What is reactive hyperemia?

Inflamed nasal mucous membranes

Often sick people are faced with a process where the mucous membrane is hyperemic. What is this?

Such conditions are detected simultaneously with an infection of viral or bacterial etiology. At the same time, viruses and harmful bacteria begin to actively divide on the mucous surface; with immune dysfunction, microorganisms provoke swelling of the nasopharynx with abundant generation of mucus.

Chronic rhinitis, as a rule, develops together with the existing pathologies of the human body. For example, this fact may be due to hypertension, in which the patient takes vasoconstrictor medications that affect all blood vessels.

Mucosal hyperemia often manifests itself due to aggravating factors:

  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Deviations in the nervous system.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Dysmenorrhea.
  • Deficiency of B vitamins and iodine.

A person with chronic catarrhal rhinitis regularly experiences difficulties in nasal breathing, smell and taste. Through rhinoscopy, the specialist identifies the phase of the edematous state - hyperemia of the mucous membrane. Basically, in such cases, the inner surfaces of the nose are hyperemic, which means that pus has begun to accumulate at one point in the bottom of the cavity. In this case, the mucus leaves freely , but collects again.

Elimination of such a sign (hyperemia) requires initial identification of the cause of the pathological condition, which will allow you to get rid of hyperemia.

In addition to the main therapy, it is necessary to undergo UHF procedures and microwave treatment. A healthy holiday at resorts near the sea is recommended. To eliminate pathogens in the air of your home, it is necessary to ventilate it more often, moisten it and clean it using a wet method.

Additionally, it is important to pay attention to the fact that mucosal hyperemia is caused by the off-season. At the same time, you should take care of your feet so that they are always warm, avoiding hypothermia.

Chronic disease of the nasal cavity characterized by mucosal atrophy

Simple atrophic rhinitis

– a chronic disease of the nasal cavity, in which atrophy of the nasal mucosa occurs. The causes of this disease are still unclear. Unfavorable climate, occupational hazards (cement, tobacco and silicate dust), frequent acute runny nose, infectious diseases, and traumatic surgical interventions in the nasal cavity play a role in the development of the disease. Dry, hot and dusty air dries out the mucous membrane and inhibits the function of the ciliated epithelium.


dry nose; formation of crusts in the nose; unpleasant sensations of constriction of the mucous membrane; occasional minor nosebleeds. Bleeding, as a rule, stops on its own or with the use of measures such as inserting a cotton ball with Vaseline into the nose or pressing the wing of the nose to the septum. The atrophy process can spread to the entire nasal cavity and affect the olfactory area, then patients experience a decrease in the sense of smell, and its complete loss is possible. Upon examination - rhinoscopy, a pale pink mucous membrane is visible, dry, matte, covered with thin crusts of a yellowish-greenish color. In the anterior part of the septum, the mucous membrane is especially thinned.


conservative, performed by an ENT doctor in a clinic.

A complex of local procedures and general treatment is used. Drops and ointments with emollients, irritants and disinfectants are used locally. A good effect is obtained by instilling an oil solution of vitamins A and E (Aevit), fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice, rosehip oil, or a solution of propolis in oil into the nose. Alkaline oil inhalations are widely used among physiotherapeutic procedures. Among the general effects, biogenic stimulants are prescribed - aloe extract, splenin, FiBS, placenta extract subcutaneously, B vitamins intramuscularly.

A special place is occupied by such a form of chronic rhinitis as fetid atrophic
runny nose
, or
. Ozena is a chronic disease of the nasal cavity with a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane, the formation of thick secretions that shrink into fetid crusts, and thinning of the bone tissue of the turbinates and nasal walls.

This disease has been known for a very long time; Hindus and Egyptians have mentioned stinking runny nose as far back as the 20th century BC. In the medical literature, ozena is described by Hippocrates, Celsus and Galen. At that time, the cause of a fetid runny nose was considered to be “spoiled juices” flowing from the head; in the Middle Ages it was associated with syphilis, which was then widespread in Europe. Despite the fact that the disease has been known for a very long time, the causes of this disease have not yet been fully studied. Today there are several theories. According to one of them, people who live in poor sanitary and hygienic conditions and eat poorly, and those with anemia are more likely to get sick with ozena. Another theory, anatomical, is based on the structural features of the skull, nasal cavity and nasopharynx. Ozena is also considered as a hereditary disease. Most supporters have an infectious theory, according to which the main role is given to the microorganism - Klebsiella ozena. Ozena affects mainly young women.


difficulty in nasal breathing, painful dryness and itching in the nose, a sharp weakening or complete absence of smell. Patients complain of a sharp putrid smell from the nose, which is noticed by others, and the formation of thick dry deposits (crusts) in the nose.

Upon examination, it is revealed that the crusts cover the entire nasal mucosa in a thick layer. The crusts are dark green in color, sometimes mixed with blood, and are easily removed. On the side adjacent to the mucous membrane, the crusts are covered with a thick, purulent discharge, which gives them a putrid odor. During ozena, the bone atrophies, so the configuration of the nasal cavity changes - it expands.


– conservative, aimed at eliminating unpleasant odor and crusts from the nose.

Therapy of a pathological condition

Treatment of mucosal hyperemia directly depends on the use of vasoconstrictor and antibacterial medications.

The main treatment for hyperemia involves rinsing the nasopharynx on a daily basis, irrigating with a solution of 0.9% sodium chloride with a drop of iodine. You can also use Dolphin , a product available in many pharmacies.

In a situation where hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa manifests itself slightly, vasotomy, ultrasonic disintegration and laser destruction are prescribed.

In a situation where hypertrophy is clearly expressed, conchotomy is performed in a gentle manner, osteoconchotomy, as well as amputation of the edge of the nasal concha.

In conditions of persistent runny nose within 7 days, it is important to consult a specialist for additional examination and determination of further treatment methods, since the advanced form threatens the development of sinusitis, bleeding, purulent rhinosinusitis and other diseases.

Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa

A cold almost never goes away without a runny nose. This disease becomes especially common with the onset of cold weather. Often, rhinitis, in addition to runny nasal discharge, is accompanied by a feeling of stuffiness, sneezing, and burning.

There are several main types of disease: chronic, allergic, infectious. In any of these forms, there is hyperemia of the nasal mucosa.

This condition is expressed in redness due to the dilation of blood vessels in the affected areas.

When does this happen?

Rhinitis occurs in three stages and in each of them there is an increased level of blood supply to the nasal vessels. At the first stage of disease development, the following is observed:

  • severe dryness in the nasopharynx;
  • tickling;
  • irritation;
  • deterioration of smell and nasal breathing;
  • swelling of the nasal turbinates is hyperemia of the mucous membrane.

At the second stage, hyperemia remains as pronounced, but becomes more painful. Due to the fact that a serous secretion begins to be released from the nose, the mucus contains specific substances that irritate the external and internal membranes of the respiratory organ, not only redness, but also cracks appear.

In conditions of difficulty breathing through the nose or in its complete absence, lacrimation appears, which in turn can provoke a bacterial complication.

Hyperemia of the blood vessels of the nasal passages decreases at the end of the disease, namely when the secreted secretion acquires a greenish tint due to the death of bacteria. Nasal breathing improves, swelling also subsides.

How does inflammation of the nasal mucosa manifest in children?

Children are most susceptible to the effects of various microorganisms. According to statistics, during the year they can get upper respiratory tract infections about 12 times. In childhood, as well as in adulthood, runny noses can be infectious, i.e.

provoked by viruses, or non-infectious, for example allergic. The consequence of rhinitis, regardless of its type, is nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes, which is called hyperemia.

The painful condition is accompanied by general weakness of the body and fever.

As for children, it is quite difficult for them to tolerate hyperemia of the mucous membranes, which is especially true for children under one year old who simply do not know how to breathe through their mouths. The consequences of this condition in infants are:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • poor sleep;
  • intense gas formation;
  • convulsions.

When it comes to inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes in a child, it is necessary to immediately seek qualified help, i.e. to the doctor.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane contributes to poor blood flow in the affected areas, which is noticeable by pronounced redness. An experienced doctor can even determine how complicated the disease is by the brightness of the color. In fact, if you take action in time, then all this will not be so scary.

See also about turbinate hypertrophy - symptoms and treatment.

Chronic form of inflammation

The consequence of a constant runny nose is chronic hyperemia. It can develop both with ordinary rhinitis and with prolonged sinusitis; their causes are bacteria, viral infections and fungi. Treatment is selected depending on the form of the disease. Reactive hyperemia occurs in cases of chemical damage to the skin, when drug-induced rhinitis is present.

One of the main reasons is the overuse of medications based on decongestants (the fastest-acting nasal decongestants). Their action is to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane by constricting blood vessels.

Many people forget or simply ignore the fact that drugs of this type can be used for no more than 7 days, because later the body gets used to it, and the medicine simply does not work, as a result of which reactive hyperemia develops.


For inflammation of the nasal mucosa, complex therapy is prescribed. This may include:

  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs that can fight microorganisms that cause the disease.

Local treatment methods include washing and moisturizing the mucous membrane; for this purpose, products based on sea salt and essential oils are used.

As additional measures, the otolaryngologist may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • darsonval;
  • inhalation;
  • Ultrasound effect on parts of the nose.

All these methods allow you to relieve swelling, eliminate inflammation, and also normalize microcirculation and regeneration of the nasal mucosa.

Source: https://net-gajmoritu.ru/raznoe/giperemiya-slizistoj-nosa

Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa in children

Children are quite often susceptible to colds, and they all generally begin with rhinitis. The child develops weakness, nasal congestion, and fever. With rhinitis, the nasal mucosa becomes very inflamed, as a result of which, poor blood flow occurs at the site of inflammation, and pronounced redness, the so-called hyperemia, becomes visible.

During chronic rhinitis, when the mucous membrane is severely irritated, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are taken to make breathing easier. So, if you use them too often and instill more than you should, reactive hyperemia of the nasal mucosa may occur. As a result, the effect of the drops will only be worse, and nasal breathing will be completely impossible. Therefore, you should always use medications strictly according to the instructions.

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The mucous membrane that has suffered mechanical or thermal injury requires the appointment of antiseptics, thanks to which recovery occurs.

You can use propolis. It seems possible to purchase it in its natural form, but it is also available in the form of a ready-to-use topical ointment.

In addition, it is advisable to make the medicine yourself.

To prepare a special tincture you will need:

  • 100 g of crushed propolis.
  • 0.5 liters of medical alcohol.
  • Dark glass bottle.

The raw material is poured with alcohol and left to infuse in a cool, dark place for 14 days, periodically shaking the contents to eliminate sediment.

Rinsing the nasopharynx involves combining boiled water with tincture in proportions of 6 ml to 1 ml.

A significant reduction in hyperemia of the nasal mucosa can be achieved using propolis-based ointment. Sea buckthorn oil, available in pharmacies, has similar functions.

How does inflammation of the nasal mucosa manifest in children?

Children are most susceptible to the effects of various microorganisms.
According to statistics, during the year they can get upper respiratory tract infections about 12 times. In childhood, as well as in adulthood, runny noses can be infectious, i.e. provoked by viruses, or non-infectious, for example allergic. The consequence of rhinitis, regardless of its type, is nasal congestion and swelling of the mucous membranes, which is called hyperemia. The painful condition is accompanied by general weakness of the body and fever. As for children, it is quite difficult for them to tolerate hyperemia of the mucous membranes, which is especially true for children under one year old who simply do not know how to breathe through their mouths. The consequences of this condition in infants are:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • poor sleep;
  • intense gas formation;
  • convulsions.

When it comes to inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes in a child, it is necessary to immediately seek qualified help, i.e. to the doctor.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane contributes to poor blood flow in the affected areas, which is noticeable by pronounced redness. An experienced doctor can even determine how complicated the disease is by the brightness of the color. In fact, if you take action in time, then all this will not be so scary.

Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa

Literally translated from Greek, hyperemia means: hyper - excessively and haima - blood. Hyperemia is increased blood flow to any area of ​​the skin or organ, or difficulty in outflow. Hyperemia can be caused by the following reasons: too frequent contractions of the heart muscle, resulting in increased blood flow; narrowing of blood vessels due to a paralytic state of the nerve. Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa is a common disease. Symptoms include swelling and redness, and sometimes pain when touched. Hyperemia occurs as a result of rhinitis, sinusitis, diseases of the nasal mucosa caused by pathogens, viruses and fungi.

Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa

Chronic inflammation is a consequence of a constant runny nose. It can develop in several forms of chronic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis. The cause of chronic rhinitis is bacteria, viral infections or fungi. Depending on the form of the disease, complex treatment is selected.

Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa in children

The body of children is very susceptible to the actions of various microorganisms. Children get upper respiratory tract infections on average six to twelve times a year. Acute rhinitis is increasingly common in childhood, and it can be either infectious (viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract) or non-infectious (allergic). Rhinitis causes nasal congestion and swelling (hyperemia). Hyperemia of the nasal mucosa is very difficult for children to tolerate. The severity of the patient's condition is determined depending on age. Since children of the first year of life do not know how to breathe through their mouths. As a result, infants with inflammation of the nasal mucosa experience:

  • frequent regurgitation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • poor sleep;
  • convulsions.

That is why hyperemia of the nasal mucosa in children requires immediate medical attention and qualified medical assistance.

The symptoms of hypertrophy are similar to other diseases, so they are not always immediately identified. Mostly, patients complain of difficulty breathing through the nose when inhaling and exhaling. Speech becomes nasal, the presence of a foreign body is felt. There are headaches, nasal discharge, lack of sense of smell, and tinnitus.

Hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa: treatment

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa
is rhinitis. It can last for 7 days, or maybe longer, it all depends on the treatment of rhininitis and whether it was carried out correctly. Because if rhinitis lasts more than one week, this already indicates a complication. And treatment should be carried out as follows: as soon as the first symptoms appear, you need to start taking an antiviral drug. As a rule, a runny nose can end before it even begins, or last two days. But if it so happens that rhinitis has nevertheless developed, for the first few days you need to drip vasoconstrictor drops - they eliminate swelling and help restore breathing through the nose, and in the intervals between instilling vasoconstrictor drops, rinse the nose well with a solution of sea water. You need to ventilate your apartment more often, place chopped onions and garlic at home - they are excellent at killing germs. If the runny nose persists, this indicates a complication; you need to see a doctor and not self-medicate.

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