Surgery for deviated nasal septum
The ICD code is J34.2 (deviated or displaced nasal septum). A common pathology that can
Bromhexine tablets for children, adults. Instructions for use, price
Cough syrup for children with bromhexine
Pharmacological properties The drug has antitussive, secretomotor and secretolytic properties and belongs to the category of mucolytic
How to gargle with baking soda and salt
Symptoms and diagnosis of tonsillitis Doctors distinguish three types of the disease in question: catarrhal; follicular; lacunar. For
Cold and flu powders. List, which one to choose, rating, prices
Powders for colds and flu list of the best
Colds and flu are the most common diseases among all categories of patients. In most cases
Nasobek - analogue of Nazonex
How to use Nasonex for adenoids in children?
Author of the article Volyk Larisa Vladimirovna Reading time: 6 minutes AA Nazonex refers to
Nasal congestion without runny nose in an adult woman
How to treat nasal congestion with folk remedies
With colds or other reasons, the nose can often become stuffy. This process brings
How to use Derinat nasal drops
Pharmacological action of the drug Immunomodulators have a positive effect on cellular and humoral protective immune functions. IN
How is chlorhexidine bigluconate used?
This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise
How to make your nose bleed
How to cause a nosebleed. Provoking factors
Specifics of nosebleeds in pregnant women Bleeding intensifies at 6–7 months of pregnancy, which is associated with
An adult is bleeding from the nose: reasons, what to do 32649 0
The nasal mucosa is rich in blood vessels. Sometimes, for some reason, the integrity of blood vessels may
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