Continue breastfeeding Mother's milk is a source of all necessary substances for the newborn. In milk
Forms of the disease Two main forms of the disease can be distinguished: compensated; decompensated. Compensated – is more
As the baby grows up and the child enrolls in kindergarten, parents have a question:
Causes of a dull cough in a child A dull cough in a child indicates the presence of a whole
Causes The direct causative agent of otomycosis is the yeast fungus Candida. This microorganism is classified as opportunistic.
Treatment of runny nose and sinusitis with peroxide according to Neumyvakin Neumyvakin claims that hydrogen peroxide, when used correctly
Hearing impairment can be represented by two groups of diseases: deafness and hearing loss. According to the World
Indications and contraindications for surgery Like any medical procedure, surgery for the treatment of sinusitis
The concept of sick leave for ARVI If a person is sick and his temperature rises
Dry throat can be caused by various reasons. Often dry nasopharyngeal mucosa accompanies various diseases,