Boric alcohol composition instructions. Boric acid or boric alcohol? Which remedy is better: camphor or boric alcohol

What is boric alcohol

Boric alcohol has been used for otitis media for a long time. It is considered one of the most effective remedies against inflammatory processes. As a rule, a 3% solution is used for treatment, which is available in 25 ml bottles made of dark glass and is completely ready for use. For additional convenience, when instilling alcohol into the ear, it is recommended to use a medical pipette.

It is important to remember that before using boric alcohol to treat otitis media, you must ensure the integrity of the eardrum. If it is damaged, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

Boric alcohol in the ear of both adults and children with otitis media is an irreplaceable and first-priority medicine. It has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects, eliminates swelling and has a strong analgesic effect. In addition, it is an excellent warming drug that effectively fights infections of the auricle.

By its nature, this product is a powerful antiseptic that has an effective antibacterial effect. That is why it is used to treat diseases of the middle ear and problems with the outer ear.

Before you drip boric alcohol into your ear, you should study the list of side effects that may occur during use. Namely:

  • the product has a certain level of toxicity, so it is not advisable to use it for a long time; it must be handled carefully; cannot be stored in places accessible to children;
  • It is necessary to dribble into the ear with extreme caution, since the substance can cause intoxication after 4 drops instilled at a time;
  • Do not use if there is damage to the ear: in case of contact, deafness may begin to develop.

Often, along with the question of how to treat the ear with boric alcohol, the next one arises regarding the use of ethanol, which is also produced for medicinal purposes and has long been known for its irreplaceable properties in medicine.

But the answer to the question “Is it possible to drip ethyl alcohol into the ear?” unequivocally no! The overall effect of the drug on the entire body after penetration into the blood depends on the degree of sensitivity and dosage. But in both cases, undesirable effects such as sedation, intoxication, sleep, anesthesia and death are possible. In addition, ethyl alcohol promotes the dilation of blood vessels, which causes skin hyperemia and a significant decrease in blood pressure, thus creating unfavorable conditions for the functioning of all organs.

The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect and can quickly destroy the pathogens of any infection on the surface being treated. Therefore, it is used mainly for sterilizing medical instruments, treating surgeon’s hands and operating devices.

Otitis and boric alcohol are a correct, effective and often used “tandem”, which, like any method of treatment, must be studied and carried out according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Indications for use of boric alcohol

As for young patients, who, as statistics show, suffer from otitis media most often, the use of this drug for up to one year is strictly prohibited. If the child is older, and in agreement with the doctor, it is decided to use boric alcohol for otitis media, the instructions for its use are somewhat different from those for adults.

There are situations when even the most expensive products are powerless for problem skin. It might be worth trying some simple and accessible traditional medicine recipe. Sometimes it can be unexpectedly effective. For example, you can purchase an inexpensive drug such as boric acid (alcohol) at the pharmacy.

Using this product is no more difficult than regular lotion. If your facial skin is very oily, you can wipe it with a cotton swab soaked in boric alcohol, or you can apply it point-wise - only on inflamed areas. In any case, after using such a drug, the skin must be moisturized. If excessive drying is not necessary, then you can not use alcohol in its pure form, but dilute it with boiled water in half. You should not expect an effect from boric alcohol earlier than a week later.

Before use, be sure to check your body for allergic effects. You can drop a little boric alcohol on the skin. After this, wait two hours. If nothing appears (meaning a rash, redness or itching), then you can use boric alcohol. Otherwise, you can get an unpleasant allergic reaction in addition to colds and otitis media.

Boric alcohol, due to its wide range of effects, can be used for almost various indications. In particular, it is prescribed for:

  • Ear pain
  • Inflammatory processes
  • Feeling itchy

The doctor may also prescribe the drug for other diseases. Here the therapist or ENT specialist knows better, since it is he who fully sees the picture of your illness.

Indications for the use of the drug are quite extensive. Basically, these are diseases of the hearing organs. Treatment can be carried out for ear pain, inflammatory processes, and itching. In any case, we advise you to use the drug strictly according to the instructions and use it only after a doctor’s prescription. Self-medication even with such a relatively harmless drug can provoke a negative result.

The drug has antiseptic properties, therefore it is used to treat pathological conditions associated with bacterial and fungal infections. Boric alcohol for otitis is prescribed as an astringent and disinfectant for inflammation of the mucous membrane after removing purulent exudate from the cavity of the external auditory canal.

Ear treatment with boric acid can be done in various ways. For example, they prescribe the use of cotton swabs and gauze swabs soaked in a solution, or as drops. You must first clean the ear canals of wax plugs with hydrogen peroxide. To rinse the ear, use a 3% solution, 3-4 drops per ear.

Sharp pain and congestion are the main indications for using alcohol as drops. The alcohol solution must first be heated to 38-40°C, otherwise the cold liquid can lead to increased pain. Next, using a pipette, add 2-3 drops. The process must be carried out lying down to prevent the liquid from leaking out. For ear pain, it is recommended to instill boric alcohol 3-4 times a day.


Inflammation of the ear canals can be treated with turundas - gauze swabs or cotton swabs. The alcohol solution is heated, then a few drops of warm product are dripped onto the flagella. Soaked turundas must be inserted into the ear canal. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, but the most comfortable and optimal use is to leave the rollers overnight.


Otitis media can be treated using gauze bandages. Compresses can be dry, wet, warming, medicinal, cooling. To treat this kind of inflammation, warming alcohol dressings are made, which, at a temperature of about 35-38°C, relieve lumbago and pain. The procedure can be performed before bed and leave the gauze on overnight to improve the effect.

The instructions for making medicinal dressings are easy to learn. Boric acid for ears is diluted in equal parts with distilled water and medical alcohol and a gauze patch is soaked in it. The gauze soaked in the solution is cut in the middle, and then threaded through the ear and lobe. Next, the compress is covered with a waterproof layer of fabric with the same hole, and a thick cotton swab is placed on top. You can fix it with a large piece of gauze or bandage.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers, this product is a dangerous substance. This solution can affect the intrauterine development of the embryo. In addition, there are cases of premature termination of pregnancy in women who used the drug. During Soviet times, acid was used to lubricate nipples in order to wean a child from breastfeeding, which can cause serious harm to health. During lactation, acid easily enters milk through the bloodstream and leads to serious intoxication in infants.

In case of overdose, this alcohol solution can lead to poisoning and toxic shock; for this reason, its use as a prophylactic agent is inappropriate. Self-medication is extremely dangerous - you should definitely consult a specialist. Here are several preventive measures to prevent otitis media during ARVI:

  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • ventilation of premises;
  • freeing the nasal passages from accumulated secretions.

Indications for use:

  • dermatosis in a progressive stage;
  • psoriasis;
  • acne;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • acne of any etiology;
  • excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.

The therapeutic effect of using boric alcohol is deep cleansing of the skin with a guaranteed long-term result. New pimples dry out and do not appear again, pores are disinfected, oiliness goes away, and the skin does not get used to this drug.

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Benefits of boric alcohol for acne:

  • cheapness. You can purchase antiseptics at any pharmacy at an affordable cost;
  • ease of use. Boric alcohol must be lubricated with a cotton pad on the inflamed areas of the skin;
  • high efficiency in the treatment of acne and lasting therapeutic effect.

Before you start treatment with boric alcohol, you need to know about its disadvantages, the main of which are:

  • burning, dermatitis and itching. The drug should be used with caution if you have sensitive skin, as an allergic reaction may occur;
  • dries out the skin. Unfortunately, boric alcohol is not recommended for people with dry skin.

In the small list of advantages and disadvantages of boric alcohol, there are also side effects from its use.

The instructions for the medicine indicate that it should not be used to lubricate large areas of skin.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then boric acid is not suitable for treating acne. Allergies may also occur to individual components of the drug. In case of individual intolerance, it would be useful to undergo a sensitivity test before starting therapy.

Since the antiseptic contains alcohol, it can dry out the skin, and therefore people with dry and sensitive skin should avoid using it, so as not to make it worse.

An overdose of boric alcohol to treat acne may cause nausea, headache and vomiting. If you find that you have any of the above symptoms while using this drug, stop treatment immediately and consult a doctor.

Boric solution with alcohol in the ear is allowed to be used in three ways, each of which has its own positive aspects:

  • drops intended for instillation;
  • turundas made of cotton wool or gauze soaked in solution;
  • warming compresses.

All three options for using the medicinal composition have different indications, so you should first obtain a doctor’s prescription. The average duration of treatment is 7-9 days.

It is advisable to use a compress for external and middle forms of otitis. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to reduce swelling and pain symptoms.

Before instilling the alcohol composition, it is necessary to clean the ear canals from excess wax and other secretions. Hydrogen peroxide, which is instilled in 7 drops, will help with this. After a while, you need to tilt your head to the side so that the remaining solution flows out. Then wipe off excess sulfur with a cotton swab.

If hydrogen peroxide is used to cleanse the ear canals in children, it is better to dilute the product with water. To administer the medicine, you can use a syringe without a needle.

For an adult

An adult patient needs to drip 3-4 drops of boric alcohol composition into each ear in one session. In order for the medicine to completely reach the site of inflammation, you need to tilt your head to the side and use a pipette to inject the required amount of medicine. You are allowed to use drops no more than four times a day with an interval of 4.5 hours.

To kid

Is it possible to drip boric alcohol into the ear?

Boric alcohol is often prescribed simultaneously with other drugs aimed at treating inflammatory diseases of the ear. The drug disinfects the surface, stops the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, reduces the area of ​​inflammation and reduces the intensity of pain.

It is advisable to prescribe a solution in the ears in the following cases:

  • painful manifestations of varying intensity;
  • inflammation and swelling;
  • itchy, unpleasant sensations.

You cannot start treatment with this medicinal composition on your own. Only after examining and establishing the exact cause of the disease, the otolaryngologist prescribes the exact dosage and the appropriate option for using the medicinal composition.

Medicinal properties of boric alcohol

Boric acid for ears is a special solution containing three percent ethanol. This product has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Its use is advisable for various diseases of the hearing organs and in the treatment of skin diseases. The active ingredient is boric acid.

The antiseptic effect lies in the fact that the solution has the ability to neutralize the protein structures of the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby stopping the growth and development of pathogenic microflora.

If boric alcohol is used in the ear, the instructions say that this product has an antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-pediculosis, astringent, and fungistatic effect. The drug is used to treat the following diseases:

  • weeping eczema;
  • pyoderma;
  • diaper rash;
  • otitis media of various origins.

Action of boric alcohol

Boric alcohol has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. This is a clear solution with a specific alcoholic odor. The drug is used for various ear diseases and is characterized by high absorption of the drug.

The composition of boric alcohol includes the main active ingredient - boric acid and an auxiliary substance - 70% ethyl alcohol. The drug is available in the form of dropper bottles or glass bottles with a capacity of 10 ml, 25 ml and 40 ml. The substances that make up alcohol penetrate the skin and mucous membranes, accumulate and are excreted by the kidneys.

The drug is used to disinfect wounds, dermatitis, eczema, chronic and acute otitis media.

You should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. It is not possible to diagnose ear diseases on your own.

To treat ear diseases, you can use 2 methods of using the drug:

Boric alcohol should not be used for more than 7 days. If the ear pain does not go away, then you should seek help from specialists. For children, the exact dosage should be observed. The drug is not prescribed to children under one year of age; other treatment methods are used.

Before using boric alcohol for ear inflammation in children, the drug must be heated in a water bath to room temperature.

temperature. Only after this should treatment be carried out using any of the two above methods.

After administering boric alcohol, after some time, antibacterial drops or tablets should be used according to the instructions or dosage prescribed by the doctor.

How does boric acid work?

The active components of the drug coagulate the protein and enzyme structures of microbial cells. This disrupts the permeability of cell membranes. The composition is absorbed into damaged skin and mucous membranes, accumulates in tissues and organs. Elimination is slow. The drug has an irritating effect on mucous membranes and tissues.

If boric alcohol is used in a child's ear, rapid penetration of its active components into the tissues and mucous membranes is noted.

Contraindications and side effects

Boric acid has an antiseptic effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Local application of Boric acid in the form of an ointment is good for lice (head lice). It is also possible to use a solution of Boric acid in the ear for otitis media. Has a high degree of penetration through the skin and mucous membranes, especially in young children.

It has the ability to accumulate in organs and tissues and is excreted slowly from the body. Quite widespread use of the drug has been observed in the past, both in adults and children. Now, due to identified side effects, Boric acid has limited use.

As with any other pharmacological drug, individual intolerance to boric acid (alcohol) is possible. In addition, this remedy is absolutely contraindicated for kidney disease. Boric alcohol is prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The fact is that boric acid, and its solutions as well, are able to penetrate through the skin and mucous membranes into the systemic bloodstream, accumulate in organs and tissues, causing intoxication, skin rashes, impaired renal function and even shock. With short-term use of boric alcohol in small doses, as a rule, there are no side effects.

What is the difference between boric acid and boric alcohol?

These products are different types of one active component, boric acid, which is used as an antiseptic.

Differences between weak acid and ethanol.

  1. The acid is sold in the form of a powder, alcohol solution or balm, for external use. It is white in color and is used to prepare various liquids. The acid is useful for treating wounds and rinsing the mouth.
  2. Boric alcohol is a ready-to-use solution for treating painful areas of the skin to relieve pain due to otitis media.

Boric acid or boric alcohol in the ear?

Boric acid (powdered substance) and boric alcohol (liquid solution) contain the same active ingredient, which has a disinfecting and antimicrobial effect. Despite this, there are differences between the two drugs.

Boric acid

Boric acid is produced as small white crystals. Based on the crystalline powder, which does not smell and has no particular taste, various other medicinal compositions are made.

A solution of boric acid stops the spread of microbes, disinfects the surface and prevents re-infection. Acid is used to treat ear diseases, treat and disinfect skin lesions, and gargle.

Boric alcohol

An alcohol solution based on boric acid helps to quickly cope with the symptoms of various types of inflammation. The composition also contains other auxiliary components. The drug is available with different concentrations of the active ingredient. Most often a 2 or 3% solution is used.

The medicinal composition is sold in dark glass containers of various sizes. Each cardboard package is accompanied by a detailed description of the use of the drug.

Otitis media is accompanied by an inflammatory process that occurs in various parts of the hearing organs. The cause of otitis media is bacteria, fungi or viruses. Unbearable, sometimes even shooting pain prevents the patient from sleeping and eating. Boric alcohol in the ear is prescribed in combination with other medications, including antibiotics.

The composition copes not only with the symptoms, but also with the cause of the disease.

Boric alcohol, solution characteristics

Boric alcohol is usually prescribed for the treatment of otitis media as an adjunct to other drugs and procedures. This drug is now considered obsolete, since there are many more effective drugs to combat inflammation in the ears.

However, many people continue to use boric alcohol due to its availability and effectiveness against pathogenic microorganisms. However, before you start using the drug, you need to understand the terms. Many people confuse boric alcohol with acid.

In fact, boric acid is a white powder that is insoluble in water. The alcohol of the same name is a mixture of boric acid with 70% ethyl alcohol. It is this substance that is used to treat otitis media.

It is important to consider that boric alcohol has toxic properties. The use of this substance without consulting a doctor is fraught with negative consequences. Before using boric alcohol, you need to be examined by an otolaryngologist. If the eardrum is damaged, this substance should not be used.


To treat ears, a 3% boric acid solution is usually used. This product is called boric alcohol. This substance is suitable for topical use only.

It always contains boric acid and 70% ethyl alcohol. You can find various products on sale with concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 5%. The drug is produced in glass bottles. They can have a volume of 10 or 20 ml.

The medicinal characteristics of boric alcohol are determined by its composition:

  1. Boric acid is considered an effective antiseptic that works well against bacteria and fungi.
  2. Ethyl alcohol - produces a warming effect and improves blood circulation in the affected area. Due to this, it is possible to quickly cope with inflammation.

How to instill boric alcohol into the ear?

Painful sensations in the ears appear during the inflammatory process. Usually this symptom is intense. The causative agent of otitis media is pneumococcus. To get rid of otitis media, comprehensive treatment should be carried out.

All medications should be prescribed only by a doctor, especially when it comes to a child. In addition to the use of standard medications, boric acid in the ear is a good addition to the main therapy. This is an affordable product and easy to use at home.

Instillation of orthoboric acid

Today, boron-based solutions are actively used - aqueous and alcoholic. They are less toxic, but very useful.

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1) A two percent aqueous solution is used to wipe the eyes for various diseases.

2) Skin problems will be solved by applying a three percent boron solution.

3) A low concentration alcohol solution is suitable for the treatment of ear diseases.

4) Boric ointment is used for pediculosis.

5) A boron solution in tandem with glycerin will help solve women's intimate problems.

Boric acid is used to treat the eyes. It is present in minute percentages in many specialized drops.

You should only buy such drugs on the recommendation of your doctor. It is prohibited to make such drops or make any compresses yourself.

How to treat ears with boric acid? For uncomplicated ear pathologies, the drug can be used as ear drops. They will speed up the process of eliminating pathogens in areas of inflammation, which will help strengthen local immunity and recovery.

The drug can be included in the regimen of conservative treatment of external and exudative otitis. How to put boric acid in the ear? When using the medication, otolaryngologists advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. clean the ear canal of wax using hydrogen peroxide by dropping 3-5 drops of solution into the ear;
  2. remove remaining moisture using clean gauze or a cotton pad;
  3. tilt your head to the side and drop boric acid into it;
  4. after 10 minutes, tilt your head in the opposite direction;
  5. Remove any remaining product using a cotton pad.

How many times should you drop boric acid into your ear? During one procedure, no more than 3-4 drops of the drug can be instilled into the ear canal. Perform the procedure 3-4 times a day for a week.

Boric acid 3 percent - methods of use for the ears

Immediately before instillation, the bottle of liquid is warmed in the hand to body temperature. You can hold the bottle in warm water at a temperature of 37–38C.

Turundas in the ears with boric acid

To carry out the most effective therapeutic measures using this solution, it is recommended to use turundas before bedtime. These are cotton swabs soaked in a medicinal substance. This method is convenient and safe. Benefits of using turunda:

  • the medicinal solution is much better absorbed by tissues and mucous membranes and will not flow out of the ear canal;
  • the drug will be evenly distributed throughout the ear canal;
  • the duration of the medicine will be longer;
  • the solution is affordable for most patients.

The disadvantage of this method is that if it is performed incorrectly, there is a risk of injury to the eardrum. Also, if you make the turunda too hard, you can damage the delicate skin of the ear canal.

If you leave a gauze pad in the ear for too long, an inflammatory process and unpleasant complications may develop. This method is suitable for the treatment of non-purulent otitis media. Sometimes after use you may feel itching and tingling. Usually such sensations go away on their own within a few minutes.

Before using turundas with boric acid, it is recommended to consult with an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can decide in each specific case how appropriate it is to use this method.

Turundas are not used in case of complicated processes in the ear canal, during gestation, lactation, purulent otitis, individual intolerance to active components, and kidney diseases.

You can make turundas yourself using cotton wool, cotton pads or gauze.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Before performing any manipulations, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. Take a small piece of cotton wool and stretch it in different directions. Roll into a small thin roll. Its length should not exceed 10 centimeters. This roller should be about two millimeters in diameter.
  3. Fold in half, twist both halves into spirals.
  4. At the end of all manipulations, the result should be a dense turunda, but at the same time quite soft.

You can also make it using cotton wool and a toothpick:

  1. Tear off a small piece of cotton wool and fluff it up.
  2. Take a toothpick and wrap the cotton wool around the toothpick.
  3. The result should be a conical flagellum about 3 centimeters long and about 3 millimeters in diameter.

To make a turunda from a bandage, you need to cut off a flap of no more than 10 centimeters. You need to twist the bandage into a tight roller. It is preferable to use this material for making turunda for children, since it is almost impossible for them to injure the delicate mucous membrane.

After the turunda is made, you need to use it correctly for treatment:

  1. Heat boric acid in a water bath. It shouldn't be hot.
  2. Soak the turunda in a warm solution.
  3. Next, carefully insert the roller into the ear canal using a screwing motion. The tip should be visible.
  4. Let it remain in the ear canal for three hours. During this time it will dry and can be removed.
  5. If necessary, take a clean cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide and remove any remaining wax from the ear.

Repeat this procedure about three times during the day, observing intervals of about five hours. Turunda is also inserted at night. Do not forcefully screw it into the ear canal or insert it completely. This can cause injury to the eardrum.

Also, do not soak the flagellum with a large amount of medicine; a few drops are enough to make the roller wet. Also, you should not leave it in the ear for too long, as this may cause the development of an additional inflammatory process.

The duration of such treatment should be no more than a week. If there are no even minimal positive results after such a procedure, it is recommended to visit an otolaryngologist for examination and possible correction of the treatment regimen.

How to properly instill the product into the ear?

To carry out the procedure, you need to clean the ear canal with a solution of hydrogen peroxide: take it into a pipette, warm it in the palm of your hand and instill up to 5 drops. This causes hissing. There is no need to be afraid. Thus, a reaction with sulfur occurs. After the hissing sounds have stopped, the patient is tilted so that excess solution flows out of the ear, and the ear canal is wiped with a clean, dry cloth. Both ears are prepared in this way.

Instillation of boric alcohol:

  1. The product must first be warmed to room temperature.
  2. The patient is placed in a horizontal position on his side.
  3. The drug is instilled in 2-3 drops using a clean medical pipette.
  4. The medicine should flow down the wall of the ear canal, so it will displace the air.
  5. The person should remain in this position for 10-15 minutes so that the medicine does not leak out of the ear.
  6. The frequency of the procedure is 2-3 times a day. The course of such treatment should not exceed seven days.

There are situations when the patient cannot lie on his side for 10 minutes. In this case, cotton pads are used. The cotton wool is rolled up into a tourniquet, dipped in the medicine, squeezed out and placed in the ear. It is better to do this before bed and leave the turunda overnight.

In some cases, compresses with the drug help relieve acute pain due to ear inflammation. They are made as follows: moisten a gauze cloth with boric alcohol at room temperature, wring it out and apply it to the ear. Then a piece of oilcloth, larger in area, is placed on the napkin, and a layer of cotton wool is placed on it, which will ensure heat retention. You can secure the compress with a scarf or scarf.

Do not interrupt treatment immediately after the pain disappears. The antimicrobial effect does not occur immediately. For a positive effect, at least two days of using the drug are necessary.

Side effects

Side effects with proper use of the drug rarely develop, but still, with prolonged use of boric alcohol in the ear, conditions such as:

  • convulsions,
  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • confusion,
  • decreased amount of urine,
  • toxic shock.

It should be recalled that boric acid is a poison and, if accidentally or intentionally ingested, can cause severe dysfunction of internal organs, including death.

Can complications arise?

Complications can develop if the patient has a perforation of the eardrum, since alcohol can enter the middle ear cavity and cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the eardrum, which can prolong the inflammatory process in the middle ear and increase the duration of treatment.

Long-term healing perforation in this case leads to chronicity of the process and gradual hearing loss.

Alcohol solution of boric acid for otitis media

Very often you can find recommendations to instill a drug such as boric alcohol into the ear. The instructions for use state that otitis media is treated in this way. It must be said that at present in official medicine the use of this medication is not very encouraged, since it is considered outdated and less effective compared to new developments. So this is rather a recommendation from traditional medicine. However, sometimes otolaryngologists for inflammatory processes in the middle ear prescribe such an affordable remedy as boric acid (alcohol). The instructions for using it are as follows: instill three drops of the solution, heated in the palms of your hands or in water to a comfortable temperature, into the ear canal of each ear 3-4 times a day. Such treatment is not carried out for longer than seven days.

There is another, more gentle way: soak cotton gauze flagella in boric alcohol, insert them into your ears and leave them overnight. For purulent inflammations, it is better not to use the described drug at all.

You should not use boric alcohol for treatment without making sure that the eardrum is intact, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable: from hearing loss to death. It is better to schedule a visit to the otolaryngologist before experimenting with drugs.

Indications for use

As you know, boric alcohol for ear pain is one of the most effective and frequently used remedies. It can be used to treat ear pain in the following cases:

  • otitis externa;
  • otitis media (before perforation of the eardrum);
  • ear congestion (cause – severe hypothermia);
  • ear pain due to a cold;
  • ear pain due to a viral infection;
  • boil in the ear canal;
  • ear injuries.

If these indications are available, an alcoholic solution of boric acid is used in the ear for instillation or insertion of cotton wool soaked in it. Often this product is used to make compresses to warm the ear.

But before treating the ear with boric alcohol, it is necessary to correctly identify the symptoms in order to avoid undesirable consequences. This should be done by a specialist who will directly monitor the course of the disease and its treatment.

It is also worth remembering that not in all cases when the ear hurts, you need to use boric alcohol. You should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is possible to treat ear congestion with boric alcohol only when it is a symptom of otitis media. For other reasons, the drug will not be beneficial or will cause harm;
  • not all types of otitis are amenable to therapy with boric alcohol.

Boric acid in the ear: instructions for use

In powder form, the product is introduced into the ear canal by insufflation. The procedure is carried out in the postoperative period to prevent infection of damaged tissues.

Boric acid in the ear is a good remedy for the treatment of many diseases of the ENT organs.

The crystalline powder is blown into a special device called an insufflator, which distributes the product over the entire internal surface. The procedure can only be performed by an experienced doctor in a hospital setting.

For adults

Before administering the medicine, you need to clean your ears from accumulations of wax. This is done using a cotton swab or a bandage folded into a tampon, soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

To make the procedure easier, drops of peroxide can be placed directly into the ear canal. Hold for 10 seconds. Remove residues with dry cotton wool.

Heat the alcohol solution of boric acid under hot water or in a water bath to body temperature. Check to see if it's too hot by putting a little on your wrist.

After this, the adult must be placed on his side, with the affected ear facing up. Using a pipette, inject 3-5 drops of the medicine into the ear canal. In order for the solution to be distributed most evenly, you need to lie in the same position for 10 minutes.

After the patient gets up, some of the product may leak out of the ear. It must be collected and the ear canal covered with cotton wool for one hour.

If necessary, instill in the second ear in the same sequence.

For children

For children, a similar procedure can be performed in two ways. Introduce 2 drops of the product into the ear canal according to the described scenario. Or, without instilling the medicine inside, wet a cotton pad with it and stuff it into the ear canal for an hour.

Boric acid can be used under the supervision of an ENT doctor.

For children and adults, treatment is carried out 3 to 5 times a day. Do not exceed the indicated dosages. Treatment lasts no more than a week. The period can be reduced on the recommendation of a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Treatment of the ear with boric alcohol has a number of contraindications, which are important to know about in order not to cause irreparable harm to health. Such contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • children under 15 years old.

Another contraindication is the discharge of pus. In this case, the use of the product is strictly prohibited! It is also undesirable to use it for various skin lesions.

If no contraindications are observed, but treatment of otitis with this remedy causes negative sensations, its use should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Boric acid in the ear during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the first and most common contraindications for the use of any vodka solutions. Any tincture containing an alcohol base can cause side effects for otitis media, and most importantly, harm the child’s health.

If a woman experiences severe pain in such situations, then the doctor very carefully inserts a turunda lightly moistened in boric acid (but not alcohol) into the ears. This is a more loyal way of treating the disease in such cases.

Before instilling boric alcohol into the ears (for both adults and children), it is recommended to first consult with a doctor.

Features of use for children

This remedy should be prescribed to children after determining the cause of the pain syndrome. The most common cause of discomfort is otitis media. However, sometimes the inflammatory process can be associated with other reasons. This is due to the structural features of the hearing organ in children.

These ear drops should be used strictly according to the instructions. If you plan to treat a child, you should do the following:

  • warm the medicine to room temperature;
  • Inject 1 drop into each ear;
  • After 15-20 minutes, use a stick or cotton swab to remove the product from the ears.

Quite often, only 1 procedure is enough for children to get rid of pain. However, this does not mean that the inflammatory process has been eliminated. To completely cope with the disease, treatment must be done within 1 week.

If complaints occur, therapy should be stopped immediately. If the dynamics do not improve, you should immediately contact a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing tubo-otitis.

Is boric acid effective for otitis media and how to use it?

Painful sensations in the ear area can be a symptom of various pathologies and diseases; this is a clear sign of otitis media. The inflammatory process in the ear in children requires more careful and careful treatment than in adults. Often the medications used to eliminate ear inflammation in adults are absolutely not suitable for children or require a more gentle dosage.

Boric acid for otitis media is a powerful antiseptic. It helps to get rid of serious pathology in a short time.

What analogues of boric acid exist?

Analogues of this remedy are:

  • Ketocin;
  • Levomycetin with boric acid;
  • Oksial;
  • Olazol;
  • Osarbon;
  • Ophthalmo Septonex;
  • Fukortsin;
  • Teymurov's pasta.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to perform any manipulations with medications on your own, since the person himself cannot diagnose himself.

For example, boric acid should not be used for purulent otitis media. Only a doctor can decide whether this drug or its analogues can be used in each specific case.

Doctors also warn that only combination therapy should be used in the treatment of most diseases, since inflammatory processes are often caused by infectious pathogens. Therefore, it is necessary to use antibacterial drugs. Boric alcohol should not be used for monotherapy.

Possible side effects

When using boric alcohol in the ear, some unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • Drunk;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • clouding of mind;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • stomach upset;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most severe consequence of such therapy is deafness. Most often, it develops in children when treatment is carried out without medical assistance, with non-compliance with dosage and duration, as well as with inattention to contraindications.

If such manifestations occur, treatment should be stopped immediately and medical attention should be sought.

Contraindications for use and side effects of the drug

You should not use boric alcohol to combat acne if you have an individual intolerance to this drug and impaired kidney function. Also, do not apply the drug to large areas of skin. As for side effects from the use of boric acid, they can be expressed in the form of toxic reactions (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), as well as irritation and drying of the skin. In the first case, you should immediately consult a doctor, and in the second, immediately stop using the drug, since your skin may be too sensitive to it.


Ear pain is often caused by the following factors:

  • violations of hygiene rules;
  • decreased immune activity;
  • injuries resulting from careless cleaning of the ear canal;
  • water getting into the ear when swimming.

It is possible to prevent the development of otitis media; to do this, you should follow simple rules:

  1. Preventing liquid from entering the ear canal. The ear canal should be covered with cotton pads before bathing; this preventive measure is especially important for children.
  2. Do not use sharp objects to clear the ear canal of accumulated wax.
  3. Only the visible part of the ear canal and the auricle need to be cleaned of wax.
  4. It is important to ensure the evacuation of mucous secretions from the nasal cavity.

Compliance with the above rules is the key to hearing health.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Indications for the use of a healing agent may vary, since boric acid is an antiseptic, and it also creates an anti-pediculosis and insecticidal effect. Let's figure out what boric acid is used for and what diseases it copes with:

  • dermatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • diaper rash on the skin;
  • eczema;
  • otitis in various forms;
  • pyoderma;
  • colpitis;
  • pediculosis.

The remedy quickly relieves inflammation, redness and other unpleasant symptoms.

Regardless of the dosage form, the drug Boric acid is used only externally. It is applied to the area where the infectious inflammatory process is located. The following methods of using various dosage forms of the drug are distinguished:

  1. Alcohol solutions of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 3% are used as drops in the ear for acute and chronic otitis (turundas /small narrow gauze swabs/, moistened with a solution, are inserted into the ear canal), as well as for treating affected areas skin with pyoderma (purulent inflammation of the skin), eczema, diaper rash. After operations on the middle ear, insufflation (insufflation using a powder blower) of boric acid powder is sometimes used.
  2. Prescribed as a 2% aqueous solution for washing the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the back surface of the eyelids and the front surface of the eyeball) for conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye); A 3% solution is used as a lotion for weeping eczema and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin).
  3. For head lice, apply 10-25 g of 5% ointment once to the scalp, rinse off with warm water after 20-30 minutes, and comb out thoroughly with a comb; for dry and cracked skin, apply the ointment to the skin as needed.
  4. A 10% solution in glycerin is used to lubricate affected areas of the skin during diaper rash, as well as colpitis (inflammation of the vagina).

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Boric alcohol drops in the ears

Ointment - applied to the mucous membranes in an even thin layer; for conjunctivitis, a small amount of ointment is placed under the conjunctival sac. The ointment is applied 2 times a day.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  1. Hypersensitivity of the patient to boric acid;
  2. Perforation of the eardrum;
  3. Renal dysfunction;
  4. Chronic renal failure;
  5. Pregnancy and lactation;
  6. Childhood.

I will briefly list where it is used, and I will tell you more about its use in medicine separately below. So, the main areas of application of boric acid:

  • In medicine as an antiseptic.
  • In agriculture as part of complex fertilizers. Can be used in conjunction with growth regulators of agricultural plants, for example, sugar beets, which leads to an increase in yield. The concentration used is 0.05%.
  • In the production of fire retardants (fire retardants), for example, for impregnating wood.
  • In the nuclear industry as a neutron absorber (when dissolved in a coolant).
  • I came across a study that described the use of boric acid to impregnate wood, which would later be used in the design of radiation shielding for nuclear power plants to attenuate neutron radiation fluxes to levels safe for human health. At the same time, borated wood (as a cheaper material compared to others) can be used to protect against neutron fluxes of low and medium energies.
  • As an insecticide to kill cockroaches and ants.
  • For the production of enamels and special glasses (for example, laboratory glasses).
  • In the production of fiberglass, fiberglass, fiberglass.
  • In the food industry as a preservative E284 (in Russia it is not included in the list of permitted additives).
  • In metallurgy.
  • In jewelry.

Can boric acid be dripped into the ear? In otolaryngology, several types of ear pathologies can be distinguished, the treatment of which can be carried out using an aqueous or alcoholic solution of orthoboric acid. These include:

  • furunculosis of the external auditory canal - inflammation in the hair follicles that occurs against the background of the development of staphylococcal flora. Boric acid for the ears is used by introducing cotton wool soaked in a solution into the ear canal;
  • diffuse external otitis is a diffuse inflammation that occurs in the auditory canal, auricle and membrane. Boric acid for the ear is used for rinsing, helping to eliminate swelling and microbes in inflamed tissues;
  • Otitis media - catarrhal processes in the ear cavity, mastoid process and eustachian tube. For ear pain, boric acid can be instilled directly into the ear canal or used to prepare warm compresses;
  • otomycosis is an inflammation in the external ear canal caused by the development of fungal flora. A solution of boric acid for the ears is used for rinsing, which eliminates not only pathogens, but also eczematous rashes.

It should be understood that treatment of ENT diseases must be comprehensive. This is especially true for pathologies whose development was caused by bacteria.

The lack of antibacterial therapy can cause purulent processes in the ear cavity, which can lead to damage to the meninges.

In pediatric therapy, the drug is used extremely rarely, due to its toxicity. In medical practice, cases of death from an overdose of the drug have been recorded. Experts do not recommend using boric alcohol for the ears if:

  • eardrum perforation;
  • purulent processes;
  • kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • allergies to drug components;
  • lactation and early pregnancy.

An overdose of the drug is indicated by clinical manifestations of severe intoxication, which include:

  • nausea;
  • gagging;
  • diarrhea;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • headache;
  • state of shock.

If the above symptoms occur, you should interrupt therapy and seek help from a specialist. Delayed medical attention can lead to the development of kidney disease.

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