Sinusitis is a common ENT disease that requires complex treatment.
Sinusitis – treatment with the best medicines and folk remedies
Possible complications Prevention Video Sinusitis is an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses. Most
nasal rinsing
How to rinse your nose with Furacilin for sinusitis
If the lining of your nose produces a large amount of mucus, it is called a runny nose. This
Ear congestion
My ear blew out: what can I do myself?
A blown ear - is this a familiar situation? Usually this symptom significantly reduces the quality of life. What to do
Types of cough in adults and children
Cough is a kind of protective mechanism of the human body, designed to cleanse the bronchi and trachea. At
How to cure atrophic pharyngitis forever
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Pharyngitis
Sprays and aerosols for the throat with an antibiotic for sore throat
Sore throat spray with antibiotic for children
Compositions of the best and inexpensive sprays for the treatment of sore throat Composition of sprays for sore throat tonsillitis
structure of the larynx drawing
How does the human throat work?
Anatomical structure of the throat and pharynx The throat has a large number of nerves, the most important blood vessels
types of pharyngitis
What is pharyngitis according to ICD 10?
Rhinopharyngitis is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system and pharynx. Appears as a complication of rhinitis and
Where does bronchial sputum come from in the lungs?
Means to clear the bronchi of mucus
What is bronchial sputum Bronchial sputum, strictly speaking, cannot be called a disease - it is a clinical
How to take Paracetamol for a cold
Is it possible to take paracetamol for a cold if there is no fever but a cold?
Action for ARVI Paracetamol for colds is used at high temperatures. It acts quickly, reducing
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