Nasonex for children with sinusitis reviews


The color of nasal discharge only indicates that the child has a viral infection. The following actions will help relieve the symptoms of a runny nose: if there is mucous discharge from the nose, prescribe a nasal toilet with saline solutions up to once a day. If nasal breathing is difficult, use vasoconstrictor drops, but not more than 3 days. If a runny nose persists for more than 3 days, switch to antiseptic nasal drops, for example Protorgol or Sialor, they can be used for 7 to 10 days.

For severe nasal congestion, a mucolytic agent that thins the mucous membrane, such as rhinofluimucil, may be prescribed.

If sinusitis is suspected, a combination herbal preparation, Sinupret, is prescribed. All medications are taken according to instructions, taking into account age. But if the discharge is thick, cloudy and yellow in color, then local antibacterial drugs Isofra or the combined drug Polydex are prescribed.

Nasal discharge can occur both with a viral disease, for example, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, and with a bacterial disease, for example, sinusitis. Light, clear, white nasal discharge is more typical of a viral infection.

Viral diseases are treated symptomatically. For nasal congestion and runny nose, nasal rinsing with sea salt solutions, for example, Aqua Maris, Aqual Lor, Linaqua, is usually prescribed.

In case of severe nasal congestion, it is possible to use vasoconstrictor drops in short courses, for example, tizin, xymelin, otrivin. When a bacterial infection occurs, combined local drugs with an antibacterial component, for example, Polydex, Isofra, can be prescribed.

The exact treatment tactics are determined by the doctor during an in-person examination, taking into account the results of tests and examinations. In case of mucous discharge from the nose, it is usually prescribed to toilet the nose with saline solutions Quix, Aqualor, Aquamaris up to once a day; in case of difficulty in nasal breathing - vasoconstrictor drugs Nazivin, Nazol Baby, Pinosol, Nazik, Otrivin, Xymelin up to 3 times a day or if necessary 3 days. If allergic rhinitis is suspected, Vibrocil nasal drops are usually used for days.

If nasal congestion is severe, the decongestant rhinofluimucil may be prescribed according to the instructions. If sinusitis is suspected, a combination herbal preparation Sinupret is prescribed, according to the instructions.

Dynamic observation by a doctor. Drink plenty of warm drinks throughout the day if possible. Air humidification, room ventilation. Try inhalations with lazolvan, my son is 2.4 years old and tolerates cartoons well. We were diagnosed with bronchitis with a wet cough, prescribed Berodual and Pulmicort, don’t do it yourself without a doctor’s prescription, strong medications, when it got better, they prescribed Lazolvan.

And for a runny nose, aquamaris and Nazivin. But if we have a serious runny nose and green snot, we were prescribed Vibrocil and Isofra. For mucous discharge from the nose, usually prescribe nasal toilet with saline solutions Quix, Aqualor, Aquamaris up to once a day, for difficulty in nasal breathing - vasoconstrictor drugs Nazivin, Nazol Baby up to 3 times a day or, if necessary, 3 days.

Good afternoon. Taking into account the introductory information, most likely we are talking not only about simple otitis media - but about tubo-otitis, which takes quite a long time to be treated. In this case, consultation with a specialist is primary.

Even if it’s over the phone, organizations that work on a rotational basis usually have a doctor assigned to them. You need to understand the color and viscosity of discharge from the ear and nose, the presence of temperature, the presence of decreased hearing, dizziness and other symptoms. I will repeat the basic scheme for eliminating inflammation only after consultation with a medical professional:. Ask a Question. How to treat green snot in a 3 year old child?

Clarify the question. Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University Sergey B. Good afternoon! Please tell me if a runny nose persists for a long time, almost all the time in the autumn-winter Read more.

Show more . Olga G. I will answer questions about the upbringing, health and education of children. The presence of green snot in a 3-year-old child usually indicates a complication of a common runny nose. Treatment of a runny nose in children consists of the following stages: correction of temperature and humidity in the room, use of humidifiers, ventilation; rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solution; use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops.

In any case, treat yourself Read more. How to treat white thick snot? General practitioner. General doctor. Graduated from the First Moscow State University. What to do with severe nasal congestion? Good answer. How to treat a wet cough with a runny nose without fever in a child? I am looking for the beautiful in life. It turns out there is so much of it! How to treat snot during teething in children? The runny nose developed into otitis media in the left ear. The ear hurts and fluid flows from it, like snot. There are snot too.

I'm on shift, there is no ENT specialist. How to treat? Otorhinolaryngologist, surgeon, Candidate of Medical Sciences Boklin Andrey Kuzmich I will repeat the basic scheme for eliminating inflammation only after consultation with a medical professional: 1 Vasoconstrictor drops are better than spray in the nose - up to 5 days 2 Anti-inflammatory drugs - local drops like Otipax.

Best regards, stay healthy.

Snot with adenoids: how to treat

For nasal adenoids inflamed by adenoid hyperplasia, which exhibit intense reflex clinical pathologies - rhinorrhea, rhinitis, sinusitis, conservative ENT therapy is used. The most effective dynamics of relieving pathogenic symptoms is achieved with a comprehensive combinatorial treatment program.

Snot with adenoids. How to treat them in such a way as to cause as little damage as possible to the child’s other visceral organic systems? Only highly professional ENT specialists can answer this burning question. Constantly practicing both in the field of therapeutic and surgical otolaryngology.

First of all, experienced pediatric doctors try to select pharmacological medications taking into account the general health of the baby. Strong or weakened immune system. For example, in the initial stages of adenoid formations, it is recommended to initiate abundant and safe rinsing of the nasal canals with healing herbal solutions:

  • Beetroot and honey, with the addition of Borjomi mineral water;
  • Complex solution-decoctions (“dried collection of young nettle leaves + small flowers of meadow chamomile + calendula), it is a good idea to add aloe, garlic or onion juice to the finished solution in equal proportions, a teaspoon each;
  • Pharmacy nasal homeopathics for children (liquid rinses - “Fir”, “Eucalyptus elixir”, “Chamomile”).

Articles on the topic Surgery to remove adenoids in children

In parallel, nasal drops, ointments and oil formations (medicinal pharmaceuticals) are attributed to natural medicinal herbal medicine. Active vasodilators - Nasonex, Avamys, Pinosol - act quickly and without side effects. Aerosol irrigations – “Nock spray”, “Aqua spray”, “Doctor MOM”.

Don’t forget about the powerful supplement with multivitamins – “Kvadrovit UNO”, the “Ascorbic acid” complex (with the flavor of peach, apple, orange and lemon). But, compared to synthetic vitamins, there is no better natural, freshly squeezed fruit juices and fruit drinks.

Ointments and healing oils. Without them, it is difficult to simultaneously maintain two healing methods: and sanitize the nasal epidermis with its antibacterial properties. And, at the same time, moisturize and lubricate the drying mucous visceral surface inside the nose.

Ointment “Viferon”, “Thuja Ointment”, “Evamenol” have a gentle but effective effect on the infected nasal epidermis. They demonstrate and confirm all the requirements that otolaryngologists impose when treating adenoid enlargement.

Children's pharmacies provide a wide selection of intranasal oils, both in ready-made bottles and in the option of preparation in the department of finished pharmaceutical products, to order. Excellent clinical indicators in improving the treatment of adenoid pathogenesis are demonstrated by “Peach oil”, “Fir oil”, “Edas oil”, “Tea tree oil”.

Contraindications and side effects of Nasonex

This drug is not addictive, and unpleasant consequences occur extremely rarely, most often when the rules of use are violated. If the young patient is already two years old, he will tolerate therapy well.

Nasonex ® can be used if the following contraindications are absent:

  • allergy to the components of the drug in the person taking the drug;
  • acute course of tuberculosis and herpes;
  • fungal infections of the nasopharynx.
  • side effects are mainly related to the effect on the walls of small blood vessels. With prolonged use, they become fragile, and mild nosebleeds are possible. Very rarely there are individual reactions: headache, sneezing, itching in the nasal cavities.

If the instructions for use are not followed, the hormonal balance may be disrupted.

The drug is not recommended for use immediately after surgery in the nasopharynx or nasal injuries, since its components interfere with the rapid healing of wounds. But after healing, Nasonex is safe in doses prescribed by the doctor.

Let's combine the pharmaceutical drug with Loratadine and sea water-based products. But herbal medicines (Tonsilgon, Sinupret and their analogues) are not combined with it.

How to quickly defeat adenoids, rhinitis and sinusitis: all the secrets of treatment

Various inflammatory diseases of the nose are quite common today.
That is why people are looking for more and more new means to combat these pathological processes. Glucocorticosteroid hormones are highly effective in this regard. However, they must be used with great caution so as not to provoke negative health consequences. One of the most effective drugs that help cope with sinusitis, rhinitis and adenoid hypertrophy is Nasonex. Hormonal drugs effectively treat inflammatory diseases of the nose

Causes of green snot

Green mucus that appears in the nose indicates the presence of a bacterial infection during an inflammatory process in the body.

At the same time, leukocytes begin to fight bacteria, destroying them.

The concentration of leukocytes in the blood increases sharply, dead bacteria (most often streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus) accumulate in the nasal cavity, which gives the mucus in the nose a greenish tint.

The more pronounced the color of the nasal contents, the more advanced the infectious process.

The causes of green snot are certain concomitant diseases

  • Sinusitis (sinusitis, ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis, sphenoiditis): increased body temperature, pain in the paranasal sinuses, constant nasal congestion, headache, dry cough, purulent discharge from the nasal cavity. Green mucus appears when you don't blow your nose enough. Inflammation can affect several sinuses at once.
  • Rhinopharyngitis: mucus flows down the back wall, irritating and inflaming the pharynx, clearing the nose is difficult, pain appears, especially in a horizontal position of the body, coughing. The disease develops if, when a runny nose appears, timely treatment measures were not started, or the runny nose was not treated at all.
  • Otitis: when mucus from the nasal cavity gets into the ears, an inflammatory process begins. This complication is typical for children in whom the communication from the nose to the ear is quite large, which makes it easier for pus to penetrate into the ears.
  • Green snot is often a concomitant symptom of the development of diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

It is possible to cure green snot in an adult or child only if the causes of the underlying disease are eliminated.

Rules for using Nasonex

To cope with allergic rhinitis, children over 12 years of age and adults need to do 2 presses in each stroke. Nasonex for rhinitis is used once a day. The daily volume of the drug should be approximately 200 mcg.

After positive results appear, you can reduce the amount of the drug to 100 mcg per day. To do this, you need to make 1 press into each hole. The maximum permissible amount of a medicinal substance should not exceed 400 mcg - for this purpose, make 4 presses in each nasal passage.

To prevent a runny nose from spreading to your throat, you need to quickly draw up a treatment plan with your doctor.

Children aged 2-11 years are prescribed 50 mcg of the drug per hole. The first improvements after using the drug can be seen already 12 hours after use.

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