Pharyngitis treatment in children Komarovsky
How to properly treat acute nasopharyngitis in children Nasopharyngitis (in English “common cold” - cold)
How to cure otitis media in children using folk remedies?
Otitis in children Otitis is an inflammatory lesion of one of the parts of the human ear, which has an acute
How can you treat a cough in a baby?
What does it mean to have a cough and runny nose in a baby without fever? A cough in an infant is
Is it possible to put mantu on a cough?
Mantoux is not performed for coughs. If it was caused by an infectious disease (influenza, whooping cough, bronchitis
Breathing exercises: beetle
Dry cough in children: causes and best treatment
Causes and types Frequent dry cough is a symptom that accompanies more than 50 diseases. Speech
Liquid extract Rotokan 50 ml
How and what to properly rinse your nose with sinusitis
Description of the product Rotokan is a hydroalcoholic extract of 3 medicinal plants: chamomile, yarrow
Treatment of tracheitis with ACC
During the cold season and in the off-season, many people become ill with acute respiratory viral infections.
Medicines for allergic cough
Allergic cough in children is a symptom of various diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchi, lungs, trachea). Such
How to treat barking cough in children Komarovsky
Prevention Komarovsky about allergic cough in a child Cough in children is a sign of colds,
The child has a cough for 5 days, what should I do?
A child has a cough and fever of 38 for 5 days: what should parents do? High fever and