Allergic sinusitis symptoms and treatment

Allergic rhinosinusitis is a rather unpleasant disease that brings significant discomfort to a person’s daily life. In addition, it often causes complications that threaten the health and life of the patient if therapy is not started on time. Allergic sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous tissue in the nasal sinuses caused by prolonged exposure to an irritant.

Allergic rhinitis can occur at any age - both in adults and in children. As a rule, people with a tendency to allergies are more susceptible. Let's figure out how to detect and quickly cure the disease.

Allergy to flowers

Definition of disease

Sinusitis is a pathology in which an inflammatory process occurs in the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. This cavity is steamy, so inflammation can involve one or both parts.

The maxillary sinuses are located on the sides of the nasal passages and are lined with mucous membranes on the inside. They communicate with the nose through small passages. The functional purpose of these sinuses is to cleanse and warm the air entering during nasal inhalation, as well as to form the correct pronunciation of sounds. With sinusitis, all these abilities are distorted.

Depending on the extent of inflammation, unilateral and bilateral sinusitis are distinguished. The following types of illness are distinguished:

  • Acute sinusitis. It occurs suddenly and is manifested by nasal congestion and facial soreness. These symptoms last for about 10 days and rarely last more than a month.
  • With semi-acute sinusitis, the inflammation process can last about 2 months.
  • The chronic form of sinusitis is characterized by persistence of symptoms for more than 2 months.
  • Recurrent sinusitis occurs several times a year.

Depending on the nature, acute sinusitis can be catarrhal, allergic, odontogenic and purulent. According to the same indicator, the chronic form is divided into a number of subtypes of sinusitis:

  • Polypous;
  • Hyperplastic;
  • Atrophic;
  • Mixed.

Signs of the disease

As already mentioned, allergic sinusitis rarely develops in isolation - most often it is preceded by rhinitis. The disease begins with repeated sneezing with a stuffy nose, with the appearance of discomfort and the formation of a large amount of clear secretion.

The penetration of the allergen into the maxillary sinuses increases the unpleasant symptoms, and the following is added to the initial symptoms:

  • Headache, with sinusitis, is most often localized in the facial part - the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose and forehead, moving to the temples. When bending over, the pain intensifies;
  • Decreased sense of smell and change in voice timbre (nasality), which occurs due to constant nasal congestion;
  • Tension and pulsation in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses (left and right of the nose), swelling of this area is possible;
  • Chills and general malaise;
  • Photophobia;
  • Runny nose lasting 4 weeks or more;
  • Cough. Occurs due to swelling of the nasopharynx and breathing through the mouth.

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The mucus that accumulates during allergic rhinitis is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, the disease is often complicated by an infectious-inflammatory nature, indicated by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of thick greenish discharge from the nose, and increased symptoms of intoxication.

Allergic sinusitis in its acute development usually manifests itself clearly, that is, the main symptoms greatly worsen the patient’s well-being. In the chronic form, nasal congestion and discharge may periodically disturb, decreased ability to work in adults, and reduced school performance in children.


The main cause of sinusitis is considered to be an infection that enters the nasal cavity through the blood or through breathing. Nasal breathing is also impaired by such conditions as:

  • Deviation of the nasal septum;
  • Vasomotor rhinitis;
  • Hypertrophic rhinitis (enlargement of the nasal turbinates).

The cause of sinusitis can be disorders of the immune system, which lead to long-term chronic diseases:

  • Parasitosis;
  • Allergic conditions;
  • untimely or improper treatment of colds, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis.

Modern medicine has identified other causes of sinusitis:

  • Injuries to the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses;
  • Penetration of viruses and bacteria into the nasopharynx;
  • Prolonged stay in a room with very dry air;
  • Being in a draft;
  • Inhalation of chemical fumes (for example, in hazardous industries);
  • Neglected dental condition and poor oral hygiene;
  • Past influenza or acute respiratory viral infection;
  • Severe hypothermia of the body;
  • Disruption of the secretory glands;
  • Growth of polyps;
  • Allergic reaction of the body to various external irritants;
  • Dangerous diseases (tuberculosis, fungal infection of the mucous membrane, radiation sickness, tumors, etc.).

Regular use of vasoconstrictor drops is the main reason for the accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the maxillary sinuses, against which sinusitis develops.

Treatment methods

When this disease develops, it is first necessary to cope with allergorinitis. But even if the pathology occurs in isolation, its treatment will, in principle, coincide with the treatment of rhinitis.

Standard scheme:

  • Prescription of systemic antihistamines. Under their influence, H1-histamine receptors are blocked, further progression of the allergic reaction is prevented and the main symptoms of the disease are reduced;
  • Prescription of vasoconstrictor drops or sprays. Instilling them into the nose leads to a narrowing of dilated blood vessels, as a result of which the swelling of the sinuses decreases and nasal congestion goes away. Vasoconstrictor drops act for several hours, during which time the outflow of mucus also improves;
  • Glucocorticosteroids. They have a pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. For allergic rhinitis, they are used topically - in the form of sprays, drops. They practically do not enter the systemic bloodstream and prevent the effects of allergens on mucous membranes.

For secondary infection of the sinuses in people with allergic sinusitis, antibiotics must be prescribed. The doctor selects them, taking into account the bacterial culture data. If necessary, vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulating agents are prescribed.

Avoiding contact with the allergen

Drug therapy for the disease will be of little benefit if the irritant continues to affect the body. Therefore, the main task of the allergist and his patient is to accurately determine the causative allergen. This is done using skin tests or based on the exacerbation of the disease in certain conditions.

After identifying the allergen, it is necessary to exclude its repeated influence on the body. If you are intolerant to pollen, house dust, or animal proteins, this is quite difficult to do, but you can minimize the impact of irritants. How to do this is written at the end of the article.

Treatment with antihistamines

Antihistamines for oral administration to patients with allergic sinusitis are prescribed until the symptoms of the pathology completely disappear.

For hay fever, therapy can be long-term – up to several months. Therefore, the doctor must select drugs that will have the least negative impact on the body.

For the treatment of allergic diseases of the ENT organs, the following are most often prescribed:

  • Ebastine;
  • Desal;
  • Loratadine;
  • Suprastinex;
  • Xizal;
  • Lomilan;
  • Zodak;
  • Fenkarol;
  • Other new generation allergy drugs.

Systemic agents are selected taking into account contraindications, the patient’s age and the expected duration of use.

Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays:

  • Naphazoline;
  • Xylometazoline;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Tramazolin;
  • Adrianol.

Such drugs as Noxprey and Noxprey for children, Nazo-Spray are also endowed with vasoconstrictor effects. Use vasoconstrictor medications in the nose only for a limited period of time - up to 5-7 days.

Long-term use of such drugs and an increase in the frequency of instillation and dosage recommended by the manufacturer causes addiction, that is, without these drugs, the patient’s nose simply refuses to breathe.

Decongestant nasal drops with anti-allergenic effect

Remedies from this group not only effectively relieve swelling from the sinuses, but also prevent allergens from penetrating deep into the membranes. This happens due to the formation of a protective film on the walls of the nasal passages.

The group of such drugs includes:

  • PREVALIN. A natural product based on a mixture of natural oils and emulsifiers. At the moment of spraying, it is converted into a gel that reliably envelops the membranes of the nasal passages;
  • FLIX. Contains the synthetic glucocorticosteroid Mometasone. Can be used to treat allergic rhinitis in children over 2 years of age. The full instructions for the drug Prevalin can be studied by clicking on the link;
  • NAZONEX. Contains, like Flix, mometasone, here are the full instructions.
  • AWAMIS. The drug contains the glucocorticosteroid fluticasone, read the full instructions here
  • NASOPHAN. The spray contains the corticosteroid fluticasone.

Topical glucocorticosteroids contain a small dose of hormones that only acts within the nasal passages. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the development of adverse systemic reactions, but such drugs should be prescribed only by an allergist or ENT specialist.

ASIT therapy

This term in allergology refers to a method of treating allergic diseases by introducing allergens or mixtures thereof into the patient’s body.

Treatment begins with microscopic doses; each procedure, the dosage of the drugs used is gradually increased, which leads to the body becoming accustomed to the irritant and the immune system no longer perceives it as a foreign substance.

ASIT therapy shows good results. With its help, some patients completely got rid of the disease; in others, the main symptoms significantly decreased.

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Complex therapy of allergic diseases also implies normalization of the immune system. Periodic courses of taking vitamin-mineral complexes, hardening, and a varied diet consisting mainly of natural products help improve the functioning of the patient’s immune system.

Sports activities and holidays at resorts have a positive effect on the body; sea air is especially beneficial for sinusitis. It is imperative to treat chronic diseases, parasitic infections, and adjust hormone levels if necessary. All this normalizes the functioning of the immune system.

Patients with allergies are also prescribed an immunogram; based on its results, the doctor can prescribe a regimen of special immunomodulatory drugs.

Surgical treatment

Surgical intervention is prescribed to patients if difficulties in draining accumulated mucus from the sinuses occur due to the formation of polyps, adhesions, and scar tissue. During the operation, all unnecessary tissue is removed, and thus the outflow of fluid is normalized.


In chronic allergic rhinitis, constant swelling leads to proliferation (hypertrophy) of the mucosa. Medications are powerless for this complication, so the best solution would be to perform a vasotomy.

The essence of the operation is to destroy the submucosal layer of the lower parts of the nasal concha, rich in blood vessels. As a result, blood supply decreases, the thickness of the mucous membrane decreases, which ensures normal air access to the nasal passages and sinuses adjacent to the nose.

For allergic sinusitis with rhinitis, vasotomy is prescribed when drug therapy is ineffective and when one becomes accustomed to vasoconstrictors if they are used incorrectly.

Nasal rinsing

Nasal rinsing for allergic sinusitis is prescribed for the following purposes:

  • Improved removal of accumulated mucus;
  • Removing pathogenic microorganisms from the sinuses;
  • Increased capillary tone;
  • Reduced swelling of the mucous membranes, which leads to a decrease in the severity of the main symptoms.

You can prepare a soda-salt solution for washing yourself. For a glass of boiled water, take half a teaspoon of regular or sea salt and an equal amount of soda.

Washing is carried out twice a day; if you are allergic to pollen, the procedure should be carried out immediately after coming from outside.

You can also use ready-made pharmaceutical products for rinsing, such as:

  • Medicines under the Humer brand. There are several different forms of the medicine, which you can choose based on the age of the patient and ease of use;
  • Aqualor. Also available in several types;
  • Aquamaris – drops, spray, rinsing system;
  • Physiometer;
  • Otrivin Sea;
  • Marimer;
  • Dr. Theiss allergol;
  • Quicks;
  • Dolphin;
  • But-salt.


The following manifestations are characteristic of acute sinusitis:

  • Increase in body temperature to 38º C;
  • General weakness, weakness;
  • Prolonged runny nose (discharge is mucous, mucopurulent or purulent in nature);
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Decreased sense of smell;
  • Cough (when nasal secretions flow down the back of the throat into the larynx);
  • Putrid odor of discharge (with purulent sinusitis);
  • Pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and brow ridges, aggravated by coughing and sneezing, tilting the head down;
  • Feeling of pressure in the sinuses and nose;
  • There may be swelling of the soft tissues under the eyes.

The clinical picture of chronic sinusitis is more smoothed. Patients are concerned about:

  • Slight general weakness;
  • Fatigue during intellectual work;
  • Mild headaches without clear localization;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Deterioration of sense of smell;
  • Sore throat, dryness, sore throat when swallowing;
  • Swelling of the lower eyelid in the morning is conjunctivitis, indicating involvement of the orbital wall in the pathological process.

The chronic form of sinusitis is characterized by an undulating course, with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations.

Symptoms and causes of allergic sinusitis

In the first days of the illness, the patient feels signs of ordinary rhinitis.

First signs:

  1. Constant sneezing;
  2. Discharge of light mucus from the nasal passages;
  3. Nasal congestion caused by swelling of the mucous membrane;
  4. Drainage of secretions down the back wall of the larynx;
  5. Decreased sense of smell;
  6. Fever, loss of strength.

After a couple of days, signs characteristic of allergic sinusitis appear.

Symptoms of allergic sinusitis:

  1. Painful sensations in the area of ​​the paranasal sinuses;
  2. Headache;
  3. Aching pain inside the eye sockets, in the temporal region;
  4. Pressure inside the sinuses.

You can distinguish sinusitis due to allergies from a common cold by some specific signs.


  • Large mucus secretion upon close contact with an allergen.
  • For allergic nasal disease, traditional treatment does not bring a positive result.
  • With periodic inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, you need to look at the time of year. If it is noticed that the exacerbation occurs in spring or autumn, most likely the disease is allergic in nature.

The main cause of allergic sinusitis is the penetration of any irritant into the body. Most often, the disease is provoked by irritants that enter the body through the respiratory tract.

Causes of the disease:

  • Pollen of plants and trees;
  • Pet fur;
  • Dust;
  • Chemical releases;
  • Direct contact with household chemicals;
  • Fragrances from the perfume industry.

Very rarely, the disease makes itself felt after eating food. Food allergies are manifested by a skin rash, but not by inflammation of the maxillary sections of the nasopharynx.

Sinusitis due to allergies cannot develop without previous rhinitis. Irritants first settle on the nasal mucosa and then enter the maxillary sinuses. Both types of diseases worsen during the flowering season of plants.

Possible complications

In the absence of proper treatment, sinusitis in adults can provoke the development of a chronic form of the disease. Other consequences of sinusitis include the transition of the inflammatory process to the upper jaw, eye socket and teeth. In addition, sinusitis in its chronic form acts as a source of infection, leading to repeated sore throats, pharyngitis, and dental diseases. A closed cavity filled with pus causes an abscess. Acute inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can lead to trigeminal neuritis, which causes facial pain.

With high-quality, timely treatment, in most cases it is possible to get rid of sinusitis and stop it in the initial phases of development, preventing the disease from becoming chronic.


Treatment of sinusitis in adults begins only after receiving the results of additional diagnostics. Symptoms of sinusitis often resemble acute sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and other diseases, therefore, in addition to rhinoscopy, examination of the nasal passages using special mirrors and a general blood test, other types of examinations will be required, such as:

  • X-ray of the sinuses;
  • Ultrasound of the nasal cavity;
  • Computed tomography of the facial region of the skull;
  • Puncture of the maxillary sinuses followed by bacteriological examination of the material taken.

By medication

Treatment of acute sinusitis in adults may include:

  • Antiviral drugs (Groprinosin, Ingavirin, Amizon). They are prescribed if pus is not detected on the x-ray of the maxillary sinuses, but there is only swelling of the mucous membrane, i.e. i.e. the nature of the disease in this case is viral.
  • If pus is detected, antibiotics are indicated: cephalosporins (Cefix, Ceftriaxone), aminopenicillins (Amoxiclav), respiratory fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin). You can achieve a high concentration of an antibacterial drug at the site of inflammation by using local antibiotics in the form of sprays (for example, Bioparox).
  • Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (Otrivin, Nazivin, Sanorin). They are used to restore air exchange between the inflamed sinuses and the nasal cavity.
  • The combined drug Rinofluimucil will help relieve swelling from the mucous membrane of the nose and maxillary sinuses, as well as improve the rheological properties of sputum.
  • Antipyretics (Nurofen, Imet, Panadol, Solpadeine) are prescribed for elevated temperatures. These drugs will reduce pain and have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

When signs of inflammation decrease and the acute stage of the disease transitions to subacute, further treatment is carried out using physiotherapy, such as:

  • UHF on the maxillary sinuses;
  • Sollux;
  • Magnetic therapy on the pharynx area;
  • Laser therapy.

The course of physiotherapy treatment ranges from 10 to 12 sessions.

Drug therapy during an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis usually includes:

  • Vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazivin, Nazol, Otrivin) in short courses;
  • Rinsing the paranasal sinuses with disinfectant solutions, followed by the introduction of antibacterial drugs and proteolytic enzymes into the cavity;
  • Immunity correctors;
  • Antihistamines: Cetrin, Telfast, Erius (in case of allergic inflammation) and hormone-containing sprays (Avamys).

In severe forms of sinusitis, a drainage puncture is performed to restore the patency of the sinus anastomosis. This procedure makes it possible to remove pus from the sinus and introduce antibacterial drugs into the area of ​​inflammation.

With necrotic, purulent-polyposis forms of sinusitis, conservative treatment is often ineffective. In this case, the patient is recommended to undergo surgery – maxillary sinusotomy.

Folk remedies

Treatment of sinusitis can be supplemented with folk remedies, but they will be most effective at the initial stage of inflammation. We offer some of the best recipes:

  • Cyclamen horse for sinusitis

    Honey, soda and sunflower oil are a very effective remedy for sinusitis. Mix one level teaspoon of soda with the same amount of sunflower oil (it is better to take unrefined) and liquid honey. A mixture of honey, soda and oil in a 1:1:1 ratio has a strong effect on bacteria actively reproducing in the maxillary sinus. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and gently insert it into your sinus. Apply the solution to one nostril, while lying on the side opposite the nostril into which the medicine was injected. After 15-20 minutes, repeat the procedure by inserting a tampon with the mixture into the other nostril. Don't worry if you feel a slight burning sensation. But after 4-5 daily procedures, sinusitis will leave your body without a trace, eliminating the puncture and relapse of the disease. This product can be stored for a long time (provided you used refined oil), so you can prepare it for several days.

  • Treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen juice is considered the most effective method. Cyclamen juice can cure any sinusitis in a matter of days. This is a very unpleasant procedure, not everyone can withstand it, but the result justifies the effort. To achieve the effect, it will take about 2-3 months of daily procedures.

Cyclamen should not be used by people with allergies, as it can cause a severe allergic reaction.

  • Propolis is a universal remedy that will also help with sinusitis. Mix 20% propolis tincture in medical alcohol with vegetable oil in a 1:1 ratio. If you have an aqueous solution of propolis, you can simply dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3 and drip it into your nose.
  • Kalanchoe juice is considered an excellent remedy for colds and severe sneezing. Using Kalanchoe juice you can cure acute and chronic sinusitis in adults. For treatment, you need to use the leaves, because they relieve swelling and remove mucus from the nose. Kalanchoe juice in its pure form can be dripped into the nose 3-4 times a day. It causes active and prolonged sneezing, which produces mucus.
  • Wash the horseradish root, peel and grate 1/3 cup. Mix the mixture with lemon juice squeezed from 3 lemons. The result is a thick mixture, which should be taken daily in the morning, 0.5 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 4 months. After a two-week break, a second course of treatment is carried out. Thus, treatment courses are carried out 2 times - in spring and autumn. After 2 years, attacks of sinusitis will disappear forever.
  • Place 3 large bay leaves in the pan. Fill with water and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, turn off the gas. Dip a clean napkin into the water, soak it in the broth, then apply it to the bridge of the nose and forehead. Cover your head with a warm cloth to keep warm longer. When the napkin has cooled, take another one and do the same procedure again. And repeat this until the broth in the pan remains warm (3-4 procedures). It is advisable to carry out the procedures before bedtime. The course of treatment is 6 days.
  • Sea buckthorn oil in its pure form can be dripped into each nostril 2 times a day instead of regular nasal drops. For inhalations based on sea buckthorn oil, add 10 drops of oil to a pan of boiling water and inhale the vapors for about 15 minutes.

Prevention and treatment

It is almost impossible to cure allergies completely. After completing the course of treatment, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures, their goal is to increase immunity and reduce the likelihood of contact with provoking factors.

Basic principles of prevention:

  • rinsing the nasal passages with chamomile decoction. This manipulation helps reduce the amount of dust in the nose, which settles on the mucous membrane at night. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. This needs to be done every day;
  • playing sports;
  • hardening of the body;
  • walking outside;
  • sanatorium holiday;
  • observation by an allergist. It controls the dynamics of the disease;
  • maintaining quality nutrition;
  • exclusion of the allergen from the environment.

It is impossible to completely get rid of allergies. But if you follow all medical recommendations, you can reduce the frequency of exacerbations. Therefore, it is important to control all changes in the body.

Allergic sinusitis is easier to prevent than to get rid of the disease. Vaccination will help prevent the development of a runny nose. Parents should understand that children should not strictly limit their exposure to allergens. Gradually, the child’s immunity will become stronger, begin to function better, and substances that irritate the nose will no longer affect the mucous membrane. But allergic sinusitis can strike a person at any age.

Basic preventive measures should be aimed at increasing immunity. It is important to avoid the presence of things and carpets in the house that accumulate dust and animal hair. The house requires daily vacuuming and wiping the floor with a damp cloth. If a child has a runny nose, then it is necessary to maintain a healthy microclimate in the room every day, ventilate the room more often, wash toys and destroy incoming insects. Food must be stored in closed bags and garbage in the apartment must be regularly disposed of.

Description of the disease

To ensure the effectiveness of therapy, avoid contact with possible allergens. The doctor begins treatment for allergic sinusitis by prescribing a course of antihistamines: Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin. When the acute phase of the disease is over, the patient is recommended to take samples to accurately determine the allergen.

During a period of long-term remission, the patient is recommended to undergo allergen therapy. The essence of therapy is the introduction of microscopic doses of the allergen into the body to create resistance in the body to its effects. The patient is recommended to reconsider their lifestyle, the goal is to limit contact with the allergen as much as possible.

Prevention of sinusitis plays an important role. As measures to reduce the likelihood of exacerbation, systematic care for the health of the upper respiratory tract, oral cavity, and nasopharynx can be considered. A healthy lifestyle promotes long-term remission:

  • walking;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • race walking;
  • breathing exercises.


To prevent the development of sinusitis, you must:

  • Maintain free passage of the nasal passages (timely correction of the nasal septum, reduction of hypertrophied turbinates, removal of nasal polyps).
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle (nutrition, adherence to work and rest, regular physical activity).
  • Be outdoors often.
  • Treat colds promptly and competently.
  • Extinguish foci of chronic infection in the body.

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Treatment of allergic sinusitis

When an allergic form of sinusitis develops, the patient does not need the help of a surgeon; he does not undergo a puncture (an operation involving a puncture in the maxillary sinuses). You need to start treating allergic sinusitis by eliminating the allergen, which provokes the development of symptoms of a specific reaction of the body.

After the irritant has been eliminated, it is necessary to carry out therapy aimed at increasing immunity. To do this, the patient needs:

  • take a course of vitamins;
  • follow a strict diet (nutrition must be balanced).

Allergic sinusitis: how to prevent complications of rhinitis

Important! You cannot independently diagnose yourself based on the symptoms that appear; self-initiated treatment for allergic sinusitis can cause the development of complications and deterioration of well-being.

Drug therapy

Having discovered and eliminated the irritant, you need to begin symptomatic therapy. Its goal is to remove unpleasant signs of pathology. Symptomatic treatment is represented by the following measures:

  • use of antihistamines. The purpose of using such funds is represented by reducing the body's susceptibility to allergens;
  • using a nasal spray that contains hormones. These drugs prevent allergens from entering the body;
  • use of decongestants. They are needed to facilitate nasal breathing, relieve swelling from the nasal passages;
  • use of glucocorticosteroids. Hormones have an anti-inflammatory effect and help restore immunity. They are allowed to be taken under medical supervision;
  • use of antibiotics. These drugs help suppress pathogenic microflora;
  • taking probiotics. Medicines from this group are necessary to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They must be taken, because antibiotics have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • implementation of immunotherapy. This course must be completed to improve immunity;
  • surgical therapy is needed to facilitate breathing. It consists of eliminating anatomical defects, the presence of which significantly impedes the outflow of mucus from the nasal sinuses (adhesions, scar tissue, polyps).

To relieve headaches, which are a constant companion to allergic sinusitis, analgesics are prescribed.

Among the medications for allergic sinusitis, patients are most often prescribed the following drugs:

  • antihistamines (Zirtek, Tavegil, Erius, Suprastin, Claritin);
  • antiallergic nasal sprays (“Bikromat”, “Cromohexal”, “Cromoglin”, “Kromo”);
  • nasal glucocorticosteroids (Nasobek, Avamys, Flixonase, Mometasone, Nasonex, Avecort).

Allergic sinusitis: how to prevent complications of rhinitis

Treatment of a pathological condition with folk remedies

In case of allergic sinusitis, you need to be careful with traditional medicine. After all, many natural remedies themselves are allergens. Improper use of certain medications may worsen symptoms. Unsterility of the folk remedies used can cause a secondary infection.

Of the folk recipes, you can use the following (after consultation with your doctor):

  1. Using peach oil to prepare turundas, which are inserted into the nose for 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
  2. Rinse the nasal cavity with prepared chamomile decoction. Washing is repeated three times a day.
  3. Rinse with Essentuki mineral water three times a day. Before the procedure, all gas must be released from the mineral water.
  4. A decoction of blue cornflower for instillation into the nose. Prepare a remedy from blue cornflower (1.5 tbsp.), boiling water (150 ml). After infusion for two hours, the medicine is ready for use. Drip the infusion four times a day, 5 drops into each nostril.
  5. Acupressure. It is performed by tapping movements along the area of ​​the wings of the nose. The skin is pre-lubricated with any vegetable oil.

How to treat the disease in children and pregnant women?

In the treatment of children they use:

  • rinsing the nasal cavity using the “Cuckoo” apparatus;
  • pumping out mucus through a sinus catheter.

In the treatment of allergies, initially weaker drugs are used, gradually moving to stronger ones.

In pregnant women, allergic sinusitis is treated with third-generation drugs. They are less dangerous:

  • Telfast;
  • "Nazaval";
  • "Cromohexal".

Allergic sinusitis: how to prevent complications of rhinitis


So, sinusitis is a disease that cannot be neglected, otherwise it is difficult to treat.

With timely and correct treatment of sinusitis in adults, the prognosis is favorable: in most cases, the patient makes a full recovery. Unfortunately, getting rid of chronic sinusitis is much more difficult, but stable remission can be achieved. In any case, the disease must be treated to prevent dangerous consequences.

Also read about effective methods of treating specifically chronic sinusitis and what methods can be used to avoid sinus puncture at an advanced stage.

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