Pain in the left side when coughing under the ribs

  • Despite the fact that ointments are external means of use with limited side effects, they cannot be used in case of violations of the integrity of the skin, during pregnancy, lactation, in diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys; there is also individual intolerance to some components. Therefore, before use, you must read the instructions!

    If you have chest pain during coughing, you should avoid heavy physical work and take a break from sports such as stretching and running, which put additional strain on the lungs, especially if they are diseased.

    If the pain is associated with overstrain of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm during coughing attacks, bed rest is necessary to quickly restore muscle function.

    Also, during attacks of chest pain, it is better to avoid a sitting position, since when sitting, the upper body is under constant tension.

    What could be causing pain under the ribs on the right side when coughing? Cough is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of another disease, except in cases where a foreign body particle enters the upper respiratory tract. There are a large number of reasons that provoke and cause it: ARVI, whooping cough, bronchitis, pleurisy, cancer, asthma, allergies, laryngitis, pulmonary tuberculosis. One possible accompanying symptom is pain in the ribs when coughing.

  • Causes and possible diseases for pain in the right side

    If the right side under the ribs hurts when you cough, this can happen for various reasons. Let us briefly consider these causes and possible diseases for pain in the right side accompanying cough.

    Most often, the ribs hurt when coughing when the patient has suffered from a cough for a long time before or has not received complete treatment. From a strong and prolonged cough, the muscles of the diaphragm, which contract at this time, become tired and painful sensations begin under the ribs when coughing.

    Bronchitis is a disease of the bronchi of infectious or viral origin. Acquiring a chronic form with a prolonged cough, it leads to overstrain of the diaphragm muscles, which is why pain occurs under the ribs when coughing.

    Intercostal neuralgia is a disease characterized by girdling pain and aching spasms that intensify during movements and coughing. Occurs as a result of physical trauma or osteochondrosis at a severe stage of development. This disease can only be diagnosed using fluoroscopy.

    Right-sided pneumonia - pain in the side (or sternum) intensifies during coughing or sighing, is always accompanied by persistent shortness of breath, and can sometimes be almost asymptomatic.

    Dry pleurisy can occur as a consequence of complications of upper respiratory tract diseases, or independently. Diagnosed only using fluoroscopy (Prozorov method). The disease is accompanied by a dry cough, night sweats, bloating, and general malaise. If, in addition to the above, the left side (or right) hurts simultaneously with a cough, then tuberculosis is diagnosed.

    Injuries - when coughing, physical activity, sneezing, the pain intensifies, and you can accurately determine its location. Pain can result from broken ribs or a bruise in the upper abdomen. In addition to radiography, an ultrasound of the internal organs should also be performed, excluding possible pathology of the gallbladder or liver.

    Oncological diseases and foreign formations that have arisen in the right lung.

    Causes of pain

    A clot is a sign of right-sided pneumonia.
    If your right side hurts when you cough, there may be several reasons, the main ones being respiratory diseases and injuries:

    • With right-sided pneumonia, pathology of the right lung develops, and during coughing, pain occurs under the ribs on the right. If you have a severe cough, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. Characteristic signs of pneumonia are high fever and aching pain in the chest area on the right (if right-sided). When you cough, purulent mucus is released. Pain in the right side and a strong cough are the main companions of right-sided pneumonia; if you feel the patient, he will not feel pain. Such a patient should be urgently hospitalized; pneumonia cannot be treated at home.
    • If there is pain in the right side under the ribs when you cough, you can suspect the development of right-sided pleurisy. Usually, if you lie on your right side, the pain disappears. It can be provoked by acute respiratory inflammation of the respiratory system, left without treatment. Pathology can only be diagnosed using x-rays. An alarming symptom is pain on the right under the ribs, which intensifies when coughing and radiates to the abdominal area. This disease is also characterized by bloating and other symptoms. If such symptoms are accompanied by increased sweating at night and fever, tuberculosis can be preliminarily diagnosed.
    • Pain in the right side when coughing may occur due to injury to the ribs located on the right. The pain is usually aching in nature and develops due to a violation of the integrity of the muscle corset. A distinctive feature is that pain during injury is localized in a small area, but in case of lung disease it can be diffuse. While coughing, while inhaling, with the slightest movement, the pain from a rib fracture intensifies, becomes sharp and severe. This condition requires immediate x-ray examination; a broken rib can damage the lung, causing breathing problems.

    • Intercostal pinching

    • With intercostal neuralgia, pain may occur and radiate under the ribs on the right, especially when coughing. This is due to a pinched nerve, which causes acute pain of an antispasmodic nature. When moving or coughing, it becomes more intense; the cause usually lies in spinal osteochondrosis or injury. If you examine the area of ​​pain with pressure, it will be felt only at the site of the irritated nerve ending; nothing will hurt in other places. If you lie down, the nerve will no longer be compressed, the pain goes away. If it is known for sure that the patient has intercostal neuralgia, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used for no more than 5 days.
    • If pain in the right side intensifies when coughing, one may suspect the presence of oncology of the right lung; with benign neoplasms, pain may also occur. In this case, immediate diagnosis is needed in order to identify the disease as early as possible.
    • It happens that the pain when coughing radiates to the right side from behind. This is a sign of developing kidney pathology. To make sure of this, you need to lightly hit the lower rib from behind with the edge of your palm. If your kidneys are sick, you will feel a sharp, severe pain. When a person develops an attack of renal colic, he constantly changes his position; it hurts him to be in one position all the time.
    • Pain in the right side when coughing can appear in chronic bronchitis due to constant tension in the muscles of the diaphragm. In this case, symptomatic treatment is required.

    When coughing, pain in the right side can also occur with pathologies not related to the respiratory tract:

    An ulcer can also cause pain in the side

    • A peptic ulcer causes pain on the right side under the ribs, aggravated by coughing and radiating to the back and lower back. A characteristic sign is that when pressure is applied, the pain subsides. It also becomes easier for the patient to lie on his stomach or squat down.
    • Pancreatitis provokes pain on the right side. Characterized by sharp, intense pain, aggravated by coughing. An attack can be caused by various reasons - poor diet, disruption of the organs responsible for metabolism, chronic diseases of the digestive system, consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities.
    • Gallstone disease is accompanied not only by pain on the right side, but also in the epigastric region, radiating under the scapula. When coughing, the pain intensifies. If the pain spreads lower, in the hypochondrium, there may be an attack of acute cholecystitis.
    • Liver diseases are manifested by a dull aching pain, aggravated by a strong cough. If yellowness of the sclera and skin is observed, there is no doubt that the pathology develops in the liver. Hepatitis also causes such pain, but the disease is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, bloating and belching. With such symptoms, you cannot self-medicate; a visit to the doctor is necessary.
    • With inflammatory processes in the intestines, pain on the right under the ribs occurs suddenly and is localized mainly at the bottom. If the pain is sharp and occurs regardless of the cough, you need to urgently call an ambulance - this is appendicitis.

    If you experience pain on the right side during coughing, you should consult a therapist. The doctor prescribes tests and all necessary diagnostic measures. Timely detection of the disease will help avoid complications.

    Treatment of pain in the side under the ribs when coughing

    Cough itself is already a symptom that needs to be gotten rid of, but first it is necessary to identify its etiology. If the cough is also accompanied by pain in the sides, then an immediate examination by a doctor is necessary to rule out the existence of the above diseases.

    Remedies that will help you reduce pain in the side of various etiologies:

      Aspirin is not only a pain reliever, but also an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

      Spasmalgon is an analgesic, antispasmodic, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect, can help in the case of infectious-inflammatory and colds.

      Nurofen - has an analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used to relieve pain from colds, fevers, and joint, muscle, dental and similar pain.

      Mig 400 is considered the most effective remedy for relieving pain in inflammatory diseases.

    Important! Under no circumstances should you use painkillers if you suspect appendicitis. It is best to immediately call an ambulance or go to a medical facility yourself.

    Treatment of diseases accompanied by pain in the right side when coughing

    Treatment of bronchitis:

      Various antibiotics: macrolides, penicillin, fluoroquinols, cephalosparins. The course of application is 7–10 days.

      Antiviral drugs: viferon, aflubin, arbidol (for infectious bronchitis).

      Expectorant medications (mucaltin, ACC, sage).

      Antipyretics (if necessary): aspirin, ibuprofen.

      Bronchodilators for shortness of breath: euphyllin, ventalin.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis:

      Chest collection - can be bought at any pharmacy. Contains herbs such as linden, licorice, thyme, calendula, thyme. Brew 2 sachets in one glass and drink, distributing 3 times a day.

      Badger fat - eat 1 teaspoon, washed down with tea and honey.

      Potato compresses: boil 4 potatoes with the skins, then chop. Add 3 teaspoons of baking soda and honey (optional) to the mixture. Apply to the back and chest, hold until the mixture cools down.

    Treatment of intercostal neuralgia:

      During acute neuralgia, a novocaine blockade is carried out, then sedatives such as Valocordin, Corvalol are introduced, which relieve pain.

      It is necessary to observe bed rest (at least 1-3 days): you need to lie on a firm and level bed. UHF, Sollux, electrophoresis, and therapeutic massage procedures are also used.

    Traditional methods of struggle should be used as auxiliary means in combination with medical treatment. When used correctly, folk remedies give an excellent effect.

    Below are some examples:

    Brew flax seeds with boiling water and close the lid for 5 minutes, then wrap in gauze and apply to the site of pain.

    It is good to take peppermint decoction internally: boil 200 ml of water, add 1 tablespoon of dry peppermint leaves to the boiling water, leave. Take 100 ml morning and evening. You can add 2 teaspoons of honey to the decoction.

    Peppermint decoction: add 1 tbsp to 200 ml of boiling water. spoon of dry peppermint leaves, leave overnight. Drink 100 ml morning and evening with the addition of a couple of teaspoons of honey (if desired).

    Mix black radish juice and horseradish juice and rub into the painful area.

    Apply the pepper patch to the site of pain, after wiping the skin with cologne or alcohol and wiping it dry.

    Treatment of right-sided pneumonia:

    If right-sided pneumonia (pneumonia) occurs due to a viral infection (influenza, rhinovirus, adenovirus), it is not advisable to use antibiotics, since in this case the doctor prescribes drugs such as arbidol, foscarnet, acyclovir, etc. Immunomodulators/immunostimulants are also prescribed to increase the level of the body's defenses.

    In the case of fungal inflammation (histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, aspergillosis), medications are prescribed that affect a specific type of fungus. To alleviate the existing unpleasant symptoms, the doctor prescribes mucolytics, which will help facilitate the release of mucus from the respiratory tract.

    As additional methods to the already prescribed treatment, you can include traditional methods of treatment, rose hip tea: put several berries in boiling water and leave for 15–20 minutes.

    Brew 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot with a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take a quarter glass 3 times a day. In addition, you can eat healthy foods such as garlic, propolis, onions, aloe and honey.

    Treatment of dry pleurisy

    Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antitussive drugs. To reduce inflammation in autoimmune connective tissue diseases, steroid hormones (metipred, dexamethasone, prednisolone, hydrocortisone) are used.

    To reduce inflammation in autoimmune connective tissue diseases, steroid hormones (dexamethasone, metipred, hydrocortisone, etc.) are prescribed.

    If pleurisy is accompanied by severe pain, painkillers are injected intramuscularly. Treatment is also complemented by breathing exercises (yoga) and physiotherapeutic procedures.

    Traditional methods of treatment:

      Various compresses: with oils, salt or sea water.

      A mixture of mustard, salt and kerosene: mix 50 grams of salt with 50 grams of mustard seeds, pour kerosene. Rub the resulting mixture onto painful areas before going to bed.

      A mixture of horseradish and lemons: mix 150 grams of finely chopped horseradish with the juice of 3 lemons. Use ½ teaspoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed.

    This medicine is very effective not only during pleurisy, but also for sinusitis. It is also an excellent diuretic.

    Treatment of injuries

      Rule out rib fractures.

      On the first day after injury, cold treatment is necessary, which slows down or stops hemorrhage and relieves tissue swelling.

      Absorbable ointments and compresses.

      Anti-inflammatory gels and ointments applied locally on the surface of the skin at the site of injury.

      If there is a suspicion of a lung contusion, antispasmodics (aminophylline) are prescribed.

      Bed rest for the first couple of days after injury.

    Traditional methods

    Vodka tinctures are best:

      Compress from coltsfoot tincture and oregano: pour vodka over the herbal mixture, leave for 3 days and strain before use. Make compresses at night for about 2 weeks.

      Pour 100 grams of birch buds and 50 grams of barberry leaves into 1/2 liters of vodka and leave for 5 days. Make compresses at night for 10 days.

      Make lotions and compresses from lead water (sold in pharmacies).

    The best treatment option is complex, using both medications and folk remedies. Also, do not forget about maintaining a healthy lifestyle: moderate physical activity, hardening, proper nutrition and sleep, taking complex vitamins.

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    Ask your question

    Questions and answers on: ribs hurt when coughing

    2008-01-15 21:57:13

    Elena asks:

    Good evening! From December 15 to January 9, I suffered from right-sided pneumonia with pleurisy with fluid in the lower lobe. We received 36 injections of antibiotics, expectorants, antibiotic tablets, and desensitizers. After the end of the treatment, the fluorography was clean, the doctor said that there were no traces left. But I have a feeling of heaviness on the right side under the ribs (where it used to hurt when I coughed), a slight difficulty breathing (not constantly) and a slight cough remains, even more like a cough, with a small amount of sputum coming out with a bitter aftertaste. Could this be adhesions and should I continue taking expectorants or something else for the cough?

    January 16, 2008

    Vera Alexandrovna Strizh answers:

    Hello. You should contact a specialized pulmonology center and repeat the examination, possibly performing a bronchoscopy. Bitterness can also be caused by disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and liver. Therefore, do an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, donate blood for a biochemical analysis - liver tests. At a face-to-face consultation with a pulmonologist, understand rehabilitation therapy (physical therapy, massage, probiotics, hepatoprotectors, liver tubages, oxygen cocktails or simply decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs, vitamins, reflexology, homeopathy or antihomotoxic drugs...), physiotherapy (inhalations, DMV, ultrasound, magnet and other).

    2014-05-06 19:42:41

    Veronica Dushinskaya asks:

    I contacted you once and now I need your advice again. After pneumonia, I have pain on the right side under the rib cage and radiates back under the shoulder blade. The pain has been going on for 2 weeks now. It hurts especially when coughing, taking a deep breath and moving. Pressing on a rib makes the pain worse. Temperature 37.5. I had an echoscopy done at the hospital, I thought it was the gallbladder, but it turned out that all the organs were normal, no problems. At the hospital they said that due to a strong cough, the rib may be damaged and it will go away on its own or take a painkiller. I was afraid to do an X-ray because I had already done X-Ray twice in the last month. I'm worried about what this could be, please answer me. Thank you.

    2012-06-15 13:40:29

    Zhanna asks:

    A diagnosis was made - right-sided lower lobe pneumonia, I was treated for 2 days, today t in the afternoon was 37.1 in the evening 38.0, prescribed IM 2 times a day 2.0 ceftriaxone with novocaine 0.5% - 5.0; Ambroxol - 1 t. 3p/d, licorice root syrup. Yesterday, while coughing, my right side started to hurt in the area of ​​the ribs, today my left side also hurts, and I get the feeling that this happens when you overwork in the gym and then your abs hurt, and when you cough it’s very painful, it hurts to lie down and get up. Is this how it should happen or should it not happen?

    July 13, 2012

    Telnov Ivan Sergeevich answers:

    Hello. The effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of pneumonia is assessed 48-72 hours after the start of fever-reducing therapy. Pain is possible when the pleura is involved in the process. Be sure to tell your doctor about your feelings.

    2012-01-10 18:41:12

    Elena asks:

    Since the end of October 2011, a slight pain in the middle of the chest, a dry cough, weakness, and a temperature of 37-37.2 suddenly appeared. I went to see a therapist at my place of residence, and he diagnosed: allergic type bronchitis? The therapist prescribed an X-ray of the OGK, and issued a referral for a consultation with an allergist. The result of the chest x-ray: no infiltrative, focal shadows are detected, the pulmonary pattern is somewhat enhanced, the roots are stringy, the sinuses are intact, the heart is not enlarged in size. Complete blood count: WBC 7.6; RBC 4.48; HGB 143;HCT 0.418;MCV 93.3;MCH 31.9;MCHC 342; PLT S 318. Treatment was prescribed: ambroxol, ventolin, lorano, travesil, erespal, ascorutin. The allergist issued a referral to the bacteriological laboratory for a culture from the nose and throat, as well as for general IgE. Result of bacterial culture: abundant growth of Staphyloccus aureus in the throat, no pathogenic bacteria were detected from the nose; no mushrooms were found. The result of the blood test for IgE is 9.77 IU/ml, reference intervals up to 87.0. Treatment with a therapist did not produce any results; a week after outpatient treatment, her health worsened. In addition to the pain in the chest, heaviness appeared, the cough intensified (without phlegm), the weakness became stronger, an incomprehensible painful spasm appeared (a feeling as if a ball was rolling from the middle of the chest and into the throat) - only during the day, the lower part of the ribs hurt and there was a feeling that the ribs one size larger, there was no suffocation, no cough at night. On November 18, 2011, she was sent to the regional hospital for a consultation with a pulmonologist, who gave a referral for bronchoscopy, based on the results of which treatment will be prescribed. I refused bronchoscopy due to side effects after it. I underwent spirography using 200 mcg of salbutamol. Spirometry without salbutamol: FVC- 3.52, should-3.46; FEV1 – 3.41 should-3.0; PEF L/s- 7.28 should-6.86; FEV 1% -96.9 debt -82.5. Conclusion: spirometry is normal. Spirometry 15 minutes after inhalation of salbutamol: FVC POST - 3.72 PRE -3.52; FEV1 POST – 3.44 PRE -3.41; PEF L/s POST – 6.64 PRE- 7.28; FEV 1% POST – 92.5% PRE – 95.5. Conclusion - the test is negative. On November 24, 2011, I went to a private clinic for a consultation with a pulmonologist. The pulmonologist gave a referral for fluoroscopy. The result of fluoroscopy: lungs without focal and infiltrative opacities, normal airiness, the pulmonary pattern is strengthened, moderately deformed in the hilar regions, the roots are reduced in structure, the diaphragm is clear, sinuses free, heart and aorta normal; conclusion: hilar pneumofibrosis. The pulmonologist, based on the fluoroscopy findings, diagnosed an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis aggravated by osteochondrosis. Treatment was prescribed: lazolvan intravenously, 10 injections; serrata 10 days; erespal syrup 14 days; rapithus -10 days; bronchomunal – 10 days; breathing exercises; massage on the chest. Lazolvan was able to give only 6 injections, did not take rapitus due to lack of availability in pharmacies in the city, and did 10 massage sessions per group cell. My health has improved a little. On December 13, 2011, she went to the inpatient pulmonology department for treatment. The doctor diagnosed COPD stage 1 exacerbation of LIO. Treatment: intravenous latren (droppers), lazolvan 10 injections, dexamethasone 3 droppers, soda buffer, thiotriazoline, amplipulse per group cell 10 days; inhalation with flixotide 7 days. There are no improvements. During the treatment, the following tests were taken: 12/20/2011 urine test: specific gravity 1021, protein not detected, sugar not detected, Ep pl ed in p/z; alpha 4-7 in p/z; phosphates; 12/14/2011 detailed blood test: Ht -0.39; hemoglobin 148; red blood cells 4.4; color index 1.0; average erythrocyte volume 89; platelets 288; leukocytes 14.3; segmented neutrophils 74; lymphocytes 22; monocytes 4; erythrocyte sedimentation rate 7. Complete blood count 12/20/2011: Ht 0.47; hemoglobin155; red blood cells 4.8; color index 0.97; average erythrocyte volume 88; platelets 331; leukocytes 9.3; neutrophils, band 2, segmented 59; eosinophils 1; lymphocytes 26; monocytes 12; erythrocyte sedimentation rate 5. I had an ultrasound of the thyroid gland - there were no deviations from the norm. On December 23, 2011, she was sent for a consultation with an allergist at the regional hospital. The allergist makes a diagnosis of bronchial asthma, possibly with an allergic bias. Prescribed to take Symbicort 2 times a day for 3 months. On December 23, 2011, I did a tomography of the gr. cell, scanning mode - spiral, contrast enhancement - ultravist 300 - 100 ml IV bolus. Tomography results: the lungs are completely expanded, uniform pneumatization, without ocular and infiltrative changes, the pulmonary pattern is not changed, the trachea and bronchi are IV orderly passable, without intraluminal pathology, in accessible areas of the pulmonary trunk, pulmonary arteries and their branches, no intraluminal contrast defects were detected, the mediastinum was not expanded, no pathological formations were found in the mediastinum, the lymph nodes of the roots of the lungs and the mediastinum were not enlarged, fluid accumulations in the pleural cavities and not detected in the pericardial sac, the layers of the pleura and pericardium are not thickened; No bone-destructive changes in the thoracic spine, ribs and sternum were detected. Treatment at the pulmonology hospital did not produce significant results: the spasm has almost gone away (it appears sometimes but is not as painful as before), the heaviness in the chest has not gone away, the cough has not gone away (no phlegm), the ribs hurt from time to time. I can only sleep on my back if I lie down on on the side or on the stomach, the heaviness intensifies, and the sensation is as if some kind of vessel is being compressed inside. Help with clarifying the diagnosis and treatment. I would be grateful for your help.

    If there is pain under the ribs when you cough, this may indicate a variety of pathologies. The reasons may lie in viral diseases, heart and vascular diseases, and injuries. In any case, only an experienced doctor can determine the provoking factor after conducting a detailed diagnosis.

    To understand why the ribs hurt when coughing, it is worth analyzing the location of the discomfort.

    Pain in the ribs on the left or right

    The appearance of symptoms on the left side usually accompanies heart failure. If your left side hurts when you cough, this may indicate a heart attack or other cardiac abnormalities. If the ribs are damaged, the discomfort is felt more strongly in the left side of the chest.

    Right-sided localization accompanies pathologies of various organs - the liver or lungs. Heart damage may also be the cause. If your right side hurts when you cough, this indicates damage to the gallbladder or the formation of tumor lesions in the chest.

    Pain in the right or left side

    If the left side under the ribs hurts when you cough, this indicates an advanced cough. It can transform into pneumonia or pleurisy. If there is pain under the right rib when you cough, you may suspect renal colic.

    Discomfort in the front or back

    If there is pain in the front of the chest when you cough, you can suspect heart damage, a peptic ulcer, or an abscess. Similar manifestations accompany cholelithiasis. Sometimes discomfort is associated with shortening of the interpleural ligament. If your lungs hurt when you cough, this may be due to inflammation.

    Back pain is associated with various factors. Sometimes the discomfort is imaginary: the pain occurs in the front, but the person feels it from the back. If your back hurts when you cough, this may indicate diseases of the spine, dysfunction of the respiratory system, genitourinary or nervous system. Also, the reason lies in diseases of the circulatory system.

    Discomfort in the ribs and back

    If your chest hurts when you cough, this may accompany osteochondrosis and intercostal neuralgia. Discomfort increases with deep breaths. In addition, such manifestations may indicate chronic kidney failure, traumatic injuries, tumor pathologies, and pericarditis.

    Pain in the lower ribs

    The diaphragmatic muscles are responsible for maintaining the cough reflex. Severe or frequent coughing causes muscle tension. It is her fatigue that provokes discomfort at the bottom of the ribs.

    Discomfort in the back or ribs after coughing may indicate severe contraction of the muscle tissue located between the ribs. This condition is also observed with a rib fracture. However, the appearance of such a symptom does not occur suddenly; it is preceded by certain events.

    Pain when coughing in the left hypochondrium in front

    Such a phenomenon as pain in the side under the ribs can bother both healthy and sick people. Painful sensations can intensify during movement, a certain action and a reflex attack.

    It is worth paying special attention to your health if you experience pain in the right or left hypochondrium when coughing and sneezing.

    A doctor can accurately answer the question of why your side hurts when you cough, after conducting a detailed examination and passing the necessary tests.

    Therefore, when the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should stop self-medicating and seek medical help.

    Why does pain appear in the right or left side when coughing?

    This phenomenon can occur for several reasons. Most often, the side is watered in the right or left hypochondrium in the following cases:

    When it hurts in the right side

    In the right side, front and back, a person has a large number of various internal organs; during a particular illness, they can make themselves felt, causing some discomfort.

    With the inflammatory process of the pancreas, painful sensations begin suddenly, they have a girdling and constant intensity character. The reasons for the development of the inflammatory process may be the abuse of alcoholic beverages and excessively fatty foods, metabolic disorders in the body, complications after surgery, or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    A doctor can diagnose gallbladder disease if the patient experiences severe pain in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade and epigastric region. In the case of acute cholecystitis, the unpleasant sensations descend lower in the hypochondrium. With aching or dull pain, liver function may be impaired; these symptoms are usually accompanied by a yellowish color of the skin and whites of the eyes.

    Pain in the right side below the ribs may indicate inflammation of the intestines, right kidney, duodenum and stomach. With appendicitis, the pain is sharp and sharp and can occur not only when coughing, but also on its own.

    With renal colic, pain spreads between the ribs on the right side, affecting the lumbar region and spine.

    When your left side hurts

    Despite the fact that the heart is located in the left side under the ribs, and many patients attribute the pain that occurs to this internal organ, the causes of such symptoms can be different.

    The same symptoms can be caused by pancreatitis, disease of the left kidney, enlargement or rupture of the spleen. It is also possible that there is injury, which can cause pain in the hypochondrium. Cancer of the left lung can cause discomfort when coughing.

    Diagnosis of pain under the ribs

    When the first symptoms of a particular disease appear, you must immediately seek medical help in order to begin treatment in a timely manner.

    To do this, you should undergo an examination by a therapist, who, after receiving test results and additional studies, will write a referral to the desired highly specialized doctor, depending on the presumptive diagnosis.

    For pain under the ribs, diagnosis is carried out in several stages:

    Treatment of identified diseases under the ribs

    Before the doctor arrives, you can temporarily get rid of pain on your own by using antispasmodic drugs:

    Until the exact diagnosis is known, warm compresses should not be used. When exposed to heat, the development of harmful pathogens may increase. Such a condition can negatively affect the patient’s condition and significantly complicate the treatment process.

    In any case, you should not take choleretic drugs, since such drugs can increase the secretion of bile and stretch the walls of the gallbladder, which can lead to rupture. You should stop doing physical exercise for a while.

    After identifying an accurate diagnosis, in addition to medications, it is possible to use folk remedies to alleviate the patient’s condition.

    To avoid complications when the first symptoms appear during coughing, such as pain when coughing under the ribs, you need to take care of your health and regularly visit your doctor for a preventive examination.

    Pain in the left and right side when coughing: pain in the hypochondrium

    Such a phenomenon as pain in the side under the ribs can bother both healthy and sick people. Painful sensations can intensify during movement, a certain action and a reflex attack.

    It is worth paying special attention to your health if you experience pain in the right or left hypochondrium when coughing and sneezing.

    A doctor can accurately answer the question of why your side hurts when you cough, after conducting a detailed examination and passing the necessary tests.

    Therefore, when the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should stop self-medicating and seek medical help.

    Why does my left side hurt when I cough?

    If your left side hurts when you cough, this may indicate various diseases. Of course, it is impossible to diagnose any disease based on this symptom alone. But it is possible to recognize some signs of serious diseases.

    • vascular and heart diseases;
    • bronchopulmonary diseases;
    • kidney diseases and digestive problems;
    • injuries and bone problems.

    What diseases exactly cause this symptom? There are a lot of them, which is why differential diagnosis is required in order to correctly prescribe treatment in the future.

    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

    Of course, cardiac diseases rarely manifest themselves with this particular symptom. More often, the cause of pain when coughing is other diseases. However, it is sometimes necessary to check the functioning of the heart to exclude such diseases.

    Cardiac diseases rarely manifest with this particular symptom

    Coronary artery disease is a disease in which blood vessels are damaged. Because of this, normal nutrition of the heart is difficult. A symptom of coronary heart disease is pain when coughing, inhaling or moving. It develops slowly, so even minor pain should be a reason to consult a specialist for diagnosis.

    On a note! It must be borne in mind that pain occurs not only when coughing, but can also bother you at rest. This is a hallmark of cardiac problems.

    The pain can be sharp or aching, but it does not go away; if the coughing attack passes, it bothers you constantly.

    Problems with the digestive system and kidneys

    Acute pyelonephritis is manifested by pain in the left hypochondrium and abdominal cavity

    Important! When the spleen is damaged, the outer tissues quickly acquire a bluish tint.

    Acute pyelonephritis is manifested by pain in the left hypochondrium and abdominal cavity. Painful sensations are expressed in the form of colic, the temperature rises. An inflammatory process occurs and urination processes are disrupted. The pain of this disease is very severe and can even cause loss of consciousness. When coughing, the back left side hurts - this is a clear symptom.

    Pancreatitis is an inflammatory and degenerative process in the pancreas. If enzymes do not allow the incoming substances to be processed normally, intoxication occurs. As a result, iron increases. And this leads to a nagging and aching pain in the left side. It is especially bothersome when coughing and after eating.

    Gastritis can cause pain

    A stomach ulcer is a chronic disease caused by the presence of ulcers on the mucous membrane. The pain occurs between the navel and the sternum, but sometimes it occurs in the side, particularly the left. In addition, vomiting and night pain are bothersome. Hunger pain may occur.

    Diseases of the bronchi and lungs

    With pleurisy, pain in the side is possible when coughing

    Fact! With this disease, the pain is dull, but there may also be colic in the side.

    However, with pneumonia, only weakness and a slight cough may bother you. This disease can pass without fever or other noticeable symptoms. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your health; if even a mild cough does not go away within a couple of weeks, you should consult a doctor.

    Pneumonia is a disease that affects both the pleura and the lungs

    Bone and muscle injuries

    Various injuries and problems with bones and joints most often manifest as pain in the left side. Here are the main reasons:

    Intercostal neuralgia can cause pain when coughing

    Diagnosis and treatment of flank pain

    Nuance! MRI is the most effective diagnostic method, allowing you to quickly assess the condition of the entire body.

    Next, consultation with other specialized specialists is usually required:

    Ultrasound diagnostics helps to identify abnormalities in the functioning of the heart and abdominal organs

    Specialists can prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

    After conducting all the necessary tests and studies, specialists prescribe the necessary treatment. Treatment not only removes the pain, but also the underlying cause of the symptom. It can be conservative if surgery can be avoided. Drug treatment is used for:

    • bruises;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • pneumonia;
    • stomach ulcers;
    • Tietze syndrome;
    • gastritis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • pleurisy;
    • some heart diseases.

    After all the necessary tests and studies have been carried out, specialists will prescribe the necessary treatment.

    For such specific pain, you can take antispasmodics, for example No-shpa tablets. But this will only help for some time. And then you must definitely consult a doctor.

    You should not self-medicate and take painkillers. This can make the situation worse and make diagnosis and treatment more difficult.

    For example, when taking painkillers for appendicitis, this dangerous disease may not be recognized and surgery may not be performed on time.


    Causes of pain

    Most often, discomfort is caused by infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. Sometimes the reasons lie in diseases of the spine and damage to the heart or blood vessels.


    In this case, viral damage to the bronchi is observed. The clinical picture of the pathology is similar to colds. Initially, a dry cough appears, which gradually becomes wet. This condition is characterized by the production of sputum.

    If treatment is not started in time, acute bronchitis can become chronic. This disorder is characterized by a prolonged cough, which provokes tension in the muscle tissue of the diaphragm. This is what causes constant pain in the ribs.

    With the development of this infectious disease, inflammatory damage to lung tissue is observed. Pathology can be an independent disorder or become a complication of bronchitis and other viral infections.

    The main manifestation of the disease is a painful cough. At first it is dry in nature and then becomes moist. The patient also complains of pain in the chest area. It occurs especially often when taking deep breaths. Discomfort is caused by inflammatory damage to the pleura of the lungs.

    This ailment is secondary. The causes of the development of this lung disease include inflammation of the pleura, disruption of its structure as a result of damage or tumor lesions. The accumulation of abnormal effusion in the organ cavity may also be a provoking factor.

    This disease is characterized by discomfort in the lungs, which is associated with breathing. A person may experience a cough, fever, and shortness of breath. For respiratory infections that are accompanied by cough and chest pain, you should definitely seek medical advice.

    Bone and muscle injuries

    If the rib bones are damaged, severe pain and coughing may occur. Typically these symptoms accompany cracks and fractures. A cough with intense pain and decreased mobility of the chest occurs if the rib frame is destroyed as a result of damage.

    Complex injuries can cause air to accumulate in the pleural area. This condition is called pneumothorax. It is characterized by acute pain, coughing attacks, and severe shortness of breath. With this anomaly, a person experiences a feeling of lack of air.

    This term refers to inflammation of the cartilage, which is accompanied by severe pain behind the sternum. Externally, the pathology resembles heart damage. A characteristic manifestation of Tietze syndrome is increased discomfort with pressure on the ribs.

    A strong, strained cough provokes constant contraction of muscle tissue. This also causes pain. In older people who have osteoporosis, coughing can even cause rib fractures.

    Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels

    If there is pain under the left rib when you cough, this most likely indicates heart and vascular disease. The reason may lie in the development of pericarditis - inflammation of the lining of the heart, which most often results from other anomalies. These include infectious diseases, ischemia, tumor formations, and pneumonia.

    This disease manifests itself in the form of pain in the chest and back. A dry cough, fever, increased heart rate, and shortness of breath may also appear. Severe pain is observed in a horizontal position, especially on the back.

    Cardialgia may also be the cause of these symptoms. In this case, discomfort also affects the ribs. This condition can characterize heart disease, heart attack, ischemia, and arterial hypertension.

    Oncological diseases

    With malignant lesions of the sternum and mediastinal organs, stabbing acute pain occurs, which may be accompanied by shortness of breath and cough. When metastases form, the pain increases significantly, and hemoptysis may occur.


    The appearance of pain in the chest and under the ribs is more typical for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic region. When coughing, discomfort increases significantly.

    The cause of damage to articular cartilage is curvature of the spinal column, poor posture, and an insufficiently active lifestyle. Increased loads and traumatic injuries to the spine can also be provoking factors.

    Intercostal neuralgia

    In this case, the nerve fibers in the chest area become inflamed, which leads to acute pain. The discomfort is shooting in nature. When a cough appears, the discomfort increases many times over.

    There can be many reasons for the appearance of intercostal neuralgia - stressful situations, hypothermia, diabetes. Vitamin deficiency and spinal damage are also provoking factors.

    Arthritis, polyneuritis, myositis

    Arthritis is taken to mean inflammatory damage to the joints. Myositis is an inflammation of muscle tissue, while polyneuritis involves multiple damage to nerve fibers.

    These pathologies are characterized by pain in the rib area. This is typical for the localization of abnormal processes in the neck and chest.

    Pain in the heart and chest - what could be the cause?

    Why does coughing cause pain under the ribs?

    Pain in the ribs when coughing is most often associated with complications of diseases of the respiratory system. Thus, neglected or untreated bronchitis, accompanied by a prolonged cough, causes overstrain of the diaphragmatic muscles and, as a result, pain in the ribs.

    In addition, the cause of pain may be disturbances in the functioning of internal organs or the consequences of injury. Discomfort is usually felt below the ribs, on the right or left side. The pain can also spread to the abdominal wall in front or radiate to the back.

    Pain when coughing in the hypochondrium can be caused by reasons characteristic of both the left and right sides. The only difference is the location of the affected organ.

    Diseases of the respiratory system.

    • unilateral pneumonia affecting the right or left lung. It can manifest itself as an independent disease, as well as as a complication of a cold or bronchitis. Requires immediate treatment. Associated symptoms: high fever, exhausting cough, shortness of breath, sweating. Left-sided pneumonia is considered more dangerous than right-sided pneumonia, since inflammation can spread to the pericardial tissue;
    • unilateral dry pleurisy, which is a consequence of an advanced inflammatory process or malignant formation in the lungs. It is characterized by acute pain that intensifies with deep inspiration. When the body is tilted towards the affected side, the discomfort decreases. Most often accompanied by low-grade fever and general weakness;
    • primary or metastatic cancer of the right lung. Oncology causes pain of a different nature: acute, aching, girdling. In advanced cases, coughing up blood is noted.

    Pain in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

    • physical activity without preliminary warm-up can provoke pain on both the right and left sides;
    • overstretching of the diaphragmatic muscles caused by prolonged coughing is also characterized by severe pain in the hypochondrium area.

    Damage to the spine.

    • intercostal neuralgia is characterized by shooting pains that are aggravated by coughing and deep breathing. It is an inflammatory lesion of the nerve roots of the spine on the right or left side. The cause of neuralgia can be stress, hypothermia, the consequences of diabetes, etc.;
    • Shingles causes very severe, unbearable pain. In this disease, the nerve trunks of the spinal cord are affected by the herpes virus. Subsequently, the skin on the affected side becomes covered with bubbles of liquid;
    • various pathologies caused by pinched nerves, damage to joints or cartilage, for example, osteochondrosis;
    • injuries, fractures, cracks - this is also one of the reasons why ribs hurt when coughing.

    Diaphragmatic hernias . Caused by protrusion of abdominal organs into the chest area due to thinning of the diaphragm muscles. In addition to pain when coughing, the main symptoms are heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest, and belching.

    What can hurt when you cough on the right?

    In the area of ​​the right hypochondrium there are many organs, pathologies of which can provoke pain when coughing.

    Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)

    • a duodenal ulcer causes pain in the front hypochondrium and subsides if you lie on your stomach;
    • liver damage by the hepatitis virus is associated with aching pain, aggravated by coughing. In this case, the patient’s skin and whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint;
    • if the pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, cholecystitis or cholelithiasis can be suspected;
    • with intestinal inflammation, or enteritis, discomfort is localized in the lower right and is accompanied by diarrhea and flatulence;
    • Chronic appendicitis is associated with pain in the right side, aggravated by coughing and physical activity.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system

    • The abdominal form of myocardial infarction is characterized by acute pain under the rib on the right. It is not relieved by painkillers and is often perceived by doctors and patients as a manifestation of diseases of the digestive system;
    • Angina attacks most often cause pain in the right hypochondrium. Pain may radiate to the right forearm and lower jaw.

    Renal colic - pain is localized in the area of ​​the right lower rib behind. If the cause of colic is urolithiasis, then the discomfort spreads throughout the spine. In case of inflammation of the kidney, pyelonephritis, the right shoulder and shoulder blade may hurt.

    Causes of pain in the left side

    If your left side hurts when you cough, this is most often associated with problems in the heart area. However, the cause of such pain may be different.

    Pathologies of the digestive system

    • enlargement of the spleen caused by inflammation, accompanied by a feeling of fullness and stabbing pain;
    • dull, aching pain in the left hypochondrium is characteristic of inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis;
    • When coughing, those suffering from stomach ulcers often experience pain under the ribs on the left. Discomfort intensifies when turning the body, deep breathing. Similar symptoms are observed in the presence of malignant tumors in the stomach;
    • pain of varying intensity and nature may indicate diseases of the intestines located on the left side: inflammation, intestinal obstruction or the presence of cancerous tumors.

    Pathologies of the cardiovascular system

    • pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate a pre-infarction condition, myocardial infarction or coronary heart disease;
    • inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart - pericarditis. May appear as a complication of left-sided pneumonia. The pain intensifies when lying on your back, when moving and inhaling. This condition is accompanied by fever, tachycardia, and shortness of breath.

    Inflammation of the left kidney, pyelonephritis, is accompanied by pain under the ribs on the left. This is due to its physiological location in the human body.


    To identify the causes of problems, you should consult a therapist. The doctor will help identify the infectious disease. If it is absent, the doctor will refer the patient for additional examinations to specialized specialists:

    • neurologist - helps to cope with polyneuritis and intercostal neuralgia;
    • cardiologist – will help identify heart and vascular diseases;

    • pulmonologist - will be able to identify diseases of the respiratory system, which, in particular, include pneumonia and pleurisy;
    • orthopedist - specializes in lesions of bone tissue and muscles, and therefore will help detect and treat osteochondrosis, arthritis, myositis.

    The main and most accurate diagnostic method when such symptoms appear is chest radiography. If necessary, additional tests are prescribed to evaluate the functioning of the lungs, heart and spine.

    When pain occurs when coughing, diagnosis includes several stages:

    1. When collecting anamnesis, the specialist finds out the presence of chronic inflammatory pathologies.
    2. Then the kidneys, liver and gallbladder are palpated. When these organs become inflamed, this can be immediately detected.
    3. Examination of the eyes, tongue and skin can detect liver disease.
    4. If more detailed diagnostics are necessary, the patient is hospitalized.

    How to treat pain in the right side

    As mentioned earlier, the area of ​​the right hypochondrium is protection for the internal organs of a person:

    1. For the liver.
    2. For the pancreas and gallbladder.
    3. For the intestines.

    Since the above organs are closely located to each other, it is almost impossible to independently identify the causes of pain. In order for the treatment to be effective, doctors recommend making an appointment with a therapist as quickly as possible, who, after examining the patient and taking tests, will redirect the patient to the following highly specialized doctors:

    • to the surgeon;
    • to a gastroenterologist;
    • to an oncologist.

    Treatment will be prescribed after identifying the causes of pain and the degree of development of the pathology. Most often, the doctor prescribes complex treatment, which includes:

    • medicinal treatments;
    • homeopathic remedies;
    • vitamins and therapeutic exercises.

    Some patients are advised to undergo treatment in a hospital in addition.

    Treatment methods

    After research, treatment tactics are selected. When these symptoms appear, conservative and surgical methods can be used.

    Until the doctor arrives, the following medications will help temporarily relieve pain:

    1. No-shpa - you can take 2 tablets. It is allowed to repeat the drug no more than 3 times a day.
    2. Nitroglycerin - the tablet is placed under the tongue and held until completely dissolved.
    3. Baralgin in an amount of 5 ml and no-spa in a dosage of 2 ml - these drugs are used for subcutaneous injection.

    If the diagnosis has not been established, warming compresses on the affected area are strictly prohibited. They can cause activation of pathogenic microflora. This will aggravate the patient's condition and complicate subsequent therapy.

    When acute damage to the respiratory system is detected, a number of medications are prescribed:

    • broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs;
    • mucolytics;
    • bronchodilators;
    • bronchodilators;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • immunomodulators;
    • vitamin complexes;
    • detoxification agents.

    Physiotherapy – UHF, electrophoresis – is of no small importance. With such a diagnosis, breathing exercises are also very useful.

    If conservative therapy does not help, surgical techniques are used. These include therapeutic bronchoscopy and transthoracic puncture. If necessary, the doctor can open the abscess and remove part or the entire organ.

    If an acute infarction is detected, the patient should be urgently hospitalized to relieve pain and undergo thrombolytic therapy.

    If intercostal neuralgia or radiculitis is observed, painkillers are used. In difficult cases, nerve fiber blockade is indicated.

    If the digestive organs are damaged, treatment is selected depending on the degree of damage to the organ. If its functions can be restored, conservative techniques are used. If the functioning of the organ is severely impaired, surgical intervention may be recommended.

    The exact causes of pain in the rib area that appears when coughing can only be determined by a specialist. This condition is a symptom of various pathologies, which is why it is so important to conduct a detailed diagnosis. Based on its results, it is possible to select adequate therapy.

    When coughing, pain in the hypochondrium can occur for a number of reasons. Their establishment is mainly influenced by the presence or absence of accompanying symptoms. By comparing all the facts, it is possible to establish the cause of the appearance of unpleasant symptoms during a reflex act.

    Ribs hurt when you cough after a cold or flu

    If you have recently had a cold or infectious disease, but your temperature continues to rise, and your ribs hurt when you cough, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The reason for this is most likely due to complications that have developed in the bronchi or lungs. The most common of these is pneumonia. Pneumonia occurs due to improper or untimely treatment. Pain in the hypochondrium when coughing most often occurs with right-sided or bilateral inflammation. It indicates that the lung tissue is damaged. Most patients seen by a doctor with pneumonia characterize these sensations as piercing. They occur during inhalation or an attack. The piercing pain in the ribs when coughing gives way to aching. Patients describe such sensations as tingling or twitching.

    Obstructive bronchitis can also be characterized by similar phenomena. Wheezing with this disease can be heard without a phonendoscope. Patients with obstructive bronchitis have severe wheezing and shortness of breath.

    What causes pain under the ribs?

    The causes of pain in the side can be different; in order to accurately identify them and make a diagnosis, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination, take the necessary clinical tests, and only after receiving the results can effective treatment be prescribed.

    In order not to worsen his own health condition, the patient should under no circumstances begin to self-medicate, as this can lead to serious consequences.

    Pain in the side occurs due to the following reasons:

    • as a complication after a viral illness. In this case, both the right and left sides may hurt. The patient is worried about a dry cough, during the manifestations of which not only sharp pain is felt, but bloating becomes noticeable;
    • if at the time of coughing pain appears in the side and front, then this may indicate the development of intercostal neuralgia. This pathology appears against the background of a pinched nerve, the pain intensifies with sudden movements. The cause of this condition is injury or osteochondrosis in an advanced stage. With this pathology, the patient is bothered by girdling pain, which is most expressed when sneezing or coughing;
    • if pain is felt in a certain place, and the patient can accurately indicate its location, and such a phenomenon as a sharp lumbago or aching pain manifests itself, then this indicates an injury to the hypochondrium. It cannot maintain the muscle corset intact, so a person experiences discomfort when making sudden movements, inhaling and coughing;
    • quite often the cause of pain in the hypochondrium is pneumonia, most often unilateral. If clinical studies confirm the doctor’s diagnosis, the patient will be prescribed a comprehensive treatment, which will include potent medications to quickly eliminate coughing attacks in order to improve the patient’s already difficult condition.

    Why do my ribs hurt when I cough? Other reasons

    Intercostal neuralgia, which affects the cervical and chest areas, can also cause acute pain. This disease is often confused with heart failure.

    Do your ribs hurt after coughing during a common cold or ARVI? This also happens often. Especially if the main symptom is painful and paroxysmal in nature. In this case we are talking about muscle pain. They arise in the abdominal muscles, but can also radiate to the hypochondrium.

    You should not self-medicate, as it is life-threatening. Only an experienced specialist can determine the true cause of such sensations. One inspection may not be enough. After all, heart failure requires a mandatory cardiogram, and pneumonia requires an x-ray examination.

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