Why does cracking sound appear in the ears?

Clicking in the ear without pain

Sometimes a characteristic cracking sound is normal, since the cause of this condition is the normal contraction of the muscles of the auditory ossicles. In this process, a muscle spasm is formed, which, as it were, pushes out air, forming typical clicks.

When swallowing

It happens that when swallowing there is a clicking sound in the ear. Not many people are familiar with this condition. This is possible with a spasm of the pharynx. In turn, this spasm appears as a result of a sharp contraction of certain muscles that go to the auditory tube. The feeling is far from pleasant.

After undergoing certain examinations, if this is the cause of the unpleasant symptoms, the doctor will prescribe medications that can completely relax the muscles. In very rare cases, surgery may be required. But there is no need to panic; if this type of problem occurs, just contact a specialist.

When chewing

If a person is bothered by systematic clicking in the ear while chewing, in most cases the doctor makes a diagnosis of a dysfunctional disorder of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). For dentists, patients with this diagnosis are no longer uncommon. Dealing with this problem is the responsibility of an orthopedic dentist.

Let's look at a small table that describes the clinical forms of TMJ disorders.

Clinical formCausal relationshipThe nature of the pathologyExtent of the violationClinical course of the process
ArthritisAn independent form of the process.
Educated along with other diseases.

Traumatic connection.

Acute form of arthritis.
Chronic course.

Exacerbation phase of the chronic form.

Limited flow.
Uncomplicated course of the pathology.
Complicated by the following diseases: eustachitis, dislocation of the lower jaw, neuritis.
ArthrosisPrimary form.
Secondary form.
Chronic course.
Exacerbation of chronic.
Limited extent of distribution.
An uncomplicated form.
Complicated by pathologies such as synovitis, dislocation, and other damage to the articular disc.

When opening your mouth

In most cases, cracking and clicking noises when moving the jaw are possible for the following reasons:

  • malocclusion (congenital/acquired);
  • arthritis of the jaw joint;
  • injuries of the mandibular joint;
  • muscle tone.

Of course, the main culprit of so-called clicking is the ligaments that support the joint capsule. With a certain looseness of the ligaments, this condition occurs.

A broken bite leads to the fact that the load on the bones, muscles and ligaments is distributed very unevenly. As a result, the person experiences discomfort.

What to do? Which doctor should I contact?

We are looking for the root cause at the otolaryngologist!

First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause that causes clicking in the ears. Since the most common diseases are associated with inflammation of the ear or nasopharynx, it is necessary, first of all, to visit an otolaryngologist.

The ENT specialist will conduct an examination and confirm or refute the diagnosis in his specialty. If the pathology is within the competence of this doctor, then he will prescribe treatment. And upon recovery, the crackling in the ears will go away on its own. In the case when the problem arises from another disease, for example diabetes or arthrosis, then the symptoms are treated by an appropriate specialist.

Clicking in the ears is the result of disorders that occur during the period of illness.

Accordingly, by getting rid of the disease, you can get rid of extraneous noise in the ears. As for children, older ones can themselves say that they have a cracking sound in their ears, and children will cry from such discomfort, be capricious all the time and hold their ears. This is a sign that you need to show the baby to a pediatrician or ENT specialist.


Eustachitis can develop in patients of any age group. The disease is registered in patients with acute respiratory infections and, as a rule, is secondary in nature. The infectious agent in the classic version of ARVI causes changes in the respiratory organs - in particular, the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx. An inflammatory process occurs, characterized by swelling, redness, mucous secretion, and then, after the addition of bacterial flora, mucopurulent secretion. Objectively, this is revealed by nasal congestion, secretion of varying amounts of nasal secretions, sore throat, coughing - the patient has nasopharyngitis.

Rhinopharyngitis, both viral and bacterial in nature, is one way or another accompanied by dysfunction of the auditory tube, or tubular dysfunction. It is impossible not to note its temporary nature - the disappearance of symptoms occurs along with the relief of signs of the underlying disease. But during the period of vivid clinical manifestations, rhinopharyngitis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the auditory tube and the tympanic cavity. Developing eustachitis and tubo-otitis are also called middle ear catarrh. Since the pathological process in the auditory tube is usually combined with inflammation of the middle ear cavity, the concepts of “eustachitis” and “tubo-otitis” are considered by some experts to be identical.

The causes of crackling in the ears when swallowing are inflammation in the nasopharynx and a violation of the ventilation function of the auditory tube.

Provocateurs for the development of the disease can be:

  • influenza viruses;
  • adenoviruses;
  • rhinoviruses;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci, etc.

Cracking in the ears when swallowing as a sign of dysfunction of the auditory tube almost always accompanies a severe runny nose. Since exudate appears in the tympanic cavity, there is a risk of infection and the development of a purulent form of otitis media.

Crackling is also characteristic of rhinitis of an allergic nature. Since the underlying disease can be observed for a long time without significant changes in the general condition of the patient (only in very rare cases, with an allergic rhinitis, the body temperature rises to subfebrile levels), a crunch in the ear when swallowing does not become a cause for serious concern. At the same time, it is important not

ignore the symptoms and carry out appropriate therapy, since the perception of allergies as a harmless disease is erroneous.

Aerootite is considered a specific type of tubootite. The peculiarity is that it occurs exclusively during air flights, which is reflected in the name of the pathology. You need to think about aerootitis if a cracking sound in the ears when swallowing saliva appears in the airplane cabin along with other symptoms: congestion, pain, decreased hearing acuity.

The cause of the development of aerootitis is barometric trauma.

Barotrauma occurs when there is a sharp change in atmospheric pressure during flight. The greatest risk of developing pathological changes exists in people who suffer from acute rhinitis of an infectious or non-infectious nature. Therefore, air travel in case of severe nasal congestion is extremely undesirable.

In case of acute catarrh of the middle ear, it is necessary to find out what disease is associated with dysfunction of the auditory tube. If the patient has obstructive changes (for example, hypertrophic rhinitis, polyps), measures should be taken to normalize nasal breathing, including surgical intervention if indicated. For respiratory infections and allergic rhinitis, it is important to prescribe:

  1. Decongestants (Oxymetazoline, Sanorin, Galazolin).
  2. Injection of glucocorticosteroids into the auditory tube.
  3. Blowing the auditory tubes.
  4. Antihistamines (Desloratadine).

All of the above methods and pharmacological agents are suitable in the absence of pus in the tympanic cavity. They are aimed at treating the underlying pathology, which, if successful, also eliminates the unpleasant manifestation of a crackling sound in the ear when swallowing. If purulent otitis media occurs, it is necessary to prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Topical decongestants should be administered in the supine position with the head tilted back.

Drugs from the group of decongestants for dysfunction of the auditory tube are intended to reduce swelling of its pharyngeal mouth and restore lumen patency. They cannot be used for more than a few days, but with proper treatment they are necessary only in the initial period of the disease.

Cleansing the nose must also be done correctly. You should blow your nose first with one, then with the other nostril; in this case, you cannot apply a lot of effort - if the mucus is too thick, it is advisable to rinse your nose with a saline solution, use saline drops to moisturize the mucous membrane.

For aerootitis, treatment corresponds to the therapy described for acute catarrh of the middle ear. In order to prevent the disease, if it is impossible to refuse air travel due to rhinitis, it is necessary to use topical decongestants to ensure free nasal breathing during the travel period.

Periodic discomfort in the ear can be caused by water entering during bathing, cotton wool residues from removing wax, or colds that cause swelling of the auditory tube. At the same time, patients can characterize the sensations they experience in completely different ways. In some cases they are described as clicking or crunching sounds in the ear. The attitude towards this symptom should be based on how often and under what circumstances it appears, and whether there are associated factors.

Ear pain, noise, and discomfort are subjective signs. An ear disease can only be confirmed or refuted by a specialist who has the ability to examine the ear objectively. An otolaryngologist who performs an otoscopy is able to evaluate the eardrum and the structures of the middle ear, which makes it possible to clarify the diagnosis.

Pathological causes

In addition to the physiological characteristics of the body, clicking in the ears can occur due to various diseases.

  • Otitis media: the most common cause of ringing in the ears

External, medial or internal otitis is the most common cause of crackling in the ears. When the auditory analyzer is inflamed, clicks occur frequently, both at rest and during physical activity. If the ear is blocked, and the noise is accompanied by painful sensations, the pathology must be treated. Otitis is treated by an ENT doctor in a clinic or hospital.

  • When you have a cold, your ear often clicks and cracks. Rhinitis is manifested by the accumulation of mucus near the Eustachian tube and its flow down the back wall of the nasopharynx. A cracking sound in the ear often indicates swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and pharynx. Such signs are secondary. Once the cold is cured, they will disappear.
  • Pharyngitis is usually accompanied by swelling of the auditory tube, discomfort in the nasopharynx and crackling in the ears.
  • It happens that people with malocclusion experience cracking in the ear. This is due to uneven muscle contraction during chewing and swallowing food. Incorrect positioning of teeth increases stress on the jaws and muscle tissue. Patients experience unpleasant clicking sounds in their ears.
  • With arthritis and arthrosis, bones and cartilage are affected, which is also manifested by clicking and crackling sounds in the ear. With arthrosis, articular cartilage is destroyed. The disease may not be clinically manifested for a long time. Patients have difficulty opening their mouth, there is a crunch in the joint and clicking behind the ears. Pain develops on the affected side when chewing solid food. Subsequently, the lower jaw moves to the side, the lips sink, and the face becomes asymmetrical. The affected joint is tense and painless on palpation. With arthritis, crackling in the ears appears much earlier. The pain in the joint intensifies when chewing. It swells and the skin over it turns red. Patients experience symptoms of intoxication.
  • sulfur plug

    Earwax leads to clicking sounds when swallowing, yawning and other movements of the lower jaw.

  • A reducible dislocation of the lower jaw can cause a clicking sound in the ear. The cause of the pathology is sprained ligaments and chronic inflammation of the joint capsule. Over time, the head of the lower jaw becomes deformed, and the closure of the teeth is disrupted.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis is the cause of sharp sounds in the ear. Compression of blood vessels leads to brain hypoxia, which is manifested by dizziness, blurred vision, mental disorders, nausea, and insomnia. Correct posture, exercise therapy and manual therapy will help cope with this problem.

The following factors can provoke noise and crackling in the ears: stress, allergic reactions to food, physical overexertion, fluctuations in blood pressure, pathological reaction to taking certain medications - Gentamicin, Aspirin, anemia, damage to the auditory nerve, diabetes mellitus.

Crackling as normal

Crackling in the ear cannot be considered a symptom typical of only one specific pathology. It sometimes appears even in the absence of diseases - for example, if the patient was suddenly pointed out the likelihood of having such a sign, and he suddenly noticed that the ear was creaking. You can detect a crackling sound in the ear that is not associated with unfavorable changes during:

  • swallowing saliva;
  • yawning;
  • removing earphones.

It is important to pay attention to your general well-being. If the crackling sound in the ears is not loud, appears periodically and practically does not bother the patient, it can be considered as a normal variant. However, if other symptoms occur - for example, congestion in the ear, decreased hearing acuity - you need to think about what causes the creaking in the ear.

Sometimes you can come across the assumption that the causes of crackling in the ear are due to the accumulation of wax and the formation of a cerumen plug. This is true - a large amount of sulfur masses when water gets into the ear (during bathing, swimming) can provoke a “background sound”. In this case, the noise has a different tonality. Although it is unacceptable to call wax plug a normal phenomenon, it also cannot be isolated as an independent disease. The presence of sulfur accumulation is easy to confirm during a face-to-face examination in the otolaryngologist's office.

For some people, the noise occurs when there is a loud sound. Cracking in the ear is often caused by wearing headphones or constantly listening to loud music. Although the noise subsequently disappears, the adverse effects of headphones on hearing function cannot be denied.

“Sound background” may be a harbinger of changes in hearing acuity.

There are many possible causes of crackling in the ears associated with pathological changes. They can be presented in the list:

  1. Chronic adenoiditis.
  2. Chronic rhinitis, sinusitis.
  3. Chronic nasopharyngitis.
  4. Deformation of the nasal septum.
  5. Allergic rhinosinusopathy.
  6. Hypertrophy of the tubal tonsil.
  7. Hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates.
  8. Polyps and tumors of the nasopharynx.

If the ear is cracking without stopping, this causes reasonable concern for the patient. The greatest number of complaints of tinnitus appears in patients with nasal congestion that appears during infectious or allergic diseases. Patients note an improvement during the period of easier nasal breathing and the return of creaking after repeated swelling of the mucous membrane. Sometimes the problem persists for several weeks even after clinical recovery and the disappearance of signs of the underlying disease. Only a doctor can decide whether the “sound background” is considered a sign of complications or a residual symptom.

The pathogenetic basis for the appearance of tinnitus is dysfunction of the auditory tube.

Of great importance in the formation of prerequisites for dysfunction of the auditory tube is the frequent repetition of episodes of acute respiratory infections of a viral or bacterial nature, allergic rhinitis. Since in this case there is not enough time to restore the drainage function of the auditory tube, acute dysfunction becomes chronic. The causes of the crackling sound in the right ear or on the left side persist, the patient constantly notes an unpleasant noise.

To help the patient, it is necessary to clearly understand what disease provokes the appearance of an unpleasant sound. It is also necessary to differentiate noise, which is a variant of the norm. Some general recommendations include:

  • diet (refusal of spicy, fatty, fried foods, coffee, alcohol);
  • maintaining a daily routine (sufficient sleep and rest);
  • refusal to use headphones or listen to loud music;
  • preventing contact with household and industrial noise.

The causes and treatment of ringing in the ears are interrelated. In some cases, even the above measures are enough for the patient to feel improvement. Eliminating excess noise pollution has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the hearing organ, but also on the general condition of the patient. If no objective disorders that may be the basis for the appearance of creaking are detected, it is necessary to consider the possibility of psycho-emotional overstrain. In this case, it is recommended not to focus on the noise and consult a psychotherapist.

If your ear creaks due to the presence of wax plug, it must be removed. This is a simple procedure, which, however, should be performed in a doctor's office. Self-removal happens

effective, which makes the method popular among patients. In this case, agents are used that soften sulfur masses - for example, a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. However, in some cases, difficulties arise (up to rupture of the eardrum when a sharp object is inserted into the external auditory canal), so it is better to immediately contact a specialist who can remove the wax plug through aspiration or irrigation (washing out).

Correction of dysfunction of the auditory tube is carried out with the help of topical decongestants (Oxymetazoline), and for allergic rhinitis - antihistamines (Cetrin, Tavegil). In case of chronic pathologies, treatment of the underlying disease is mandatory (both conservative and surgical).

The patient should clean his nose carefully, using each nostril in turn.

This rule is relevant both during treatment and for the prevention of dysfunction of the auditory tube. It is especially important to remember this for patients whose nose is completely blocked, the swelling is so pronounced that they are forced to breathe through their mouth. Under no circumstances should you suck mucus from your nose - it is better to use a handkerchief, clearing first the left, then the right nostril.

Occasional clicks and crackles in the ear are probably familiar to everyone.

Few people attach significance to these sounds, taking them as a physiological norm or an accident. But what if the clicking sounds in your ear are constant? Why do they appear? Should I see a doctor for help if I feel a cracking sound in my ears?


This unpleasant symptom can indicate both the physiological characteristics of a person and the beginning of the development of the inflammatory process. We propose to consider the most common factors that have a direct impact on our uncomfortable state.

Inflammatory processes in the ear

  • Otitis media of the outer, middle and inner ear is the most common cause of this problem. During the process of inflammation of the auditory analyzer area, a constant cracking sound is heard: clicking in the ear when walking and even at rest. If the sounds are accompanied by persistent congestion and pain, you should immediately consult an otolaryngologist so as not to delay the treatment of inflammation.
  • Colds - the next cause of cod is rhinitis. A runny nose is characterized by a large accumulation of pathogenic mucus near the cavity of the Eustachian tube and its further flow down the nasopharynx. A cracking sound may indicate that the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is inflamed. Most often, after the cold goes away, these unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  • Pharyngitis - this disease is characterized by swelling of the cavity of the auditory tube, as well as systematic clicking in the ears.


Cracking in the ears most often occurs as a result of the development of an inflammatory process in the outer, middle or inner ear. With this pathological process, cracks form both at rest and during physical activity.

Ear congestion also occurs, and the noise is accompanied by pain. This pathological process must be treated by first making an appointment with an ENT specialist.


Clicking in the ears can occur when you have a cold. Rhinitis is accompanied by a concentration of mucus near the Eustachian tube. It then flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx. Tinnitus is very often a symptom of swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and pharynx. Such symptoms are secondary. As soon as the cold is over, the crackling disappears.


This pathological process is characterized by swelling of the auditory tube, unpleasant symptoms in the nasopharynx and crackling in the ears. Only a doctor can cope with the inflammatory process by prescribing adequate therapy.

Joint pathology

The appearance of a characteristic crunching sound in the ears can be caused by pathological disorders in the jaw joint. The condition is familiar to most of the population. With age, our bone tissue loses its former elasticity and strength, it becomes very fragile. These age-related changes have a negative impact on the joints, creating symptoms that are so unpleasant for many.

Initially, a person may notice stiffness in the joint when waking up, as well as certain restrictions in movement. Later, the person begins to notice changes such as a crunching sound in the ear when closing the jaw and chewing. The patient does not even immediately understand why the ear is clicking. For some people, these actions are accompanied by pain. Over time, facial asymmetry may occur, which can be more difficult to treat.

If this crunch is accompanied by any additional signs, then a more serious and detailed examination is required, based on the results of which a specialist will prescribe the necessary correction.


Oddly enough, but the incorrect position of the dentition can greatly affect the presence of clicks in the ear. When the dentition is positioned correctly, the load on the jaws is uniform and equal. However, if the position is incorrect, an uneven load on the muscle tissue occurs, which entails the formation of this unpleasant symptom.

A poorly placed filling can also provoke the appearance of an incorrect bite, which will interfere with the natural closure of the jaws. In this case, you need to fix the filling as soon as possible and wait for the ears to improve.

If you are completely sure that your problem arose as a result of dental pathologies, then you should contact a dentist. Try to more carefully choose the doctors to whom you trust your health to avoid these types of mistakes.


The ear canal secretes wax to protect the structures of the inner ear from germs and other foreign particles. Typically, earwax comes out of the ear on its own.

According to the Hearing Loss Association, items placed in the ears—such as earplugs, cotton swabs, and headphones—can increase the buildup of earwax and prevent it from naturally draining out of the ear canal.

When wax builds up in the ears, it can close the eardrum and lead to crackling sounds.

Some additional symptoms of earwax exposure include:

  • ear pain
  • itching in the ear
  • cough
  • ear fullness

Eustachian tube dysfunction

The Eustachian tube is a narrow passage connecting the middle ear to the throat, with one tube in each ear.

How to treat cracking and crunching in the ears

When deciding what to do if such phenomena occur, you should remember that self-medication is only possible in case of sulfur plugging and water ingress. With your own efforts, you can get rid of the unpleasant sensations caused by chronic lack of sleep and overwork. For inflammatory diseases, therapy is prescribed only by a doctor.

To eliminate wax plugs, it is not at all necessary to go to the doctor. You can successfully solve the problem at home using a product such as drops that dissolve sulfur. The most popular today are Remo-Vax drops. They are introduced into the ear canal in a small amount, lying on the side opposite the affected ear.

Water that has entered and not flowed out of the ear canal also causes cracking in the ear. To remove it, make a thin cotton wool and insert it into the ear canal. Leave it on for 5 minutes. During this time, the cotton wool will completely absorb the water, which will solve the problem. You can also use a warm heating pad, which is very effective in removing water. The patient should lie on his side on the side of the sore ear and press the auricle against a warm heating pad. After 20-30 minutes the water will flow out.

If your ear crunches from lack of sleep and overwork, this is an emergency signal from the body that it needs urgent rest. In such a case, first of all, you should give yourself adequate sleep for at least 8 hours and quality rest for at least 2 days. Ideally, to solve the problem, use your right to leave. In such a situation, the crackling sensation will not go away quickly and to get rid of it you will need to reduce stress and get adequate sleep for at least 3 weeks.

The cause of this symptom may be the structural features of the mandibular joint, inside of which there is a movable articular disc. It is this that provokes constant crackling and clicking in the ear in some people.

Overwork, stressful situations, and emotional overload can lead to crackling and crunching in the ears. In addition, this phenomenon can be a side effect after taking certain medications - Aspirin, Gentamicin.

In some cases, the sensation of crackling and crunching in the ear is associated with the development of pathological conditions.

Cracking and crunching in the ears does not always indicate the development of pathology. Often this symptom appears:

  • when yawning;
  • in the process of swallowing saliva;
  • when removing headphones or earplugs;
  • after water gets into the ear.

It is important! Be sure to pay attention to whether this phenomenon is accompanied by any unpleasant sensations. If they are not there, then crackling and crunching can be safely considered as normal. However, if hearing acuity decreases, noise occurs, ringing in the ears, or pain appears, then this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Diseases in which crackling and clicking in the hearing organs are often observed:

  1. Otitis (internal, external, middle). This is perhaps the most common reason that causes cracking and crunching in the ears. In this case, the symptom is observed at any time - during rest, during physical activity. You should be wary if this phenomenon is accompanied by other symptoms - tinnitus, severe pain, discharge of pus, congestion. This means that the inflammatory process has already begun.
  2. ARVI, colds. When you have a cold, you can also often experience crackling in the ears. This phenomenon is especially often observed during inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. The fact is that the ears connect to the larynx and sinuses through the Eustachian tube. Therefore, all pathological disorders in the upper respiratory tract are often accompanied by noise, crackling, clicking and partial congestion in the ears. As a rule, after treatment of inflammatory diseases, these symptoms disappear.
  3. Pathological bite. It is known that if the teeth are incorrectly positioned, the load on the jaw apparatus increases. In this case, characteristic clicks are observed when chewing food.
  4. Presence of sulfur plug.
  5. Sharp clicks appear when intracranial pressure increases.
  6. Dislocation and injury of the lower jaw.
  7. Arthrosis and arthritis of the mandibular joint.
  8. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.
  9. Blood pressure surges.

The sensation of crunching in the ears may have the following characteristics:

  • subjective;
  • objective.

The patient can hear the crunch not only himself, but together with a specialist who performs diagnostics with a phonendoscope. The objective form is rare. The phenomenon is provoked by muscle contraction near the Eustachian tube or pharynx.

The most common causes of crunching in the ears when swallowing are:

  • malocclusion;
  • aerootitis;
  • nervous disorder;
  • allergy;
  • hit in the ear.


A common cause of crunching in the ears in both young children and adults is malocclusion.

An underdeveloped, displaced, deformed jaw due to tooth extraction or injury leads to malocclusion.

Pathology during swallowing and yawning provokes clicking sounds.

Despite the fact that this reason is not at all related to the organ of hearing itself, it must be combated using traditional medicine.

Otherwise, the auditory nerve will initially react to the phenomenon irritatingly, then it will get used to it and begin to adapt (atrophy).

A sharp sound in the ear may indicate. This is the most dangerous disease, the development of which provokes hearing loss and deafness. Diseases of the inner and middle ear, which are infectious and inflammatory in nature, lead to the accumulation of fluid in the Eustachian tube and ear canal.

Severe swelling and inflammation develop, exudate and pus accumulate, and congestion is felt deep in the ear canal. As a result, when you move your jaw or turn your head, an extraneous sound, clicking, or crunching occurs.

Dysfunction of the auditory tube leads to the development of diseases such as:

  • otitis;
  • meningitis;
  • aerootitis;
  • other diseases of acute chronic damage to the respiratory system.

Inflammation affecting the nasopharynx can lead to disturbances in the ventilation of the auditory tube, which provokes a cracking sound. It may seem like your ears are creaking, knocking, or clicking. They provoke something like this:

  • enlarged adenoids, tonsils;
  • flu;
  • streptococcal and staphylococcal;
  • rhinovirus.

Eustachian tube dysfunction can lead to hearing loss


For many patients, crackling and extraneous noises in the ears appear only during flights. In this case, we are talking about the development of a serious disease, the most severe form of tubootitis - aerootitis. Symptoms only appear on airplanes, when swallowing at high altitudes.

This cannot be ignored. Gradually, flights will lead to nasal and ear canal congestion, pain in the ears, temples, and back of the head, and hearing will begin to decrease. In its advanced state, the disease can threaten the patient with either partial or complete hearing loss.

Nervous disorder

Some patients may experience a popping sound in the ear when certain vibrations are heard loudly. The noise effects last until the sound stimulus subsides. They can appear when swallowing, sneezing, yawning and just like that, at rest.

Basically, such a manifestation of noise is provoked by nervous overstrain that a person experiences periodically, stress and irritation. There may even be mild numbness of the face on one side.


In rare cases, tinnitus is felt due to a sharply provoked allergic reaction to a specific irritant. A severe attack causes a runny nose. A certain part of the ENT organs becomes swollen and inflamed, hence the strange sound.

Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations in the ears can significantly worsen your overall well-being. This phenomenon can occur in any person and usually goes away on its own. However, in certain cases, such a problem requires a more attentive attitude and even doctoral correction. So, if you constantly encounter crackling in your ears, this is a serious reason to contact a specialist. Let's talk about what can cause such a symptom to develop. We will also try to list several effective methods for its correction.

Why does a crackling sound appear in the ear? Causes of the condition

There are many factors that can provoke noise, as well as crackling in the ears. This phenomenon can be subjective or objective. In the first case, it is heard not only by the patient, but also by a specialist using a phonendoscope. However, objective murmur is a rather rare symptom. Most often it develops from muscle contractions in the pharynx or in the Eustachian tube.

Cracking can also be triggered by specific activity of the temporomandibular joint. So if you place a couple of fingers in front of the tragus of the ear and make several movements, you will feel the movement of the head on the lower jaw. It is this place that is the moving part of the temporomandibular joint, and the fixed zone is the articular dimple on the temporal bone.

Clicking in the ear without pain

Sometimes a characteristic cracking sound is normal, since the cause of this condition is the normal contraction of the muscles of the auditory ossicles. In this process, a muscle spasm is formed, which, as it were, pushes out air, forming typical clicks.

When swallowing

It happens that when swallowing there is a clicking sound in the ear. Not many people are familiar with this condition. This is possible with a spasm of the pharynx. In turn, this spasm appears as a result of a sharp contraction of certain muscles that go to the auditory tube. The feeling is far from pleasant.

After undergoing certain examinations, if this is the cause of the unpleasant symptoms, the doctor will prescribe medications that can completely relax the muscles. In very rare cases, surgery may be required. But there is no need to panic; if this type of problem occurs, just contact a specialist.

When chewing

If a person is bothered by systematic clicking in the ear while chewing, in most cases the doctor makes a diagnosis of a dysfunctional disorder of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). For dentists, patients with this diagnosis are no longer uncommon. Dealing with this problem is the responsibility of an orthopedic dentist.

Let's look at a small table that describes the clinical forms of TMJ disorders.

Clinical formCausal relationshipThe nature of the pathologyExtent of the violationClinical course of the process
ArthritisAn independent form of the process.
Educated along with other diseases.

Traumatic connection.

Acute form of arthritis.
Exacerbation phase of the chronic form.
Limited flow.
Uncomplicated course of the pathology.
Complicated by the following diseases: eustachitis, dislocation of the lower jaw, neuritis.
ArthrosisPrimary form.
Secondary form.
Chronic course.
Exacerbation of chronic.
Limited extent of distribution.
An uncomplicated form.
Complicated by pathologies such as synovitis, dislocation, and other damage to the articular disc.

When opening your mouth

In most cases, cracking and clicking noises when moving the jaw are possible for the following reasons:

  • malocclusion (congenital/acquired);
  • arthritis of the jaw joint;
  • injuries of the mandibular joint;
  • muscle tone.

Of course, the main culprit of so-called clicking is the ligaments that support the joint capsule. With a certain looseness of the ligaments, this condition occurs.

A broken bite leads to the fact that the load on the bones, muscles and ligaments is distributed very unevenly. As a result, the person experiences discomfort.

Dental problems

When malocclusion occurs, the load is unevenly distributed on the bones, ligaments and muscles of the joint, as well as directly on each tooth. All this leads to the development of discomfort when closing the jaw and chewing movements. A crunching sound in the ears when swallowing also develops. Modern dentistry now offers a large selection of corrective procedures aimed at solving these problems. Despite the fact that treatment may take a long time, a corrected bite helps maintain a beautiful smile and also prevents complications such as headaches, dizziness, and periodic grinding of teeth.

In addition to congenital defects in the development of bite, crunching in the ears can be caused by incorrect prosthetics or even tooth filling. Further events develop similarly. As a result of incorrect actions, an uneven distribution of the load on the temporomandibular joint occurs, which leads to a crunch in the jaw near the ear that accompanies any chewing movements.

The presence of a crunch may also be due to destructive processes in the jaw joint.

The development of this pathological process is typical for the majority of the population, to one degree or another. With age, bone tissue becomes more fragile, losing its strength, and ligaments become insufficiently elastic. These changes occurring in the joints are accompanied by the development of these symptoms.

First of all, morning stiffness and limited movement in this joint are noted. The process of closing and opening the jaw returns to normal throughout the day. Over time, the patient notices that when swallowing and moving the jaw, there is a clicking or crunching sound in the ear. Later, these actions are accompanied by the development of pain. This forces the patient to use the healthy side when chewing. Over time, facial asymmetry may develop.

Some experts explain the development of this symptom by the special structure of this joint, inside of which there is a movable articular disc. The phenomena accompanied by the development of crunching are explained precisely by the movement of this formation. The unique structure of the temporomandibular joint, in which this symptom can develop, should not cause much concern.

The presence of a crunch requires serious examination and correction if it is accompanied by the development of additional symptoms.

This symptom may also be caused by chronic reducible dislocation of the lower jaw due to weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. This congenital pathology is typical for a significant number of the population. However, its presence becomes known only during sudden movements, when when yawning the lower jaw cannot return to its original position. It is in such patients that a crunching sound in the ears is more typical.

Some patients associate the development of this symptom with visiting the pool. When swimming and diving, contaminated water can flow into the ear and, in the presence of microtraumas, cause the development of external otitis. In this case, the patient is bothered by tinnitus, gurgling, discomfort, and itching. A crunch in the ear after visiting the pool is unlikely.

In most cases, this symptom develops gradually over a long time.

However, pain resembling lumbago can occur in swimmers after diving when water enters the middle ear through the Eustachian tube, bypassing the external auditory canal. In this case, there is a high chance of developing inflammation of the middle ear, the main symptom of which is pain. This cause of crunching in the ear is not

is as common as joint damage or malocclusion, but must be taken into account as patients may describe pain differently.


The occasional occurrence of clicking sounds is not usually a reason to visit a doctor. If the crackling is constantly present or is accompanied by noticeable discomfort, you should look for a provoking factor.

If dizziness, noticeable pain, loss of orientation in space, or clicking occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor and determine the causes of this condition.

Before visiting a specialist, you need to assess the nature of the clicks and identify the circumstances that provoke the occurrence of this symptom. Thanks to this, it will be possible to make a correct diagnosis and select treatment much faster.


If clicks in the ear occur periodically while eating, talking, walking, yawning or chewing, there is no need to worry. But if the ear clicks and hurts, this is a symptom of a disease or some disorder in the body.

Any sound begins to be perceived as noise of various frequencies. Noise, discomfort, pain inside the ear are reasons to consult a doctor. Patients may hear clicking in their ears at any time of the day, constantly or periodically. They are often accompanied by dizziness, nausea, incoordination of movements, and impaired concentration. In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, hearing deterioration or loss may occur.

Pathological noises in the ear can be different - clicking, high-pitched squeaking, low-pitched buzzing. You can overcome subjective noise by pulling your earlobe down. If pain appears or worsens, you should visit a qualified specialist.

Clicks of vascular origin are a consequence of convulsive contraction of the ear muscles and are manifested by pulsation behind the ear. Anticonvulsants relieve these symptoms.

Diagnostic methods

If there is popping or clicking in the ears, you should contact an otolaryngologist. A specialist will conduct an inspection. If there are no inflammatory lesions of the ears and nasopharynx, he will refer you to another doctor - a phoniatrist. This is a specialist who deals with various problems of the auditory organ.

This doctor determines the functioning of the ears through special tests. If problems are detected, complex therapy will be selected.

If these doctors do not identify problems, there is a need to consult a neurologist. To determine intracranial pressure readings, you may also need the help of an ophthalmologist.

If there are suspicions of damage to the jaw that has led to the appearance of clicks in the organ of hearing, a referral to a dentist or traumatologist may be issued.

Possible complications

Clicking in the ear is an alarming symptom that cannot be ignored!

Clicking in the ears can cause complications, depending on the condition that causes it. Since the most common cause may be otitis media - inflammation of the ear, the consequences will not be happy if treated incorrectly. Otitis is an inflammatory process that affects the tissues of the outer, middle or inner ear.

Otitis may be a consequence of a common cold or runny nose. Especially in children, respiratory diseases cause complications on the hearing aid. An advanced form of ear inflammation can develop into chronic. And this is fraught with suppuration of the tissues and the transfer of pus to the bones. In this case, a person may lose hearing in the affected ear. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to the first symptoms.

Treatment options

What to do? How to treat? These and many other questions arise before the patient. They are quite logical. Especially if the violation does not stop for two days. At the same time, it becomes stronger every minute. It is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist. Only he will help you find the correct answer to them.

If the crackling sound in the right ear is not accompanied by an infectious process, then you need to go to the phoniator. It analyzes your vocal apparatus and the quality of how you perceive sound.

By conducting special tests, he will determine the cause of the disease. If you experience cracking in the ears and dizziness, you can contact a neurologist or ophthalmologist. They will help determine why the cracking occurred and the method of treatment that will be most effective.

The result of treatment depends on how quickly you seek help. As soon as dizziness appears in the supplement, it intensifies with swallowing actions, it is necessary to look for the causes of the disease and eliminate them. Since this indicates an inflammatory process in the organ. At the same time, chew carefully and slowly.

Folk remedies

You can try to eliminate tinnitus using calamus tincture. To do this, take 5 g of grated calamus root, pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave in a water bath for about 30 minutes. Take the medicine before meals. The course of treatment with this remedy is about 2 months.

Birch tar is dissolved in milk: a teaspoon per 250 ml, and this amount is drunk during the day before meals. After a month, the crackling sound in the ear will disappear.

If it is definitely established that the noise in the ears is due to low blood pressure, then the situation will be corrected by tincture of lemongrass. By the way, it also helps in the treatment of hearing loss. Schisandra tincture should be consumed 3 times a day, 45 minutes after meals, 25 drops.

Most often, tinnitus when swallowing is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the lower jaw joint. In this case, it is impossible to cope with home remedies. It is necessary to prescribe medications that restore joint mobility. Some modern clinics even inject a Botox solution into the surrounding muscles.

If a cracking sound occurs at the time of chronic subluxation of the joint, then by rocking the joint from side to side you can cope with the subluxation on your own, but in the future you will still not be able to do without consulting a doctor.

Signs associated with tinnitus

The following information cannot be called serious, but for some this information may be more important than a medical diagnosis. If you constantly hear a crackling sound in both ears, someone is discussing it “behind your back.”

A sharp cracking sound that periodically sounds in the right ear is considered, according to some signs, a bad sign. This means that someone has slandered, and it will be almost impossible to prove the truth. A click on the left indicates that they are discussing behind your back, but all the information provided is true.

Another source reports that a crackling sound in the right ear is a sign of immediate joy, of meeting a pleasant person. The same sound on the left - fate will bring an unexpected gift.

Many people know the expression “crackling over the ear,” which means an annoying interlocutor who loudly expresses his thoughts. However, there is also another crackling sound - in the ear itself, which sometimes does not disappear even in complete silence. Although this acoustic sensation is noted at times even in healthy people, during a pathological process it acquires a persistent obsessive character. Concentrating the patient's attention on an unpleasant sound leads to psychological discomfort. In addition, if cracking is a symptom of a disease, treatment is necessary, and complex, aimed at eliminating the primary cause. Therefore, you should understand why there is a cracking sound in the ear and what to do if a cracking sound occurs.

Treatment for ringing in the ears

For crackling ears, treatment is not always necessary, especially if this symptom occurs only occasionally.

Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and may include:

  • Ear drops : Ear drops can help soften the wax inside the ear to make it easier to remove.
  • Earwax removal : Your doctor may use various methods to remove earwax.
  • Placement of tubes for middle ear ventilation : Your doctor may place tubes in your eardrums to equalize pressure in the ear and drain fluid. In some cases, inserting a small bead catheter opens the Eustachian tubes, allowing the dysfunction to be treated.
  • Anti-bite mouthpiece : Anti-bite mouthpieces sometimes provide relief for people with temporomandibular joint disorders. Surgery for TMJ disorders is a last resort and is not always successful.

Drug therapy

You can get rid of the crackling sound with medication. It is most effective in the formation of sulfur plugs, which occurs very often. Moreover, its extraction must be carried out strictly by a specialist. It is prohibited to perform the procedure yourself.

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