Why does my throat not go away after a sore throat?

Who is at risk?

The disease progresses differently in all people. For some, timely drug therapy is sufficient, while for others, during treatment, pneumonia develops into severe forms.

This depends on a variety of factors, but the most common reasons are: incorrectly selected or untimely treatment, as well as the state of the patient’s immunity.

A weakened immune system has a much harder time fighting foreign microorganisms that attack the human body. This is a provoking factor for the occurrence of various diseases, including pneumonia.

Most often, complications develop in people:

  • Those with congenital immune disorders;
  • Those suffering from acquired immune disorders, diseases (presence of cancer, use of medications that can reduce one’s own immunity);
  • Those with chronic respiratory system diseases (for example, asthmatics);
  • Those with concomitant severe secondary diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and severe musculoskeletal disorders);
  • Those receiving improper treatment (self-medication, medication, ineffectiveness of the drug taken for a certain type of pathogen);
  • Having previously suffered total pneumonia, recurrent disease (involvement in the process not of a local area, but of the entire lung);
  • Abuse of smoking and alcoholic beverages.
  • Adults over 40 years of age and children are also susceptible to the disease.

Sore throat and pneumonia

Adults and older children experience this disease in a mild form. But for newborns it is truly dangerous. The virus that causes it is RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).

Symptoms . Fever, runny nose, cough. For everyone except infants, the acute period passes in 2-3 days. But in infants, the disease can be complicated by pneumonia. Sometimes the condition is so serious that the child has to be admitted to the hospital, to the intensive care unit. In this case, the baby may be ill for a long time, a whole month.

Treatment . To facilitate breathing, inhalations and injections of steroid hormones are given and oxygen is given to breathe. Premature babies and babies with heart disease are given a special serum.

How to warn? If there is a baby in the house, everyone who comes into contact with him should wash his hands frequently, use disposable paper handkerchiefs, and wash toys, especially if they have been touched by another child. School-age children and infants should sleep in separate rooms; adults with a cold should not come closer than 2 meters to children. You should also not smoke in their presence.

Remember the old word “influenza”? Nowadays, it is almost forgotten, but the virus with this name continues to exist and causes viral pneumonia (pneumonia). In general, it can be not only viral, but also bacterial and even fungal. In older people, pneumonia most often occurs due to pneumococci.

Symptoms . Shortness of breath, high fever, chest pain when taking a deep breath, cough with sputum. The patient loses his appetite, sweats a lot, and gets tired quickly. Older people may become delirious.

Treatment. It depends on the type of pneumonia. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed. There is no cure for viral pneumonia; the patient is prescribed rest and antipyretics. To distinguish one type of disease from another, X-rays, blood tests, and sometimes sputum tests are done. If pneumonia is severe, with vomiting and high fever, the patient may be hospitalized. Infants and young children with pneumonia are also usually admitted to the hospital: since babies do not yet know how to swallow pills, they are given antibiotics intravenously.

Home remedies . If you have viral pneumonia, you can take cough syrup (just keep in mind that this is not recommended for children under 1 year of age). You can also inhale a sterile saline solution to make coughing easier.

How to warn? Now, ventilate your apartment every day. The same should be done in the workplace. Open the windows and let fresh air flow around the room to remove all accumulated germs and viruses. It is recommended to get a flu shot - pneumonia often occurs as a complication. And of course, you need to wash your hands often, and when you have a runny nose, cough or sneeze, use a disposable paper napkin.

Children should not come into contact with people with influenza and pneumonia. It is advisable for older people and diabetics to get vaccinated against pneumococcus.

In autumn and winter, children often experience inflammation of the tonsils (glands) and adenoids. These diseases also occur in adults. Most often they are caused by a streptococcal infection, but sometimes they are caused by viruses.

Symptoms . Bacterial sore throat causes a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, high fever, poor health, chills, pain in muscles and joints. Tonsils become enlarged and children refuse to eat or drink, which can lead to dehydration. Inflammation of the adenoids (adenoiditis) occurs more easily and is manifested by a runny nose and pain near the nose. Sometimes otitis media develops as a complication.

Treatment . The main treatment for microbial sore throat is antibiotics. If a person suffers from tonsillitis more than 5 times a year, the doctor will most likely advise removing the tonsils. It is useful to gargle with Gargol solution 3 times a day after meals. It is an antiseptic, it destroys germs and viruses and relieves sore throat. Contrary to the prevailing opinion that when you have a sore throat you need to drink hot drinks, Israeli doctors advise avoiding hot drinks - as well as alcohol, because both irritate the inflamed tonsils.

There can be several reasons for a runny nose. If the discharge is clear, it is an allergy. If they are transparent but thick, then we are talking about a viral runny nose. Green, yellow, and even with an unpleasant odor - a bacterial infection.

Treatment . For allergic rhinitis, antihistamines are prescribed. A viral runny nose goes away without treatment. You can put drops or a special saline solution in your nose, which is sold at the pharmacy. A bacterial runny nose is treated with antibiotics, especially if it is accompanied by a high fever or sore throat. For children under 2 years of age, syrups for the common cold are contraindicated; they can benefit from nasal drops or special saline solutions, which are sold in pharmacies.

How to warn ? Use disposable handkerchiefs and wash your hands frequently.

25.02. 2014


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Complications of tonsillitis are dangerous and lead to serious consequences for the patient’s health. Severe conditions require observation by the attending physician, and sometimes immediate hospitalization is necessary if a person’s health worsens. Clinical symptoms can easily be confused with common infections. Advanced conditions after infection will cause more harm than timely antibiotic therapy.

Complications after tonsillitis in adults often occur due to incorrect or delayed therapy. The causes of acute conditions can be inflammation in internal organs, chronic diseases, infections, and injuries. Tonsillitis develops when accumulations of food debris form in the folds of the tonsils, and this in turn provokes the appearance of clinical symptoms: redness of the larynx, sore throat, plaque formation on the tongue and palate.

Complications after a sore throat and its symptoms can be prevented with simple treatment methods if you follow the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle. People often violate the forbidden principles of therapy against sore throat:

  • Smoking and alcohol are completely excluded. Tobacco smoke and ethanol molecules will subsequently do nothing good for the laryngeal mucosa. It is better to avoid treatment with pepper and wine - there is no benefit in this, and the harm has been proven by practical examples.
  • The body's water and vitamin balance is not maintained. Patients are required to drink more than 3 liters of clean liquid per day. In addition, it is recommended to use warm compotes and fruit drinks made from fresh berries and fruits.
  • The sore throat itself and its consequences often lead to serious conditions in the body if the disease is tolerated “on the legs.” The person continues to work physically, train, and walk down the street. The entire inflammatory period should be spent in bed under the supervision of loved ones.
  • If the suppuration in the larynx is not removed, the patient will experience deterioration in health from an infection that has descended into the lungs and stomach through the esophagus. Fungi and plaque should be removed immediately with rinsing solutions or a cotton swab soaked in an antiviral and antibacterial agent.
  • Antibiotics become the only remedy that kills internal infection. But sore throat and its symptoms will not disappear after one drug therapy. You will need to gargle, wipe the body from high fever, and apply compresses. Often people choose one of the listed methods.

The difficulty of treating angina and its manifestations lies in the severe course of the inflammatory process. It is recommended to determine the cause of the illness based on the results of laboratory tests to avoid confusion with other diseases. A red throat occurs after poisoning with chemical vapors, infection, or the result of rotavirus spread. Each case has its own approach to restoring immunity; symptoms are eliminated using established treatment regimens.

To understand why angina is dangerous, you need to understand what types of its manifestations there are. Depending on the specific source of infection or virus, doctors select the main stages of treatment. It is necessary to distinguish between the direct effect of bacteria on the human larynx, referred to as local symptoms of the disease, and the result of an internal inflammatory process. In the latter case, the symptoms are often confused and they begin to carry out therapy based on their own considerations. This only makes the situation worse.

Streptococcal or follicular tonsillitis is widespread. Doctors often do not bother to begin classifying the disease, but prescribe medications based on external signs. All types of throat inflammation are well treated with generally accepted regimens, but it would not be superfluous to obtain information about the cause of the ailment. Such measures will help to avoid a recurrence of the unpleasant situation and carry out preventive treatment.

If you have a viral infection, such as a type of herpes, it will be difficult to get rid of it completely. But the information obtained from blood tests will help you adjust your future life in accordance with the chronic disease. If inflammation is detected in a child, a red throat is observed with ailments such as scarlet fever or measles. Therefore, it can be dangerous to carry out your own therapy; it causes complications with angina.

The consequences of angina are divided according to the area of ​​​​action on the body:

  • Directly on the tonsils or larynx.
  • Long-term symptoms of malaise in the internal organs, as a result of bacterial spread throughout the body.

The first group includes:

  • Peritonsillitis.
  • Abscess of the upper respiratory organs can be parapharyngeal or retropharyngeal.

The second group includes:

  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Sepsis.
  • Arthritis.

The symptoms of each complication are different. By simply observing a sick person, you can understand the onset of serious conditions and help him in time. They begin to treat a sore throat at its first manifestations, not forgetting to adjust the therapy according to the consequences.

If complications are not treated, you can even become disabled. Therefore, when it comes to children and the elderly, they consult a doctor at the clinic in order to foresee all possible negative outcomes of the disease.

Medicines are selected individually, taking into account their compatibility.

Even in a mild form of sore throat, unforeseen consequences can occur. These include renal pyelonephritis. A rather dangerous complication that leads to long-term sick leave. Organ failure grows under the influence of bacteria and viruses spread from the throat by the lymphatic system throughout the body.

Here are the typical outcomes of the disease, what complications there are after a sore throat. Suppuration of the tonsils often occurs with penetration into the deep layers of tissue. This condition is called paratonsillitis, as a case of a complicated form of tonsillitis.

Rarely both sides are affected, so swelling occurs in one of the tonsils. The following symptoms of inflammation are observed:

  • uneven narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, which makes it difficult to eat;
  • pain and swelling make it difficult to swallow even saliva;
  • when palpating the neck, the patient emits an involuntary cry of pain;
  • high temperature does not subside;
  • a swollen neck makes it difficult to turn your head, discomfort appears when the body is stationary;
  • There is a radiating pain with false localization, the ear may ache, or a tooth may ache;
  • symptoms intensify after 3 days, a serious complication occurs, called an abscess.

The last stage of the consequences of developed tonsillitis with paratonsillitis occurs with the development of a purulent focus under the mucosa.

It is important to start treatment with potent antibiotics on time. Antibacterial agents help reduce the toxic component, the kidneys and liver perform cleansing functions. Therefore, the body is supplied with enough water per day.

Otolaryngologists know better how to avoid complications after a sore throat. Treatment is prescribed according to the stage of a person’s illness. Swelling needs to be removed with a dropper; it relieves pain and a lump in the throat. The condition is also alleviated by saturating the blood with fluid. At the same time, vitamins and an antipyretic are added. The concentration of toxic substances is reduced.

Extensive suppuration must be prevented surgically by opening the internal areas of the tonsils with a scalpel. If constant relapses of the abscess are observed, the affected tissue will be removed along with the bacterial contents in order to prevent the next growth of harmful microorganisms.

An abscess is distinguished by a parapharyngeal abscess, which is a consequence of paratonsillitis (tonsillitis). Not only the tonsil becomes inflamed, the bacterial environment invades muscle tissue and lymph nodes. Through the latter, infection of the entire body begins through the ducts connecting the entire body.

A retropharyngeal abscess is distinguished by the area of ​​damage to the larynx - pus forms in the retropharyngeal tissue. The child's body is prone to this complication. This occurs due to the still developing body with soft tissue in the throat.

Complications may be far from the area of ​​sore throat. The result of acute tonsillitis is rheumatism, which is more common in adults and the elderly. The heart muscle suffers - the disease is called rheumatic carditis. Symptoms of the painful condition are:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • fatigue when performing physical exercises, shortness of breath appears when walking;
  • persistently high temperature after the redness of the throat and the sore throat disappear;
  • there is stiffness and pain in the heart area;
  • external manifestations include: impaired facial expressions, difficulty performing precise movements - writing, increasing nervous tension.

If a sore throat develops, a complication will certainly occur. Its degree will depend on many factors: the state of immunity, the person’s age, nutrition. Thus, frequent consequences of tonsillitis are joint pain, broken bones, and ailments in the lumbar region due to impaired kidney function. Sore throat provokes the development of thrombosis in women, which can be prevented by thinning the blood in time.

Acute sore throat leads to the development of swelling of the legs, face, and other parts of the body. The disease glomerulonephritis is a common complication that goes away after a few days without additional help. However, this brings discomfort to everyday life. Due to increased protein in the body, blood pressure increases, which makes a person feel weak and have a headache.

Diagnosis of glomerulonephritis is carried out by analyzing urine and blood. In the first, an increased concentration of proteins is found, in the second, the level of red blood cells changes. Complications on the kidneys after a sore throat also occur due to the side effects of antibiotics. Symptoms persist until the main substance of the drug leaves the body.

The result of sore throat is developed arthritis - a disease of the joints. Severe swelling forms in the area of ​​the knees and elbows. Patients often complain of acute pain when extending or bending the arm. The site of inflammation becomes hot, which can be determined by palpation. The complication can be eliminated with local anti-inflammatory drugs: ointments, gels, injections. Surgical cleaning of the internal cavity is rarely carried out.

The cause of sepsis is tonsillitis, the consequences in adults are expressed as a severe complication of a purulent nature. This disease is formed due to the fact that suppuration enters the bloodstream. The infection begins to circulate throughout the body, lingering in the most unpredictable places.

In order to help the patient, a general cleansing of the body is required. Treat inflammation with antibiotics and a drip in a hospital. Neglected cases often result in death.

Sore throat needs to be completely cured. Consequences inevitably occur in people who are not careful about their bodies. When you spend a period of high body temperature on your feet, your heart suffers first. It becomes weak, and irreparable loss of performance may occur.

To maintain health, it is recommended to avoid the following provoking factors and actions during a sore throat:

  • Do not be in close contact with a sick person.
  • Protect the body from cold weather and slush. Even in summer, sore throat appears in people with reduced protective function of the body.
  • They monitor their immunity level: take vitamins, choose fruit instead of a sweet bun with sprinkles. They try to exclude smoked meats, fatty foods rich in carbohydrates.
  • It is recommended to coordinate physical activity with your doctor. Not everyone will benefit from weightlifting.
  • Allergens are excluded in consultation with an allergist. Sore throat is often provoked due to a constant runny nose. It also occurs as a negative reaction to food, chemicals or polluted air.

For angina, strictly adhere to the prescribed therapy. During the treatment period, drink only warm drinks and food. Ice cream and alcohol are on the list of prohibited substances. Gargling is the main method of fighting bacteria in the larynx. Internal infection is killed with antibiotics; they are also used during prophylaxis in lower doses.

Your own measures in the fight against sore throat work until the body weakens. Often people find that they cannot cope with inflammation at home. Sore throat prevents you from sleeping, eating, or carrying out therapy in bed. Such conditions require urgent medical attention. Treatment will continue in the hospital.

It is periodically recommended to support the body with folk recipes. Among which there are substances: honey, garlic, onions, herbs. These are the main ingredients against sore throat on every table in the autumn-winter period. On an empty stomach, important microelements are replenished by drinking a mixture of honey and a spoon of olive oil. This product is both tasty and healthy.

If you can combine the prevention of sore throat with other positive options for the fight, the effect will only increase. Thus, immunity is preserved by periodically going to the bathhouse, attending physiotherapy for the respiratory system, and participating in athletics. You need to follow sanitary and hygienic standards and the rules of a healthy lifestyle, then the body will cope with any infection on its own.

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Please tell me what to do, how best to treat?

Yesterday at work my husband suddenly felt unwell. I went to the nurse and it turned out that I had a fever, ulcers on the left side of the throat (tonsillitis) and wheezing. The nurse gave a referral to the hospital (my husband is in the military).

All night his temperature was 38.6, he had a nonproductive cough with chest pain. I also looked at his throat, and indeed I saw a white dot of an abscess on the left.

In the morning I went to go to the hospital. There they took a blood test, a throat swab, and did a fluorography. Fluorography showed right-sided lower lobe pneumonia. Throat swab contains streptococcus. They prescribed two antibiotics - penicillin injections every 4 hours for 5 days (for sore throat) and cefatoxin - injections 2 times a day for 3 days (for pneumonia).

But! They said the blood test was normal! It’s like he’s been sick for two days and the blood hasn’t responded to these sores so quickly yet. Is this possible?

Maybe the pneumonia is viral and a second antibiotic is not needed?

By the way, 3 days ago my husband was in contact with a swine flu patient. Maybe that's where the pneumonia came from? Maybe you need Tamiflu?

I would like to add that the last time my husband was ill was several years ago, and even then it was very mild. Usually it is resistant to diseases, but here we have such a bouquet... :ac:

What are the types of complications?

Pneumonia can lead to pulmonary and extrapulmonary complications.

Pulmonary forms include:

  1. Various forms of pleurisy;
  2. Abscess (purulent inflammation of lung tissue);

Bronchial obstruction syndrome.

Extrapulmonary forms of pneumonia:

  • Myocarditis;
  • Endocarditis;
  • Pericarditis;
  • Meningitis;
  • Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome;
  • As well as mental disorders, blood poisoning.

Detailed characteristics

To understand why, despite treatment, certain symptoms of angina persist, we should dwell in more detail on each of the reasons. The information presented will help in determining the source of the problem, but in no case should be regarded as a substitute for qualified medical care.

Initially incorrect diagnosis

As you know, antibiotics only affect bacterial flora. But sore throat can also be caused by other pathogens, in particular viruses or fungi. If treatment was prescribed before receiving the result of a smear from the nose and throat (empirically), then the expected effect may not occur. Moreover, tank seeding is done for at least 5 days - and during this time the patient must receive some kind of therapy.

There are cases when angina occurs in general diseases, when it is the result of changes in the lymphocyte-macrophage system. These conditions include:

  • Agranulocytosis.
  • Infectious mononucleosis.
  • Leukemia.

An antibiotic for them is not only useless, but can even be dangerous. For example, in case of mononucleosis, ampicillin preparations are contraindicated, since they give a specific allergic reaction in the form of a skin rash. There are also cases of syphilitic tonsillitis, which require separate therapy. As for diphtheria, that’s a completely different matter. This infection can only be treated with a specific serum. So making a diagnosis and reliably confirming it are a prerequisite for prescribing antibiotics. If it has not been fully completed, then there is no point in hoping that the sore throat will go away soon.

Incorrectly selected therapy

The treatment aspect naturally follows from the previous diagnosis. If the cause of the disease is initially determined incorrectly, then the therapy, accordingly, will not bring the expected result. But even with an adequate diagnosis, there are errors in treatment. Some of them are observed by the doctor, but many more are observed among patients.


This complication is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the pleura. It occurs mainly in bacterial and viral forms of pneumonia. Pleurisy develops as a result of the penetration of bacteria into the pleural cavity and, as a result, a decrease in the body’s resistance to infectious pathogens.

Manifests itself in a feverish state and intoxication. It can provoke the development of pleural empyema - the most severe condition.

Symptoms of pneumonia

With a long course of the underlying disease, the following symptoms characteristic of pneumonia should alert you:

  • cottony hands and feet, tingling in the limbs,
  • increase in body temperature above subfebrile,
  • cough of any type that does not go away for more than two weeks,
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air when inhaling,
  • the appearance of cold sweat, which is replaced by hot flashes (obvious redness of the face and neck),
  • pain in the chest and back near the lungs,
  • loss of appetite and sharp decrease in body weight,
  • paroxysmal headaches and some other complaints.

If these signs appear, you need to urgently call a doctor or call an ambulance.

Do not forget that in the presence of an underlying disease, associated pneumonia can have a blurred course, without fever and severe body aches.

Read more about the symptoms of pneumonia >,>,

Lung abscess

Formation of a cavity in the lung tissue enclosed in a capsule. With an abscess, the patient's temperature rises significantly and intoxication occurs. The danger is that the capsule will rupture or melt.

The process is divided into 2 periods:

Symptoms are fever, increased sweating, shortness of breath, elevated body temperature (38-39 degrees), dry cough, headaches, weakness and apathy, rapid pulse and breathing. The face becomes puffy and red.

The abscess ruptures.

Sputum mixed with pus begins to be actively released (from 200 ml to 2 liters per day). The patient's face appears red and the smell from the mouth becomes unpleasant.

Systemic complications

When a sore throat develops, an adult should always remember that failure to comply with treatment can lead to damage to:

  • Hearts
    . Sore throat often causes myocarditis and rheumatic damage to the heart muscle. Symptoms of complications may appear after 2-3 weeks. The main signs are arrhythmia, the appearance of increasing shortness of breath, swelling of the limbs, weakness, heart pain, and increased sweating.
  • Kidney
    . The most likely complications of tonsillitis from the kidneys are pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Renal pathologies are indicated by pain in the lumbar region, increased urination, swelling of the face and legs, lethargy, and irritability.
  • Sustavov
    . After a sore throat, the possible development of rheumatoid arthritis. Symptoms are swelling and pain in the joints, redness of the skin where the limbs are flexed.

The most serious complications of tonsillitis are sepsis and toxic shock. They develop when bacteria spread throughout almost the entire body. The diseases are manifested by severe symptoms of intoxication, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and severe weakness. Treatment is carried out in intensive care conditions.

Acute respiratory failure

A pathological condition characterized by respiratory failure due to a decrease in air delivery to the respiratory tract, as well as an inability to provide the blood with the necessary composition of gases. Choking begins.


  • Attacks of suffocation lasting from 5 minutes to an hour, shortness of breath;
  • Blueness of the skin;
  • Anxiety, excitement, fear of death.


Development of pneumonia after various diseases

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis)

It begins with sinus congestion and copious mucus secretion. Most often accompanied by headache and lethargy.

Caused by pathogenic microorganisms, mainly viruses. With allergic rhinitis, the nasopharynx becomes dry and inflamed, the person cannot breathe normally, the sense of smell and partially taste disappear.

Inflamed, dry mucous membranes become vulnerable to the penetration of pathogenic agents. When mucus appears mixed with pus or blood, there is a risk of a bacterial infection. In the absence of treatment and a general inflammatory process in the body (fever, chills, weakness), the infection most likely penetrates into the lungs.

Important! A runny nose, both inflammatory and allergic, must be treated. Rinsing the nose with saline solution, drops and oils that moisturize the mucous membrane, and traditional methods of treatment (warm heating pad, steaming the legs) can not only alleviate the patient’s condition, but also prevent the development of complications.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, which is a complication after rhinitis. Appears as:

  • sinusitis (in this case the maxillary sinuses become inflamed);
  • frontal sinusitis - inflammation of the frontal sinus;
  • ethmoiditis;
  • sphenoiditis.

It differs from a common runny nose in the presence of symptoms inherent in the flu - body aches, body temperature above subfernal and characteristic nasal discharge mixed with pus.

In severe cases, the infection penetrates the lower respiratory tract and can cause exacerbation of pulmonary diseases, including pneumonia.

Online test for pneumonia detection


With pharyngitis, the mucous membrane covering the pharynx becomes inflamed. Pharyngitis is divided into acute and chronic.

The acute form is either concomitant with acute respiratory infections and influenza, or manifests itself as the underlying disease. More often, pathology occurs during prolonged hypothermia - running in the cold, active outdoor games in winter and late autumn.

With this disease, itching occurs, pain when swallowing, swelling, the pharynx and tongue become “dry.” Sometimes pharyngitis is accompanied by low-grade fever.

Most often there are no other symptoms. The patient does not have flu-like aches or weakness. Acute pharyngitis is treated by rinsing the throat - warm water with soda and a small amount of salt, infusion of chamomile, sage or calendula. Antiseptic throat sprays are also indicated.

With a long course of the disease and lack of treatment, a chronic form of the disease occurs, in which there is a risk of bacterial infection. The infection can move down and lead to pneumonia. But it is worth noting that this complication after pharyngitis is rare.

Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis)

One of the main symptoms of laryngitis is a hoarse voice, sometimes it can even turn into a whisper. In what case can it turn into pneumonia?

Laryngitis is an infectious disease in which inflammation affects not only the mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils, but also the vocal cords. The cough during illness is very severe, barking, dry, sputum does not come out or comes out with difficulty. The throat hurts very much, it is not possible to eat and drink water normally, since the acute symptoms intensify when swallowing. The disease is always accompanied by severe headache, difficulty breathing, and fever.

Expert opinion

Anna Sandalova

Pulmonologist, doctor of the highest category

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If left untreated, it is complicated by acute bronchitis, and in severe cases by pneumonia. If there is a danger of a bacterial infection, antibiotics must be prescribed. Laryngitis is treated with folk remedies only in combination with traditional therapy.

Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis or sore throat)

Sore throat is an acute infectious disease that affects the tonsils, both palatine and pharyngeal, as well as the larynx and root of the tongue.

Previously in Russia, this pathology was considered exclusively a childhood and adolescent disease, but now people between thirty and forty-five years of age are increasingly susceptible to acute tonsillitis.

If inflammation of the tonsils does not go away within three days of active treatment with folk remedies (rinses, compresses, foot steaming, mustard baths) and is accompanied by fever, cough and hoarseness, you should urgently call a doctor.

Important! A sore throat suffered on the legs, without treatment, including without antibacterial and antifungal therapy, can quickly contribute to the penetration of the main pathogen into the lungs - a fungus of the genus Candida, staphylococcus, streptococcus and other pathogenic microorganisms.


In children aged three to ten years, after suffering severe influenza, ARVI, as well as measles or scarlet fever, adenoiditis may occur - severe swelling of the nasopharyngeal tonsil with an increase in its size.

When a child becomes ill, symptoms such as:

  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • nasal congestion, copious mucus;
  • irritability, moodiness;
  • hearing impairment;
  • severe headaches;
  • cough.

In the absence of proper treatment, not only pneumonia may appear, but also anemia, nervous tics, and in severe cases, deformation of the skull.

General information about pneumonia

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung tissue of viral, bacterial or fungal origin. Most often, infection occurs by airborne droplets, less often through the bloodstream from an internal source of infection.

The disease is acute:

  • body temperature rises sharply;
  • it is accompanied by signs of intoxication of the body (nausea, vomiting, headache);
  • after 4-5 days, a strong dry cough begins, which is accompanied by pain in the lungs.

Recovery occurs in 10-14 days. However, there are frequent cases of complications, that is, the development of a pathological process that is not directly related to pneumonia, but is caused by the occurrence of this particular disease in the body.

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