The meaning of the sign “the left ear itches”

Reasons why ears itch

Sudden itching may also be a sign of anaphylaxis (a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction to a food, chemical additive, or insect bite), which requires emergency medical attention. Itching can also be a sign of an ear infection, which can occur in people who frequently expose their ears to water (moisture remaining in the ear after swimming), allowing fungal growth.

Skin conditions (eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.) can cause significant scaling that can affect your ear canals. Sometimes, sensitivity to certain shampoos can contribute to itchy and irritated ear canals.

Why does the inside of my left ear itch?

When the inside of your ear begins to itch, take a close look at the people around you, especially those you don’t know well. It is believed that behind your back they are not just condemning you, but are plotting provocative actions against you, which can lead to serious losses at work. You may be put in an unfavorable light in front of your superiors, framed, or misappropriated for your achievements. Do not downplay the importance of intrigue, believing that the truth will win; in the world of competition for career advantages, an unprepared and naive person can lose.

Itching deep inside the ear canal warns of deception in family life; it is necessary to analyze the current situation and try to correct what may cause betrayal or breakup.

The most common thing that a sign can warn about is a quarrel or a loud scandal, during which unpleasant accusations will be made against you.

Another interpretation of the sign: you yourself will be the initiator of a scandal for various reasons.

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It could be:

  • Unfair assessment of work by the boss;
  • Misinterpreted information;
  • Careless work of employees;
  • Problematic situations in the family;
  • Unfounded accusations.

In these situations, it is better to restrain yourself and solve problems calmly, taking into account possible undesirable consequences.

If the inside of the left ear itches a lot, news of a relative’s illness may come.

Causes of itching of the inner ear

There are many reasons why you might get an itchy inner ear. Here are some of them: you are prone to fungal infections in other parts of the body, such as your legs or groin areas; you suffer from any other skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis; Swimming can also create excess moisture, which causes eczema; increased water in the air increases your chances of developing an infection; fungal infections thrive in warm, humid conditions; Regular use of products such as hairspray, shampoo, shower gel, bubble baths, styling gel or hair dyes. They can easily get inside the ear during bathing or showering and cause irritation, leading to itching.

Itchy ear canal is often the result of an inflamed or flaky skin condition that occurs when the sensitive skin inside the ear is damaged, waterlogged, or infected with bacteria or fungus. Along with an itchy sensation, symptoms may include dry, flaky skin, tenderness to the touch, general pain, and a watery discharge that has a distinctive odor.

How to avoid trouble?

Often the cause is not the evil eye at all, but rather certain diseases . Naturally, then you need to immediately visit a specialist. Perhaps it:

  • manifestations of otitis;
  • neurosis and related;
  • external and internal damage;
  • mechanical irritations;
  • accumulation of sulfur;
  • water, foreign body, insect caught in the auricle;
  • allergic reaction;
  • furuncle;
  • fungus, dermatitis;
  • diabetes.

Itching on the earlobes appears after an unsuccessful puncture, so it must be treated with alcohol or any antiseptic. When choosing earrings, pay attention to the material: it is better to choose precious metals.

But if you really seriously believe in omens, then to calm your conscience, try resorting to the following:

  1. Douse yourself or simply rinse your face and hands, touching the crown of your head to remove negativity. Water is a huge source of energy, cleanses and heals.
  2. Remember and sort through your memory all the people you know who are capable of slandering you. When it’s the culprit’s turn, the unpleasant sensations will stop.
  3. Wash yourself three times with holy water without wiping. Let it dry out on its own and carry away the infection. Some are helped by a simple village method - spells on a liquid that must be crossed three times and applied in the morning both externally and internally . Do it every day, without skipping.
  4. Read the prayer if you know.
  5. Be sure to spit over your left shoulder. It is there that the demon sits, whispering all sorts of nasty things and gossip.
  6. Wet your index finger with saliva and wipe your ear with it. Moisture will absorb harmful energy;
  7. Turn around yourself counterclockwise 360 ​​degrees, saying “Cheer me.” Bad things will pass by.

Signs accompany us in life, warn us about possible mistakes, and make us think about the future. Based on them, we make predictions about future events, albeit small ones. And let you have only good omens, and let the bad ones pass by.

Irritating itching of the inside of the ear

There is nothing more annoying and distracting than an itchy ear. Anyone who has ever suffered from this common illness knows how bad it can be when one feels a constant and intense itching in the ear. The only feeling of relief comes from scratching or probing with fingers or cotton swabs. While this provides temporary relief, it is actually one of the worst things you can do to solve an itchy ear. Luckily, there are many safe ways to make your ear canals free of this problem.


My left ear is very itchy

Acute or chronic infectious inflammation of the ear is manifested by itching, burning, pain and catarrhal syndrome, redness and swelling of the auricle. Pathogenic microbes usually penetrate into the tympanic cavity from the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube, into the outer ear from the external environment.

  1. Otitis externa is the mildest form of inflammation that affects the ear canal and pinna. Patients experience acute, throbbing or dull, pressing pain in the ear, touching the ears becomes painful, hearing weakens, ringing, itching and discomfort appear in the ears, and persistent low-grade fever is possible.
  2. Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear caused by dysfunction of the auditory tube and the accumulation of exudate in the tympanic cavity. The pathology is manifested by ear congestion, hearing loss, autophony, fever, throbbing pain moving to the temple area and the crown of the head, and general symptoms of intoxication. When purulent discharge appears, the pain decreases and the patient’s well-being improves.
  3. Inner ear inflammation or labyrinthitis is a disease whose main symptoms are hearing and balance problems. Vestibular changes are the first signs of pathology, manifested by dizziness, imbalance and loss of coordination of movements. A day after vestibular disorders, patients experience hearing loss, noise and itching in the ears, worsening when turning the head, pain in the ear, especially with sudden movements, and deafness.


Folk remedies to help get rid of itching in the ears:

  1. Place 1 drop of tea tree or almond oil into the itchy ear. These oils are good antifungal agents that eliminate discomfort in the ears.
  2. Salicylic alcohol relieves inflammation and has a bactericidal effect. First, the ear is washed with hydrogen peroxide, and then 3 drops of salicylic alcohol are instilled into each ear canal.
  3. If the cause of itching in the ears is otitis media, it is recommended to use calendula tincture. After hygiene procedures, 2 drops of calendula tincture are instilled into the ear daily. This folk remedy prevents the spread of infection and destroys germs.
  4. Green walnuts are infused with vodka and used for medicinal purposes.
  5. An alcohol tincture of propolis is used to wipe the ear from the outside and inside when itching.
  6. If itching in the ears is a symptom of psoriasis, use an ointment prepared from birch tar, honey and egg white.
  7. If there is a boil in the ear canal, a mixture prepared from raw eggs, honey, salt and flour is applied to it. The baked onion is chopped and mixed with laundry soap, then applied to the chiriy, and secured with a bandage on top. A compress is placed on the tumor with finely chopped garlic.

Sign by day of the week

You can determine why your left ear is itching by the day of the week when the ear itched.

If your left ear itches on Monday, wait for news. You will soon learn very important information that will affect the current state of your affairs.

On Tuesday my left ear itches before a meeting. It is important at what time of day the itching began. Before noon - the meeting will be with a person of the same sex as you. Afternoon - get ready for a romantic date or a chance meeting with your future lover. If your ear itches in the evening, then, unfortunately, the meeting will turn into a quarrel or resentment.

On Wednesday, the left ear itches for disagreements and conflicts. You have envious people and ill-wishers who are plotting and discussing you behind your back.

On Thursday, an itchy left ear portends fun. It will be a fun party or relaxation with friends.

On Friday - fate will give you a chance that can change your whole life. If you are going on a date today, then your chosen one may soon become your husband or, conversely, your relationship will soon end.

On Saturday, the ear itches means trouble. You should also not lend money - you risk never seeing your money again, since the loan will not be returned to you.

But if it itches on Sunday, then, on the contrary, the sign promises you cash income. It is possible that you will receive a bonus or salary increase. Profit can also come from unexpected quarters.

Associated symptoms

  1. Itching and pain in the ears are symptoms of a pathology that requires immediate medical attention. Pain during otitis media can be minor or very strong, preventing you from sleeping and working peacefully. The pain is accompanied by other unpleasant sensations in the ears: congestion, noise, itching, ringing, temporary hearing loss, fever and intoxication. The pain intensifies when the auricle is pulled back or the tragus is pressed. During an otoscopy, an ENT doctor discovers a liquid secretion in the ear canal, skin hyperemia, and swelling of the walls, which does not allow the tympanic septum to be seen.
  2. Itchy ears and sore throat are often combined with a sore throat. Discomfort in the ears is accompanied by similar sensations in the throat. After effective treatment of sore throat, these unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  3. Itching in the ears and the appearance of discharge are signs of fungal inflammation of the ear. Patients experience itching and noise in the ear, hearing loss, pain, and a cheesy discharge. In acute otitis media, the discharge is purulent. The disease develops when an infection spreads from existing foci in the body and is manifested by fever, swelling and pus discharge from the ear.
  4. Itching and flaking in the ears are symptoms of dermatitis that occurs due to allergies or vitamin deficiency. Irritated skin peels off and severe itching appears.
  5. A furuncle is a purulent limited inflammation of the hair follicle caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Patients have hearing loss, they are tormented by itching and pain. Visually, the boil is a reddened tubercle with a yellow dot in the center.

If the ear is very itchy, and the itching persists against the background of new symptoms of ear pathology, it must be treated urgently, otherwise permanent hearing impairment may occur.


An otolaryngologist will help you get rid of itching in your ears. After examining the patient, he will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe adequate therapy.

Do not scratch itchy ears. This can lead to microtraumas on the skin, infection and deterioration of the general condition.

  • For otitis media, patients are prescribed ear drops containing the antibiotic “Tsipromed”, “Anauran”, “Otofa”. Fever and severe intoxication are indications for the use of antibiotics orally. For sluggish, recurrent otitis, patients are prescribed immunostimulating drugs: tablets “Amiksin”, “Levomax”, rectal suppositories “Viferon”, “Polyoxidonium”.
  • Currently, for the treatment of acute otitis, specialists choose local preparations - combined ear drops containing an antibiotic and a glucocorticosteroid. The most popular among them: “Polydex”, “Sofradex”, “Garazon”.
  • Drops with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect containing NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs): “Otipax”, “Otinum”. They reduce pain and inflammation and have a local anesthetic effect.
  • When the temperature rises and signs of intoxication appear, patients are prescribed antipyretics based on paracetamol or ibuprofen, drinking plenty of fluids, and bed rest.
  • Otomycosis is treated with local antimycotic agents - drops in the ears “Clotrimazole”, “Candibiotic”. Drops should be instilled into a clean ear after removing wax and purulent discharge. The ears are also washed with antifungal solutions: Nystatin, Amphotericin, Clotrimazole. Patients are advised to take restoratives and vitamins.
  • In case of allergies, it is recommended to eliminate the provoking factor and prescribe oral antihistamines: Loratadine, Cetrin, Suprastin.
  • To treat psoriasis, ointments based on tar, oil, grease, as well as keratolytic and corticosteroid drugs are used.
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