults.

This remedy for the common cold has other benefits:

  • active ingredients do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not provoke the development of systemic adverse reactions;
  • pain and itching disappear immediately after applying the drug to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages;
  • unlike drops and sprays, the ointment does not dry out the mucous membranes, but moisturizes them, preventing the evaporation of moisture;
  • a gel-like product dissolves dry crusts that form in the nasal cavity;
  • with Evamenol you can prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms into the lower respiratory tract.

Despite the antiseptic properties of the product, otolaryngologists do not recommend using it for preventive purposes. First, it narrows the blood vessels located in the nose. In normal health conditions, this effect can cause discomfort.

Secondly, ointments glue the cilia of the epithelium, which prevent infectious agents from penetrating the respiratory tract. Evamenol is used only for the treatment of rhinitis, regardless of its etiology.

Pharmacological group and action

Evamenol nasal ointment is included in the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs for the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis. Its therapeutic effect is based on the properties of two active ingredients - levomenthol and eucalyptus oil. These herbal ingredients are included in many products that can relieve nasal congestion.

Evamenol, due to its anti-inflammatory and some antiseptic effects, helps improve the condition of the mucous membranes.

The ointment has the following medicinal properties:

  • distracting. After applying the product to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, it has a mild local anesthetic effect. Under the influence of levomenthol, the sensitivity of nerve endings increases. There is a feeling of coolness, and pain, burning and stinging disappear;
  • regenerating. Eucalyptus oil has a blood circulation stimulating effect. Nutrients and biologically active substances are supplied to tissues affected by inflammation. Metabolic processes accelerate, healing of damaged mucosa occurs much faster;
  • decongestant. The ointment ingredients prevent macrophages and leukocytes from penetrating into inflammatory foci. Thanks to this, infiltrate does not accumulate in the tissues, and swelling does not spread to healthy areas of the mucosa.

The pharmacological effect is also due to the properties of Vaseline, which is part of the drug. It evenly distributes active ingredients in tissues and promotes their optimal absorption.

Vaseline forms a durable shell on damaged areas. This becomes an excellent prevention of secondary bacterial infection - one of the causes of chronic, intractable runny nose.

Evamenol ointment exhibits antimicrobial and even weak antiviral effectiveness. It has a bacteriostatic effect, inhibiting the activity of staphylococci, streptococci, and enterococci. And eucalyptus oil inhibits pathogenic fungi that begin to grow rapidly when human immunity decreases.

Release form and composition

Evamenol ointment is a gel-like product with a yellowish tint and a pleasant smell of mint and eucalyptus. It is packaged 15 g in sealed aluminum tubes. The secondary packaging for the medicine is a cardboard box with instructions for use inside.

The composition of Evamenol ointment includes the following components:

  • levomenthol, obtained from peppermint;
  • essential eucalyptus oil;
  • medical Vaseline.

The drug is easily applied to the nasal mucosa, and its active ingredients quickly penetrate into inflammatory areas. It does not drain into the nasopharynx, which completely eliminates the spread of infection to the lower respiratory tract.

If the seal of the tube is not broken, the product can be stored for 24 months. Once the original packaging is opened, the shelf life is limited to 3 weeks. The optimal storage location is the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. At a temperature of 20°C there is a high probability of delamination and spoilage of the drug. How much does Evamenol ointment cost? The price in pharmacies varies from 90 to 120 rubles.

Instructions for use

Nasal ointment Evamenol exhibits antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic activity. Its ingredients inhibit the growth and reproduction of infectious pathogens, stopping inflammation.

But for respiratory pathologies of moderate and severe severity, the use of Evamenol alone is not enough. Powerful antiviral agents, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and immunomodulators are needed. Therefore, the ointment is combined with drugs for pathogenetic and etiotropic treatment.

Before using Evamenol, it is necessary to clear the nasal passages of mucous secretion. For this purpose, saline solutions in drops and sprays are used:

  • Morenasal;
  • Aqua Maris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Physiometer.

If such drugs are not at hand, then you can rinse your nose with infusions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, calendula, sage. To prepare them, pour a tablespoon of plant material into a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain the infusion and begin the treatment procedure.

Indications and contraindications

Evamenol ointment is used in the treatment of any form of runny nose that accompanies a cold. It is used as a means of symptomatic treatment for bronchitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, and tracheitis. The drug is also used in the complex therapy of drug-induced rhinitis.


The instructions for Evamenol ointment indicate contraindications for its use. An antiseptic is not prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis if hypersensitivity to its ingredients is detected. In pediatrics, it is used to treat runny nose only in children over 2 years of age. It is undesirable to use the drug in the presence of serious damage to the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

Directions for use and doses

Single and daily dosages, as well as the duration of treatment for acute and chronic rhinitis, are determined by the doctor. When self-medicating, you should strictly adhere to the attached instructions for use. The use of Evamenol ointment during pregnancy and lactation is possible only with the permission of a doctor. For this category of patients, an individual dosage regimen is established.

Before carrying out the treatment procedure, you should wash your hands with soap and dry them with a towel. A single dose of the drug for an adult is equal to 1 cm of strip squeezed out of the tube. For a child, this amount must be reduced by 2 times. The ointment is rubbed into the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with your finger 2-3 times a day. To distribute it evenly, you need to lightly massage the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose.

Side effects and special instructions

Levomenthol and eucalyptus essential oil are highly allergenic substances. In some cases, the use of ointment causes an allergic reaction. Clinically, it manifests itself in increased swelling of the mucous membrane, increasing intensity of itching and burning. It is necessary to rinse your nose with clean water and take a tablet of any antihistamine - Suprastin, Tavegil, Loratadine.

Be sure to be careful when using Evamenol ointment during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. During this period, powerful hormonal changes occur, and the body reacts in a unique way to any medications.


The closest analogues of Evamenol ointment are all products from the Pinosol and Vicks Active therapeutic line. Golden Star and Kim balms, Doctor Mom and Suprima Plus ointments are also used in the treatment of a runny nose. But they are not used intranasally, but are applied to the skin of the back, chest, and feet.

Mode of application

The ointment is intended for intranasal use, that is, for lubricating the mucous membranes in the nasal passages. The instructions for use recommend applying Evamenol 2-3 times a day after preliminary cleansing of the nose. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the condition, but, on average, you can get rid of a runny nose with the help of ointment in 5-10 days. If it has not helped during this time, then it is better to extend the course after consultation with the doctor.

A small amount of ointment

should be applied to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages 2 – 3 times a day.

The course of treatment is 5 – 10 days.

Release form and destination schemes

Evomenol is a nasal ointment of medium viscosity consistency. The color is yellow or light yellow with a specific smell of mint and eucalyptus.

Available in an orange glass jar with a volume of 20 g, closed with a polyethylene lid, or in aluminum tubes of 15 g. There is one unit of medicine in a cardboard box.

After opening, the ointment is stored until the expiration date indicated on the packaging and container. The temperature should not exceed 20°C.

The drug is applied to the nasal mucosa in a thin layer. The number of applications depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process, from 2 to 3-4 times a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is 5-10 days.

The ointment is applied with a finger or a cotton swab; first squeeze out a small amount from a tube or take it from a jar. Residues of the drug are removed with dry paper or a clean gauze napkin.

In clinical practice, cases of drug overdose have not been recorded.

The drug does not interact with pharmacological and homeopathic drugs, so it can be prescribed as part of complex treatment along with the following drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vasoconstrictors;
  • antihistamines;
  • hormonal;
  • hygiene products (solutions based on sea salt).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

There are no data on the risk of using ointment in pregnant women today. The use of the ointment is permissible in all trimesters of pregnancy, as soon as problems arise with nasal congestion or difficulty breathing. None of the components of Evamenol are able to penetrate the bloodstream, which means they cannot cross the placental barrier and harm the baby.

It is only known that dose adjustment or duration of treatment during pregnancy and lactation is not necessary.

Manufacturers do not indicate in the instructions whether Evamenol can be used during pregnancy, so the opinions of doctors and women themselves often differ. Some claim that the ointment is absolutely safe, others warn against use. The range of opinions is due to the fact that the drug contains active substances that are unsafe for expectant mothers, although they are given in very small quantities:

  • L-menthol is one of the components of menthol oil. It is often prohibited for use during pregnancy, as the substance can provoke uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage. During lactation, it suppresses milk production, and it can be used to treat children only after reaching 6 years of age.
  • Eucalyptus oil is also one of the substances that expectant mothers should not get carried away with. Taken orally in the early stages, it can cause miscarriage. Considered relatively safe for use from 4 months of pregnancy. Eucalyptus oil can be prescribed to children from 6 years of age.

Therefore, no matter how they say that Evamenol is safe for pregnant women, it is still better to play it safe and consult a gynecologist before use.

Precautionary measures

Avoid getting Evamenol on wound surfaces and in the eyes. In case of contact, rinse thoroughly with warm running water.

Before use, it is strongly recommended to check the patient’s tolerance to the components of the product. If there are even minor side effects, you should stop taking the drug.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription in pharmacies.

At first, after using Evamenol, symptoms of a runny nose may intensify.

If Evamenol is to be used for children, it is first recommended to consult a pediatrician about the need for its use.

Before the first use, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction - apply the ointment to the inside of the wrist and check the condition of the skin after 24 hours.

Age criterion for prescribing ointment

Before using the ointment, it is necessary to clean the nasal cavity from excess secretions. “Evamenol” should be applied to the mucous membrane, first placing the drug in the anterior part of the nose, and then, pressing the wings with your fingers, rubbing the medicine inside the nasal cavity. For one procedure, use a strip of ointment of about 5 mm - this amount is taken for each of the nasal passages.

You can apply the medicine with your finger, but when treating children it is more convenient to use a cotton swab or cotton swab. The frequency of nasal treatment is 2 or 3 times a day, and the duration of use of Evamenol can be from 5 to 10 days. Longer use requires consultation with a doctor.

Evamenol ointment is approved for use in children. The restriction applies to the age category of less than 24 months of life. This is due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a young child. There is increased permeability of the vascular wall in children and a high likelihood of developing allergic reactions. In some cases, spontaneous laryngospasms may occur when the substance flows into the nasopharynx.

The use of the drug is advisable for partially complicated breathing.

Ointment for a runny nose "Evamenol" must be applied to the mucous membranes of both nasal passages using a cotton swab or a fingertip. To prevent blocking of the ciliated epithelium and, as a consequence, to avoid difficulties in the release of mucus, the ointment should be applied to the edges of the mucous membranes, without pushing the liniment deep into the nose.

Excess can be easily removed with a napkin or cotton pad. It is recommended to carry out such applications three times a day for a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 days. Longer use of Evamenol ointment is prohibited, since if rhinitis does not go away within such a significant period, then its causes are serious and require other treatment.

Full description of the drug Evamenol

Dosage form : ointment
Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Local irritant with anti-inflammatory action.

Release form:

  • aluminum tubes of 15 mg;
  • aluminum tubes of 30 mg;


ž levomenthol - 1 g.

ž Eucalyptus oil - 1 gr.

ž Vaselindo 100 gr.

The ointment is light yellow in color with the smell of eucalyptus and menthol.

Pharmacological properties

A complex drug with a local irritant, anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to narrow the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa and also has an antiseptic effect. The pharmacological effect of the drug is caused by the properties of menthol and eucalyptus. Menthol causes a local irritant and anesthetic effect, acting on sensitive receptors of the mucous membranes. Eucalyptus exhibits a stimulating effect, providing an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Indications for use Evamenol

Acute and chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Directions for use and dosage:

Apply inside the nasal passages twice daily. The course of therapy is from 5 to 10 days.


  • high sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • Do not use in children under 2 years of age;
  • during pregnancy.

Be sure to pay attention to the body’s immunostatus and the manifestation of allergic reactions. If the body is susceptible to hypersensitivity, use the drug with caution.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible.

Incompatibility with other drugs:

Not found.

Storage conditions Evamenol

Storage at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C.

! Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. After the expiration date indicated on the packaging, do not use the drug.

Therapeutic actions and effects

The medicinal properties of the components of Evamentol ointment provide its therapeutic effects. The main effects are presented:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. local anesthetic;
  3. calming;
  4. softening;
  5. moisturizing;
  6. cleansing;
  7. antiseptic;
  8. antiviral;
  9. annoying;
  10. liquefying;
  11. vasoconstrictor.

In some cases, while using Evamenol ointment, unpleasant symptoms may occur that disappear after discontinuation of the drug. Adverse reactions are presented:

  • swelling;
  • lacrimation;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • bronchospasm;
  • increased mucus secretion.

Usually the symptoms are short-term and go away on their own after a short period of time.

If you follow the manufacturer's instructions, Evamenol is accepted by the body normally. Possible side effects manifest themselves as allergic reactions to the constituent components.

In young children, the use of a combination drug with menthol when administered intranasally can provoke collapse and respiratory failure (even stopping).


So, if you have a cold with all the accompanying symptoms, you can safely use “Evamenol” (ointment). Customer reviews indicate the effectiveness of the product: with it you can completely overcome a runny nose in a week.

Take care of your health! Pay attention to yourself even with minor ailments: it is better to cure a cold in the early stages, without leading to the development of complications that require complex long-term treatment. And Evamenol ointment will help with this!

Most of the reviews left by parents after using Evamenol are positive. They call the drug an effective remedy and praise it for its natural base, mild effect and affordable price. According to mothers, treatment with ointment quickly eliminates congestion and helps with a runny nose.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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