Chronic runny nose and how to get rid of it


Forms of chronic runny nose

Depending on the factors that contributed to the development of the inflammatory process and the characteristics of its course, chronic rhinitis is divided into several forms. Each of them has its own nuances of course and treatment, which are important to understand for a speedy recovery. Doctors distinguish between the following types of chronic runny nose:

  • Catarrhal - develops as a result of prolonged exposure to an unfavorable environment: weather changes, high humidity or dampness, gas pollution or dust in the premises. In this case, there is no difficulty in breathing, only irregular discharge of a mucous or purulent-mucous nature. In addition, the sense of smell is impaired
  • Hypertrophic rhinitis is more associated with physiological changes and is accompanied by severe nasal congestion along with copious mucus secretion. The patient's voice becomes nasal, and excessive compression of the lymphatic slits creates a feeling of heaviness in the head and decreased ability to work
  • Atrophic runny nose is caused by the development of a dystrophic process in the nasopharynx, larynx and other parts of the respiratory system. The patient experiences a feeling of dryness and itching in the nasal sinuses, crusts dry out, which can injure the mucous membrane

Each form of the disease has its own treatment features, which, first of all, involve identifying and eliminating factors contributing to the development of the disease. Then it will be possible to select optimal and safe treatment methods, including the use of traditional medicine.

Treatment of chronic runny nose with folk remedies

Never before has the treatment of chronic runny nose with folk “traditional” remedies failed. In books on traditional medicine you can find long-known and used treatment methods, and some of which we are hearing about for the first time.

  1. For example, laundry soap is useful not only for housekeeping, but also for the treatment of chronic runny nose. For this unusual procedure, you will need a previously soaped cotton swab. It is needed to lubricate the nose from the inside. Lubricate the nose 5 times a day.
  2. Treatment with mustard has probably been known to us since childhood: parents immediately applied mustard compresses when they had a cold. It is also useful in the fight against chronic runny nose. Mustard is poured in moderation into socks, and they walk like this all day without taking them off. You can also do water procedures with the addition of mustard. The result is that all the mucus comes out, and at night we can breathe freely, since all the nasal passages are cleared.
  3. Onions are the best remedy for a runny nose, killing all germs outright. Grind the onion into a pulp, using a grater. Then, wrapped in damp gauze, apply to the wings and sinuses of the nose. Keep the compress for about 10-15 minutes. 3 times every day. Nasal drops made from onion juice added to water in a proportional ratio of 1:3 will be useful. Such drops relieve inflammation of the nasal cavity and kill viruses.
  4. Onions are used in folk medicine for inhalation. To do this, chop the onion according to the same scheme, place it in a jar (about.5 liters) and inhale the phytoncides into each nostril one by one.
  5. Beetroot tampons. The preparation of beet tampons is as follows: grate the beets, wrap them in damp gauze with a tube and place them in the nostril for 30 minutes. The same is done for the other nostril. Tampons are applied 2 times a day. The same tampons can be made with garlic, provided that in order to protect the nasal cavity from irritation, it is first lubricated with sea buckthorn or olive oil.
  6. If none of these recipes help, then make a solution from propolis. All ingredients are mixed and poured into a dark glass container. The solution is pipetted into the nostrils. The course is prescribed for 7 days, at intervals of 3 hours, 2-5 drops daily, break - 5 days. Repeated treatment is possible only if the runny nose does not stop.


Chronic rhinitis: causes

To understand how to properly and effectively get rid of ailments, you need to understand what factors lead to its occurrence. Chronic rhinitis can develop for various reasons.

One of the main prerequisites is frequent colds, which are accompanied by a runny nose, lack of effective treatment or ignoring the disease. However, this is not the only reason for the development of a chronic inflammatory process.

Others may also include:

  • Environmental exposure, such as prolonged exposure to dusty or smoky conditions
  • Constant or prolonged exposure to damp conditions, low temperatures, weather changes
  • allergic reactions of the body
  • anatomical features of the nasopharynx, for example, deviated septum
  • congenital or acquired defects in the nasal cavity

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Genetic disorders are difficult to overcome in order to avoid the development of rhinitis, but in most cases the development of the inflammatory process can be prevented. If a chronic runny nose worsens, you need to start treatment in a timely manner so as not to start the process.

Prevention of a runny nose

After you have recovered from a runny nose, you must take the following preventive measures:

  1. monitor your immunity level
  2. dress according to weather conditions
  3. do not overcool and do not sit in drafts
  4. communicate as little as possible with people with colds
  5. take preventive medications, for example: oxolinic ointment
  6. eat vitamin food

All this will help you in the future to save yourself from an unpleasant runny nose. It is worth noting that all of the treatment methods described above can only be used if your runny nose is not allergic or chronic. Contacting a specialist would not be a bad idea, especially if the patient is a child. Take all medications only as directed. Good health to you!

Stuffed nose: how to treat it at home without harm?


The main factor on the basis of which a doctor can diagnose chronic rhinitis is a conversation with the patient, collection and analysis of complaints, and identification of the causes contributing to the development of the inflammatory process. Symptoms and a description of the patient’s condition will provide answers to basic questions, and diagnostic methods can then be used to determine the form and characteristics of the course of the disease. The following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the nose
  • Computed tomography Rhinoscopy is an endoscopic examination that is used if there is purulent discharge from the nose

In addition, the doctor prescribes a general and biochemical blood test to identify allergenic factors that provoke the inflammatory process. To effectively cure a disease, it is necessary to identify its cause and form. Then you can prescribe the optimal methods for eliminating rhinitis.

Means for moisturizing and rinsing the nose

The simplest folk remedy for chronic runny nose, which allows you to rinse your nose or moisturize the mucous membrane, is a solution of a teaspoon of salt in boiled water.

If the snot in the nose begins to thicken, but does not form a lump or crust, simply drip 2-3 drops into one nostril with this solution every 15-20 minutes. Such treatment with folk remedies for chronic runny nose should be carried out regularly, daily and without interruption.

Nasal rinse salt
Salt is a universal remedy for chronic runny nose

If, due to a runny nose, a lump constantly forms in the depths of the nose or, as it feels, at the top of the throat, the nose should be thoroughly rinsed with this solution. To do this, the liquid is poured into a teapot or teapot with a long spout; if possible, into a special container for rinsing, the patient bends over the sink and turns his head so that one nostril is higher than the other. The spout of the container is inserted into the upper nostril and the container itself is tilted so that the solution flows into the nose and begins to flow out of the other nostril. This will help flush the wad of snot out of your airways and down your throat.


“My little one had a chronic runny nose, and it lasted for probably six months. We tried to treat with folk remedies - to no avail. They put drops in the nose, rinsed it with salt water - it just became a little easier, that’s all. Eventually it got to the point where he couldn’t breathe at all at night. I had to go to the hospital. It turned out to be adenoids. They quickly cut him out, he still had a runny nose for a couple of days, and then everything went away.”

Svetlana, Ivanovo

To treat a chronic runny nose with this folk remedy, you need to rinse your nose twice a day.

Oil drops are used to instill in the nose when the mucus on the crust dries and cracks. At the very entrance to the nasal passages, oils can simply be lubricated with cotton swabs; for deeper penetration of the oil, you need to instill them.

Olive oil for runny nose

Peach oil, fir oil, olive oil and petroleum jelly are used for this treatment. It is also useful to use oil solutions of vitamins A and E.

Features of treatment

Treatment of a runny nose

Before starting treatment for chronic rhinitis, it is necessary to understand several basic principles and rules so that the process is effective, safe for the patient and gives the desired result.

The treatment will be carried out by an otolaryngologist, who, after diagnosing and identifying individual characteristics, must prescribe the optimal course of treatment for a particular patient. The basic rules of treatment include:

  • The patient needs to reconsider his diet, adhere to the rules of a healthy diet and add more foods rich in vitamins and useful minerals to the menu. This will strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance.
  • It is important to maintain suitable climatic conditions indoors: air temperature 22-24 degrees, humidity at least 45-50%. Such measures help ease breathing, especially with atrophic rhinitis
  • You should not use only vasoconstrictor drugs that bring temporary relief. Treatment should be comprehensive and begin with eliminating the cause of the ailment
  • Applying heat does not cure a runny nose, but only facilitates the removal of mucus. But the use of physiotherapeutic procedures significantly speeds up the healing process. If a doctor prescribes ultraviolet heating or UHF, magnetic therapy, endonasal electrophoresis, mud therapy or other methods of influence, you must definitely take advantage of this and go through all the procedures
  • For a more comfortable sleep, you can use two pillows or raise the head of the bed. This will help prevent mucus from getting into the back of the airways.

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However, the most important rule is that it is absolutely impossible to ignore the problem and hope that chronic rhinitis will go away on its own. Even a strong immune system cannot always defeat the disease on its own. Therefore, the body needs to be helped and all treatments prescribed by the doctor be applied.

Treatment of children from 1 year to 5 years

Treatment of a runny nose in children from one to 5 years of age has its own characteristics. At this age, you still cannot rinse your nose; under 3 years of age, it is forbidden to use essential oils. Therapeutic procedures consist of instilling saline solution and herbal infusions into the nose (preparation methods are described above), and also adding steam inhalations (from 3 years of age) and foot baths.

Inhalations with essential oils

For a runny nose, use essential oils of eucalyptus, tea tree, fir, pine, etc. For inhalation, you need to buy a special steam inhaler, since doing this procedure over a saucepan is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. Hot inhalations are used when the mucous membranes dry out. This procedure is prohibited during fever and bacterial runny nose, since heat only activates the growth of bacteria.

For inhalation, add a few drops of essential oil to hot water and inhale for 10-15 minutes. The child must do the procedure under the supervision of an adult.

Essential oils can be added to topical foot baths. They are done either in the first hours of illness, if there is no fever, or in the last days, when the temperature subsides. You can also add mustard to the water. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Dry heating

Dry heating with hot sand, salt or eggs helps a lot for a runny nose. To do this, hot eggs or sand are placed in fabric bags or old socks and applied to the wings and sinuses of the nose. However, there are nuances. This method can be used at the very beginning of the disease, when there is no fever yet, or at the end of the disease, when the fever has already subsided. If you have thick yellow or green snot, this method cannot be used.

Honey and bee products

Honey is one of the most popular remedies for a runny nose. Many parents are confident that this product will immediately cure a runny nose. Alas, honey is not entirely suitable for instillation into the nose. It will not destroy a virus that has penetrated inside the cell, and with a bacterial runny nose, honey in the nose is completely dangerous. It is much better to simply feed this healthy product to a child from 2-3 years old with a teaspoon 3 times a day. This will saturate the child’s body with vitamins and strengthen the immune system. But it is better to bury a water infusion of propolis in the nose.

To make a water infusion you will need 10 g of whole propolis and half a glass of hot water. Propolis is poured with water and left for a day. The solution should be shaken as often as possible. Strained propolis is dripped into the nose, 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day. This remedy is suitable for any runny nose, except allergies. Before use, be sure to check the body’s reaction to propolis.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies against runny nose

Traditional medicine has long been used to combat many diseases, as they help to act gently and safely on the body and speed up the treatment process.

It is important to understand that drops, inhalations, and decoctions will be effective when used in parallel with the main methods of eliminating rhinitis. By themselves, they will take a long time to treat a runny nose and will not give the expected result in all cases.

The following traditional medicine recipes are most often used to treat chronic runny nose: Nasal drops based on honey and bay leaf. To prepare the solution, you need to take 3-4 bay leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and let it brew until it cools.

After this, add 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1/3 tsp. salt. Mix the mixture well, drop a few drops into your nose using a pipette 3-4 times a day. This mixture can also be used to rinse the nose.

Onion-garlic inhalation. You can use just one vegetable. To do this, it is cleaned, crushed and the vapors are inhaled for 15-20 minutes twice a day.

Drops based on tea tree oil and oak bark. To prepare the solution, you need to buy crushed dry oak bark at the pharmacy, 1 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave until it cools completely. Then strain and add 20 drops of tea tree essential oil, stir thoroughly. Apply 3 drops into the nose 4-5 times a day.

Folk remedies for treating a runny nose, watch the video.

To make breathing easier, you need to clean the nasal cavity well. To activate this process, you can gently breathe over a bowl of ground black pepper. Its smell causes active sneezing, which will help clear your nose.

Drops based on milk and honey. To prepare the mixture, you need 1 tbsp. add 1 tsp warm milk. liquid honey and mix the ingredients well. Place 3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day.

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Hot foot baths. As you know, the feet are connected to the nasopharynx, so warming them will help alleviate the condition of chronic rhinitis. You need to take hot baths every evening for a week, keep your feet in the water for 15-20 minutes, and then put on warm socks and wrap them in a blanket.

Rinse the nose with infusions of chamomile and plantain. The mixture can be prepared using pharmaceutical products that have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect on the mucous membrane.

Thus, traditional medicine knows many safe remedies that can help in the treatment of chronic rhinitis. You can use several of them at once, but you must first obtain advice and a doctor’s recommendation. Then the treatment will be effective and will help get rid of the runny nose.

Drug treatment

To treat chronic runny nose, drugs are used that strengthen the vessels of the mucous membrane, normalize blood circulation and correct disorders that provoke inflammation.

They usually have no side effects, but, unfortunately, they are addictive.

Therefore, after long-term use, nasal medications no longer bring the desired relief: if after the first doses you “be able to breathe” freely for 5-6 hours, then in the future the drug will make your life easier for 2-3 hours. Then you have to look for a new “effective” medicine.

We do not advise you to self-medicate, but we would like to introduce you to some little-known methods that have helped cure chronic runny nose.

  • For example, on one of the forums, peach oil is recommended as an effective moisturizer for chronic runny nose. 15 minutes before dripping any drops into your nose for a runny nose, lubricate the membranes of your nose with peach oil. Gradually switch from drops to peach oil, that is, drip only oil into your nose.
  • For a prolonged runny nose, some doctors recommend taking Sinupret tablets and rinsing the nasal passages with Flixonase. This treatment reduces the swelling of the epithelium, frees the sinuses from deposits and clears phlegm.
  • Children's cream-balm “Healer” helps to heal the affected nasal membrane and get rid of crusts in the nose. First, you need to smear it on your nose up to 5 times a day to get rid of a lingering runny nose, then only at night. A slight chill is felt, then breathing becomes easier, as after drops.
  • Alternating Sinuforte drops and Nasobek spray helps with chronic rhinitis.


In order not to torment your body, not to suffer from difficulty breathing and not to waste your time, money and effort on treating chronic rhinitis, you can try to avoid it by using preventive measures. Doing this is much easier than it might seem, and easier than doing treatment. The main preventive measures include:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise. Then the immune system will be strong, which will help avoid not only the inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, but also many other unpleasant diseases
  • Don't get too cold, and especially keep your feet warm. It’s not for nothing that they say that if you get your feet wet today, you can expect a runny nose tomorrow. Everything in the human body is interconnected
  • Ensure suitable temperature and humidity in the living room, especially during the winter heating season, when the operation of radiators dries out the air. The nasal mucosa begins to moisturize itself, which invariably causes rhinitis
  • Know your body's allergic reactions and avoid eating foods that can trigger them. It is more difficult for people who suffer from seasonal allergies to flowering plants to isolate themselves. In this case, it is important to choose a suitable antiallergic drug that will help alleviate the condition.

Thus, treatment and prevention of a runny nose is a simple process, but it requires regularity and an integrated approach. It is important to consult a doctor in time and follow his recommendations, then you will be able to effectively get rid of the unpleasant disease.

Effective herbal medicine in the treatment of chronic runny nose

Aloe plant juice

To prepare the juice, you need to pick a leaf of the plant, chop it and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. You need to instill the juice a few drops into each nostril, 3 times a day. After instillation, it is advisable to massage the bridge of the nose with your fingers to evenly distribute the medicine throughout the mucous membrane. For each procedure, you need to squeeze out fresh juice, since natural medicine quickly oxidizes in the open air and loses its beneficial properties. The course of treatment is a week.

Herbal nasal drops

Herbal nasal drops

You need to take equal quantities of dried hoofed root, capitula, and rue. These herbs need to be poured with 100 grams of boiling water and allowed to brew for several hours. The cooled broth must be filtered and poured into a glass container. You need to bury your nose 3 times a day, 2 drops in each nostril.

Herbal remedies for chronic runny nose

A runny nose can be treated not only with nasal drops or swabs. Herbal infusions also have a therapeutic effect and help in the fight against disease.

Take 1 tablespoon each of dried coltsfoot, burdock, primrose, and several rose hips. All ingredients must be mixed and poured with one liter of boiling water. The collection should infuse for several hours. The entire drink should be drunk during the day, at equal intervals.

Mint decoction

You need to take 3 tablespoons of dried mint, 2 tablespoons of linden and string flowers. This herbal mixture needs to be poured with one liter of boiling water and left for several hours. Take 150 grams 4 times a day.

Rosehip in the fight against chronic rhinitis

Rosehip in the fight against chronic rhinitis

To prepare a decoction for oral administration, you need to take a handful of rose hips, dried thyme and oregano (2 tablespoons each). All ingredients must be placed in a large thermos and filled with 2 liters of water. The decoction should infuse overnight. The next day you need to drink all this drink.

Before you self-medicate, you need to know that each person’s body is individual and reacts differently to different medications. If during treatment with traditional recipes an allergy or intolerance to any component develops, you should urgently stop the medication and consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for chronic runny nose.

The simplest runny nose can become chronic, which can be accompanied by difficulty breathing, as the nasal cavity is blocked, copious mucous discharge from the nose, and loss of smell. There can be many reasons why a runny nose has become chronic. Among them are increased rhinitis, irritating factors for the mucous membrane, hypothermia, dry air, infectious disease, allergies, defects associated with the anatomical structure of the nose or its fractures, as well as side effects on the use of medications.

However, there are just as many answers to seven troubles: these are inhalations, saline solutions, laser treatment, nasal rinsing. In addition, traditional methods of treatment are very effective.

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