Which product is better, Doctor Mom or Gerbion?

Convenient release form

The drug "Gerbion" for wet cough receives positive reviews in terms of release form, because it is a syrup with a pleasant taste and a slight specific aroma. The KRKA company from Slovenia has three types of herbal medicines under the same brand name “Gerbion” - with primrose, plantain and ivy. Each of these means has its own goals. Thus, “Gerbion” with primrose helps in the treatment of wet cough. It is packaged in 150 ml bottles, packed in branded cardboard packs. Each package contains a measuring spoon, which is convenient when taking the medicine and is noted positively by patients who have used this product in treatment.

herbion for wet cough reviews

Nature for your health!

Those who come to the pharmacy for drugs that help fight a cough almost always decide to opt for herbal-based drugs, because it is believed that such drugs are not only effective, but also safe. Therefore, pharmacists very often hear the question: “Which Herbion helps with a wet cough?” If the cough is wet, then on the advice of a doctor you can buy the herbal preparation “Gerbion” with primrose extract. This name of the medicine is conditional, because it contains two types of plants - primrose and thyme.

The correct name of the primrose plant is primrose (Primulaceae). It received its romantic name from the name of the family to which it belongs - Primroses. In folk medicine, this plant has been used since ancient times as a remedy to help fight wet cough.

Thyme, otherwise known as thyme, is very popular in southern Europe as a seasoning. And its expectorant, bronchodilator and antiseptic properties allow it to be a sought-after component of many medications in modern pharmacology.

The union of primrose and thyme has made the drug "Gerbion" one of the most popular in the line of pharmaceutical herbal cough syrups.

The manufacturer of the medicinal product, having carried out the necessary research, produces the herbal preparation in the following combination of its active ingredients:

  • spring primrose roots liquid extract is made from primrose roots and purified water, and from 1 part of plant raw materials 1.2 to 4.6 parts of a water-based extract are obtained;
  • Common thyme herbal extract liquid is made from thyme herb and purified water, obtained from 1 part of the medicinal plant and 3.3 parts of the aqueous extract.

To produce the medicine for wet cough “Gerbion” with primrose, the manufacturer uses 1 part primrose extract and 2 parts thyme extract. Moreover, 5 ml of syrup contains 1.03 grams of the first component, and 2.06 grams of the second.

As additional components, the drug contains levomenthol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (food additive under the index E218) and sucrose. These substances create the desired consistency of the syrup, and also give it a certain taste and aroma.

herbion for wet cough instructions

How does the active ingredient of the drug work?

The drug "Gerbion" for wet cough, the composition of which includes two herbal components, belongs to the pharmacological group of secretolytics and stimulants of motor function of the respiratory tract in combinations (an expectorant of plant origin). Its functionality is based on the harmonious work of two plant extracts. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

The basis of the drug is primrose extract, despite its smaller amount compared to thyme extract. After all, it is this plant that contains those substances that stimulate the activation of bronchial secretions, dilute sputum, and promote its removal from the lungs. This property of the medicine is due to the presence of saponins in the primrose extract. In addition to the effect that improves sputum discharge, this component of the Herbion drug helps normalize blood circulation in the bronchopulmonary system, which makes the production and discharge of sputum more effective. This property of primrose has made the drug "Gerbion" an active component in the treatment of the so-called senile cough, when, due to age-related changes in the body, sputum is difficult to clear, accumulating in the bronchi and causing coughing. Primrose extract promotes the formation of a protective film on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, thereby inhibiting cough receptors.

Thyme (thyme) extract also plays a role. Its unique essential oil - thymol - has an antiseptic effect, passing through the bronchi and has a disinfecting effect. This substance also helps to thin thick mucus and relax the bronchi, activating special bronchial cells - the ciliated epithelium. All this makes thymol effective in removing bronchial secretions, and it also has some analgesic effect.

Levomenthol has an anti-inflammatory effect, makes breathing easier, affecting the mucous membranes of the entire respiratory tract. It activates the work of two herbal components, making the drug more effective in solving the tasks assigned to it.

herbion syrup

How to treat a wet cough?

A cough that occurs as a symptom of various problems in the body can be different - dry and wet, with sputum difficult to separate and the inability to cough well to clear the airways. In clinical therapy, cough treatment is carried out against the background of treatment of the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, the most correct thing is complex therapy, which includes drugs such as “Gerbion” with primrose or “Gerbion” for wet cough with ivy. Yes, the latter drug also has the ability to fight wet cough, although its base is ivy extract. The main difference between this drug and the one discussed above is that it is made using an alcohol infusion, which makes it absolutely contraindicated for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people involved in operating various mechanisms, which requires increased concentration.

Thanks to its composition, “Gerbion”, syrup with primrose, receives grateful reviews from patients of all ages and recommendations from specialists. Its use is more productive if carried out in combination with other drugs according to available indications, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures. The decision about which drugs and physical procedures to use in complex treatment is made only by a specialist based on the results of the examination, tests, medical history, and adequate identification of the cause of the disease.

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Herbion for dry cough

Herbion for dry cough
Herbion for dry cough

So, we have already discussed how Herbion can cope with painful and unpleasant sensations in the throat. Now let's talk about the natural ingredients of the drug.

Gerbion syrup for dry cough with plantain extract contains organic substances, sucrose, saponins, aucubin, polysaccharides, and aqueous extract of mallow flowers. Vitamin C included in the composition accelerates metabolic processes and strengthens the entire body.

Herbion for dry cough softens the mucous membrane, relieves inflammation, kills germs, and removes phlegm from the mucous membrane. Therefore, if you suffer from an upper respiratory tract disease or have an annoying cough from an experienced smoker, Gerbion syrup is a godsend for you.

Herbion for dry cough is produced in Slovenia.

When should you take the medicine?

For the herb-based medicine "Gerbion" for wet coughs, the instructions for use indicate the main direction of work - cough with difficult to separate sputum and difficulty clearing the throat. Therefore, it is prescribed for use in the following cases:

  • bronchitis (acute and chronic);
  • laryngotracheitis in chronic form;
  • acute tracheitis;
  • acute respiratory infection of the lower respiratory tract of unspecified etiology.

The drug helps fight the so-called cold cough. But treatment should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor in combination with other medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. There is no need to self-medicate even with the help of herbal preparations, because only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis.

herbion for children


  1. Herbion for children is made from phytocomplexes and therefore has a gentle effect on the growing body.
  2. Herbion for children against wet cough is made from primrose or climbing ivy extract. Plantain syrup helps children recover from dry cough.
  3. Herbion is allowed for children over two years of age, but there are rare cases when children under one year of age are prescribed Herbion based on ivy to treat a wet cough.
  4. Children's Herbion treats cough quite well and is easy to take. Clear instructions for using Gerbion syrup are understandable even for children and, together with a measuring spoon, help to strictly follow the doctor’s advice and recover quickly.

What if the medicine cannot be taken?

Very often, the drug "Gerbion" is prescribed by a pediatrician. The specialist will determine what is the cause of the cough and what medications can help cope with it. Even seemingly harmless plant-based medicines have contraindications for use, which must be taken into account when prescribing therapy. For the drug "Gerbion" for wet cough based on primrose and thyme, the following restrictions are:

  • pregnancy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • high sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug;
  • recent history of croup;
  • lactation;
  • laryngitis (obstructive) in a recent history;
  • congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

The drug is contraindicated for use in children under 2 years of age, as well as in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

herbion for what cough


First syrup:

  • Infants and children under 2 years of age should not use it.
  • 2 - 7 years one spoon three times.
  • Children 7 - 14 years old: 1.2 spoons, three.
  • Children from fourteen and above - 2 spoons five times a day.

Second syrup:

  • Not recommended for infants and children under 2 years of age.
  • 2 - 5 years half a spoon three times.
  • From 5 - 14 years 1 spoon three times.
  • From over 14 years and above - two spoons three to five times a day.

Approximate course of recovery from an uncomfortable and dangerous illness: 2 - 3 weeks . An impressive period of treatment is prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Herbion plantain

Side effect

The preparation based on plant raw materials “Gerbion” (syrup) has a sweet taste. This must be taken into account when prescribing and taking the drug, as it can cause allergic reactions. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation or nausea may also appear as a side effect of the medication. The unpleasant consequences of using the drug in the treatment of cough that appear and do not go away on their own require its discontinuation. If necessary, you should undergo symptomatic treatment. All side effects of the drug "Gerbion" must be reported to your doctor.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, depending on the age of the child, herbion with plantain must be used in certain dosages :

  1. From two to seven years, the daily dosage is 5 milliliters (divided into three doses).
  2. At the age of 7-14 years, the dosage is doubled, the frequency of doses remains the same.
  3. Children over 14 years of age and adults are given 2 milliliters of syrup five times a day.

For young children, herbion can be diluted with a small amount of warm boiled water - this will help soften the harsh taste of the drug.

In general cases, treatment lasts up to three weeks, but the course can be extended at the discretion of the attending physician.

How to take the drug?

For the medicine "Gerbion" for wet cough, the instructions for use indicate strict adherence to the dosage and regimen. The manufacturer puts a special measuring spoon into each cardboard box with a bottle of the drug. Its volume corresponds to 5 ml of the drug. The medicine is taken 3-4 times a day after meals. Each serving should be washed down with plenty of water. The exact number of doses per day must be prescribed by your doctor. For adult patients, the instructions for use recommend taking 3 scoops of the medicine at a time, which corresponds to 15 mg of the drug. For children, the use of the medicine is indicated depending on their age.

herbion for wet cough composition

Description and instructions of Gerbion

Herbion is a herbal preparation that has an expectorant effect.
The active ingredients of this product are extracts of plantain and mallow inflorescences. The medicine also contains ascorbic acid. In addition to the ability to remove phlegm, Gerbion has anti-inflammatory activity and a bacteriostatic effect, that is, the ability to stop the proliferation of bacteria that cause infectious and inflammatory processes. This drug is used when complex treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by a dry, unproductive cough, is carried out. In addition, this syrup can be used for the so-called smoker's cough. Gerbion is produced in the form of syrup. Standard regimens for taking this drug for patients of various age groups are described. For example, the instructions for the drug prescribe taking two scoops or ten milliliters of syrup for adults and adolescents over fourteen years of age. Children from seven to fourteen years old can take one to two scoops. And preschool children, starting from two years old, should use one measuring spoon of Gerbion, that is, five milliliters, for a single dose. Depending on the patient’s condition, you can take the syrup up to five times a day. The total duration of the course should not exceed three weeks. Gerbion syrup should be washed down with plenty of warm water and tea. The use of this drug is not indicated for people with various carbohydrate metabolism disorders. For example, with diabetes, intolerance to fruit sugar. For children under two years of age, pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, there has not been sufficient research on Herbion, which means its use is not recommended. Side effects include allergic reactions.

Children and "Gerbion"

"Gerbion" for wet cough is prescribed to children based on age. The specific dosage is presented in the table below.

Patient ageNumber of measuring spoons per dose when using the drug three times a day
2-5 yearsHalf a measuring spoon, which corresponds to 2.5 ml of medicine
5-14 yearsOne measuring spoon - 5 ml
14-18 years oldTwo measuring spoons - 10 ml

"Gerbion", an expectorant syrup based on primrose and thyme, is taken in a course that lasts from 2 to 3 weeks to obtain a high-quality therapeutic effect. Your doctor should tell you the exact time to use the medicine.

herbion for wet cough during pregnancy

Instructions for use of Gerbion

Herbion for cough based on plantain is recommended to be taken according to the following regimen: adults and children over 14 years old - 10 ml (2 tsp), children 7-14 years old - 5-10 ml (1-2 tsp), children – 2-7 years – 5 ml (1 tsp). Gerbion should be taken for cough 3 times a day; for adults, the number of doses can be increased up to 5 times. The use of the drug does not depend on the time of meal.

Gerbion syrup based on primrose extract is prescribed after meals 3 times a day in accordance with the dosage regimen: adults - 15 ml (3 tsp), children over 14 years old - 10 ml (2 tsp), children 5-14 years - 5 ml, children 2-5 years old - 2.5 ml. For adults and children over 14 years of age, if necessary, another (fourth) dose of Gerbion can be added. Typically, the duration of treatment with the drug is 5-7 days.

Both types of Gerbion cough syrup should be taken with a sufficient amount of warm water or tea during use.

Medicines together - is it possible or not?

It is necessary to clearly know for which cough “Gerbion” should be purchased at the pharmacy and taken. The attending physician will make a diagnosis, collect the patient’s medical history, and give clear recommendations on the use of a particular drug. He should also know what medications are prescribed to the patient and whether it is possible to use them together with Herbion based on primrose.

This drug cannot be combined with taking antitussive medications, as this can cause stagnation of sputum and deterioration of well-being. This remedy cannot be used with reverse-directed drugs that work to reduce bronchial secretions. There are no other restrictions on joint treatment with different medications, so “Gerbion” for wet cough has only positive reviews in this area.

herbion for wet cough with ivy

Which Herbion helps with wet cough?

Herbion syrup from primrose or ivy extract is good for curing productive coughs. The medicine effectively removes stagnant mucus. The exact dosage is determined at an appointment at the clinic; general recommendations are given in the instructions for use of Gerbion for wet cough in children.

The plant base of the drug Gerbion has a mild biostimulating property, a general strengthening and tonic effect. Gerbion helps children with a wet cough in the first days of use and relieves inflammation.

A wet cough appears during prolonged acute respiratory infections, bronchitis and infection in the trachea. There are cases of its occurrence after damage to the respiratory tract by various irritants - dust, smoke from smoking. Herbion for children against wet cough helps to neutralize it under such factors.

Instructions for use of primrose syrup

Wet cough in children is well treated with Herbion based on primrose extract. It contains:

  • primrose;
  • thyme;
  • levomenthol.

Primrose extract, which is more effective than regular juice or decoction, promotes rapid expectoration of phlegm. Saponins from its composition dilute harmful mucus and remove it from the body.

Thymol in thyme has a bronchodilator effect. Levomenthol eliminates irritation and neutralizes soreness in the larynx. The syrup components also stimulate the urinary system.

Take Herbion based on primrose three times a day with purified water.

  1. Dosage for children from two to seven years old – half a teaspoon;
  2. 7-14 years – a whole teaspoon per dose;
  3. After 14 years – up to 2 teaspoons.

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How to take ivy syrup?

The main advantage of Herbion from ivy is that pediatricians sometimes allow babies under one year of age to take it. The medicine has a dark yellow color, a viscous structure and a mild, sweet, herbal odor.

It contains the following substances:

  • climbing ivy extract;
  • ethanol;
  • Excipients.

The drug helps to liquefy viscous mucus and quickly remove it from the respiratory mucosa. The syrup neutralizes inflammation, produces wound healing and antioxidant effects. Saponins kill bacteria and fungi. After taking it, blood microcirculation improves, sputum thins and is eliminated from the body faster. The medicine relaxes the muscles of the bronchial tree, helping to expel mucus, lowers the tone of blood vessels and dilates them, preventing suffocation during coughing.

This medicine is prescribed in addition to the main ones for bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough with cough.

Gerbion ivy syrup is indicated for use in children over two years of age in the following doses:

  • from 2 to 6 years – 2.5 ml three times a day;
  • 6-10 years – 5 ml three times a day;
  • over 10 years old – 7.5 ml three times a day.

In exceptional cases, pediatricians prescribe syrup for babies under one year of age for colds and prolonged coughs, prescribing 2.5 ml in the morning and evening. In this case, strict monitoring of the child’s breathing is very important; at the slightest interruption in breathing, rapidity or slowdown, the medication is stopped, and parents are required to contact a pediatrician and allergist.

The usual course of taking syrup is 7 days, even if the symptoms disappear earlier.

How to buy and store the drug?

The drug "Gerbion" with primrose is dispensed from the pharmacy chain at the request of the buyer without a doctor's prescription. Pharmacists in pharmacies often hear the question of how much Gerbion costs. After all, a lot of herbal-based drugs are produced; they often have similar effects, but their prices may vary. In pharmacies, the cost of this drug per package varies between 250-350 rubles. It should be stored out of the reach of children, away from sunlight, at room temperature. After the expiration date, the drug should be disposed of; it cannot be used for treatment!

What do doctors and patients say about the medicine?

“Gerbion” for wet cough receives only positive reviews from both specialists and patients. Doctors talk about the successful practice of complex therapy that includes this medicine. Patients like “Gerbion” for its ease of use, easy dosing of the product using a measuring spoon included with each package, virtually no side effects, and the ability to carry out complex treatment without compromising health. It is especially noted in many responses that children willingly take the drug, because it has a sweetish taste and an unobtrusive aroma.

what kind of herbion for wet cough

Comprehensive treatment is the key to quality recovery

Any treatment, even a seemingly common “cold” cough, should be carried out only after examination and an adequate diagnosis. Self-medication without consultation with a specialist is fraught with serious complications, because in order to effectively cure the disease and get rid of its symptoms, the exact cause of its occurrence must be established. This is impossible for an ordinary person to do, even despite many years of experience in treating himself and his family. Therefore, any disease that manifests itself, including a wet cough, requires visiting a doctor or calling him at home. Cough is difficult to cure with medications alone. It is necessary to take a whole range of measures, including physiotherapy, vitamin and mineral complexes, changing the daily routine and observing hygienic aspects and sanitary standards. Despite the fact that the herbal remedy “Gerbion” for wet cough has overwhelmingly recommendable reviews, it should be taken only after receiving a prescription from a specialist.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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