Cough in the evening: what are the reasons for its development?

Causes of evening cough

Let's consider the question why does the cough get worse in the evening? The reasons are most often associated with factors that cause allergies:

  • flowers;
  • washing powder;
  • fungus;
  • allergy to animals (fur).

It can also occur for other reasons:

  1. When a person is in a horizontal position, blood circulation in the lungs worsens, and mucus acts as a blocker, closing the bronchial passages.
  2. When to treat with expectorant medications.
  3. Dry air, unsanitary conditions.
  4. Chemicals that accumulate in the respiratory system.
  5. In the evenings it can appear due to dry air in the apartment, so you need to frequently ventilate the room and also humidify it using a container of water.

You can, of course, turn to a more modern method of humidifying rooms by purchasing an air humidifier, but it is considered dangerous because it accumulates pathogenic organisms. So, you can provoke an increased number of attacks. As can be seen from the above, the reasons for the appearance of a cough in the evening can be of different nature, so the first thing you need to do is go to an appointment at the clinic, and not wait until your health condition worsens.

Types of evening dry cough

A dry cough that occurs in the evening can be classified according to various symptoms and manifestations:

  1. The presence or absence of sputum, their quantity, if any.
  2. The position of a person in which a cough begins to bother him in the evening - he is sitting, lying on his back, on his side, or actively moving.
  3. The time of day at which coughing begins to bother you is exclusively in the evenings, or also in the morning or daytime.
  4. Additional symptoms that may accompany a cough are most often vomiting, which is caused by very strong and prolonged coughing attacks or overeating.

Thus, a reflex act that occurs in the evenings may be accompanied by intense sputum production, be dry, and cause a gag reflex. In this case, much will depend on the presence or absence of blood or pus in the sputum.

To effectively treat dry cough in the evenings, it is very important to first accurately determine its cause. Diseases such as sinusitis, rhinitis, pleurisy, bronchitis must be treated under medical supervision. Both medications and folk remedies are used, but all prescriptions are made only by a doctor.

If you are prone to chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi, blood vessels or heart, it makes sense to think about prevention, reconsider your lifestyle, give up some habits and constantly monitor the condition of your body.

Evening cough in children and adults

In adults and children, coughing in the evening appears as a reflex due to which phlegm is removed from the body.

In adults, this phenomenon may increase in the evening with prolonged illnesses or improper treatment, when the disease was not treated correctly, as well as with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It is impossible to determine the cause on your own, so it is better to contact a specialist for help. Let's look at the reasons why an adult coughs in the evening:

  • Diseases of a protracted nature (pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura). For these reasons, a child also develops an evening cough.
  • When in addition there is bloody discharge, then most likely this diagnosis indicates tuberculosis or heart problems.
  • Smoking.

It is simply impossible to list all the probable preconditions. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should go to a doctor who will conduct an examination, tell you what tests you need to take, and conduct examinations.

Increased or new symptoms


Coughing is a reflex response associated with the need to clear mucus from the bronchi, lungs or throat. You cannot treat only the symptom without eliminating its cause. An evening cough almost always seems more debilitating than during the day. The reason for this may be simple - fatigue and activation of the vagal system at this time of day.

The cough reflex is born from receptors that belong to the trigeminal, vagus, glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves. They transmit signals to the cough center of the brain stem, from where they travel to the laryngeal and recurrent nerves, as well as the nerve roots of the first and fourth cervical vertebrae. The complex system of receiving and transmitting the reflex response is sometimes activated without directly affecting the receptors in the nose or throat. Therefore, a cough in the evening can be caused by frequent and long conversations, laughing, chewing, which is associated with tension in the muscles through which the cranial nerves pass. The causes of coughing and sore throat are sometimes due to displacement of the cervical vertebrae.

A cough that appears suddenly indicates dangerous conditions in an adult:

  • with simultaneous increased breathing and impaired consciousness, pneumonia should be suspected;
  • breathing problems and chest pain indicate cardiac pathologies;
  • blood in the sputum is characteristic of pulmonary embolism.

A dry cough in the evening against the background of false or true croup is complicated by whistling when inhaling, spasms and a gag reflex. In children, this condition is complicated by swelling of the vocal cords and increases the risk of choking.

External and internal reasons can cause an increase in cough symptoms in the evening:

  • inhalation of cigarette smoke, aerosols, dust particles;
  • rhinitis and sinusitis cause postnasal drip and throat irritation;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis;
  • heart disease with the development of heart failure.

Most often, a chronic symptom that worsens in the evening is caused by postnasal drip, acid reflux and bronchial asthma. In people who smoke, there is stagnation of phlegm in the bronchi and lungs due to decreased blood flow in the evening. With a decrease in the pumping function of the heart and stagnation in the pulmonary circulation, the mucous membranes of the lungs swell. The symptom, caused by narrowing of the airways, may appear in the evening.

Working in hazardous industries involves inhaling harmful substances from the air, which are evacuated by the respiratory system through coughing at the end of the day.

A dry cough symptom occurs after taking medications against high blood pressure. As a result of stress, the desire to cough is provoked by both spasm of the diaphragm or aorta, and irritation of the glossopharyngeal nerve. An attack of a trigeminal symptom begins against a background of neuroses, provoked by irritation of the nasopharynx and nose with increased breathing. A detailed assessment of the medical history, time, temperature conditions and even air characteristics can tell why the cough worsens in the evening.

Dry cough in the evening

In the evening, closer to night, a dry cough exhausts the child to such an extent that it is already difficult to breathe air. It has a different character: acute, sub-acute, chronic. A dry cough in the evening lasts for about 20 days and is often considered a sign of acute viral illnesses. The acute form lasts for about two months. The protracted nature lasts over 60 days, which is the most dangerous type of the disease, so a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed.

Let's consider additional symptoms:

  • inflammation of the bronchi caused by a viral or bacterial infection;
  • whooping cough with convulsive vomiting (usually in children under five years of age);
  • inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • inflammatory disease near the nasal sinuses of a bacterial, viral, fungal or allergic nature;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis);
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system;
  • helminthiases, especially roundworms;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Why does my cough get worse in the evening?

A standard situation is when forced exhalations occur extremely rarely during the day, and in the evening the reflex acts worsen. This condition has a number of explanations


  1. Reduced protective functions of the body
    . At the end of the working day, physical and psychological fatigue sets in, and the susceptibility of the immune system to various etiological stimuli increases.
  2. Horizontal position
    . In this position, the process of blood circulation in the lungs slows down, mucus accumulates in the bronchial passages, blocking their patency, stimulating bronchospasm. Cough in the evenings in a child and an adult in a lying position occurs due to the flow of secretions from the paranasal sinuses into the pharynx.
  3. Taking expectorants
    . The action of medications is aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of cough reflexes. Therefore, a temporary increase in cough 20-30 minutes after the evening dose of the medicine is considered normal.
  4. Unfavorable indoor microclimate
    . Dry air, unsanitary conditions, the presence of allergens (dust, pet hair, strong odors) provoke bronchospasm attacks.
  5. Harmful production working conditions
    . Chemical elements, gases and vapors settle on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract throughout the day, which causes an evening cough, as a symptom of intoxication of the body, and attempts to self-cleanse the respiratory tract to get rid of irritating components.


Cough in the evening has different forms of manifestation: dry or wet, dull or whistling, spasmodic, jerky.

Among the main causes of exacerbation of cough reflexes are chronic forms of various pathologies: bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough, obstructive bronchitis, rhinitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.

It is natural that a dry cough intensifies in the evening due to the abuse of tobacco products. Reflux worsens in the afternoon under the influence of concentrated tarry substances and toxins.

To determine the causes of a cough that gets worse in the evening, the doctor performs a pharyngoscopy and, if necessary, prescribes laboratory and instrumental research methods.

To purposefully suppress the unconditioned reflex, diagnostic measures will be required. Based on the results obtained, taking into account the patient’s medical history and physiology, the doctor selects an effective recovery plan.

Additional symptoms

Often patients do not compare the appearance of a cough in the evening with any illness, but wait for it to go away on its own. However, it intensifies over time and complicates the situation. The patient must take care of himself, because this phenomenon may be a sign of vomiting. Cough and vomiting are related because they are physiologically close. These symptoms may appear more often in children. It is also worth noting that when it is wet, it is bronchitis. When there is no sputum, then in a horizontal position, the patient may feel additional pain in the back, which indicates a pinched nerve. The nerve endings are located in the upper respiratory tract. In case of such pathologies, you need to go to the doctor.

Why does the disorder appear in the evening?

By the end of the day, our immune system weakens, the body's protective functions are reduced, which is why it is especially susceptible to various irritants. Chronic and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract lead to the fact that the cough begins to intensify in the evening. However, there are other reasons that influence the deterioration of the condition.

When we take a horizontal position in the evening, the mucous membranes of the bronchi cannot remove mucus normally. This is due to the slowing of blood supply to the lungs. Mucus accumulates in the airways and clogs them, causing a reflex spasm.

An intensifying cough is a protective reaction of the body, this is how it cleanses itself of pathogenic microorganisms, dust and other microparticles.

Also, increased spasm is caused by phlegm accumulating in the upper respiratory tract. It begins to flow into the nasopharynx, which irritates the cough receptors. To get rid of congestion, we begin to cough, clearing the airways.

What causes cough to get worse in the evening?

Why porosity often worsens in the evening, only the doctor will tell you after a thorough examination of the patient and performing examinations. There are a variety of conditions that have a major impact on respiratory function in the evening. Let's analyze some of them:

  • a dry room will intensify the attack;
  • taking medications of a specific group;
  • the presence of chronic respiratory diseases;
  • It can also intensify in people of certain professions who are exposed to chemical, toxic substances.

Reasons why a dry cough begins in the evening

When visiting a doctor, patients often say that during the day they feel completely normal, but in the evening they begin to suffer from a dry or wet cough. And it is not at all necessary that a person is sick or has a cold. The reasons for this phenomenon in an adult may be as follows:

  • Chronic bronchitis or pleurisy, while the cough is dry;
  • Bronchial asthma or an allergic reaction - in this case, a cough with sputum occurs;
  • Professional activity when the patient is forced to regularly inhale air contaminated with toxic fumes, dust or tissue fibers;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system; blood clots can be seen in the sputum. To determine the diagnosis and causes, you need to measure the average volume of blood in the mucus;
  • Tuberculosis - bloody streaks are noted in the secretion;
  • Chronic sinusitis or rhinitis. With such diseases, mucus flowing from the sinuses along the back wall of the larynx irritates the nerve receptors and causes coughing attacks. Also, with nasal congestion, when the patient breathes through the mouth all the time, the mucous membrane dries out and becomes hypersensitive, which also causes a cough.

Also, the reasons why the cough worsens in the evening and does not bother you in the morning may be an addiction to cigarettes or hookah. Some people believe that hookah is less harmful than cigarettes, but this is not true.

Even when diluted with water, nicotine particles are no less harmful than in the form of dry smoke, and they also settle in the bronchi and lungs, causing a dry cough.

If this is the reason, then a dry cough, as a rule, bothers you in the evenings - this is a protective reaction of the body, which is trying to cleanse the respiratory system of harmful substances. There is another provoking factor - this is the wrong dosage of medicines, pharmaceutical or folk.

Often people with cold symptoms - such as a dry cough, for example - begin to self-medicate. The dosage of medications is usually calculated incorrectly.

As a result, the patient takes more infusions or decoctions of medicinal herbs, powders and tablets than he should, and his condition worsens in the evening, when the concentration of active substances reaches a maximum.

Interstitial diseases of the lungs and bronchi are no less often the cause of dry cough, but it is not always possible to identify and differentiate them. If a person suffers from diseases of the respiratory organs, then in the evening the cough intensifies due to the fact that all the main processes in the body slow down.

Blood circulation becomes less intense, physical activity becomes less. All this contributes to the accumulation and thickening of mucus in the lungs and bronchi, which irritate the mucous membrane and cause coughing. In this way, the body tries to get rid of harmful substances.

Cardiovascular pathologies and their symptoms

The cough may increase in the evening with blood clots in people with heart problems, and chest pain is felt. It may disappear after taking medications that increase myocardial contractility, regardless of changes before and after the load on the heart. Also, attacks occur when the heart becomes necrosis due to an acute lack of blood supply. Patients may cough up blood. Dry with inflammation of the pericardial sac (outer lining of the heart). That is, it appears in cardiovascular pathologies.

Watch your health, because increased strength loads also cause an attack. The danger of diseases should not be underestimated. When the question concerns heart problems, especially when you know that you have chronic diseases. At the first signs, you need to contact a specialist at the clinic.

Patients are often interested in the question, why does the cough manifest itself in the evening? Doctors often associate this sign with problems of the heart and blood vessels, as blood supply deteriorates. In this way, stagnation of blood in the respiratory organs, especially the lungs, is observed. Ultimately, the mucous membrane of the organ swells, and fluid seeps into the lumen of the alveoli from the circulatory system.

In the evening, at night, when the body is relaxed, the process is aggravated, so the symptoms are more pronounced during this period of time.

The main thing is to notice the symptoms in time, visit the clinic and find a competent doctor. In another case, if the symptoms are completely ignored, the likelihood of illness increases, but in an acute form with the occurrence of shortness of breath. In this case, the secreted sputum (in a small amount) has a pinkish tint, since in such cases red blood cells enter it.

How to help a person with a severe dry cough?

As you know, rapid recovery is facilitated not only by treatment, but also by external factors that everyone can take care of on their own. When treating dry cough, it is very important to follow these recommendations:

  • If you have a coughing attack, you need to breathe in moist, warm steam as soon as possible.
  • Make sure the room humidity is high enough. It is assumed that normal indoor air humidity is between 30 and 60%.
  • Maintain the optimal temperature regime - it is enough for the room to be 20-22⁰.
  • Do a wet cleaning of the room once a day, and ventilate it as often as possible. Circulation of clean air and cleaning will help you rid the room of substances that are harmful and irritate the bronchial mucosa.
  • Eliminate anything you are allergic to. If you are sure that the cough is due to an allergy, you should get rid of everything you have as soon as possible.
  • Drink as much warm liquid as possible so that you eat a modest diet that your body can easily digest. It is necessary to exclude fatty, salty, sweet, fried, and spicy foods from the diet.
  • Give your body a break from smoking and drinking alcohol.

By putting these simple tips into practice, you will help your body get rid of the disease as soon as possible!

Causes of cough when inhaling and exhaling

Coughing when breathing is a common complaint with which patients turn to therapists and pulmonologists. This symptom may indicate that the patient has chronic, advanced and very serious diseases. If you begin to cough when breathing, consult your doctor immediately.

Dry cough when breathing is a symptom of bronchitis and pneumonia

A dry cough with a deep breath most often indicates diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract. In this case, swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and nasopharynx, as well as their irritation, is often observed. A nonproductive cough when breathing begins due to contraction of the diaphragm muscles. This gradually leads to the closure of the glottis, due to the fact that the pressure on the respiratory muscles increases. A closed glottis restricts the access of air to the airways and provokes an attack.

If you cough when you breathe, and before that you suffered from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, or even a common cold, then it may indicate the development of complications. Unfortunately, not all people are sensitive to their health and self-medicate or suffer from the above ailments on their feet. These two factors are the most common cause of complications.

Causes of dry cough when breathing
Most often, respiratory diseases not treated in a timely manner lead to bronchitis and pneumonia. You should not mistakenly assume that these two ailments are always accompanied by sputum discharge. A dry, unproductive cough when breathing can also be a symptom. It occurs with bronchitis or pneumonia if the discharge of sputum is difficult. In this case, the patient often experiences a whistling sound when breathing, while the cough is clogging and paroxysmal. Patients complain that they cannot sleep at night, since the attack begins when taking a horizontal position.

“I cough when I inhale,” patients often complain when visiting a therapist. In this case, the specialist listens to the patient for the presence of wheezing and sputum in the bronchi and lungs. This is done by comparing breathing at rest and with a deep breath. If pneumonia is suspected, the patient is sent for an X-ray examination. Inflamed areas of the lungs are clearly visible on an x-ray, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis process.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are treated with strong antibiotics and, if necessary, antibacterial agents. Dry cough when breathing, which occurs as a result of these diseases, goes away with an integrated approach to treatment. Patients are prescribed expectorants that dilute mucus and remove it from the bronchi and lungs. In this case, the symptom passes from the unproductive stage to the productive one.

Cough when inhaling, causes not related to bronchitis and pneumonia

Heavy smokers often complain of coughing after inhaling. The reason for this is spasms of the bronchi and lungs, swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, as well as chronic accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. Cough when breathing in smokers can also develop due to circulatory problems, which often leads to emphysema. In smokers, this symptom cannot be clearly divided into productive and unproductive. In the morning, when sputum accumulates, it is moist; during the day it can be either dry or wet. It occurs when you take a deep breath.

If, as a result of constant smoking, a cough begins when inhaling, then the first health safety measure should be to give up this harmful habit. A person suffering from nicotine addiction should also cleanse the blood and remove phlegm from the bronchi and lungs. And also, switch to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. The latter measure is necessary to reduce the load on the lungs and heart.

“I inhale and cough,” people often come to see a cardiologist with this complaint, while also suffering from chest pain. There are several diseases of the cardiovascular system that cause coughing when breathing. We are talking about coronary disease, heart valve dysfunction, and heart failure. In addition to this symptom and chest pain, patients with the above diseases experience general fatigue and weakness, back pain and even fainting during physical exertion. A sick person wants to cough when inhaling in this case because the pressure on the heart muscle increases, gradually being transmitted to the diaphragm, which leads to the closure of the glottis.

Treatment of the above diseases, which cause coughing when breathing, is prescribed by a cardiologist only after a thorough diagnosis. The patient is prescribed medications to normalize heart function, as well as special exercise and oxygen therapy. In rare cases, the patient requires surgery.

In this case, coughing with a deep sigh does not require separate treatment. It goes away on its own after normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Causes of cough when exhaling

Patients often also experience a cough when exhaling, the causes of which also lie in various diseases. Most often, this symptom is observed in people with bronchial asthma. This disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi and disruption of their normal functioning. When inhaling, the air easily copes with the obstacle created by the narrowed organs, so a person with asthma does not experience any discomfort at this moment. When we exhale, things happen differently because the carbon dioxide we exhale is heavier than oxygen. It is much more difficult to escape from the narrowed bronchi, causing an attack of suffocation and painful sensations. If you feel like coughing when you exhale, then it’s time to see a doctor. Remember that the earlier asthma is diagnosed, the easier it will be to treat.

Coughing when exhaling can be the cause of hilar or lobar pneumonia. It occurs, as a rule, only with bilateral inflammation, when the lungs cannot cope with the volume of air entering them. This disease is treated inpatiently with antibiotics and antitussives.

Lung cancer is the most dangerous disease, during which a cough begins when taking a deep breath. A tumor compressing the lungs leads to poor air flow into the respiratory system, which causes attacks of suffocation. However, most often in cancer patients this symptom is expressed according to the following scheme: inhalation - exhalation - cough. Naturally, such a disease is accompanied by severe pain. Diagnosing lung cancer at an early stage allows it to be cured. The main risk group for this disease includes primarily smokers, as well as employees of hazardous industries. Prevention of lung cancer includes annual fluorography, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Do not forget that it is stupid to be afraid to know that you have a particular disease. Be sure to see a doctor if you have breathing problems. By the way, one symptom of “inhaling and coughing” will clearly not be enough for a doctor. Your task is to describe the problem as accurately as possible. This is necessary for the specialist to prescribe the necessary laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures.>

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