Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx constitute the largest group of daily calls for medical help in both children,
ARVI is a widespread disease, so the standard treatment regimen is well known. The patient is prescribed antiviral medications
Why does the palate become inflamed? The muscles of the palate actively take part in the process of eating and provide
Medication treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women, with rare exceptions. What to do with a cold and cough?
// One of the most common complications of colds is inflammation of the middle ear, otitis media. Average
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yurievna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Bees
Reviews about the treatment of runny nose with peroxide in children. Hydrogen peroxide is known primarily due to its
Usually, even with obstructions, inhalations with Berodual are prescribed. If you have a nebulizer, consult your
How does Erythromycin work? This drug belongs to macrolide antibiotic substances. It helps get rid of
In many homes you can find geranium, or, in other words, pelargonium. This unpretentious plant pleases