How and what to use to bring down the temperature during a sore throat in a child and an adult?

When should you take antipyretic medications?

Antipyretic medications are taken not to reduce the temperature as such, but to eliminate the associated discomfort and pain. Antipyretics are necessary for “pale” fever (see here), as well as for severe chills. You should not take antipyretics while on antibiotic treatment. Antipyretics mask the ineffectiveness of the antibiotic.

The main thing when choosing an antipyretic is safety, not the strength of the effect. Ideally, an antipyretic drug should reduce fever quickly and rarely cause side effects. Only 2 drugs correspond to these parameters - paracetamol and ibuprofen. Paracetamol is affordable, while ibuprofen is more expensive and causes more side effects.

Antibiotics for ARVI

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection. Based on the name of the disease, the causative agent here is a virus. Bacteria and viruses belong to different pathogenic phenomena. Viruses do not have cells; they are genetic material covered with protein shells.

Since viral changes occur exclusively in the patient’s cells, killing viruses with antibiotics is not only useless, but also dangerous to health. Meanwhile, as sociological research shows, almost 50 percent of people do not know about this and use antibiotics to fight viruses.

It is not wise to use antibacterial drugs for ARVI if there is no high temperature. This can cause unreasonable addiction, and only the strongest drugs that are dangerous to health can help with the development of a bacterial infection.

Likewise, antibiotics should not be taken at low temperatures from 37 to 37.5 degrees. As a rule, low-grade fever occurs due to viral activity.

If the temperature rises significantly, it is recommended first of all to give preference to antipyretic drugs in the form of Aspirin or Paracetamol.

In the case of a bacterial complication of viral infections such as flu or colds, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Paracetamol is the main antipyretic drug in childhood

Paracetamol doses. A single dose of paracetamol orally is 15 mg/kg. The previously recommended dose of 10 mg/kg may not give the desired effect, which, if the dose is repeated frequently, will cause an overdose. After taking paracetamol, the temperature begins to decrease after about 30 minutes, reaches a minimum after 2 hours and rises again after 3-4 hours. In newborns, the elimination of paracetamol from the body is slow, so the drug should be prescribed at intervals of 8-12 hours.

Paracetamol in suppositories has a longer (but occurring later - after 2-3 hours) effect. Its single dose can be up to 20 mg/kg, since the concentration of the drug in the blood reaches only the lower limit of the therapeutic range.

To quickly reduce the temperature, it is more reliable to first take the medicine by mouth, and the next dose can be given as a suppository after 2-3 hours, which will provide a longer-lasting antipyretic effect.

The daily dose of paracetamol should not exceed 60 mg/kg.

Side effects. Paracetamol does not affect the hemostatic system and, unlike ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, does not cause adverse reactions from the stomach. Side effects of paracetamol are very rare and include dizziness, irritability, decreased visual acuity, urticaria, erythema multiforme, and purpura. Hypothermia, which is common when taking analgin (and, somewhat less frequently, ibuprofen), practically does not occur when taking paracetamol. Reports of bronchospasm are rare, although paracetamol is often prescribed to children with asthma. Paracetamol interacts with warfarin, metoclopramide, beta-adrenergic blockers.

Paracetamol increases the duration of virus shedding, for example, with chickenpox.

Overdose. Paracetamol is eliminated from the body very quickly. The toxic effect of paracetamol on the liver occurs only at very high doses (more than 15 g per day in adults and 150 mg/kg/day in children). Liver disease and alcohol intake increase the toxicity of paracetamol. Isolated cases of acute tubular necrosis and renal failure, thrombopenia, hyper- and hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis and blood coagulation disorders have been described when taking high doses of paracetamol.

The specific antidote for paracetamol is V-acetylcysteine ​​at a dose of 300 mg/kg intravenously over 20 hours.

When and why does a fever occur with a sore throat?

An increase in temperature to 38 degrees is the expected reaction of the body .
Note! This symptom indicates the activation of the protective agents of the immune system - macrophages and leukocytes, which begin to fight pathogenic microorganisms.

Typically, values ​​up to 38 degrees in children and up to 38.5 (in extreme cases, up to 39 degrees) in adults are considered normal.

This is evidence of an increase in the number of immune cells several times, and under such conditions, active dissolution and elimination of infection and toxic products of their vital activity occurs.

At the same time, the temperature is considered a pathological condition if it lasts for a week or longer, and its level rises above 39 degrees .

In such cases, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs.

Otherwise, with a further increase in temperature, the immune agents themselves begin to die, and many vital systems of the body begin to work unstably and at the limit of their capabilities.

Combined antipyretic regimens

Some medications contain paracetamol and ibuprofen. The antipyretic effect of such drugs is higher than when using a single drug. However, these drugs should not be used as they can cause acute renal failure (accumulation of paracetamol oxidation products in the renal tissue under conditions of ischemia under the influence of ibuprofen), and also increase the risk of prolonged hypothermia and streptococcal infection in patients with chickenpox.

The main antipyretic drug is paracetamol. Ibuprofen is used for fever accompanied by muscle pain. The use of these 2 drugs simultaneously threatens kidney damage.

Review of effective drugs

When the temperature increases, antibiotics are prescribed only for certain pathologies. The most common disorders that require antibiotic therapy include the following:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • lymphadenitis with purulent discharge;
  • inflammatory lesion of the inner ear;
  • sinusitis;
  • relapse of chronic bronchitis.
  1. Klacid is a bacteriostatic agent with a broad spectrum of action. It is characterized by a high degree of purification of ingredients.
  2. Sumamed is good for combating atypical bacterial pathologies.
  3. Cefaclor - this drug is characterized by a low probability of developing bacterial resistance.
  4. Cefoperazone is characterized by a short period of therapy. To achieve good results, literally 2 injections are enough, which are performed with an interval of 12 hours.
  5. Spiramycin - has a cumulative effect and acts even after completion of the course of therapy.

DETAILS: First ultrasound screening during pregnancy, method of conduct and norm of indicators

For children, milder types of antibiotics are usually recommended. The most effective medications in this category include the following:

  • Cefpodoxime - due to the use of the drug, there is a low probability of allergies.
  • Amoxiclav is considered one of the least toxic drugs. This product causes the least amount of damage to the microflora of the digestive system.
  • Cefotaxime is an inexpensive medicine that is well tolerated by children.

Other remedies used for fever

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have antipyretic properties, but due to greater toxicity they are not used as antipyretics.

Lytic mixture. Combinations of chlorpromazine (aminazine) and promethazine (pipolfen) 0.5-1.0 ml of 2.5% solution were previously used as an “emergency” antipyretic due to the ability of chlorpromazine to transfer the set point of the hypothalamic thermostat to a lower level. Cooling of the body surface potentiates the effect of chlorpromazine and can cause hypothermia and postural hypotension. For “pale” fever with severe centralization of the blood circulation, the use of droperidol (0.1 ml/kg of 0.25% solution) is justified.

Vasodilators are used for “pale” fever in the form of an intramuscular injection of a 1% solution of nicotinic acid - 0.2 ml per year of the child’s life. A dose of 0.05 ml per year of life, recommended in a number of guidelines, appears to be insufficient. The use of drotaverine (no-spa - 0.1 ml per year of a child’s life, 2% solution) together with antipyretics does not produce a significant effect.

Dilatation of skin vessels with the help of nicotinamide (5-10 mg 2 times a day) helps to reduce long-term non-infectious temperature.

Antihistamines are sometimes used together with analgin “for cover” - the rationale for the use of chlorpromazine and promethazine (see above).

Steroids have an antipyretic effect, which is manifested in a lower temperature reaction in patients taking them for a long time. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effect of steroids - suppression of the secretion of interleukin-1 by macrophages and the release of prostaglandins, as well as a decrease in the activity of lymphocytes. Suppression of the febrile reaction lasts up to 3 days after discontinuation of steroids. Steroids, however, are used in the acute phase of fever only as anti-inflammatory drugs under strict indications.

How to shoot down?

If the temperature has not reached 38 degrees, you should not bring it down , especially with such a common folk remedy as raspberry tea.

Remember! In general, in such situations, any hot drinks will only worsen the symptom. This also applies to hot baths (including for feet).

If a patient develops white fever or feels very unwell even with a slight increase in temperature, he can be given a paracetamol tablet , but it is too early to use other medications.

In general cases in adults, it is necessary to eliminate the symptom when it reaches 38.5 degrees .

At lower values, temperature elimination is mandatory for:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • epileptics;
  • patients who begin to have seizures;
  • in case of development of white fever (outflow of blood from the limbs and face).

In most patients, the temperature does not disappear naturally, and after the first two to three days of sore throat development, antipyretic medications .

Products for children

Keep in mind! For children, recommended medications may include the following:

  1. Nurofen . Anti-inflammatory antipyretic drug recommended for ages 12 years and older. The medicine is taken up to four times a day, the total daily dose is 200 milligrams of the drug. But if the course is severe and the temperature is too high in the first two days, the dosage can be doubled. Nurofen can also be given to children from six years of age. But in such cases, increasing the dosage is unacceptable, and if side effects of the drug occur, its use must be stopped immediately.
  2. Aspirin . A universal product based on salicylic acid, which additionally has an analgesic effect. Despite recommendations to give this medicine to children starting from 12 years of age, aspirin can also be used at a younger age, reducing the dosage by half. You need to take the drug once a day, one tablet, but not longer than five days.
  3. Ibuprofen . An anti-inflammatory antipyretic drug with relatively few side effects. In this case, it can be combined with both other antipyretics and antibiotics. Starting from the age of six, a child can be given one tablet four times a day.
  4. Panadol. A product based on paracetamol, which in its pure form is not so effective. And as part of Panadol, the properties of this substance are enhanced due to the synergistic effect of minor components. The product is used for no more than three days, five tablets per day at regular intervals.

Products for adults

Need to know! Adults can use potent drugs for treatment, which include:

  1. Theraflu . One of the “weak” drugs for fever. Can be used in cases of hypersensitivity to potent drugs or in the early stages of diseases. This is a complex remedy that has antihistamine, antitussive and vasoconstrictor effects. The drug is sold in sachets; you need to take up to four of them per day, after dissolving their contents in boiling water (one bag per glass).
  2. Ibuklin . An antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug that inhibits the production of prostaglandins and enhances the functioning of the immune system. The product can be taken two hours before or after meals three times a day, one tablet, washed down with plenty of water. The intervals between doses should be at least four hours.
  3. Rinza . A combined drug with a pronounced antipyretic effect. Can be used as emergency aid for high temperatures, regardless of the form of the disease. The drug is taken every eight hours for five days, taken only an hour and a half after eating.
  4. Tylenol. Paracetamol-based drug. In addition to antipyretic properties, the medicine also has an anti-inflammatory effect. But unlike traditional paracetamol, it does not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. The tablets are taken two hours after meals, one tablet for one week.

Folk remedies

Stay up to date! You can bring down a fever with a sore throat not only with the help of conservative therapy, but also using traditional medicine methods.

For adults, we can recommend these simple recipes:

  1. 350 grams of freshly cut aloe leaves are ground into a paste and mixed with 600 grams of flower honey . 350 grams of any strong wine is added to the mixture , all this is mixed again and infused in a jar for 6 days. The finished product can be taken an hour before each meal, one tablespoon until the temperature returns to normal.
  2. The upper part of a medium-sized black radish is cut off , then a depression is made in this area, into which a tablespoon of honey should fit . This fruit with honey is left for a day in a dark place, covering the recess with the cut top part of the radish. The juice of the fruit released and mixed with honey is taken one teaspoon per day at the same time.

Such recipes are not suitable for children due to the presence of alcohol in one of them, and honey in the second, which can cause allergic reactions in childhood.

To eliminate fever in children, it is better to use garlic with milk.

Each clove of a medium head of garlic is crushed into small cubes (but not ground) and added to 300 grams of milk.

The composition is brought to a boil over low heat and after another five minutes it is removed from the stove and filtered. The finished product is given to the child two tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Note! If you are not allergic to honey, you can use a mixture of aloe juice and honey.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions to obtain 200-300 grams of the product, after which it should be infused in a closed container for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

The finished infusion is given to the child one teaspoon each time before meals.

Non-drug treatment for fever

Bed rest does not significantly affect the level and speed of temperature normalization.

If antipyretics do not work at very high temperatures, wipe with water at room temperature. Wiping should be done while giving the child an antipyretic to lower the thermoregulation set point. The use of cold water is unacceptable, as it can cause constriction of blood vessels in the skin and lead to muscle tremors and an increase in body temperature, in addition, it is unpleasant for the child.

The danger of the symptom and its consequences

If, a fever appears above the pyretic and hyperpyretic values ​​( 39-40 degrees and above ), this can be fraught with suppression of the immune system .
And due to an increase in the level of moisture released by the body, the patient may develop dehydration .

At the same time, all body systems work to the limit of their capabilities, and in such cases, serious disruptions in their functions can even lead to death.

Bacterial sore throat

Bacterial sore throat is a sore throat that develops as a result of harmful bacteria entering the tonsils. These are often streptococcus and staphylococcus.


Bacterial tonsillitis is characterized by:

  1. severe sore throat;
  2. high temperature reaching 40ºС;
  3. Strong headache;
  4. pain in joints and muscles;
  5. general weakness, loss of appetite;
  6. pain when trying to open your mouth;
  7. if you examine the throat, you can see enlarged tonsils covered with a white coating or with white spots, which indicates an exclusively bacterial course of the disease.

The main difference between bacterial sore throat and ARVI is that it does not have a runny nose.


Treatment of bacterial sore throat consists of observing the following aspects:

  1. Be sure to treat a sore throat with antibiotics;
  2. reduce the temperature when it reaches 38.6ºС;
  3. Local antiseptic agents will not be superfluous;
  4. not always necessary, but sometimes required, a course of immunostimulating drugs.

Indications for the use of antibiotics

Antibiotics are prescribed only for bacterial infections; they are not effective for viral infections.

How to Simply Recommend

Why the medicine does not work The key to successful treatment is, of course, following all the doctor’s recommendations and informing him of all significant changes during therapy. However, a specialist can talk as much as he wants about the regimen and duration of taking the drug, but most patients will still violate these rules. Read more

They are not prescribed for ARVI and influenza; they will only have side effects. Some patients find that antibiotics and sulfonamides reduce fever. The temperature during ARVI goes away regardless of taking an antibiotic!

Bacterial sore throat is treated with antibiotics, but this diagnosis can only be made by culture. 99% of sore throats are caused by viruses and in no case require antibiotics.

Most pneumonia is bacterial in origin, in which case antibiotics are necessary.

The question of prescribing an antibiotic in each specific case should be decided only by a doctor during an in-person examination!

When are fever pills needed?

It is important to indicate the temperature periods at which antipyretic drugs are needed. If an adult has a cold or flu, then medications should be taken at temperatures above 38 degrees.

A few simple techniques that are included in the group of physical methods of symptomatic treatment will help an adult with fever. With these methods, there is no need to give antipyretic drugs with a chemical composition; we are only talking about warming up the body.

You should wipe the person’s body with cool water, which can be diluted in half with vodka or add 6% table vinegar at the rate of 1 large spoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water.

The body of a sick person is wiped with a clean sponge using prepared solutions. As a rule, the effect is noticeable immediately - there is a decrease in temperature by about one degree per hour.

In most cases, the temperature returns over time, and the procedure should be repeated again. You can also achieve elimination of high fever if you wipe not only the body, but also the head of a sick person.

You can place a napkin or rag on your forehead, pre-moistened in water at room, not high, temperature. You need to do the procedure for a long time, periodically updating the bandage, while simultaneously taking tablets for fever.

All of the above procedures cannot be done in a draft. It is necessary to close the window or balcony, wipe the sick person, then wait a while and ventilate the room, after covering the person with a blanket.

You should not overly insulate a sick person by covering him with rugs and blankets. Clothing should be made of natural materials, light and well absorbs sweat. The patient’s blanket is standard, thin, since the body needs complete heat exchange with the environment.

At temperatures above 38 degrees, you should not drink too hot raspberry tea. Such a drink greatly warms up the already hot body, so the sick person’s well-being worsens even more.

In addition, it is not recommended to take hot baths with mustard. This procedure is also characterized by a strong warming effect, which negatively affects the condition of a person with a temperature of more than 38 degrees.

Damage caused by antibiotics

Antibiotics suppress not only the development of bacteria, but also “kill” the natural intestinal microflora, which entails serious consequences: intestinal dysbiosis, weakened immunity, kidney damage, allergies, etc. Many antibiotics, worse than alcohol, “harm” our liver and clog it. bile ducts. The formation of microflora resistant to the antibiotics used is underway. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the emergence of superbugs are a very serious danger for humanity as a whole.

American scientists say that frequent use of antibiotics increases the risk of cancer.

You should absolutely not take antibiotics that have expired; they are very dangerous.

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