Garlic in the ears for colds - a time-tested remedy

Rhinitis is a symptom of viral and colds, but can also be a sign of allergies

A person develops a runny nose from hypothermia or air pollution. This is a symptom of many viral diseases. In classical medicine, the disease is called rhinitis.

It is treated in different ways. Doctors consider drops to be an effective remedy. But traditional medicine offers garlic for a runny nose. You can prepare many medicinal variations from it: inhalations, ointments, oils, drops.

Indications and contraindications

Mucus discharge from the nose is rhinitis. A runny nose can be viral, allergic, vasomotor and bacterial. Treatment is different for everyone. It is advisable to use garlic for prolonged runny nose and sinusitis - when a bacterial infection is added to the cold. Indications for the use of a natural antibiotic are yellow or green snot, pus in the nasal mucus, thick consistency of discharge. Read about whether garlic helps with colds and how exactly you should take it.

Garlic should not be used for allergic and vasomotor rhinitis.

In addition, it is not recommended to treat a runny nose with the help of a bulbous plant for children without a doctor’s permission, for ulcerative lesions of the nasal mucosa and for acute diseases of the respiratory system.

Differences in treatment for children and adults

If an adult feels a burning sensation from bulbous treatment, then a child may even get a burn to the mucous tissues. Therefore, before pouring the medicinal mixture into the child’s nose, be sure to test the effect of the solution on yourself! If you feel an unpleasant reaction, the finished infusion must be diluted with boiled water and tested again.

When making garlic drops for adults, garlic pulp is mixed with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Children over 10 years old should be mixed in a ratio of 1:15. First you need to make sure that you are not allergic to garlic. Apply a drop of juice to the skin under the nose.


If a rash appears after some time, such drops should not be used.

Garlic drops are completely contraindicated for children under 10 years of age. The risk of getting burned is too great.

Useful properties of garlic

This bulbous plant is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. One head of garlic contains up to 10 mg of vitamin C!

Mechanical action (cutting, chewing, etc.) destroys garlic cells. As a result, allicin is formed - a natural antibiotic. The effect of allicin on the human body is similar to the effect of penicillin antibiotics. It has a bactericidal and fungicidal (antifungal) effect. By suppressing pathogenic microorganisms, the plant relieves a person from coughing.

Important: Treat children with garlic with extreme caution. Its amount should be halved. If the child is under 3-4 years old, treatment with garlic can be harmful to his health. Also keep in mind that honey, which is often included in potions, is a strong allergen, so before offering it to your child, you need to be sure that there is no allergy to this product.

The most common recipes

  • Garlic milk is famous for its special healing properties. In boiled 1 l. milk, add 5-6 finely chopped cloves of the plant, cook for 3 minutes. over low heat with the lid closed. Strain the broth, consume it 1 tbsp. l. during the day. To improve the taste and enhance the effect of the drug, add honey to taste and 1-2 tsp. butter.
  • Boil 1 cup of whey, add 3 chopped cloves, boil for 1 minute. under the lid. Cool the broth and strain. Take the drug before meals, 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  • Boil 1 liter. water, add 6 medium-sized peeled whole garlic cloves. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. over low heat under the lid. After cooling completely, strain the broth and drink 100 ml. 2 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Combining garlic with onions can achieve an even greater effect. Chop 10 medium-sized onions and 1 large head of garlic. Add 0.5 l. milk to a boil, add chopped vegetables. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Mash the softened ingredients, stir and cool. Add 2-3 tbsp honey to the resulting mixture. l. Take 1 tbsp every 60 minutes. l. during the day.
  • Garlic juice is an effective remedy for cough. To prepare it, pass 5-6 cloves through a press. This makes 1 tbsp. l. juice Distribute it into 3 doses. Drink juice only after meals to avoid harm to the stomach. It is allowed to drink the product with water if the burning sensation is severe.

Recipes without heat treatment with honey are also worthy of attention.

  • Grind the garlic into a paste and add honey to it in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 coffee spoon of the drug an hour after meals. The maximum number of appointments is 4 times a day. Store the mixture for no longer than 24 hours.
  • Combine 0.5 liters of honey, the juice of one lemon, chopped garlic cloves from 1.5 heads of vegetable, or just the juice squeezed out of the pulp. The infusion time of the drug is 2 hours. Use 1 tbsp. l. 1 hour after the meal.

Coughs can be treated with compresses. Grind the cloves of 1 head of the plant, mix them with heated butter in a 1:1 ratio. Fold the gauze into 3-4 layers, soak it with the juice of the drug and place it on the chest. The maximum exposure time is 2 hours. Before applying the compress, make sure that there is no damage to the skin (scratches, allergic rashes, etc.). Monitor your sensations, if you feel an unbearable burning sensation, you need to remove the compress, rinse off the remaining composition with cool water and do not resort to this remedy again. Do not use this compress when your body temperature is above 37 degrees.

Putting in the ears - what is it, how is it used?

One of the most senseless and dangerous methods of treatment is putting garlic in the ears. This method of healing was invented for people with sensitive mucous membranes. But such treatment will not bring any benefit.

This alternative medicine procedure involves inserting peeled garlic cloves into the ear canal. It is believed that the phytoncides contained in the product will penetrate the nasal cavity and relieve a runny nose.

But the ears and nasal passages are connected by a thin winding tunnel, this path is blocked by the eardrum. Therefore, such healing will not bring any results.

Read about whether garlic can relieve ear pain and whether it will help with a cold.

Compress treatment

The prepared flagellum needs to be inserted into the ear, but not very deep. Before doing this, some recommend moisturizing the ear canal with a small amount of baby cream.

When you first introduce garlic into your ears, you should not keep the compress on for long. Just 5-10 minutes is enough. After this, you need to remove the flagellum and examine the child’s ear canal. If it is clean and there are no signs of burns, redness or other warning signs, then you can repeat the procedure. This time its duration increases to 15-20 minutes.

It's okay if, some time after you put garlic in your child's ears, he begins to complain about a corresponding taste in his mouth. The organs of hearing and nasopharynx are connected, so it is not surprising that such an unpleasant effect will appear. But if the child complains of a strong burning sensation in the ear, and there is redness or even a burn in the ear canal, then the procedure should be stopped immediately. Otherwise you may cause harm!

It is worth noting that adults can also use garlic in their ears for colds. They also need to adhere to some guidelines.

Step-by-step treatment instructions, recipes


Here are some of the most popular recipes:

  • 1 way:
      Mix one teaspoon each of garlic juice, Vishnevsky ointment, cyclamen root and aloe juice.
  • The resulting product is applied to the wings of the nose. The medicinal mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to use immediately after preparation.
  • Method 2:
      Mix three teaspoons each of minced garlic, olive oil and coconut oil.
  • Heat the resulting mixture, cool and use it as an ointment. It is not recommended to store in the refrigerator, as the mass will thicken.

Mix a tablespoon of honey and garlic juice. Lubricate the wings of the nose with the resulting mixture several times a day.

To prepare the ointment, mix garlic and aloe juices in equal proportions, then add 1 tsp. add 10 teaspoons of premium melted butter to the mixture. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator.


Vapors with phytoncides moisturize the nasal mucosa and promote the removal of dried crusts. For severe nasal congestion, it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times a day.

The duration of inhalation is no more than 10 minutes. This method of treatment will not affect viruses, so you cannot do without pharmaceutical drugs.

Recipes for inhalation:

  • 1 way:
      Peel the garlic head, finely chop or use a crush.
  • Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of clean water and steam over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  • Then remove the pan from the heat, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam.
  • Method 2:
      Add chopped garlic to the prepared chamomile broth and also boil over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  • Breathe while covering your head with a towel.


Inhalations at home are contraindicated for children of any age.

other methods

Light a stick and breathe in the smoke

Setting fire to the core of a bulbous plant is one of grandma's most popular methods.

The core is what remains after removing all the cloves and husks (you can learn about the beneficial properties of garlic husks and how they are used in folk medicine). Elementary - set it on fire and inhale the smoke formed after combustion for a couple of minutes. Not the most effective method of healing, but many note that breathing becomes easier after this.

Useful video on how to breathe garlic smoke correctly:

Possible side effects

Improper use of the bulbous plant can cause adverse reactions and even harm your health. Before using any folk remedy with the addition of garlic juice, it is necessary to correctly calculate the safe concentration. It is better to dilute it more than to burn the mucous membrane and get ulcers.


Never use pure garlic juice. Any garlic recipe requires dilution with water. Undiluted garlic drops will cause severe burns even in an adult, not to mention children.

We talked about how useful garlic is and how it is harmful to the human body.

How to do it correctly?

During inhalation, inhalation is done through the nose, and exhalation is done through the mouth. In some cases, you can inhale through your mouth. The best effect of inhalation is achieved when the procedure is performed before bedtime.

If breathing procedures are carried out for several days in a row or more than once a day, the solution for them must be prepared fresh each time. The finished inhalation liquid, after standing for more than two hours, not only loses some beneficial properties, but can also become harmful as a result of a chemical reaction with the release of decomposition products.

What to combine garlic inhalations with?

With onion


  • Water – 1-1.2 l.
  • Onion - half a large head.
  • Garlic – 4 cloves.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Grate the onion and garlic on a fine grater, wrap in gauze, squeeze into prepared hot water, then put the squeezed out gauze bag there.

Carrying out the procedure: bend over the container with the solution, close your eyes tightly, inhale the steam through your nose and mouth. To keep the inhalation solution hot longer and not waste steam, it is additionally recommended to cover the head and container with a thick cloth (for example, a towel).

You need to inhale the vapors for about 15 minutes until the liquid cools. After the procedure, you should go to bed and cover yourself with a warm blanket.


You should avoid getting garlic on the mucous membranes, especially when they are inflamed - this can cause chemical burns and irritation, accompanied by pain.

With soda


  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves.
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Grate the garlic on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour in prepared water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cool slightly, add to the liquid and dissolve soda in it.

Inhalation is carried out for 12-15 minutes, after cooling, the solution is heated and the procedure is repeated.

With chamomile


  • Water – 1 l.
  • Dried chamomile flowers – 25-30 g.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves.


  1. Pour boiling water over chamomile and let steep for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Finely chop the garlic, wrap it in gauze, and dip it in the resulting infusion.
  3. Let stand covered for another 5 minutes.
  4. Heat the solution.
  5. Inhale steam for 15 minutes.

With pine extract


  • Water – 1-1.2 l.
  • Coniferous extract – 2-3 teaspoons liquid or 20 teaspoons dry (in briquettes).
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves.


  1. To boil water.
  2. If the pine extract is in liquid form, pour the required amount into hot water; if it is dry, add boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes.

Inhale the hot steam for 12-15 minutes, after the liquid has cooled, breathe in its fumes for about 10 minutes. This recipe is well suited for preventive inhalations.

With menthol


  • Water – 1-1.5 l.
  • Garlic – 4-5 cloves.
  • Menthol in liquid form – 15-20 drops.

Liquid menthol in the recipe can be replaced with mint leaves - dry or fresh. When crushed, you will need three tablespoons. This option is good for children.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Add the specified amount of menthol to boiling water.
  3. Grind the garlic on a fine grater, wrap in two layers of gauze, squeeze into menthol water, and put the gauze with the remaining product there.

Breathe the resulting solution for 15 minutes. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day.

With eucalyptus


  • Water – 1 l.
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves.
  • Eucalyptus in the form of essential oil - 7-10 drops, in the form of alcohol tincture - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Add eucalyptus oil or tincture and finely chopped garlic to hot boiled water.
  2. Leave to steep under the lid for 5-7 minutes.

Carry out inhalation according to the general scheme, 2-3 times a day for treatment and 1 time a day for disease prevention.


If a child or adult with a disease such as bronchial asthma is undergoing treatment, the concentration of garlic in the solution must be reduced - this will help avoid negative consequences, for example, burning in the respiratory tract or difficulty breathing.

You can also carry out inhalation only using garlic - for this you will need to add 7-8 cloves of garlic, crushed together with the peel, into boiling water, simmer over low heat for 4-5 minutes, and then use according to the general scheme.

can be added to the inhalation liquid along with garlic

– it contains many useful substances that will have a positive effect on the respiratory system.

Although garlic is not recognized by official medicine as a medicine, it continues to be a budget-friendly and, most importantly, natural method of healing for many people. Proper use of this plant for healing, both internally and externally, has proven its effectiveness and has gained well-deserved popularity.

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Applying garlic to the nose for a runny nose is a frequent recommendation among traditional medicine practitioners. Garlic juice for a runny nose is an affordable remedy. The result is achieved with proper manipulation, as well as compliance with the dosage and frequency of use.

How to properly use garlic for a runny nose? Reviews from people using these products to combat rhinitis are mixed. Garlic-based recipes have their advantages and disadvantages. The beneficial effect on the body is due to the presence of specific substances in the vegetable - phytoncides, which, according to clinical studies, have several important features:

  • Bactericidal effect - do not destroy 100% of bacteria, but are effective against Staphylococcus aureus, salmonella and E. coli.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, stimulating its work and activating protective processes in the body.
  • Weak antiviral effect.

You can perform inhalations or use drops with garlic for a runny nose, but its importance in the fight against rhinitis and colds should not be overestimated. Does garlic protect against viruses? Experts have proven that the maximum effectiveness of phytoncides is observed in cases of bacterial nature of rhinitis, but in cases of viral etiology of the disease, these active substances are practically useless.

Therefore, if the patient has yellowish or greenish nasal discharge, then garlic-based folk remedies can be used. But with minor transparent discharge this is not advisable.

Treatment of respiratory diseases with garlic (part 2 of 2)

Using Garlic to Reduce High Fever

Method of treatment

: for 750 g of wine vinegar and 250 g of water, take a small head of garlic, 2 tbsp. spoons of peppermint leaves, fragrant rue, wormwood, black elderberry flowers, a teaspoon of cloves (spice), cinnamon and nutmeg. Cook in a boiling water bath for 1 hour, when cool, strain, add 5 g of camphor dissolved in 50 g of alcohol. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day before meals.

To improve body tone

in case of exhaustion during or after a serious illness, it is recommended to add 1.5 tbsp to the syrup. tablespoons of plant biostimulants crushed into powder, such as rhodiola rosea, lemongrass, ginseng.

For flu prevention

adults can hang a gauze bag with finely chopped garlic around their necks, and small children can tie this bag near the crib or place a saucer with garlic next to the child.

Using garlic to treat a runny nose

Method of treatment

: mix 1 part of freshly prepared carrot juice, 1 part of vegetable oil and 0.3 parts of garlic juice, instill 3-5 drops into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

To improve vitality

after suffering from the flu, take 1 kg of barley grains, boil for 1 hour in 3 liters of water, then add 2 heads of chopped garlic, leave, wrapped, for 30-40 minutes, strain. Pour the broth into bath water. Take such baths 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes.

Garlic inhalations

Indications for use

: garlic inhalations are used for sore throat, flu, runny nose, cough, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, and chest pain.

Method of treatment

: steam inhalation is carried out before bedtime for 15-20 minutes with a garlic-honey mixture. After inhalation, you need to go to bed and take 50 g of honey with raspberry tea.

Garlic inhalations are also used for diphtheria, but at the same time, 1-2 drops of an aqueous solution of garlic juice mixed 1:1 with water are instilled into the patient’s nose.

Use of garlic in the treatment of whooping cough

  • Garlic juice mixed 1:1 with rendered pork fat is useful to rub 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes into the skin of the neck and chest for whooping cough.
  • When treating infantile whooping cough, finely chop or crush 5 cloves of garlic, boil the garlic in a glass of unpasteurized milk until the garlic is soft and give it to drink several times a day.
  • Stir 100 g of garlic pulp in a low-boiling water bath with 300 g of butter. Store in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark place. For attacks of night cough, before going to bed, chew slowly and thoroughly, and then swallow a tablespoon. spoon of this oil and then immediately eat tbsp. spoon of garlic-honey mixture.
  • Grind 1 head of garlic into a paste and mix with 100 g of butter or fat and rub this mixture into the soles of the feet once a day at night - for whooping cough and night coughs.
  • In case of a strong, lingering cough, it is useful to place a solid rag on the chest, sides and back, smeared with a slightly warmed garlic-honey mixture. Cover the top with compress paper and carefully insulate it with a woolen scarf and bandage it. Apply the compress at night for 4-5 days.
  • To treat enlarged tonsils, lubricate the tonsils with fresh garlic juice 3 times a day after meals for 2-3 months, 2 times a week.
  • At night, rub the soles of the feet of the patient with garlic pulp, then put on your feet first simple cotton socks, and then woolen socks. After rubbing garlic, you should not walk, you should lie in bed.
  • Pour 50 g of garlic and 20 g of dry crushed thyme into 0.5 liters of water, cook in a sealed container over low heat until the liquid has evaporated by half, strain, add 200 g of honey, previously boiled in a boiling water bath, and 200 g of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. Take a teaspoon after meals.
  • Chop the head of garlic, mix with 0.5 liters of molasses, cook over low heat and eat this decoction little by little in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Add 2 tbsp to 100 g cucumber juice. spoons of garlic-honey mixture, stir well. Let it brew for 1 hour. Take 2-3 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Grind a few heads of garlic into a paste, add a small amount of granulated sugar and keep on low heat until golden brown. Add a tablespoon of rendered lard and a tablespoon of vodka. Stir the mixture and bring to a boil. Drink according to Art. spoon and hot 5 times a day.

Use of garlic in the treatment of pneumonia

Method of treatment

: Mix 100 g of garlic pulp in a boiling water bath with 500 g of goose fat. For chronic, severe pneumonia, apply the mixture thickly on parchment paper and apply it to the chest, insulate it, carefully tying it with a woolen scarf.

Apply the compress overnight. Before going to bed, drink one glass of tolerably hot oatmeal-garlic-milk mixture. Apply compresses daily for two weeks. Take a break for one week.

If necessary, continue treatment courses until complete recovery.

The use of garlic in the treatment of sinusitis, laryngitis

1) Generously lubricate the inside of the nostrils with the garlic-soda mixture and place the mixture soaked in cotton wool or gauze into the nostrils. Hard boil 2 eggs and place them on the bridge of your nose, one on each side. Cover with a warm towel and lie down. Keep the compress on while it warms up. At this time, the mixture placed in the nostrils will flow into the nasopharynx; it must be spat into a napkin.

For laryngitis

Pour 5-6 crushed cloves of garlic into a glass of milk, boil, let cool, strain. Take according to Art. spoon several times a day.

Use of garlic in the treatment of malaria

  • Peel a medium-sized head of garlic from the top husk, leaving the pink film adjacent to the cloves. Crush the garlic, pour a glass of cold boiled water, leave in a tightly sealed container in a warm place for 12 hours, shaking the contents periodically, strain, squeeze out the rest. Take 3-4 sips in bed when an attack of malaria begins. It is necessary to dress warmly. Drink the entire glass of infusion a day. Carry out treatment for 4-5 days.
  • In 0.5 liters of sour milk, finely chop a small head of garlic, add a level teaspoon of ground black pepper. Stir everything thoroughly and drink in one gulp. Carry out the procedure daily until complete recovery.
  • Pour 200 g of garlic pulp into 1 liter of dry red wine, leave in a cool, dark place for 4-6 hours, shaking the contents periodically, strain, and squeeze out the rest. For malaria, take 50 g 5 times a day.

Using garlic for hoarseness, loss of voice

  • There is steamed garlic.
  • Grind 2 heads of garlic, add 2 tbsp. spoons of dried crushed black elderberry flowers and 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, pour 3 cups of boiling water, leave, covered, 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 g every hour.

Use of garlic in the treatment of bronchitis

  • Grind the head of garlic into a pulp, grind 2 lemons with the peel, but without seeds, mix with 300 g of granulated sugar and 0.5 liters of beer, cook in a boiling water bath in a sealed container for 30 minutes, strain. Take according to Art. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Mix 100 g of ground flax seeds, 20 g of anise fruit powder, 20 g of ginger powder thoroughly with 0.5 kg of garlic-honey mixture. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Grind 1 kg of ripe tomatoes and 50 g of garlic in a meat grinder, grate 300 g of horseradish root. Mix, add salt. Place in glass jars and store tightly closed in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp. spoon before meals 3 times a day. Warm to room temperature before use.
  • Place 250 g of chopped garlic in a liter jar, pour in a mixture of apple cider vinegar and distilled water, taken in a 1:1 ratio. Leave in a dark, warm place in a tightly sealed container for 4 days, shaking the contents occasionally. After four days, pour in 100 ml of glycerin and leave again for one day, shaking well several times a day. Strain the infusion through multilayer gauze, add 100 g of honey and stir everything thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day with meals.

Using garlic to treat a runny nose

  • 6 tbsp. spoons of horseradish gruel, 5 tbsp. spoons of garlic pulp and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of black radish pulp into 0.8 liters of wine vinegar, seal, leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days, shaking the contents periodically. Drain a little liquid, sniff it several times a day for 3 minutes, and also 3 times a day with a cotton swab dipped in this infusion, lubricate the nose outside and inside.
  • Mix garlic water, aloe juice, honey in equal parts by volume. Instill 4-6 times a day, 2-3 drops into each nostril.
  • Pour 4 crushed cloves of garlic and 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into 1/2 cup of boiling water and inhale the vapors while covered with a blanket. Add boiling water as the mixture cools. Carry out the procedure daily for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day until complete recovery.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with garlic

  • Leave 400 g of horseradish pulp, 400 g of garlic pulp, 1 kg of butter and 5 kg of honey in a boiling water bath for 5-10 minutes, stirring the contents occasionally. Take 50 g before meals.
  • Peel 3 heads of garlic and, together with 5 lemons with peel, but without seeds, pass through a meat grinder or grate on a fine grater, pour 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature into them and keep in a closed jar for 5 days, strain, squeeze out the rest. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • For one and a half months, take 30 g daily. At the same time, breathe in garlic vapor several times a day, and rub your back and chest with the juice of fresh garlic mixed 1:1 with vegetable oil.

How to cure a runny nose with garlic

Manipulations should be carried out with the utmost care. Treatment of a runny nose with garlic can provoke the development of hypersensitivity, so strict adherence to dosage and frequency allows you to get the greatest effect with minimal complications. One of the most common and dangerous solutions is to inject garlic into the ears for a runny nose. There are several methods. This includes inserting whole cloves and placing sticks of garlic juice into the ear canal. Pseudo-treatment does not produce results and is quite capable of causing irreparable harm to a person.

This can be inhalations or vegetable-based oil, as well as garlic drops. The literature describes cases of using smoke from husks. But experts are of the opinion that the technique is based on the placebo effect. Since during smoldering, phytoncides are destroyed and the therapeutic effect of this procedure is close to zero.


There are several recognized methods for carrying out the procedure:

  • Using a steam bath. To do this, crush the garlic and place it in a small container. Place in a water bath and inhale the vapor for 10–12 minutes.
  • Another way is to crush the clove into a paste and dilute it with boiling water. Breathe over the prepared mixture for 5–7 minutes.
  • Dry inhalations. For them, you will need to grind 1-2 cloves in a mortar and breathe over them for 35-40 minutes without additional heating or diluting with water.
  • It is necessary to remove the slices from the head and set fire to the remaining husk. Inhale for 5–7 minutes.

At the time of manipulation, it is necessary to alternately warm up both nostrils to achieve a therapeutic result. The bactericidal effect is explained by the fact that at the time of manipulation, phytoncides penetrate the nasal passage and settle on the mucous membrane. But! With bacterial rhinitis, heating has a negative effect on the course of the disease. After all, heating activates the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Therefore, the positive effect of using the vegetable in this case is doubtful.


The choice of garlic drops for the common cold has also become widespread among adherents of traditional medicine. Most often, the juice is mixed with boiled water, and then the resulting mixture is injected into the nasal passage.

This is important: the use of drops is indicated when bacterial rhinitis lasts more than 7 days and there is no positive dynamics and the risk of complications.

When choosing water as a diluent, it should be taken in an amount of 1:10, and for children under 15 years old 1:15. For a child whose age does not reach 10 years, the administration of garlic nasal drops is associated with the development of an allergic reaction, burns of the mucous membrane and other unpleasant consequences. The amount of diluted juice recommended for administration into each nasal passage corresponds to conventional drugs for rhinitis.


You can cook it yourself. This will require a base (it can be peach, olive, grape seed). When making garlic oil, you should adhere to strictly defined proportions: 2 cloves per 1 tablespoon of base. The diluted juice with oil, 1-2 drops, should be administered into the nasal passage if the patient has no allergic reactions.

Treatment of sinusitis with garlic: 6 most effective recipes

Garlic for sinusitis is widely used in folk medicine. It is very effective and has several advantages. These include:

  • accessible to almost the entire population of Russia and other CIS countries;
  • not too expensive;
  • simple and easy to use.

The main condition is to recognize the disease of the maxillary sinuses as early as possible. Then you can take the necessary measures in time, which will even avoid antibiotic therapy, which is poorly tolerated by some patients.

Contraindications to treatment with garlic

Treatment of sinusitis with garlic is not always possible. Even this seemingly universal natural medicine has some contraindications. That is why you can start such therapy only after consulting a doctor. It is not advisable to use garlic for sinusitis in the following cases:

  1. If the patient suffers from dysfunction of the digestive organs, as well as the kidneys and bladder.
  2. When it comes to treating a child or adult suffering from garlic intolerance. Allergy sufferers must be treated with caution.

Caution must be exercised in elderly patients. After 60 years, the human body is weakened. It is because of this that it is important to carefully monitor the treatment process for such patients.

However, if a person uses traditional recipes proven by practice and time, and the doctor has adequately assessed his condition, all possible contraindications are taken into account, garlic therapy will be extremely beneficial.

Traditional recipes using garlic

Traditional methods of treating sinusitis with garlic are widespread. Moreover, garlic can be either the only component of the medicine or one of several components. It is quite possible to prepare complex medicines from it. Here are some examples of medicines and procedures using this plant.

Warming up the paranasal sinuses

This procedure should be carried out only at the beginning of the disease. The fact is that if there is pus in the sinuses and the patient’s body temperature is elevated, such treatment is strictly prohibited, because in this case, heating will only aggravate the inflammatory process and contribute to more active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • the garlic is peeled and chopped;
  • heated salt is added to the container with it;
  • The product, wrapped in a clean handkerchief, is applied to the area of ​​the inflamed paranasal sinus.

Garlic and butter

You can also carry out procedures with garlic and butter. This is a famous folk recipe. The medicine is made and applied as follows:

  • take one tablespoon of high-quality butter;
  • one clove of garlic is crushed;
  • the components are mixed;
  • rinse the nasal cavity with saline solution;
  • The nasal passages are lubricated from the inside with the resulting composition.

However, it is important to remember that irritation may occur due to frequent and incorrect use. To avoid it, you can increase the amount of butter - then the treatment will be easier. However, this medicine is almost never used to treat children. The finished drug is stored for no more than 7 days in a refrigerator. You can also rub the soles of both feet with a similar composition.

Garlic with aloe and bee honey

Adding aloe to garlic will only enhance the healing effect of both plants. This is an old folk remedy against colds. Prepare and use the drug in this way:

  • squeeze out garlic juice and aloe juice;
  • mix in equal proportions (three drops are enough);
  • heat the honey in a water bath;
  • a drop of honey is added to the juice mixture;
  • Dip a cotton swab into the liquid and insert it into the nasal passage on the sore side for half an hour.

Before the procedure, you need to rinse the nasal cavity. Moreover, the manipulation is done in the mornings and evenings every day. Treatment continues until the person recovers.

Garlic inhalation

Such manipulations should be carried out when the process begins to resolve. They are also good for chronic sinusitis, because... During this period (compared to the acute process), a person’s immune system works better and nasal pressure is relieved. The procedure is done as follows:

  • finely chop a clove of garlic;
  • add one tsp. bite (preferably apple);
  • add 200 ml of ordinary hot water to the composition (temperature no more than 40 ºС, so as not to cause burns to the mucous membranes).

You need to breathe the steam for a quarter of an hour twice a day. Therapy lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. If you don’t have vinegar, you can also do pure garlic inhalations. But they last only 8 - 12 minutes.

Nasal drops

Such drops have a very gentle effect on the nasal mucosa. Plus they are effective. These home remedies are quite simple to make:

  1. You need one clove of garlic and a larger amount of vegetable oil (olive) - in a ratio of 1:3. You can even use a little more oil. Finely chop the garlic, place it in a clean glass, pour olive oil into it and cook in a water bath. Then cool for half an hour or forty minutes and drop into the nose. It is necessary to treat both nasal passages using a special pipette, and the nasal cavity is washed before the procedure. Every day you need from 2 to 4 instillations.
  2. Honey-garlic nasal drops. To prepare them, grind the garlic into porridge - you should get three tbsp. l. Pour it with half a glass of ordinary water, add one tablespoon of honey and infuse. Then the mixture is filtered and instilled into the nasal passages or the nasal cavity and, accordingly, the affected paranasal sinuses are washed.

Honey and garlic ointment

Squeeze out the garlic juice and add twice the amount of honey. Lubricate the mucous membranes of both nasal passages before going to bed. The product is placed in the refrigerator. Before use, warm it up a little so that it is at a comfortable temperature.

You can check the temperature of the mixture by dropping 1-2 drops onto the palmar surface of your wrist: if you feel cold, you need to warm it up more, if it’s hot, you need to cool it down, and if you don’t feel anything, then the temperature of the mixture is optimal for use.

You can also eat garlic for colds - it is no less useful. You can make a paste from garlic and honey, or make an infusion of garlic in plain water. This also helps.

However, it is important to remember that any traditional treatment must be combined with traditional one. Then the person will get the desired effect and recover as quickly as possible. Moreover, therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a competent otolaryngologist.

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Like any traditional or folk medicine, garlic has contraindications. Use should be limited to people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the mixture. Also, a barrier to appointment is the age of the child under 10 years old.

The therapeutic effect of garlic on rhinitis during pregnancy can lead to the development of allergic reactions. Garlic should be used for a runny nose during pregnancy only in limited quantities, choosing a gentle dosage recommended for children. Therefore, treatment is carried out exclusively as part of complex therapy with conservative methods and under the supervision of an ENT specialist.

Strict adherence to the dosage and specialist monitoring of the pathological process allows us to count on positive dynamics and complete recovery of the patient. Attempts to independently increase the number of inhalations or increase the concentration of juice in the mixture will have a detrimental effect on human health and lead to the development of serious complications.

The most common remedy for treating colds is garlic. It has been used since ancient times as drops, inhalations and infusions. But is it really that effective and how to properly use garlic for a runny nose?

Patients often treat a runny nose with garlic. But why is it used so often and what is its benefit? Garlic has several properties.

  1. It contains phytoncides that can destroy many viruses and bacteria. It has a detrimental effect on salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, and E. coli.
  2. Garlic has an antiviral effect. It affects viral infection, but not to its full extent. Garlic destroys only those microbes that have entered the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
  3. Garlic can rejuvenate the body, prevent the growth of cancer cells and allow muscle mass to grow.

You can use garlic for a runny nose, but you need to be careful with this matter, since a strong concentration can lead to injury to the mucous membrane and only aggravate the pathological process.

If garlic in the nose for a runny nose is used incorrectly, then this process can lead to adverse consequences in the form of:

  • irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the nasal passages;
  • burns and injuries;
  • development of allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock or respiratory failure;
  • an increase in the amount of mucus secreted and worsening rhinitis.

To avoid such a pathological process, you need to follow a few simple but important recommendations.

  • Garlic juice must be diluted with water before use. It is strictly prohibited to use it in its pure form.
  • Do not mix garlic with honey or other products that contain sugar. If the medicine contains a lot of carbohydrates, this will create favorable conditions for bacterial infection to grow and reproduce.
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the proportions indicated in the recipes.

If you follow these rules, a runny nose caused by a cold will go away within a few days.

Recipes for colds based on garlic

In practice, there are many recipes that include garlic. In combination with various components, such drugs have an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Here are a few of them.

  1. Making garlic drops. To do this, you will need three cloves of garlic and about a liter of boiled water.
    Garlic cloves must be peeled, finely chopped or grated. Then add boiled water and let it brew for three to four hours. After time, the solution must be filtered using gauze or a sieve.

    The prepared product should be instilled into the nasal passages, two to three drops up to three times a day.

  2. Making garlic drops for children. Garlic for a runny nose in childhood has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also an antiseptic effect. But during use you need to be extremely careful, because the baby may have an allergic reaction.
    To do this you will need two cloves of garlic and boiled water. The cloves must be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Then fill with boiled water in a ratio of one to ten.

    On the first day of the treatment process, the finished product should be dripped one drop into each nasal passage. During the day it is necessary to monitor the reaction.

    If side effects do appear, then the medicine should be discontinued immediately and seek help from a doctor.

    If the drops went well and there was no discomfort, then the product can be dripped two drops into each nasal passage up to three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is no more than five days.

  3. Making garlic oil. To do this, you will need two cloves of garlic and any vegetable oil: peach, almond, flaxseed, olive. Garlic cloves need to be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Then squeeze out the juice using gauze and add one tablespoon of oil to the resulting mixture. The finished product must be dripped into each nasal passage, one drop up to two or three times a day.
  4. Carrying out inhalations.
    To carry out the procedure, you need to take one or two cloves of garlic and peel them. Then grate it on a fine grater and bring it to the nasal passages for thirty to forty minutes. This process will increase the amount of mucus secreted. You can do it differently. Garlic cloves are also grated on a fine grater and poured with boiled water. The procedure must be performed within ten to fifteen minutes.
  5. Using tampons in the ears.
    In folk medicine there is another unusual method. Peeled garlic cloves must be inserted into the ear canal. It is believed that phytoncides penetrate the nasal cavity and relieve a runny nose. But such a process is unlikely to help cure a runny nose. The thing is that the ear canal and the nasal cavity are separated by the eardrum. The only thing that this method may help the child is that their passages are located close to each other.
  6. Making ointment. To do this you will need one clove of garlic, an aloe leaf, cyclamen root and Vishnevsky ointment. First prepare the garlic juice. To do this, remove the husk from the garlic, and finely grate the clove. The juice is squeezed out using gauze.
    In the same way, grate cyclamen root and aloe leaf. The juice is squeezed out from the resulting pulp. All components are mixed with Vishnevsky ointment. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator.

    Lubricate the nasal passages up to three times a day. The ointment will be effective for bacterial rhinitis.

  7. Rinse the nasal passages.
    This method of treatment will be more effective than treatment with drops. To make the solution you will need a liter of boiled water and one spoon of garlic juice made from three to four cloves of garlic. The procedure must be performed using a rubber bulb or syringe. Uncomfortable sensations in the form of a burning sensation may occur, but they pass after a few seconds.

What does the plant help with?

Everyone has long known that garlic is extremely beneficial due to its composition. The components that make up garlic are capable of:

  • have a bactericidal effect - they fight fungal diseases (read how to treat toenail fungus here);
  • support the cardiovascular system - prevent the formation of cholesterol, optimize the functioning of the heart muscle, prevent diseases;
  • have an expectorant effect - dilute and remove sputum when coughing;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect - treats inflammation, disinfects the genitourinary tract;
  • strengthen the immune system - supports all protective functions of the body.

We invite you to watch a video about the healing properties of garlic:

What happens if you leave it overnight?

Garlic is used in folk recipes, as part of medicines, lotions and tinctures.

What happens if you put garlic in your ear overnight? Even a simple piece of garlic placed in the ear can have a healing effect and help cope with the following diseases:

  • cold;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • otitis;
  • diseases of the inner ear.

Also, the interaction of garlic with various oils (for example, camphor oil) can treat deafness.

Questionable methods of treating a runny nose

In folk medicine there are also methods that can only lead to a worsening of the condition in case of rhinitis. A dubious method is to inhale burning husks. Some patients claim that this method allows them to quickly eliminate a runny nose. Smoke inhalation is considered harmless. It can be used for any form of runny nose, except allergic and vasomotor rhinitis. But it is better not to carry out this procedure in childhood.

Also, some experts argue that there is no point in spreading garlic throughout the apartment. To defeat a viral infection, you need to have a lot of garlic. Therefore, there is an opinion that ventilation and wet cleaning are much more effective. But this method is excellent for preventive purposes.

Taking garlic internally will be quite beneficial. This process will stop the inflammatory process from the inside and cleanse the blood of microbes. Garlic has some benefits, but doctors still differ on its use. Therefore, the patient must decide for himself whether to use it or not.

Colds and viruses constantly attack our body, especially at times when the immune system is weakened. Pregnancy is precisely the time when immunity decreases, and a woman cannot do anything about it. The expectant mother constantly has to resist the onslaught of pathogenic bacteria.

Treatment is strictly limited, because almost all medications are prohibited during pregnancy. How should expectant mothers be treated? After all, it is known that any colds can negatively affect the normal course of pregnancy.

A cold is usually accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat and cough. Modern doctors recommend that expectant mothers replace medications with traditional medicine. And this is where inhalations come to the rescue. However, each case of colds in pregnant women is individual and it is necessary to consult a doctor before choosing one or another treatment method.

Inhalations during pregnancy can be carried out in two ways. The first method is familiar to all of us since childhood - breathing in potato vapors. You can completely boil the potato tubers, or you can peel and boil only the skins.

Recently, inhalations based on essential oils have become very popular. Their healing properties have long been proven. Sage, myrtle, fir, pine, rosemary, cedar and eucalyptus are suitable for inhalation. For example, inhalations with eucalyptus can be done using both essential oil and herbal decoction. This procedure should last no more than 10 minutes.

Inhalations can be carried out using a nebulizer (inhaler). Before starting the procedure, read the instructions and determine the required inhalation time and dose of the solution. In this case, the vapors are inhaled using a mask.

Inhalations with garlic and onions for colds

Inhalations with onion and garlic are usually used to cure diseases of the nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea, and lungs (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). And at home they can do steam inhalations using (in the form of additives) medications prescribed by the doctor. Without consulting an experienced specialist, there is a risk of causing irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

What inhalations are useful?

Add five or ten drops of iodine tincture to a kettle or saucepan with five glasses of boiling water. Possible options could be (for three liters of water):

  • five drops of ammonia;
  • one or two teaspoons of crushed dry eucalyptus leaves;
  • part of a briquette of pine extract;
  • ten or fifteen drops of camphor or menthol alcohol;
  • a teaspoon of thymol or menthol oil;
  • approximately a teaspoon of onion or garlic;
  • two or three tablespoons of chamomile infusion.

How to prepare onions and garlic

Grate the garlic and onion on the finest grater. The mixture must be squeezed through three layers of gauze.

How long should inhalation last?

Inhalation duration

is five, ten or fifteen minutes. Five minutes is enough for kids. Inhalation should be done once or twice a day. But be careful: babies should not breathe over boiling water.

When to inhale

Inhalation is useful for the initial signs of a cold - sore throat, runny nose

Inhalations are indicated in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases:
First you need to make sure that the child’s temperature is not higher than 37.5 degrees. It is necessary to exclude pulmonary edema, acute pneumonia, or any purulent process in which inhalation is contraindicated.

Concentration of solution for inhalation

For sore throat, inhalation of an aqueous solution with onion and garlic juice in a ratio of one to ten helps. In order to better remove phlegm, do soda inhalation or inhale steam from heated mineral water.

When is garlic inhalation really effective?

An ordinary clove of garlic is a set of useful substances: essential oil, phytoncides, allicyl and bioflavonoids. This composition helps to cure different types of cough from ordinary bronchitis and whooping cough to smoker’s bronchitis.

Several inhalations with garlic and soda help get rid of sinusitis and rhinitis, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, respiratory infections and complications after the flu.

Warning : You can treat in this way only if the temperature is within normal limits. Inhalations at elevated temperatures are contraindicated.

Using garlic to treat a runny nose

In folk medicine, there are many remedies that are effective in treating a runny nose. It is especially advisable to use this treatment for colds in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in children, because for this category of patients there are strict restrictions on the use of medicines. There are many methods that use garlic for a runny nose as an effective medicine.

Treatment methods

Garlic can be used to prepare nasal drops and a solution for rinsing the nasopharynx; it can be used for inhalation or simply breathing in the phytoncides of this product. The effectiveness of this remedy for the common cold is due to the fact that substances such as phytoncides have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and immunostimulating effect on the body.


One of the simplest and safest ways to use garlic for a runny nose is inhalation. This therapeutic procedure can be carried out in several ways:

  • chop the garlic, place in a small enamel container and place in a water bath, breathe in the medicinal vapors for 10 minutes;
  • You can carry out inhalations without a steam bath; to do this, just pour boiling water over the garlic pulp and breathe in the steam for 5 minutes.

This procedure for a runny nose can be carried out every 3 hours without adding additional components, however, the recommended frequency of inhalations, especially for young children, should not exceed 2 times a day.


Among traditional medicine, there are also several methods for preparing garlic drops for a runny nose, with which you can eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx in a short time without harm to health. To prepare the medicine, you can use the following recipe:

  • grate the garlic;
  • put the crushed mass on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice well;
  • drip juice several times a day.

Garlic in the nose for a runny nose and sinusitis for treatment, is it possible?

Garlic in the nose for a runny nose has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Even the ancient Indian tribes knew about the medicinal properties of this herbaceous plant, using it in the fight against various diseases.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of medications for rhinitis and sinusitis. But with protracted disease processes, medications are not always effective.

For a more desirable effect and quick recovery, many return to traditional medicine and prepare garlic potions on their own.

Medicinal qualities of garlic

Garlic is one of the most useful bulbous plants. Its cloves contain large amounts of sulfuric, silicic and phosphoric acid.

Garlic is rich in vitamins C, D, B, as well as useful chemical elements such as calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium. In total, the vegetable has more than 400 nutrients. It is used for various diseases and injuries.

In the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis, garlic has such positive results as:

  • elimination of runny nose;
  • anesthesia of parts of the face with sinusitis;
  • relieving swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Garlic can also remove symptoms of infectious diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

It is worth paying attention: A distinctive feature of garlic from medicinal drugs is that it can be used by nursing and pregnant women, as well as small children.

Sinusitis and rhinitis occurs in 17% of patients suffering from a runny nose . These diseases are quite dangerous to human health and have serious consequences. Therefore, before starting self-treatment, you should first consult with your doctor.

Garlic recipes for rhinitis

Treating a runny nose with garlic is mainly used in cases where other medications do not provide any benefit. There are a large number of folk garlic recipes to clear the nose and improve human health. Of these, the following drugs are considered the most effective.

Natural drops

To prepare natural drops, you need to crush the garlic cloves and squeeze the juice out of them through layers of gauze. Then dilute the resulting liquid with warm distilled water, 1:10.

Before you start instilling the sinuses, you first need to check for a typical immunopathological process. To do this, one drop of the solution is placed in the nose and the body’s reaction is observed.

If after some time a rash does not appear on the body, garlic is instilled in drops for a runny nose 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.

Important: Garlic remedy should be dripped into the nose only in diluted form. Otherwise, you can burn the nasal cavity and aggravate the disease.


Tampons lubricated with garlic ointment will help relieve nasal congestion. To prepare it you will need:

  • soft flesh of aloe leaves;
  • spine of "Dryakva";
  • garlic natural liquid;
  • Vishnevsky ointment".

To prepare the ointment, you first need to chop up the root of the “Dryakva” and squeeze out the liquid from the garlic. Then take out and crush the aloe pulp. In a separate bowl, mix all the prepared ingredients with Vishnevsky ointment. Before use, the mixture is first heated to a temperature of + 27 degrees, and then applied to the nasal sinuses overnight.


Garlic inhalation will also help against colds accompanied by mucous discharge from the nose. To do this, you need to peel and grate 2 cloves of garlic.

Then pour 200 grams of the resulting slurry. boiled water. Tilt your head over a bowl of garlic solution and inhale the vapors for 10–15 minutes.

For the best effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure with your head covered.

There is another garlic remedy, which, although considered quite light, is at the same time very effective. To eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis, it will be enough to put peeled garlic cloves in each ear for 2 hours.

Therapy of the maxillary sinuses with garlic drugs

Treatment of sinusitis with garlic should be accompanied exclusively in conjunction with prescribed medications. As an independent remedy, garlic will be less effective or will only cause complications.

Let's look at the most effective drugs:

  1. Garlic helps with sinusitis in the form of an ointment. To prepare it, you need to pass a whole head of vegetable through a garlic press, and then combine it with 1 tbsp. l. butter. It is recommended to lubricate the nasal cavity with the resulting mixture daily.
  2. Maxillary sinus cysts can be cured with natural honey. To do this, combine the juices of aloe and garlic in equal proportions. After this, 1/3 of the honey is added to the resulting liquid in relation to the amount of juice. This mixture is injected into the nasal opening with a tampon before bedtime, until the morning.

For sinusitis, it is also recommended to drip garlic juice with sea buckthorn oil into the nose. To get this potion you will need to combine 3-4 drops of vegetable juice and 1 tsp. oils The resulting liquid is injected into the nasal cavity, 2 drops, every 4 hours.

Precautionary measures

When using garlic as a medicine, you should be careful. With incorrect dosages, it is possible to burn the nasal mucosa, the restoration of which will require long-term treatment with other drugs.

Also, under no circumstances should garlic be used in the form of drops, without dilution with water or oils. The ingredient in its pure form poses a serious danger when used internally.

It is very important that before you try this or that garlic recipe, you first need to check your body for allergies. In case of any negative reactions, it is better to refuse this method of treatment.

Garlic is a fairly healthy vegetable that can help in the fight against rhinitis and sinusitis. Properly prepared drugs will help not only reduce the symptoms of diseases, but also remove them completely. The main thing that is required when using garlic is to be careful. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve high effectiveness of treatment.

Feedback: “I always try to be treated only with traditional methods. Therefore, when I have a profuse runny nose, I put pure garlic juice in my nose. I carry out the treatment procedure 3 times a day, using 2 drops on each nostril. After a few days of taking it, the nose becomes completely clear,” Sergeeva. O.A.

Kalashnik Yulia


About garlic

A root vegetable such as garlic is used not only as an addition to cooked dishes, but also as a medicine for many ailments. The role that garlic plays in the healing process of the body is very difficult to overestimate.

In the special composition of the root vegetable, you can find many components that are responsible for the anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties of the plant.

Let's try to figure out what components are included in the medicinal composition of garlic:

  1. Phytoncides are volatile substances. They are able to fight viruses. They work very well during a flu epidemic as a preventive measure.
  2. Esters - they are able to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Allicin is a naturally occurring antibiotic. It copes well with infections of the staphylococcal and streptococcal varieties.

As you can see, garlic is a kind of analogue of many medications.

Is it worth using garlic for a runny nose?

Garlic for a runny nose is a very well-known and popular remedy among people. And, like most folk remedies, it is extremely ambiguous in terms of therapeutic effectiveness.

On the one hand, it is recommended to use garlic in the nose for a runny nose for almost any problem with nasal breathing - from dry congestion to severe allergic rhinorrhea. This is a big mistake caused by absolute ignorance of the mechanisms and causes of the runny nose.

On the other hand, garlic is dangerous because it can burn the nasal mucosa and cause allergies.

Adherents of folk and certainly natural methods of treatment, in response to any questions and doubts about the effectiveness of garlic, brush off with one word - phytoncides. Like, the phytoncides in garlic do everything - they relieve allergies, bacteria, viruses, and even help treat a physiological runny nose.

Doesn't it look like a panacea?

Remember: the more diseases a remedy is designed to treat, the less effective it actually is.

Garlic in the garden

This is also true for garlic. But let's take it in order.

How can garlic be useful for a runny nose?

The only quality of garlic that could be considered useful in treating a runny nose is the really large amount of phytoncides in its composition. However, the capabilities of these substances are greatly exaggerated. And that's why:

When is garlic inhalation really effective?

An ordinary clove of garlic is a set of useful substances: essential oil, phytoncides, allicyl and bioflavonoids. This composition helps to cure different types of cough from ordinary bronchitis and whooping cough to smoker’s bronchitis.

Several inhalations with garlic and soda help get rid of sinusitis and rhinitis, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, respiratory infections and complications after the flu.

Warning : You can treat in this way only if the temperature is within normal limits. Inhalations at elevated temperatures are contraindicated.

Garlic for a runny nose - putting drops of garlic oil into the nose

Every person periodically “catch” a runny nose. Most adults consider this disease not serious and easily tolerate it. But in some situations, completely unexpectedly, you can get complications of a runny nose - sinusitis, chronic rhinitis. It will be more difficult to cope with such pathologies, and it is better to pay attention to timely treatment of emerging rhinitis, in which folk recipes play an important role. For example, garlic for a runny nose is an excellent remedy that has a powerful effect and can replace some drugs from the pharmacy.

Properties of garlic against rhinitis

A runny nose can have different origins: it can be caused by allergies, viruses, bacteria, injury, fungi, and even foreign bodies. But in the vast majority of cases, rhinorrhea - the appearance of nasal discharge - is observed after infection with ARVI, as well as against the background of a cold (hypothermia). It is at the moment of the first appearance of symptoms that you should begin treating a runny nose with garlic in order to catch the disease at the earliest stage. This will help quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and prevent the infection from spreading to the throat, tonsils, and trachea.

Garlic for a runny nose will be useful due to its strong disinfecting effect, which is due to the presence of phytoncides. These volatile substances can kill viruses and bacteria, which are the main causative agents of rhinitis. The effect of garlic phytoncides is similar to the work of antibiotics: the only difference is the superficial effect of local garlic-based products and their inability to penetrate the blood in sufficient quantities. Therefore, the vegetable will not be able to cope with advanced bacterial rhinitis, turning into sinusitis, and at the initial stage of the disease it is quite capable of becoming the only medicine used.

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