Why do you need to rinse your nose?
Rinse the nose with saline solution
Why do you need to rinse your nose? The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is a favorable environment for pathogenic microorganisms.
Inflammation of the sinuses
How is the sinus x-ray procedure performed?
Otolaryngologists often prescribe x-rays of the nasal sinuses. This is a procedure that will allow the doctor to detect various changes
Evamenol ointment for runny nose instructions
Evamenol nasal ointment
Interaction of Evamenol with other agents Evamenol ointment, according to the instructions for use, is intended for application
methods to stop nosebleeds and its causes
Ways to stop nosebleeds
What is nosebleed? Nosebleeds are a common disease of the ENT organs, which is the discharge of
nose pictures
CT scan of the paranasal sinuses: how is tomography done, is preparation needed, what do the results show?
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses is an improved technology of computed tomography, the essence of which is layer-by-layer scanning
snot color determination table
How to treat green snot in an adult?
Causes and possible complications Green snot can be a sign of sinusitis Nasal discharge occurs
girl wipes her nose
Runny nose with blood in an adult
In those suffering from a runny nose, it happens that blood clots are released along with snot. Snot
How to recognize and treat bacterial sinusitis?
Purulent sinusitis is an infectious process that affects the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Most often develops after
The danger of adenoids in a child’s nose
The connection between postural disorders and malocclusions
Adenoids are tonsils located in the nasopharynx and are the first barrier to infections and
First aid for a broken nose
How to provide first aid for a broken nose? Breathe through your mouth. If there is a possibility of damage