Treatment for purulent sore throat in infants
If a sore throat is diagnosed in an infant, treatment should begin immediately. At the same time, consultation and
Nausea attack
Causes of vomiting with sore throat
Sore throat is an acute infectious disease, which is manifested by inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the palatine tonsils, pain
cough in 11 month old baby
Cough in a child of 5 months without fever, how to treat it, Reasons for the development of this condition, How to treat a cough without fever in a child?, Folk remedies that help with cough in infants, How to treat it
What can cause a child to cough Cough can be caused by many reasons. On one's own
The rat wheezes when breathing
Bubbling in the throat when lying down
What are the types of wheezing? As soon as wheezing is detected, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor to
child has runny nose and allergies
Causes and treatment of runny nose in two-year-olds
Runny nose in an infant Runny nose in an infant Physiological runny nose in an infant If
Parainfluenza in children - main symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
How to protect and cure a child from parainfluenza?
What virus leads to parainfluenza? The development of parainfluenza is caused by RNA-containing viruses (paarmyxoviruses), classified as
Sinupret for cough - instructions for use
A cough usually appears at the most inopportune moment, significantly disrupting the usual rhythm of life. And the attack
How to treat dry suffocating cough in a child
Author's rating Author of the article Elena Stanislavovna Zelenaya Otolaryngologist of the second category Articles written 665
girl has sore throat
The use of acupuncture for the treatment of sore throat and tonsils. Eight Secret Acupuncture Points for Travelers
Features of the course of tonsillitis An exacerbation of colds and flu is considered to be purulent tonsillitis or tonsillitis. On the tonsils
What to buy at the pharmacy when you have ear pain?
What to take for food poisoning
What to buy at the pharmacy when you have ear pain? The drugs listed below have been used successfully