What vasodilator nasal drops are there?
Properties of the drugs During the cold season and in the off-season, colds and rhinitis are quite
Sore throat during pregnancy: symptoms and treatment
General symptoms of tonsillitis We are all accustomed to the fact that developing tonsillitis, as in medical
Woman sneezes
Colds during pregnancy: symptoms, treatment, consequences
Waiting for a baby is the happiest period for an expectant mother. It is very important that he
Treatment of colds during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
The article was checked by otolaryngologist Natalya Aleksandrovna Naumova, Medis clinic. There are a number of colds,
Nazivin for children up to 1 year during pregnancy is it possible
Why is the drug dangerous? As you already know, the instructions forbid taking the drug “Nazivin” during pregnancy.
Sinusitis during pregnancy: how to treat it
Features of the disease Depending on the severity of sinusitis during pregnancy, the disease comes in two forms:
dry cough
Pectusin properties and contraindications
Pertussin and Pectusin Pertussin and Pectusin are medications that are prescribed to get rid of
Is bronchopneumonia contagious or not?
Contagious forms of pneumonia and their characteristics
Pneumonia - definition of the disease and pathogens, whether the disease is contagious to others Pneumonia, or inflammation
Desrinit spray
Desrinitis - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and dosage forms of nasal spray, nasal drops of a medicinal product for the treatment of runny nose, sinusitis, polyps or adenoids in adults
Release forms, description and composition Dezrinit is a nasal spray, which is available in
Is it possible to rinse your mouth with furatsilin during pregnancy?
Can Furacilin be used during pregnancy?
Furacilin is a drug whose name is familiar from childhood. International name: Nitrofural. This is the main one