The causes of inflammation of the ENT organs can be various factors. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Incorrect
Steam inhaler. This is the most common type of device, it allows you to inhale vapor of a medicine, for example,
Washing procedure using an irrigation system One of the convenient and practical forms of using the drug is considered
Effective treatment of cough - traditional medicine. There are more than enough recipes collected. Each of them
Some adults, for one reason or another, experience a severe cough in the morning,
Sprays and drops with a vasoconstrictor effect are very popular among the population. They help restore
Waiting for a baby is the happiest period for an expectant mother. It is very important that he
Description and composition of the oil Sea buckthorn oil is an orange-red oily liquid with a pronounced
Some diagnoses have a fairly simple name, making them easy to understand for people. Therefore
Symptoms and stages of rhinitis in children If the nasal mucosa is healthy, it is a barrier