Treatment options for itchy throat and cough

The article was checked by an otolaryngologist

Natalya Aleksandrovna Naumova, Medis Clinic

Many factors contribute to the drying out of the throat mucosa and the formation of a crust of mucus. The body seeks to get rid of solid formations by coughing. In their place, small wounds appear, which, when healing, cause mild itching.

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The main causes of the pathological condition

What to do in this situation? Make an appointment with an otolaryngologist and strictly follow his recommendations. After all, a sore throat can be a consequence of:

  • viral or bacterial infection;
  • manifestations of an allergic reaction;
  • pathological lesion of the nasopharynx;
  • development of a benign or malignant neoplasm;
  • occupational disease of the pharynx as a result of work activity.

Often an itchy throat is caused by reasons related to lifestyle and the state of the environment. This:

  • heat, in which the air warms up to the highest possible levels;
  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed;
  • low air humidity;
  • presence of bad habits.

In rare cases, a sore throat can be a harbinger of more serious diseases associated with the pathological state of the excretory system, musculoskeletal system, and endocrine system.

Other factors

Why does a person have a dry cough and an itchy throat from the inside? In addition to allergies and ENT diseases, the reasons may be:

Visit to an ENT doctor

  1. Nicotine resins. To get rid of a cough, you will have to stop smoking and try to stay away from places where smokers gather.
  2. Bad ecology. The only way to get rid of a cough in such a situation is to move to another place that is less polluted.
  3. Harmful working conditions, for example in a chemical plant. The only way out is to change jobs.
  4. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Accompanied by the appearance of pain and itching in the throat in the morning. Treatment is prescribed individually by a gastroenterologist. A prerequisite for recovery is diet.
  5. Diabetes. A high concentration of sugar in the patient’s blood leads to dryness of the mucous membranes.
  6. Thyroid disease.
  7. Osteochondrosis of the neck. It is accompanied not only by itching, but also by numbness of the throat.

If a person has an itchy throat and cough, without any other unpleasant symptoms, then for treatment you can use recipes from traditional medicine. If, in addition to the cough and itching in the throat, something else is bothering you, or if the cough and itching does not go away within a couple of days, then you will have to contact a professional. The doctor will conduct a diagnosis, explain why the cough is tormenting and how it should be treated. Timely treatment of diseases will avoid the development of serious pathologies.

Symptoms accompanying an itchy throat

Sore throat can be a symptom indicating an inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature of origin.


The most common disease is the common cold. The inside of the throat is covered with villi, which act as a barrier against infection. Their task is to prevent the spread of viruses or bacteria throughout the body.

When they fail to localize viruses or bacteria, the villi are destroyed. This is how a cold sets in - the most likely cause of itching.

Along with a sore throat, the following may indicate an approaching cold:

  • weakness throughout the body, aches, reluctance to work and fatigue;
  • spread of discomfort throughout the entire nasopharynx;
  • increased irritability gives way to complete indifference;
  • impaired concentration and loss of attention.

In a child, irritation of the throat mucosa may occur against the background of a lack of appetite, decreased activity and the appearance of pale skin. Infants refuse milk and are always in a state of drowsiness.

In another situation, heavy nasal discharge may also be accompanied by a sore throat. Mucus, passing along the back wall of the nasopharynx, causes irritation, and therefore a cough. If this problem is not addressed in time, the infection will enter the lower respiratory tract.

Infectious diseases

Pain during swallowing indicates the onset of a sore throat. If you ignore this condition, the disease can enter an acute form, in which the tonsils enlarge and the body temperature rises sharply.

The rapid development of a bacterial infection leads to purulent sore throat, persistent fever and enlarged lymph nodes. In this condition, there is a direct path to the infectious diseases department, where a two-week course of treatment will negatively affect the family budget.

An itchy throat also accompanies complications that arise after an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection - respiratory diseases in the form of tracheitis or bronchitis. A persistent cough, rhinitis, hoarseness of voice are common causes of a burning sensation in the throat.

Whooping cough can also cause a bacterial infection in the throat. Along with itching, there are attacks of severe coughing, sometimes of a suffocating nature. At the same time, strong compression in the chest is noted. The condition is aggravated by the lack of an effective medicine to relieve spasmodic cough.


If there is no inflammatory process, then a sore throat is caused by damage to the nerve endings passing through the throat. In this case, numbness of the tongue, pain radiating to the ear, and problems swallowing food are observed. Pharyngeal neurosis is often a symptom of diseases such as brain tumors, central nervous system lesions, and syphilis.

People suffering from allergies often complain of a sore throat. At the same time it itches in the ears, eyes, nose.

The following allergens have been identified:

  • pet hair containing particles of pet saliva;
  • plant pollen during the flowering season;
  • honey and other bee products;
  • tobacco smoke or irritants from household chemicals;
  • some food products.

To determine why your throat itches, you need to analyze the past few days. If you got caught in the rain, got your feet wet, or were in a draft, then you have a cold. If there was an unexpected contact with an animal or new detergents, or perhaps a period of rapid flowering of plants began, then the cause of the irritated throat was an allergy.

Thyroid diseases

Another non-inflammatory symptom that causes an itchy throat is a problem with the thyroid gland. The first sign of the disease is a small nodule that appears in the lower part of the neck. In this case, additional symptoms are observed:

  • swelling of the throat, interfering with free breathing;
  • enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • pain when swallowing food;
  • hoarseness of the vocal cords, change in voice pitch;
  • dyspnea;
  • burning sensation in the throat.

These symptoms can last for several months and only get worse.

Itchy throat

When a person has an itchy throat, he often does not pay much attention to this problem. As a result, after a couple of days he gets a lot of complications. But this is a signal transmitted to it by the body, which clearly indicates existing problems.

If your throat itches, then first of all you should understand the root causes. Cope with them before they become chronic and possibly last a lifetime.

Why does my throat itch?

This is the question that every inhabitant of the planet asks once or twice a year. For some, this signal becomes a direct guide to action, and for others, a symptom that influences the further development of the disease. Why the throat itches, in this particular case, can be answered by an otolaryngologist. But, by nature, people are such that they will visit a doctor only in advanced cases, when treatment will need to be carried out with radical methods. To avoid this, you should find out the cause and treat the original source.

Reasons why your throat itches.

  • Colds - in addition to a slight itch in the throat, you may experience soreness, expectoration and mucus discharge from the nose.
  • Sore throat and its consequences - there may still be no pustules on the throat, but only slight redness and a white coating on the tongue. In case of untreated sore throat, when the fever and other symptoms have already passed, the throat itches due to the fact that the viral infection has not yet been completely destroyed. In this case, a full course of antibiotic treatment should not be neglected.
  • Tonsillitis and its chronic forms . Often untreated sore throats develop into tonsillitis. The patient's throat itches, white balls appear on the palate, which, unlike purulent sore throat, cannot be rinsed out. You can get rid of them only with a medical spatula and long rinses. Over time, if tonsillitis is not cured, it can become chronic. In this case, even 10-time sessions of washing the cannula will not bring the desired effect. You can only get rid of suppurated tonsils by a radical method - removal.
  • Chronic pharyngitis. The only symptom that overcomes the patient is soreness. In some cases, the throat itches. Rinsing and inhalation will help. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with vitamin complexes and hardening.
  • Presence of irritants. Often, the causes of periodic itching in the throat are allergic reactions to cigarettes, alcohol, spicy and pickled foods, and external irritants.
  • Allergic reactions. The throat itches, the larynx swells, rashes appear on the dermis, the eyes water and a runny nose appears due to seasonal or food allergies.
  • Internal diseases. Quite often the throat itches due to diseases of the excretory systems, thyroid gland, nervous system, diseases of the spine or cervical region.

Why your throat itches cannot be said unequivocally and categorically. This issue must be dealt with by a specialist who can prescribe the correct treatment.

Throat itches inside

When your throat itches inside, you should first think about allergic reactions. This symptom is one of the signs of seasonal and food allergies. If a person knows what he is allergic to, it is worth preventing contact with the allergen.

A non-specific sign that the inside of the throat is itching is the ingress of foreign bodies or the feeling that an object is in the throat. Pharyngopathy occurs in 1% of the world's population. In this case, there is no need to worry, since contacting a neurologist or endocrinologist can solve this problem.

Throat itches and hurts

Under no circumstances should you ignore the fact that your throat itches and hurts. This symptom is the first sign of a sore throat and can severely affect the throat. In addition to visiting a specialist, you should never neglect self-treatment. Rinsing, inhalations, sucking tablets, etc. will help moderate the pain. At the same time, it is necessary to cure the root cause of this condition. Sometimes, this is observed as a result of a small wound on the pharynx caused by a foreign object entering the throat.

Why does my throat itch?

Itchy throat and cough

A cold is evident when the throat itches and coughs. Going to a therapist is the first thing to do. Depending on the symptoms of the disease, treatment will be prescribed. If there is insufficient attention to this manifestation of the body, one can easily “earn” complications of the lungs.

Dry cough, itchy throat

A common cold, which was not paid attention to at the time, can quickly cause a dry cough, lead to an itchy throat, chills, fever, weakened immunity, and as a result a viral disease manifests itself.

Itchy throat is not without reason. Everything possible must be done to prevent the spread of the disease in its early stages. Despite the fact that this may be a simple cold, the possibility that these are the first symptoms of a disease of the internal organs cannot be dismissed. Correct and timely prevention of the development of various symptoms will help avoid many diseases and maintain health.>

Treatment of diseases with medications

If you feel that your throat is itching without any obvious signs of a specific disease, then it is important to consult a specialist to determine the further course of action and course of treatment.

Diseases of viral origin require the use of immunostimulating drugs, such as:

A drugPhotoPrice
Arbidol ArbidolFrom 234 rub.
Anaferon AnaferonFrom 204 rub.
Grippferon GrippferonFrom 265 rub.
Amizon AmizonFrom 402 rub.

They relieve symptoms and alleviate the condition. To reduce a sore throat, take Faringosept or Hexoral, while irrigating the throat mucosa:

A drugPhotoPrice
Ambassador AmbassadorFrom 132 rub.
Ingalipt IngaliptFrom 86 rub.
Kameton KametonFrom 43 rub.

New generation drugs in aerosol packaging help well:

A drugPhotoPrice
Tantum verde Tantum verdeFrom 279 rub.
Orasept Oracept sprayFrom 254 rub.
IRS-19 IRS-19From 498 rub.

If the throat is red, gargling with Chlorophyllipt or Rotokan is used as an aid.

For allergic reactions, antihistamines are prescribed:

A drugPhotoPrice
Loratadine LoratadineFrom 35 rub.
Suprastin SuprastinFrom 132 rub.
Zovirax ZoviraxFrom 191 rub.
Tavegil TavegilFrom 157 rub.

Bacterial infections are treated by highly specialized specialists, and antibiotics are prescribed to localize them.

If you have any suspicions about inflammation of the thyroid gland, you should immediately visit a doctor, and under no circumstances self-medicate.

Throat itches from the inside: what to do? Main causes and treatment

An unpleasant condition in which itching in the larynx or cough occurs, causes discomfort and a feeling of concern about one’s health.

If your throat itches, you first need to establish the causes, and only then begin treatment.

Provoking diseases sometimes affect not only the respiratory system. When making a diagnosis, the duration of attacks and accompanying symptoms are observed.

Traditional therapy

Methods and methods of traditional medicine apply to diseases of viral or bacterial etiology.

If you have a cold, then the main thing is to give yourself a rest for one or two days, while observing bed rest. During this time, drink as much fluid as possible.

Water washes away pathogenic bacteria from the mucous membrane and also helps remove toxins from the body. The amount of liquid should be at least two liters. This includes regular and herbal teas, fruit drinks, sugar-free juices, and still mineral water. The drink should be warm and not irritate the throat mucosa.

Colds can be cured well by exposure to heat - metabolism is accelerated and the immune system is stimulated. Warming up can be carried out using various methods.


For the procedure, use a bag of warm salt or a cloth soaked in a solution of Dimexide with water. The compress is applied at night.


The oldest and most proven way to warm your throat is to breathe hot steam over boiled jacket potatoes. Currently, various herbal infusions or special pharmaceutical mixtures are used for inhalation.

Hot liquid is poured into a teapot and the vapor is inhaled through the spout. Or they use special devices - nebulizers. The medicinal liquid is poured into the existing tank and its vapor is inhaled for fifteen minutes. For inhalation use herbal decoctions:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;
  • or replace decoctions with essential oils.

This procedure moisturizes the mucous membrane of the throat, reduces soreness, and eliminates harmful bacteria.


In this case, alcohol tinctures of plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used. You need to apply a small amount of liquid to the throat and rub it in with soft circular movements, then cover with a warm cotton or woolen cloth.


As a result of this procedure, the sore throat will have direct contact with the healing fluid, which is the most effective process.

Rinse solutions are made from:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • baking soda;
  • eucalyptus extract;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula, etc.

You can use ready-made pharmaceutical mixtures.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the use of honey. This beekeeping product is used for rubbing, honey is included in the solution for a compress, or it is used in its pure form in small portions.

To stimulate the immune system, it is recommended to drink tea with raspberries, lemon, warm water with honey, and freshly squeezed fruit drinks.

How to treat: drug treatment

Not knowing why a specific symptom manifests itself, they wait for the correct diagnosis. After its diagnosis, doctors prescribe therapy.

For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed, most often penicillins (Amoxicillin, etc.) and cephalosporins (Cefixime). [ads-pc-1][ads-mob-1] For a viral infection, use drugs containing acids. They destroy the virus. Paracetamol is often used as the basis. Arbidol, Amiksin or Acyclovir are also prescribed.

If there is a lack of iodine, it is recommended to take iodine-containing capsules with milk.

For stomach problems, when heartburn occurs (especially at night), endocrinologists prescribe treatment with antibiotics and acidity blockers.

For colds, it is recommended to irrigate the larynx with Ingalipt, Orasept, Chlorophyllipt.

If there is pain and redness, lozenges are effective: Septefril, Septolete, Hexoral.

Frequent rinsing and avoiding stress on the ligaments are also helpful. This is also effective for nervous disorders that provoke throat itching and spasms.

For allergies, it is recommended to use Loratadine, for a rapidly developing reaction - Suprastin.

Preventive measures

Throat diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. If you follow simple rules, the risk of throat damage can be reduced to zero.

In the cold season, wear warm clothes and cover your head with a hat. In case of strong wind, wrap your throat with a scarf. In rainy weather, try not to get your feet wet.

Make periodic visits to a therapist to promptly identify health problems. After examination, the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating or immunomodulating drugs.

People prone to allergies should start taking antihistamines before the acute period begins. To prevent allergens from accumulating in the room, carry out wet cleaning and ventilate the room.

For patients with gastrointestinal problems, adhere to a dietary diet.

Why itchy throat and cough: reasons

Situations when the throat tickles and you want to cough and breathe harder are often associated with the onset of a cold. But it is not always the cause.

In healthy people

this condition occurs in response to too dry air: at the height of the heating season, on a hot summer day. Lack of air humidity leads to the formation of dry crusts in the nasopharynx, which causes itching and a desire to cough.

The problem can be solved by purchasing and installing a humidifier or placing homemade flowers in the room; you can also hang wet laundry on radiators for drying.

But if the attacks continue constantly, contact a therapist or otolaryngologist. Doctors name the following factors as the causes of itching and cough:

The attacks are both systematic and one-time in nature. For example, if a person chokes and a particle of food has already come out, but damage to the mucous membrane remains, dryness and cough may remain for several days.

Also a common cause is other injuries to the peripharyngeal ring: when swallowing a probe, after a gag reflex.

But while an adult can describe the sensations that arise during tickling and dryness, children often find it difficult to describe how they feel.

Itchy throat and cough treatment

Some unpleasant symptoms of various diseases cause frustration due to the fact that it is impossible to get rid of them quickly. Many people are interested in what to do if the throat itches from the inside and the cough greatly interferes with normal life. The tickle is especially painful, because the incessant itching cannot be stopped. Before you take steps to eliminate the problem, you need to truly establish its root cause. But only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and he also prescribes the correct treatment.

Treatment rules

Any itchy throat and cough caused by it should be treated immediately.

When a tickling sensation is felt in the throat for a long time, this indicates that the body is weakened and it is necessary to take a number of measures to strengthen it.

But we must start with the disease that causes these symptoms. Before treating them, the doctor must determine the underlying cause. Traditionally, medications and procedures are prescribed to relieve these unpleasant manifestations.

Tablets and lozenges

When a patient is plagued by a dry cough and an itchy throat, the most convenient dosage forms are prescribed that can help get rid of the unpleasant signs of the disease in a short time. These are lollipops, lozenges or tablets. The following are recognized as effective cough medicines:

  1. Preparations containing anesthetics, menthol, essential oils. They help reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings located in the throat (Grammidin, Decatylene, Septolete, Septefril, Faringosept). Thanks to this action, the mucous membrane stops itching, itching, burning and the feeling of dryness disappear.
  2. To eliminate the bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed (Amoxicillin, Cefixime).
  3. Antiviral agents intended to eliminate itching (Anaferon, Arbidol, Acyclovir).
  4. Antihistamines that relieve symptoms of an allergic reaction (Diazolin, Zyrtec, Loratadine, Suprastin).
  5. Vitamins to restore immunity.

If your throat itches, the best remedy for sore throat will be the usual steam treatments. But it is more effective to use a nebulizer - a device that sprays medicinal liquid into tiny particles, thanks to which they quickly reach the mucous membrane and instantly begin to act.

Use regular saline solution, mineral water, herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile, sage). Essential oils are also used (peppermint, peach, pine, sage, eucalyptus). Procedures lasting 15 minutes moisturize the mucous membrane, stop itching, and stop the spread of pathogenic microbes.


Rinsing helps remove infection, relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. Frequency: every 4 hours. They use pharmaceutical solutions (Hexoral, Miramistin, Rotokan, Stopangin, Tantum Verde, Chlorophyllipt, Furacilin) ​​and decoctions, homemade infusions of aloe, immortelle, oak bark, calendula, chamomile or eucalyptus.

In addition to rinsing, sprays are used for treatment to quickly cope with disturbing symptoms and stop painful sensations in the throat. The most effective are Bioparox, Hexoral, Yox, Stopangin, Strepsils, Tantum Verde.


Physiotherapeutic procedures prescribed depending on the patient’s condition can be auxiliary methods in the war against cough and tickle.

  1. UHF (ultra high frequencies). A special device, generating an electromagnetic field of certain frequencies, promotes the expansion of capillaries, significantly increasing their permeability. Thanks to this action, tissue metabolism improves, blood circulation is stimulated, throat swelling disappears, the activity of pathological microflora is inhibited, and the cough goes away.
  2. Electrophoresis. A current is passed through the medicinal solution, after which its ions freely penetrate into the mucous membrane of the throat and accumulate there. In addition to the local therapeutic effect, they also have a general effect, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
  3. Quartzization is the destruction of harmful microbes using ultraviolet light. As a result of such irradiation, pain goes away, inflammation decreases, and the possibility of complications is minimized.
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