Why is the roof of my mouth swollen?

Why does the palate become inflamed?

The muscles of the palate actively take part in the process of eating and provide the function of articulation.
Any irritation or overstrain of the muscular system - mechanical or thermal - can provoke primary inflammation and its accompanying symptoms. Statistical leaders among the causes of the inflammatory process in the tissues of the palate:

  • minor mechanical damage, most often during eating;
  • thermal microtraumas, burns of the mucous membrane with hot liquid or food;
  • contact mechanical injuries when wearing dentures;
  • infectious diseases of nearby organs and tissues;
  • fungal infections of the oral mucosa (oral mucosa);
  • dental diseases - caries, gingivitis, pulpitis, parodontitis;
  • inflammation of allergic etiology.


The causes of pain due to inflammation of the tissues of the palatum durum or palatine tonsils can be the following diseases and conditions;

  • NTN – neuralgia nervus trigeminus, compression of the imbricated nerve.
  • Purulent damage to nearby bone tissue, osteomyelitis.
  • Leukoplakia.
  • Benign neoplasms (lymphangioma, sialometaplasia, hemangioma, papilloma).
  • Malignant forms of oncology.

The list of provoking factors also includes mechanical microtraumas that cause a primary inflammatory reaction. In the area of ​​damage, mucous tissue instantly produces specific bioactive mediators.

Secondary inflammation is explained by a decrease in the activity of local immune defense when the process from the focus spreads to the periphery. At this stage, inflammation of the palate may be accompanied by additional attacks of pathogenic microbes and become chronic.


Treatment tactics will depend on the disease that provoked inflammation of the mucous membrane of the palate:

  • If the cause of the inflammatory process is a minor injury, a scratch, you can do without treatment, since the mucous membrane quickly recovers on its own. If this brings you discomfort, you can rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions or herbal decoctions, this will speed up the healing process,
  • if the palate is swollen due to tonsillitis, tonsillitis, you should consult an otolaryngologist. Such diseases most often develop against the background of a bacterial infection, so the basis of treatment is antibacterial drugs. Additionally, the patient is prescribed local painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as healing ointments,
  • for thrush, the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs, as well as healing gels and ointments,
  • if the cause of discomfort is caries or pulpitis, you need to see a dentist, treat all your teeth, clean them of soft and hard deposits,
  • Tumor processes require careful diagnosis and treatment by an experienced specialist.

Regardless of the cause of inflammation, it is recommended to avoid hot foods and drinks, spices, and bad habits during the treatment period.

Reasons why the roof of your mouth may hurt

The upper part of the oral cavity, covered with mucous membrane, is divided into 2 parts - the hard and soft palate. The hard part is the bone wall that separates the oral and nasal cavities. It begins just behind the front teeth and smoothly transitions into the soft fold of mucous membrane near the base of the tongue that separates the oral cavity from the pharynx.

To find out why the roof of your mouth hurts, you should consult a dentist, since there are many prerequisites leading to the appearance of such symptoms. Below are just a few of them:

  • People eat hot and hard foods every day, which can burn or scratch areas of the roof of the mouth, both near the front teeth and closer to the throat. And in addition, many people forget about basic hygiene rules, as a result of which harmful microorganisms develop in the oral cavity - and the mucous membrane covering it becomes inflamed. It should be remembered that even a small wound is susceptible to infection.
  • The cause of pain in the palate and the appearance of a white coating on it can be a fungal infection. The most common causative agent of oral inflammation is Candida fungus, which can affect not only the inside of the mouth, but also the lips. Candidiasis or fungal stomatitis often occurs in girls and infants.
  • The palate can become inflamed when the herpes virus is activated. This disease manifests itself not only externally (on and around the lips), but also inside the mouth. Patients feel itching in the affected area, and sometimes their body temperature rises.
  • With the development of tonsillitis, a sharp enlargement of the tonsils is observed, accompanied by their redness. Sometimes with this disease, the upper palate becomes inflamed and swollen, turning a bright red hue.
  • Don’t forget about one of the most common diseases of children and adults – caries. It usually affects only the teeth, but the infection can spread to the surrounding soft tissue.
  • Inflammation of the palatal tissues may indicate the formation of a benign tumor, so it is important to constantly monitor your condition.
  • If the soft tissues of the tongue and palate on top are swollen and covered with whitish spots, it is worth checking for the presence of leukoplakia. This disease develops in those who often eat hot food, come into contact with chemicals, as well as in people with improperly installed dentures or chipped teeth.
  • The cause of inflammation of the palate is often the passage of procedures using galvanic current - when installing braces, crowns, and during some types of dental treatment.
  • Redness, swelling and irritation of the gums and other soft tissues inside the mouth in adults can be caused by smoking and drinking alcohol.

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Signs of inflammation of the palate in the mouth are varied and depend on the cause of its development, so self-diagnosis in this case is difficult. That is why it is necessary to contact a specialist with this problem as quickly as possible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Sometimes areas of the soft palate closer to the throat swell due to allergies to medications. If pain is felt while taking medication, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor. If the soft tissue swells too quickly, an antihistamine should be taken.


Otitis is an inflammation of the inner, middle or outer ear. The auditory canal has an extremely complex structure, which is why this disease is considered dangerous. First of all, its complications.

The greatest likelihood of developing otitis is observed in young children due to the structural features of the auditory tube. Also often affected are swimmers, installers at high altitudes, pilots, flight attendants, divers, etc., which is associated with severe strain on the ear.

The causes of the development of pathology can be divided into two groups: infectious and non-infectious. The former, of course, are many times more common.

Non-infectious factors relate to compression of the eardrum as a result of changes in pressure. As already mentioned, people who work at heights or who like to dive into bodies of water to great depths suffer.

Otitis media is accompanied by typical symptoms. Observed:

  • Unilateral pain in the affected ear. At the same time, it goes down the throat, which at first glance is quite strange. In fact, we are talking about the proximity of anatomical structures, which is why symptoms occur quite often. The pain is stabbing, shooting. In the acute form of otitis, a significant decrease in the patient’s quality of life is observed. The chronic form is somewhat easier to tolerate.
  • Hyperemia of the dermal layer localized near the ear. This does not always happen, but it is possible.
  • Increase in body temperature to subfebrile or febrile levels.
  • Headache. Due to innervation.
  • Dizziness. Usually with damage to the inner ear, which is explained by disruption of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Noise in one or both ears.
  • Feeling of congestion, loss of normal hearing.
  • Discharge from the ear. Usually serous or purulent in nature.

There are three types of otitis:

  • Damage to the inner ear. The most severe form of the pathological process. Characterized by a violation of vestibular functions.
  • Middle ear damage. Damage to the outer ear. It occurs more often than others. Affects the eardrum.

The disease is dangerous due to its complications. This includes possible irreversible hearing loss, complete loss on the affected side, meningitis, sepsis and even death. Otitis media is most dangerous for young children.

There are other pathologies that can manifest themselves in a similar way: scarlet fever, throat cancer, benign tumors, chicken pox, diphtheria and some others. But most often, the symptoms in question, such as pain in the throat and ear, simultaneously occur during the pathological processes described above.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Inflammatory processes caused by carious lesions of the tooth and its complication (pulpitis) can spread to the surrounding tissues - gums, tongue, palate. Periodontitis can also cause swelling in the upper parts of the mouth. If the inflammation is localized in the area of ​​the tooth root, the infection can penetrate into the bone tissue or affect the nerve endings. Thus, pathogenic microbes spread throughout the oral cavity and can cause swelling of the plate, for example, behind the front teeth.

Also, the cause of this condition may be insufficient antiseptic treatment of the hole after tooth extraction in the upper jaw. In this case, harmful microorganisms penetrate the hole, then begin to spread to neighboring tissues and cause swelling and inflammation.

Possible consequences and complications

The proximity of all parts of the structure of the dental system is considered a risk factor for the spread of inflammatio - inflammation. Symptoms, possible signs that should alert you to discomfort in the palatal space:

  • The mucous membrane of the hard palate is severely swollen, and the surrounding area of ​​the oral cavity is swollen.
  • Taste and thermal sensitivity decreases, the reaction to sour and spicy foods is gradually lost without objective reasons.
  • The upper part of the mouth hurts when chewing even crushed food.
  • Painful sensations when swallowing food last more than a week.
  • There is bleeding of the gums in combination with severe redness of the palate.
  • Long-term non-healing small wounds on the surface of the palate are noticeable.
  • Seals and small hard areas on the hard palate are detected.

The following pathologies can be a serious complication of advanced inflammation of the tissues of the palate and the oral mucosa as a whole:

  1. Fibroma (benign neoplasm).
  2. Papillomatosis of the palate.
  3. Lymphangioma.
  4. Cylindroma (malignant process of the palate)
  5. Squamous cell carcinoma of the palate.
  6. Adenocarcinoma.

It is extremely difficult to treat the oncological process; most often the patient is indicated for surgical intervention. The prognosis for the effectiveness of therapy directly depends on the timeliness of contacting a doctor, as well as on the age, immune defense, and general condition of the sick person’s body.

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What are the symptoms?

The nature of the manifestations and symptoms will depend on the cause of the development of the inflammatory process:

  1. Minor scratches and minor injuries cause tingling and discomfort while chewing food. Such injuries go away on their own and do not require any special treatment.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush) is manifested by a characteristic white coating on the mucous membranes and painful ulcers.
  3. The tongue also suffers from a similar inflammatory process - it swells, can hurt and interfere with normal eating and pronunciation.
  4. In case of serious violations, body temperature may increase.
  5. With sore throat and chronic tonsillitis, the tonsils also become inflamed and pus accumulates in them.
  6. The mucous membrane may itch, causing unbearable itching.
  7. Salivation often increases.
  8. Bad breath may appear.
  9. The palate may swell.

Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the inflammatory process.

Any of the above symptoms is a reason to contact a specialist (dentist, otolaryngologist, therapist).


A myxioma is a hard, white growth at the top of the mouth. The disease affects the hard part of the palate, and upon visual examination it is almost invisible; pressure on the tumor is not felt. This significantly complicates diagnosis and delays the patient’s visit to the doctor.

The diagnosis can be confirmed or refuted by a biopsy of the palate.

Cancerous lump is classified into two diseases:

  1. Hard palate cancer - starting from the bone tissue between the nasopharynx and the palate, the disease spreads to all mucosal tissues.
  2. Cancer of the soft palate - a lump appears due to an oncological process in the muscle and mucous tissues of the mouth.

Additionally, the oncological tubercle on the roof of the mouth is divided according to the tissue from which the spread of the disease began:

  1. Cylinder - the maternal tissue is the tissue of the glands, the cancer spreads quickly and invades the oral cavity;
  2. Adenocarcinoma - begins expansion of the mouth from the soft tissues of the cavity;
  3. Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant formation that begins to develop from the tissues of the mucous membrane.

What is the palate

Before we talk about the causes of discomfort in the upper part of the mouth, it is important to understand what the roof of the mouth is. This is an arcuate bone plate covered with a mucous membrane, which in turn has a large number of nerve endings.

It performs several functions: it regulates the movement of air flow during inhalation and exhalation, participates in the formation of sounds and in chewing food, helping the tongue turn and move it in the mouth. This is why the mucous membrane on the plate is often injured due to rough or too hot food. In addition, tobacco smoke also has a negative impact on it.

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Swelling of the soft palate and uvula: causes, treatment

Swelling of the mucous membrane can appear in various parts of the oral cavity. You can also observe swelling of the uvula of the soft palate. Main symptoms: swelling of the uvula and its hanging down to the root of the tongue, swelling of the soft palate; pain in the soft palate.

Normally, a person does not feel his soft palate with the uvula, however, with the development of certain pathologies in this area, inflammatory swelling, redness, and soreness may develop.

The uvula of the soft palate (lat. uvula) is a cone-shaped process of the soft palate, which can be easily seen in the depths of the mouth by looking in the mirror.

Swelling of the soft palate and uvula (uvulitis) is an acute inflammation of the uvula with a sudden onset, pain when swallowing, the sensation of a foreign body floating in the pharynx and difficulty breathing. Sometimes swelling of the soft palate and uvula occurs at night, and the patient wakes up from the sensation of a foreign body in the throat; attempts to eliminate it by sharp expectorant exhalation increase the pain and swelling of the soft palate.

During pharyngoscopy, the uvula appears sharply enlarged, swollen, bright red or bluish in color, hanging down to the root of the tongue; when the latter is reached, it causes a gag reflex. The tip of the uvula may be covered with a false membrane or ulcerated.

If swelling increases or spreads to the tonsils, mucous membrane of the pharynx, trachea - and the condition worsens sharply - you must urgently consult an ENT doctor.

Prerequisites for the occurrence of a lump

Modern medicine has not created a complete list of reasons why bumps may appear. Doctors' reasoning is based on hypothetical cause-and-effect relationships. The appearance of a lump on the palate is caused by:

  • Bad habits (smoking, alcohol, oral drugs);
  • The presence of micro and macro injuries to the oral cavity (surgeries, scratches of the upper parts of the oral cavity);
  • Availability of dentures;
  • Viral infections;
  • Intrauterine disorders (hemangioma is a congenital disease and acquired from the mother);
  • Violation of the activity and integrity of the mucous membrane (typical of angina);
  • Congenital and acquired dysfunction of the glands (the main cause of cysts).

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There are two more hypothetical reasons for the appearance of malignant tumors:

  • Eating too hot and spicy foods, constantly disrupting the structure of the cells of the oral cavity;
  • The presence of papillomatosis or leukoplakia - diseases that are precancerous lumps that can develop into an oncological disease.

Drug treatment for palate problems

To diagnose the condition, you need to consult a dentist, because self-medication may not only not get rid of the problem, but also aggravate it. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination and then choose the appropriate treatment tactics.

If we are talking about trauma to the mucous membrane, then, most likely, antiseptic preparations for rinsing or irrigation will be prescribed - Miramistin, Tantum Verde, Lugol, chlorhexidine, furatsilin, a weak (light pink) solution of potassium permanganate.

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The same medications can be prescribed for infectious lesions of the nasopharynx; along with them, antibiotics can be prescribed if the inflammation does not go away for a long time or threatens complications in other organs. For example, when purulent foci appear, their removal followed by antibacterial treatment is indicated. After the acute condition is relieved, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures: quartz tube, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation.

If the swelling of the palate is caused by dental problems, the doctor will prescribe medications that are effective in a particular case. Most often these are combination medications “Kamistad”, “Cholisal” and “Kalgel”.

Ulcers or inflamed wounds are usually treated with vinylin (Shostakovsky's balm) or Vitaon (Karavaev's balm). Depending on the degree of ulceration, Romazulan and Stomatidin may be prescribed.

Attention! Treatment of the mouth with ointments, gels and balms is usually carried out after meals, after thoroughly rinsing the mouth, during which food particles and dead cells are removed from the mucous membrane. After treatment with ointments, you should refrain from eating for at least two hours, and liquids for 30-40 minutes.

In case of neuralgia, the most important thing is to relieve pain, so injections of Lidocaine can be prescribed, and in parallel with this, antibacterial and physiotherapy are carried out. For joint inflammation, a course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - nimesulide, ibuprofen - is usually prescribed.

Fungal infections are treated with antimycotic drugs that are active against this type of fungus - Nizoral, Pimafucin, Clotrimazole or Candide. The same applies to viruses: for example, Acyclovir ointment is used to combat the herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Dehydration is treated by restoring electrolyte balance, courses of vitamins A and E, and normalizing fluid in the body.

For leukoplakia, the main treatment is aimed at relieving inflammation. It is important to stop smoking and eating hard, too hot or too cold foods. Then the doctor prescribes maintenance therapy, which, as a rule, boils down to taking vitamin A (in the form of oil compresses on the affected area), a course of vitamins C and B3, coenzyme Q10, as well as drugs that accelerate epithelial regeneration.


To prevent the palate of your mouth from swelling, it is enough to follow a number of simple preventive measures:

  • Regular brushing of teeth (2 times a day). It is advisable to use a mouthwash (it will help reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth);
  • Get checked by a dentist at least twice a year. This will help to detect diseases of the gums and teeth in a timely manner, and accordingly, treat them in a timely manner.
  • Frequent consumption of hot, spicy, cold, hard foods has a negative impact on the palate.
  • Avoid stress. Overexertion negatively affects the entire body.
  • Avoid possible allergens as much as possible.
  • Strengthen your immune system (take vitamins, exercise, exercise, watch your diet).

Often, such a common ailment as redness and swelling of the palate does not cause a corresponding reaction in a person (consult a doctor). With minor root causes, this may not lead to serious consequences. But do not forget that swelling of the palate can also be caused by more serious diseases, when only a qualified doctor can help.

What to do if your palate hurts

Treatment is prescribed by the dentist. If your mucous membrane suddenly hurts, blisters or bubbles appear, redness or swelling develops, seek help.

Important! Before visiting the dentist, do not use untested products or ointments to relieve pain. A decoction of oak bark, chamomile, calendula or sage will help relieve inflammation.

Treatment of inflammatory processes

Treatment methods:

  • For candidiasis, antibiotics or antifungal tablets prescribed by a doctor are required. To treat fungus, apply Candide gel, take Acyclovir;
  • treat the oral cavity with furatsilin, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and herbal decoctions;
  • for stomatitis, Rotokan, Stomatidin, Miramistin, Lugol, Hexoral spray are effective;
  • use Propolis spray, rosehip oil, Carotilin preparation;
  • Avoid foods that irritate the delicate mucous membranes; eat only pureed, liquid foods.

Treatment methods for neuralgia


  • If a painful phenomenon is detected, the dentist will refer you to an oral surgeon for examination and order an x-ray. Lidocaine injections are necessary to relieve pain;
  • Treatment of the inflammatory process in the temporomandibular joint consists of taking antibiotics, physiotherapy, compresses with bee venom, and removing pus, if any, in the jaw area.

Find out all about the advantages and disadvantages of basal dental implants.

Effective methods for removing tartar at home are described on this page.

Follow the link and read about the symptoms and treatment of herpetic stomatitis in children.

Treatment of oral burns

How to proceed:

  • rinse your mouth with lukewarm clean water, apply an anesthetic gel, for example, Metrogyl Denta;
  • after eating, use the solution: a glass of water – a teaspoon of calendula tincture;
  • If you burn your mucous membrane with hot food, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water until the burning and pain subsides. A decoction of oak bark, calendula, chamomile or sage will speed up healing;
  • a protective film on the mucous membrane is formed by a mixture of 250 ml of cool water and whipped egg white (rinse your mouth with an astringent several times a day);
  • chew a peeled aloe leaf or treat the palate with juice from the fleshy leaves 3-4 times a day;
  • In case of a chemical burn, consult a doctor immediately. Be sure to remove the harmful substance and rinse your mouth with clean water several times. If the mucous membrane is severely damaged, call an ambulance.

Therapy for trauma to the palate

What to do:

  • a decoction of medicinal herbs will help relieve redness and swelling at the site of injury (the ingredients are the same as for the treatment of other inflammatory diseases);
  • Visit your dentist and find out what rinse solution your doctor recommends. When a wound becomes infected, Miramistin and Rotokan are effective;
  • Kalanchoe or aloe juice disinfects affected areas well. Several times throughout the day, gently lubricate the swollen area with healing juice;
  • In case of severe pain in the mucous membrane, on the recommendation of the dentist, use anesthetic gel or tablets.

Important! If you experience pain in the palate, a visit to the dentist will help you avoid improper treatment. An early visit to the doctor for inflammation after the penetration of a bacterial or fungal infection is the key to successful treatment of pathological processes at an early stage.

Symptoms of inflammation of the hard and soft palate

Clinical signs of the inflammatory process are determined by its etiology and completely coincide with the list of symptoms of the underlying disease. This simultaneously helps to make a primary diagnosis and requires efforts to exclude clinically similar pathologies.

Causes of pain in the palatal tissue:

Cause of inflammationClinical manifestations
Mechanical infected microtraumas of the palateHyperemic mucous tissue of the palate (redness), visible small hematomas, swelling of the palate and tongue, ulcerations, difficulty swallowing food, burning and pain in the mouth, increased body temperature.
Sore throat (tonsillitis).Redness of the soft palate, swelling of the tonsils, specific plaque, increased temperature, hypersalivation (increased salivation), general increasing deterioration in health.
StomatitisErosive surface of the palate, small ulcers with a characteristic coating of whitish or yellow-gray color. Herpetic stomatitis provokes severe headache, high fever, difficulty eating and articulating, swelling of the entire oral cavity, the appearance of specific herpetic papules and ulcers. Diplococcal stomatitis is noticeable with large erosive foci on the palate. Erosive inflammation with stomatitis is characterized by constant burning and redness, ulceration without plaque on the tissues of the hard and soft palate. Candida inflammation has visible plaques with plaque, a film, under which bleeding erosion develops.
Advanced form of caries, pulpitisLarge ulcerative lesions with plaque.
Chemical, thermal damageRed palate, blisters, severe burning sensation in the mouth.
Oncopathology.Tolerable constant pain in the area of ​​development of the disease. Slow growth of a small tumor fragment on the palate. Non-healing small wounds may appear. Leukoplakia is characterized by clearly limited spots of a grayish tint.
Allergy.Obvious swelling of the palate, rapidly growing throughout the entire mucous tissue of the mouth. Itching, a burning sensation developing throughout the entire cavity.

Clinical signs of inflammatory diseases in the palate area are recorded in the ICD-C-3 classifier. Symptoms need to be differentiated for clarification, making a specific diagnosis and choosing a therapeutic strategy.

Reasons for the development of the inflammatory process

Sore throat and tonsillitis can cause inflammation of the palate mucosa.

Inflammation of the upper palate can occur for one of the following reasons :

  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane (fish bones, hard foods, pencils, toothpicks, nails),
  • burns from too hot food, drinks, spicy seasonings,
  • sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis, pulpitis, caries and other dental diseases associated with infection,
  • damage to the temporomandibular joint,
  • leukoplakia,
  • the development of a galvanic effect provoked by the presence in the oral cavity of dentures made of different types of metals and their alloys,
  • long-term smoking
  • benign and malignant neoplasms in the palate,
  • wearing low-quality prostheses that injure the mucous membrane,
  • consequences of osteomyelitis,
  • poor oral hygiene,
  • an allergic reaction of the body (to food, medications) is accompanied by swelling of the palate.
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