Detailed instructions for using Gerbion syrup with plantain

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Green Elena Stanislavovna

Otolaryngologist of the second category

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Plantain is one of the favorite medicines among the population of the CIS countries. What do we often hear in response when we complain about illnesses and ailments? “Apply plantain!” Jokes aside, the medicinal properties of the Plantago major plant cannot be ignored. Pharmacists have learned to get the maximum useful components from this medicinal herb, introducing them into cough medicines. Next we will talk about the medicinal properties of the plant, cough syrups with plantain.

Pharmacological action of plantain

Plantain has been considered a reliable medicine for many centuries, and modern pharmacological studies confirm this opinion. Thus, its lanceolate variety (with oblong, dark green leaves), which is used in all medical syrups and tinctures, due to its biologically active components, has a diverse effect on humans. It has such properties as:

  • sedative - calming property can suppress dry cough caused by emotional stress. In addition, the general sedative effect reduces excitation in the cough center of the medulla oblongata;
  • the bacteriostatic effect does not allow bacteria and viruses that have penetrated from outside to settle on the damaged mucosa;
  • wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect leads to restoration of the mucous epithelium lining the respiratory tract;
  • one of the most important properties of this plant in this medicinal product is an increase in the activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, due to which there is an increase in the secretion of bronchial mucus;
  • antispasmodic effect relieves bronchial spasms and helps restore normal breathing.

Plantain with its natural properties is a real godsend in the fight against dry cough, but it is important to remember that a product based on it cannot help against a wet cough. Almost all products made on the basis of the lanceolate subspecies have all of the above properties and can help you with a dry cough.

In this case, what means should you choose?

What can they offer you at the pharmacy?

If you just go to the pharmacy and ask for cough syrup with plantain, you may be offered 4 different drugs at once.

  1. Gerbion. In addition to plantain extract, it contains extracts of mallow flowers (helps thin mucus, has an enveloping property) and orange oil (has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties). Depending on the pharmacy, Gerbion will cost you from 200 to 300 rubles.
  2. Dr. Theiss Plantain Syrup. As excipients it contains peppermint oil (spasmolytic, analgesic and antiseptic effect) and sugar beet syrup (strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes the production of hemoglobin). Can be taken during pregnancy. Depending on the volume of the bottle, the price in different pharmacies varies from 200 to 350 rubles.
  3. Plantain syrup. You can also find simple plantain syrup at the pharmacy kiosk without any additives. It will cost from 50 to 150 rubles.
  4. Plantain syrup with coltsfoot. Coltsfoot has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties, helps restore the process of natural epithelial movement in the bronchi and trachea, and contains tannins that stimulate expectoration. The asking price is about 150 rubles.

Plantain: composition and medicinal properties

Cough plantain is a common component of chest preparations to improve coughing. This plant not only relieves cough. It is a well-known antiseptic that accelerates wound healing, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and various infections. What components of plantain provide a therapeutic effect:

  • Saponins - irritate the receptors of the mucous membranes and cause a reflex response in the bronchial glands - the release of an increased amount of secretion (sputum) and dilution of mucus, which makes coughing easier.
  • Glycosides - strengthen the cough reflex, and thereby additionally stimulate expectoration and accelerate the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract.
  • Mucus - protects mucous surfaces from negative factors, reduces irritation of the mucous epithelium of the respiratory tract, and thereby makes breathing easier.
  • Alkaloids (the main alkaloid substance in plantain is akubin). They limit the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the permeability of cell membranes. This reduces swelling of inflamed areas of the respiratory tract (lungs, bronchi).
  • Acids – increase the resistance of cells to the lack of oxygen that accompanies respiratory tract infections.
  • Polysaccharides stimulate the production of interferons, thereby enhancing the immune response and accelerating overall recovery.

Thus, a decoction of plantain when coughing thins sputum, enhances expectoration, destroys infection, reduces inflammation and promotes overall strengthening of the immune system. Why then does brewing herbal tea not always effectively treat a cough?

Insufficient treatment results are associated with heat treatment of medicinal raw materials. At temperatures above +70°C, biologically active components die. Therefore, for bronchitis and pleurisy, a more effective medicine is extracts and extracts that are prepared without heating or boiling, preserving all medicinal substances.

Pharmaceutical preparations with plantain

The pharmaceutical industry offers a number of drugs based on plantain extracts:

  • Herbion Plantain (KRKA, Slovenia);
  • Dr. Theiss "Psyllium Cough Syrup";
  • Plantain and coltsfoot syrup (Netherlands);
  • VIF (Russian manufacturer Vifitex);
  • Eucabalus (Esparma, Germany).

Gerbion – syrup based on plantain and mallow

Herbion syrup - contains aqueous extracts of two plants - plantain and mallow. To enhance the immunostimulating effect, the herbal composition is supplemented with vitamin C. For a pleasant taste, it is enriched with sucrose.

Gerbion cough syrup with plantain is prescribed for dry, unproductive coughing (during bronchitis, pleurisy), as well as for cough in smokers. The varied composition of the syrup provides a multifaceted effect - coughing, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal. Therefore, the drug effectively treats and stops the spread of infection. Within four to five days, the cough becomes softer, the wheezing becomes quieter, and the inflammation becomes less.

Contraindications to treatment with Gerbion are diabetes mellitus, age under two years, individual intolerance.

Dr. Theiss's Plantain Syrup

The main medicinal component in this preparation is plantain, without the addition of mallow. Alcohol is used as a basis for extracting medicinal components. The drug itself contains a reduced concentrate of medicinal substances (compared to Gerbion).

In addition to the alcohol extract (about 1.6° or 1.6 revolutions of ethanol), the medicine contains:

  • sugar syrup and sugar (100 g of the drug contains 75 g of syrup);
  • potassium sorbate (0.15 g) (preservative);
  • peppermint oil (0.01 g) – to improve coughing and smell.

Dr. Theiss's syrup has the same age restrictions as other psyllium syrups (it should not be given to infants or children under two years of age). Plantain for cough during pregnancy is prohibited for use (it should be taken into account that the syrup contains 1.6 vol. ethanol).

Plantain and Mother Stepmother Syrup

The composition of the syrup is similar and Gerbion is similar. Instead of mallow, the drug contains coltsfoot extract. There are additional ingredients - mint essential oil, vitamin C, maltadextrin, potassium sorbate, citric acid and sugar (to improve taste).

This drug is recommended for any cough - dry or wet.

Eucabal syrup

Contains alcoholic extracts of plantain and thyme. As additional components - sucrose, ethanol (6.2 vol.). The drug is prescribed for children over 6 months of age.

VIF syrup

Represents an alcoholic extract of plantain leaves. Does not contain other active ingredients.


Like any product, plantain-based syrup has its own contraindications and application features. You should definitely read them before starting therapy. In particular, people with bronchial asthma are strictly prohibited from taking syrups from this plant. The same applies to those who suffer from stomach ulcers (especially during periods of exacerbation, when the disease takes on an open form) and gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.

People with congenital fructose intolerance should not take plantain syrup (like any other syrup). If there are disturbances in the absorption of fructose and galactose, you will also have to look for an alternative treatment. Diabetics need to be treated with extreme caution with this remedy, since it contains glucose.

Doctor Theiss syrup can be used by children starting from the age of one, but Gerbion syrup is approved for use by children at least 2 years old. If cough syrup contains plantain and coltsfoot, it should not be given to children under 6 years of age.

Homemade syrups and plantain decoctions can be given to children starting from 1 year. As a rule, products with plantain are well tolerated, but if hives, itching, or other manifestations of dermatitis appear during treatment, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, therapy will have to be stopped and another anti-cough alternative should be selected.

Plantain syrup for cough: treatment instructions

Cough syrup based on plantain is used to treat adults and children of all ages (except for infants, they are contraindicated if there is too much mucus in the lungs). In this case, the dosage of the drug takes into account the age of the child and the extent of the infection.

For cough plantain, children under 7 years old are recommended to take 1 teaspoon, for bronchitis - two to three times a day, for pleurisy - four or five times. For younger schoolchildren, the dose is increased to 1.5 teaspoons, the number of doses is from 3 to 5 times (depending on the extent of inflammation). The interval between taking the medicine should be 4 hours.

For teenagers, the dosage is increased to 2 teaspoons at a time. Plantain for cough is recommended for adults to take 3, 4 or 5 teaspoons per dose.


Reviews about plantain cough syrup on the Internet are positive, here is one of them: “We were prescribed herbion by our local doctor. Although it was a herbal preparation, tracheitis was cured. It’s great that pharmaceuticals have turned to natural drugs.”

Most seasonal colds are accompanied by a cough. And many are looking for effective means of getting rid of it in order to quickly cope with the symptoms without the help of a doctor. A harmless and at the same time effective medicine is plantain cough syrup. Its components have the ability to eliminate coughs due to respiratory diseases, smoking, and emotional shocks. Thanks to its natural composition, the medicine is completely safe, and no doctor’s prescription is required for its use.

Plantain based cough syrup

This plant is characterized by a lot of beneficial properties, thanks to which the remedy has been used in medicine for many decades in the treatment of pathologies of the respiratory system. It is used in the production of many mixtures designed to alleviate coughs for various disorders. Plantain syrup is endowed with a number of useful substances such as tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, whose action is aimed at stopping dry cough and converting it into a productive form.

In addition, the medicine has the ability to eliminate wet cough, helping to facilitate the removal of sputum. Active components help relieve inflammation, swelling, and destroy bacteria that cause coughing.

When taking the drug, a special layer of mucus is formed that prevents the growth of bacteria and prevents the spread of infection.

Pharmacies sell simple syrups consisting 100% exclusively of plantain. When taking such drugs, the likelihood of developing adverse events is practically reduced to zero. Considering the properties of plantain syrup and answering the question of what kind of cough it is used for, it should be said that it copes equally well with both dry and wet ones. Such a remedy can be recommended if it is necessary to give up synthetic drugs and combine them with medications, since the syrup does not interact with additional substances taken.

In addition, in pharmacies you can find products consisting of a combination of plantain and other plants, such as mint or coltsfoot.

The cost of natural medicines will be much higher than their synthetic counterparts. That’s why many people prepare such medicines on their own.

Dr. Theiss - cough syrup with plantain

This product is very popular due to its availability, safety and fast action. The composition is prepared exclusively from natural ingredients:

  • plantain;
  • honey;
  • sugar beet syrup.

The product helps to significantly reduce the intensity of the symptoms of a cold and is effective in the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis and other pathologies characterized by difficult mucus removal. The remedy will be useful in the fight against diseases such as tonsillitis and laryngitis. The syrup is also effective against inflammation caused by gingivitis and otitis media.

Cough syrup Gerbion with plantain

This medicine is characterized by a mild effect on the bronchial mucosa. The use of this remedy in therapy helps to increase the formation of sputum, enhance its discharge, relieve inflammation and stop the growth of microbes.

The presence of vitamin C in the medication helps strengthen the immune system and improve metabolic processes. Therefore, the composition is not only used in the treatment of respiratory ailments, but it is also recommended to be administered for their prevention.

When consuming Gerbion syrup with plantain, a barking cough often occurs. This is considered normal. Since there is an increase in the volume of sputum as a result of liquefaction. The medication prevents the stagnation of pathogenic microorganisms, activating their removal from the bronchi.

Coughing is essentially a protective reaction of the body to certain irritants that are in the respiratory tract. Such agents include foreign body, mucus, pus and sputum. In many cases, a cough is a symptom of a cold. A similar phenomenon may be accompanied by mild acute respiratory infections and severe pneumonia. The symptom indicates the development of an oncological, infectious or viral disease of the respiratory system, as well as the mediastinum. Very often, when treating certain diseases, plantain cough syrup “Gerbion” is prescribed.

Gerbion syrup

The Slovenian company KRKA offers 3 types of Gerbion cough syrup, differing in the active component: these are medicines based on an extract from:

  • plantain;
  • ivy;
  • primrose.

The last 2 options are aimed at wet cough, the first - at dry cough. In all cases, the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps the immune system, but does not eliminate the cause of the cough. The manufacturer mentions that all components of Gerbion are absolutely natural, so the drug can be used even to treat a small child without fear of adverse reactions. Even if the dose recommended by the instructions is exceeded, there will be no negative response from the body. Patient reviews confirm the manufacturer's words.


Gerbion syrup for dry cough contains mainly herbal components. The basis is made up of 2 elements:

  • Aqueous extract of plantain (from leaves).
  • Aqueous extract of mallow (from flowers).

Their ratio is equal, although the manufacturer calls this drug “plantain syrup,” omitting the presence of mallow in the composition. Each of the active ingredients is contained here at 1.25 g per 5 ml serving. The raw material is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, so the concentration is moderate. Plantain grass determines Herbion's ability to soothe irritation of the mucous membrane that occurs with an unproductive cough, but the plant base is also a strong allergen.

Gerbion also has a short list of auxiliary components:

  • ascorbic acid in a volume of 65 mg, making the syrup a mild immunostimulant;
  • sucrose (in the amount of 4 g);
  • orange oil, which gives the medicine a characteristic aroma (12.5 mg per 5 ml);
  • E218 is a food preservative that has found application in medicine due to its antiseptic properties.

Release form

The convenient format is what pediatricians value this medicine for: Gerbion is available only in the form of syrup, which makes its use in young children simple. The packaging consists of small bottles made of dark glass; there is only one volume option - 150 ml. According to reviews, this amount of syrup is enough for several courses of treatment for unproductive cough. The syrup is brown in color and may have a reddish tint. The aroma is herbal with a slight orange note, the taste is sweet due to sucrose, which is partly designed for a small child. The consistency is thin.

The following is included with the medicine by the manufacturer:

  • complete instructions on one sheet;
  • measuring spoon made of transparent plastic.
  • How to cook condensed milk
  • Knitted blouse for a newborn
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Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Plantain extract contains mucilage, which is produced from the leaves upon prolonged contact with water. It provides the main property of a medicinal product based on this plant - the ability to soften a dry, unproductive cough due to the fact that the inflamed lining of the throat is enveloped in this mucus. It also serves as a protective barrier that does not allow irritants that cause coughing attacks to pass through. The rich chemical composition of the medicinal herbs included in Herbion helps achieve the following goals:

  • Stimulate the process of expectoration of sputum to transform a dry cough into a wet one and speed up recovery.
  • Relieve coughs thanks to the soothing effects of plant mucus.
  • Strengthen the immune system - the presence of vitamin C in Herbion and a number of microelements from plantain and mallow are responsible for this, increasing the proportion of oxygen in the cells and stimulating the production of interferon, which is necessary in the fight against infection.

However, the plant extracts that are present in plantain syrup, while stopping a strong cough, do not block it completely. The duration of attacks is reduced, the feeling of a “tear in the throat” is eliminated, but primarily the medicine promotes expectoration, so suppression of the cough reflex is not observed. You should not drink the mixture before going to bed.

According to the official instructions, Gerbion syrup has the following effects:

  • antibacterial (bacteriostatic);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy, doctors find the use of this drug effective if the patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, bronchitis, or tracheitis. People who notice the first symptoms of a cold can take a short preventive course with Gerbion to prevent the development of the disease. Single use of this syrup may be useful in the following situations:

  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • chronic smoker's cough;
  • allergic cough reflex to inhalation of toxic substances, dry air;
  • painful cough without sputum of any etiology.


The composition of Gerbion is as free from dangerous components as possible, so the list of precautions regarding the use of this medicine is short, however, due to the presence of a large amount of sucrose, which provides a sweet taste, the syrup is not advisable to use in people who have:

  • diabetes;
  • sucrose-isomaltase deficiency (otherwise referred to as sucrose-isomaltase malabsorption);
  • hypersensitivity to fructose;
  • problems with the absorption of sucrose-galactose;
  • stomach ulcer.

What is “Herbion: plantain”, cough syrup

This drug is available in glass containers made of dark glass. This material allows you to preserve the medicinal properties of the composition. Plantain cough syrup, instructions for which are always included, is a liquid that has a reddish-brown tint.

The drug has a fairly specific aroma and taste. Children take this medicine with pleasure. After all, “Gerbion” plantain syrup has a sweetish aftertaste.

If a slight sediment has formed at the bottom of the container with the drug, then there is no need to worry. Similar processes are allowed in medicines made from components of natural origin.

How does plantain syrup work?

The drug "Gerbion" can reduce cough in certain respiratory diseases that are accompanied by an inflammatory process. In addition, the drug protects the mucous membranes. Plantain syrup is recommended to be used for dry cough to soften it. This medicine can be given to children, but only after consulting a doctor.

The mucous components of plant extracts form a very thin film. It is this that protects the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract from all kinds of irritants. As a result, the urge to cough becomes significantly less. "Herbion: plantain" (cough syrup) has a moderate antibacterial effect. The extract of this plant can significantly reduce inflammation localized in the upper respiratory tract.

Ascorbic acid, which is part of the drug, takes an active part in almost all metabolic processes that occur in the human body. This includes the formation of hemoglobin, the reaction of collagen synthesis, redox processes, as well as stimulation of cellular regeneration and increased immune response.

Indications for use

Plantain for cough is considered one of the most effective and efficient natural remedies. Homemade or pharmacy syrups are used for the following conditions:

  1. inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which is accompanied by a dry, hysterical cough, or a cough syndrome in which sputum does not come out (because it is too viscous);
  2. viral damage to the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs - tracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis and other similar diseases;
  3. smoker's cough;
  4. bronchopneumonia in the acute or chronic stage.

The components that make up plantain (and therefore syrups from it) activate the “cilia” of the epithelium lining the respiratory organs. Thus, sputum begins to be eliminated faster, the number of infectious bacteria decreases and the person recovers.

When should you take the syrup?

The drug "Gerbion" is essentially a herbal medicine. Therefore, it is very often prescribed for the complex treatment of many diseases caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract, which are often accompanied by a severe cough.

In addition, plantain syrup can be taken in other cases. The drug copes well with dry cough, which often affects smokers. Of course, plantain syrup is not able to completely eliminate the symptom, but it improves the general condition.

Dosage of the drug

Plantain cough syrup, the price of which ranges from 280 to 320 rubles, should be taken orally. You can take the drug not only with clean water, but also with tea. The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of the disease, as well as the age of the patient. As a rule, the required amount of syrup is determined by the attending physician. Usually the drug is prescribed:

  1. Children age 4–7 years: one dosing spoon three times a day.
  2. Children age 7–14 years: 1-2 dosing spoons three times a day.
  3. Children over 14 years old, as well as adults: 2 dosing spoons 3-5 times a day.

If the child is under 4 years old, then “Gerbion: plantain” (cough syrup) should be used with extreme caution and only after consultation with specialists.

Gerbion - instructions for use

Doctors recommend drinking the syrup with warm water or unsweetened and weak tea (ideally green). The course of therapy to eliminate dry cough in the presence of a severe inflammatory process or infectious disease can last 3 weeks. If you plan to treat a senile cough or a cough caused by smoking - until the main symptoms are eliminated. An adult patient takes Gerbion for a dry cough, 10 ml with a frequency of up to 5 times a day.

During pregnancy and lactation

This syrup does not have embryotoxic properties, so Gerbion can be taken during pregnancy and lactation, but only after consulting a doctor. The only caveat due to which Gerbion is rarely prescribed to expectant mothers is the large number of side effects (especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy) on the part of the digestive system.

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Gerbion for children

Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and dry cough of other etiologies with Gerbion can be carried out in a child over 2 years of age. The syrup is used according to the following instructions:

  • Children under 7 years old are given no more than 5 ml per dose; they can drink the syrup 3 times a day.
  • For schoolchildren under 14 years of age, it is recommended to take up to 10 ml 3 times a day.
  • Teenagers over 14 years of age can drink syrup at an adult dose, especially if the dry cough is long-lasting and the attacks are long: this is 10 ml up to 5 times a day.

Interactions with drugs

According to doctors, like all medicines for non-productive coughs, Gerbion cannot be taken simultaneously with antitussives, especially if thick sputum begins to be produced with it during therapy. It can be combined with mucolytics, but with caution. Other groups of drugs, including those that affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, can be used together with this syrup.

Side effects

Like all plant extracts, Gerbion syrup can provoke allergies, especially if the body is sensitive to plantain and/or mallow. Individual intolerance to herbs occurs with the same frequency as problems with the absorption of synthetic substances. Adverse reactions after using the drug in case of allergies are observed mainly on the skin. This:

  • hives;
  • itching;
  • rashes.

In more severe cases, angioedema cannot be ruled out (even without an overdose), requiring immediate medical attention. The use of Gerbion if adverse reactions occur is excluded. Additionally, the body’s responses to sucrose can also be observed, mainly from the digestive tract:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • bouts of vomiting.

Terms of sale and storage

This drug is sold from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, but self-medication is not recommended even with it. Like most mixtures of natural origin, Gerbion dry cough syrup is recommended to be kept in a cool place, but not to be put in the refrigerator. The optimal temperature range, according to the instructions, is 15-30 degrees. It is advisable to protect the bottle from direct sunlight. If it stands still for a long time, sediment may form at the bottom. The shelf life according to the instructions is 2 years from the date of issue.

Who should not take psyllium syrup?

Although the drug "Gerbion" is a herbal preparation, in some cases it is not recommended to take it. You should not use the medicine for those who:

  1. Sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.
  2. Malabsorption syndrome of substances such as galactose and glucose.
  3. Congenital individual fructose intolerance.

During lactation and pregnancy, it is also not recommended to take plantain syrup for cough, since there is only limited information about the safety of this drug. Do not forget that the drug has side effects. As a rule, such phenomena manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction. If any side effect occurs, you should consult a doctor.


Reviews from people who have taken pharmaceutical plantain syrup for cough are mostly positive. The vast majority of people note significant relief after 3-4 days of taking the product. It is equally effective for adults and children. Gerbion syrup gives excellent results in antitussive therapy. But it is especially effective for dry coughs. Taking this remedy before bed helps relieve cough syndrome and fall asleep.

Homemade herbal phytosyrup does not act as quickly as pharmacological drugs, but when taken regularly it also gives a positive result. Most often it is taken in combination with other drugs.

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